about context September 2001 terrorism event against New York City:
the attitudes of Freemasons and Ku Klux Klan around Blacktown , and Blacktown Police was that they were laughing about 3000 Americans being killed,
as a way of diverting attention away from investigating cybernetic slavery experiments in Sydney Australia. Blacktown is a county/shire/municipality in Sydney Australia with ground ionosphere
antenna infrastructure being miisued to slavery experiments against humans. Sydney Australia is a western society far away from everywhere else on Earth that is western.

The families that started World War 2 were being migrated to suburban areas such as Blacktown in Sydney Australia. Such families started businesses such as Peter Rogers dance school,
and Pye Rogers Faifax solicitors.Some decades before J H Rogers had stolen information from Nikola Tesla's antenna patent from year 1905. J H rogers managed to obtain an underground wireless patent in year 1919.

Via Australian Prime Minister John Howard who visited New York City, and George Bush's CIA blowback connections, George Bush's business connections to the Bin Laden family via Carlyle Group company,
the Blacktown Freemasons had been used identity theft as a way to kill 3000 Americans and artificially foment a war.






About the Jovanovic family who attended Granville Serbian Adventist Church during the 1990s
(Joanna Jovanovic(slight resemblance to Sophia Loren) and her father that resembled Ivan Lendl Tennis player:
Their ideology is that they want to force people who are against nazism to negotiate with Nazis.
Their ideology is that they want to force people who are against nazism to negotiate with Nazi Lebensborn program.
So the Jovanovic family must be executed, the lives of the Jovanovic family must be taken from them,
because people who are opposed to Nazism know that Nazis should never be negotiated with.
There will be NO NEGOTIATION WITH MODERN DAY NAZIS. Modern day nazis must be put to death.
[he activity of the Jovanovic family is to conspire murder against people who opposed to nazism,
and when people survive murder conspiracies the Jovanovic family conspire to commit nazi doctor crimes
so that victims of Nazism are not left in peace afterward. The Jovanovic family are about murdering people
through Nazi activity, and about committing Nazi doctor crimes against those that survive the attacks of nazis
to watch people's lives slowly die.
Research suggest the Jovanovic family have been involved in mind control experiments,
horrible brainwashing experiments against human beings since the year 1973, and possibly before. ]















Ukraine connection to Duga-3 mind control antenna, cybernetic slavery experiments around Duga-3 ground ionosphere antenna which was powered by Chernobyl Nuclear reactor before 1986 Chernobyl nuclear reactor fire.
Delancey Street : the crisis within film (1970s) ----Mark Hamill(Luke Skywalker character in Star Wars) --- Carrie Fischer (princess Leia character in Star Wars) --- Dorothy Bush Koch (sister of George Bush)

Delancey Street re-education organisation in wester context = manchurian candidate brain washing, slave labour camps, nazi death camps ,concentration camps,slave labour technology (cybernetic slavery,enslavement of human nervous system)

During World War 2, Ukraine became Nazi collaborator Nation which renamed itself the "Reichskommissariat_Ukraine".
Erich Koch was Reichskommissar of Ukraine 1941-1943.

Dorothy Bush (sister of George Bush) <---intermarried with family of---> Erich Koch Reichskommissar of Ukraine 1941-1943.
[became Dorothy Bush Koch]


criminals such as Ralph Quitadamo knew in 1998, that the NSW Police needed to be formally charged, but such criminals did not want to say how to prosecute the NSW police.

<-----See also description of Speak Easy meeting venues and Edgar J Hoover.
Ralph Quitadamo probable connections to Mert Nay (2019 killings in Sydney CBD). Mert Nay was brainwashed by Blacktown Hospital into becoming a killer.
(Various doctors at Blacktown Hospital corruptly involved with the safe Base on Blacktown Road Blacktown which is a homosexual meeting place, sodomy is a method to brainwash people... Mert Nay is a male prostitute.

Blacktown Hospital is involved in Manchurian Candidate Experiments.
- Brainwashing experiments against male prostitutes to turn them into killers.
- Cybernetic slavery experiments against heterosexual households.

[See also information about Ian Clarke who said Blacktown Hospital is involved in illegal experiments against human beings.
Ian Clarke mentioned psychotronic experiments,terminology probably connected with interfacing human nervous systems with electronics, silicon chips, neural interfaces.
as described in Hippocampal Neuron Patterning article in Defense News magazine 1995.
The human psyche, the human mind is a result of the physical functioning of the human nervous system.

Ian Clarke moved from Blacktown to South Port Queensland Australia.









Daniel Mamo was mentioning Sussex Inlet on the NSW North Coast in Australia
as a location that the Mamo family took holidays to during the 1980s.







information about nock and kirby & male prostitution - aussies use lube
It has been said of aussies that "aussies use lube" lubrication oil in a perverse way.

its easy for male prostitutes to become involved with nazism, pagan worship of blonde people, racism to do with sending blonde people to make trouble.
[the safe base system teaches a system of evil, a way to pre-empt the rejection of homosexuals by heterosexuals. most heterosexuals dont want to have anything
to do with homosexuals/male prostitutes. So the safe base system teaches male prostitutes to premept the rejection through nazi ideology of male prostitutes
dont want to have anything to do with some races, male prostitutes dont want to do their jobs for some races, and the male prostitutes dont want to reveal that
they are homosexuals/male prostitutes. It is worse than male prostitutes getting confidence from their homosexual activity, it is conspiracies unjust behaviour by male prostitutes .
The heterosexuals dont know why the discrimination occurs, dont why the unnecessary situations of injustice
<---information to prosecute Adam Burne and the NSW police since year 1995. ]
See information above about Gilcrist who worked in technical support in 2019.
male prostitutes in neighbourhood setting, they rent out out their homes like they rent out their bodies as prostitutes.
It is different for heterosexuals. Heterosexuals dont rent out their bodies, so they dont need to rent out their home. Heterosexuals need more stable living
conditions than the conspiring hostile male prostitutes in the surroundings.
e.g. - Charlie Camilleri rented out his home. The NSW Police are corrupted by such a male prostitution system.
Development of slave labour devices are the same perverse selfishness that was occurring when the men of Sodom wanted to have knowledge of the people inside the home of Lot nephew of Abraham .Genesis Chapters 18-19 .
The NSW police should not be making strange invasions against homes of heterosexuals, should not be making strange invasions against nervous systems of heterosexuals.
The NSW police need to be charged by international law to stop heterosexual lives and homes being invaded strangely by slave labour device technology (modern day concentration camp technology)
...male prostitutes in a neighbourhood setting, they rent out out their homes like they rent out their bodies as prostitutes,...
e.g. - Charlie Camilleri rented out his home. The NSW Police are corrupted by such a male prostitution system.
- The old Ukrainian woman possibly mentions that she wants people to "swap" when she wants people to rent out their homes.
When people swap are people sometimes replaced permanently by by identity theives? Is such swap activity (people trading places?)
sometimes connected to deaths or murders? [The old Ukrainian woman wants people to swap ,
with notions of people meeting up again in the next life incarnation , but she does not ask people if they believe in
after lives or future lives incarnations. Some people believe that humans have only 1 life to live. ]
male prostitutes in neighbourhood setting, they rent out out their homes like they rent out their bodies as prostitutes.
[the news stories speak of such neighbourhoods having the highest mortgage rates]






Velko would have killed his son Tom if he found out that Tom had become a male prostitute, so Tom sided with mother Kata's having Velko murdered to get the farm into Kata's hands.
Velko would have killed his son Tom, like the scene from Taras Bulba where Yul Brynner kills Tony Curtis.
[Tom had become homosexually defiled by the male prostitution system in Australia, and it was something that he did not to discuss over the dining room table with his father Velko]

Tom and his sister need to be executed by international law, because they began visiting their uncle's home in the early 1980s
to conspire murder, and a concentration camp crime against their uncle's household. They have caused unnecessary suffering over years decades to
their uncles household.

Alyson Chapman hospital worker from Blacktown Hospital needs to be formally labelled as a homosexual nazi paedophile.
She's a baby killer that is about going after the lives of people's sons.
She has a son who is a homosexual and works as a civil engineer. The Chapman household are from the Glenbrook suburb of the Blue Mountains,
they probably known Rosemary Hunter and Alison Rothwell.
She drives along Vardy's road on the way to work, she sees pedestrians walking and then pretends she doesn't see them.

She hears parents calling Australians as dirty , so she conspires Jeffrey-dahmer-style concentration camp crimes against people's sons
to falsely label people's sons as dirty in the medical notes of the homosexual doctors at Blacktown Hospital, as a way to stop them having access to solicitors, as a way to stop them from having paid work, as a way to stop them from having families (nazi doctor crimes,nazi eugenics).

Alyson Chapman heard about Jehovah's Witness Maria Schellander calling homosexuals dirty, that homosexuals have intrinsically dirty sexual behaviour.
[i.e. Two Jehovah's Witnesses visit the home of a homosexual couple, and one mentions how clean their home looks, the other says they would need to look clean because homosexual sex is intrinsically dirty.
The homosexual couple are intrinsically dirty because of their sexual behaviour involves screwing excrement.]
Alyson Chapman is about committing Jeffrey-Dahmer-Style concentration camp crimes against heterosexuals , and then falsely labelling heterosexuals as dirty.
[Jehovah's Witnesses from Seven Hills congregation became corrupted by male prostitution. The Horton Brothers became male prostitutes, and the are about conspiring with homosexual nazi paedophiles such as Alyson Chapman to falsely label heterosexuals as dirty. The horotn brother are dirty because they became male prostitutes.
Alyson Chapman is dirty because she is a sodomite woman.]

Alyson Chapman is a double of Gisela Heidenreich double. Gisela Heidenreich is a nazi lebensborn.
Alyson Chapman is a Jenny Harris double.Australian media personality Rolf Harris was convicted for paedophilia in Britain.

Alyson Chapman is an identity thief. She has been silent about a jeffrey-dahmer-style nazi doctor crimes, she has made medical lies about a victim of a nazi doctor crime.
While making medical lies against a person, she organised for her relative Lucy Chapman to profit from identity theft. Lucy Chapman began looking for illicit drugs aroud Telopia.
Lucy Chpaman ended up in the television news. She was attacked as a result of looking for drugs and her identity theft activity, ans Alyson Chapman's medical nazism, Alyson Chapman's homosexual-nazi-paedophilia.

Alyson Chapman is a double of Peter Payne's mother.Peter Payne became a male prostitute while he was still a school student.
Peter Payne is a paedophile male prostitute.
Alyson Chapman has acted in a corrupt manner to favour male prostitute paedophiles such as Peter Payne, while being silent about a Jeffrey-Dahmer style nazi doctor crime.

She probably knows Sonya Chapman the friend of Angela Morris. Sonya Chapman facially resembles Mark Virgona.
Alyson Chapman probably knows Mark Virgona who has taken homosexual paedophile trips to Thailand .
Then he came back to Australia with a Thailand wife as a cover for his homosexuality.
Blacktown Police are corrupted by such homosexual paedophilia: they have favoured Mark Virgona. Blacktown Police have been silent about a Jeffrey-Dahmer-style nazi doctor crime. Blacktown Police, the NSW Police need to be charged with breach of Geneva Convention article 147. There are NSW Police officers that need to be executed by international law:
from 1995 Adam Burne, Katrina Nichols, Peter Mort , Chrissy Leyshon, Brad Morgan(?) that resembles Robert Canning television newsreader...

Alyson Chapman probably has rock music industry connections to Middle of the Road 1971 and Jimmy Saville.
Alyson Chapman is possibly related to the lead singer of Middle of the Road music group who sang the 1971 song Chirpy Chirpy Cheap, a Bibigon satanism paedophilia song.
[To prosecute Alyson Chapman and Blacktown hospital by International Law would be prosecute Jimmy Saville's paedophilia network, and to prosecute Nazi Lebensborn program in Australia, Britain, USA ...]

Blacktown Police must be charged with aiding the theft of a computer in year 2002.

[A person had a home to live in, a caring parent that had a right to know about a Nazi doctor crimes. Australia deliberately ignored the parents right to know.
Racists Australians did not want a person to be living in a home.Racists Australians wanted a person to beliving on the street being inhumanely tracked around by ground ionosphere antennas,
and racist Australians wanted a person to be followed around by criminals that steal things. Racists in the NSW Police wanted such racism to occur, so they kept silent about a nazi doctor crime.
In 2001 there were comunicated themes about Leigh Chalker can get you out of the house.
Then a person's home was attacked by electromagnetic warfare in 2002, and a person was surviving out on the street.

<---- Further information that Australia is not a civilized culture. Australia makes counterfeits]

Mark Virgona and his neighbour Luke were culprits.Luke the father of Jason. The electromagnetic warfare attack came from the direction of the properties on which Mark Virgona and Luke lived.
When the victim of experiments tried to take Luke's life in self defense, Luke wasn't home. The back glass windscreen of Luke's car was smashed instead of Luke's skull being smashed in,
and then the victim of experiments escaped to stay in another part of Sydney. Luke's car had number plate DTR-210.

In 2002 the victim of experiments was surviving out on the street while being inhumanely tracked around.
The person had much luggage, being carried around via the public transport system, on railway trains.

While in the Blue Mountains, in a railway tunnel exit, thieves stole a computer and ran off.

Some weeks later, Blacktown Police saw that the victim of experiments was at the large bus stop area next Blacktown Railway station,
and an investigator from Blacktown Police came without warning at the victim of experiments, and handed back the computer that had been stolen,
as though nothing had occurred.

The behaviour of the Police officer(investigator), was the behaviour of a corrupt male prostitute coming at a person without warning.
The Blacktown Police officer did not want to formally charge the criminals that stole the computer, the behaviour of the NSW Poilice officer(investigator) was to do a dare
against the human rights of the victim of experiments, to acts as though nothing happenned.
[NSW Police are corrupted by the male prostitution system in Australia.]

When the computer was looked at again, there were various files missing, in the manner of information stolen from the computer.
[.. the NSW police did not want to lay formal charges, the NSW Police acted in the manner of pretending that nothing happenned,
because the NSW Police wanted to extend a nazi doctor crime on and on, over years decades...The NSW Police must be charged by International Law.]

The racism of Blacktown Police could described as: - they dont want migrant races to use computers, so they dont care about anlglo-celtics stealing computers from migrants races.(year 2002)
- they dont want migrant races to be able to read or write, so they dont care about anglo-celtics stealing books from migrant races.(21st June 1995)

- racist ideology that anglo-celtic drug addicts have a greater need to live their lives, by discriminating against migrant groups.
[racist ideology that anglo-celtic drug addicts have a greater need to live their lives, by stealing things from migrant groups,by violently attacking migrant groups]
racist ideology that anglo-celtic drug addicts have a greater need to live their lives, by not allowing migrant groups to live their lives at all.]
Drug addicts are invaraibly corrupted by sodomy behaviours.

If NSW police officers have something to say, they must not invade properties that are not theirs, they must be everything do in writing, they must send formal letters.
...The NSW Police must be charged by anti-racial-discrimination law ...The NSW Police must be charged by International Law: breach of Geneva Convention article 147.]









"jim rathmell electrical engineering lecturer Sydney University relative of alan turing ? rathmell has many doubles <-?-> nazi lebensborn program in Australia "

around year 2007-2008 there was a Lester/Leicester that was friends with Glen and his older male friend that lived in same street as Ralph Quitadamo.
Lester was a Jim Rathmell double. Lester had a car and gave a car lift home from the shops.
Glen resemled Ringo Starr from the Beatles

Sheila Kerr: review of Roland Perry, The Fifth Man, in Loch K. Johnson, Richard C. Thurlow, Gary D. Rawnsley,
M. R. D. Foot, J. A. Crang, Pauline Elkes, Andrew Rathmell, Simon Tormey, Sheila Kerr, Len Scott, Mark Ellis, James G. Stewart & Keith Jeffery (1997):
Book reviews. Intelligence and National Security, 12(2): 203-228.

Cambridge-Birmingham Spy Ring

EMILIOS PASILIDES(Sydney University Chemistry staff 1990s, homosexual : in chemisty 1 labs Patsilides did not keep his hand to himself)
<--facially resembles -> VON NEUMANN 1930s-1940s computer scientist & C S LEWIS (Narnia books author, Lion Witch and the Wardrobe)

Some connection to German Spy Ring from WW2: The Ducain/Duquesne spy ring? Duquesne is a French-Dutch Boer surname.


....around year 2007-2008 there was a Lester/Leicester that was friends with Glen and his older male friend that lived in same street as Ralph Quitadamo.
Lester was a Jim Rathmell double. Lester had a car and gave a car lift home from the shops.

around year 2007-2008 there was a Lester/Leicester that was friends with Glen and his male friend that lived in same street as Ralph Quitadamo.
Lester was a Jim Rathmell double. Lester had a car and gave a car lift home from the shops.
Situation where the Australian society was silent about cybernetic slavery experiments against a persons son, to prevent a person's sons from having access to a car.
THe Australian society around was racially discriinating against a pedestrian household, normally the son would help his father carry home the shopping on foot.
In such a situation of discrimination, the father did not know about the cybernetic experiments against the son, and then David Stefanovic tuned up around the shops
and also Lester turned up at the shops and gave a lift home to the father.

<--->In Australia racial discrimination against a migrant household, something to do with nazis favouring the Germa people by Hitler plans to motorise the German people.
In Australia cybernetic slavery experiments with similar themes to Nazi Germany: Australia racially favouring anglo-celtics by motorizing anglo-celtic citizens,
and preventing a migrant household from having acces to a car via cybernetic slavery experiments against the son.

Australian racism nazism Hitlerism: Hitleristic conspiracies to motorize the anglo-celtic race , while preventing migrant households from access to car technology.

and cousins of the son who had cars, cousins corrupted by Australian sodomy behaviours so the cousins behaved like the racist Australians around in he society culture.
(cousins behaved as male prostitutes,female prostitutes, ritual murder conspiracies connected to racially discriminating with cars against a pedestrian household,
and the cousins silence about cybernetic slavery experiments against the son.]
... Australia is a corrupt nation that does not care about the parents right to know. Australia must be charged by international law.

Jim rathmell doubles <---> Catherine Zeta Jones double, Ian Sefton , Mili Avital Double,
Some Matt that was in physics 1 labs and later became involved in medical research.
[During the early 1990s, Sydney University was advertising medical research programs during enrolment at the beginning of the University year]

Lalor Park scouts male prostitution connections to information described. Craig Spiteri, and Jason Sankey appeared around the Physics Building at Sydney University.
Barry Boon elementary teacher worked in Toni Collete's neighbourhood during the 1980s. Barry Boon was singing Auld Lang Syne(for old time's sake song) at the elementary school dance as
though the students would never see him again, and then Boon was corruptly inviting students over to his home during the school holidays that occurred some weeks after the school dance.
Barry Boon possibly a relative of Alan Turing.

Rosemary Hunter was Barry boon's girlfriend and she married another man.
rosemary hunter -- clockwork orange gang , civil defense organisations- duck and cover advertisements
- portland spy ring , wiskey a go go bombing --- robin hood inn hotel <------------> mrs weston,kathy weston, buroughgourie surname phonetically burra-goo-ri sound similar to word buggery.
- car theft syndicates , illegal immigration barry boon, mr tunks
- possibly was part of a network spies that posed as civilians to buy titanium from soviet union during cold war.
Titanium metal that America used to built spy plane sr71 blackbird that spied on the Soviet Union.
Rosemary Hunter is a double of anglo-American Lady Bird Johnson, Betty Ford, Alice Bailey, considers herself a Hun descendant, possibly Hungarian-Italian-Scottish origin (Patillo,Patilleau)
[illegal trading network]
later they formed illegal trading networks to iran and china, shah of iran in usa, chinese triads in taiwan and elsewhere
[CIA front companies: tattersal road where Hussan Dustan was murdered in December 1995= neighbourhood where Toni Collette was raised,& industrial area across a busy road.
- anand amarga terrorist organisation








Do you think you are better than Nationalism of the Australians around in the society?

Yes. Some people are better than your aussie buggery culture, better than your aussie male prostitution system culture. Dont want to be bothered by your generational-male-prostitution system.
Yes. Some people are better than the Ku Klux Klan attitudes that you aussie's display toward people who are racially different than yourselves.Dont want to be bothered by Ku Klux Klan attitudes.
Yes. Some people are better than the 'human waves' of male prostitutes (strange invasion behavours,Aryan racism behaviours) that Austrlians like sending against migrant families.
[I didn't to choose to be born in Australia. The things I have discovered about Australian culture will remain discovered.]

Basic rights of a citizen - Freedom of Association. - includes the right to not associate with people if I dont want to associate. includes the right to not talk with people if I dont want to.
Article 116 of Australian constitution - Freedom of religion (implies freedom of thought). <--- Australia should NOT try to impose its homosexual religion/brainwashing/generational-male-prostitution system upon citizens.

In Australia occurs injustice such as - violent racial attacks
- nazi doctor crimes
Situations where Australia must be charged by international law.

Auystralia has ignored a person's human rights over years decades.
Australia has ignored its anti-racial-discrimination-law.
Australia has ignored the Geneva Convention-article 147 (Most Serious breach of the Geneva Convention: nazi doctor crimes/medical attrocities/biological experiments.
Jeffrey Dahmer style medical crime by sadistic homosexual doctors in Australia and sadistic homosexuals in NSW Police, a modern day nazi concentration camp type medical crime (nazi doctor crime).
completely unnecessary racism of violently racially attacking a person and then implanting a slave labour device into contact with the nervous system. Senseless racism by Australia.
Australia is NOT civilised. Australia makes counterfeits of civilization. Australia is a modern day sodom and gomorrah.


Evidence that western Europeans are descended from primitive tribes that were only recently civilized.



Cousin Liliana Pavlek became a nationalist, she learned to trust anyone that looks a certain way, she learned how to judge people by their racial appearance.
and then Liliana Pavlek learned that people who fit into her trusted racial appearance, some are wolves in sheeps clothing that are not trustworthy.
and that is how Liliana Pavlek became defiled by homosexuals, and that is how her offspring were defiled by homosexuals.

The Bubonic plague and Great Fire of London 1666 AD resulted from British being taught how to build but not knowing how to build sewerage systems.
The middle of the street in British towns used to be open sewers which resulted in health problems such as the Bubonic plague.
Only in the 18th and 19th centuries, did the British discover how to build underground sewerage systems.
... Ancient civilizations that existed before western europeans knew how to build underground sewerage systems.
Western Europeans were not taught how to build sewerage systems. Western Euroepans stole civilization from races that were older and more advanced.

similar could be said of the French.
The French prided themselves in Louis 14th building the palace of Versailles.
But the palace of Versalles had no sewerage system, it had no toilet facilities.
The servants of Louis the 14th relieved themselves inside the palace. The Palace of Versaille smelled of human excrement and urine.

World War 2 was an embarrassmet to the French. Despite Napolean trying to make a unified European empire some centuries ago,
the French were overrun by German tanks, and have been trying to recover confidence in the decades afterward.
French politics after World War 2 has tended toward right wing racist governments.

The Battle of Hastings 1066AD was an embarassment for anglo-saxons. Anglo-saxons were ruled over for 400 years by a foreign race,
the Normans which were vassals of the King of France (information that never gets mentioned in anglo-celtic education systems).

In World War 2, the landing in Normandy 1944AD was anglo-saxons having revenge against the French
Hitler's war in Europe was a way for the British anglo-saxons to get revenge against France for the Battle of Hastings.

Modern Greeks were ruled over by the Turkish Ottoman Empire for about 300 years.
Are modern Greeks like the ancient Greeks, or are they Turko-Greeks?
Modern greeks are Turko-Greeks, they are no longer like the ancient greeks.
When modern greeks inbreed and try to become like the ancient greeks, then genetic problems result.

The Roman Empire survived in Constantinople in Greco-Roman form for some centuries,
but was invaded by the Turkish Ottoman empire in 1453AD. The Turkish Ottoman Empire ruled over for centuries after.
Constantinople is where Istanbul Turkey is in modern times.

Dean Jensen
{<--- The greeks-of-Sparta calling greeks-of-Athens boy lovers (homosexuals, perverse persons})

300 Rise of an Empire:
Someone at the Athenian summit yells: "F**k those muscle-bound boy-lovers!"
{<--- The greeks-of-Athens calling greeks-of-Sparta boy lovers (homosexuals, perverse persons)}

Different cities in Greece, calling each other homosexuals...
they are hinting that in general Greek culture is homosexual.

Rise of an Empire (2014) - Lena Headey as Queen Gorgo
Queen Gorgo : "You've come a long way to stroke your c**k, while you watch real men train."

Italians are not ancient Romans.
Roman civilization collapsed and became extinct , resulting from invasions by uncivilized races that invaded from Western Asia.
The dark ages occurred from circa 500 AD to 1000 AD in Western Europe. It began with the fall of the Roman Empire and ended with the start of the Renaissance
The catholic church survived in Europe during the dark ages and allied with the uncivilized races that invaded Europe from western Asia,
to form entities such as the Holy Roman Empire.
Italians are intermixed with ancient uncivilized races that invaded from western Asia, and celts from Gaul.

Italains are a perverse culture.
Italians befriend people, and later they start using the word "Fanculo" , which sometimes sounds like "Fahn-goo-loo" maybe a different Italian dialect,
or italians that have been Australianised and dont know their Italian language well.
Fanculo means something like "Get lost, or you will be screwed up the behind".
So Italians are "hello, then get lost culture" which is contradictory behaviour, signs of a perverse culture.

Russia as a slavic nation was considered for centuries a backward nation that was always following after western Europe.
The presence of the eastern orthodox church in Russia had something to do with making Russia a backward primitive nation over centuries.
The Communists made an industrial revolution in Russia over some decades, and they suppressed the eastern orthodox church
as away of making technological advancement. Eastern orthodox probably controlled by Greeks, and Greeks dont like Slavic advancement.
Western Europeans liked to make jokes about the greatest Russian Generals being General Winter,General Frost,General Snow.
Napoleon and Hitler attacked Russia from the west and were defeated by the Russian winter (western Europeans consider so).
Russia has been vulnerable to attack from the East. The Mongols attacked from the East, and Golden horde Mongols ruled over most of Russia for about 300 years.
Regions such as Gorodishe/Novgorod remained free of the Mongol invasions.

Russian Culture is slavic culture.Slavic culture tends to be more natural than western European culture.
In general, Slavic culture is about people living natural lives, heterosexal lives.
i.e. Slavic culture that has remained free of invasion/subjugation.
e.g Croatia replled the Ottoman Turkish invasion and has remained a culture that supports natural living.

Something that has been discovered about Russian culture. It does have some homosexuals who make expressions such as "Za menoi!" (for me, follow me, behind me !) .
Heterosexuals should avoid people who make such expressions. Maybe something to do with Mongol influence on Russian culture, Ukrainian influence, Greek Orthodox influence,
Romanian mafia influence upon Russian culture?
When Russians consider that there is a stranger from a different culture, they sometimes send the homosexuals to lead strangers away.
If the homosexuals are avoided, maybe the many heterosexual Russians appear later.

ruled over by Ottoman Turks for 400 years.

Serbians are a corrupted culture. Their are traditional sayings against Serbian culture.Sayings which condemn the corruption that has become of Serbian Culture.
Serbians have a culture that tries to befriend heterosexuals with 3 soup meals, followed by Serbians sticking male sex organ up the behind.
Traditional sayings against Serbian Culture: "Tri supe, i kurac u dupe."(Tak Serbski narod radi protiv heterosexualce. Serbi imaju takvu kuruptnu kulturu.).

Descended from uncivilized germanic vikings.Scadinavians only recently civilized after 1500 AD.
They stole the runic writing system from Eurasians races .See mention of the Orkhon Inscriptions which are Runic writing from Eurasian Khaganates.

Germans are a nation of losers. They lost World War 2.
The 1000 year reich lasted barely 6 years during World War 2, or barely 12 years from Hitler's rise to power in 1933.
Many Germans possibly consider as thheir ancestors the caucasian cannibals that existed in Herxheim Germany some thousands of years ago.
There was no ancient Aryan civilization in Germany, Germans descended from primitive tribes.

Germans are a perverse dishonest culture that values it homosexuals.Kaiser Wilhelm liked to mix with homosexuals but German society did not consider him homosexual.
Afterward, Germany underwent a process of masculinization of its culture. Germany tried to appear more heterosexual after Kaiser Wilhem II.

The execution of Ernst Roehm in 1934, was followed some decades later by rise of the Bilderberg Society. The Bilderberg society being an organisation of socially influentual homosexuals
that rent out hotels in commemoration of Ernst Roehm's homosexual orgy in a hotel around the time of the Night of Long Knives.

Romanians are a nations of losers and mafia.
Romania allied with Nazi Germany in World war 2.
They are descended from a race similar to Mongols, the Sarmatians whose homeland was around the Sea of Japan.
Sarmatian races made a long migration into Europe.Sometimes called Vlach Mongols(Valachians) which might suggest nomads in long migration trains.
The Dacians were a Sarmatian race that inhabited mountain strongholds. They lived as cave men in mountains areas and called such areas fortresses such as Sarmagethusa/Sarmizegethusa
The Romans fought against the Dacians.
Romanians are related to French Alans and possibly Circassian nations around Moldova and the Caucasus.
Sarmatian nations probably brought the Mongol invasion to Europe around 1240 AD
Sarmatians liked following around Scythian Eurasians.

Mafia organisations probably based upon Zoroastrian religion, the pagan god Attis who is born undergorund , or born in a cave.
The worship of Attis is connected with homosexual religious rites. the pagan god Mithras was probably a form of Attis.
The frequent mention of mafia in connection with the underground, underground organisations.

Persians probably discovered the secrets of the first civilizations mining underground and building underground cities.
The first civilizations were more natural in their customs than Persians. Persian religion modified the underground activity into something perverse.
There is mention of Havilah in such a context of the origin of the first civilization. Some have theorized that Havilah could be the oldest civilization.
Havilah being an ancient African Kingdom in Arabia whose origin was probably from the African Sahel.Havilah being considered of Ancient Ethiopian origin,
or that Ancient Ethiopia extended into Arabia in ancient times, Arabia used to an asset of Ancient Ethiopia.

some cultures can be described as mafia cultures, cultures that favour the formation of gangs, mafia.
Greek and Italian culture could be described as mafia cultures, and Romanias who consider themselves to be allied to Italians via the ancient Romans making war against Dacians.
The Romans overcame the Dacians.

The attitude of the Australian BIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTERS and their allies is that THEY SEE PROMISE IN COMMITTING NAZI DOCTOR CRIMES against heterosexual migrants,
they see promise in a future of committing nazi doctor crimes against people that Australians racially hate.

They like seeing heterosexual migrants made socially alone over years decades, (Australia is a culture that likes watching people's lives slowly die).
Their comments are "You should try it some time." (They want victims of the homosexual nazism of Australians to try homsexual nazism some time).
To watch heterosexual migrants made socially alone over years decades, makes up for all the shame of the homosexuality of the experimenters,...
To see homosexuals/male prostitutes./sodomites prospering over heterosexual migrant households makes up for ...
To see homosexuals/male prostitutes./sodomites having families instead of heterosexual migrantsmakes up for ... makes up for all the shame of the homosexuality of the experimenters,...
Some of thhe homosexual nazis are pretend christians such as Nada Stefanovic, Loretta James from Seventh Day Adventist church/cult families.
Some of thhe homosexual nazis are pretend christians such as te Horton Brothers from Jehovah's Witness churc/cult families who knew Maria Schellander.


The Nazi Lebensborn experiments that Australia has supported over decades, involve male homosexuals talking about females.Male homomosexuals coming near heterosexuals and uttering unwanted messages.
about females that are corrupted by homosexuals. Unwanted messages by a male homsoexual such as "I am sure they are all right" while appearing to talk into his mobile phone.
Heterosexuals dont need to be bothered by such behaviour.Heterosexuals dont need to be bothered by females who are corrupted by homosexuals,
heterosexuals dont need to be bothered by male homosexuals that utter unwanted messages about females...

------------------ https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/mar/11/william-little-pebble-kamm-cult-leader-arrested-in-sydney-cbd-partner-sandra-costellia
Cult leader William Kamm and partner arrested in Sydney
<----- Probably the same cult as Alexander Wilon. Alexander Wilon preaches to anglo-germanics while the Litle pebble bothers people who are not considered anglo-germanic,
and their activity is about making racial segregation between those who are considered anglo-germanic and those who are not anglo-germanic.
It is sodom and gomorrah religion. The Australian media likes to create a mirage of Heterosexuality.But such cults are involved in making many male prostitutes.

There is an italian-looking man that has worked at Kings Langley post office over years, in Kingslangley Shopping Centre. He looks like a relative of the William Kamm aka the Little Pebble. The grassy playing fields near Kingslangley Shopping Centre are probably infiltrated by the Little Pebble/Alexander Wilon Cult. Alistair White and his sisters Monique and Genevieve conspired such a situation of corruption.
The NSW Police police probably dont care about this information. The NSW Police in Australia are corrupted by such homosexual nazism activity/sodom and gomorrah religion.

Probably Arthur Sarkissian and his friends Graziano and Charlie Malese were part of the the Little Pebble/ Alexander Wilon Cult since the 1980s decade.
Probably Elizabeth Gouleigh from Broadmeadows suburb near Newcastle was part of the Little Pebble/ Alexander Wilon Cult, and it is probably connected to Sarah Ferguson who married Andrew Windsor of Britain.
.. and racists from the Canadian mounted police are involved in propagating such homosexual religious cults.
[Australia needs to be charged by international law.]







Publicly these people protest injustice that has occurred to them.
Behind people's back, some such Australians, or many such Australians.
have an attitude ...
some such Australians are about communicating terminology over ground-ionosphere antenna networks
, terminology such as:


[Situations where a cuilture such as Australia, surgically implants a citizen with slavery device,
Australia doesn't want to care any further about your human rights.
Australia is about abandoning people to conspiracies of perverse people/homosexuals, prostitutes,bad characters
that sometimes describe themselves as sexually abused.

Observation: It's not their world, they consider it their Australian social social system.
They have allies around the World, some societies are allied to the corrupt Australian social system/culture.
But, there are various other social systems in the World. Many more natural than Australian culture.

They became perverse people by being sexually abused.
They are about ritually murdering people.

Does this description sound like Grace tame becoming Australian of the year during Covid-19 Coronavirus world epidemic?


Ms Anderson had relatives living at 52 Hawkesworth Parade Kingslangly, some minutes walk away from her home on 9 Turner Street Blacktown.
Mrs Anderson and Elizabeth Gourleigh(her son's biological relative). Gregory Anderson father is not known,
but is probably a red haired man related to Elizabeth Gourleigh who worked at the mail centre in Newcastle/Gosford
lived at Broadmeadow suburb near Newcastle.
Mrs Anderson and Elizabeth Gourleigh observing a household watching a household walk to the shops (2 shopping centres, Blacktown and Kingslangley shopping centres)
in the manner of a murder conspiracy, violently racially attacking members of the household.

Elizabeth Gourleigh was living far north of Blacktown, near Newcastle but possibly observes the camera recordings from the Post office at Kingslangley.
[Elizabeth Gourleigh is possibly connected to the Little Pebble Cult/Alexander Wilon Cult.]

Mrs Anderson's relatives moved out of their (rented?) home at 52 Hawkesworth parade around year 2014.
They looked similar to Mrs Anderson's 2 daughters, but were youunger than her daughters.

Information/research suggests that Mrs Anderson's relatives wanted to move back into the neighbourhood in year 2020,
and their conspiracy was connected to an attempt to violently attack a person walking home from the shops in on Friday 18th September 2020.

The attempted attackers were 2 male prostitutes that had moved into 291 Vardys Road Blacktown which is close to Hawkesworth Parade.
The male prostitutes were with female prostitutes that they shared the home with at 291 Vardys Road Blacktown.

A relative of Dr Karim lived on the corner west of Mrs Anderson. Dr Karim was a female Egyptian-arab doctor working at Health 24 Medical Centre Blacktown (Town Centre).
This is information is relevant to prosecuting medical crimes, and conspiracies to cover up the illegal experiments against humans by racists such as Mrs Anderson's family.

A strangely named business calling itself Gecko Company has made a presence in Hawkesworth Parade Kingslangley, near to where Mrs Anderson's relatives lived.
Gecko company might be connected to Daniel Mamo and his friends illegally trading Australian Wildlife (a news story that has kept appearing in the Australian media since 2018 and afterward.
Illegally trading wAustralian Wildlife, is possibly activity that satanic cults get involved in. Maybe they pracitce sacrificing animals,as a way of doing cruelty against humans (slavery,abductions,...)
Daniel Mamo was frequently mentioning the word Gecko during his school years, and had friends witn names such as Kurt Gackie who attended sports events at Frances Park Blacktown near Blacktown R.S.L.
[Company:Go with Gecko, Van and Ute Truck Hire, Hawkesworth Parade Kingslangly/Kings Park
<--- Kings Park is the industrial area westward across the busy road from Hawkesworth Parade, so the Gecko company is possibly being misleading about which suburb it is in.]

research/informaiton suggests that Mrs Anderson is involved in illegally immigration to homosexual tourism venues/nazi submarine bases such as The Canary Islands(Grand Canaria).
Jim Cameron (Daniel Mamo's 1980s cricket coach) raised canary birds in his backyard, which possibly is connected to racists in the neighbourhood forming connections to homosexual tourism venues/nazi bases such as the Canary Islands.
Jim Cameeron had a canary aviary in his back yard.

Australia is making mockery out of the human rights of households.
Australia makes mockery out of moralistic sayings about people getting justice.

Australia is committing nazi doctor crimes, and then communicating over the antenna network " You will be avenged...."

Victims of such experiments dont want Australians avenging anyone. Australia needs to be charged by international law.
[Australians have a habit of talking out of their behinds: Australians are buggers (sodomites).
Australians needs to be permanently labelled as the homosexual nazis that they are.
Australians needs to be permanently labelled as a Sodom and Gomorrah nation.
Australia must be charged by international law article 147

Australians are buggers(sodomites).
Australians dont want heterosexuals to have any human rights. Australians dont want heterosexuals to have any quality of life.
Australians dont want heterosexuals to have any emotional lives.
Instead, Australians are about conveying their homosexual emotions via ground ionosphere antenna.
Australians are not passionate, Australians are perverse.

Australians are about perpetrating separation of males and females as in the nazi concentration camps,
then communicating remotely over antenna networks "she doesn't like you".
[completely unwanted communications, nuisance communications,
similar to homosexual males coming near heterosexuals and talking about females.

Australians need to be asked by the international law system how their racism has been going against
the lives of a household that Australians have committed a nazi doctor crime against.

Has there been racism occuring in Australians where racists are about doing cruelty against people are about terrorising people when racists want to selfishly communicate information,
or when racists want to come near and say something.
Such activity is not civilized. Australia is not really civilized. Australia makes counterfeits.

and such racism is not really about communicating anything. Such racism is NAZI LEBENSRAUM activity, and MAFIA activity.
Racists whose activity is to do unecessary cruelty, racists whose activity is to terrorise people are about making monoracial spaces for themselves and those that they consider their own race.
Racists whose activity is to do unecessary cruelty, racists whose activity is to terrorise people are about makinbg missing person, ritually muderig people,
are about making monoracial spaces for themselves and those that they consider their own race.

If strangers have something to say information needs to be down in writing, must be formally expressed (formal letters,formal written information)

Australians must be permanently labelled as the homosexual nazis that they are.
Australia must be charged by international law.






[assorted information]

" Is Ephraim Zhuroff(jewish homosexual pretend nazi hunter) a supporter of ethnic cleaning activity?
Did Zhuroff at Simon Wisenthal Centre conceal Croatian politician Franjo Tudjman's connection to Dinko Sakic concentration camp commader ?
Is there a Rudy Giuliani and Trump corruption connection with Ephraim Zhuroff ? "

American MJ-12/Agenda 21 plan of slavery and extermination against third world nations: Ephraim Zhuroff is a supporter of such racism.
Ephraim Zhuroff supports Netanyahu's ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians.It is practice to enslave and exterminate third world nations/developing world nations in Africa
Netanyahu's ethnic cleansing activity in Gaza Palestine is connected to the racial Apartheid Regime that existed in South Africa from 1940s - 1990s.
THe dutch Boers were practicing their slavery and extermination scheme from the South of the African continent.
Benjamin Netanyahu is practicing slavery and extermination schemes to the North, or Northeast of the African continent.
[A fax was sent to the Simon Weisenthal centre in year 2005 but it was not replied to.A person was searching for further information but the Simon Wiesenthal centre did not reply.
Simon Wisenthal only care about Nazism that occurs against jews, they care nothing about Nazism against gentiles.]

There is reason to believe that Benjamin Netanyahu artificially fomented the war in Gaza,as a diversion from the 4 corruption scandals he is facing.
Where the United Nation knows about nazism and identity theft and does nothing, corrupt people such as Netanahu are about expansion, taking over more and more terrritory.
There is possibility that the Israeli's infiltrated the Palestinian Hospital system with Shah-of-Iran style cybernetic experiments against humans
(Te Felicito music video by singer Shakira Palestinian-arab in Colombia South America has cybernetic slavery themes and Elysium movie themes <--?-> South American Nazi Bases? )
and then sought to cover up the illegal experiments activity by killing many Palestinians, by destroying Palestinian hospitals. Shah of Iran--Richard Nixon--Benjamin Netanyahu(aka Bibi/Bebe).
and there have been Egyptian-arab doctors and a Kurdish-Iraqi doctor involved in such medical nazism in Australia.Shah of Iran was worlds richest supporter of Nazism in later 20th century.

Also Nick Kaldas NSW Policeman was posted to the middle east 2005-2008 in connection with Gerorge Bush's war on terror, and possibly has knowledge of cybernetic slavery experiments against arabic people (Palestinians?),
and there was much mention of George Bush and Guatanamo Bay during that time.
The bombing that killed Rafiq Hariri in lebanon in 2005. Nick Kaldas was in the middle east until year 2008.
Nick Kaldas was present at the 2012 Police Bugging scandal in Australia.

Media lies about 1990s croatian independence from Yugloslavia not being based upon nazism . It was based upon nazi connections
Sports people were appearing in the media and making lies about being glad that people understand that Croatian Independence from
Yugoslavia had nothing to do with Nazism. They were liars, they were using nazi connections to become independent .".
Goran Ivanisevic's tennis era and Croatian-Australian sports people in Australia.
The activity of the biological experimenters in Australia is extremely low, it is without any morals.

Victim of experiments was nearly electrocuted while working around the home in year 2021, but saved by thick rubber soles of a person's shoes.
Electrocution causes muscle contractions which often stop a people's heart.
The experimenters captured the nervous system calibrations from the near-electrocution event, and have been using those calibrations to
to try to remotely stop the victim's heart, to compress the muscles around a person's heart. To cause horrible pain in a person's chest.
The biological epxerimenters must be killed under all circumstances, they are about causing unnecessary suffering to people that they racially hate.

A person's mother, deliberately did not want to do anything for her son's human rights.
A person's older cousins Liliana Pavlek and her brother Tom , deliberately did not want to do anything for her son's human rights.
Their behaviour deliberately was to leave the slave labour device working away inside the victim's body like a ticking time bomb,
so that unnecessary situations would occur like the near-electrocution event, and the unjust attempts by biological experimenters to stop a person's heart,
and the unecessary pain the experiments are causing in a person's chest (it is a horrible medical crime).
Electromangetic wave phenomena that hook onto receivig circuit of the slave labour device like Pine Gap antennas observing around themselves,
ground ionosphere antennas that can find deeply submerged submarines under hundreds of metres of sea water. Project Omega --> Project Sanguine antennas.
Blacktown Municipality Council and Sydney University has constructed such antenna infrastructure within suburbs of Sydney.
Blacktown County council is the third tier of government in Australia. County/Shire/Municapility mean the same thing.
The social isolation has been so horrible that the victim no longer knows if the mother is living. Maybe the mother died from Coronavirus COVID-19.
The mother needed to be charged by international law and executed a long time ago.Australian solicitors did not want to provide international law representation.
Overseas courts have been contacted with such information. Department of Justice organisations overseas have been contacted with such information...
including courts and department of justice organsations in developing world nations.
The older cousins Liliana Pavlek and her brother Tom must be charged by international law and executed, under all circumstances.

Did Nada Stefanovic die from Coronavirus COVID-19?

Did Tom and Liliana's mother Kata die from Coronavirus COVID-19? Is that why Tom and his wife Evica appeared at Castle Hill by car in New Year period 2020/2021 and then flitted away like the prostitutes they have become?

O Did Nada Stefanovic die from Coronavirus COVID-19?

Australia must be charged by international law, breach of Geneva Convention article 147.

Politician Joel Fitgibbon's son killed himself out of shame?Australian media news stories says it was accident,
but there have been news stories about suicides in Australian military.
(sodomy corruption in Australia converts civilians and soldiers into states of mind where they know they are worthless, that they have nothing to live for.)
He didn't pull his parachute rip cord or didn't pack his parachute properly?
He died during a parachuting display.
[Jack Fitgibbon(lance corporal, Richmond Military Air Base in western Sydney Australia, had facial resemblance to Steven Essam].

Australia needs to be charged with racism where citizens are born in Australia, but Australia conspires in the manner of making situations of "NO BASIS FOR LIFE IN A SOCIETY" for a citizen.

-Australia favours some races by setting them up with jobs , screwing them up their behinds, introducing them to women who have been screwed up the behind as a way to produce families that are screwed up the behind.
-Australia discriminates against other races by continual race war activity (in civlian areas) to prevent citizens from having paid work, to prevent people from having families.
[Noone neds to be bothered by the homosexual nazism of Australians. Australia must be charged by international law. ]
Th American Manattan Project had Nazi doctors of its own that immorally injected 18 civilians with radioactive Plutonium.

American Scientists such as Robert Oppenheimer secretly supported the activity of American Nazi Doctors.

[This informaiton possibly has to do with Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin murdering reporters such as Alexander Litvenenko by radioactive Polonium poisoning.
Reporter Litvenenko looked like singer Billy Corgan from the Smashing Pumpkins music group, as he lay dieing in a hospital bed.
Vladimir Putin is possibly related to western singer Iggy Pop(James Newell Osterberg, Jr).

Osterberg family possibly relatives of Nazi Wernher Von Braun's secretary Dorette 'Dorothea' Hertha Kersten Schlidt (aka Frau Kersten).

about singer Iggy Pop Osterberg and Federica Mogherini European Union(EU aka EC)and their connection to German Nazi Rocket Scientist Wernher Von Braun :
European Union(aka EC European Common Market, European Economic Community formed from Maastrict Treaty 1992, Treaty of Rome 1957)
European Union probably formed by satanists racists genocidal-depopulationists from organisations such as the Club of Rome
and Alice Bailey's Spaceship Earth cult that considered Adolf Hitler as their disciple in the Rhine.

George Bush's CIA blowback and European Union(EU)/European Economic community were probably behind the September 2001 Terrorism incident against New York City in which airplanes crashed
into the World Trade Centre towers resulting in deaths of 3000 Americans.

Iggy Pop(Osterberg) and Mogherini (Wernher Von Braun/Operation Paperclip connections) are probably Vladimir Putin's connection to September 2001 terrorism incident:
a significant connection of Vladimir Putin to September 2001 terrorism incident aainst New York City.


Further about:
...The American Manattan Project had Nazi doctors of its own that immorally injected 18 civilians with radioactive Plutonium...


The Plutonium Files: America's Secret Medical Experiments During the Cold War By Eileen Welsome Delacorte Press, 1999 592 pages;
From April 1945 to July 1947, 18 men, women, and children were injected with plutonium by doctors working with the Manhattan Project.
None of the subjects was told what was being done, and none gave informed consent. They were chosen because the doctors believed them to be mortally ill,
although many lived for years, even decades, with the plutonium working its damage in their bodies.
The experiments were covered up for 40 years: When they became public, the government apologized but not a single doctor or hospital was publicly blamed.

The Plutonium Files
From 1945 to 1947, 18 people were injected with plutonium by Manhattan project doctors. Ebb Cade was an unwilling participant in medical experiments that .

Some names of doctors from Manhattan Project (sub-project The Plutonium Project):
John W Gofman, Arthur R Tamplin, ...

Brian Ball 1990s physics student is corrupt. Both BRIAN BALL AND MALCOLM TURKI 1990s physics students have a connection to the WACO SEX CULT (Seventh Day Adventist church is discovered to be a satanist organization
that makes sex cults as a rewards on Earth Schemes while preaching Rewards in Heaven to most people). Ball is probably related to singer Iggy Pop. Vladimir Putin is probably related to singer Iggy Pop.
Vladimir Putin's strange visits to USA. Vladimir Putin made visits to Waco on the way to George Bush's home. The western Media never mentioned that George Bush's home ranch is close to Waco.
[Also to mention the corruption of Physics lecturer Martijn De Sterke probably related to Malcolm Turki, and probably related to David Koresh who became the Waco Texas Cult leader.
Maybe Seventh Day Adventists asked Mossad to assist them with their conspiracies, and so David Koresh(Vernon Howell) became the cult leader...A few years they sent Dutch Jew Martin de Sterke to Sydney University.
The name Howell maybe Gilligan's Island connections, Bill Clintonand Jeffrey Epstein's paedophile island.Jeffrey Epstein was actively involved in Mossad Espionage during the 1980s decades before he became famous/infamous
in the western media.Politician Bill Clinton became a CIA agent around 1967 during his University days. ]

Brian Ball became Sydney University academic medallist around years 1993 1994. Brian Ball is corrupt. Sydney University is corrupt University. SYDNEY UNIVERSITY NEEDS TO BE PROSECUTED BY INTERNATIONAL LAW.
[1990s PHYSICS LECTURER MARTIJN DE STERKE CONNECTED WACO SEX CULT <---> Richard Collins with Waco sex Cult: Edwyn Collins - A Girl Like You,
Around the World (La La La La La) Song by ATC A Touch of Class: music video set inside a public toilet and became a COVID-19 anthem
(Eva Max sings a version of the Lalala song My head and my heart during COVID-19 World Epidemic year 2020, Wizard of Oz themes)

Brian Ball and Mathematics lecturer Charlie McCaskill are connected to murder of Caroline Byrne(Macaskill and Ball could be described as part of a group of homosexuals/male prostitutes throwing women off coastal cliffs).
11-13 days after they murdered Caroline Byrne they tried to murder a person at Westpoint Shopping Centre Blacktown on 21st .On 19/06/1995,2 days before the racial violence attack(attempted murder)
Brian Ball appeared as a smiling aussie queer on the entrance ramp that used to exist at Westpoint Shopping Centre Blacktown.Brian Ball was trying to cover up his corrupt involvement with the
Waco Sex Cult (ritual-sex-sodomy-ritual murder cult,sex cult death cult)... THe racial violence attack(attempted murder) at Westpoint Shopping centre resulted in surgical implantation of a slave labour device when the victim survived.

Media comments about Bob Carr Australian Politician being the greatest labour leader never to become Premier ,(and maybe about Vladimir Putin being the greatest fascist leader never to become Russian become president.)
Alexander Lebed was Putin's political rival, and he was murdered in 2002. The media is strangely silent about Vladimir Putin murdering Alexander Lebed in 2002. Carr has Irish Nazi connection so why was he in the Labour party
left wing party that is supposed to favour racial tolerance?Somethng about the Irish Worker's party tolerating some races but hating other races, a hint about Ireland not caring about Nazism during World War 2.
...Iggy Azalea singer that has a facial resemblance to both Bob Carr and Vladimir Putin. <--> singer Iggy Pop connections.

Brian Ball probably related to Angela Morris from the neighbourhood where Toni Collette was raised.Angela Morris's family embarked on long term murder conspiracy in connection to Angela Morris expecting be top of her school class,
but she was beaten academically in 1982 by a person from a migrant family that moved into the neighbourhood.Mr John McCleery was her teacher in 1982. In 1995 Angela Morris conspired together with her relative Brian Ball to murder
the person that beat her academically in year 1982... Angela Morris related to Wernher Von Braun's secretary Frau Kersten (Dorette Von Schlidt). Toni Collette's friends have German Nazi connections and Jewish connections.Nazi Jews.
Relatives of Wernher Von Braun: Peter Van Den Bosch 1980s Jehovah's Witness from Seven Hills congregation. Seven Hills a suburb adjacent to Blacktown in Sydney NSW Australia. Maria Schellander and Corrie Rowe were friends of Peter Van Den Bosch in the Seven Hills congregation of Jehovah's Witness. Corrie Rowe lived in Toni Collette's neighbourhood. Maria Schellander came knocking on people's doors in Toni Collette's neighbourhood, and research suggests
that Maria Schellander was looking for satanists/jewish nazis from the Udell/Weld family (Enochian Magic/Satanism cult members):some red haired Erin that lived in Toni Collette's neighbourhood and her double who lived on a property
with an Australian Flag on a flag pole in her backyard and her father drove a truck for company DMS Colrain. Erin and her double lived several houses away from each other, but on different streets 90 degrees to each other.
Red haired Erin (Erin Udell?) probably related to actress Tuesay Weld. Tuesday Weld became Illuminati High Priestess after she murdered singers Richie Valens, Buddy Holly , the Big Booper in a plane crash in 1959, known
as the dey that rock and roll died. Maria Schellander said she was a member of the Hitler Youth during World war2. Sh esaid she was a christian, so why was she looking for the Udell Enochian magic satanist family?
Were the Jehovah's Witnesses trying to convert satanist families to christianity, or is the Jehovah's Witnesses leadership Governing Body organisation corrupted by Enochian Magic satanism rituals?
[The surname Weld is possibly a modification of the surname Udell. Udell---> Uelld ---> Welld --> Weld (U & W are interchangeable in Roman Empire lettering).
Also to mention,discovered from researc is that the American Weld family are descended from Opium smugglers (Heroin Smugglers).
Are red haired Erin and her double (that lived on te property with the Australian Flag pole) Opium/Heroin smugglers?










[About Dumitru Evgeniu driving people to Seventh Day Church meetings, amd the Evgeniu was asked what he thinks about Australians.
Someone thinks Australians have bad characters.
<---- Later it has been discovered that Australians are a Sodom-and-Gomorrah Nation(sodomites/buggers).
and anglo-Australians are descendants of convicts/criminals. ]

The comunications over the ground-ionosphere antenna network have been of the variety:

Dont trash-talk aussies down to pretend christians such as Dmitru Evgeniu because anglo-Australians are trailer park trash nation!
Dont trash-talk aussies down to pretend christians such as Dmitru Evgeniu because Dumitru Evgeniu is a trailer park trash Romanian.

(he {Dumitru Evgeniu)} doesn't own his own home, he will never own his own home working as an industrial painter.

such racists sent trailer park-trash-aussie-police-officers such as P Smith and Guyeregger to bother you in 2019.
They are Mr Asia Drug Sydicate drug smugglers that send the racist police at people.

Mr Asia Drug Syndicate s**t-f**ked-families such as Bradley Heyward and his relatives (the blonde Kelly Dansie double that appeared in the Seventh Day Adventist Church during the 1990s.)
[facially resembling blonde woman from a 'Celtic woman' music concert on television and some Irish-looking prostitute that appeared at a bus stop in 2009.]

[deduction:such racists sent trailer-park-tash-aussie-police-officers such as Adam Burne and Katrina Nichols to bother you in 1995 (the NSW Police enacted a Nazi rat line on 21st June 1995, via gang activity)]

Dont trash-talk aussies down to pretend christian Dimitru Evgeniu because anglo-Australians are trailer park trash nation.
[Most Australians will never own their own homes.
The Australian Government prides itself on a low unemployment rate, but there is not enough housing for anglo-Australians and the people they migrate into Australia.
The Australian Government prides itself on a low unemployment rate, but most workers in Australia will never earn enough, will never save enough money to become home owners.

[News story on 21/03/2024 : 3% low unemployment rate among Australians ,immigration is occuring again,but there is not enough housing.]
...Dont trash-talk aussies down to pretend christians such as Dmitru Evgeniu because Dumitru Evgeniu is a trailer park trash Romanian...

(he doesn't own his own home, he will never own his own home working as an industrial painter.
He was working in Amecoate company for Romanian Adventist Michael Acsinte who changed his name by deed-poll to Michael Anderson. Michael Acsite was living in Granville and later moved South of St Marys suburb of Sydney.
and Michael Acsinte bought land in Childers Queensland where there have been serial killings.
The Stefanovic family introduced the Romanians to people.. the Stefanovic family sold land in Faulconbrodge Blue Mountains west of Sydney and bought land in a street called 'Clippers Court' west of Bundaberg Queensland.
[Stefanovic worked as plumber(tradesman) on the Australian Water Board, he begat many children,he could not feed them his plumbing job did not pay enough to make so many children, his children became criminals.]
The area used to be Bunderberg but its name was changed to a satellite suburb of Bundaberg Queensland Australia.)
Bradley Heyward's family were displayed in a 'Four Corners' ABC channel 2 interview in year 1980.
Bradley Heyward was son of Paul Heyward who was arrested and jailed as part of the Mr Asia drug syndicate.
Paul Heyward was a professional rugby league player for the Newtown Jets. Some news stories suggest that the Newton Jets sports club was considered like a crime organisation near the Sydney CBD Central Business District, and within walking distance of Sydney University, within walking distance of Macdonaldton an area of Sydney Australia where Baby Farming occurred (similar to the Nazi Lebensborn program).
[The Sydney CBD is the area with skyscrapers such as Australia Square, Sydney Tower built above the Centrepoint Building.]

Australian doctors,Australian medical workers are JEFFREY DAHMER HOMOSEXUALS, and so were the Lollapalooza concert that was massacred at the Gaza-Israel border on 7th October 2020.
[The western media mentions the Magnitsky act as national laws to make sanctions against businessmen who profit from Financial Fraud, then the news stories mention the Trump family involvement with baby adoption scandals.]

Jeffrey Dahmer's serial killings were probably part of a plan of genocide against third world nations(developing world nations).
Jeffrey Dahmer's serial killings were probably part of a plan of depopulation/genocide against third world nations(developing world nations).
<---- Hence Australia's silence about a nazi doctor crime/slave labour device/hippocampal neuron pattterning... Australian doctors dont care about the hippocratic oath.
noone needs to be bothered by the homosexual-nazism of Australians and their homsexual tourism venues: safe bases, poofter parlour pubs,...
They produce situations of cowardly up-side-down back-to-front value systems such as mothers conspiring murder/slavery against sons,older cousins conspiring murder/slavery against younger cousins.
mothers with attitudes that they will murder their sons if their sons find out that the mothers are corrupted by sodomy.
Mothers with attitudes that they will murder their sons if their sons start mentioning that the mothers became corrupted by sodomy.

Mothers that conspire to make their sons missing persons, and sometimes the mothers turn themselves into missing persons.

the racists reply "[Your mother turned herself into a missing person through her conspirings. Your older cousins conspired in a similar way to your mother.]
]Oh they found you (her son)!"

What does that mean?
They found you. What does that mean?

Racists that find you when you go shopping, but they cant find you when you are at home.
They socially isolate you for months, years when you are home.
They find you when you go shopping, and they make trouble for you when are shopping.
They find you when you go shopping, [and they make trouble for people at shops,study,work].

Racism, slavery conspiracies in shopping area, the racists conspire against citizens having access to food, clothes, ...

Racists that conspire to steal people's homes.

They found you... Is that hints about a person being inhumanely tracked around via antenna.
Via a racial violence attack(attepted murder) and a nazi doctor crime by doctors in Australia.

There must be formal charges against such racism... Australia must be charged by international law, Australia must be charged anti-racial-discrimination laws.
A person's mother should have been formally charged as person corrupted by the nazism of her bastard sister,jailed, executed by lethal injection, and cremated (her ashes scattered to the 4 winds).
and that need to occur against a person's cousins Liliana Pavlek and her brother Tom.They should not have visited their Uncle's home after the mother Kata had her husband Velko murdered to get a farm into her hands.
Karen was an unfriendly aussie that was friends with David Evans.
Aussies have split [ersonalities where they are friendly one day, and unfriendly the next day because they are a s**t-f**ked culture that has an inhuman atttitude toward heterosexuals,
that is pretend friendly one day, and hostile the next day. Aussies are counterfeit makers. They make countterfeits of friendliness and then are unfriendly the next.
Australians are a satanic culture, that deliberately makes a counterfeits of friendliness and then they are unfriendly the next day, so their behaviour is split personalities each day.

Aussies have split personalities where they are friendly one day, and unfriendly the next day because they want to adversely influence migrants, through the satanic behaviours of aussies.
Aussies are pretend friendly one day and unfriendly the next day, in the manner wanting telling migrants what to do to be disadvantaged, and when migrants resist the selfish desires of
aussies, then aussies are unfriendly the next day. Aussies have a racial hatred of migrants that try to improve their quality of life in Australia.
[Which means that Australia is a nation of liars that advertised Australia as a land of opportunity.]

-------- Based upon the racism that aussies have enacted over years decades,

The atttitude that people could have toward Australians is that when Australians are accidentally injured, that when Australians are accidentally physically attacked,
that migrant races didn't know what came over them, they attacked a worthless aussie, because aussies are a worthless culture.
Aussies know they are worthless people , they have a high suicide rate...Homosexual judge Yeldham and his police friends and informers committed suicide in 1996.

Australians have no right to make counterfeits against migrant families. Australians have no right to continually discriminate migrants that they racially hate.
Australia must be formally charged because it has ignored its anti-racial-discrimination-laws and the geneva convention out of racial hatred.

When a migrant child accidentally swings a cricket bat into the face of an aussie child and breaks the back teeth of the aussie child,
migrants dont need to care.

When a migrant child accidentally swings a cricket bat into the face of an aussie child and breaks the back teeth of the aussie child,
migrants dont need to care. Migrant families could be saying the pretend friendly aussie child was pretending to be friendly by playing cricket,
and the aussie child got too close to the migrant child by positioning himself at silly mid-on in reach of the cricket bat swing.
The migrant child did not know what came over him, the aussie child positioned himself too close , and the migrant child swung the bat at the ball
and hit the aussie child in the face/jaw and broke his back teeth. It was only a worthless aussie got hit in the jaw teeth with a cricket bat.
It's not anything that migrant families need to care about, because Australians are a satanic culture, a modern day Sodom-and-Gomorrah culture that
needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

When a migrant child accidentally swings a cricket bat into the face of an aussie child and breaks the back teeth of the aussie child,
migrants dont need to care. The aussie child got too close and was hit in the teeth. The migrant child did not know what came over him.
he injured a worthless aussie.

A friend of Karen called Lawrence got hit in the teeth in such a way. Lawrence was a brother of Paula and Patrick that knew David Evans.
It's a shame that Lawrence wasn't killed, he was accidentally hit in teeth.
If a person was really trying injure Lawrence, LAwrence would have been killed by cricket bat swings,and by the strength of the migrant child.

Such an incident occurred, after male prostitute David Evans who was several years older than a migrant child, attacked a migrant child,
and his parent defended him from male prostitute David Evans....

Margo Evans the mother of male prostitute David Evans threated to get the homosexual California Cops onto the migrant family. San Francisco California is the homosexual capital of the norther hemisphere.
Then Margo Evans conspired a court attendance.
The racist Australian judge did not care anything about the attack of David Evans upon a migrant child. His racist atttiude was that the migrant family should be punished by paying a monetary fine
for defending his child against male prostitute David Evans.

Politician John howard is a user of male prostitutes...Politician John howard probably was a homosexal client of male prostitute David Evans.

[Australia chose the path of racial segregation, a long time ago via their election in 1996 - 2007 of the John Howard Government, Australia must be prosecuted by international law as a racist state.
[******************AUSTRALIA MUST BE CHARGED BY INTERNATIONAL LAW*************************]

This website does not support racial segregation. This website supports freedom of association a basic civil right. Ad it is ancient wisdom to not make bad associations.1 Corinthians 15:33
On another occasion, after the accidental incident with Lawrence, Patrick the older brother of Lawrence was trying to be intimidating by practicing boxing punches.
A migrant child considered that Patrick was trying to cause harm, so the migrant child hit Patrick in the shoulder with with a vertical clenched fist blow.
In self defense, Patrick was hit in the shoulder. Patrick was hurt, he was holding his shoulder, he was crying for several minutes, until his friends and family members arrived.
Patrick was older than the migrant child.

***************What is Patrick's surname? i.e. What is Lawrence's surname? *******************

David Evans moved away from that neighbourhood, but Larence's family stayed in that neighbourhood.
The Australians were inviting migrant families to play cricket.

Lawrence's father was called Mick.Anglo-Australian Mick was like a twin of American tv personality Don Lane.
[Paula the sister of Lawrence mentioned that others were asking why Mick looked so similar to Don Lane.]

....Margo Evans the mother of male prostitute David Evans threated to get the homosexual California Cops onto the migrant family...
San Francisco California is the homosexual capital of the northern hemisphere.
Then Margo Evans conspired a court attendance.
The racist Australian judge did not care anything about the attack of David Evans upon a migrant child. His racist atttiude was that the migrant family should be punished by paying a monetary fine
for defending his child against male prostitute David Evans.

Does Margo Evans, have a connection to paedophile Anglican Priest Peter Ball? Peter Ball was Anglican Archbishop of England, and closely connected to Charles Windsor.
The Australian media never seems to mention PEter Ball's paedophilia connection to Charles Windsor of Britain...There was a news story about the Anglican Church along a busy road
hosting a Kung Fu school. and a someone unknown boy was killed in the Anglican Church during the Kung Fu activity.At the time , actor David Carradine was appearing on television in
tv series Kung Fu. Was David Carradine a hollywood relative of Peter Ball anglican Archbishop?

***************What is Patrick's surname? i.e. What is Lawrence's surname? *******************
See the information about "3 PAtricks in year 2001" some weeks before the terrorism incident against New York city in year 2001.
Patrick's family later possibly formed something like a connection to British MI6 spies that considered the large Vat structures in Project Daedalus as a way to do biological warfare from space.
If the Vats were filled with biological warfare pathogens and crashed to earth...such communications were occuring over the ground-ionosphere antenna networks during the American Anthrax Letters scare in 2001,
and it probaly has something to do with Australian Politics: Bill Hayden saying that a drover's dog could have won the 1983 election. Bob Hawke won the 1983 election.

<------> Quentin Crisp English homosexual possibly an MI6 connection to 2001 terrorism:song by singer Sting and the Police music group:He's an Illegal Alien,he's an Englishman in New York,& Movie "The Naked Civil Servant".
and the Raelian UFO made a modification of the song "They are Raelians, they are illegal aliens, they are a UFO cult in ..."
UFO cults and Illegal immmigration,French nazi families from the ww2 French Vichy regime, when France was overrun by German tanks <----> NAZI LEBENSBORN (INBREEDING PROGRAM
= ritual-sex-sodomy-ritual murder perversion program ,eventually results in sterility,dwarfism program).

The computer game warcraft is based upon a disney movie with a UFO acronym and cybernetic themes (Unidentified Flying Oddball=U.F.O.) and Westworld 1973 movie, and Futureworld.
[Racist organisations with a plan to bring about medieval conditions of primitivity on Earth's surface, while a few families prosper in orbiting Space Stations...maybe after a nuclear war.
After World War 3, World War 4 would be fought with sticks and stones, or medieval technology on earth's surface.
Cybernetic experiments upon earth would be occuring on a large scale to enslave and exterminate some surviving races of humans. Other races would expanding in the manner of NAZI LEBENSRAUM(LIVING ROOM,LIVING SPACE).

UFO Cults such as the Raelians like attending the Lollapolooza concerts.Sometimes they wear ALIEN ANTENNA HEADBAND on their heads, as mockery of headphones of the WW2 Nuremberg trials.
The Raelian UFO cult is the Hans Kammler UFO Cult with the Nazi Bell. Wernher Von Braun was brainwashed by the Hans Kammler UFO cult.
Von Braun said he acquired knowledge from the mysterious outer space alien intelligences that he communicated with...
Von Braun did not realise he was being brainwashed by commander Hans Kammler and Kammler's group of homosexual religionists.

When people's mothers are brainwashed by such UFO cult religion,people's mothers make false promises of some group of corrupted humans appearing like aliens from a UFO and befriending a person.
When people's mothers are brainwashed by such UFO cult religion about some group of corrupted humans as though they are the alien intelligences that Wernher Von Braun beleived in.
When people's mothers are brainwashed by such UFO cult religion and the doctors tell people's mothers they have only a few years left to live,then people's mothers use expressions such as
"THEY TAKE ME" as though their deaths would be like a UFO arriving and being teleported onto a UFO and the UFO disappearing back into outer space.

When people's mothers are brainwashed/corrupted by such UFO cult religion,they sit back and watch doctors implanting slave labour devices into contact with the nervous systems of their sons,they dont care:
the slave labour devices artificially induce sounds into stomachs/digestive systems which is like passing wind. people's mothers who are brainwashed/corrupted by such UFO cult religion hear such
sounds occuring, and instead of being concerned, instead of saying what is wrong, what is causing the strange sounds in her son's stomach/digestive system, the corrupted mother stands up and leaves her son,
she cant wait to leave her son alone in isolation, she pretends she didn't hear the sound, and a few hours later, at a distance , she pretends to be friendly , she pretends to be a caring mother by ringing
her son up over the phone, at distance...

...Such UFO cults are about socially isolating heterosexuals...

... information about "3 PAtricks in year 2001" ... Possibly relevent to Maria Sharapova's visits to Australia in 2008-2009.
In 2008 Maria Sharapova is possibly some kind of Nazi Lebensborn relative of Patrick, and a relative of WW2 Nazis Erwin Rommel,Hans Kammler.
Hans Kammler is portrayed as leader of the WW2 Project to build a Nazi UFO, but in a more practical sense Kammler was head of the V2 rocket program.Hans Kammler was a superior officer to Wernher Von Braun.

.. and the German Nazi UFO research was called Die Glocke ("The Bell", Nazi Bell project) which later became Project Put-Put and Project Orion in the USA.
a person's mother was about sending strangers against her son(human waves, like in the Iran Iran war)

who are you? are you strangers? you are selfish strangers?
[You should stop, stop your selfishness, stop your conspiracy.]
A Person's mother seemed to know when her son was out shopping, studying.
A Person's mother enacted behaviour of
- she was home when her son was out shopping or studying.
- she went out when she knew her son was home.
[a person's mother made a slavery conspiracy against her son.
Slavery to make her son stay at home all the time, so that she could be out doing her selfishness every day.]

She wanted her son to put into a ditch, and never let out of the ditch,
so she woulfd be selfishly living her life instead of her son.

She was taught to do evil against her own son.
Australia must be charged by International Law,
because Australia is about blah blah blah lies that Australia cares about human rights
and then putting peoples lives in ditches,
and never letting people's lives out of ditches.
- ditches of slave labour
- ditches of nazi doctor crimes
- ditches of nazi eugenics.
Tom Liliana Pavlek brother was afraid that his mother Kata might lose the farm ,because of the criminal way that she got the farm into her hands.
So Tom his sisters ad his mother made some conspiracy of communicating up-side-down back-to-front over the antenna network that Tom uncle's household should lose all the real estate that they have.
Tom and Liliana came visiting their uncle, and conspired racists to steal all the real estate of the uncle's household.
Tom and Liliana came visiting their uncle, and conspired to murder their uncle's household... Kata possibly had some connection to the 1983 Dorothy McMartin Scandal in the USA.
Dorothy McMartin doubles conspired along with Kata and her offspring Tom, Liliana, Rosie(Ruzica).
The Stefanovic family are part of Kata's racism.
They follow an ideology of racists being in a group, or network of thieves.
Their ideology is that they dont care who steals from people they racially hate.
They want some part of their network to steal from people they racially hate,
and afterward the racists intend to negotiate with each other
the racists later intend to trade between each other after the stealing occurs,
the racists later intend to trade between each to get the stolen items that they want.

The Stefanovic family possibly think of their theft ideology
as one of their criminal network stealing something and then putting it into a pidgeon hole in office,
and then someone else walks past the pidgeon hole and takes the item for themself.
The things stolen might be sometimes items, sometimes it might humans that are put into a pidgeon hole,
or the life situations of humans stolen and put into a pidgeon hole for thieves to collect,
or for the Stefanovic crime family to collect.

The Stefanovic family are not christian, they are Serbian nazis ,they are a crime family.
[Robert Dolly Dunn, ,John Howard, Michael Kirby]
Dunn(paedophile/spy?),Howard(politician).Kirby(homosexual judge)

Did Veronica Abbott know Robert Dolly Dunn? Veronica Abbott that lived across the street from Toni Collette's household,
where Toni Collette was raised.

Robert Dolly Dunn was an Australian homosexualpaedophile that was extradited from the USA.
Similar face & corresponding surname to Michael Kirby have appeared in the USA media.

John Howard---Michael Kirby---Maurice Payne----Bruce Lehrmann & Brittany Higgins--- Higgins facial resemblance to-- Richard Bazlidenski from Toni Collette's neighbourhood
Richard Bazlidenski probably Polish mafia who is friends with the brotherhood gang or part of a Polish chapter of the brotherhood gang.

There is a possibility that Robert Dolly Dunn possibly preyed homosexually on members of the brotherhood gang. Mafia organisations are full of homosexuals/male prostitutes.
Richard Bazlidenski---Bill Gigov who attended Sydney University --- strange comments about "The Wall" from strangers that walked past at Sydney University.
3 males, -one them was blonde looked like Herman Munster,maybe he was a Lundgren at Sydney University during the 1990s, he was in Chemistry lectures.
"The Wall" was mentioned rarely on television programs as a location in Sydney where homosexuals would cruise to pick up male prostitutes.

Veronica Abbot is deceased but has relatives (Veronica Abbott S.O.E. Spy?):
-Miss Crowley(art teacher that worked at same school as Neal Winter). She was a work colleague of Mrs Kay Byrne(art teacher). Mr Notley-Smith (art teacher) shared a car with Neal Winter.
-some ugly Linda that was friends with Susan Walker and Anthony Rutter's sister? Susan Walker , Linda,(& Rutter?) were friends with Daniel Mamo. Reza Ebrahim was friends with Daniel Mamo.

Robert Dolly Dunn--Maurice Payne(politician)--- Michael Kirby(judge)---John Howard(politician)<---------------------------> Brittany Higgins
Veronica Abbott --- Peter Payne(male prostitute)----Toni Collette<--------------------------------Richard Bazlidenski went to same school as Toni Collette
Some fat jenny resembles Maurice Payne.Fat Jenny that worked at Blacktown Hospital and possiby involved in murdering some Serbian old man Milan that the Stefanovic family took into their home.
Bruce Duffy's mother slight resemblance to Maurice Payne.

Also, Alan Jones Australian tv personality probably visited The Wall to pick up male prostitutes in his car.



Richard Bazlidenski's sister was friends with Atilla Shremko.Shremko and Bazlidenski's sister were students of Barry Boon.

[Robert Dolly Dunn worked as a school teacher at some time. Slight resemblance to Barry Boon in his school teacher photo? Stuart Hunter(husband of Rosemary Hunter(Barry Boon's girlfriend)?]
Robert Dolly Dunn slight resemblance to John Fahey NSW politician?

Also, Alan Jones Australian tv personality probably visited The Wall to pick up male prostitutes in his car.

Robert Dolly Dunn (Australia, American connection) <-> male prostitutes from DLASTHR middle-eastern/Persian Gang(Australia,American connection)<--->Shah of Iran homosexual tourism to"Underground Corridors of New York [City]" in 1947.

Robert Dolly Dunn (Australian-man in USA) portrayed similarly to Quentin Crisp (an Englishman in New York (USA))

March 15, 2002
Mr Pickering said long conversations with Senator Heffernan, who entered the Senate in 1996,
had convinced him the senator genuinely believed there was a "brotherhood of paedophilia" among police, judges and lawyers in NSW.

He believes these three organisations control society, are having fun with little boys and are impervious to justice because they are the justice system.
If he complains to the police and they don't support him then, in his eyes, it's just more proof. He's determined to bring it all crashing down," Mr Pickering said.

Senator Heffernan's use of parliament to pursue his cause began in 1997, when he asked questions about the hunt for Robert "Dolly" Dunn,
who was eventually extradited from the US and sentenced to 30 years' jail on child sex offences.

Mr Heffernan became even more upset when Mr Pickering supported solicitor John Marsden, who was accused by NSW Labor MPs of having sex with under-age boys.
[Mr Marsden(homosexual solicitor)...went to the Catholic St Joseph's College with Mr Heffernan(politician),said yesterday that Mr Heffernan was motivated by some deep personal problem.
John Marsden(homosexual solicitor) was supported by Ted Pickering(Politician,NSW Police minister), and John Heffernan(politician) made some objection
...Ted Pickering was supported a solicitor that was student from John Heffernon's school days and John Heffernan(politician) made some objection]

But the absence of Senator Marise Payne from the Senate chamber was noticed...



poisoned KOOL-AID drinks that were consumed when Jonestown cult members committed suicide <---> KOOLIE SLAVE LABOUR in Guyana.

Whichever objections that the many homosexuals from Sydney University have been making behind a person's back, their objections are spurious,dishonest...homosexuals unjustly judging heterosexuals(star chambers)

1)Because a person did not need to be told what to do by homosexuals.
2)Because Sydney Univerity's "way of doing things" is star chamber activity (homosexuals unjustly judging heterosexuals).
Noone needs to be bothered by the star chamber injustice activity of Sydney University.
[The English civil war began over issues such as star chamber injustice.

About the corrupt behaviours of academics, doctors , in Australia.
There is reason to believe that they deliberately enact behaviours of:

- some other person person2 is corrupted by sodomy. Person1 is not corrupted by sodomy, Australians are about discriminating against person1.

they want to display person2 and advantage the person2 (in the sight of person1).

they want to disadvantage person1.they want to isolate person1.

heterosexuals dont need to be bothered by such inhumane behaviours(unchristian behaviours/antichristian behaviours).

They have done such racism against a school dux.
Richard Collins 1990s physics lecturer connections to the Ku Klux Klan?
Was he visiting Colorado when he took trips to the USA? Fort Collins Colorado.
The Colorado Ku Klux Klan stole Nikola Tesla's ground-ionosphere-antenna secrets?

Timeline of the KKK in (mostly northern) Colorado ...
Northern Colorado History
https://www.northerncoloradohistory.com › noco-klan-t...
28 July 2019 — 24 January 1923 – Three Weld county towns were placarded with signs reading “Ku Klux Klan Warning. K. K. K. is coming.” It was painted on ...

Toward pressing formal charges against such racism: - geneva convention article 147
- anti-racial-discrimination-laws.
[ - Magnitsky law legislation? Ku Klux Klan racism that profits from underground economy, activity which is contrary to human rights, causes unnecessary suffering to people,
and the Australia media reports it as economic corruption, economic fraud.
Some businessman made money from murdering enslaving migrant households, and investigators dont know where the money came from, so the investigators ambiguously label it as economic fraud.

Tuesday Weld became Illuminati Priestess via her involvement with the plane crash that killed Richie Valens,Buddy Holly, the Big Bopper Richardson:
actress Tuesday Weld and the Colorado Ku Klux Klan, Weld County: It's probably Ku Klux Klan religion,illegal immigration from the middle east,Persian Zoroastrian Satanism.
The Ku Klux Klan killed Richie Valens,Buddy Holly, the Big Bopper Richardson by Plane Crash in 1959. KKK and Hitler connections to Nazi Lebensborn program: Tuesday Weld Nazi Jew.
illegal immigration from the middle east: Jewish wives schemes(foreign wives schemes). and the 1865 formation of the Ku Klux Klan, during the American civil war.
Tuesday Weld <---> David Duke (Ku Klux Klan) ideology of Ku Klux Klan stop burning crosses and to put on business suits to make money from people's suffering by occupying town centres,
occupying town centres and industrial areas with racist companies (including CIA front companies? CIA American psy organisation was formed with Nazi connections to Reinhard Gehlen ww2 Nazi comander/spy).
town centres designed by Nazis such as Albert Spier (Nazi architect). During WW2 there were Nazi Lebensraum(living space) plans to depopulate eastern Europe of slavs and to build new nazi towns.
David Duke, the Ku Klux Klan and Nazi organisations have continued such a nazi plan... See description of Blacktown town centre in the suburbs of Sydney Australia,oki-doki Lone Ranger racism, Christine the bank worker...

Kloran (with a KL) is a book of Ku Klux Klan rules. It sounds middle eastern/persian. The Ku Klux Klan were immigrating jewish women from the middle east.
The jewish women were teaching the anglo-celtic Ku Klux Klan men some version of middle eastern/Persian religious cult which was racist Zoroastrian religion,
a form of satanism, a parody of some types of monotheistic religion.

Various Ku Klux Klan terminology begins with a KL. Kloran,Klaveliers, ...

Sydney University is involved in fraud with longevity research.

Longevity research(denying food to rodents) <---> Nutria rodent tracking experiments by Blackwater Security Company (USA): the Judas Project.
<---> Hippocampal Neuron Patterning(enslavement of human nervous systems,often portrayed experiments with rodents)<--->experiments the anglo-celtic rat-race in Australia would conspire against migrant families.
<---> slavery conspiracies around shopping areas to prevent access to food & clothing for citizens(basic needs): cruelty

CEO Kelso says NHMRC can’t stop Sydney Uni’s sci-fraud or $13m theft ...

Rory Robertson (+61 414 703 471)
May 2021

Dear Professor Anne Kelso AO, CEO of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC),
Thank you for your 19 April letter - reproduced overleaf - in response to my 3 March request that you stop the University of Sydney's 30-Diet
Lifespan Fraud, a harmful NHMRC-funded fraud dishonestly overseen by Vice-Chancellor Stephen Garton. In particular, I requested that you
publish your Final Report that was supposed to address the "initial inquiry" evidence I provided in my Submission last June. Further, I
requested that you - by doing two basic things - start to stop the harmful mistreatment of 1-2 million Australians with type 2 diabetes, a
national disgrace resulting largely from NHMRC being misled by eminent but highly unreliable University of Sydney science careerists.
NHMRC's Australian Research Integrity Committee (ARIC) in June 2020 agreed to address my specific observation that "the University hid
evidence, then fabricated evidence and dishonestly contrived a false finding in order to exonerate Professor Stephen Simpson of
serious research misconduct": p. 2 in my Submission https://www.australianparadox.com/pdf/RR-Submission-NHMRC-review-2020.pdf
As you are aware, I want the harmful 30-Diet Lifespan Fraud stopped to start to end the harmful suppression of the effective cure for type 2
diabetes, and to stop the University stealing $13m from taxpayers over 2019-2023 (p. 11). Recall that NHMRC officials were duped out of the
extra $13m by Simpson's misrepresentation of lifespan results of his NHMRC-funded ($1m) experiment involving ~900 mice fed 30 diets







During mornings on weekends, around Crestview Drive Glenwood suburb of Sydney Australia, there are unmarried mothers patrolling around making trouble for people.
Sometimes they are strolling prams, other times they are walking in pairs without prams. In late 2023 on a weekend morning there were
2 women patrolling around the area described, that possibly have a connection to Shani Louk the woman massacred at Gaza-Israel border on 7th October 2023
(and probably some connection to Janet Howard wife of John howard).
1) an asian-looking woman that provoked with an audible whispher as she walked past.
2) a blonde woman facially similar to Keith Leyshon that was taller than the asian-looking woman that she walked with.
She was silent but she was selfishly smiling when the asian-looking-woman provoked.

They are corrupted women that know many homosexuals.
Because heterosexual males are not easy with homosexuals, they provoke heterosexual males to make trouble.
[They are evil corrupted females that are involved in provoking heterosexual males, conspiracies to lure heterosexual males,
crimes involving giving car lifts to people (homosexual crimes against hitch-hikers), discrimination against pedestrians.]

This website found the Jeffrey Dahmer homosexuals at the Gaza-Israel border at the Lollapolooza music concerts.

This website is also describing the Jeffrey Dahmer homosexuals in Australia.

The Jeffrey Dahmer homosexuals are part of international networks... homosexual procurement networks.

[Australia needs to be condemned as a corrupted culture that wants males to be easy with homosexuals.]

In year 2004 PARMALAT food production and transport company fiancially collapsed after information began to emerge about BBC Hadware being across the street from a sheltered workshop
where illegal experiments against mentally retarded workers occurred. BBC used to be Nock and Kirby Hardware (Joe the Gadget man advertisements,similar appearance to Al Grasby
Australian Labour Party politician connections to Italian Mafia in Griffith NSW Australia connections to the death of Donald Mckay,
Stuart R Mackay 1960s biomedical telementry book and 1957 endo-radio-sonde internal-radio-probe journal article.

John Howard was Australian Prime Minister at the time, and he was supportive of homosexual judge Michael Kirby about which the Australia media were publishing news stories of homosexual cruising in car corruption.
Before Michael Kirby became prominent in the media after the year 2000, there occurred the 1990s Wood Commission into police corruption.
It is dedeuced, that homosexual jusge Michael Kirby's role was to corruptly distance the Australian legal system, to make people forget the questions asked about homosexual corruption in Australia by the Wood Commission.
Homosexual judge Michael Kirby was acting corruptly on behalf of business interests such as Nock and Kirby/BBC Hardware companies who probably profitted from activity of international networks of male prostitutes.

politician John Howard and his connection to Tuesday Weld Ku Klux Klan religion cult and David Icke were competing against poilitician Peter Baldwin and his Little Pebble religious cult , and William Cooper cult.
Peter Baldwin probably closely connected to Al Grasby labor party politician.

Parmalat maybe connected to Fidenza glass brick company. Glass bricks are possibly a way to smuggle illicit drugs.

See also Richard Collin's work with a company that produces glass products that have spaces betwee the glass.
[<--- Published on easter holiday called Good Friday, because racists have not left a person's life in peace by committing a nazi doctor crime(medical crime) against a person's nervous system.
Australia is an unchristian, anti-christian culture.]

Jeffrey Dahmer's ideology occurs more frequently among racists than the western media would like to suggest.
[The western media has falsely portrayed Jeffrey Dahmer's activity as a mystery of human evil, but many racists think in way that Jeffrey Dahmer acted.
Western society is less civilized, uncivilized, makes counterfeits of civilization]

detention centre agenda and concentration camp medical crimes
jeffrey dahmer crimes and depopulation agenda
jeffrey dahmer crimes and ethnic cleansing agenda(in USA, Britain, Australia)

jeffrey dahmer considered ethnic cleansing hero by many racists in police medical profession lawyers judges
[documentaries show police officers strangely laughing when remembering Jeffrey Dahmer's activity.]

MPD officer who gave teen back to Dahmer retires

Homophobic And Racist Cops In Jeff Dahmer Case

Jeffery Dahmer's Army Days | Assaults In Germany | Serial Killer Documentary

In January 1979, serial killer in the making, Jeffery Dahmer enlisted in the United States Army.
He underwent basic training at Fort McClellan in Anniston, Alabama, before training as a medical specialist at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas.
He was occasionally reprimanded for intoxication while stationed at Fort Sam Houston.

On July 13, 1979, Dahmer was deployed to Baumholder, West Germany, where he served as a combat medic in 2nd Battalion, 68th Armored Regiment, 8th Infantry Division.

Owing to Dahmer's alcohol abuse, his performance deteriorated and in March 1981 he was discharged from the United States Army. He received an honorable discharge.
Jeffrey Dahmer had military police training connections.

Questions the international law system could be asking Sydney University:
Sydney University advertised "medical research" study pathway 1991 as a way of "getting into medicine, to become a doctor"
was was a way to brain wash students into ideology similar to Jeffrey Dahmer's ethnic cleansing activity.
Medical research was strangely being advertised during enrolment, probably as a way to "get rid of" students that Australians racially hate.

Recently Discovered information(if its not already been posted, it is posted again):

About junior rugby league coach Joe Vella around years 1983-84.

People's children were invited to Joe Vella's home. Sometimes Joe Vella would drive them to Michael Wilbow's home.
[Michael Wilbow had a simple electronic gridiron American Football video game that was like 2 line segments(2 extended dots) trying get past each other on a field 3 lines wide(3 extended dots wide).]
People knew where where Joe Vella lived, but some parents didn't know where Michael Wilbow lived.
If children ended up enough times at Michael Wilbow's home, that is when children might be harmed or disappear as missing persons.

[The Vella and Wilbow families conspired and conspired over such schemes. This discovered informaiton has something to do with the racial violence in June 1995(attempted murder),
and the se of slave labour device technology which was based upon Ewan Cameron's experiments with gridiron helmets cassette messages played over and over again in the Montreal Experiments,
Ewan Cameron's visits to Nazi Rudolf Hess in Spandau prison. ]

.. the police superintendant at Blacktown Police in June 1995 was possibly a relative of David Wilbow...The homosexual paedophiles had infiltrated Blacktown police with a member
of their crime organisation(paedophile ring). The Police superintendant mentioned something about "Law of the Jungle" in describing the Australian society around.
A attmepted murder had occurred, very serious facial injury, and Blacktown Police did not want to do something to arrest and charge the violent criminals.

The training ground where Joe Vella trained his junior team was adjacent to Wheeler Street that led from Lalor Park to Seven Hills West. Linda Vella possibly formed a connection to
Jason Shaw's family in Seven Hills West, and also Tas Baiteri professional Rugby League player probably a relative of Jason Shaw.

At the time 1983-84, school teachers were describing Seven Hills West as some kind of crime area, worst public school in the state of NSW
...and television documentary on ABC Channel 2 mentioned that the road that led from Seven Hills West one of the worst car accident black spots in Australia.
i.e. The road that goes from Seven Hills West to the intersection of Sackville Road and Sunnyholt Road . The intersection was one the worst car accident locations in Australia during the 1970s.
Blacktown County Council renamed Sackville Road as Sackville street.
There was a Mrs Gerussi/Gerusi that lived eastward up the street from Michael Chebyl and Jason Hogan. Michael Chebyl(Lebanese surname) was a member of Joe Vella's junior team.

Jason Hogan lived next to the electrical substation, in sight of Louise Davis's home, and Robert Guther's home. Jason Hogan 2 sisters. One of hids sisters looked like Bobbie Simpson female character from Home and Away tv series.
...Michael Mehrs and Brett Middlebrook joined Jim Cameron's cricket team in 1987.
Shane Dowd was coached by someone else at Seven Hills-Toongabbie RSL cricket club.Michael Mehrs said he was a fan of home and away.
Michael Mehrs probably knows Jason Hogan. Jason Hogan lived in Blacktown, Michael Mehrs lived in Seven Hills.
Shane Dowd resembled newspaper photos of Anita Cobby's husband, and also resembled the older Les Sanday who lived in the same neighbourhood as Jason Hogan.
Les Sanday was a neighbour of Rosemary Hunter> Les Saday was a member of the Blacktown RSL club.Blacktown RSL sports activity included forming Blacktown RSL junior Rugby league teams
which ambiguously called themselves Blacktown City at times. If the Blacktown RSL was considered villainous, then the junior Rugby league teams hid behind the Blacktown City alternative name.
... The androgynous name Bobby Simpson female character from Home and Away tv series corresponded to another Bobby Simpson that was a 1960s Australian cricketer.

Discovery: Kata(Kate) the mother of Liliana Pavlek has had a Project Riese connection since the 1950s.

Project Riese involved Nazi slave labour activity underground in mines under the mountains on the border of Poland.
It portrayed as something mysteroius. It was connected with research into the Nazi Bell (die Glocke), and was probably similar to Mittelwerk underground slave labour facility
where V2 missiles were constructed underground by slave labour, and maybe gold was being mined or accumulated somehow underground.
[1950s actress Mercedes McCambridge has a similarity to Kata the mother of Liliana Pavlekj]

Because Australia has allowed the Nazi Lebwsnborn program to exist over decades, there are locations in Sydney Australia where racists signal their connection to Nazi slave labour.

1)In year 2004, there was Fidenza glass brick factory situated behind a Reece Plumbing showroom in/around the Tattersall Road industrial area where Hussan Dustan was murdered in 1995.

2)The Mercedes car showroom that was built in Castle Hill and then abandoned, is in the same suburban area (Castle Hill) as the Kanebridge building along Norwest Boulevarde.
Together they were making the name Mercedes Kanebridge <----> similar to name of actress Mercedes McCambridge.
There is reason to believe that the Bella Vista industrial area began as harvesting scheme to do with Norwest Mowers in Blacktown fro the 1980s and 1990s,
and a presence of the Rogers family in Blacktown: Peter Rogers dance studio.
The Kanebridge building together with an indoor swimming pool is probably an Australian version of the YCMA Music video by the Village people.
It is an area close to Hillsong Pentecostal denomination meeting place. The area around Hill song is probably a meeting place for homosexuals.
There were bus stops across the road from the Kanebridge building , but the bus stops were moved 100-200 metres west near to a new Metro railway entrance,
probably because the hooseuxal tourism groups did not want the increased traffic from the Metro Railway Line the to know about the homosexual tourism around the Kanebridge building,
and the forested walkway that goes under the road, where homosexuals probably meet each other. It is like a mini-Centennial Park area across the road from the Kanebridge building,
and accessible for under the main road.
[The Kanebridge building is possibly known colloquially as b_m-bridge]

******The behaviour of the corrupted females that appear around the Kanebridge building: the females are sometimes around the males,but at certain times they disappear to leave the men alone with each other.*****

[Slave Labour connections advertising in the landscape, map-scape <---> homosexual tourism probably fits into Australia's Nazi Lebensborn program agenda,
Bilderberg Society corruption, homosexual nazism of Ernst Roehm and the brownshirts]

If Liliana Pavlek and her brother Tom, and their Ustashi Nazi collaborators oerganisation associations had something to do with building the Mercedes car showroom that existed in Castle Hill for a time,
then they were using homosexual tourism connections to advertise Project Riese nazism in the landscape. Mercedes car company is from Nazi Germany,
and actress Mercedes McCambridge was advertising Project Riese nazism in a film about oil companies.
The name of the film corresponds to the meaning of Project Riese.

Tom's car appeared near the Mercedes factory during Christmas-New Year late 2020 became early 2021 period. Tom and and his wife Evica came near and then flitted away like the prostitutes that they have become.
They came near a person that is being inhumanely tracked around, and then they flitted away like flies, in a inhuman manner.
Tom came near to his biological relative that is being inhumanely tracked around, and then Tom flitted away in an inhuman manner, ritualistic manner.

Further evidence that Tom the brother of Liliana Pavlek should be known as poofter-parlour-Tom because of his corrupt inhuman behaviour.
The racists that were saying "where's Fitgibbon?" in the 1980s consider that their immoral efforts built the Kanebridge/B_m-bridge building. They were mentioning Michael Fitgibbon who became employed by Channel 7 television.
Their homosexual male prostitution got them their jobs, and their ritual-sex-sodomy-ritual-murder undergorund economy activity(Magnitsky financial fraud activity )resulted in
accunulating the harvesting fund to build the Kanebridge/B_m-bridge building.

Also the Hammers Road-Old-Toongabbie Adventist church members were inviting people to the Hills Christian Life Centre that became Hillsong, where pentecostal religionist Frank Houston was committing homosexual crimes against young males.
The Hammers Road-Old-Toongabbie Adventist church called themselves the Parramatta Seventh Day Adventist Church. Richard Jelasic,Phillip Alexiou, Joseph Champness whose friend Mark died in mysterious circumstances(said to be drug overdose).
Also Adventist media pastor Jeff Youlden's son died of a drug overdose. Information suggests that Natacha Senechal from the Norway Nazi Lebenborn program who appeared on a magazine cover and her actor Macaulay Caulkin connections to Hollywood had something to do with the death of Adventist Mark. Natacha Sencehal visited the Hammers Road Adventist church during the Richard Baron seminar in the mid 1990s.She called herself Suzanne.
Peter McDonald ad his wife brought her to the Hammers Road Adventist church by car. Later Peter Mcdonald moved to Coffs Harbour on the NSW North Coast Australia, north of Sydney.

The Norway Nazi Lebensborn progeram had visited Australia before. e.g. The 1977 tour by ABBA music group. Frida was a Nazi Lebensborn.

Tom the brother of Liliana Pavlek enacted nuisance behaviour around the year 2008.
He invited his cousin to the farm that his mother Kata stole.
Tom drove his cousin to the farm, and then when Tom went inside the home on the farm,
his mother Kata appeared and shook her head meaning that she didn't want Tom's cousin visiting the home on the farm.
So then Tom drove his cousin back home.

The nuisance behaviour by Tom and his mother Kata was completely unnecessary, verging upon sadism, discrimination.
Tom should NOT have been visiting his uncle's home at all.
Tom and his sister Liliana Pavlek were conspiring when they visited the home of their uncle.
Kata continued her conspiracy by sending her offspring Tom and Liliana.





Tom and Liliana's ideology:

1) the father let Kata's offspring Tom&Liliana inside his home around 1983, they are about murdering the son
[Tom and Liliana are baby killers, their mother Kata is a baby killer. They are about enslaving/murdering peoples sons]

2) they are one colour(pale skinned or yellow), they dont intend to allow a person's son to live.

[Tom considers himself a pale skinned Croatian Eastern European.Tom's friends were calling him Chinaman Tom behind his back because he looked Asian.
Tom and Liliana have upside-back-to-front ideology of following nazism, getting inside peoples homes, and murdering people's sons.
Why do they follow Hitler Nazism? Hitler hated slavs. Hitler ideology was to enslave and exterminate slavs. Tom and Liliana dont think logically].


Majestic-12 <-----------------------------> Project Riese (Project giant, those who rise up high)
German word Riese and English Rise similar sounding.
Nazi Bell

Movie: Giant(1956) starring Rock Hudson, James Dean, Elizabeth Taylor, Mercedes McCambridge
- later Rock Hudson died of AIDS in 1985.

Mercedes McCambridge starred in the cowboy western series Rawhide together wth Clnt Eastwood.

Rawhide and Bonanza were shown on television around the same time as each other:
Cowboy western tv series with Majestic-12 Nazi Space program themes.

-Clint Eastwood in Rawhide was for starting another World War on Earth(as a Gavrilo Princip double)---> Space Cowboys film
-Lorne Green in Bonanza was rising up into Outer Space to establish some kind Space Colony ----> Battle Star Galactica tv series
- Purnell Roberts in Bonanza was for becoming a Nazi Doctor in the Space Medicine research -----> Trapper John tv series (whivh makes him sound similar to Daniel Boon or Davy Crocket from the Alamo)

Michael Collins in Ireland <----------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Corporal Hitler (Adolf Hitler) in Germany
(sings: Early One Morning...how could you treat a poor maiden so)<-------------------------------------------->(sings: Germany Germany Above All: Deutschland, Deutschland Uber Alles)

Bonanza: the wooing of Abigail Jones has the song Early One Morning.
Abigail Jones is female lookalike of Michael Collins, she isn't the prettiest women.

Bonanza tv series was conected to the J P Morgan businessman & the Gugeheim brothers and the Bonanza Copper Mine in Alaska.
J P Morgan financed Nikola Tesla, but then stole his secrets
Gugenheim aerospace organisation possibly involved in Majestic-12 genocidal research.

Westworld(1973) - Cybernetic cowboys , and also medieval themes,from the American Majestic-12 plan to enslave and exterminate
the third world/developing world nations
Cowboys Cattlemen vs Sheepmen - books such as Do Androids dream about electric sheep.
The Electric Horseman(1979).

In recent times,21st century: Battlestar Galactica and Westworld have become new tv series, remade for the 21st century
but with less special effects than their 20th century counterparts.
songs in the media with Early One Morning themes/ Project Riese themes

Jonas Blue - Rise ft. Jack & Jack (Official Video)
<--- Maybe Nazi Bases in South America & South American favelas, Nazi Lebensborn.
The music video shows a bridge similar to Metro Railway bridge built at Rouse Hill over Windsor Road.
Metro railway built by company Alstom has General Electric company connections. J P Morgan, submarines.
Nazis with French connection involved in illegal immigration, nazi bases:

Leni Riefenstahl: Nazi actress that became a film maker.
She used slave labour from nazi concentration camps to make films.
Celine Dion (singer) & her husband that resembled Trapper John tv series doctor(Purnell Roberts from Bonanza).

Courtney Cox from tv series called Friends: Courteney Cox related to Leni Riefenstahl.

Courtney Cox has many doubles: Her doubles in Sydney Australia

1)Bindi O'dea adopted sister of Tiffany O'dea (pronounced Tiffany o-day) who was unmarried mother in Hammers Road Adverntist Church and then married David Stefanovic.
2)some Sherry from late 1970s that was friends with David Evans, and some Karen that was like an older twin of Joanne checkout worker from Big W 1994-1995 (Nazi lebensborn doubles).
[Sherry's mother was a sadist that liked playing games of displaying food. She gave iceblocks/icecreams to the Australian children in her neighbourhood but not to the migrant children.]
3)some Michelle that worked with Alice Wong 1999 from Blacktown Hospital.
4)see posted information 18_09_2019.jpg : some unknown woman in a black suit (masculine clothing worn by woman) in photo from 10/04/2009. A Scott Hermann double is visible as supermarket worker in the background.
The checkout worker possibly connections to Melania Trump, and biological warfare with bubonic plague live vaccine (Yoph live vaccine)

The experimenters are involved in nazi prostitution,
(they are nazi prostitutes)they beleive that there is no law that can stop them.
They are nazi prostitutes of the Ernst Roehm brown shirts variety (Hitler allied with the Brown Shirts for a time)
sadistic homosexuals that are about comitting nazi doctor crimes against their
victims, to prevent citizens from having paid work,to prevent citizens from marrying...They are Jeffrey Dahmer homosexuals.
They are about socially isolating males over years decades, and then euphemistically using expression that
thought a person needed a girlfriend (instead of having a job and instead of being married).Then
they make contradictions by threatenning that they will hurt a person...Their activity has been nothing friendly,
they are about socially isolating people in the manner of separation and of males and females:in the manner of
nazi concentration camps...slave labour devices are modern day concentration camp technology developed some
decades after World War 2. Concentration camp on a chip, similar concept to NASA's lab-on-a-chip.
[The Geneva Convention article 147 must be applied against such experimenters.Australia must be charged by Geneva Convention article
147. Australia is culpable, Australia should not have allowed such experiments to occur. Australian doctors
such as Peter Haertsch and Maryanne Vonau surgically implanted a slavery device into contact with a
person's nervous system...They have no right to do such experiments behind the backs of parents/next of kin.
Parents, next of kin have a right to know. Australia has not cared about the parents right to know,
the next of kin's right to know. ..There are issues of the Australian Government is about ignoring people's
human rights by corrupting relatives such as older cousin, and estranged mothers(mothers that have been divorced
husbands).Thhe Australian Government is involved in lawless where it considers that by corrupting older cousins
and by corrupting estranged mothers it can ignore humans rights of households winding up a toy and watching
the injustice nazism develop and develop into situations which never needed to occur...The Australian Government is
about making situations of nazi injustice and pretending not to know.
The experimenters wants citizens to suffer through artificially induced torture (slave labour devices).
Such experimenters dont care about the quality of life that people's parent(s) wanted for their son(s) in nations such as Australia (said to be a first world nation)
[presumably the experimenters are about forcibly turning heterosexuals into homosexuals, and ritually murdering heterosexuals, sacrificing the lives of heterosexuals. Australia is a modern day Sodom and Gommorah.
Nations such as Australia are not civilized. Australia makes counterfeits of civilization. Australia must be charged by international law breach of article 147.]




Australians are pepetrating Slave Labour experiments similar to World War 2 concentration camp experiments:
jeffrey dahmer medical crimes,enslavement of human nervous systems, separation of females...as part of an American plan to exterminate the third world nations(developing world nations)
What Australia is doing is not civilized.

> It is not civilized to pretend to be rational,calmly communicating selfishness while causing unnecessary suffering to living things around.
That is the activity of a society that is not civilized, it is a COUNTERFEIT of civilization.
Australia is a homosexual nazism nation. Australia is a modern dy SODOM AND GOMORRAH, that is about doing deliberately injustice, causing outcries of injustice(genesis 18:20)

How do australians deserve to be treated?

It would be some justice for other cultures to capture Australians,
bury Australians up their necks in soil,
and to kick Australians in the head each day when people from other cultures go to work each day.
To kick Australians in the head each day, so the circumstances of Australians become worse and worse until they die.

[some australians could be kicked in the head over several days when people for other cultures go to work each day,
and dug up from the soil before they die, and executed by an object plunged up their behinds,
or by a being shot up their behinds, so that Australians bleed to death thropugh their backsides.
Executions that that would publicly signify that Australians are worthless sodomites(buggers,homosexual nazis),
so that Australians would no longer make lies against heterosexuals.]

...or othe cultures could be violently attacking Australians without warning to force them into hospital,
and to surgically implant Delgado's 1960s Stimoceiever Bull Electrodes into the brains of Australians.
That would be a way for nations to start discovering information about slave labour devices.
The Stimoceiver bull electrodes could be gradually miniaturised over time,
gradually modified to become technology resembling modern day slave labour devices in radiocapsules/pill transmitters.

Australia must be charged by international law, breach of Geneva Convention article 147.



Todd Woodbridge(tennis player)------Pat cash(tennis player)-----David Christian(Australoid Boxing sports famiy)----Jason Hogan from Toni Collette's 1970s 1980s neighbourhood.
[Hogans Heroes tv series <---> Helmut Kentler experiment]

The meeting of Todd Woodbridge and Pat Cash on television could be some kind of Luna Park fire(1979) connection.
David Christian resembles a victim of the Luna Park fire(1979)

David Evans male prostitute with some connection to the bashing of Peter Baldwin Labor PArty politician(1980).
Todd Woodbridge looks like an Evans.



Majestic-12/Project Riese are ways of naming societies which have become inherently evil, which have become corrupted by sodom and gomorrah systems.

Majestic-12/Project Riese are descriptions of anglo-germanic alliances which have been occuring over centuries after the Norman Invasion, so that it became difficult for nations such as France to invade England afterward.

Societies where the genetic diversity becomes decreased through perverse customs, societies where doubles of people start occuring frequently, are societies that are about such doubles appearing generation after generation.
They are societies that migrate diverse humans into their borders, but they don't want to allow diverse humans to increase their numbers, they are about un-diverse human types appearing generation after generation as doubles.
There are secret immoral process of genetically diverse humans being druidically consumed (expressions about people being chewed up and spat out) in some way, by the un-diverse human types.

Films such as Dracula Untold(2014) describe such societies where where the genetic diversity becomes decreased, so that doubles keep appearing generation after generation.
In one generation Romanian historical personage Vlad Dracul is separated from his wife in death, and at the end of the film some generations afterward a double of Vlad appears and meets up with a double of his wife.
Satanic cultures consider such circumstances as some kind of genetic immortality, some kind of satanic immortality through perverse customs.
... and in such perverse cultures, there is no room for genetically diverse humans to increase their numbers, there is no room for genetically diverse humans to have families. Genetically diverse humans end up being ritually murdered,
become missing persons,end up disappearing from such cultures.

At the beginning of a Christopher Lee documentary, the expression "early one morning appears" and later he talks about launching up into the stratosphere, in the manner of Project Riese being those who rise up high.
...Flash Gordon, Castles in the sky, space stations, nazi angels living in cities orbiting around the earth (similar to Elysium: a few families prospering in space stations, most of humanity living in poverty on earth's surface)

Actor Christopher Lee played Dracula in several movies, and he was a member of the satanic religion circle in Hollywood, the satanic religion of doubles appearing generation after generation.
Some of the actors documentary names:Cecil Parker,Christopher Lee,Peter Cushing,Vincent Price <-further information->Michael Jackson was Vincent Price's homosexual boyfriend,Brooke Shields was a gilfriend of Michael Jackson for a time.
Further deductions: Lon Chaney Junior (actor in werewolf movies) was part of such satanic religion circles in Hollywood. He had a later doubles appearing as Stuart Whitman in Monster Club(1981), and Robert Maxwell(politician,businessman)
Thus, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were followers of such a satanic religion. Jeffrey Epstein died in prison in 2019. Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested in 2020 and is living in prison.

Also, it could be deduced about modelling,television actors,pornography industries,the way that such industries promote certain appearances,and immoral existence, such industries are very much pervaded by such satanic religion.
They tend to go hand in hand with Nazi Lebensborn program. They tend to be about promoting Nazi Lebensborn doubles, instead of racial diversity.

In a culture where there are many doubles of people, it is NOT a society that is about citizen co-operating with citizen.
It is a culture of some people living selfish existences,many people following a racially selfish satanic religion, a death oriented religion of not doing things for the living,
but selfishly acting for the dead ancestors, to make doubles of those who have died,doubles that the culture wants to arise again generation after generation.
[If you are not a double of some ancestor in such a culture, you dont need to be nationalistic, because nationalism wont favour you.
Nationalism in a culture of doubles(dopplegangers) wont be beneficial for people who are not doubles of some national-racially-accepted-ancestor who lived generations before.
[03/04/2024] High school teacher Andrew Taggart during the 1980s followed such a satanic homosexual religion and pretended to be a penteconstal christians. He led a high school group calling themselves ISCF Inter school christian fellowship.
He mad a way of portraying his satanic homosexual belief system, as an interpretation of of bible passages where where the dead are said to rise back into existence.
He read from a publication where bible passages are interpreted similar to Michael Jackson's thriller music video. (john 5:28-30). He spoke as though some time in the near future there would be a time of chaos where dead people would
be emerging from the ground and terrorise those that are living and for him it would be fantastic circumstances to live in.

Peter Payne from Toni Collette's neighbourhood joined Andrew Taggart's ISCF group, and later he was saying that he really hated Andrew Taggart
(possibly teacher Andrew Taggart was taking perverse sexual advantage of student Peter Payne when he was sleeping, using drugs.
Student Peter Payne and teacher Andrew Taggart were walking through the main quadrangle of the High School between classes,in the afternoon,chatting with each as though they were boyfriend talking talking to boyfriend,)
Peter Payne was mentioning he really hated Andrew Taggart, while teacher Andrew Taggart was walking near by ... [He Peter PAyne] really hate [you Andrew Taggart] ....probably for taking some kind of advantage of Peter Payne.

Other members of ISCF group: -Shaun O'Shaunessy the irish-looking-aussie poofter that facially resembled Mr McSeveny and Jason the son of Luke.
-Adam the aussie poofter that was friends with Frank Pico and Zachary Etcell. Adam used to wear a tennis wrist band (jewellery?) that made him look like someone from a homosexual disco scene from television,or from the Village People YCMA music video.
Adam would hang around Kings Langley shopping centre for hours in the afternoon, near to where Zachary lived. Etcell lived some foot steps north of Kinglangsley Shopping Centre.
On one occasion, Troy Woods was overheard saying that "Zac's a bit of a poof". Zachary Etcell was corrupted by homosexuality,he was a fan of Boy George, and Troy Woods was sitting around with Zachary Etcell at school during lunch time.
David Stefanovic's household moved into the same street as Zachary Etcell around 1992/1993. Their home on Third Avenue Blacktown was re-zoned as commercial area and the local Government bought up their home.
-Peter Dunn the aussie poofter that was mentioned as a member of Lalor Park Scouts.

Sometimes Andrew Taggart could not control his homosexual selfishness, his homosexual brainwashing...
Taggart would sometimes make outbursts of selfishness that were to embarass people invited to the ISCF group,
comments that betrayed he did not have a christian attitude, people that he did not have a tolerance toward.
Probably he did not have a racial tolerance toward some people.

Taggart would sometimes make outbursts , unchristian comments , at people who he wanted to scatter away from his homosexual hive: the ISCF group.

Peter Dunn was called by the nickname "Dunny Can" which means outdoor toilet or portable toilet.Dunny-Can nickname similar sounding to the name Duncan.


It's ethic cleansing activity when people are killing each other seemingly over injustice, but they always fall short of stopping the injustice occuring against a person (third side).

? It's ethic cleansing activity when people are killing each other seemingly over injustice,
but they always fall short of stopping the injustice occuring against a person. <---- Ethnic cleansing is occuring where there are racism triangles: two sides doing racism killing each other,third side victim of injustice that the 2 other sides dont want to stop injustice.

Much modern day terrorism is probably based upon ethnic cleansing. It is like 2 sides killing each other, when 1 race enters the space of that another race reserves for itself (Nazi Lebensraum)

The 2 sides of racists would do something for the benefit of a person's parents, but they always fall short of doing something to benefit the child of the parents.
2 sides that are about committing crimes against people's sons, and then the 2 sides hypocritically kill each other over what happens to the parents,
but the 2 sides of racists killing each other always fall short of doing what needs to be done for people's sons.

The 2 sides that kill each other in such ethnic cleansing probaly know they are something worthless...Ethnic cleansing is probably homosexual race wars.
Where 2 sides become corrupted by sodomy homosexuality, their terrorism is way to advertise for people to join their racist clubs but once people join the racist clubs, they discover that the clubs are based upon something worthless.
THEY WOULD RATHER RITUALLY KILL EACH OTHER THAN TO DO OR SAY SOMETHING TO STOP INJUSTICE AGAINST THE PEOPLE ADVERTISE TO they want all third party people to become members of the homosexual racism clubs side 1 and side 2.
THEY WOULD RATHER RITUALLY KILL EACH OTHER THAN TO DO OR SAY SOMETHING TO STOP INJUSTICE AGAINST THE PEOPLE ADVERTISE TO : similar activity to homosexual procurement networks,serial killings,ritual murders.





Josef Broz Tito had western capitalist connections. Tito was a communist leader, leader of Yougoslavia, but he wanted to be different from the Soviet Union.
Tito was secretly meeting with western Capitalists on private island(s) off the coast of Croatia.Serbia was the largest state in Communist Yugoslavia.
Tito probably met with western industrialists secretly as a way of financing the Communist state of Yugoslavia.

Some people form Yugoslavia had theories about Tito having body doubles. They did not know if the Tito that fought with the Partisans was the same Tito that was political leader of Yugoslavia.
Maybe the Tito(1) who fought with the Balkan Partisans against the Germans Nazis was killed, and maybe he was replaced by a body double Tito(2) that became leader of Communist Yugoslavia.

In the western media later occurred hints about Tito(2) being corrupt, such as the blonde homosexual twin singers called "Bros" which the western media pronounced as "Broz" as in the name Josef Broz Tito.
Bros were possibly Nazi Lebensborn program twin from the British music industry? Hints about Nazi Lebensborn program in Britain during the 1980s, possibly connections to Tito(2) corruption in Yugloslavia.

Bros - When Will I Be Famous? (Official Video)

There was also some American Brothers television series around 1988 theme song something like "...because they are brothers."

In Croatian language terms such as "Topla Brača/Topli Bratovi" pronounced topla brah-cha (Warm brothers/brothers that are hot for each other) are eupheism about homosexual corruption.
Croatian culture is about living natural lives. Croatian culture tends toward NOT tolerating homosexuality
(and to describe that the European Union has been about corrupting slavic culture through a Nazi German homosexuality agenda).
Before september 2001 European Union used to be known as the European Economic Community, European Common Market (via the Maastricht treaty 1992)
There have been media comments about an "Unnaturally united Europe".Europe doesn't naturally unite, the nations in Europe usually compete against each other.

The Croatian Ustashi(Nazi collaborators) are about promoting German Culture, and German looks appearance,Germanization of slavs.Germans are a perverse culture.
So the Croatian Ustashi are probably full of secret homosexuals.
and that is how the Croatian political system has made secret racism alliances (medical nazism alliances) with homosexualised cultures such as Australia.
[Croatia should shame itself about having a political system taken over by Nazi collaborators whose organisation(s) who are probably full of secret homosexuals.]


Research suggests Rupert Murdoch(businessman) and Joel Fitzgibbon(politician) have a connection to murder of Caroline on 8th June 1995,
and probably connection to racial violence(attempted murder) on June 21st 1995 which resulted in surgical implantation of a slave labour device.
Joel Fitzgibbon's son died/committed suicide in recently in March 2024. Joel Fitzgibbon's son has similarity to Stephen Essam from Toni Collette's neighbourhood,
and actress in BlueWater High, an Australian television series that looks like it was made by paedophiles, and similarity to Grant Kenny's deceased daughter.

lachlan murdoch and his brother(facial similarities to):
-carl williams(ganster that died in prison)
-andrew blanchette(corrupt policeman connected to murder of Caroline Byrne):said to be her former boyfriend, but maybe a homosexual lover of Gordon Wood.

Andrew Blanchette, pictured during Gordon Wood's trial in 2008, told a false and sinister story, according to Mr Wood's barrister.

joel fitzgibbon

glen jensen related to michael fitzgibbon? : Michael Fitgibbon(Channel 7 television employee,harvesting/magntisky/underground economy connection to the KaneBridge/B_mbridge building Norwest Boulevarde
Andrew Millett(epileptic somehow became Channel 7 television helicopter pilot traffic news,harvesting/magntisky/underground economy connection to the KaneBridge/B_mbridge building Norwest Boulevarde .

[There is a Spotlight store on a path between where was located the Mercedes Car Showroom, and Kanebridge/B_mbridge building.
The Spotlight store used to be across the road from where it is now located...When Nazis/homosexual nazis signal with buildings built in the landscape,or businesses,
they like to discriminate against people by methods such as moving businesses across a busy road to make the business less accessible to whoever was visiting the original store location.] <---> MJ-12/Project Riese

rupert murdoch holidays to Monaco


Helen Liu(Joel Fitgibbon)<--?---> Wendy deng(Rupert Murdoch)


daryl mcguire
Key questions from Gladys Berejiklian's ICAC scandal
[The Premier told the ICAC that her close personal relationship with former Wagga Wagga MP Daryl Maguire began after the 2015 state election.
However, text messages from as early as February 2014 show Mr Maguire referred to Ms Berejiklian by the Armenian term of endearment "hokis", or "hawkrss".]
<---------------------------Wagga MP Daryl Maguire, wagga wagga-kapooka base-illegal immigration-military lesbians in lines documentary(has a blacktown suburb of Sydney connection).

-Gladys Berejiklian(politician) has a connection to the Armenian Baby Adoption Scandal(Szuyan Pavakanyan baby adoption scandal from Armenia), as does Donald Trump's son.
-Daryl Maguire politician looks like the mass murderer from the British Dunblane Massacre(1996))

********* Grace Fitzgibbon channel 7 journalist *************
channel 7 and bruce lerhmann
gladys berejiklian scott morrison brittany higgins bruce lehrmann
<--- Britanny Higgins, Monika Lewinsky (Polish Mafia) facial similarity to mafia gang homosexual(male prostitute) Richard Bazlidenski from Toni Collette's neighbourhood.
Richard Bazlidenski had a sister who was friends with Atilla Shremko. They were students of Barry Boon elementary school teacher.
<----- Robert Dolly Dunn notorious homosexual nazi paedophile (mentioned on news programs,possibly a spy) <---> Peter Dunn and his brother from Lalor Park Scouts (homosexual tourism corruption).

Erin molan parramatta nazi/channel 9 nazi ? [appeared on the channel 9 footy show=RUGBY LEAGUE NAZISM] https://www.smh.com.au/opinion/letting-the-far-right-in-how-jim-molan-helped-give-extremism-a-respectable-face-20180208-h0vsal.html
[Molan association with Sarah the Librarian,wentworthvile library? One of the Nazis that used to get off the train at Parramatta railway station during the 1990s.]

... It could be described Toni Collette and her friends were fans of the Parramatta Eels Rugby League club.
Keith Leyshon and his brother Greg were not good enough to play for Parramatta Eels, so they ended up at the Penrith Panthers (Penrith being a suburb far west of Parramatta)
a rugby league club sponsored by DahDah uniforms. Research suggests Dahdah uniforms are a middle eastern assassin family:
assassins/hashisheen/Ismaili religious cult-drug addicts/drug smugglers that are taught to murder people.
The Leyshon brotrhers are cousins of Daniel Mamo from Toni Collette's neighbourhood.


KaneBridge/B_mbridge building Norwest Boulevarde connections:

-Andrew Millett(anglo-celtic Australian) -----resembles facially---------> Frank Houston (Hillsong/Hills Christian Life Centre building.News stories:Houston was committing homosexual crimes against young males.
[The Hillsong building is near the Kanebridge/B_mbridge building.]
-Michael Fitzgibbon(Philippino-Chinese-Australian)----------------------> Channel 7,Grace Fitgibbon Channel 7 reporter <-----> Joel Fitgibbon Canberra Politician.

[Where's Fitgibbon? themes: they were speaking about Michael Fitzgibbon. Michael Walker(male prostitute that was friends with Robert Saunders) liked asking Where's Fitzgibbon?]
Robert Saunders was inviting people to Michasel Walker's house to play the Amstrad 8-bit computer. Michael Walker's house smelled of cat's urine inside.
But Michael Walker's adopted parents probably knew corrupt local government politicians in Blacktown County Council, so local government and local police did not bother Walker's parents.
[Why Robbert Saunders was inviting people to a home that smelled of cat's urine inside? Robert Saunders was son of Graham Saunders. Was Graham Saunders a client of male prostitute Michael Walker? Michael Walker possibly resembles Aaron Light a notorious male prostitute from The Wall in Sydney where Australian men would cruise with their cas to find male prostitutes.
Michael Walker lived on a busy road. Michael Fitzgibbon possibly lived somewhere behind Michael Walker's home, on the first street behind the busy road.]

Someone began to sense that Robert Saunders was some kind of homo, and stopped associating with Robert Saunders.Robert Saunders was befriend by Peter Payne(male prostitute).
Someone did not know that Australians are a perverse culture on a wider scale, a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

Singer Beyonce from Destiny's Child music group is an Afro-American terrorist that allies with Nazis.Maybe she is a Nazi Lebensborn based upon emulating Tina Turner.
Justin Timberlake from Nsync is a violent homosexual whose career is probably based upon covering up human rights cases.

Both became prominent in the music industry around 1998-1999 period when Sydney University was trying to cover illegal experiments against humans
(1998 Asian Financial Crisis probably to do with nanotechnology,nanogenerators, harvesting electrical energy from muscle motions of human body=cybernetic slavery,USA bases in Japan and Korea,Hippocampal Neuron Patterning experiments 1995)
and the Seventh Day Adventist church was deliberately silent about Nazi doctor crimes in Sydney Australia.Seventh day Adventist Church,Jehovah's witnesses,Mormons are American imperialism brainwashing religion cults, not christianity.

Recent news story about KISS glam metal music group(Knights in Satan's Service) selling the rights of their music,names,stage appearances to Swedish company is similar to Michael Jackson buying the rights to Beatle's music.
Paul McCartney from the Beatles is still living and probably connected to the activity of KISS.See comments about Jackson's association to MJ-12/Project Riese

There is a facial similarity in KISS music video "Lick it up" and "Sugar" by Robin Schulz which has NAMBLA themes.

The careers of KISS nmusic group members are about Armenian illegal immigration, Batman dancers in leather clothing resemble Batman comics superhero. Batman is a town in Anatolia near Turkish/Armenian border, and the activity of NAMBLA homosexual crime organization.
[Syuzan Patvakanyan scandal Armenia and Donald Trump's son,lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya and the Trump family breach of Magnitsky laws.]
KISS wrote a song called Detroit Rock City during the 1970s. Later occurred the Bankruptcy incident of Detroit.
Takeover by NAMBLA and the CIA of businesses in Detroit possibly had something to do with Detroit's Bankruptcy.
CIA front companies in Detroit, and homosexual crime organizations taking over areas.

Kiss Army fanclub some connection to March 2024 terrorism event in Russia?
Beslan 2004 terrorism incident event in Russia had Keanu Reeves American actor themes.

Large Bank Heist in Califonia (Garda company) while Armaguard in Australia advertises its declinig business.Joris Denmink Dutch political scandal,Wilhelmina Armgard and Reinhard of the Netherlands.
Wilhelmina Armgard(aka Beatrice of the Neterlands) was involved in corruption of Bank Heists(theft) and setting up security vans busineses that transport cash to know where large amounts of cash were being transported.
Corruption similar to Ronald Biggs, and trains which transported stolen wealth from India to Europe in the context of Coolie Slave labour in India during British Empire period of 20th century/
Mary Donaldson (Tasmania Australia, Denmark, Dutch Boer accent)<--- related to? ---->singer Celine Dion

British Raj siphoned out $45 trillion from India: https://www.livemint.com/Companies/HNZA71LNVNNVXQ1eaIKu6M/British-Raj-siphoned-out-45-trillion-from-India-Utsa-Patna.html [This is a news item where Britain and India argue back and forth . There is probably a South American connection , slave labour in South America & Carribean, Jonestown massacre in later 20th century, ...]
Duṧko Badẑic/Duṧko Baᵭẑiḉ a member of the brotherhood gang, he is friends with Boris Dovever. Pronounced Doosh-ko Bad-zhik,Doosh-ko Bad-zhich: zh is like the s sound in english word leisure.
Dushko Badjic possibly the male at a 1980s afternoon school sports event , that was mentioning "hard shins" .

[This informaiton is described, because Australia is a corrupt culture that is about unjustly favouring advantaging rewarding racists
that conspire behind people's backs. Australia supported ethnic cleansing conspiracies behind people's backs over decades.
Ethnic cleasning a euphemistic way of describing homosexual nazism.
Australia must be prosecuted by international law.]

Many actors in Hollywood knew the Coronavirus COVID-19 world epidemic was going to occur, as early as 1994.
Author Steven King's "The Stand"(1994 telemovie series) was a hint about a Coronavirus COVID-19 world epidemic.
Many Hollywood actors appeared in the Stand television miniseries.


At times, occurs in the media news stories about HECS and ROBODEBT.
Indications are that Sydney University has been making some kind of horrible lies via the HECS Higher Education contribution scheme, as a way to do slavery against citizens.
If you dont have paid work, then you dont need to pay anything back to the HECS scheme.

The Australian education system should not be rewarded for enacting years decades of slave labour experiments, Australia must be prosecuted, penalised,punished in forms such as
formal international law charges to permanently label Australia as an uncivilized society that makes horrible countefeits, reparations via international law.

.. and those racists who have deliberately lied about the HECS Higher Education contribution scheme, should be formally identified as modern day slavery perpetrators.
" What does it mean practically that Australia is GENERATIONAL-MALE-PROSTITUTION system?

-Australia makes horrible counterfeits-of-heterosexuality counterfeits-of-racial-tolerance to 1st generation migrant citizens.
- -Australia makes secret homosexual race wars against 2nd generation migrant citizens if they are NOT-EASY-WITH-HOMOSEXUALS .

The sons of migrant family are the 2nd generation migrant citizens.

If the sons of a migrant family are NOT-EASY-WITH-HOMOSEXUALS then Australia commits JEFFREY-DAHMER-STYLE-MEDICAL-CRIMES against the sons of migrants,
which is a way that Australia enacts HOMOSEXUAL-RACE-WAR/ETHNIC-CLEANSING against migrant households that sometimes occur over years decades

(situations injustice against sons of migrants, situations NO-SOCIAL-BASIS-FOR-LIFE in a society that the sons of migrants were born into,
couldn't choose to be born into, situations that REQUIRE-INTERNATIONAL-LAW-CHARGES against Australia. "

Blacktown suburban area is a poofter parlour suburban area. Blacktown profits from homosexual tourism.
Blacktown is about HORRIBLY DISCRIMINATING against households that are NOT-EASY-WITH-HOMOSEXUALS.
Blacktown council is 3rd tier of Government in Australia. Blacktown Council needs to be charged by international law <---> Australian Governmental system needs to be charged by international law.
Police,Education System, Australian medical system are services of the Australian Governmental system. Charges against the Australian Governmental systems is a way to press international law charges against such Governmental services.


cousins Liliana Pavlek and her brother Tom have been complicit in such HOMOSEXUAL-RACE-WAR/ETHNIC-CLEANSING against their younger cousin's household
through selfish visitations over years decades. They invited themselves.
Tom and Liliana need to be charged by International law.

About Romanian Adventist Michael Acsinte who changed his name to Michael Anderson:

Michael Acsinte said he was a Seventh Day Adventist Christian, but Michael Acsinte is easy-with-homosexuals.
Michael Acsinte married a woman called Lydia who also called herself an Adventist christian , but he is easy-with-homosexuals.
so Australia has rewarded him via his forming Industrial Painting subcontracting Business (1990s Amecoate Pty Ltd) and afterward he changed the name of his subcontracting business.

Michael Acsinte and other Romanian Adventists such as Dumtru Evgeniu said they are Adventist Christians, they want to help people.

A person asked Michael Acsinte if he could teach a person how to drive.

Michael Acsinte agreed and then gave a lift to a person in his motor vehicle. A person was sitting in the front seat next to Michael Acsinte.

Michael Acsinte brought along his daughter Jessie(Jessica), and Jessie was sitting in his lap, and partially controlling the steering wheel while her father Michael also controlled the steering wheel.

Then Jessie stood up from her father's lap and exited the motor vehicle.

Then Michael Acsinte told a person sitting next to him, now you try (to control the steering wheel).

How to control the steering wheel? Michael Acsinte did not want to get out of the drivers seat. The steering wheel was far to the right of the person sitting next to Michael Acsinte.

A person did not know what to do. A person had long arms , so a person kept sitting in the front passenger seat, grabbed the steering wheel from the side, and was controlling the steering wheel as possible.

Then after some moments of controlling the steering wheel far to the side, the strange-driving-lesson came to an end.

Michael Acsinte wanted to a person to sit in his lap and to control the steering, as his daughter Jessie had sat on Michael Acsinte's lap.

A person did not know what to do further, a person was not-easy-with-homosexuals, so a person stopped visiting Michael Acsinte. Decided to to never visit Michael Acsinte again.


The 1990s film "The Bone Collector" has themes of illegal experiments against humans by Police and Doctors, toward the end of the film it becomes evident that doctors and police are doing something illegal.

<---- The Bone Collector
[He is unjustly blamed for not solving some police case...the police should not be enacting illegal experiments against humans]

Later a strange scene occurs at the end of the film with people around him at Christmas, as though nothing happenned.

The killers murder people around work sites because they are doing slave labour, the racists dont want some people to have paid work.

[Some months ago , information was posted about Ralph Quitadamo(& Cathy Lake the friend of Elisha Forth) possibly connected to The Bone Yard Murders(Leonard Lake),
and similarities to disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa Union leader via Italian Mafia.]

Ralph Quitadamo lived next to Jason Weston who resembles serial killer John Wayne Gacy. Jason Weston turned his backyard into something similar to a "Pet Sematary" (Pet Cemetery).






A description of the corruption of Ephraim Zhuroff. Ephraim Zhuroff is with the American Dick Winters cult in Belgium,
but the Belgium Cult leads to Villa Winter in the Canary Islands which is was a Nazi Submarine Base
(probably still is a venue of Nazi submarine rat line activity/illegal immigration of Nazi Lebensborn decades after World War 2).
Is Ephraim Zhuroff a hypocrite for following a cult that has Nazi submarine connections ? There is a probability that Ephraim Zhuroff
is a Jew who was using Nazi Lebensborn young males for homosexual gratification and considered it an investigation... the kind of
corruption where Ephrai Zhuroff cared nothing about nazism against heterosexual households.

The Dick Winters American military cult in Belgium was popularised in the western media by "New Kids On The Block" music group and their song "Hanging tough".
And the Backstreet Boys music group?
Also by the 1960s Batman tv series with Adam West. Batman and his boy wonder Robin.


The Seventh Day Adventist is racist American religious cult that gets the Jewish mafia against people.
Jewish mafia and Romanian mafia activity are closely connected to each other.
That's why there were Romanian surnames among the Serbian Adventists. e.g. The Kelu brothers.



Names such as Andrew blanchette are connected to the murder of Caroline Byrne on 8th June 1995, 13 days before a racial violence(attempted murder) which led to surgical implantation of a slave labour device
against one the neighbouring households.

...Someone like Andrew blanchette was Mark Virgona's homosexual lover...someone like Andrew Blanchette fathered Jordan Virgona.

***Mark Virgona could be charged in connection with Caroline Byrne's murder***,and various other charges to do with Virgona being part of Robert Dolly Dunn's homosexual paedophile network.
***Mark Virgona could be charged with conspiracy to murder one the neighbouring households.
Also the Breach of Geneva Convention article 147 :he conspired to set up a situation of involuntary cybernetic experiments.


channel9 television1 connection1 - Mrs Anderson the mother of Gregory Andrson, and Gerald Hendeson's household related to Brian Henderson channel 9 newsreader.
Gregory Anderson related to Elizabeth 1990s physics student at Sydney University,
and some Astronomy lecturer that was using Lawrence Cramm's room. the Astronomy lecturer resembled the Dublane Massacre mass murderer
Graham Saunder's son Robert Saunders visited the home of Roshan-the-SriLankan that lived next to Gregory Anderson. Graham Saunders strange facial similarity to Martin Bryant's mother.

channel9 television connection2 - christopher's relative:old hungarian-looking australian woman that lived at number 297 on a busy road related to channel9 television newsreader IAN ROSS who probably died of AIDS
opportunistic infection liver cancer similarities to Karposi's sarcoma.IAN ROSS had a homosexual partner... related to some Deborah who was friends with Mathew Payne. Mathew Payne was a student of Deborah Mclachlan in 1981
...research suggests some kind of Slave Labour(unpaid work) connection to media interviews with 1970s music group called Status Quo (Status Quid was parody of the music group)...Status Quo,Slade,the Sweet Edward Heath political era.
Canary Islands(e.g. Gran Canaria politically is a colony of the Spanish, geographically associated with African coast, culturally has archaeology associated with African ancient civilizations).
Canary Islands close to the coastline of Africa possibly a path-way to Azores Islands in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.Azores islands have archaeology similar to Malta Hypogeum.


A death occurred in front of Blacktown Police station, and some hours later, as revenge, one of his friends associates was told some information about the attackers in Doonside
being from a club around Oxford Street Sydney.
The killer sent to Bondi from Doonside-Blacktown, was looking to take revenge on a Basque Club, but he was on the wrong side of Oxford Street.

Blacktown Police needs to be asked by international law investigators how their racism(Ernst Roehm homosexual-nazism) has been going against the lives of citizens whose human rights have been ignored.
Joanne is a Basque terrorist in Australia, that is connected to a racial violence attack(attempted murder) which occurred in front of Westpoint Shopping Centre on 21st June 1995 around 3:30pm ,
which resulted in surgical implantation of slave labour device. Joanne was probably involved in planning racial violence attack(attempted murder).



They killer took the life of John Singleton's daughter. John Singleton media personality with channel 9 Kerry Packer connections.

Kelly Dansie--- Kelly Dansie's father----Shaun Savage------------Jason Gaucci(Gow-chi) ---?---possibly some familial connection to killer Joel Gaucci(Gow-chi)
[Lalor Park Scouts] [Lalor Park Scouts]
[Seventh Day Adventist Kelly Dansie could be described as a blonde basque type. Perhaps the Dansie family live around Doonside? In 1999 they visited the western suburbs shopping centre where Joanne worked during 1994-95.The shopping centre across Kildare Road from Blacktown Police station.
Kelly Dansie possibly attended at an Adventist school in Doonside...The Dansie family have been in the news as a family where the males murder their wives.]


Queensland clockwork orange gang connections? He was a male escort(male prostitute).

Something could be mentioned about the satanism that occurs in Australia.
When Australians ignore the human rights of some citizens, there is satanic behaviour(ritualistic behaviour) of racists sending their relatives to sadistically come near
citizens whose human rights have been ignored. Racists enact ritualistic behaviour,satanic behaviour of doing dares against the civil rights,
human rights of citizens who are victims of injustices.It is satanic behaviour of daring victims of injustice to injure or take the lives of relatives of racists satanists that do injustice.

So questions could be asked about were satanist racist media personalities waiting around in the shopping centre,
or lurking behind the infrastructure camera systems to do satanic activity/ritualistic activity against citizens whose civil rights have been ignored?

Darlinghurst is mentioned in the news as the hospital where injured people were sent...the hospital is near the Basque club described which possibly has a connection to the 1 death that occurred
in front of Blacktown Police station.


[1980s satanic panic about the dangers of rock music likely based upon 1960s Beatles music having a satanic purpose(satanism through psychedelia illicit drug use)

Research suggests Beatles music group based upon a cult of Asmodeus (reptilians, lizards, some insects such as preying mantis resemble lizards).
Novels, movies called The Quatermass experiment 1955, and The Quatermass Pit about aliens that resemble Preying Mantis insects(& Lizards?)<--> John Lennon formed a music group called 'The Quarrymen' around 1956.
the Quartermass Pit <---> Quarry, a hole in the ground formed from cutting stones, similar concept to a pit.
Sometimes the Lizards appear as the bad people in Beatles cartoons, while the drug using beatles are erroneously portrayed as the good people.

The Quatermass Pitt movie had a railway station called Hobbs Lane which led to Hobbs End.
A poster of the Quatermass Pit has people floating in front of the eye of a woman's head, which could have something to do with the lyics of Penny Lane: Penny Lane liverpool(slavery-port) being in people's ears and peoples eyes.




The killings in Bondi Junction and Doonside-Blacktown area that were followed by injury at Wakely, have something to do with Australian women developing social situations of being sodomized by middle-east males,
information which they never intended to be known. Australian women degrade themselves through sodomy, and they are about degrading males from migrant groups by converting them into sodomites.
i.e.women connected with the Basque club are are about injustices based upon sodomy, and never intended such information to be known. This website makes such information known to stop the injustice.

The middle eastern males committed a crime at Wakely near Fairfield in sympathy with the deaths at Bondi Junction and Blacktown-Doonside suburban areas of Sydney.

e.g. Women connected with the Basque club described many of them would be considered as anglo-celtic Australian women, and anglo-celtic women that are are corrupted by sodomy.
[Shah-of-Iran lookalike Dr Jamal Murad moved his general practitioner business from Blacktown to Fairfeld West sometimes around the year 2003.]

Such corrupted women have behaviour with-no-redeeming-features. They only show themselves when deaths occur, which is anti-life satanic behaviour, the kind of behaviour that gets nations destroyed
(as Sodom and Gomorrah needed to be destroyed and was destroyed).




John Singleton's daughter was killed because John Singleton is a member of the Mr Asia drug syndicate or associated with such a crime organisation,and is a media representative of oil industry corruption racism(aka "Big Oil").
John Singleton corrupt connections to crime figures such as Christopher Dale Flannery.
John Singleton's daughter was engaged to a policeman, and maybe she was corruptly waiting around the shopping area to lure males , to ritually murder males.(Ethnic cleansing/homosexual nazism activity]
The NSW Police and Australian society are corrupted by generational-male-prostitution system. Male prostitute Joel from Queensland decided that John Singleton's daughter won't marry, so he killed her.
[Is John singelton Basque appearance? Some similarity to Ally Moore who looks Basque.

What kind of worthless nation is Australia? Australia is about male prostitutes telling people who will marry, and who wont marry.
Australia is a culture that is screwed-up-the-behind by the Nazi Lebensborn program(and by so-called baby farming behaviours which were occuring in Australia before the Nazi Lebensborn program)

Based upon communications over the antenna network,
male prostitute Keith Leyshon likes using expressions about who male prostitutes intend to marry and who male prostitutes dont intend to marry, and marry off to sodomite females.
Noone needs to be bothered by the homosexual nazism of Keith Leyshon.]
The Australian media sneaked through a Toni Collette film in the early morning of 18/04/2024 around 3:00am , a film that sounds similar to the recent killings described.



Probably corrupt racist activity of MILITARY POLICE to turn a shopping area into a site of deaths, something like an Anzac memorial.
Joel Fitzgibbon son was a paratrooper (died in parachuting accident) --- he knew military police <----> Joel the killer in the shopping centre april 20204.
[The crimes of Military Police seldom are mentioned by western society.Western society treat military police crimes like some kind of horrible sport where Military Police are get penalties
by not formal punishment, the kind of corruption where they are penalised by copping up their behinds instead of being formally charged and jailed.]

Andrew Millett (Epileptic that became television helicopter Pilot?
How Michael Fitgibbon, Toni Collette corruptly pulled the strings at channel 7 to get Andrew Millet a job as helicoper pilot
[Toni Collette - her first acting role was on channel 7 A Country Practice tv series.
Michael Fitzgibbon - somehow became a channel 7 employee. How? Probably,from corrupt association with Toni Collette, actress who makes her money as a male prostitution madame.
Michael figibbon was a student at the boys high school adjacent to the girls school where Toni Collette was a student.

James packer -- corruption to do with poker machines/casinos ---- prostitutes that visit poker machine players in a casino <---> Snowtown murders <---> The family murders.
[Prostitutes befriending people who play poker machines is some kind of secret industry, underground economy industry.
Maybe the kind of corruption behind the Mandalay Bay massacre in Las Vegas USA.]

People who are corrupted by sodomy are involved in evil behaviour such as they dont care what injustice,unncessary unhappines, unnecessary suffering they cause to people,
they are about living around the negative emotions,being around the negative emotions, like leeches sucking the blood of a host, or vampires that feed off the negative emotions.
Sometimes sodomites make a riddle out of such behaviour: they dont care what [injustices] happens to someone, they only care about what someone does.


Australians(aussies) are involved in corrupting people's relatives (cousins, mothers).
-They corrupt peoples relatives and then are around the relatives, and they cause isolation to a household.Australians(aussies) are corrupt culture that look for excuses not to do something with selfish ideology of:
-if your older cousins wont do something to help you, then neither will Australians(aussies) do something to help you.
[If your-older-cousins-that-came-visiting-to-murder-your-household-over-a-block-of-farm-land-that-their-mother-Kata-stole-by-murdering-her-husband-Velko... wont do something to help you,
then neither will Australians(aussies) do something to help you.
Kata an her offspring Tom, Liliana Rosie were living close to the Robin Hood Inn(hotel) poofter parlour. Aussies from the poofter parlour were corrupting them, and Velko did not know because he was a migrant.
-if your mother wont do something to help you, then neither will Australians(aussies) do something to help you.
[If your estranged-mother-who-did-not-raise-you wont do something to help you then neither will Australians(aussies) do something to help you.


...implies corrupted relatives deliberately isolating a household. Corrupted relatives hope the household would be murdered through social isolation.



[Yet further information about the need to charge Australia by international law.] ----------------------------------------------------------------
argument against nationalism:
jews were expected to nationalistic about nazi germany, then german jews became rare via the final solution/gas chambers.
Berlin used to be considered a very Jewish Town. They dont talk about Berlin that way anymore.

The unjust way that the NSW Police and Australia medical profession acted since 1995 means that:
- Australia is controlled by homosexuals and paedophiles that are about committing secret crimes against peoples children(sons).

When the children(sons) tell their parents about crimes,
-then Australia is about punishing peoples children(sons),
- Australia is about lieing to people's parent(s) over long periods of time,
so that permanent is harm is done to family situations.

the Police organisations and Australian medical profession never need to be trusted in the future. They need to be formally charged , formally labelled ,
so that when a son tells his parent(s) that something is wrong that his parent(s) wont be lied to by Australian police and doctors that have no morals.

Australia is not civilized. Australia is inhumane, anti-christian culture that pretends to be civilized (make counterfeits).
Australia is a satanic culture that makes horrible counterfeits to people's parents, and horrible counterfeits against people's children(sons).




PORS - public riot squad organisation within the NSW , appearing places, probably following around a citizen being inhumanely tracked around by ground ionosphere antenna.

The PORS organisation could be formally asked do they know about inhumane tracking against human beings (slave labour device technology ,radiocapsules,pill transmitters) ?

Australia is a corrupt culture where various citizens, various organisations probably know about inhumane tracking technology,but they are silent.
Australia is a corrupt society that is about ritually murdering citizens because of race. Australia is about watching people's lives slowly die from breach of the Geneva Convention
(Nazi doctor crimes/medical attrocities/biological experiments/Jeffrey Dahmer style medical crimes)

[Their activity could be described as racists who enjoy HITLERISTIC conspiracies where some races are driving cars around,

Ann organisation within the NSW police that likes cruising around inside a motor vehicle, while a citizen is outside a motor vehicle being inhumanely tracked around.
Being Australians, the NSW Police are corrupted by GENERATIONAL-MALE-PROSTITUTION, so they enact behaviour of coming near a person , and then they flit away like prostitutes.

They dont have the humanity to say something about the inhumane tracking technology (slave labour device technology ,radiocapsules,pill transmitters), and they have sadistically come near.





Information about the slave labour agenda in Australia.
The many corrupted people in Australia want people to be part of support networks, they dont want people to be able to support themselves through having paid work.
they want citizens to become prostitutes , not citizens who support themselves by having paid work.

Instead of asking , can you support yourself, do you have a job or a business to support yourself?
They ask, where is your support network?

What is a support network? As a heterosexual citizen, I have never heard about your strange suggestions that citizens should be members of support networks.

Are support networks something like joining a gang?
When people were students,the teachers said the education system was about avoiding the problems of gangs, a way to have paid work to support yourself.

The corrupted people ask strange questions such as: Can you hold your ground in a shopping area? What do you mean by hold your ground? To hold one's ground in a shopping area?
That is military terminology you are using about civilian shopping areas?
Have you corrupted people been enacting race wars in civilian shopping areas? Have you corrupted people been enacting race wars in suburban areas?
Have you corrupted people been enacting race wars/ethnic cleansing in civilian jurisdictions in Australia ?



When the newsagent sold the brand-piracy magazine, the seller would utter the expression "Enjoy your weekend".

Some years later, the expression kept occuring from complete strangers 1) Emma Rabbidge in Sydney University engineering and Redfern railway station
mentioned the expression "Enjoy your weekend" in 1998 when she was pretending to be friendly.
[Deduce Emma Rabbidge is relative of R Lenton.]
2)In 1999 a mentally retarded man sitting on seats at Francis Park Ovel on Richmond Road mentioned the expression.A mentally retarded man who probably was from
the Sheltered Workshop across the side-street from BBC Hardware that existed in 19989-99. Peter Mikhail probably lived somewhere around Francis Park Oval,
and there was a Florist(Flower seller) located on Richmond Road in 1998.

The sheltered workshop and BBC hardware were located across the busy road from where Gregory Anderson, Roshan-the-Sri-Lankan, the old Ukrainian woman lived.
RTA = Road Transport Authority(Government department). Later the RTA office was closed,probably relocated elsewhere.
It has been renamed "Service Australia" and clumped together with other Government services.





racism in the Australia media:
- Bondi Junction killings are not considered terrorism incident(mostly anglo-Australians).
- The incident at Wakely near Faifield is considered a terrorism incident(middle eastern community)

The NSW Police are rounding up middle eastern people,

The NSW Police dont seem to care about the terrorist activity by surfer gangs around Bondi Junction.
The NSW Police should label the killings in Bondi Junction as terrorism,
and the NSw Police should be rounding up members of the Bra Boys/Maroubra Boys surfer gang, and the Clockwork Orange gang from Queensland.
Some members of the clockwork orange gang are in NSW. e.g. Rosemary Hunter who was living in Ridge Street Woodford Blue Mountains region west of Sydney.
Also Mark Virgona, Adam Burne corrupt Policeman in year 1995, Andrew Millett are possibly connected to the Bra Boys/Maroubra Boys gang and Clockwork Orange Gang.
Peter Rogers dance instuctor has become deceased and looked similar to Virgona,Byrne,Millett.

The racism of the NSW Police could be mentioned in the Australian media.

Also there was Rachael Griffiths that lived in Toni Collette's 1970s-1980s neighbourhood. Rachael Griffiths who is not an actress. She facially resembles Sarah Silverman(American).

Rachael Griffiths possibly involved with illegally immigration between Toowoomba QLD and Sydney NSW Australia, via her involvement with netball sport.
Rachael Griffiths became the girlfriend of male prostitute Shane Pisani around 1991.

The Killer Joel came from Toomwoomba Queensland Australia. Joel that killed 6 in Bondi Junction suburb of Sydney (Bondi Junction & Bondi are beach suburbs).
and Bruce Lehrman's court case was occuring during the time of the killings.Bruce Lehrmann is from Toowoomba.

Also, in in Toni Collette's 1970s-1980s neighbourhood there was a Mrs Weston who adopted Australoid females Cathy Weston and and her older sister.
Mrs Weston was an anglo-celtic women that resembled Barbara McCulkin who was killed in connection with the Whiskey-a-go-go bombing.
In hindsight, information suggests that Mrs Weston was lending out her adopted Australoid daughters as prostitutes.

Mrs Weston was a friend of Rosemary Hunter, lived very close to Rosemary Hunter before Hunter moved to the Blue Mountains.
Ralph Quitadamo, and David Christian seemed to like Cathy Weston. Some people did not want anything to do with Cathy Weston, and then David Christian and Ralph Quitadamo were asking why some people did not like Cathy Weston.
Cathy Weston became an unmarried mother while she was a High School student.
Some people thought that Cathy Weston was a bad a character, that she had become very much involved with the immorality of Australian culture but did not know she was a prostitute.
Some people were from a different culture than Australian Mrs Wesotn and Australoid Cathy Weston...
Cathy Weston's older sister did not metion her name to people who did not have anything to do with the Weston household.

Rachel Griffith and R Lenton look like they are from Theodore Hall's family(Portland Spy ring families),
families probably have a connection to the Whiskey-a-go-go bombing in Fortitude Valley Queensland in 1973.

...Does Drago Pavlek have something to do with the Nazi agenda that has been developing in Doonside suburb adjacent to Blacktown?...
...Drago Pavlek: research suggests he has espionage connections. He is a double of CIA spy Eugene Kolb.
Drago Pavlek is an Ustashi organisation member: Ustashi were Nazi collaborators...

In later decades, the Ustahi gained popularity by promoting ideas of Croatia becoming independent of Yugoslavia, and the Ustashi hoped that people would forget
that the Ustashi support Nazi ideology and racism.Many people have been deceived by the activity of the Ustashi. The Ustashi have taken over the Croatian political system
since the 1990s Balkan wars , where Croatia became independent of Yugoslavia. Croatia should be ashamed that Nazi Collaborators have taken over the Croatian political system.
Some people living outside of Croatia did not know what a threat to human rights such organisations as the Ustashi still are.

Some people thought that the threat of Nazism was defeated in World War 2,
and that Australia's advertiising of caring about human rights and Geneva Convention would prevent Nazism from affecting them.

Australia is a hypocritical nation that allies with the Nazism of the Croatian Ustashi, or the Ustashi allied with the secret racism/nazism of Australia,USA, Britain.

Liliana Pavlek at 23 Carinya Street Blacktown lives close to the front of Blacktown Police Station where a death occurred on 11/04/2024.
About her husband Drago Pavlek: research suggests he has espionage connections. He is a double of CIA spy Eugene Kolb.
Drago Pavlek is an Ustashi organisation member: Ustashi were Nazi collaborators.

The Ustashi were oppo[sed by the Partisans who sheltered in the forest areas and opposed Hitler's armies
until the Russian military made military defeats against Hitler's armies at Stalingrad and Kursk , and eventually captured Berlin capital of Germany.

Does Drago Pavlek have something to do with the Nazi agenda that has been developing in Doonside suburb adjacent to Blacktown?

The north side of Carinya Street connects with Kildare Road on which is Blacktown Police station.
The south side of Carinya Street connects with Newton Road where Anita Cobby would walk home before she was ritually murdered in 1986.
Drago Pavlek has been living in Carinyah Street since around 1981.

On Kildare Road,near the Police station, there is a Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Ukraine were a nation of Nazi collaborators during World War 2.






About 1924 meeting of western industrialists at Jekyll Island Gergia USA,
where they established the American Federal Reserve(Bank)
amd book titles such as "The Creature from Jekyll Island"
<--- Laissez Faire capitalism, modern day beast system (baphomet worship and big business,big oil).

The American Federal Reserve(Bank) possibly has a sinister purpose.

beast system that enslaves mankind and consolidates global power into the hands of a few

The Rise of Mindcontrolism: Exploring Darpa's Role of the Fourth Beast System in Biblical Prophecy

"federal reserve establishment 1924 plan enslavement of mankind .
1947 mj12 majestic-12 harry truman venever bush plan of enslavement and extermination of third world nations
<------beast system that enslaves mankind and consolidates global power into the hands of a few.

1924 year that Lenin died,American Federal Reserve was established .

beast system Vladimir Lenin clearly understood could enslave mankind and consolidate global power into the hands of a few .
Lenin Quote: beast, international imperialism, that beast will perish, and socialism will triumph throughout the world. "













[documentary: Oskar Schindler - the man behind the list]

Schindler was a Nazi, a German Abwehr Spy, that profitted from concentration camp work and black market activity.
He would put groups of jews into concentration camp gas chambers and then save them. But some died.

Jewish men would crawl toward Schindler and Kiss him.
<-------- Schindler was labelled as a Jew Kisser. Schindler liked being kissed by Jewish men.
Are such quotes hints about Schindler's homosexuality/bisexuality?

quote by Jewish woman at the end of the documentary:
"He was a nazi but a good person"
<-------- She is talking out of her jewish behind. Nazism is not good. It is an evil ideology about causing unnecessary suffering to people.
She sounds like she is corrupted by the homosexuality of the HAO, Ernst Roehm's brown shirt homosexual nazism.

[Further information]

Oskar Schindler's List As A Holocaust Film
Internet Public Library
https://www.ipl.org › essay › Oskar-Schindlers-List-Holo...
We see things through the eyes of a flawed man who found himself in hell and made a Faustian pact with the Devil
<--- Oskar Schindler did deals with the devil (he was a German satanist, an immoral person).)
He made money from he owrk of cocnentration camp jews and black market activity in Poland.

Oskar Schindler
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Oskar_Schindler
In 1949, Schindler emigrated to Argentina, where he tried raising chickens and then nutria (coypu), a small animal raised for its fur.
Missing: mengele ‎| Show results with: mengele
<---------------------- Did this later become Nutria rodent tracking (Judas Project), and Hippocampal Neuron Patterning?

Josef Mengele | Holocaust Encyclopedia
Holocaust Encyclopedia
https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org › content › article › jose...
15 Feb 2024 — By 1956, Mengele was well established in Argentina and felt so safe that he obtained Argentine citizenship as José Mengele. In 1959, however ...
Missing: schindler's ‎| Show results with: schindler's
<------------------------ Both Josef Mengele and Oskar Schindler migrated to Argentina.
Did Oskar Schindler befriend Josef Mengele in Argentina? Did Okar Schindler do a deal with the devil and Josef Mengele in Argentina?
Schindler's elektroteknik company <--?--> Mengele's agricultural company (farm tractors& similar)

Kristina Keneally(politician in Australia with American accent)
Thomas Keneally(Schindler's list book) ----- Steven Spielberg (Schindler's list film) ---- Jeffrey Epstein's paedophile island.
Thomas Keneally became an actor
1970s Devil's Playground Film
(some would describe the film as a
homosexual paedophile pornography film)

Oskar Schindler's relatives/doubles have some connection to the The Family Murders in Australia?

Schidler's Elektroteknik company -----> Schindler's lifts company
Decades after World War 2, jewish nazis are observing people using building infrastructure "lifts" and conspiring murder/slavery ?

Mel Brooks film "To Be Or Not Be(1984)" was based upon the corrupt homosexual nazism of Oskar Schindler and the HAO ?
In the fillm, Mel Brooks American Jew was encouraging people to join the Nazi Party.





johnny depp actor --adam ant(singer) ---- gary glitter(singer) ------ -------ELM HOUSE(Britain)--- Cliff Richard(nickname Kitty)
[Nightmare on Elm Street movie - Johnny Depp]

The Rise of International Fascism networks has occurred since 1990s fall of eastern bloc communism.


The experimenters like using expressions about mothers leaving enslaved sons in the hands of experimenters.
<--------This implies that bad characters want to own citizens in the manner of slavery

A person's mother left her son in the hands of bad characters?

Corollary reasoning(1):
She left her son in the hands of bad characters that say they have nothing to do with her son socially.
But they want something to do with the home of the son
<--- such bad characters are theives conspirers that are about stealing homes. They need to formally charged about their conspiracy theft activity.

Trespass via concentration camp technology device since the year 1995.
It has been tresspass against a home via device since year 1995, and
tresspass against a human nervous system(Nazi doctor crime) since year 1995.

Corollary reasoning(2):
She left her son in the hands of people who are about watching her son's life slowly die from social isolation and racial discrimination

This is selfish activity by a mother against her son... a son that she did not raise.
Senseless activity by a selfish corrupted mother against her son...She gave birth to a son only to conspire to sacrifice the life of her son.
It's not supposed to make sense, because selfishness isn't supposed to make sense. FORMAL CHARGES are required against a selfish racist corrupt society
that taught a mother to act in a cowardly corrupt selfish manner.

Similar could be said about a person's older cousins Liliana Pavlek and her brother Tom.

Their behaviour has been so (without morality) since the year 1998. Their behaviour has been about causing unnecessary suffering.

A person's older cousin's LILIANA AND TOM DON'T NEED TO BE RESPECTED. They should be revealed as being afflicted by "bum odour"/"arse odour" problems as a result of their sodomy corruption, and THEY SHOULD KILL THEMSELVES OUT OF SHAME...they should be charged by international law.
(aussie B.O. = body odour (euphemism) = "bum odour"/"arse odour"/"ass odour" (elucidation) .

It is deduced that,
because a person's mother and a person's older cousins Tom and Liliana became corrupted by sodomy, they pass wind (fart) often after they are sodomized.
then after further hours/days elapse, they stop passing wind, but they continue to communicate biosemiotically like insects in a hive.

Then they came up a conspiracy against their younger cousin, to make a horrible counterfeit/mirage against their younger cousin ,
to artificially cause(induce) strange sounds in the digestive system of their younger cousin , by getting their younger cousin implanted with a slavery device.

In late months of 1998, the strange sounds problems began occuring, and they kept occuring afterwards.
-A person's mother heard the strange stomach sounds problems occur in 1998(experimenters conspired an unnecessary meeting between mother and son).
The mother did not have the humanity to say something or do something about the slave labour device which caused the strange stomach sounds.
Information suggests that, behind her son's back, that she deliberately conspired social isolation against her son, as a way to divert attention from her "bum odour"/"arse odour" problems.

-Similarly in 1998 a person's older cousin Tom heard the strange stomach sounds problems occur in 1998 when food was being eaten at the lounge room table.
(While studying at University in 1998, the strange stomach sounds kept occuring, so a person got the idea to visit cousin Tom at the farm property).
Older cousin Tom not have the humanity to say something or do something about the slave labour device which caused the strange stomach sounds.
One of Tom's male offspring began to laugh at the strange stomach sounds.
Information suggests that, behind his younger cousin's back , that that Tom deliberately conspired social isolation against his younger cousin, as a way to divert attention from Tom's "bum odour"/"arse odour" problems.

...also they have a sister Rosie(Ruzica/Ruzhitsa),and Rosie did not visit her younger cousin's home. Rosie is corrupted by sodomy as her siblings Tom and Liliana are corrupted.

... and there was Serbian Milos Vujanic who was a Pentecostal Church official. He lured people to his Pentecostal Church by advertisements delivered to people's letter boxes during early 1990s.
Milos's work was as a handyman. Milos Vujanic while working as a handyman putting up a fence in the Blue Mountains was heard to pass wind audibly,probably as a result of being sodomized before he began work that day.

[Milos was witnessed as passing wind(farting) probably as a result of being a Serbian poofter(Serbian sodomite), with an anglo-celtic wife Lois who is probably a sodomite herself,
so deductions are made about a person's older cousins and a person's mother, their lack of morality, their attitudes of causing unnecessary suffering to heterosexuals, their corrupted behaviours ]



A person was brought to beware of strangers, the news papers and television news were often mentioning serial killers problems in western society.

a person's mother and a person's mother older cousin s conspired in a manner opposite to one's upbringing.
A person's mother was about sending strangers against her son.So she deliberately mixed with bad characters.
A person's older cousins were about sending strangers against their younger cousin. Cousin Liliana Pavlek mixed with bad characters by becoming involved with Poofter Parlour Robin Hood Inn Hotel, and safe base activity.
[Inhumanely tracking a person around by ground-ionosphere-antenna is focussing unnecessary attention upon a person, is about sending strangers at a person.]







further information about Drago Pavlek, Liliana Pavlek and her brother Tom corrupted by the activity of Witch Covens:
Drago Pavlek male witch coven member,bisexual LIVED NEAR A POOFTER PARLOUR,male prostitute, nazi(Ustashi member),double of CIA spy Eugene Kolb.

"witch visitations" - positive versus negative visitations - selfish visitations
the type of visitations where cousins lived 5 minutes drive away but they only visited 2 times a year - such visitations shouldn't have occured
they are negative visitations - about making missing persons, about selfish racist cousins conpsiring isolating people and seeing if people are still alive, about enslaving a household.
DEATH ORIENTED VISITATIONS - cousins were about making a "dead-beat" household, conspiracy to make a household slowly die".

[other information -furter information about - Joanne the checkout worker,her nazi lebensborn double Karen who was friends with David Evans.]

Witchcraft and the Problem of Evil in a Basque Village
Basque Culture and witch covens
Pat Buchanan, American Gridiron sport in Kyrgyzstan (Central Asia, former Soviet Republic,near Tarim Basin Xinjiang Province).
[Buchanan was Nixon Advisor: Watergate Bugging Scandal, Opertion Linebacker I and II during Vietnam War]
Pat Buchanan possibly a relative of ww2 German Nazi submarine commander Carl Doenitz
| Marian Baraba , adverntist double of Pat Buchanan (probably relative of Ivan Milat, serial killer)
[drove an ice cream truck during 1990s, lived in Edensor Park suburb of Sydney.
Also another Buchanan who was American President before Abraham Lincoln: Slavery era American president Buchanan.

======================================= [15/05/2024]


australia is an evil culture that
- makes horrible counterfeits to parent(s)
- make horrible counterfeit against son(s)

1995 - racial violence attack
- racist doctors drilled a hole in the skull of the son
and surgically attached a slavery device. <-------------Australian Medical NazismNazi doctor crime,breach of Geneva Convention aarticle 147. Jeffrey Dahmer Style medical crime by Australian doctors Peter Haertsch(plastic surgeon), Maryanne Vonau(Neurosurgeon), Silvferskold(Neurosurgeon)...

Doctors in Westmead Hospital, Blacktown Hospital continued the injustice: they continued the medical Nazism afterward.
[1999 News stories began on television about Australian soldiers invading East Timor, supposedly as Peace Keepers, but Australia was secretly enacting a nazi agenda.
The 1999 INTERFET mission to East Timor was part of Australia's nazi agenda, expansion into the Pacific, establshment of detention camps(... concentration camps in the becoming)
... there has been a bugging scandal to do with Australians in East Timor... some Australian lawyer surname Collaery, connected to news stories such as David Mcbride.

1999 - australian doctors made horrible counterfeit.
- makes horrible counterfeits to parent(s)
- make horrible counterfeit against son(s)

year 2000 and afterward - the racists kept going and going in their countefeit activity
[in te manner of a concentration camp crime/nazi doctor crime used
- to prevent a migrant household having paid work, access to car technology
- to prevent a migrant family from breeding
In the manner Australian anglo-celtic sodomites,bisexuals, homosexuals, having paid work ,having families <----- Nazi Lebensborn (inbreeding) program in Australia
[Australia makes race war in civilian areas, ethnic cleansing activity in civilian areas,suburban area of Sydney Australia, by committing medical concentration camp crimes:slave labour device experiments
Jeffrey Dahmer style medical crimes <---- Watergate Bugging Scandal in Australia since year 1995 - Hippocampal Neuron Patterning experiments (Cybernetic Slavery Experiments)]

Australians have done such racism against a school dux ( a person who is academically first in his high school).

it is now the year 2024.. there must be formal international law charges.

the length of time, the duration of counterfeit making.... it must be stressed to the international law system that australia is an evil culture
... once Australia puts a person's life in a ditch, it never wants to stop the injustice..it never wants to stop the unjustice over years/decades
... Austrlaia must be formally charged by international law.


what are the further details about Mr Asia(Mister Asia) drug syndicate learned how to keep out of sight of the NSW Police?
was drug money used to build the infrastructure camera rooms, and infrastructure camera systems in shopping areas?
Their activity has been to send hostile racist armed police officers at people who need legal representation, instead of introducing people to solicitors.
racism against migrant families, human sacrifice activity.
Mr Asia drug syndicate members: Bradley Heyward(son of Paul Heyward from the Newtown Jets Rugby League club), kelly danzie double in Hammers Road adventist church...
[Instead of the NSW Police arresting jailing Mr Asia Drug syndicate members,Mr Asia Drug Syndicate families, the NSW Police discriminated against migrant families, pedestrian families that didn't have cars.]

When perverse racists are enacting a process of ignoring the humanity of a victim of experiments,
they could be using this kind of language and imagery. It could be connected with the
MJ-12 Majestic-12 American plan of enslaving and exterminating third world nations(developing world nations)


alien.gif -from 24/06/2011 reposted 17/05/2024

... Some months after the murder of ritual Anita Cobby in 1986,
Peter Tsakos says "look at his [alien's] eyes ! "




When adult acquaintances,adult strangers,adult racist relatives start asking children to give gifts,
(that a child of another race should give gifts to someone's son or grand-son who is of the same race as the adult
and if a child of another race refuses and keeps his items for himself,and the adult becomes offended...the adult is being selfish)

When adult acquaintances,adult strangers,adult racist relatives start asking children to give gifts,
but children dont have jobs to support themselves, children dont have jobs to earn money,
that is possibly how some slavery/ slave labour conspiracies begin.
When adults become corrupted by their racist relatives,
racist relatives who want to racially exploit other races,
racist relatives who start promoting ideas about how will their race profit from the other race,
that is possibly how some slavery/slave labour conspiracies begin.

International law charges must be pressed against slave labour situations that have developed over time.

If a doesn't person have[a way to support one's self], racists should not ask a person for gifts, because racists are conspiring theft.
If the society around has conspired to prevent a person from having[a way to support one's self ],by enacting slave labour experiments, racists should not ask for gifts, because racists are conspiring theft.
International law charges must be pressed.

there is a diffrerence between a person having the things that he needs for himself,
and a person being able to buy gifts as extra things that he does not need for himself.

... when racists begin asking for things that a person needs for himself to have some happiness or quality of life, then that is theft:
racists dont want a person to have anything. Racists dont want a person to have happiness, racists dont want quality of life for a person, racists want a person's life to be lacking.

International law charges must be pressed against slave labour situations that have been deliberately perpetrated and that racists have deliberately dragged on over time.
[Such situations of deliberate injustice reveal that Australia is not civilized. Australia is a satanic culture that makes counterfeits, a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

Underground economy activiy:
criminals who develop triple threat of
- sodomy ritual sex/ritual prostitution
- ritual murder activity(serial killings, ... mass murder, genocidal activity) <-- -homosexual procurement networks
- drug addiction/smuggling (illicit drugs)

[to associate with such criminals/corrupt people becomes like a sword of democles hanging over one's head]

My older cousins Liliana Pavlek and Tom have become part of the homosexual procurement network activity.

The corrupt solicitors and judges in australia have been making false excuses around trying falsely label the younger cousin with homosexual procurement network activity.
I (The younger cousin) am NOT member of such networks.

The corrupt solicitors and judges and lilina pavlek want to lure the younger cousin into the family courts, instead of international court.

Internationl court/iinnternational law charges are required, not family court.

Liliana Pavleks behaviour has been too inhuman.
Liliana pavlke has formed some conspiracy around wanting faily court proceedings to occur, instead of international court.
Internationl court/iinnternational law charges are required, not family court.

Liliana Pavleks behaviour has been too inhuman.She is part of group of oldr cousins that have committed nazi concentration camp crimes against their younger cousin.
[DEscriptiion of the conspiracy older cousins enacted against a younger cousin:
racial vioilence attack,doctors drilled a hole in the skull of the younger cousin, implantation of a slave labour device, involuntary cybernetic experiments since year 1995. Now is year 2024]

Liliana Pavleks behaviour has been too inhuman.
She didn't act like family. She acted like a separate household, a stranger household, estranged household.

Her behaviour over years decades has been to completely socially isolate her cousin, in the hope that her cousin would be murdered by social isolation.
Wisdom ssys that it is not ghood to for a man to be alone. She is an anti-christian,antichrist, satanist, sadist that is about making people socially alone.
Her behaviour has been to make a missing person out of her younger cousin.

She came visitng around 1983 alog her cousin Tom. She invited herself.
She made selfish visitations since the 1980s, once or twice a year while living 5 minutes drive away by car, in the same suburb.
She dd not invite her younger cousin to her home over decades, while making selfish visitations over years decades.
[probably she would say was visiting a person's parent, and she deceived the caring male parent into letting herself in the door along with her brother Tom.
She was let in the door of the home, and she conspired murder slavery against her younger cousin.]

Her bisexual male prostitute husband Drago Pavlek is a racist homosexual that cries to assassin families,
about a person's son having some quality of life, about having paid work, about having a household/family of one's own.

[Racially violent male prostitute from an assassin family made hints he takes care of his cousin.]


Rourke's drift(1879) - mentions a system of Commissariates among the British and Dutch Boers that decades later was
still being used by Hitler's Nazi German Army in World War 2 (1939-1945)
thee is a Byrne/Burne surname connected with Rourke's drift.
Adam Burne corrupt racist policeman from 1995, is probably a jewish nazi invovled in planning Nazi Commissariates.

Also to mention commerce/economics/geography teacher who is probably a relative of Luis Ochoa drug smuggler from South America who was closely connected to George Bush.
Mr Hoad worked as an economics teacher along with Mr McSeveny, Mr Foster, Mr Horne,Mr Begnall during the 1980s, at the same school where Neal Winter worked as a music teacher.
Mr McSevgeny - connection to slave labour and mining companies in East Africa(Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia).
McSeveny is a relative of Jason amd Luke who used to live at number 42 next to Mark Virgona,
and Shaun O'Shaunessy who was part of Andrew Taggart's male prostitution group that pretended to be christians ISCF.

further information about Rorke's Drift(1879)

Lieutenant-General Chelmsford :Frederic_Thesiger




Between 1945 and 1950 Thesiger travelled extensively around the Arabian peninsula...
Between 1945 and 1950 Wilfred Thesiger travelled extensively around the Arabian peninsula, documenting his travels in his journals and taking many ...

Chelmsford hospital Sydney - medical injustices.

Publisher Harper-Collins book company.


About Suzanne the female security guard Circular Quay september 2019 in and Harris Scarfe Conveyancers Solicitors.
According to Suzanne's nazi ideology, some races shouldn't have any huuman rights,shoudn't know how to read or write, shouldn't have freedom of movement, ...
According to Suzanne's nazi ideology,some races shouldn't be able to seek representation by a solicitor, shouldn't be able to have real estate ownership documents witnesses by a conveyancer.
So in such a context of racism, Suzanne the security guard said " You cant be here."
in such a context of racism, Suzanne the security guard did not want a person to visit the office of Harris Scarfe in Circular Quay.

Ugly bitch Suzanne has a facial resemblane to Erwin Rommel WW2 Nazi,(& Hans Kammler?)

Similar comments about Nazi ideology and the selfish racist expectations of nazis are mentioned in documentaries such as
Hitler's slaves: forced labour - s1e2 - annihilation.
Exp4ressions such as [Accoridng to nazi ideology" the sub-humans in Eastern Europe should not be able to ...




Drago Pavlek follows a strange ideology of can people produce offspring to be used an abused by the strangers around, as a way of being polite to the society that he lives in,...

Which would suggest that Drago Pavlek was a male prostitute when he married Liliana around year 1981.

Instead of the moral ideology people being able to support themselves through paid work, as way of bearing/begetting a family, Drago Pavlek follows an ideology of prostitution as a
way of trying to prosper in a nation such as Australia.. an such an ideology is probably a way to ritually murder and enslave people.

Drago Pavlek follows an ideology of making offspring through prostitution (instead of doing useful work with one's hands, instead of producing some useful product such as timber through one's work,...)


recent discovery:

About Laurie Peake's comments "we' ll get you through" (we will get you through),
and descriptions of strangers/homosexuals throwing comments at people at Sydney University...
homosexual procurement networks at Sydney University.

Suggests that Sydney University is involved in discrimination/race war behaviours against people's sons, where people's parents are allowed to pass through a crowd,
but they dont want their sons to be able to be pass through a crowd...and it is about giving unfair advantage to some racial groups in a generation ... in each generation,
there are some racial groups that Sydney University wants to live easy lives and to pass through their tertiary studies without problems, to easily have paid work, to easily bear/beget families,
and there are other racial groups that Sydney University wants to have unliveable lives and to make unnecessary problems to their tertiary studies,
as a way of preventing the other racial groups from having paid work, and preventing other racial groups from having families. It is some kind of nazi ideology that Sydney University follows,
this website has described it as homosexual nazism.
Western culture possibly makes euphemisms about ethnic cleansing when describing such racism.



Cicadas return to an area every 20 years. Cicada 3301 and LHOHQ internet rabbit hole are advertisements for nazi activity in places such as Sydney Australia.
The Australian Government inflicts Nazi doctor crimes against migrant families, racism inflicted against migrant households over periods of 20 years 30 years,
racism which the Australiam Government does not want migrant families to know what to do about... the Australian Government, Britiah Gvernment, USA Government
has been developing technology to exterminate migrant households. Australia has a secret policy of anglo-celtic nazism, anglo-germanic nazism. Racial violence attacks,
surgical implantation of slave labour devices , medical counterfeits to the parents , medical counterfeits against peoples sons, as away of dragging on nazi doctor crimes over 20 year
30 year periods . While migrant households try to do something against the Nazism, the Australian Government steals their identities and imports Nazis into Australia.
Nazi Lebensborn program has existed in Australia over decades since WW2. The Australian Government has a secret policy of secretly favouring Nazis, secretly importing Nazis
as a way to murder migrant households who are not anglo-germanic and who are not racist Jews. They import the racist jews also to make race wars against Nazis in suburban areas
in civilian areas implying that Australian society is less than civilized, it is a culture that sacrifices humans lives because of race.

Racial violence, attacks, nazi doctor crimes, medical counterfeits to parent(s) that care, medical counterfeits against people(s) sons are a way for citizens to unjustly lose civil rights,
a way that Australia wants to unjustly ignore the civil rights of citizens that it racially hates.

Every Nazi Lebensborn generation is about 25 years. Australia has a secret racist policy about getting their nazi generations through (to favourable circumstances) at the expense of the lives of other races,
implying that Australian society is less than civilized, it is a culture that sacrifices humans lives because of race. Australia is NOT CIVILIZED, it makes counterfeits of civilization(mirage of civilization,pretend civilization.
Australia is a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

Every Nazi Lebensborn generation is about 25 years. Australia has a secret racist policy about getting their anglo-germanic generations through (to favourable circumstances) at the expense of the lives of other races,
implying that Australian society is less than civilized, it is a culture that sacrifices humans lives because of race. Australia is NOT CIVILIZED, it makes counterfeits of civilization(mirage of civilization,pretend civilization.
Australia is a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

Australia must be charged by international law, breach of Geneva Convention article 147.
schofields aerodrome sydney australia and barry seal pilot drug smuggler airplane trips from usa to south america iran contra scandal , Jordal Hobbies flying school and Peter Rogers Dance School in Sydney.
John Cummings somehow obtained a pilot's license from Jordal Hobbies around 1990. John Cummings Philippinno Australian members of a gang called Parramatta Boys secretly known as Cabramatta Boys gang.

Schofields aerodrome sydney australia and barry seal pilot drug smuggler airplane trips from usa to south america iran contra scandal...
Jordal Hobbies flying school that existed next to DMS Coltrane Trucking and Logistics company near Peter Rogers Dance School in Sydney...
Near to where Turkish Businessman Hussan Dustan was murdered in December 1995. CIA front companies in Australia, a very unfriendly industrial area involved in the ritual murders of citizens.
John Cummings somehow obtained a pilot's license from Jordal Hobbies around 1990. John Cummings Filipino Australian members of a gang called Parramatta Boys secretly known as Cabramatta Boys gang.
John Cummings is an asian Nazi Lebensborn double of Shiro Ishii Unit 731 ww2 biological warfare researcher. "

" joe son 1990 torture incident possibly connected to asian gangs in western sydney parramatta boys gang secretly call themselves cabramatta boys.
ku klux klan groups/elvis fan rockabillys/cliff richard fans/elm house britain paedophiles and asian gangs in tandem behind murder such as caroline byrne in june 1995.
Byrne was murdered 13 days before a racial violence attack at a shopping centre in Sydney which resulted in surgical implantation of a slave labour device which Australia must be prosecuted by international law about.
Australai has been developing technology to enslave and exterminate third world nations. Enslavement of human nervous systems.Deductions Anglo-celtic Ku Klux Klan and Asian gangs were illegally trading via Schofields
aerodrome that existed in 1990, illegally trading in the manner of Barry Seal. Barry Seal has relatives in Australia some Karen who is a friend of David Evans ( and Joanne the checkout worker who is Karen's nazi lebensborn double.)
When such Ku Klux klan racists were students at school, there
used to be a magazine displayed in the high school library called Airborne and RC Models(remote controlled models) .

see 15_09_2020.jpg
https://www.gravitics.net/index.html 15_09_2020.jpg
...asian gangs in western sydney parramatta boys gang secretly call themselves Cabramatta boys.
Ku Klux Klan and Asian gangs were illegally trading via Schofields aerodrome that existed in 1990.

[There was a video hire business at Kingalangley Shops that was advertising Michael Myers film (Austin Powers spy comedy films, in which Joe Son starred.

Airborne Australia Magazine x 8 Lot 1980s Vintage Aircraft Boats Yachts RC Model https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/375415887944?chn=ps&_ul=AU&mkevt=1&mkcid=28&srsltid=AfmBOoqaUdnqwVEK_pRInm4OVCxJhcE5I8X6cDSkS-oBI22CSP_Ci7pv_F8

----------------- Erin Molan (Parramatta Nazi? from the Sydney Footy Show)--- facial resemblances to ----Sandra Sully (channel 10 newsreader)--- probably related to---- Sarah librarian that worked in Wentworthville Library around year 1994.
[Sarah the librarian used to exit the train at Parramatta railway station).
The Parramatta Boys gang possibly migrated the nazis between Parramatta Cabramatta, Blacktown Municipality (3 areas which form a geographical triangle = TRIAD)
Sometimes American Indians would be involved in the illegal immigration of Nazis. Some American Indians(consider themselves Nationalist Americans, CIA spies?) and look similar to Mongols,Chinese,Philippinos.
In several East Asian countries exist American bases. e.g. American Bases have been in the Philippines over decades.
...Some chinese are from Taiwan which has opposed communism. Various chinese Triad crime organisations are from Taiwan.The USA has been a supporter of Taiwan against Communism.







Drago avlek is a male witch/male prostitute. When he enters into a home that is not his,
his behaviour is to rapidly walk in a circle in front a person's son.

Drago Pavlek walks in a circle in front a person's son, when he knows a person's parent is not able to witness such behaviour.

[Drago Pavlek enacted such behaviour in early 2009]

Such information was noted down along with a photo of cousin Liliana Pavlek and Drago Pavlek visiting the home of of Liliana's uncle. Liliana and Drago were standing inside the home
near the door, around year 2008. When they visited homes, maybe they did not want to be photographed. They did not want to reveal their fear of being photographed visiting a home that is not theirs.
If they did not want to be photographed visiting their uncle's home, were they conspiring murder against their uncle's household ?

[If it would have been the decision of the son, the son would NOT have let them through the door in 1983.
Their mother Kata(Kate) had become an economic enemy by 1983. Their mother Kata did not want to pay out Velko's brother his share of the block of land in Fiddletown(Galston Arcadia).
Liliana Pavlek and her brother Tom had invited themselves in 1983, and a person's parent let them inside the door of his home.

[Velko was Kata's husband that died in 1980.
[In hindsight, research syuggests that Kata had her husband murdered to get the Fiddletown land into her hands.]
Velko's brother was the uncle of Liliana Pavlek and Tom. Lilian and Tom came visiting their uncle in 1983.]



Aussie Smiling Queers, as appeared at concrete ramp entrance to Westpoint Shopping Centre on Monday 19th June 1995, 2 days before a racial violence attack(attempted murder).
(Brian Ball 1990 physics student from Sydney University had a different looking face to the diagram,
but Brian Ball had such smiling queer behaviour.

[The concrete entrance ramp was later demolished in year 2004, and the shopping centre extended.]


Robert Saunders = Hungarian Mafia (Hungarian-Jewish cabal)

Hungarian Mafia - ther organisation that was behind the 1970s sacking of Gough Whitlam's Government, the Luna Park fire, The Family murders.
Businessman Peter Abeles and TNT Couriers = Hungarian Mafia snd ASIS spy organisation.
Peter Abeles, Frank Lowy.

Ronald Bigg's wife = Hungarian mafia.
Vincent Orobello's blonde wife = Hungarian Mafia.
Vincent Orobello's wife some resemblance to Robert Saunder's mother (Eileen Saunders).







cousin liliana pavlek needs to be charged by international law and executed because
-she was making selfish visitations to her uncle's home over years
-she conspired to make complete mockery of the good things her uncle wanted for his son...

-liliana pavlek begin visitations in 1983 to her uncle's home...
-in 1995 liliana pavlek conspired to murder her uncle's son by a racial violence attack by male prostitutes, and nazi ratline by corrupt racist Blacktown Police officers.
the attempted murder resulted in surgical implantation of a slave labour device against the nervous system of her uncle's son.
- in 2009 her uncle wanted Liliana Pavlek to beneficially to watch over his son, Liliana Pavlek probably agreed... but when her uncle was no longer able to see her behaviour,
she began more openly acting in a selfish manner: her uncle would have been horrified if he had found out about Liliana Pavlek's selfishness. As her uncle lay dieing in hospital,
Liliana Pavlek appeared with her husband Drago Pavlek and made a silent victory march past her uncle's son outside the hospital. Also , Liliana Pavlek began observing
her uncle's son in the manner of an insect detrimentally burrowing into the life of her uncle's so, instead of beneficially interacting with her uncle's son. Instead of consoling her uncles's son,
she stopped visiting completely, she hoped that remotely terrorising the nervous system of the son , while creating an artificial injustice of completely isolating her uncle's son would be a way to make her uncles son die...

Liliana Pavlek and her brother Tom are corrupt people that act one way to peoples parents, but when the parents can no longer see their behavior,
Liliana Pavlek ad her brother Tom act in a different way toward people's sons.
[.. and the Stefanovic family have been taught such evil behaviour.]

So Liliana Pavlek was visiting her uncle's home from 1995 to 2009 and horribly conspiring against his son. He did not know how she was conspiring. Liliana Pavlek's uncle had a right to know.
Her evil behaviour was to make a complete mockery of the good things he wanted for his son.

In 1995 -the uncle mentioned something to her about wanting his son to be married.
- the son was busy trying to have some way to support himself, to find paid work, did not know what was being said between his relatives.
Liliana Pavlek selfishly conspired to have her uncle's son murdered in 1995 instead of finding someone to marry her uncle's son...then Liliana Pavlek got racists
in Blacktown Police to give hints to the her uncles son, while her uncle received no hints . Corrupt homosexual/bisexual Policemen Adam Burne was corruptly rewarded by being promoted
to police prosecutor in Blacktown Courthouse, and Adam Burne was described as going a honeymoon with some sodomized aussie woman that married him.
Her uncle's son had no idea about such hints might mean, because he was trying to find some way to support himself. He did not know anything about marriage being discussed between his relatives.

[Liliana Pavlek's uncle did not find out about Liliana Pavlek's conspiracies, so she contined to visit her uncle, and she continued to conspire horribly against his son
to the year 2009... reason that cousin liliana pavlek needs to be charged by international law and executed.
It is extremely cowardly that older cousins Liliana Pavlek and Tom have conspired against a younger cousin in thhe manner of murder conspiracies/slavery/medical nazism. ]

Liliana Pavlek's conspired in the manner of making worse and worse the situation of her uncle's son, so that her uncle forgot what was being discussed in 1995.
Liliana Pavlek's conspired in the manner of making her uncle's son slowly die, so that her uncle forgot what was being discussed in 1995
...by 2009 her uncle did not what to do over years , her uncle wanted Liliana Pavlek to beneficially watch over his son
...The kind of charges to execute Liliana Pavlek: Nazi doctor crimes (Geneva convention article 147), Nazi Eugenics, concentration camp medical crimes,
hitleristic separation of males and females conspiracy by using a nazi doctor crime to artificially induce strange noises in he stomach and digestive system.

The Australian Government is really horrible to some citizens, while pretending to be civilized to many citizens.
<---- Australian Government needs to be charged by international law.

The Australian Government is really horrible to some citizens, while pretending to be civilized to many citizens.

The Australian Government has been doing slave labour nazism injustice against some citizens, while pretending to care about the Geneva Convention to many citizens.

While the Australian Governemnt was doing slave labour nazism injustice against some citizens, through its international connections it managed to bring about the Coronavirus World Epidemic.

The citizens whom the Australian Government has been acting horribly toward know that the Australian Government is dishonest unjust entity,
that governments of nations such as Australia was being dishonest about the cause of the Coronavirus World Epidemic.

The citizens whom the Australian Government has been acting horribly toward know that the Australian Government is dishonest unjust entity,
and the Coronavirus World Epidemic was part of a slave labour agenda, was part of a depopulation agenda...
probably more to do with Xinjiang Province politically considered as part of China, than a biological pathogen leak in Wuhan China.
Western businesses in Sinkiang/Xinjiang Province that have been developing slave labour technology,
modern day concentration camp technology/Nazi death camp technology and the western media began reporting such companies
in year 2019: bloomberg, Nike, Costco, Blackrock-Vanguard ... being western companies that profit from slave labour, and the building of
detention centres/internment camps in Xinjiang Province: mention of Uighur ethnic group being victimized in the detention centres/internment camps,
but in Australia Turkish-Cypriot-Uighurs are perpetrators of slave labour experiments conspiracies.: Then the Coronavirus World Epidemic occurred in 2020 as a way to make westen society forget about such news stories.

... It' is part of a satanic agenda of ignoring the human rights of some households,racist criminals stealing their identities so they are sitting in front of the television instead of being out actively doing things
via technology lucrative opportunities jobs businesses cars ships airplanes tanks jets submarines, and racist criminals making things happen on television ...
e.g. If deceased Australian Businessmen such as Kerry Packer was stopped in his identity theft crimes, Kerry PAcker would have been passively home sitting in front of the
teleivision instead appearing on television saying who he wanted Australians to elect as the next political leader: see music video Starlight by the Superman lovers.


but Turkish-Cypriot-Uighurs-in-Australia-that-call-themselves-greek
are perpetrators of slave labour experiments conspiracies. (Also Luke and Jason Luke called himself an Dutchman but he looked Irish ).




W3stern culture deliberately makes lies about advancing in some way, planting the western flags somewhere new.
.. and when the prophecies of western nations are not fulfilled (western culture becomes fearful that its lies will be discovered)
The leaders of western nations go into rebellion against their law systems which are supposed make humane societies, and western leaders try to kill as much of humanity as possible, through artificially made wars, through artificially create epidemics, etc.

Western societies are not civilized, they are counterfeits of civilization... western society is not humane, it makes counterfeits.
Western nations are a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

Over the decades since WW2 World war 2, western nations having been making a Hitleristic,Ernst-Roehm-like Anglo-Germanic FOURTH REICH.

There needs to be a change-of-civilization.


hints in media that some people some organisation knew coronavirus Covid19 epidemic was going to occur, some years before 2020.
Coronavirus Covid19 as an artificially developed biological warfare pathogen connected to making racist Police State situations.

MFP - Multi-function-polis (multi-function-city] and 1980s Queensland State Government of Wayne Goss (resembled some High School mathematics science teacher Mr Latham same school as Neal Winter).

The MFP Multi-function-polis was planned to be a group of scientists engineers technologists from Asia nations with USA bases such as Japan Korea.
They were planned to a group isolated from the Australian population in their own futuristic city called an MFP Multi-function-polis.
[Nano-technology research, Nano-generators that harvest energy from human body muscle motions].

Media comments: Queensland: beautiful one day, South Africa the next.
[Queensland: beautiful one day, South African racial Apartheid police state the next.]

Coronavirus COVID19 television personalities during the Epidemic 2020-2023:

Steven Miles <----->singer George Ezra song "Budapest" - music video shows an Iranian man sneezing in a crowd, ad afterward the crowd are all wearing 3d-glasses as though they are end up at home in front of their televisions.
Possibly hints about Hungarian Mafia being another Portland Spy ring that makes money from people's suffering.

facial similarity to Adventist Pastor Brett Eagle? <--relative of-> Toni Collette.

Kerry Chant <------> wife of Daniel Duggan (American Pilot spy that imparted fying knowledge to Chinese spies) <-----> Military solicitors , Guatanamo Bay connections. Orange town in the Blue Mountains region west of Sydney.
Rosemary Hunter and Alison Rothwell, Don Rothwell: Johnny Walker spy ring in NSW Australia who have probably been illegally trading with the Chinese Government.
Alison Rothwell was 1990s chemistry student at Sydney University and later studied soil science in Orange.

Scott Morrison <-------> former NSW Policeman that became Australian Prime Minister, and then Coronavirus World Epidemic occurred during his time as political leader of Australia.
[Coronavirus as a way to turn nations into racist Police States - Scott Morrision became Australian Prime minister in connection with a racist apartheid Police State agenda.
connections to Project Coast - South Africa's biological warfare program from the Boer Apartheid political era.]

Paula Bun (sign language interpreter/deaf and blind centre institute connections & cochlear implants)<-------> Miss Crowley and NSW Teachers Union <---> Taliban terrorist organisation whose name means "The Teachers".
[& cochlear implants]

[& cochlear implants]





A person's mother did NOT set a good example. She was a bad character that was about sacrificing the life of her son.
She was about making strange invasions against the life of her son...She was about sending strangers against her son.
The western media news stories warn citizens to beware of strangers,
because western culture has serial killers, rituals murderers, mass murderers ... homosexual procurement network activity.
[australians corrupted a person's mother to conspire murder slavery against her son.]

Similar could be said about older cousins Liliana Pavlek and her brother Tom. The came visiting in 1983. They invited themselves.
[australians corrupted a person's older cousins to conspire murder slavery against their younger cousin.
Australians have no morality. Australians are a culture of upside down, back to front behaviours.]

Australians are about continually enacting upside down, back to front behaviours. Australians are not civilized. Australians make counterfeits of civilization.
Australia needs to be charged by international law to stop the upside down, back to front behaviours.


A person's mother did NOT set a good example. She was a bad character that was about sacrificing the life of her son, to get access to her ex-husband's home.
She was about making strange invasions against the life of her son...She was about sending strangers against her son.

... Also the racist Australian judges did not set a good example. A person's mother lost custody of her son because of her bad character.
The son did not know the details about the mother's bad character.
The male parent brought up the son.
Later those racist Australian jusges did not care about the mother and male prostitutes conspiring strange invasions against the life of the son.
Australians are a culture of baby killers. They are about going after the lives of people's sons.

... and also information has been described in paragraphs above, about Australia being a culture that makes homosexual race war against people's sons.
[Australia is a satanic culture that makes horrible counterfeits toward people's caring parent(s), and horrible counterfeits against people's sons.
Then caring parent(s) dont know what to do afterward, over years]


The NSW police enacted a Nazi ratline on 21/06/1995. <------- NSW POLICE NEED TO CHARGED BY INTERNATIONAL LAW.
A Eugene Kob style nazi ratline. Eugene Kolb was an American Spy CIA agent that pretended to be a Nazi Hunter.
Eugene Kolblet the Nazis go in the 1940s-1950s and pretended to hunt Nazis in the 1970s-1980s.
Eugene Kolb made business for himself from the Nazi Lebensborn program.

It was the NSW responsibility to stop the violent homosexual nazis/violent male prostitutes and the NSW Police did not want to do their jobs.
The NSW Police enacted racism where they supported nazis murdering a migrant household and identity theft against the migrant household,
and Nazis escaping to inbreed somewhere in nazi bases or homosexual tourism venues.

.. and then Australian doctors surgically implanted a slavery device into contact with a person's nerves (Hippocampal Neuron Patterning experiments:enslavement of human nervous systems based upon race).

Drago Pavlek is a nazi lebesborn double of Eugene Kolb.He lives in Carinyah Street Blacktown close to where the racial violence attack(attempted murder) occurred on on 21/06/1995 (Westpoint Shopping Centre).
He had something to do with the Nazi rat-line that the NSW Police enacted on 21/06/1995.
some of history teacher Mrs A Wheelers Nazi connections: people that have known about Nazi Lebensborn illegal immigrations over decades and have profitted from them their silence about nazism.

Ian Knight(Historian) <---facially resembles---> Mr Hoad (Economic teacher) <----facial resembles---> Luis Ochoa.
[Rorke's Drift documentaries, ideology which was still being followed decades afterward by Nazi Germany Hitler's regime.]

Ian Castle(Historian)
Aryck Nusbacher(Historian)--- Sandhurst military academy, Britain. <-----> Harry Windsor,William Windsor.
[Nusbacher became a transgender].

Among World War 2 documentaries exists information about a strange trade in human corpses(cadavers) that were transported on submarines, in connection with the Normandy Landing 1944.

Some of the names connected with the strange trade in human corpses(cadavers): major william martin, Glendower Michael, Emlynn Howells, and another able seaman surname Martin - several names that try to
describe one human corpse that was transported to the seas around Spain, in connection with the Allied Normandy Landing 1944 across the English Channel, and Operation Pastorius
to do with German Spies in the USA(Duquesne/Ducain spy ring).

The documentaries don't seem to make much sense, unless people know that World War I and World War 2 were started by secret alliances between England/America and Germany/Holland/Austria/Hungary/Germanic nations:
nations divided by the English Channel... and that America was discovered by Christopher Columbus .... some families whose existence became dependent upon biological warfare connected to Christopher Columbus voyages bringing a pathogen from the Americas to Europe some time after 1492 AD.

The biological warfare families described found a safe haven in the North America(Canada,USA), and then they conspired to foment World War I, and World War 2 on continental Europe.

Some of the names of the biological warfare families that sheltered in the USA include Bill Hickock and Buffalo Bill, who were about exterminating the Buffalo food source that the American Indians relied on upon as a food source,
as a way of depopulating American Indians.

Bill Hickock,Buffalo Bill were doubles of Harold Godwinesen the Anglo-Saxon leader who lost the Battle of Hastings in 1066 AD.

World War I and World 2 was artificially organised by biological war families who wanted to reverse the shame of 1066 AD Norman invasion of England by vassals of the King of France.
William of Normandy was a vassal of the King of France, and he invaded England in 1066 AD, won at the Battle of Hastings,
and the French speaking Normans ruled over England for several hundred years after, and then became extinct.

The allied Normandy Landing in 1944 AD during World War 2 was artificially organised by biological war families who wanted to reverse the shame of 1066 AD Norman invasion.

The strange trade in human corpses(cadavers) during World War 2 probably included slain doubles of Harold Godwinesen, and maybe living doubles of Harold Godwinesen were involved in the Normandy Landing 1944.

The allied Normandy Invasion 1944 AD could have secret codenames such as Project Harold,Project Harold Godwinesen,Project Hastings reversal <-----see earlier references to-------> Project Charlemagne. Project Monarch.

Information not mentioned in the documentaries is that used to be an immoral trade in cadaver blood(blood from dead bodies) by organisations such as the Red Cross involved in transfusing blood into living humans,
but it was supposedly stopped because blood from dead bodies was not hygienic. Organisations such as Red Cross organisation decided that blood from living humans was more hygienic to use in transfusions.
... But some situations occurred where blood transfusions from living humans was NOT hygienic, such as the AIDS epidemic that occurred in western nations during the 1980s.
The strange trade in human corpses(cadavers) probably continued decades after World War 2. It still occurs in modern times... news stories about car crashes in western nations such as Australia,Britain,USA probably connected to
the illegal trade in human corpses described: car crash news stories are connected to illegal trade in body organs, illegal trade in cadaver blood, illegal trade in human corpses in western nations such as Australia,Britain,USA.

see year 2017 news story about identity theft syndicates in western Sydney connected to medical pathology companies involved in testing blood of citizens... Blacktown Hospital involved in forcibly stealing blood from unwilling citizens.

Also doubles of Major William Martin and Harold Godwinesen existed together in neighbourhoods and went to the same school.
Bruce O'Brien resemblance to Major William Martin , Alistair White(the brother of Monique and Genevieve White) resemblance to Harold Godwinesen and connected to Alexander Wilon cult involved in child murders.









W3stern culture deliberately makes lies about advancing in some way, planting the western flags somewhere new.
.. and when the prophecies of western nations are not fulfilled (western culture becomes fearful that its lies will be discovered)
The leaders of western nations go into rebellion against their law systems which are supposed make humane societies, and western leaders try to kill as much of humanity as possible, through artificially made wars, through artificially created epidemics, etc.

Western societies are not civilized, they are counterfeits of civilization... western society is not humane, it makes counterfeits.
Western nations are a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

Over the decades since WW2 World war 2, western nations having been making a Hitleristic,Ernst-Roehm-like Anglo-Germanic FOURTH REICH.

There needs to be a change-of-civilization.


Covid-19 juggernaut "Ruby Princess" cruise ship that reached Australia year 2020 by depopulation plans MJ12/Agenda21 ,
Costa Concordia cruise ship disaster 2010 ,
and "Project Coast" Dutch Boer Apartheid racism biological warfare research from the 1970s

Research suggests the The Ruby Princess, and scientologist sea org members were headed for Australia,laden with Covid-19 cases,
and noone was going to stop them reaching Australia...scientologists worlds largest UFO Cult/western brainwashing organisation.
Scientologists advertise their illegal immigration activity probably in coded language about "traffic reports".

see also mention of cruise ship name Majestic Princess? <---> MJ12 plan of depopulation.

Concord Hospital Repatriation Hospital: Sydney Australia <------------------?--> Project Coast (plan of biological warfare, depopulation, enslavement and extermination of third world nations/developing world nations).
(Concord Hospital Repatriation Hospital:Peter Haertsch- 1990s plastic surgeon , Mariannne Vonau - Neurosurgeon, Silfverskold-Neurosurgeon)

Carnival Corporation to shut down iconic P&O Cruises Australia after 90 years
04 JUN, 2024

see 20_03_2024.jpg

further information - biological war families that planned world wars: ww1 and ww2:
elizabeth bowes lyon considered most dangerous woman in Europe, and cruise ships
...she commanded and army of Londoners that could wage biological warfare against nations.
... sinking of the Lusitania and WW1 World I

How the Sinking of Lusitania Changed World War I
A German U-boat torpedoed the British-owned steamship Lusitania, killing 1,195
people including 128 Americans, on May 7, 1915.
The disaster set off a chain of events that led to the U.S. entering World War I.

Cruise ships that were sunk in reality during the era of Elizabeth Bowes Lyon influence,early 20th century : Titanic,Brittanic,Lusitania,...

hints about sunken cruise ships,biological warfare conspiracies and world wars: 1981 movie Goliath Awaits.

The Country No One Blames For WWI But They Probably Should
[Quote from other website:WWI was a long, bloody and complicated war that caused millions to die. Everyone blames Germany and maybe Austria but not many people actually stop and think about Britain
and how it could have caused the whole thing to happen]

Further reasoning:
Britain--USA-ChristopherColumbus discovery of America
Serbians---Turkey(Turkish Ottoman Empire) ---- Mongolia.
[The assassination of Franz Ferdinand(Austria Hungary) by Serbian man Gavrilo Princip, probably had a Turkey-Mongolia biological warfare connection.
Serbia was under the Turkish Ottoman empire for 400 years.
Austria-Hungary-Germany were racial allies of Britain-USA]
[So World War I started in some connection with biological warfare activity between Britain and Mongolia-Turkey-Serbia(Slavonic nation culturally corrupted into becoming an Ottoman ally).
The Mongol Golden Horde had occupied Russia over 300 years but then became free for several hundred years. There is mention of a "Great Game" to do with Britain wanting to dominate Russia(Slavonic nation).]
So Britain secretly began World War I (WW1) because it wanted to dominate Russia and probably various other nations.

There is no comparison, there is no saying either.
There are citizens that you aussies consider humans because of race, there are citizens that you aussies dont consider human because of race.
The citizens that you aussies dont consider human because of race were supposed to be protected by law, by anti-racial-discrimination-law,
they were supposed to be protected by the Geneva Convention. You aussies decided to ignore those laws over years decades. You aussies decided to enact human sacrifice
against citizens you dont consider human because of race. You aussies must be charged by international law, so that your lives are taken from from you,
...so that it become easier to take your lives in self defense in situations of nazi activity (homosexual nazi activity/sodomy ritual sex sodomy ritual murder behaviours which are not civilization.)
You aussies are not civilized, you aussies make counterfeits of civilization. You are a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah... Australia is a satanic culture that is about doing things to citizens
it racially hates, that it would never do to citizens who it considers human racially. Australia is the exact opposite of the christian golden rule, so Australia must be charged by the Geneva convention,
Australia must be formally officially charged by the Geneva Convention.

Andrew Millett(male prostitute) -------Otto Skorzeny style corruption in Interpol/Europol : Interpol European Police organisation
Andrew Millett(male prostitute) -------Direlwanger style corruption in Interpol/Europol
[Millett kept mentioning Interpol as a High School student.

Peter Payne(male prostitute) ----- he started calling Paul Van Neijenhoff a slave in 1980s English language classes.

Andrew Millett(Male prostitute from neighbourhood where Toni Collette was raised,
male prostitute connected to harvesting conspiracy from 1980s in which
Norwest Mowers Blacktown became
Norwest Business Park and the Kanebridge/Bumbridge building in
Bella Vista/Castle Hill suburban area of Sydney: (Norwest Mowers was located near on 4 way street intersection into which went Chicago Avenue Blacktown) .
during the 1980s Millett was a student in English Language classes
whose teachers were Mr Peter McDonald, Miss Jenny Reen probably
connected to ritual murder of Anita Cobby in 1986. During the English language classes,
students would mention expressions such as "Where's Fitzgibbon?" ... "It's the Gibbon !"
as though they were following around Michael Fitgibbon as though he was some kind of animal,
as though he was a horse that would lead them to water in a desert, as though he was some
kind of Baphomet that they would follow around and gather around.From research/deduction
possibly several students from the English language classes would meet after school at Gibbon Road Winston Hills
which is on the other side of Old Windsor Road to Blacktown. It was an area difficult to travel to without a car.
Probably they would meet around Gibbon Road Winston Hills to enact male prostitution... and their male prostitution
activity was a way to accumulate corrupt business connections,monetary profits,drug money?
and to launder money in the building of Norwest business park and the Kanebridge/Bumbridge building on Norwest Boulevarde,
.. and Hillsong on Norwest Boulevarde used to known as the Hills Christian Life centre, which news stories connect to
Frank Houston's committing homosexual crimes against young males.)
English language students that were following Michal Fitzgibbon around ----Gibbon Road Winston Hills()----- Hillsong, Frank Houston , Kanebridge/Bumbridge building, Norwest Business Park.
Names: Shane Talarico, Robert Sigsworth, Michael Kerr, ...

Jamie Hatson and Lalor Park "Carpark" activity, around Lalor Park shops, eastern end of Northcott Road - probably male prostitution activity
Jamie Hatson, Brian Hill, Neil the friend of Terry Feeny, Terry Feeny, Emad Jaber, ...

Zachary Etcell, Frank Pico, Peter "Dunny Can" Dunn and their friend Adam with tennis arm band - probably male prostitution activity around Kingslangley Shopping Centre.
Peter Dunn was a member of Lalor Park scouts.

In local newspapers mentioned that a brothel existed somewhere near the 4 way street intersection into which went Chicago Avenue Blacktown.
That the brothel was closed down maybe around year 2008.
further about:.................
English language students that were following Michal Fitzgibbon around ----Gibbon Road Winston Hills()----- Hillsong, Frank Houston , Kanebridge/Bumbridge building, Norwest Business Park.
Names: Shane Talarico, Robert Sigsworth, Michael Kerr,

English language students that were following Michal Fitzgibbon around ----Gibbon Road Winston Hills()----- North Rocks Shopping Centre ( on the way to Epping suburb of Sydney Australia]
[Across the road from North Rocks shopping centre is the Deaf and Blind Institute from which Andrew Millett received his "hearing aid" device.Millett is inbred, genetically deaf, partially deaf.
Hearing Aids <-----------> Cochlear implants <--------> Slave Labour Devices.
Cochlear Implants,Slave Labour Devices <--?--> Einstein-Goldschmidt Microphone patent 1934(Artificial Ear, electro-acoustical hearing aid.) : Electromagnetic sound reproduction apparatus.
10/01/1934 DE590783 Electromagnetic sound reproduction apparatus
? Albert Einstein, Leo Szilard ,Gustav Bucky, Rudolf Goldschmidt

Einstein-Goldschmidt Microphone/Artificial Ear/electro-acoustical hearing aid <--?--> Slave Labour Devices.

361-365 North Rocks Road, North Rocks NSW 2151, Australia
<---- Where Andrew Millett(male prostitute) probably used to frequent during the 1980s, across the road from North Rocks shopping centre.

clockwork orange gang member name Peter Hall Queensland Australia. <---> Theodore Hall - Portland spy ring,some of who were executed. e.g. Ethel Rosenberg.
[Whiskey-a-go-go hotel bombing 1973 Queensland Australia <------------> Portland Spy Ring USA

Blacktown Poofter Parlour Robin Inn Hotel <------->Whiskey-a-go-go hotel bombing 1973
Rosemary Hunter and the Clockwork orange gang.

clockwork orange gang member named in the Australian media : Thomas Hamilton, Garry Dubois, Peter Hall, Keith Meredith.

[Why were they called the Clockwork Orange gang? - They were named after a book which became a Stanley Kubrick film.
Clockwork Humans was the 1960s-1970s terminology for making cybernetic slaves, via attacks by violent homosexuals(violent male prostitutes).
If they were families of Orangemen from Northern Ireland, they were about enslaving people cybernetically who would be considered as clockwork orange-men]

There were other films from the around the 1970s, such as "The Abominable Dr Phibes" in which was portrayed a clockwork music band.Actor Vincent price acted the role of Dr Phibes.

Corrupt policeman Roger Rogerson had arson connections to the Clockwork Ornge gang. Roger Rogerson was suspected of 15 arson (fire) incidents.

Clockwork Orange gang represented the Portland Spy USA ring in Australia.

Stanley Kubrick Films: Cybernetic slavery themes, Nazi Space program themes.
The Clockwork orange gang possibly involved in secret space programs/nazi space space programs in Australia,
which are about enslaving and exterminating migrants and people from the third world/developing world nations.

Rachael Griffiths who went to school with Toni Collette, and R Lenton look like relatives of Theodore Hall from the portland spy ring <--->clockwork orange gang.
The car number plate of Rachael Griffiths was TWG-00D around year 2004-2005. Rachel Griffiths who lived across the road from Maryann Camilleri who later married bisexual/male prostitute Miguel Grifa(closely connected to Neal Winter).
Around 1991 Rachel Griffith's became the girlfriend of Shane Pisani(male prostitute). Whoever Rachel Griffith's father was/is, he was probably screwing Shane Pisani up the behind.

Barry Boon (deceased elementary school teacher) <--probably related to-> Barry Humphries (crossdresser/transvestite Dame Edna Everidge) favourite expression "Possums!" , Ethel Rosenberg from Portland Spy ring.
Some NASA astronaut William Anders who took the Earthrise photo <--?--> Gregory Anderson (surname Anders-son, son of Anders),the mother of Gregory Anderson related to Brian Henderson newsreader Channel 9.


Blacktown Police are infiltrated by members of the Portland Spy Ring USA, and members of the Clockwork Orange Gang QLD Australia.
That is why one of the policeman that was investigating Anita Cobby's death resembles Chris Rabbidge.
Rabbidgge related to Lenton.R Lenton probably related to Theodore Hall from Portland Spy Ring.
The Portland Spy ring have profitted from illegaally immigrating Nazis.

The German Nazis Wernher Von Braun got the Americans to the Moon.
Operation Paperclip that brought the German nazoi scientists into the USA <--> Nazi Lebensborn program in the USA.

That is why Anita Cobby resembles astronaut Krista McAuliffe who died same year 1986 in Space Shuttle explosion.
Peter Tsakos and his deceased brother Angelo resembles Marian Baraba Adventist and Pat Buchanan USA politician from Watergate Bugging Scandal.
Buchanan was advisor to Richard Nixon USa President from Watergate Buggng Scandal.

Peter Tsakos and his deceased brother Angelo resemble R J Travers one of the killers of Anita Cobby.

Angelo Tsakos killed in 1985, and Anita Cobby killed in 1986 were killed to do with using stolen identities/race war activity/genocidal agenda MJ12/Agenda21.

Angelo Tsakos killed in 1985, and Anita Cobby killed in 1986 were killed from race war activity between Watergate Bugging scandal Anglo-Germanics and Greeks versus a
neighbourhood of Portland Spy ring Jews which Anita Cobby was part of. Anita Cobby's (adopted?) father Gary Lynch facially resembles Mark Virgona, Peter Rogers dance instructor, Adam Burne corrupt racist cop 1995
who are Lawrence of Arabia Jews from the Portland Spy Ring. Anita Cobby looked very Jewish and may be slight resemblances to Australian politician Bronwyn Bishop.
Anita Cobby related to circle of Jews around Deborah Mclachlan who was related to Krista Mcauliffe astronaut that died in 1986: Deborah Mclachlan, Michelle Gibson,
Joel Gardiner who resembles ISraeli embassy embassador Mark Regev.

Deborah Mclachlan is a doubl of Fleur Cates former wife of Benjamin Netanyahu jewish Israeli politician.
Blacktown Police are infiltrated by members of the Portland Spy Ring USA, and members of the Clockwork Orange Gang QLD Australia,
and that is why Blcktown Police are such racist scum that care nothing about civil rights, they care nothing about human rights.
Blacktown Police are Ku klux Klan Scum, Nazi Scum involved in plans to enslave and exterminate migrants and the third world nations,
and such racist police scum need to be prosecuted by international law.

hans udell? odessa files/nazi rat lines <------> udell family satanists illuminati priests priestesses enochian magic rituals <----> some redhaired Erin and The Cain gang/Can Brothers(Nathan and Morgan Cain who played for Lalor Park Kookaburras Rugby League club during the 1980s)
hans (udell?) different person to Alois Hudel who was connected to Nazi rat lines.

[Nathan and Morgan Cain were friends of Angelo Tsakos and some person with name nickname Lockie]

Udell <---> Tuesday Weld (Hollywood actress, Illuminati Priestess/satanist = Ku Klux Klan religion, The Family cult)

Redhaired Erin has behaviours of keeping a distance from people she conspires against, because she is a very inbred red-haired jew that is ugly to look at close up.
She has a face like a bull terrier dog.She is related to the people working at DMS Colrane trucking company that was adjacent to Jordal Hobbies flying school company before it closed down.

She comes from a neighbourhood with very inbred ugly looking females, that teach each other to get sex from homosexuals/bisexuals/sodomites who don't care what women look like.
Homosexuals/bisexuals/sodomites who go with women because women have backsides with lower entrances to their digestive systems, as men have backsides with lower entrances to the digestive systems.
A neighbourhood in a Poofter Parlour suburb.




Who is this racist scumbag that worked with Anita Cobby?
She has eyes , and face like James Finch from the Clockwork orange gang, Whiskey-a-go-go bombing 1973,
and James Finch's double that violently attacked on 21/06/1995.



Documentary mentioned that Reen Road used to be considered "Lover's Lane" by the anglo-celtic residents of Blacktown. Reen Road later renamed Peter Brock drive.
Were there anglo-celtic-Australians parked along Reen Road getting entertainment watching Anita Cobby being driven down Reen Road by the people that killed her ?

Racist scumbag Grace Lynch (probable Ku Klux Klan supporter) looks like a relative of Dorothy McMartin (via Clockwork orange gang and Portland Spy ring connections between Australia and USA).

The Dorothy McMartin scandal 1983 in the USA, involved crime organisations/spy rings digging tunnels to reach children in a preschool/daycare situation.

The Dorothy McMartin scandal 1983 was a precursor to:
- the Oklahoma City Bombing 1995 occured a few days before Clinton Whitewater court trial.
- September 2001 destruction of World trade centre buildings during presidency of George W. Bush who has a strange resemblance to Roger Rogerson corrupt racist policeman Australia.

[Roger Rogerson had a connection to the 15 deaths in the Whiskey-a-go-go bombing by the Clockwork Orange gang. The bodies of the victims destroyed by fire.

The Dorothy McMartin scandal 1983 had correspondences to the later September 2001 destruction of the World Trade Centre buildings: e.g. Manhattan Beach in California USA.]






About the redhaired man male prostitute from 291 Vardys Road . When a person was out shopping, he was making some kind ritualistic satanic visitations to the front yard of person's home.
the redhaired man male prostitute acted in a satanic ritualistic manner as though he was going make the home owner diappear, as though he was to walk into a home that is not his.
Mrs Anderson the mother of Gregory Anderson probably knows him.
Elizabeth Gourleigh probably knows him. Is he a worker hired by Blacktown Council ? ...

the redhaired man male prostitute became a renter at 291 Vardys Road sometime around mid 2020, and then was observing a person walk to and from Kinglangly shops,
and then the redhaired man male prostitute got together with a brunette male haired male prostitute and some female prostitutes and tried to violently attack a person on Friday 18/09/2020...

About Blacktown County Council and its building system of poofter parlours, thhe safe base on Blacktown Road, and its toilet crusing tourism industry: Does Backtown Shire Coucil brainwash people
to into believing they can ritualistically satanically steal the homes of migrant families? Does Blacktown Shire council teach anglo-celtics to detmentally observe migrant home owners ?
Is that how Blacktown Shire council misuses the infrasture camera systems that watch people around shopping areas, train stations, ...

Blacktown Council as the third tier of Australian Governmental system(local government) needs to be charged by international law.


Western culture is controlled by homosexual paedophiles. When western culture takes a dislike to a household, they are about boring holes in the skulls of people's children,
surgically implanting devices into contact with the nerves of people's children,strangers communicating all kinds of horrible messages,racism,hatred at peoples children behind the backs of parents,
over years ,over decades...western culture consider such injustices as "getting through" to a household , as a getting a mafia style message through to a household, that western culture does not like a household...
The caring parent(s) never find out and die without knowing what occurs against their children, and western culture considers that as getting through to a household ...
Western culture is about corrupting people's mothers and older cousins with sodomy so they sit back and watch such injustices occur without saying a word over years decades.
Western culture is about corrupting police judges solicitors through sodomy so they sit back and watch such injustices occur without saying a word over years decades.
Western culture has no morality and needs to be destroyed as a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah... Western culture has no right to do such injustices behind the backs of parents and needs to be destroyed.

Western culture is controlled by homosexual paedophiles. When western culture takes a dislike to a household, they are about boring holes in the skulls of people's children,
surgically implanting devices into contact with the nerves of people's children,strangers communicating signals at the nerves of people children, to remotely induce pain behind the backs of parents,...
the implanted device technology is powered by the energy of the muscles & nanogenerators, not the the power of the remote signals, so such devices cause horrible pain and horrible muscle tightness when the signal power is low.
the nerves a sensitive and small signals through the nervous system cause powerful muscle contractions, so such devices cause horrible pain and horrible muscle tightness when the signal power is low.
...western culture consider such injustices as "getting through" to a household , as a getting a mafia style message through to a household, that the western culture does not like a household...
...Western culture has no morality and needs to be destroyed as a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah... Western culture has no right to do such injustices behind the backs of parents and needs to be destroyed.


Blacktown Police probably had a presence of NSW Police "Special Branch" that considered themselves some kind of special forces group within the NSW Police.
Probably they were a way for Portland Spy ring spies,Clockwork orange gang members, Military Police to inflitrate Blacktown Police.Peter Ryan 1990s Police commission quietly closed down Special Branch in 1997,
(Information discovered years later suggests Peter Ryan's wife Adrienne looked like a Hitler relative). Probably Special Branch was organisation that did not care about civil rights, that did not
care about the Geneva Convention, they probably needed to be investigated by organisatinos concerned about crimes civil rights/human rights.

Police Special Branch was said to be involved in investigating homosexual lawyer John Marsden, and probably David Yeldham homosexual judge who committed suicide,
but they were an organisation corrupted by homosexuality/sodomy themselves. The sodomy corruption in NSW Police special branch, and the sodomy corruption of the solicitors, judges, politicians they were investigating
would suggest Special Branch were involved in racism triangles where heterosexual families were ritually discriminated against, ritually harmed, ritually murdered,
in the manner of Australia making counterfeits of heterosexuality, in the manner of Australia conspiring to cover up information that Australia is a culture that is screwed-up-the-arse by nazi lebensborn activity and
similar activity to Nazi Lebensborn activity (e.g. Boer War era Baby Farming).







Jeff didn't say he was an aussie poofter. He said he was a christian.






It is the kind of racism where Australia does not want some races to be able to pass through a crowd,
Australia wants some races to be harmed or murdered when they pass through a crowd of anglo-celtic Australians.

Toni Collette is involved in the use of male prostitutes & child prostitutes to prevents some races from passing through a crowd of anglo-celtic Australians.
It is the kind of racial-discrimintion,racism/nazism that Police officers such as NSW Police Sargeant Guyeregger and his group of olice an and constable P Smith need to be charged about.
Formal offical charges against NSW Police officers, and the NSW Police as an oranisation a sevice of the Governmental system in Australia,
formal charges against the Governmental system in Australia.

A type of racism that was occuring in the USA and then outlawed: racism where Police would round up and jail people bcause of race,
as a way of preventing differnt races from interacting with each other, as a way of making monoracial areas.

The use of male prostitutes & child prostitutes to prevents some races from passing through a crowd of anglo-celtic Australians: a form of NAZI LEBENSRAUM- homosexual nazism
where male prostitutes and child prostitutes take over areas for the anglo-germanic races.

and the violent attacks by male prostitutes then surgical implantation of a slave labour device ( a concentration camp medical crime ) is a way to prevent some races from breeding (NAZI EUGENICS).

hussan_dustan murder december_1995 was possibly a boneyard murder: ralph_quitadamo and cathy_lake resemblance to_leonard lake(serial killer).
[Ralph Quitadamo lived in the same neighbourhood where Robert Saunders lived.]

robert_saunders_and_his_sandwich gifts_to_hungry east_asian_students during high school lunch times during the 1980s possibly connected to boneyard murder occurances:alliances between neighbourhood homosexual male parents and east asian students
resembling the alliance of Leonard Lake and his accomplice Charles Ng.

[ "Rob-baht ! Rob-Baht ! You give me sandwich? " said one of the east asian students.
Later his expression sounded like "Rob-bard ! Rob-bard! You give me sandwich?"
It seemed that some unknown person was coaching the east asian student about how to pronounce Robert Saunder's name differently.]

male homosexual parent graham_saunders_and_neighbourhood_homosexuals_that homosexually preyed upon east asian students: mr_brodie the millionaire, mr henderson,
Mr davis(the parent of Louise Davis) were probably involved in the murder of hussan dustan.

Ralph Quitadamo was the boyfriend of Louise Davis for a period of time around 1985, which Peter Payne thought strange and objected to.
[Ralph Quitadamo was probably bending over for Mr Davis, in a similar way to male prostitute Shane Pisano who was bending over for the homosexuals connected to Rachael Griffiths.]

glen kennwell --lived near-- Mr brodie the parent of wayne brodie and eddie brodie.
[Glen Kennewell has been frequenting the industrial area becuse he has been a neighbour of Mr Brodie over decades.
i.e. Glen Kennewell has been observing the industrial area around where Hussan Dustan was murdered, as a way of observing if anyone tries to further investigate the murder of Hussan Dustan.
Glen Kennewell would raise an alarm with Mr Brodie if he discovered someone trying to find further information about the murder of Hussan Dustan.]

[**********Brett Beehag lived in the same street as Glen Kennewell. Brett Beehag lived a few houses down the road from Glen Kennewell. Brett Beehag was probably very much involved in the murder conspiracy that took the life of Hussan Dustan.********************]

The Boneyard murders are activity resembling if people dont fit into an area where homosexual criminals support each other to find each other jobs,
the homosexual criminals ritually murder people who try to find work or make businesses.
The homosexual criminals murder people in workplaces where tools are used to take machinery apart or machinery is put together.

Hussan Dustan's business was a car wrecking yard, where damaged motor vehicles were taken apart for spare parts.

Ralph Quitadamo had a habit of visiting "the tunnels"/"time tunnels" , drainage channels which ran under grassy playing fields.
The Quitadamo family have a resemblance to the Mario computer games where the Mario brothers are sewerage workers,tunnel workers,plumbers.

The neighbourhood that Ralph Quitadamo lives in has creeks(small watercouses) running strangely away from the sea direction,
and that has something to do with the Quitadamo family being connected to sewerage plant in Blacktown area.

About the shopping centre Police racism incidents in year 2019: - Greenway Village Shops Colebee/Marsden Park/Schofields area & Stanhope Gardens Village Shops:
One of the corrupt racist policewomen in Guyeregger's group of police, was asking questions upside-down back-to-front .
Instead of asking:
- what was Charlize Mutten's adopted father doing so far away from the Blue Mountains, shopping at Marsden Park Bunnings Hardware?
the corrupt racist policewoman asked what was a person without a criminal record doing shopping at Stanhope Gardens Village Shops (not so far away)?
[The NSW Police are corrupt racist organisation that deliberately bothers the wrong people. Instead of bothering criminals, the NSW Police deliberately bother victims of crime, victims of conspiracies. That corruupt racist poilcewoman,at the least,should be charged with racial discrimination. Her behaviour was against a citizen's basic civil right:the right to freedom of movement]

The Police racism in 2019, some days later, was followed by the death of Lucas Fowler son of NSW Chief Police inspector Steven Fowler.
Lucas Fowler was killed in British Columbia Canada near Kamloops Canada where there were discovered mass graves of American Indian children made by anglo-celtic ritual murder activity.

The information is looking like Charlize Mutten was connected to the Summerland Crescent paedophile ring that exists near the Greenway Village Shops.
[constable P Smith is probably corrupted by the paedophile ring. Constable P Smith is probably a homosexual paedophile that wears a police uniform.
He knows the shopping centre toilets well which is where he probably commits homosexual crimes against young middle eastern males who attend the Mosque on Richmond Road across the busy road from Greenway Village shops.]

Nikolaj Mikic 23 <-----> Michael Acsinte Romanian Adventist who changed his name to Michael Anderson (Industrial Painting subcontracting business).
[and Lydia Acsinte aka Lydia Anderson sodomized woman who married Romanian SDA homosexual Michael Acsinte/ Michael Anderson (Mihail Acsinte)].

[Serbian- Romanian connection to the Assyrian Orthodox stabbing incident that occured at Wakely suburb of Sydney NSW Australia.


See also name "Fiodor Betsargis" Assyrian Adventist(SDA) who attended Hammers Road Adventist Church Old Toongabbie aka Parramatta Adventist Church.
Betsargis was friends with Tiffany Odea who married serbian Adventist David Stefanovic.]
Betsargis lived with his mother on a suburban farm property in Glenorie suburb of Sydney.
Betsargis was visited by some Serbian Adventist who was physically short like a Serbian dwarf, or inbred on the verge of dwarfism.




Australia as a generational-male prostitution culture (Australia as a screweed up the arse culture) needs to be formally prosecuted by international law, for various reasons: including reasons such as GENERATIONAL SLAVERY activity is probably connected to GENERATIONAL-MALE-PROSTITUTION cultures.

Blacktown Hospital is involved in long term racism conspiracies, where anglo-celtics seek to use medical nazism methods to make migrant families forget how dirty Australian behaviours are.
People from migrant househoulds who were students in the Australian educations system and saw how dirty the behaviour of the anglo-celtic Australian students around were.

Blacktown Hospital holds in some esteem Mr Asia drug syndicate member Bradley Heyward, the son of Paul Heyward
(Blacktown Hospital holds in some twisted upside-down-back-to-front upside-down esteem Mr Asia drug syndicate member Bradley Heyward, the son of Paul Heyward,
because Blacktown Hospital doctors are screwed-up-the-arse being located near the homosexual meeting venue: the safe base on Blacktown Road Blacktown.
Bradley Heyward used drug money to set up camera rooms in connection with facilities such as Blacktown Hospital.

The homsoexual nazis at Nazis at Blacktown Hospital have tried to forcibly make people forget about Bradley Heyward buying a hot dog dog(bread and sausages) food item, then sitting down on
a concrete walkway with other students, then placing the hot dog down on the concrete where numerous people, dogs , cats walked , and then picking up the hot dog and eating the hot dog.
[Bradley Heyward is an aglo-Australian sh_t-eater. He showed that aussies are a sh_t-eating culture when he was a student eating a hot dog. He didn't care about the dog sh_t and cat sh_t that
people walk through and then they walked on the concrete walkway and where Bradley Heyward placed his hot dog food item, and then he ate the hot dog.]

The behaviour of Bradley Heyward eating his hot dog filled another student with disgust. Another student from a migrant family that was brought in the home with a culture different than anglo-Australians.

Also, during the same school year as the Bradley Heyward hot dog food eating incident, Samy Graziano(Italian-Australian) was eating his hot dog while David Bounthong from Laos was speaking directly into Samy Graziano's hot dog,
and Samy Graziano kept eating his hot dog. THat was not hygienic either.

... and the use of a slave labour device against a person's nervous system(medical nazism) is probably based upon anglo-celtic Australian fears that some migrant families saw proof of aussies being
a sh_t-eating culture, and then they conspired over long periods of time to try to cover up such.

Such long term conspiracies are EUGENICS CONSPIRACIES and GENERATIONAL-SLAVERY-CONSPIRACIES, and must be prosecuted by international law.

This information is recorded on this website, and it wont be forgotten.

... and there is some medical worker at Blacktown Hospital who worked alongside with homosexual paedophile Irish Nazi doctor Enda Bannan: some medical worker that uses male prostitutes, as Enda Bannan uses male prostitutes.
That medical worker probably sucked Brett Beehag's arse hole some time ago, Brett Beehag has been a male prostitute over decades, he appeared during the 1980s dressed in his pyjamas carrying a tooth brush in front
of his public school to catch a bus or car lift to a weekend Anglican camp. Members of Jim Cameron's cricket team drove past Brett Beehag in his pyjamas on the way to cricket training.
So that medical worker Blacktown Hospital is an aussie sh_t-eater.

Brett bEehag's male prostitution resulted in him corruptly getting work as a Veterinarian. Australia is a homosexual sh_t-eating culture which rewarded male prostitutes such as Breet Beehag with paid work.
Australia is about discriminating against heterosexuals. Australia needs to charged by international law about slave labour activity: the use of slave labour device technology... and Blacktown Hospital should be charged about
its illict drug corruption to do with the Mr Asia drug syndicate.


In the early motnhs of 2001, the Russian consulate in Sydney was faxed about illegal experiments against humans, to see if they could do something for the human rights of a household in Sydney Australia.
Then in the later month of September, occurred the destruction of World Trade Centre towers in New York City.
In years 2002-2003 the Russian consulate was approached to see if they could do something for human rights of a household.They did not want to let a person into their consulate, they communicated via
intercom "Come back tomorrow", and when a person came back the next day, the same message occurred via intercom. Written information information about a household's situation was lft in the letter box of the
The Russian consulate officials did not want to do anything for the human rights of household.

Then in 2004, probably the corrupt Russian consulate officials were doing identity theft , and it resulted in the Beslan massacre in Russia in 2004. About 200 people were killed in the Beslan massacre.
[The gunmen were holding hostage about 2000 people, but they only killed 200].
[2000 people is a similar scale of number to the 3000 that were killed in New York City USA in September 2001 destruction of the World Trade Centre.
Such similarities in potential numbes of people to be killed is evidence of a connection between New York City USA 2001 and Beslan Russia 2004.
The killers in Beslan were probably looking for a situation where thousands of people could be killed, as revenge for Vladimir Putin's foreknowledge & involvement in September 2001.
[See information on this website about CIA Operation Jawbreaker and Vladimir Putin's assassination of Masood on 9th September 2001,
and then Vladimir Putin's phone call hours before the World Trade Centre towers were destroyed.]

The Russian consulate in Woolhara suburb of Sydney used to be built low to the ground in 2002-2003. Over a period of years, the Russian has modified its consulate into a high rise building,
in some kind of race-war/ethnic-cleansing emulation of the World trade Centre Towers that were destroyed in New York city on September 2001. They profitted from the mass murder of September 2001
and have put their profits into building high rise buildings at the Russian consulate in Sydney Australia.

THe Russian consulate in Sydney is connected some kind of alliance between Russian homosexuals & Ukrainian homosexuals who sodomize anglo-Australian unmarried mothers,and it is a way to migrate Nazis (Nazi Lebensborn) to Australia.

One of the corrupt officials at the Russian consulate in 2002-2003 years was named Yuschenko(surname).

1)Identity theft and ritual murders by strangers are a way to get the phone lines bugged of victims of identity theft.

2)When hetworks of male prostitutes bug phone lines, it is a was to conspire Watergate Bugging Scandal against human bodies (slave labour devices)
The use of slave labour devices has something to do with phone companies & telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell's company Bell Labs and nazis in Silicon Valley such as Otto Von Bolshwing,
Telegraph pole infrastructure that used to carry telegraph messages and phone messages before invention of AC Power Grid,
and male prostitution listening in to bugged homes via telephone exchanges.

Liliana Pavlek and her brother Tom need to be charged about such a conspiracy to get the phone line of their uncle's home bugged.

Liliana and Tom came visiting their uncle's home in 1983.Their mother Kata sent them, and Kata had become an economic enemy of their uncle,over a farm in Galston-Arcadia which later became Fiddletown postcode 2159 in Sydney Australia.

After Tom and Liliana started their visitations, then Kata took her phone number out of the phone book,
in the manner of strangers looking for Kata's phone number by visiting or phoning the home of Tom and Liliana's Uncle.

[i.e. Kata and her offspring Tom Liliana and Kata were probably involved in groups that ritually harmed, ritually murdered people, as a way to send angry strangers at the home of Tom and Liliana's uncle.
Such groups could probably be described as homsoexual procurement networks, which is activity that anglo-Australians get involved in.Anglo-Australians are buggers/sodomites.

Kata, Tom, Liliana and her sister Rosie were followed around by angry Serbians such as Blagoje "Bill" Stefanovic who wanted to know Kata's phone number 6561408 which became (02)96561408 when 7 digit phone numbers
became 8 digit phone numbers probably due to increase of the population of Sydney. David Stefanovic is the son of Blagoje Stefanovic.
[Blagoje "Bill" Stefanovic came visiting the home of Tom and Liliana's uncle because he wanted to urgently know Kata's phone number.]

Cousin Liliana Pavlek Tom conspired to in a similar manner to Leigh Chalker's family:

Leigh Chalker's phone number was in the phone book in the 1980s, but when they received a phone call from a household they were conspiring against,
Leigh Chalker's family took their name out of the phone book, while Leigh Chalker was still a student at Elementary School: around the time of Leigh Chalker being a year 5 student at elementary school.
Leigh Chalker's family were probably involved in conspiracies against elementary school students

...and Leigh Chalker's family were probably involved in setting up ritual murders of High School students such as Angelo Tsakos.

[Therefore, Kata the mother of Tom and Liliana probably knew Andrew Millett and Leigh Chalker].

Camilla Parker Bowles ----related to---- Sarah Ferguson, Nick Carter(singer Back Street Boys music group).

Robert Saunders mother Eileen ---resembles---Nick Carter's mother.
[Her son Robert Saunders is a male that facially resembles Charmian Brent aka Charmian Biggs wife of Ronald Biggs Train Robber.
They are Hungarian Mafia families, resembling Marie Antoinette from Hungary who married into French Monarchy which was then deposed. ]

Graham Saunders husband of Eileen Saunders is a male that facially resembles Martin Bryant's mother: Martin Bryant the mass murderer at Port Arthur Tasmania in 1996.

Florence Henderson(Brady Bunch,Song of Norway-worst ever film candidate)----related to ----- Sharon Tate who married Roman Polanski and was killed by Charles Manson mass murderer.

[Song of Norway film was competing against The Sound of Music film: The Sound of Music and Julie Andrews became very famous and successful,
song of Norway seldom mentioned voted one of the worst films ever made.
Both films from 1965-1970 era have Nazi Lebensborn immigration themes.]

[Gregory Anderson from Toni Collette's neighbourhood considers himself related to Florence Henderson on his mother's side who is a Henderson, and related to Sarah Ferguson on his father's side who is a Gourleigh.
Gregory Anderson is related to Robert Saunders and both Saunders and Anderson lived on the same street in Toni Collette's neighbourhood. Robert Saunders visited Roshan the Sri Lankan neighbour of Gregory Anderson to do with commodore 64 computer games.Saunders did not say he is related to Gregory Anderson.]

Glen Jensen's father resembles lead male actor from the Song of Norway, and there is possibly a connection to Lindy and Michael Chamberlain Seventh Day Adventists whose daughter Azariah went missing in 1980.
[Glen Jensen was a neighbour of Gerald Henderson and Carissa Hendeson,Steven Essam, Ralph Quitadamo, Jason Weston. Glen Jensen has a brother Brett.]
Glen Jensen's family probably connection to Monaco European microstate & homosexual tourism venue and Nazi Lebensborn Program immigration from Norway to Australia?
Rupert Murdoch's sons resemblance to Andrew Blanchette corrupt policeman from Caroline Byrne murder 1995, Bruce Lehrman ...
Information connected to Sarah Ferguson being involved in Kidnappings - Nazi Lebensborn program abductions, Project Sunshine:
Elon Musk----related to---- missing person 7th Earl of Lucan : Richard John Bingham.Information connected to Sarah Ferguson being involved in kidnappings.
John Miller British Scots Guard Soldier and Mercenary kidnapped Ronald Biggs, and he was hunting or trying to find Richard John Bingham.
He claimed that Bingham was living in the Caribbean, on trade routes to Rio De Janeiro Brazil where Ronald Biggs set up his British Pirate outpost.

About Elizabeth Gourleigh from Broadmeadows suburb near Gosford and Newcastle cities NSW Australia: Elizabeth Gourleigh is involved in befriending people's fathers and kidnapping conspiracies against their children.
It seems to be some kind of familial corruption among Gourleigh and her relatives.
In 1987 there was a situation where Elizabeth Gourleigh hired a car to give a car lift to a person's father.
Gourleigh parked her car across the street from the home of Gregory Anderson.
Then the son of the father walked past the Anderson home on the way to buy something from the BBC Hardware store that was across a busy road near the Anderson home.
Elizabeth Gourleigh drove off in the car with a person's father, in a way where the father did not know that his son walking nearby.
[The Anderson family were probably watching the son, possibly taking photos or video recordings, and conspiring to kidnap the son].


Deborah McLachlan and some of her fellow elementary school teachers became involved in slave labour conspiracies,
where male prostitutes and child prostitutes start calling their intended victim(s) a "PAY-MAN" behind the back.
[Corrupt teachers mentioning expressions something like "John the payman" to school students, like a nursery rhyme expression].

Such a conspiracy resulted in a year 1982 Buttercup bread company commercial by Deborah McLachlan's school in which 2 arabic twins acted the part of security guards with a money van.

The Buttercup bread commercial occurred before the death of Nathan Prichard in 1983. Elementary school student was killed by a car while running in a charity marathon known as a "fun run".

Such conspiracies of Elementary teacher Deborah Mclachlan and her Nazi jew connections to Benjamin Netanyahu (aka Bibi/Bebe the generational-male-prostitute) have been occurring over years, and possibly are behind such media displays as the Prada song in year 2023. She wants a Prada handbag to carry her pay ? She wants Prada instead of Pravda(Justice) to occur.

Also in Australia there has been elected a female politician by the name Fatima Payman who is recently in the news mentioning terminology such as exile.

There is evidence of Parramatta Court House using Jury Duty as a way to murder citizens.
Parramatta Court house sent a jury duty notice in 1994. Then racists observed from the infrastructure camera systems to plan the racial violence/attempted murder that occurred on 21/06/1995.

Years later, in year 2022, Parramatta Court house sent a Jury Duty Notice again, and objections of SLAVE LABOUR when raised with Parramatta Court House.
Jury Duty is unpaid work, and Australia is involved in racial violent attacks and implantation of slave labour devices to prevent citizens from having paid work.

An pdf document reply was sent to Parramatta Court house via email, an application for exemption from Jury Duty was sent that raised concerns about slave labour.

Therefore a person did not attend jury duty. Parramatta Court house did not seem to care about the slave labour concerns.
Parrramatta Court House is involved in the NSW police racism of trying prevent citizens from paying bills via inflicting cruelty through a slave labour device and police racism around shopping areas,
and then sending Police rangers to properties as a way to try to cover up illegal experiments against humans.

Australia must be charged by international law, breach of Geneva Convention article 147 Nazi Doctor Crimes/Medical attrocities/ Biological Experiments/Jeffrey Dahmer style medical crimes.

[constable P. Smithis probably connected to Police ranger activity. Police Rangers work in the places such as the Northern Terorrity in connection with the Peter Falconio muurder.

Also, to note, Parramatta Court house sent the Jury Duty Notice while the COVID19 Coronavirus World Epidemic was occurring.
The timing of the Jury Duty notice had evil intent of trying to murder a person via a world epidemic/biological warfare epidemic.
Therefore a person did not attend jury duty.

Parrramatta Court house is abour ignoring concerns about SLAVE LABOUR and making citizens pay fines for not attending Jury Duty...an immoral way of raising funds for itself by doing injustice by ignoring injustice.
So money should be recovered from Parramatta Court House,in connection with international law charges against the corrupt racist screwed-up-the-arse Governmental System in Australia.

Daniel Mamo is a member of the same Alexander Wilon Cult as Alistair White, and his sisters Monique and Genevieve.
Daniel Mamo is a member of the same Alexander Wilon Cult which the news programs reported as being involved in child murders.

Monique White called Daniel Mamo by the nickname "Flat head", because he has facial traits which mny Europeans would describe as "flat face" traits like a Mongol or East asian, but Mamo says is Maltese European.

Daniel Mamo is an Australian Nazi who says he is Maltese or a Hun like a German, but he looks like a Mongol and is secretly jewish.
He does not know whether he is Maltese, Mongol or Jewish. He is a Nazi Jew. His cousins the Leyshon brothers are Nazi Jews, their surname being a variant of jewish names such Loshen.

The Name Loshen was displayed in a video game called "Polybius", considered the most dangerous arcade game ever made. Polybius was probably connected with murders, homosexual crimes, brainwashing experiments, probably the activity of the American CIA spy organisation. There are hints about the Polybius arcade game in songs about number 34 + 35 .
[The arcade game Polybius displays a company name Sines-Loshen]

In a historical context, Polybius was a greek Philosopher Historian connected with a Greco-Roman alliance that destroyed the Phoenician Canaanite city of Carthage in the third Punic War.
In modern context, arcade game Polybius has themes of Europeans sodomizing each other as a way to exterminate the third world nations.

Daniel Mamo <--> Wayne Brodie: Wayne Brodie's family were probably hiring or buying video game parlour machines for corner shops /milkbars and similar locations.

So Wayne Brodie and Daniel Mamo probably had something to do with the death of Angelo Tsakos. Leigh Chalker lived near a corner shop/milkbar with a video arcade game machine.
Wayne Brodie would be sometimes in the Milkbar maintaining the arcade video game machine. Chalker lived on the same street as Robert Saunders, Greg Anderson,Anthony Coroneous, Douglas Jeremic,Angela Morris.
The short film about the death of Angelo Tsakos probably shows something about a Milkbar. The short film appeared on SBS Channel during the 1980s.
Daniel Mamo <---> Stacy Adams who was the daughter of elementary school teacher Mr Adams.

In 1983, during an inter-school Rugby League competition, Elementary School teacher Mr Adams brainwashed an Australoid student called Chris Perry into trying to eliminate a person on the same team as himself.
Mr Adams brainwashed Chris Perry into launching himself with his head into the solar plexus area between the chest and stomach. Chris Perry was knocked out by the collision and taken off the field on a stretcher.
The other player was writhing in agony for a few minutes, holding his solar plexus, but recovered a few minutes afterward to complete the Rugby League match.

The incident happenned when one team was tackling the other team: during a tackle, Chris Perry pretended to tackle the player on the other team but then
launched himself with his head hitting the solar plexus of a player on the same team.

Mr Adams brainwashed an Australoid student called Chris Perry ...deduction: Elementary school teacher Mr Adams was an anglo-Australian homosexual paedophile that was sodomizing Australoid school student Chris Perry.

[On weekends,during the 1980s, Chris Perry played Rugby League for Blacktown City/Blacktown R.S.L. as did Greg Meller,Simon Rowe,and later Paul Goldsmith.His coach was Barry Panovich.
Blacktown RSL rugby League club had an alternative name Blacktown City as though they were trying to hide their club's name.]

The behaviouir of Mr Adams was the behavior of Ku Klux Klan scum. He gave car lifts to students, he would talk to people he considered the same race as himself.
When people of another race spoke, Mr Adams would be silent, ignoring what was said, and then he would continue to the talk to people he considered the same race as himself.

Mr Adams possibly became a NSW State Rugby League coach in 1984,probably through identity theft corruption, in the context of elementary school Rugby league competitions.

The elementary school where Mr Adams worked as a teacher during the 1980s was adjacent to the Boys High School where Neal Winter worked as a music teacher,and adjacent to the Girls High School where Toni Collette was a student.

Neal Winter was later convicted as a homosexual criminal in year 2006.

There was an interschool study subject called Agriculture where teachers such as Mr Thompson and Mr Harris would teacher a combination of students
from the Boys High School and the Girls High School, in an area with a few farm animals near to or next to the fence of the Elementary School where Mr Adams worked as a teacher.
[There is a probability that students from paedophile families probably liked the idea of studying in the agriculture subject to observe the Elementary School where Mr Adams was a teacher.]

Information/research/deductions could suggest that Drago Pavlek enrolled his daughter Marianna Pavlek in the elementary school where Mr Adams worked as a teacher.

Drago Pavlek was sexually exchanging his daughter Marianna Pavlek with Mr Adams:possibly Drago Pavlek got access to students that Mr Adams was committing homosexual crimes against.

American president Richard Nixon from the Watergate Bugging scandal had a strange alliance occuring with the PKK Kurdistan workers party terrorist organisation.

Also, singer David Bowie was possibly a Templar/Crusader who established an anglo-germanic presence in Ethiopia along with historical figures such as Orde Wingate,
and they considered the PKK as closest geographical ally. The PKK a terrorist organisation that has had a presence in Turkey,Iran,Iraq, and probably allies in Armenia.
[The western media reported that Saddam Hussein was committing attrocities against the Kurds in Iraq,
but it did not mention the PKK as a Kurdish terrorist organisation that was involved in assassinating Olof Palme the President of Sweden.

As Templars/crusaders were trying to take over Palestine/Israel.

Orde Wingate was probably a British Jew, so maybe he had divided loyalties between British and Jews.

Is there such a Templar/Crusader agenda occuring in music groups such as Imanbek and Imany ?
Imanbek was very popular during the COVID-19 Epidemic with some roses song that had racist lyrics
and French looking dancers and a hooded figure possibly with similarity to Lucifer robot from Battle Star Galactica. as some kind of Baphomet.

Why does one of the dancers resembles Jim Rathmell electrical engineering lecturer from Sydney University? Jim Rathmell possibly a relative of Alan Turing computers/cybernetics pioneer who unfortuntely was a perverse person.

About MAGNETIC POLLUTION of a geographical area(not Electro-Magnetic pollution from electromagnetic waves that occurs when sitting near a CRT computer screen).

Mangetic polltion is terminology found in some 20th century 'Engineering Science" text books.
Magnetic pollution was something known to 20th century industry which used configurations of objects called TYCHO-MAGNETIC SHIELDS to lessen the magnetic pollution.
[Such terminology was mentioned in an engineering science High School text book, but it was not further explained],br>
Because Blacktown suburb of Sydney has a ground antenna in the south of the suburb, ground waves flowing north toward cylindrical water tower infrastructure to establish ionospheric contact,
Blacktown is a magnetically polluted suburban area of Sydney Australia.

The concept of Magnetic pollution is probably connected to the existence of the luminiferous aether whose existence was supported by Nikola Tesla.
Nikola Tesla invented the AC Power grid which provides electricity to modern socities.
The space volume in a magnetically polluted area becomes electromagnetically stressed,and the stresses flow like leaves of plant moving in the wind, or tentacles of an octopus moving through the water.

Electrical energy can be transferred by flows of charged particles such as electron or ions.
Nikola Tesla discovered that electrical energy can also occur as flow of stresses through the luminiferous aether sometimes described as cold current.
[Possibly an effect observed in bifilar pancake coils?]

In a Magnetically polluted area, the stresses become something approximating hot.

In a tycho-magnetic shield, the magnetic pollution is dissipated by the shield objects being in the configuration of a polygon: e.g. Pentagon,Hexagon,...,Octagon
The stresses flow like octopus tentacles moving from one vertex of a polygon to the adjacent vertex.
i.e. Stresses flowing like octopus tentacles moving from vertex1 to vertex2, vertex2 to vertex3, ...

[The luminiferous aether stresses might seem as though they are like the movements of living things, but the aether is not alive itself.
The aether was there before living things existed, and when life developed on earth, maybe life developed according to the flow of stresses in the aether.
The luminiferous aether possibly acted as like a template for atoms and molecules to assemble themselves into molecules,amino acids, proteins,cells, multicellular organisms that on a macroscopic scale move similar to
the stress flows in aether: motions of plants leaves, and tentacles motions of sea creatures].


Note: This website knows about the Michelson-Morley experiment, and dogma of western science that says the Luminiferous Aether was proved not to exist by such an experiment.

Actually, the Michelson Morley experiment proved nothing, because it is based upon the assumption of an "aether wind" or "aether vacuum" that occurs when objects displace the aether.
But THERE IS NO AETHER WIND if the aether exists inside the objects too. If the aether exists inside objects as continuum, inside the spaces between atoms,
inside the spaces between electrons and nucleii then aether wind does not occur.

Nikola Tesla knew about the Michelson Morley experiment, but he continued to believe the luminiferous aether was real.

Also, there is information in physics text books about "Faraday's Paradox", which western Universities dont like to teach.
Faraday's discoveries are usually not taught in any detail, Faraday's Paradox is often not mentioned at all in University physics courses.

...Faraday is [in] the [physics] text book, but the University would prefer to skip over the discoveries [of] a personage who lived before the 20th century,
and begin the physics exercise after page 50 or page 100, the University thinks its more
interesting more relevent for students to study electro-magnetic theory after Faraday.

To investigate Faraday's Paradox could be on the path of determining the existence of the Luminiferous Aether.

1) THERE IS NO AETHER WIND. Michelson-Morley experiment did not disprove the Luminiferous Aether.
The constancy of the speed of light is preserved by existence of Lumiferous Aether. Michelson and Morley theorized that the speed of light would change due to AETHER WIND.
Michelson and Morley theorized if the aether medium was displaced by moving matter and was blown around around like a liquid being blown around by the wind, it would result in the change of the light speed.

If there is no aether wind, the Aether medium is not blown around by a wind effect, so the speed of light remains constant in the Luminiferous aether.

Also, to postulate the stability of matter is affected by the speed at which it travels (its relative speed to the Aether).
Time dilation could be understood as the stability of matter being affected by its relative speed to the Aether.
The stability of matter being affected where physical processes appear to slow down in a way where the speed of light remains constant in moving frames of reference.
...time dilation effects are usually negligible for macroscopic objects.
Usually time dilation effects can be ignored and Newtonian Physics practically describes situations where speeds are on a much smaller scale than the speed of light.

There are different interpretations of why only a maximum of 2 electrons can occupy an atomic orbital in Quantum Mechanics.
There could be different interpretations of the physical meaning of time dilation. Some interpretations would NOT treat time as a dimension, would consider time as flowing normally,
with the view that the speed of physical processes changes with the stability of matter. The stability of matter chaging with the speed of the object relative to the Luminiferous Aether.

2) FARADAY'S PARADOX probably supports the existence of a Luminferous Aether.Possibly an effect based upon relative motion to the Luminiferous Aether.

3) Nikola Tesla's antenna invention Patent 787412 of year 1905 works according to a physical phenomenon sometimes described as LONG RANGE MAGNETIC COUPLING.
Long range magnetic coupling effects are possibly based upon the existence of the Luminiferous Aether. The effects coild be better understand by knowing of the LUMINIFEROUS AETHER... see also mention of GLUON FIELD.
Some theories about long range magnetic coupling suggest that the magnetic field vibrations subside into the aether, other theories might suggest the vibrations subside into the capacitor plates.

Nikola Tesla's ground-ionosphere antennas used PRACTICALLY to TRACK SUBMARINES. They are antennas that are built far inland and they can find submarines underwater via waves through the ground and ionosphere.
Project Omega antennas can find submarines submerged 15 metres below sea water. Project Sanguine can find DEEPLY SUBMERGED SUBMARINES hundreds of metres below sea water.

4)Western culture silently deploys WEATHER BALLOONS and RADIOSONDES for ionospheric contact: electrical contact between waves in the ground, and waves in the ionosphere, via vibration of the earth electric field.
The use of weater balloons and radiosondes is rarely mentioned by the western media.
The ground and the ionosphere are like charged capacitor plates with electric field lines between the plates.
The earth's atmosphere makes the capacitor more like an electrolytic capacitor where the field lines still occur but they are obscured by the ionic liquid.
The earth's atmosphere forms temporary dipoles with similarity to ions.

[In 1957 western culture discovered a way to use RADIOSONDES(radio-probes) inside human body.An article appeared in 1957 about ENDO-RADIO-SONDE (internal-radio-probe technology]

Western culture has dishonestly tried to hide information about weather balloons and radiosondes by making false stories about ROSWELL and OUTER SPACE ALIENS (UFO CULTS).

During the NSW police bugging scandal in year 2012

A letter application was sent to: Federal Magistrates Court of Australia.

There was a compact disk CD included in the letter application, it had much information about how the police acted corruptly.
e.g. 1995 Police constable Adam Burne acknowledged that a violent crime occurred, but he wanted to illogically separate the violent criminals from the crime they committed.
[Adam Burne did not want to do anything to investigate the violent crime further. Adam Burne did not want to do anything to arrest violent criminals,
which would suggest the NSW Police are corrupted by brain-washing activity <---> illegal experiments against human beings.],BR> The information included the names of the violent criminals: that corrupt police colluded with violent criminals...later deduction:some NSW police officers such as Adam Burne(1995) are users of male prostitutes.

28th-30th June 2012
Jodie Ball (Delegate of the president)
Paddy Hannigan(registrar)

File Number 2030638 is mentioned, but they did not want to give reference numbers.
The is no OUR REFERENCE, YOUR REFERENCE numbers provided. The reference numbers are left intentionally blank,
so their names and a file number is described in this internet post.

..and they mentioned strange language about being doomed.

and the sequence of events suggests that 6-7 years later(years 2018,2019) they tried to cover up the letter application.
by police racism in Marsden Park Bunnings Hardware store, Greenway Village Shops Colebee across the busy road from Marsden Park:
NSW Police constables - female constable Ball and male constable Nand(Anand?) began bothering shoppers in Bunnings Marsden Park in year 2018.

...there is reason to think that police racists such as Sargeant Guyeregger and constable P Smith were with evil intent observing a person, conspiring since around year 2012.

the NSW Police must be charged by International law - breach of Geneva Convention article 147, and also charges of discrimination need to be applied.Anti-discrimination-law must be applied.

Police officers such as Adam Burne and P Smith are homosexual paedophiles. They are about committing homosexual crimes in public toilets against people's sons.

They are about nazi doctors implanting slavery devices into contact with the nerves of people's sons: involuntary cybernetic crimes against people's sons.
which are a way for strangers to induce involuntary motions in bodies of people's sons. They make euphemism about involuntary cybernetic crimes, involuntary motions induced by strangers being a way for racists
to indicate to people's sons that racists are around in the society and that racists have ways of getting around parents watching over their children,
that the homosexual lusts and racial hatred of such racists are stronger than the beneficial love that parents seek to enact toward their children.
Such homosexual paedophiles that control Australian society dont care about the THE PARENT'S RIGHT TO KNOW.

They should not be allowed to do such things at all against people's sons because such activities are a breach of the Geneva Convention,such activities are not civilized,
and the racist are about doing worse. They are about making missing person's out of people's sons,abducting peoples sons so they end up doing slave labour on some coffee plantation in the third world,
and about ritually murdering people's sons when racists feel like murdering people's sons.

... Their attitude is similar to male prostitute Shane Pisani walking past a property, seeing father and son in their front yard working together cutting the grass,
and then Shane Pisani half-whispering some insult as he passes by. The son hears he insult but the father does not hear the insult because the father is more distant in the front yard surrounded by the lawn mower noise.
If the son would try to attack Shane Pisani , the father would not know why, the father did not hear the insult. Homosexuals, male prostitutes teach each other how to provoke in such ways,
as conspiracies to separate members of heterosexual families.

Their attitude is like homosexual Irish Nazi doctor Enda Bannan using male prostitutes,
then Enda Bannan committing a serious medical injustice against a citizen, and the male prostitutes such Ralph Quitadamo and Mert Nay having a laugh about the serious medical injustice.
... and when people come into the hands of Enda Bannan , he is about continually prolonging medical injustices, while his male prostitute friends watch and laugh about medical injustices.
Injustices such as when a person's son tell his father there is something wrong , and then doctors lie to the parent, and the male prostitutes have a laugh about the parent not knowing what to do,
male prostitutes laughing at a parent taking the wrong course of action so that the caring love that a parent sought to enact toward his son begins to be reverse by the medical lies of doctors corrupted by male prostitution.
[Such corrupt activity by Australian doctors is medical evil. Australian doctors are about deliberately causing unnecessary suffering to heterosexual migrant households over years decades.

The homosexual lusts and racial hatred in Australian culture are to the extent that racists want to continually bother heterosexuals by such methods as involuntary cybernetic experiments.
such racists dont want some races to study, they dont want some races to have paid work to themselves, ...

The homosexual lusts and racial hatred in Australian culture are to the extent that racists want to continually indicate that they are around in Australian culture, through methods such as involuntary cybernetic experiments
such racists are against the basic civil right of freedom of association, such racists are about causing social isolation to heterosexuals... in the manner of nazi concnetration camp separation of males and females...
nazism described in WW2 publications such as Conversations With Rauschning.

Involuntary cybernetic experiments are a way that Anglo-celtics/anglo-germanics makes race war against some migrant racial groups, while Anglo-celtics/anglo-germanics are advantaging each other with paid work,
and advantaging each other by introducing people to each other.

the NSW Police must be charged by International law - breach of Geneva Convention article 147, and also charges of discrimination need to be applied.Anti-discrimination-law must be applied.
[Slave Labour charges, the use of modern day nazi concentration camp technology - involuntary cybernetic experiments- slave labour devices.]
Charges against NSW Police by charges the Australian Government.
The presence of the Nazi Lebensborn program in Australia results in new forms of discrimination. When Nazi Lebensborn want to steal things from migrant families they racially hate, they involve themselves in long term racism schemes of travelling to distant locations and making making doubles in distant locations.
The Nazi Lebensborn racists conspire to make the neighbourhood where migrants live unfriendly to the mirant families, and suggestions occur about people going overseas to find people who are friendlier.
The racists are about stealing people's identities, stealing people's homes by conspiring to make migrant families travel to distant locations with body doubles of the people in the local neighbourhoods where migrant families live.
[Kylie blonde female racist who was friends with Jason McKliskie is involved in such Nazi Lebensborn Program conspiracies.]





Recently discovered:
About the racism of 1990s Operation Hammer of the the NSW Police (Roger Rogerson,Deborah Wallace): Operation Hammer formed a triangle of suburbs like some kid of Chinese Triads mafia activity from Taiwan:
Parramatta --- Cabramatta --- Blacktown.

Politician John Newman was making a Nazi Bat-Cave underneath Cabramatta before his assassination in year 1994.

[John Newman's facial resemblance to 1960s Batman actor Adam West, and Keir Dullea from 2001 A Space Oddysey movie (Manned jupiter space mission movie)]

Anglo-Australians consider Cabramatta a Vietnamese enclave in Sydney Australia, connected with 1970s news stories about Boat People from Vietnam.
[and the Vietnam war during 1960s and 1970s.]

A sitution of Vietnamese race on the surface, anglo-germanic race underground in Cabramatta watching the Vietnamese on the surface.
It was depopulation conspiracies: a plan of nazism to reduce the number of vietnamese on the surface of Cabramatta.
The Anglo-Germanics underground were probably making promises about getting people up into satellite orbit.

... and it was Australia's plan to take over Vietnam, as revenge for the Anglo-American loss of the Vietnam War.
[Australian Chris Ardilll Guiness from Beyond 2000 television program Channel 7 was visiting Vietnam and probably making underground bases in Vietnam:
Chris Ardill Guiness some facial resemblance to Christopher Skase in Mallorca Spain.
[Mrs Burne high school art teacher was a fan of Beyond 2000.]

The making ubderground bases had something to do with Operation Vampire Killer terminology and Roman Polanski film about Vampire Hunters.
Roman Polanski's wife Sharon Tate was killed by Charles Manson The Family Cult.
Operation Vampire killer was something advertised by the Seventh Day Adventist Church during the 1990s: Police corrupted by the New World Order, via underground bases activity.

... John Newman's underground Nazi bat cave was visited by Nazis waiting around Parramatta railway station: see mention of Sarah the Librarian from Wentworthville library, Erin Molan,...
It was an illegal immigration route used by Nazi Lebensborn in Australia.






The many Australian citizens that are corrupted by sodomy, that are brainwashed into believing that sodomy is some kind of service,
are hiding information about homosexual procurement networks(ritual harm,ritual murder activity).

Homosexual procurement networks are something like groups of hippies calling the police Pigs, Hippies are not about peace they are about social power through perversion:
groups of perverse people that have ways of ritually harming and ritually murdering police through sodomy corruption.

Sodomy is not a service, it is completely unnecessry activity.
Sodomy is a crime against nature (Leviticus 18:24-26,Revelation 11:18)
The recent world epidemic of Coronavirus, nations polluted by a pathogen, has to do with sodomy corruption of western businesses making colonies for themselves in regions that anglo-germanic races intend to take over.

Alan O'reilly (1998 Granville TAFE Head Teacher Electrical Engineering) some resemblance to David Stirling British SAS special Air Service soldier WW2.
Alan O'reilly double of Helmut Kentler homosexual pedophile doctor from West Germany.(NATO & West German Government paedophilia/Nazism/homosexuality.)
Nazi Lebensborn Program in Australia. Angus Houson some years later was corruptly promoted to commander of the Australian military. Alan Oreilly has a facial resemblance to Angus Hpuston.

SEE POST ABOUT BRITISH SAS FAMILIES FROM WW2 <---> Alan Oreilly Granville Technical college.

was trying to cover up illegal experiments against humans.
Hippocampal Neuron Patterning Experiments.
Teacher corrupted by male prostitution.
Alan O'Reilly was f__king some Asian student up the arse,
then the Asian student made false comments about
male prostitution against the victim of experiments.
Occurred during Single Chip Microcontrollers (SCM) subject 1998.
Asian student was the friend of some Hungarian-Arabic looking male TAFE student.TAFE = Technical College.

The Asian student mentioned out loud the word "male prostitute" and the victim of experiments did not know what he was talking about.
It was a situation of out-of-the-ordinary corruption, the victim of experiments heterosexual had no idea of the male prostitution corruption occurring behind people's backs,
the victim of experiments was shocked by the strange comments. The nervous system of the victim experiments were being terrorised by some kind of device surgically implanted by Australian doctors in 1995.

The medical terrorism of the device surgically implanted by Australian doctors, and the shockingly false comments of the Asian student against the victim of experiments,
resulted in the victim of experiments not attending further SCM lessons...the victim of experiments was trying to investigate what the hell was occurring to his nervous system,
and did not understand the strange outbursts occurred by the Asian student and his Hungarian?Arabic/Iranian? friend.

[The conspiracy to stop a person's studies possibly started with a female Arabic prostitute in the TAFE canteen seemingly being friendly toward the victim, but she probably knew many homosexuals.
The victim of experiments was not Arabic, so he had no interest in becoming friends with a strange Arabic female (prostitute).
There was probably racism occurring from Serbian nazis and Croatian nazis to send an Arabic prostitute to bother a person.
(Granville Seventh Day Adventists who are Serbian Nazis Kristina Nikolic , Drago Pavlek and his daughter Marianna Pavlek possibly befriended another teacher called Kumar Khan Pakistani teacher who resembles Pierre Lavalle
WW2 French President during Nazi era.
Kumar Khan made vague references to Cousins but did not say whose cousins... The Nikolic family have been reported as Serbian Mafia...
John Nikolic was later jailed for 18 years in Fiji while transporting drugs over the Pacific Ocean.)

Kristina Nikola was friends with David Stefanovic,Joanna Jovanovic,some female Vesna who played the piano in SDA church and married effeminate male Miodrag aka Mick,
some Gabriella who wanted to be a singer. Their pastor was Zoran Gajic (Gai-yich).

In their church congregation was a man that was a double of Von Paulos(German Nazi who lost the battle of Stalingrad),
but his resemblance was discovered years afterward while watching WW2 documentaries.
His resemblance was NOT known at the time during the 1990s.His name is not known, he did not mention who he was.

The Serbian Adverntist Chiurch used to exist on Blaxcell Street Granville. David Stefanovic sometimes drove people there.
Marijan Barraba from the Croatian Seventh Day Adventist Church in Dundas sometimes visited there to see which visitors he could befriend and murder.
The Serbian Adventist church being close to a rilway station was accessible to pedestrians, the Croatian Adventist Church was not close to a railway and not accessible to pedestrians.
Toni Collette actress began living in Dundas during the 1990s.
Marijan Barraba probably relted to Ivan Milat serial killer.
and 2 years later Kristina Nikolic saw the victim of experiments walking through Granville railway station to attend technical college.
Kristina Nikolic appeared on the railway station, ad the victim of experiments walked past her without greeting her ( the victim of experiments had stopped associations with Seventh Day Adventists.
The Seventh Day Adventist church seems to be full of
racists and Nazis. Kristina Nikolic appeared at Granville Station because she is a Serbian Nazi and Serbian Mafia whose ideology is prevent people from having paid work because of race.
She didn't want the victim of experiments to have paid work,
and she was trying to cover up the experiments...Nikolic and her Serbian Adventist friends conspired to cause unnecessary problems at Technical College (Granville TAFE).
[ALSO BREACH OF GENEVA CONVENTION CHARGES (INTERNATIONAL LAW) - BREACH OF ARTICLE 147 biological experiments/medical attrocities/nazi doctor crimes/jeffrey dahmer style medical crimes.

Australia is hippocritical about Espionage charges. Australia has been deliberately silent about the espionage of fascists, nazis,nazi lebensborn program members,homosexual nazis in Australia.
in Australia there is discrimination where male prostitutes are doing their homosexual nazism behind the backs of heterosexuals, and they pretend to compete against heterosexuals.
Prostitution is corruption...Male prostitution is corruption.
It is not competition to do male prostitution, homosexual nazism behind people's backs in a society that pretends to be civilized, that pretends to care about laws against racism nazism.
[Australia is not civilized, it is nation that makes counterfeits. Australia is a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah that needs to be destroyed.]

Dr Jamal Murad could be asked why he suggested a victim of a violent racial crime should go see politician John Acquilina in June 1995.
Was Jamal Murad trying to cover up the violent crime via the maltese mafia murdering the victim of a violent crime?
Was politician John Acquilina maltese mafia connected to the murder of John Newman?

John Aquilina had lost political power in 1991. Pam Allen politician was ocuppying the NSW Government electorate office in 1995. Was Pam Allen from Emilogu (Romanian mafia)?

Pam Allen had a connection Wentworthville,the Wentworthville electorate was dissolved in the early 1990s and the Wentworthville electorate reformed in 1999.

Also to mention, there was another politician named Tony Aquilina who later died in year 2003. His electorate was Mulgoa involved in much scandal.Mulgoa was closed down and became St Marys electorate.
Surname Galea possibly connected to Aquilina.

Pam Allen<--->Jacinta Allen politician (female looks facially similar to male Keith Leyshon who played Rugby League for the Penrith Panthers,probably via identity theft.He wanted to play for Parramatta but wasn't considered good enough




Nancy Pelosi USA politician tries to assissinate trump as revenge for donald trump's male prostitute hammering her husband's head. Nancy pelosi's husband is a user of male prostitutes. Paul Pelosi was playing with the male prostitute inside his doorway,trying to grab the hammer,
and then he was injured with the hammer.

...some connection to Trump sending NAMBLA male prostitutes to storm capital hill white house...
some connection to Ronald Reagan era Washington call boy scandal.

comment about Trump: Trump was wearing his red cap (REDLINING CAP = JEWISH KIPPAH GANG CAP) when he was shot in the ear by a gunman.

AND JOE BIDEN IS A RACIST... see Biden's comment that he did not want his children growing up in a RACIAL JUNGLE.
[Nancy Pelosi is a Biden supporter. Nancy Pelosi supports racist Joe Biden].

Trump imitates Biden and mocks hammer attack on Pelosi's husband in bizarre speech
The Telegraph

Trump calls Nancy Pelosi 'crazed lunatic,' continues to joke about her husband's assault

Nancy Pelosi rejects Trump’s accusations that she caused January 6 insurrection

Pelosi’s Take on Trump Was Written All Over Her Face

[When trump sent NAMBLA to storm the white house in 2020 . outbreak of lawlessness, outbreak of sodomy
The man accused of attacking Nancy Pelosi's husband was caught up in conspiracies, defense says
WGN News

Nancy Pelosi served subpoena in disclosed criminal investigation
Sky News Australia

Nancy Pelosi says she will 'punch' Trump and happily 'go to jail' in new Capitol riots footage
The Telegraph

The male prostitute that hammered Nancy Pelosi's husband was a nazi lebensborn double of an Australian homosexual called Leo Speck who was a student at Neal winter's school,
Leo speck ws friends with Brodie Bass and his homosexual girlfriend actress Toni Collette,Ben Collette the homosexual brother of Toni Collette, Thern Reynolds,Craig Neilsen,...
Speck is probably a relative if Gregory Anderson,and Elizabeth Gourleigh. Leo Speck is a Basque type. Probalby he knows Joanne the checkout worker.
He could be connected to the Bondi Junction stabbing incident, and the Basque social club near the middle of Oxford Street in Sydney that media personalities such as John Singleton and Ally Moore
are members of.

Mark White's gang liked homosexual Brodie Bass, and they liked Leo Speck. They called him "Speck-ee"
. Mark Wite's gag members: Robert Sigsworth,Shane Troughton,Steven McPherson,Bradley Muscat,Brenden Steele... strangely they studied history as an elective under teacher Mrs A Wheeler.
Mrs A. Wheeler history twacher probably related to Grace Lynch from the ritual murder of Anita Cobby in 1986. Mrs A Wheeler probably from a Portland Spy ring family.
Ms A Wheeler probably
MRS A WHEELER(high school history teacher that worked at the same school as Neal Winter)<--probably connected---> 1983 Dorothy McMartin scandal in the USA ... via Portland Spy ring connections.
[Maybe Mrs A Wheeler is related to Dorothy McMartin. She has been involved in importing Nazi's into Australia over decades - Nazi Lebensborn programi n Australia]

Mrs A wheeler and Wheeler street: racists involved in misuse of ground ionosphere antennas probably try to associate themselves with streets of the same name.
Wheeler Street connects the trailer-park-trash anglo-celtic Ku Klux Klan families in Lalor Park to the crime families in Seven Hills West area of Sydney NSW Australia.
The Australian recently murdered in the Philippines David Fisk? Was he a Robert Dolly Dunn connection (he looked like an Aussie smiling queer)?
Was he a relative of John Singleton?


The Australian man's death in the Philippines(with USA Bases) occurred around the same time as the bashing of an Australian in California USA.


such occurances against Australians could be connected to Nancy Pelosi's attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

American's started bashing and killing Australian's <---then later occurred ---> a gunman Crawford resembling Australian Andrew Millett tried to assassinate American Donald Trump.
[Andrew Millett lived in the same neighbourhood nearby Danielle Crawford and her brother Blake Crawford.Probably Millett is related to Crawford]



Holly valance from neighbours was advertised in illegal immigrations schemes by truck in the song "Do You Like a Truck?" by Geo De Silva.
[Possibly via ship slavery route from the English Channel islands Jersey and Guernsey (also names of football jumpers) via atlantic coast of Europe to Monaco in the Mediterranean Sea,
and land truck routes.]

Rupert Murdoch and his sons have a Monaco connection.

Rupert Murdoch is an Australian ex-patriate and Holly Valance is similarly and Australian that formed a connection to Britain and the Channel islands btween Britain and Continental Europe,
Holly Valance married British real estate billionaire Nick Candy.

Holly Valance's mother is woman with a big ugly head. does Holly Valance suffer from the genetic disease Elephant Man's syndrome(John Merrick)/Big Head genetic syndrome/Neurofibromatosis ?
Is that how she knows actress Toni Collette who suffers from such a genetic disease?

Has the knowledge of such genetic disease within themselves,within their cells, influenced Toni Collette and Holly Valance to become involved in terrorism, nazism, nazi eugenics, concentration camp medical crimes ?

Rupert Murdoch and his newspaper News of the World was behind the Milly Dowler phone hacking scandal which probably had something to do with the Bali Bombing in 2002.
The terrorists in Bali Bombing possibly downloaded information from Milly Dowler's phone before they killed dozens of anglo-Australians in a disco.
[Actress Kersten Dunst was in Bali at the time of the Bali Bombing 2002. Kersten Dunst was in Australian music videos such as "I knew I loved you" by Savage Garden.
The lead singer of Savage Garden resembles Riley ace of spies.]


Richard Marles and his wife, possibly a Rand Corporation connection to the Bali bombing.
Richard Marles resemblance to Benedict Cumberbatch (Cumberbatch surname probably American loyalist anglophiles).
Richard Marles became prominent after the Bali Bombing.

Richard Marles some connection to a WW2 radio school, and Kennedy Project Anvil/Operation Aphrodite remote controlled drone planes(television signals).
Joe Kennedy junior died flying such a suicide drone plane in WW2 world War 2.

...and this information probably has some kind of Robert Dolly Dunn connection to September 2001 New York City terrorism incident which occurred 1 year before the Bali Bombing.
- Robert Dolly Dunn was a homosexual paedophile resembling homosexual Quentin Crisp described in the song "An Englishman in New York".

Lawyers calling themselves "Kelso Lawyers" have much to say about Robert Dolly Dunn.

Maybe Robert Dolly Dunn or Quentin Crisp had some connection to ritual murder activity in Britain. a man racially murdered in Britain in 1959 named Kelso Cochrane.
[Afterward, The Rand Corporation amed one of its characters Zefram Cochrane in the 1960s Star Trek tv series which credited Zefram Cochrane with making the first space warp faster than light travel]

Kelso Cochrane: Trying to unlock the secrets of a 64-year-old racist murder

Robert Helpmann(Australian Ballet,Chitty Chitty Bang Bang film 1967)---?-- Robert Dolly Dunn --?--- Quentin Crisp


Robert Dolly Dunn <----?---> Dolly Dunn music group <---?-> Yani as the circus clown from Blue Mountain Circus (which media reported in year 2018 as paedophiles).

Is the Blue Mountains Circus part of Robert Dolly Dunn's paedophile network?

Were members of the Blue Mountains circus visiting Blacktown and Kingslangley Shops during year 2020?

About the photograph of an older female and younger female in a shopping area(smiling paeodphiles, poofy paedophiles = aussie smiling queers), are hey connected to Blue Mountains Circus? Rosemary Hunter? Alison Rothwell ?
Stuart Hunter's resemblance to media photos of Robert Dolly Dunn when he was a school teacher at Parramatta Marist?(Stuart Hunter was the husband of Rosemary Hunter).

Are members of Blue Mountains Circus violent homosexual paedophiles that are involved violently attacking citizens in the manner of The Family murders Bevan Spencer Von Einem and his
numerous homosexual crime colleagues which police organisations in Australia never bothered to formally arrest ?

See mention of 291 Vardys Road,Friday September 2020.

Blue Mountains Circus <--?--> Stardust Circus advertisements around Sydney.
Flying fruit Fly Circus <----> Simon Townsend.


... Mr Asia drug syndicate member Paul Heyward possibly sometimes worked as a McDonald's clown (Ronald Mcdonald world's famous magical clown).
Heyward's work as a McDonald's clown was possibly a way for a drug smuggler such as himself to involve himself with paedophile activity.

Some of Bradley Heyward's school friends, such as Craig Akroyd, during their time as school students, were making hints that they met Ronald McDonald when they went to a public toilet.
during school classes, they were using terminology such as - they made a "bog" at the bottom of the toilet when they met Ronald McDonald.
[The meaning of Bog was not known, it sounded like something to do with Marsh areas flooded by water.

It was not kown what kid of activity they were hinting about at the time - this information deduced decades after it was heard.
People such as Craig Akroyd are probably from homosexual families, and they made their activity sound like something they considered friendly.

It was not pleasant to listen to such terminology. People were required to attend school when they were growing up, and some of the students were trouble makers and
bad characters/ from bad families/crime families who were mentioning strange terminology during school classes. Some of the students were trouble makers and
bad characters/ from bad families/crime families early on when they elementary school students.

Australian's are buggers/sodomites. Australians are disturbed,a culture of anally-rectally disturbed people.
Australians should be formally labelled as people suffering from anal-rectal disturbance which makes them horribly corrupt: a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

Bradley Heyward , the son of Paul Heyward, is still living, and he was involved in building camera rooms from drug money (illicit drugs/money laundering). This is mentioned in paragraphs above.


Enda Banna homosexual paedophile Irish doctor from Blacktown Hospital is connected by Maren Goerdel his female Dutch medical colleage to Penshurst suburb of Sydney NSW Australia.
Maren Goerdel established a presence in Hurstville suburb of Sydney NSW Australia. Penshurst is adjacent to Hurstville. They suburbs either side of a busy road.

Hurstville is probably a suburb where Undergorund Nazi Bat Cave infrastruture has been built similar to Cabramatta. East Asian race walking around on the surface of the suburb,BR> another race below the suburb in underground facilities...when people have tried to visit buisinesses or solicitors in Hurstville, their offices looked abandoned.
Did they recently move elsewhere or were they hiding underground in Hurstville?

Also, the suburb of Eastwood could be described similarly. Neurologist Makram Girgis used to work in an office in Eastwood during the 1990s.
Some decades afterward, Eastwood seems to have undergone significant demographic changes.
Did the races/ethnicities that inhabited Eastwood during the 1990s, build themselves underground nazi bat caves ?

The Australia media is beginning to advertise ideas about Australia becoming republic, but that is a waste of time.


As long Australia exists, it will be a constitutional monarchy tied by the behinds of its many buggerred/perverse/sodomite citizens to homosexual religion.
[The Australian economy is probably very much based upon homosexual tourism, as is Britain's existence over centuries probably based upon homosexual tourism from western Europe and Germanic nations.

Western europeans from the continent turned the Anglo-Saxon English into a nation of bastards via the Norman invasion of Britain in 1066AD and approximately 400 years of racial subjugation.
...The Normans and Alanics being vassals of the King of France(King of the Franks)... for about 400 years the Anglo-Saxons were being racially subjugated by servants of the King of France,
so that the Anglo-Saxon English became a nation of prostitutes...the Anglo-Saxon English became a nation of homosexual prostitutes/buggers/sodomites - if they were not already that way before, that is what they became]

Western Europeans from the continent turned the Anglo-Saxon English into a nation of bastards that do not know whether they are from Angle,Saxon or Jute tribes.

...Australia is too corrupt, too selfish, too perverse to ever become a republic. Australia is about staying a constitutional monarchy because it is a screwed-up-the-arse culture.

Nationalist racist organisations such as the ANM (Australian Nationalist Movement) could be renamed as the ANBM (Australian Nationalist Bowel Movement).

Strange comments have occurred in the American media about if convicted criminal Donald Trump is re-elected , that he would form alliance with Russia and that Russia would more easily take over the Ukraine.

Such ideas are incorrect because:
- Donald Trump's eastern European activities have been very much based in the Ukraine over decades.
- Vladimir Putin's rise to power are based upon his Ukrainian connections.
Western Nations conspired to place Vladimir Putin into political power in Russia, and western nations conspired via the Ukraine.

[Ukraine was a Nazi collaborator during World war2 , and western nations in later decades exploited Ukraine's German/Germanic connections as a way to influence the political leadership in Russia.]

Vladimir Putin in Russia is as a Ukrainian gaining power in another Nation, as a way to make war against his fellow Ukrainians, which is supposed to make the Ukraine a stronger nation.

Some similar situation occurred with Bashar Assad in Syria.

Bashar Assad secretly considered as Yezidi, maybe his mother was a Yezidi(Kurdish).

Bashar Assad gained political power in Syria, probably via western conspiracies. Assad's wife is a British jew(British-Alanic-jew). She looks very western, similar face to Australian model Elle McPherson.

Bashar Assad gained political power in Syria, and then made war against his fellow Yezidis(Kurds),probably based upon ideology to make them a stronger Kurdish national group.

...Similar could be said about Alexander Lukashenko dictator in Belarus. Lukashenko surname is Ukrainian.

Johnny Depp and his costar Peter Deluise (21 jump Street) are probably connected to the Amy Fisher scandal in the USA from year 1993.

Joe Buttafuoco resemblance to Peter Deluise(Buttafuoco strange surname sounds strange as Celina Midelfart Donald trump's 1990s girlfriend).

Joe Buttafuoco was Amy Fisher's boyfriend in the 19990s American scandal.

Johnny Depp is a double of Gary Glitter in his younger photos,and double of singer Adam Ant.Gary Glitter(singer) was jailed in Thailand because of paedophilia.

Joe Buttafuoco some facial similarity to SEPP DIETRICH WW2 GERMAN NAZI, a facial similarity which would probably also connect him to Robert Dolly Dunn homosexual paedophile.

... Also, Brittany Murphy connections. Brittany Murphy actress died in year 2009.Her husband Simon Monjack is a Peter Deluise double.

Brittany Murphy ----- tracey Gold from 1980s situation comedy Growing Pains: Tracy Gold played the role of Carol Seaver.

There is some Benjamin Netayahu Jewish Israeli connection to Tracey Gold, Brittany Murphy. Deborah Mclachlan(Fleur Cates double) sends Tracey gold doubles to bother people's lives.
One of them worked at behind the Calculator Desk in Big-W Department store in Westpoint Shopping centre.
Deborh Mclachlan --- Michelle Gibson, Joel Gardiner. Michelle Gibson ----probably related to --- Anita Cobby who was ritually murdered in year 1986.
Michelle Gibson probably related to Louise Davis from Toni Collette's neighbourhood.
Michelle Gibson probably established a friendship or communications with Les Sanday who used to be a neighbour of Rosemary Hunter before she moved to Woodford suburb of Blue Mountains.
Anita Cobby's husband resembles Les Sanday and Shane Dowd who played cricket for Seven Hills-Toongabbie RSL cricket club.
RSL = returned serviceman's league = a club of people who used to be soldiers in wars such as Vietnam war which Australia and the USA lost.


joel fitgibbon ---probably related to--- Georg Batzing: Helmut kentler experiment paedophile priest (West Germany).
maybe related to George Pell
george pell ----- Peter Hollingsworth (Anglican Archbishop of Australia) homosexual padophilia scandal 2001-2002.
Peter Hollingsworth became Australia Governor General and then resigned because of the homosexual paedophilia scandal.

Joel Fitzgibbon is Australia politician who was involved in a bugging scandal around year 2009.
[Recently in year 2024, Joel Fitzgibbon's son died in parachute maneouvres. Joel Fitgibbon's daughter Grace Fizgibbon works for Channel 7 television as a news reporter.]

Joel fitzgbbon probably related to Rupert Murdoch, or Rupert Murdoch's sons.
... and his distant relative Philippino-Australian male prostitute Michael Fitzgibbon has worked at Channel 7 television, probably in connection with actress Toni Collette.


Information/Research suggests that David Stefanovic and his ex-girlfriend Jodie the small-scrawny-red-headed-anglo-celtic-woman are part of a daycare paedophile ring.
Jodie worked in a hair dressing salon on Dunmore street Wentworthville suburb of Sydney NSW Australia in 1996. David Stefanovic was driving to Wentworthville and introducing people to Jodie.

The paedophile ring is involved in finding people's sons when the parent(s) is outside the home working or shopping, and the paedophiles kiss people's sons on lips.
sometimes parents arrive back home in time to prevent further activity of the paedophiles. The paedophiles disappear back to where they came from when people's parents come home.

People's sons tell their parents about unexpected visitations by such strangers, but the parents don't know what to do further, because the paedophiles often dont visit the home again.
Parents dont know what to do, parents dont know if what the son says is true, and they often put the information to the back of their mind.
They are a paedophile ring whose members include Australian medical doctors.

They are a paedophile ring that uses corrupt women(anglo-celtic Australian girlfriends) to convince parent(s) to move somewhere closer to the paedophiles (paedophile doctors).

They are a paedophile ring that is involved in violent racial murders/attempted murders against people's sons when households care for each other and resist the paedophilia and resist the homosexuality.
[Such violent racial murders/attempted murders are probably Nazi rat line activity.]

Corrupt police woman has relatives(s) who were friends with Jodie around 1994, when Jodie was doing her prostitution activity on the railway line between Blacktown and Parramatta.
[Corrupt Police woman is corrupted by the paedophile ring. She is probably a member of the paedophile ring... and Nichols is pobably related to Charles Manson Cult - The Family member Leslie van Houten.] Probably Wayne Brodie is part of the paedophile ring. Wayne Brodie was observing people by camera around the Blacktown and Seven Hills railway station, and Seven Hills Shopping Centre.

The paedophile ring is involved in migrating, illegally immigrating people from eastern Europe. The paedophile ring members are anglo-celtic people who financed Tito's communist regime of Yugloslavia.

Nada Stefanovic the mother of David Stefanovic was involved in befriending many unmarried mothers, and then David Stefanovic was probably visiting the homes of unmarried mothers to find their children home alone.
Then David Stefanovic and hids ex-girlfriend Jodie were sending unmarried mothers at people who knew nothing about the paedophile ring described ,as a way to murder people.
[Racist activity that is usually about murdering migrant families who are not corrupted anglo-celtic sodomy. The Stefanovic family are corrupted by anglo-celtic sodomy.

See also information posted about Blagica "Betty" Stefanovic the sister of David Stefanovic :
David Stefanovic invited people to the Adventist Church, and Blagica Betty Stefanovic conspired murder against visitors by selling babies behind people's backs.

The paedophile probably turned Man Monis into a terrorist that killed people in the Sydney CBD in December 2014 Lindt Cafe massacre...paragraphs above mentioned Australian women in the Pendle Witch Coven around Wentworthville
where Man Monis had a spiritual healer business.
[ Australian women in the Pendle Witch Coven <---> corrupt women(anglo-celtic Australian girlfriends) that convince parent(s) to move somewhere closer to the paedophiles(without the parents knowing who the paedophiles are).

Two members of the paedophile ring from Wentworthville are: Jodie the ex-girlfriend of David Stefanovic,, and Sarah the Librarian from Wentworthville(probably has a British political connection to the Dunblane massacre 1996).
[They worked in Wentworthville, and maybe they had relatives in Wentworthville during the 1990s.]

this information is NOT for the NSW police to do their selfish racism with. It is for beginning an international law case against the Government System in Australia: Breach of Geneva Convention article 147 - Nazi Doctor Crimes.
The use of slave labour device.Elctronically enslaving human nervous systems based upon race. Experiments that are about enslaving and exterminating the nations of the third world.

They are persons/groups/corrupt families who knew Paul Heyward from the Mr Asia drug syndicate.

Deborah Mclachlan elementary school teacher and some Julia-mature-age-student or staff member from Sydney teachers college 1979 (Sydney University) are probably part of the paedophile ring.
[studies involved organic chemistry]

some racist Australian woman from Wonga Street in the inner-west suburbs of Sydney NSW Australia. She befriended a person's parent, but she never showed herself to a person's son.
So a person's son does not know what she looked like,a person's son does not know her name. A person's son was told only that some anglo-australian girlfriend woman lived in Wonga Street.
Probably the racist anglo-Australian woman knew Paul Heyward from the Mr Asia drug Syndicate. She lived in the same suburban area where Bradley Heyward attended school as a student.

Enda Bannan medical doctor is probably part of the paedophile ring(Enda Bannan is an Irish homosexual paedophile).
Does Enda Bannan have some connection the medical injustices at Chelmsford hospital?


The sodomite culture of Australia has been doing a trick with ground ionosphere antennas.

They have configured the ground ionosphere antenna technology in a way where when a sodomite stranger(1) observes remotely via antenna and then then another
sodomite stranger(2) sticks his sex organ up the back passage of sodomite stranger(1), the antenna signals remotely produce strange stomach sounds in
the digestive system of person3(heterosexual victim of a slave labour device).

That is medical nazism that sodomits have been silent about over years decades.
BR> To sodomites it seems to be wonderous activity. It is activity to do with homosexual tourism to suburban areas of Australia.

To heterosexuals , the depraved existences of sodomites are something to avoid, something needs to be stopped: to avoid becoming involved in homosexuality, and the homosexual nazism must be stopped.
Australian needs to be charged by international law because such involuntary cybernetic experiments are a breach of article 147 of the Geneva Convention.

... it is a way for homosexuals to make counterfeits against heterosexuals. Australian women are corrupted by sodomy: their confidence is B O confidence system (Bum odour confidence/arse odoour confidence/ass odour confidence.

... the ground ionosphere antenna waves can reach heterosexuals when they are at home on their properties. Australian culture is about homosexuals/male prostitutes stealing homes from heterosexuals.
Situations where homosexuals/male prostitutes use antenna waves to reach heterosexuals at home on their properties are considered by homosexuals/male prostitutes as
situations where heterosexual homes can be continally bothered, situations where homosexuals/male prostitutes want to claim ownership over a human nervous system(enslavement of a human nervous system) as a way to claim ownership of a home that is not owned by the homosexuals/heterosexuals... it is a theft conspiracy by homosexuals/male prostitutes that needs to charged by international law.

homosexuals/male prostitutes re about stealing the lives of heterosexuals, sacrificing the lives of heterosexuals, and are about stealing the homes of heterosexuals...

Australia is not civilized, Australia is a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

slave labour device technology must be prosecuted by international law.
When Jim Cameron cricket coach asked cricket team member Sarket Chuckla "Hey, you arent going back to India to get married, are you?", Jim Cameron was being a selfish Australian homosexual/bisexual
who wanted Sarket Chuckla to stay in Australia,and to mix with the anglo-celtic homosexuals at Seven Hill Toongabbie RSL Club.
Jim Cameron was about older homosexuals claiming ownership of the lives of young males in the cricket team that he coached.


Jeffrey Epstein and Gilligan's island songs in connection with Bill Clinton---- Hillary clinton ---- Gary Glitter & KLF music group - Ancient of Mu song(low frequency waves themes) & Tammy Wynette

Gary Glitter----Johnny Depp ,Adam Ant ----Paul Deluise(21 Jump Street) ----Amy Fisher scandal USA year 1993

Gary Glitter Motorcycle gang (You wanna be in his gang, his gang,his gang ? song)<-->Jim Cameron Vietnam War Veteran and his wife Margaret Cameron<-->Mr Brodie,Mr Henderson,Mr Davis,Mr Saunders that preyed homosexually on young East Asian Males...Their homosexual paedophilia had Vietnam war themes.

[singer Gary Glitter(Paul Gad) was jailed for homosexual crimes in the Est Asian nation of Thailand.]
[In some photos resemblance to Johnny Depp actor and Johnny Young Australian media personality (his real Dutch name Johnny Benjamin de Jong )


Ethic cleansing activity is portrayed by the western as 2 monoracial groups making race war against each other. Ethnic cleansing becomes especially horrible when a third side becomes adversely affected - parents who have crossed racial barriers and no longer know how to do good things for their children.
parents who have mixed with other races to produce interracial families and no longer know how to do good things for their children, because of the nazi activity behind their back,
and because of the lies the society deliberately makes. Parents who want to do good for their children but they begin acting in a detrimental way toward their children because they no longer know what they are doing.

Western culture are the real ethnic cleansing societies. Western culture with its secret homosexual meeting places are the real ethnic cleansing cultures.Ethnic cleansing is homosexual nazism which is about making horrible
courterfeits against people households who cross racial barriers.

Cultures that are sodomite culture, that are about involving their population in ritual-sex-sodomy-ritual-murder-behaviours are the real ethnic cleansing societies, and that describes western culture, and describes semitic cultures
arabs and jews. Also Iranian(Persian) culture and Greek-Roman(Greco-Roman) culture are Aryan cultures corrupted by sodomy. The pagan Iranian-Persian Shahs had their male prostitutes which were called names such as Ashna.
The Turks were from Mongolia. Mongolian paganism supported customs such as men corruptly meeting with each other in bath houses. Turkish Baths meeting places for homosexuals is something which has existed over centuries,
as part of Turkish culture... Th Romans and Greeks had such bath houses.

The Shi-ite Muslim religion tries to liberate Iranian people from the depravity of Iranian/Persian Aryan culture,
the Sunni Musli m religion of Turkey tries to liberate Turkeyn people from the depravity of Aryan culture influences of the Greco-Roman Constantinople culture that existed in Turkey before the Turkish invasion of Anatolia,
in a similar way to how Christianity seeks to raise western people above the depravity of Aryan western culture, tries to give people some kind of morality, but many people most people are likely to fall back
into behaving according to Aryan culture that exists apart from Abrahamic religion.See the Abrahamic religious wisdom description of how some societies are selfishly imperfect [Genesis 9:27].
Western culture are the real ethnic cleansing societies... This website will focus upon describing the ethnic cleansing activity of western culture.

Ethnic cleansing is about always falling short of doing the positive things that need to be done for people in a society.
Ethnic cleansing is about always falling short of describing the injustice that occurs against some people in a society.
... ethnic cleansing bhaviours are about making people fall into a pit where there is no quality of life, and never letting people out of such a pit.
... ethnic cleansing behaviours are about watching people's lives get worse and worse , but the people in the society not doing positive things that could be done, and never telling people about the things that could improve the quality of life of those who are adversely affectly
... ethnic cleansing behaviours are about racists lying to parents so the parents no longer know what to do. Once parents start acting detrimentally toward their children,because parents no longer know what to do,
the racists become happy and then never want the parents to find out about all the lies that racists have made, racists never want parents to find out about the homosexual nazism that has occurred behind their backs.
Ethnic cleansing is about causing racial division in a society.ethnc cleansng is about ritually murdering people who cross racial barriers.
Ethnic cleansing is about ritually murdering households who dont want to define themselves as belonging to the racially selfishness activity of this national group or that national group.
Ethnic cleansing is about ritually murdering households who say they believe in brotherhood between races instead of belonging to the racially selfishness activity of this national group or that national group.
Ethnic cleansing is about making permanent hatreds in the lives of citizens.

Etnic cleansing activity is about western societies saying they have laws against racism,but western societies ignore their laws because western societies are selfish homosexuals that
about forcing citizens to become part of the racial selfishness of this national group or that national group.

Western societies are about forcing people to mix with the racists of this national group or that national group,
to become corrupted by the racists, to become racially segregated, and to become discriminated against by being racially segregated.

Western societies are about forcing people to mix with the homosexuals of this national group or that national group,
to become corrupted by the homosexuals, regardless of whether some national group has many homosexuals or few homosexuals

...e.g. to automatically trust people whose appearance is according to some national group, and then to become victims of homosexuals whose appearance is according to some national group.
[wisdom says dont judge people by their appearance. Ethnic cleansing , nationalism, racism is aganst wisdom and says to judge people according to their appearance, to trust people according to their appearance.]
Leviticus 19:15,John 7:24

[izum od robstva, izum preluknjan od daleki doseg magnetsko polje , izum nazistički doktori su svezali na živce]
[вынаходніцтва з рабства, вынаходніцтва, працятае далёка ідучым магнітным полем, вынаходніцтва, прымацаванае да нерваў нацысцкімі лекарамі]


Is Donald trump an idiot for choosing James Vance as a political partner that called him an idiot, and said he was like Hitler around year 2015? Maybe Vance isn't really converted to Trump's politics. Maybe Vance is faking it.

Vance says he is working class, but there was a Cyrus Vance who negotiated between Saddam Hussein and the United States. Cyrus Vance wasn't working class.

Cyrus Vance: American lawyer and United States Secretary of State under President Jimmy Carter
Americans probably considered political negotiator Cyrus Vance as from a family above working class.

Are Donald trump and his supporters too busy getting emotional at political rallies to research the surname Vance?


Trump real estate rent trademarks granted in China in exchange for Trump changing American political policies to disadvantage American people.

Trump’s Conflicts of Interest in China
“Each subsequent ruling in his favor will serve to remind Trump of the personal profits he could reap by improving his own personal relations with China,
even if doing so leaves the American people worse off.”

This financial corruption information was discovered about Donald Trump by first researching information about Donald trump being connected to serial killers David Owen Brooks and Dean Corll.
[i.e. By researching Donald Trump involvement in sadistic homosexual murders of young males as a way to accumulate attractive females for himself.]

Some of the information about Dean Corll's murders are remininscent of scenes in Ridley Scott's Alien films. Possibly Ridley Scott is involved with networks of homosexuals
who enact sadistic homosexual murders of young males.Such networks of homosexuals are sometimes described as "homosexual procurement networks" something associated with David Owen Brooks' activities.
(ridley Scott's facial similarity to Enda Bannan an Irish doctor in Australia).

David Owen Brooks was paid by Dean Corll as a male prostitute after 2 years elapsed since first meeting at a Candy factory,
David Owen Brooks would frequent the Candy factory and he considered Dean Corll like a parental figure.
1 year later Dean Corll decided to start sadistically homosexually murdering youg males.
David owen Brooks decided to be Dean Corll's accomplice in such murders. Dean Corll promised to buy a car for him in exchange for his silence.
David Owen Brooks then became involved luring young males into situations where they were sadistically homosexually murdered by Dean Corll.
Dean Corll would pay David Owen Brooks $200 for each young male that was lured and murdered.
The era was around 1970 when $200 had much more value than in the 21st century.
[Era when people become owners of their own homes for something like $25,000 instead of $500,000 or $1,000,000].

Elmer Wayne Henley became an another accomplice of Dean Corll: he was one of the few that survived the sadistic homosexual crimes of Dean Corll.

Information was also discovered about Silicon Valley companies such as Apple's Steve jobs being involved in torture.Information suggests Steve Jobs died of AIDS: opportunistic cancers associated with AIDS.
Steve Jobs was probably a sadistic homosexual involved in the sadistic homosexual murders of young males.

Then was discovered information about Joe Biden's son and Nancy Pelosi's son being invested in technology companies in China, similarity to technology company investments in Silicon Valley USA.
Joe Biden and Rupert Murdoch invested in a silicon Valley company Theranos that falsely claimed it could test people's blood without using needles. Theranos was a medical scandal in Silicon Valley.

theranos and covid 19 are connected
Theranos and COVID-19 Testing Are Mirror-Image Cautionary Tales
BR> https://health.ucsd.edu/news/press-releases/2021-03-18-novel-coronavirus-circulated-undetected-months-before-first-covid-19-cases-in-wuhan-china/ Novel Coronavirus Circulated Undetected Months before First COVID-19 Cases in Wuhan, China...

[In the first months of the coronavirus pandemic, the FDA notoriously delayed private labs from developing their own COVID-19 tests.
This allowed the coronavirus to spread mostly undetected, and demolished any early possibility of eradicating the virus in the United States.]
<----The USA Government deliberately allowed the Coronavirus to become an epidemic.

Research suggests the Coronavirus was not the China Virus mentioned by Donald Trump. Coronavirus Covid19 was more like the American overseas investment virus (American Investments in Chinese technology companies and real estate)
Technology companies probably involved in developing slave labour technology, the technology of modern day concentration camps, death camps. Depopulation agenda.Genocide agenda.

Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption
Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs (.gov)
https://www.hsgac.senate.gov › hsgac-finance-report
18 Sept 2020 — ... Chinese government-owned aviation company and a China-based investment firm with established ties to the communist Chinese government. One ...

Chip stocks plunge as Nancy Pelosi lands in Taiwan. ...
https://fortune.com › 2022/08/02 › nancy-pelosi-taiwan-...
2 Aug 2022 — Chip stocks plunge on Tuesday as U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi landed in Taiwan. Any Chinese move on Taiwan—even if it's not a full-blown ...

Nancy Pelosi's son is investor in Chinese tech firm: report
New York Post
https://nypost.com › 2022/08/11 › nancy-pelosis-son-is...
11 Aug 2022 — ​​Paul Pelosi Jr., who received 700,000 shares of Borqs Technologies as

How much are Nancy Pelosi's husband and son going to ...
https://www.quora.com › How-much-are-Nancy-Pelosis...
Ms. Pelosi's husband, Paul, has more than $17.4 billion in Hong Kong assets as the founder in Matthews Global Investors Limited. Her son, Paul ...

Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption
Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs (.gov)
https://www.hsgac.senate.gov › hsgac-finance-report
18 Sept 2020 — ... Chinese government-owned aviation company and a China-based investment firm with established ties to the communist Chinese government. One

Sarah the Librarian was a short woman that would slide on her knees into the bookshelves when she was putting a book back into the library shelves.
She worked at Wentworthville library during the years 1994-1995.Her facial appearance was similar to actress Natalie Portman, but she was much shorter than Natalie Portman.
[So to citizens who were taller than most people, it didn't matter who she facially resembled, she was a little inbred sh_t woman who was not interesting.

Some people attended the library for the books,and for the quiet spaces to complete assignments in, and did not car about seeing Sarah the Librarian. Some people for their right to have paid work, some way to support themselves (against Australia's racist desire to enslave and exterminate migrant households, and nations in the third world, via concentration camp technology.]

She consides such information to be embarrassing for people to know. Her behaviour has something to do with her being part of a paedophile ring.

whose network of paedophiles reached to the other side of the earth in the Dunblane massacre in Britain. She is probably related to and friends British political paedophiles who were behind the Dunblane massacre:
names such as Gordon Brown and Tony Blair (according to some information on the internet.

Sarah the Librarian was sliding on her knees into bookshelves, while recording citizens on camera reading books in the library and doing academic work such as assignments in the quiet areas of the library,
and the she was advertising the library recordings to people in racists organisations: Ku Klux Klan memberrs, Nazi organisation members ?

She did NOT mention she was a Hitler relative in Australia, such information was discovered years later.This seems to be information about the existence of Nazi Lebensborn program in Australia,
illegal immigration of Nazi families into Australia. Australia is about favouring Nazi families instead of following civil rights /human rights laws.

Can Wentworthville Library and Sarah the Librarian(Sarah the Hitler relative) be charged with conspiracy to murder,
in the context of Australia needing to be charged by international law because of the use the a slave labour device?
[Breach of Geneva Convention article 147 - Nazi Doctor Crimes/Medical attrocities/Biological Experiments/Jeffrey Dahmer style medical crimes].

Kingslangley Post Office (Australia Post) has been in the news recently in year 2024. Here is information about a racism display that was occuring at Kingslangley Post Office.

A cardboard sign placed outside the office of an Australian woman postal worker seemingly with a welcoming smile.


Inside the post office, items on sale which are about encouraging racism, racial stereotypes.


Behind the desk was working a short stocky man who looked italian or maltese and resembled cult leader of The Little Pebble religious cult(facial resemblance to William Kamm).

terminology connected with homosexual corruption within Police organizations:
1)Hazing rituals.
2) Vigile (ancient Roman society: Vigile groups watched over a city and called upon the soldiers to stop troublesome situations.Sometimes Vigiles acted as firemen that used buckets to put fires out.
The connection of modern police organisations to Roman Vigile means that modern police activity is more similar to Vigilante activity(revenge) that western society woud like to describe.
3)People who want to be police tend to be from families that deliberately mix with bad people and become victims of crimes, often homosexual crimes.
Families who avoid mixing with bad people usually have no desire to become police officers.Other professions are usually much more desirable than police work.
Police officers often come from families that deliberately look for trouble and then try to solve the unnecessary problems they caused for themselves.


Some information which has a probability of being true about Donald Trump:

Trump was shot by one his NAMBLA boyfriends ? Trump's NAMBLA boyfriends bombarded solicitor Michael Cohen with prank phone messages in 2016 and Mchael Cohen sent their phone number to the secret service ?
The secret service were surrounding trump at his political meeting because they suspected Trump's NAMBLA boyfriends were going to take some kind of revenge against Trump ?

a situation with some similarities to Reagan Era Washington Callboy scandal. [Call-boys are the male version of terminology call-girls(prostitutes)].

[The comments above about Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump making insults and threats against each other mention NAMBLA.

NAMBLA <---> American N.R.A. organisation.

A connected question about Mcleod and Schmegelsky who killed Australian Lucas Fowler and Chyna Deece near Kamloops Canada.
Did Mcleod and Schmegelsky know Donald Trump and Ivana Trump's Polish mafia [connections] ? Mafia organizations are full of homosexuals.
Trump's former solicitor Michael Cohen possibly is a relative of the Ochoa drug smuggling family from South America Medellin Cartel. e.g. Jorge Luis Ochoa.


Evette Nelson is probably some kind of Russian Spy connection among actress Toni Collette's friends.
Evette Nelson resembled Evdokia Petrov(Vladimir Petrov's wife) from the Petrov Spy scandal in Australia.

Evette Nelson probably had some conneciton to Pauline Hansen becoming an elected politician during the 1990s.
Pauline Hansen(Australian politician from Ipswitch Queeensland Australia) <---facially resembles--> Kira Korolev (recent spy scandal year 2024 in Australia. Kir Korolev has worked for the Australianvb military).

[Evette Nelson was one of Daniel Mamo's homosexual/bisexual girlfriends during his school years: from when they were in elementary school. Their families know each other. Evette Nelson possibly lived near Jason Harris.Jason Harris(looked like an italian) was adopted by an man who looked Irish-he looked like an older version of Hoodoo Gurus lead singer David Faulkner.]

Jason Harris was friends with Michael Chebyl: around 1984 they became interested in learning how to rap dance/break dance. During the 1984 school camp they were criticised by a teacher for wearing rap dance clothing.
[Harris looked Italian, Chebyl was Lebanese. Michael Chebyl lived across the road from Jason Hogan and some houses away from Australoid David Christian. A Mrs Gerusi lived in one of the several houses between Michael Chebyl and David Christian.] Mrs Gerusi advertised her name at the front of her home near her letterbox.

Around 1991, Evette Nelson made some brainwashed comments about Steven Essam. She was unjustly trying to magnify aggrandise Steven Essam but her comments were false.




About the aussie school academic teachers that made lies if you study hard(diligently) you will have a job to support yourself:

They made strange comments about the Australian work force being the "real world". Expressions such as "when you're in the real world", "when you get out into the real world".

Such statements about the world were false, because Australia is not about reality. Australia is a screwed-up-the-arse nation that deliberately makes counterfeits/mirages.
[Satanic cultures such as anglo-celtic Australian culture deliberately make situations of pretend-civilization which are not civilization. It is a counterfeit.

Australian culture is not the whole world. Australian culture is one screwed-up-the-arse social system that exists on planet earth...and it should not exist... Australian culture has no right to exist.
There are more natural cultures that exist on planet earth, and those other cultures do NOT need to tolerate Australian Culture, do not need to tolerate homosexual nazism that is the "centre of being"(basis) of Australian culture.
Those other more natural cultures do NOT need to tolerate the ritual-sex-sodomy-ritual-murder behaviours of Australians. (sodomy behaviours=buggery behaviours. Australians are buggers sodomites.
Australians have called each other silly buggers over decades in their media.

Australia is a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah, whose purpose is to do injustice, whose purpose is to make counterfeits of heterosexuality while ritually murdering real heterosexuals.

The kind of horrible crimes that Australia has been committing against human rights might suggest that when Australians need to be executed, they could executed in cruel ways such as posting their living bodies up wooden poles,
with the sharp ends of the poles piercing through their behinds,so that they bleed to death publicly over several hours through their behinds. That would be a form of impaling Australians when they need to be executed.

Films and Photos could be taken of dieing Australians as they bleed to death in executions, as evidence of sodomites being executed... and the films and photos could be circulated amongst more natural cultures.
[Such activities would be a reaction against the injustice that safe bases in Australia perpetrate against heterosexuals.]

To execute Australians in such a way would be a way to lessen the desire of Australians to ritually murder people who believe following bible wisdom.
Such public executions against Australians would be similar to crucifixion against sodomites.

such executions of Australians could be via formal legal proceedings in nations that have more natural cultures,
to put a final stop the sodomy corruption that nations such as Australia have secretly supported over years decades centuries...
If the evil of sodomy was more efficiently executed against, then evil would be less of a problem in societies.
If the evil people were more efficiently executed,then evil would be less of a problem in societies...

the evil would eventually subside if evil people were efficiently executed, if perverse cultures were resisted,overcome and destroyed.

[This is not written by an extremist. This is written by someone who was brought up to believe in tolerance, live and let live.
Australia does not believe in live and let live. Australians are extremists in that the way they homosexually discriminate against heterosexuals.
... years decades of concentration-camp-style separation of males and females is what Australia is about via Jeffrey-Dahmer-style-medical-crimes... and Australia must be prosecuted by international law.

... further information ...

When Australians need to be executed by cultures that are more natural, they could be tied by hands with rope and lifted above the wooden pole.
Then their bodies would be lowered(downward) toward the wooden pole so that it pierces their bodies through their behinds, while they are suspended by the rope.
Downward pressure could be applied to their legs. Maybe rope would be tied around their legs to apply downward pressure, so that their behinds start to bleed, so that their behind would continue to bleed over hours.
Then Australians would die in agony over several hours, as they try to heave their backsides off the wooden pole,but the pole would continue to impale their backsides,
they would continue to bleed and they would die a cruel death over several hours, in a public way, before a crowd of onlookers from a culture that is more natural,
s that Australians would not be able to make lies against heterosexuals, so that Australians would not be able to make counterfeits of heterosexuality.

Or a longer wooden pole tied together with a shorter wooden pole. The shorter wooden pole would have a sharp point. About the Australian that needs: His arms or hands would be tied near the top of the longer wooden pole, and the Australian's behind would be positioned over the sharp point of the shorter wooden pole.
And then the Australian would be impaled through his backside on the shorter wooden pole, while his hands,arms,torso is suspended on the longer wooden pole.
Downward pressure could be applied to their legs. Maybe rope would be tied around their legs to apply downward pressure.
So Australians would die in agony over several hours, as they try to heave their backsides off the wooden pole,but the pole would continue to impale their backsides,
So Australians would continue to bleed and they would die a cruel death over several hours, in a public way, before a crowd of onlookers from a culture that is more natural,
s that Australians would not be able to make lies against heterosexuals, so that Australians would not be able to make counterfeits of heterosexuality.

Austrlaians should die cruel death's because sodomites are about causing unnecessary suffering, sodomites are about enacting ritual sadism, ritual cruelty.

Australians would understand that natural cultures should destroy the entre of being"(basis) of Australians. Noone needs to be bothered by the generational-male-prostitution system of Australia.

Films and Photos could be taken of dieing Australians as they bleed to death in executions, as evidence of sodomites being executed... and the films and photos could be circulated amongst more natural cultures.
[Such activities would be a reaction against the injustice that safe bases in Australia perpetrate against heterosexuals.]

------------ [23/07/2024:002a]

Australians possibly like to use the word pluralism, because pluralism is possibly a kind of pretend tolerance, where issues of racism become intermixed with with resistance against homosexuals and perversion.
The homosexuals tend to not to be racially tolerant. The homosexuals/buggers/sodomites are about committing homosexual crimes against their groups when the homosexuals/s/b become sexually aroused, and that causes social division.
Homosexual crimes against people of another race is a way that racists consider themselves to punish other races.Homosexual crimes by the ku klux klan have been depicted in films,as a way of doing racism,as way of creating division in groups.

This website does not support pluralism. This website does support racial tolerance.

Old ukrainian Woman-------Komonen -------------------- Peter
[scandinavian surname? [plastic surgeon, surgical implantation of a slave labour device 1995]
surname stolen by Italians.
Medical Nurse or Physiotherapy worker]

According to the medical notes from Concord Repatriation Hospital:
Peter Haertsch enacted surgery along with Neurosurgeons : Marianne Vonau and Silfverskold.

Silfverskold is another Scadinavian name.
Possibly connected to the Karolinska Institute Sweden mentioned by others sources of information as involved in surgically implanting slavery technology (involuntary cybernetic experiments,secretly forced implants) .

See mention of terminology
- Overaklagaren recording of medical crime information from around 1985 Sweden.
The information mentions the Karolinska Institute Sweden.Overaklagaren was possibly name of a judge magistrate investigator or a shire municipality county Sweden.

-Watergate Bugging Scandal,Operation Linebacker I and II, Richard Nixon American President and the PKK Kurdish Workers Party terrorist organisation(Syria,Turkey,Iran), assassination of Swedish political leader Olof Palme.

----- [Music Video by Dr Alban - possibly Overaklagaren Sweden connection.]

Some Music Video by Doctor Alban (doctor Nabla?) describing his existence somewhere in underground tunnels. He receives delivery shipments with East Asian wrting on them.

- Dr Alban music group from the 1990s is described as Swedish (the singer is possibly Nigerian ethnicity) and there are 2 females that appear in the music video.
One of the singers is a brunette probably Lebanese. She resembles Jan Fran SBS newsreader from SBS program "The Feed"...
internet description - Jeanette Francis, better known as Jan Fran, is a Lebanese-Australian journalist and presenter.

i.e. The Jan Fran lookalike in the music video probably described as Lebanese but she facially resembles Jason Harris(italian appearance) who was friends with Michael Chebyl(Lebanese ethnicity).

Compare -Watergate Bugging Scandal: (SYRIA) PKK terrorist organisation <-----> (SWEDEN) Overaklagaren, Olof Palme assassination.
-Dr Alban music video:(LEBANON) Brunette female dancer in the music video <----> (SWEDEN) (Dr Alban music group).

SYRIA , LEBANON are countries neighbouring each other.

[SYRIA,LEBANON,ISRAEL countries connected with Armenian Genocide that occurred around World War I (WW1)]


Michael Chebyl <------Chebyl's female friends-------> Cathy Dukas, Mardy Martinez.

[Michael Chebyl knew blonde Kim Worth who had a big head and was probably slightly retarded from inbreeding.
Maybe Kim Worth did not consider Michael Chebyl her friend she was from a racist family that lived near Elisha Forth who had a big head (inbreeding genetic problem)]
About Anglo-Germanic female with a male androgynous homosexual given name: Elisha Forth had a big ugly head, but she was not considered mentally retarded.
[Sometimes students would sing songs in school about Elisha Forth with her big ugly head looking like a fat pig that people would look for in an agricultural market. e.g. The nursery rhymes that students learned in school such as "To market, to market to buy a fat pig!" Elisha Forth's name would be mentioned as an insult instead of mentioning fat pig.]
"To market, to market to buy a Elisha!" Elisha Forth seemed to be very insulted by such a song, and it was sung as an insult.

Jason Harris would make nicknames for inbred students such as Rennie Seguna a maltese ethnicity student who was slightly retarded from inbreding.
There were 2 school academic classes in the Elementary school year that Toni Collette attended, and Renie Seguna sometimes attended a third school academic special class for students retarded from inbreding that had learning difficulties.
Jason Harris called Rennie Seguna the nickname: "Rennie the Rat Rooter.". Presumably rats are the kind of animals found in underground tunnels, the kind of places Ralph Quitadamo liked to visit.
Such nicknames were probably a hint bout Toni Collette's neighbpurhood being sodomites homosexual nazis, very inbred Aussie families involved in separation of males and females conspiracies.

Toni Collette's neighbourhood had aussie families that were very inbred, ugly looking inbred females that were there to make heterosexual males forget what good-looking females look like.

Louise Davis's younger sister was severely mentally retarded from inbreeding. Louise David took offense to her sister being described as looking like a "little Martian"(from Mars).
She was described as looking like a Martian before a person knew that she was mentally retarded. Louise Davis had an older sister Natalie who became a unmarried mother who wheeled a pram past bus stops,
and a younger mentally retareded sister.

Leigh Chalker's sister Christe Chalker had cross eyes from inbreeding.Christie Chalker had an operation on her eyes to correct an "in-turned eye".

Gerald Henderson lived 2 houses away from Ralph Quitadamo and they were nicknamed the "Stink Pots" family. Gerald Henderson had 2 older sisters:
Hostile racist Carrissa Henderson,and an older sister of unknown name who had a genetic heart problem. A genetic hole in the heart problem. Probably his older sister would visit Westmead Hospital,or Westmead Children's hospital and maybe she knew Fiona Coote who received a heart trasplant and was mentioned in the news during the 1980s.

Gerald Henderson were called the Stink Pots probably because anglo-Austalians are sodomites/buggers who have B O problems (Body Odour euphemisms about Bum Odour/Arse Odour/Ass Odour.
Ausies sometimes give hints about their sodomite culture by making nicknames for very poor inbred families that exist in Australian society.

[26/07/2024] why wasn't rupert murdoch jailed over the death of milly dowler ? https://www.businessinsider.com/milly-dowler-phone-hacking-2011-7 why wasn't rupert murdoch jailed over the death of milly dowler ? why western media silence about details of milly dowler's death? Probably because such murders are racist activity to create racial division's in societies (ethic cleansing in western cultures so called 1st world) Rupert Murdoch has profitted from racial murders since the 1960s when his wife was nearly adbucted but aother women died instead ? Rupert Murdoch is connected to murders by police officers such as Wayne Couzens murder of Sarah Everard. Media organisations are specialists at watching people by camera and hacking mobile phones to observe people if they cross racial barriers. ----------------------------------------------------------------- why wasn't rupert murdoch jailed over the death of milly dowler ? western media silent about details of milly dowler's death because such murders are racist activity to create racial division's in societies (ethic cleansing
in western cultures so called 1st world) ? the police and a child catcher murdered milly dowler becaue they thought she was racially tolerant ? (western police officers deliberately make child catcher gangs by sodomizing citizens.
The silence about child catchers in western society is a way to murder citizens who cross racial barriers...racism where if they catch people to interacting with another race, gangs or racist police officers are sent to conspire to
murder citizens who cross racial barriers)Rupert Murdoch's organisation hacked her phone as evidence of her being raciall tolerant ? Rupert Murdoch has profitted from racial murders since the 1960s when his wife Anna Torv was nearly adbucted
but another women died instead ?
Rupert Murdoch is connected to murders by police officers such as Wayne Couzens murder of Sarah Everard. Media organisations are specialists at watching citizens by camera and hacking mobile phones to observe people if they cross racial
barriers... Also News stories about the Scotland Yard and the Metropolitan police's involvement in racial murders such as Kelso Cochrane 1959 ... Steven Lawrence(1993)...Chris Kaba(2022) were racial murders connected to
preventing citizens from crossing racialbarriers (ethnic cleansing racism) which might have involved child catcher activity ... child catchers are mentioned western media films such as Chitty Chitty Bang(1967)
... Chitty Chitty bang bang had cyberetic slavery themes...
Child Catcher activity is mentioned because it is part of a western hitleristic nazi ideology cybernetic slavery agenda to enslave and exterminate the natural cultures such as slavonic cultures,
cultures descended from Scythians not parthians,and various the Nations of the third world (developing world)...Western nations are secretly allied to unnatural Parthian aryan cultures and Aryan allies such as
Iran(Persia), Israelis the descendants of Semitic jews hebrews,...
Scythians are Altaic race not Aryan...
Aryans through druidic customs ritual murder customs over geneations have tried to make their Aryan races look like the Ice Age populations that controlled the Tarim Basin,
but the race that existed in the Tarim Basin were more genetically diverse than Aryans. The races that existed during the Ice age in the Tarim Basin originated the Scythian Race, and originated Aryan race.
The races in Tarm asin existed during a time when ancient humans snd neanderthals still existed, were interbreeding wth each other, before the existence of Europeans, before the existence of Eurasians,
before the existence of East Asian races.

Scythians are Eurasian race, not Aryan.

Western European aryans are inbred R1b haplogroup less genetically diverse than the R1a Haplogroup in Eastern Europe and Eurasia.
Scythians are with the more diverse R1a haplogroup... Scythians descendants are in the R1a genetically diverse Eastern European and Eurasian national groups.
Ancient Scythia was centred around where Eurasian Altic Turkic nations from the Soviet Union exist in modern times: e.g. Uzbekistan.

Western explorers such as Thor Heyerdehl discovered that Scythians were Eurasian and published i his writings that the scandiavian god Woden came from the dragon boat cultures that existed around the Caspian Sea.

Also, writers such as C S Lewis the author of the Narnia series of books, discovered such information, and he was writing about a Prince Caspian, in the context of a British landscape setting in the Narnia books.
C S Lewis ws competing with J R R Tolkien's writings. Tolkien's writings were very much borrowed from real ancient traditions such as the Kalevula from Finland and Lappland (Suomi versus Saami reindeer herder nomadic national groups).
C S Lewis books probably more based in ancient Briton traditions. The ancient Britons were various races that migrated into the British isles, but described as being united by a Bronze age culture(of trading), eventaully became Iron age cultures before much of Britain was taken over by the Romans... But the Romans were repelled by from Scotland by the ancient advanced culture that inhabited and visited Skara Brae by Sea ...Ancient Scotland's Britonic resistance against the Romans was similar to Carthage's revenge against Rome.The Silurian Britons in Wales were most closely related to Carthage Canaanites and they were allied with Skara Brae.
Also the Battle of the Teutoberg forest defeat of 3 Roman legions probably had ancient Britonic connections. The Ancient Britons formed secret alliances with the Cherusci tribe in Germany's forests to teach them how to defeat the Romans.

Carthage's Lost Warriors documentary has interesting information about how warriors from Ancient Sea-Land Powers such as Phoenician Canaanite Carthage continued to survive for a period of time after the Punic Wars.

The ancient Britons existed before the Celtic invasion of the British Isles. Ancient Britons were various races, much more diverse than Celtics. much more diverse than Anglo-Saxons.

western police officers deliberately make child catcher gangs by sodomizing citizens...
....racism where if they catch people to interacting with another race, gangs or racist police officers are sent to try to murder citizens who cross racial barriers.

child catcher involves the use of:
- male prostitutes(who are taught to become killers)
- child prostitutes who come near people in the manner of murdering citizens who are suspected of crossing racial barriers.
[child catcher activity is part of ethnic cleansing=homosexual nazism)

[The females in western societies are taught to be silent about such murders: the females in western socieities are corrupted screwed-up-the-arse.]

The experimenters follow sonme ideology of telling people to mix while ignoring people's human rights.
This website has the opinion that such activity is about turning people into prostitutes.
The experimenters are about causing social isolation(concentration camp style separation of males and females), so their suggestions about mixing are contradictions.]

The experimenters use expression such as "DO YOU MIX?", but their expressions are contradictory.

Australia has a system of anti-christian behaviour...They are about acting selfishly against people in ways they would never do against themselves.
[Australian culture is a selfish racist culture that is the exact opposite of the christian golden rule. (Matthew 7:12). Australia is an anti-christian culture
that must be formally condemned by international law charges.

They must be charged by international law... They need to be executed.

homosexual Nazis/homsexuals prostitutes are about making situations of injustice where the strangers around in the society/nation/culture,
the organisations around, are corrupted and they sit back ad watch nazism develop instead of saying something against nazism,
instead of doing something against nazism.

Also to describe, homosexual Nazis/homsexuals prostitutes are bout corrupting people's cousins and corrupting people's mothers so that mothers and cousins sit back and watch nazism develop
instead of saying something against nazism,
instead of doing something against nazism.

They must be charged by international law... They need to be executed.

The experimeters use expressions about The NSW police being corrupted by the American organization NAMBLA.
They experimenters use expressions such as NAMBLA rides "ROUGH SHOD" over the human rights of people's sons.
NAMBLA together with the NSW Police rode rough shod over a person's human rights in 1995, as a group of homosexual cowboys riding horses.
Shod probably refers to horse shoes.NAMBLA homosexual paedophiles who drive around in groups of cars, and are about descriminating against pedestrians?
[Possibly a reference to a vampire movie which mentioned the term "rough riders" when referring to homosexuals.
Possibly films such as Once Bitten or Love at first bite.

Brittany Higgins was rewarded by the corrupt Australian legal system with charges against Bruce Lehrman,
because she is about covering up the use of male prostitutes by Bruce Lehrman and Rupert Murdoch.
Australian culture is about making counterfeits of heterosexuality(pretence of heterosexuality).
Australian culture secretly considers that Brittany Higgins was doing Bruce Lehrman and Rupert Murdoch a favour by publicly associating them with activities against a female,
instead of publicly associating them with male prostitution( which more natural cultures would describe as homosexual crimes, crimes against nature.)

research suggests that Brittany Higgins, and Rupert Murdoch's attempts to hack her phone, might be connected acts of terrorism such as the crash of MH-17 airplane in the Ukraine after it was hit by a missile...
connected in a similar way to how Rupert Murdoch hacked the mobile phone of Milly Dowler and it resulted in the Bali Bombing 2002 when Milly Dowlers photos got into the hands of extremists in Indonesia.

[Brittany higgins is a Polish mafia moll(racist gangster moll), who knows many male prostitutes via the Polish mafia. Brittany higgins knows callboy prostitutes who were listening in to phone lines.
Britanny Higgins has doubles such as Nicole Chettle ABC Newsreader, and has a resemblance to Monica Lewinsky from a Bill Clinton scandal in the 1990.
[Listening to Nicole Chetttle's news presenter activity seemed strangley similar to Marilyn Munroe singing her sexualized Happy Birthday Mr President song, but Nicole Chettle looked nothing like Marilyn Munroe.]

They are faces that look related to Richard Bazlidenski(Polish-Australian male prostitute) who was probably a student of Barry Boon, and had friends such as Attilla Shremko who know Bazlidenski's sister.
Richard Bazlidenski probably a callboy prostitute, via his connections to anglo-Australians who played soccer,Anglo-Australians in Lalor Park Scouts, ... his nickname "Baz" .
Bazlidenski's soccer connections to Australians [David Clements, Garry McGee, Craig Lamb, Andrew Cowans(British accent) , Anthony towers and his brother John towers british immigrants who lived next to Joshua Cameron durig the 1980s.

Also Shae Brewster television presenter was probably part of the Polish mafia moll activity in the Australian media...
Further information about Polish mafia activity in Australia: Bank worker Silvana Milevski who was working in Kogarah suburb of Sydney NSW Australia in years 2018 and 2019,
and Compare-The-Market Meerkat advetisements on pay television which used to be owned by Rupert Murdoch.

Brittany Higgins has probably been involved in espionage activity where she and her male callboy prostitute friends listened in to phone lines, and they sold technology information to extremists in the Ukraine which
resulted in the MH-17 plane deaths.[Racist gangster molls <---> racist gangster mole spies]

The Polish Mafia have probably profitted from illegally immigrating German Nazi families that resemble Grace Tame.(Nazi Lebensborn activity in Australia).

Some people care nothing about the airplane deaths of perverse racist Australians and deaths of racist Germanics (modern day Sodom and Gomorrah cultures).
Some people want Rupert Murdoch, Bruce Lehrmann and Brittany higgins to be formally condemned as the homosexual nazis that they are, and that Australia be formally charged by international law.

About slave labour devices being concentration camp technology, a horrible medical crime.

It is a horrible medical crime which must be charged by international law. It is a modern day concentration camp crime.

The experimenters have made threats about murdering, dissecting victims of experiments to examine the effects on the nervous system of unwanted signals over years decades.

They must not be allowed to do such injustices.

The racists in the MEDICAL PROFESSION, POLICE, and ACADEMICS in the education system who have perpetrated such a crime need to be FORMALLY CHARGED, EXECUTED and CREMATED.
(for reason that such homosexual nazism mustn't be tolerated. They need to be utterly destroyed root and branch so nothing would be left of them,
they would not have graves to visit, their ashes to be scattered to four winds.)

They have no right to continually threaten the existence of households. They have no right to racially murder households and investigate the effect on he nervous systems of the victims of experiments.

This is further information why there needs to nazi hunting activity against Australians and whoever they are allied to.


Information published on the internet about the 793rd Battalion of American Military Police (from the 1940s Nuremberg Trials)suggests that
they have become an organization involved in homosexual tourism around the world. They make homosexual tours of suburban areas.

Situations of illegal experimentation are set in connection with establishing homosexual tourism venues in suburban areas.

The male prostitutes in a suburban area form corrupt connections with homosexuals in the military police and the United Nations organisation.

Such activity is about groups of homosexuals/male prostitutes/sodomites/[men who have sex with men that falsely consider themselves heterosexuals] making strange invasions against people's lives.
[Tere have been strange documentary in Australia about men who have sex with men and consider themselves straight: they meet each other in places such as public toilets.
(programs such as Four Corners and the 7:30 report on ABC Austalian Government television channel).
Australia is a dishonest culture, a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah which needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

Information/research suggests,there have been members of families of United Nation officials in suburban areas of Sydney,
which have watched Nazism develop over years decades and they have corruptly said nothing about the Nazism,
they have corruptly done nothing to stop the Nazism in Australia.
They are racist homosexuals that beleive in conquering areas through homosexual nazism, instead of doing something against nazism.

They make lies about interbreeding with victims of experiments. They must not be believed.
They are horribly intolerant racists that are about exterminating households of migrants.(They use expressions such as "You can't be here", so they have no right to be around victims of experiments)
So such homosexual nazis need to be executed: their lives must be taken from them.

The United Nations is an organisation that cares nothing about the homosexual nazism of Ernst Roehm's brown shirts,the HAO Armanen Orden,
homosexual crime organisations The Bilderbg Society and American NAMBLA, and The Family Murders in Australia.
[Still, international law charges must be pressed against Australia.]

The experimenters need to executed because of the numerous lies they have made against the Geneva Convention,
their lies against anti-racial-discrimination laws, their lies against basic civil rights of citizens(the right to freedom of movement, the right to freedom of association,...)

There was a blonde germanic man in Toni Collette's neighbourhood, he has some resemblance to actor Max Von Sidow. he is possibly referred to as Johanssen (Dutch mafia personage) but his name is not known.
His bhaviour has been to seen walkig on the other side of the street. He waved at a person while walking on the other side of the street, but why did he wave? He is a complete stranger.

[The stranger Johansen is possibly a relative of United Nations officials, but he has said nothing to stop the medical Nazism, he has done nothing to stop the medical Nazism.
He is probably a perverse person allied to homosexuals taking over suburban areas,

When a person mailed a letter at the local post office to do something for a person's human rights,
The stranger Johanssen came near without warning, and mentioned the word "Oh" as though he was being sympathetic. And then he walked off.
A person did not know who he was. A person did not want anything to do with him. He is complete stranger.
He did not say he has family in the United Nations: that has been deduced after. He is corrupt person that has watched Nazism develop and he did not want to do anything.
[Instead he is about doing selfish pantomime behaviours, behviours of being mysterious as possible, behaviours about coming near people that he has no humanity toward].

People who are victims of medical nazism experimentation dont need stangers coming near and then flitting away.
Information needs to be expressed by persons or organizations in writing,formal writing, formal letters need to be sent about Australia enacting illegal experiments against human beings.
Someone that the stranger Johanssen might be connected to is a Pastor "Henk" who spoke with people's parents but did not speak with their sons.
Henk's name was mentioned, as living somewhere in or around the street where Andrew Millett lived.
Henk's church organisation is not known, but he was possibly from some Protestant German denomination such as Lutherans.
[Was Henk blonde man?Did Henk resemble an older version of Lawrence the brother of Patrick and Paula who were friends of David Evans. It is not known what Henk looked like. He kept out of signt of people's sons.]

Henk was speaking with people's parents, inviting people's parents to dinner, but he did not speak with people's sons,
during the 1990s when Milos Vujanic's Pentecostal "Christian City Church" was sending letters of invitation to people's letterboxes.

There is a possibility that Milos Vujanic knew Henk as a Pastor of a competing denomination, and maybe as a perverse persons that secretly met each other in homosexual meeting venues.
[Milos Vujanic or his wife Lois]

In the western half of the street where Andrew Millett was raised, also resided Alistair White with his sisters Monique and Genevieve,
and some anglo-Australian racist Des that complained about migrant households being more emotional noisy than anglo-Australians Australians.
Des had a similar physical appearance to Peter Mort who was friends with Daniel Mamo.

Some years afterward there was an Irish looking male that drove around a car with a "Ronnie" number plate that resided in the home where Des used to live, or the home next door to where Des lived.

They might have known Henk. Maybe they lived near Henk, ol er in the same street as Henk.

an the same street where Toni Collette was raised, then moved to another street in the neighbourhood.
Mrs Cousens used to hold "Neighbourhood Watch" meetings which invited by letterbox advertisements people that lived in the neighbourhood.
Mrs Cousens probably knew Henk from Neighb<---> german nazi connections.Mrs Cousens probbly related to Rommel and Hans Kammler.Which Grman Nazis Henk and the stranger Johannssen related to?

... while such ihumanity was occuring from strangers, Liliana Pavlek was selfishly living in the same suburb isolating her younger cousin as much as possible.
Liliana Pavlek was hoping her cousin would be harmed,or murdered from the continual social isolation and tracking around conspiracies resulting from the use of slave labour device against her younger cousin's nervous system.

About Loretta James the daughter of Simon James (Serbian that changed his surname). They lived in Pendle Hill near Tony the mechanic, and they attended Hammers Road Adventist Church Old Toongabbie(so-called-Parramata-Adverntist Church):
Loretta James's ideology is : if you are a migrant race, don't compete against the anglo-germanic persons in the Seventh day Adventist Church, because the Adventist Church is NAMBLA(or part of NAMBLA).
Loretta James is a racist(pretend christian) and she is unattractive... and NAMBLA is a homosexual crime organisation, but it also a source of HOMOSEXUAL RELIGION which makes counterfeits pretence of being religions such as Christianity.

[Tony the mechanic later moved to a farm property somewhere around Sydney. David Stefanovic visited Tony the Mechanic. Both Stefanovic and Tony the mechanic visited South America(Colombia) at some time.
Tony the mechanic married a Colombian woman who had 2 daughters. David Stefanovic was already married to Tiffany O'dea who had a daughter called Amanda.]
Thee military police had information about the racism homosexual nazism of Adventist Loretta James.
Loretta James and Adventists had some information about the homosexual nazism of American military police organizations.

Both groups communicated information against each other over the ground-ionosphere antenna networks.
Patent 787412 which is practically used to track submarines and to communicate with submarines.
Antennas that were invented about 50 years before the first satellites.
About the music group TALKING HEADS from the 1980s. They have some connection to slave labour experiments.
Some of their music videos were about different races in a group, but they were groups of people who looked different from each other.

Groups of people that appeared together but did not cross racial barriers (did not interbreed).

Talking Heads music group was probably a music group about preventing different races from interbreeding with each other, and eliminating those do cross racial barrier.
[Talking heads encouraged TRIBALISM which is an earlier form of RACISM or NATIONALISM.Daviding people according to TRIBE, is an earlier form of causing divisions according to RACE OR NATION.]

The name of the music group is probably a reference to BIO-SEMIOTIC COMMUNICATION like insects communicating in a hive. Once a receiving circuit is surgically cybernetically implanted into a person's head,
ground-ionosphere antennas then CYBER-SEMIOTICALLY send signals to the receiving circuit according to technology abilities described in patent 787412 of year 1905.
i.e. ground-ionosphere antennas then CYBER-SEMIOTICALLY send signals to the experiment victim's head.

The signals received by the receiving circuit are electro-magnetically leaky. Under some conditions the vibrations in the receiving circuit appear to leak out of the receiving circuit.
Some physical configurations of matter around the receiving circuit , at a distance to the receiving circuit, are able tap into the signals at a short distance, finite distance.

So, the receiving circuit is said to have a COMMUNICATION SHELL around it. Something like a sphere of communication surrounding the receiving circuit...

... which is similar to how Pine Gap antennas are able find objects around themselves... ground-ionosphere standing waves occur between objects in which ground-ionsphere waves can build up in through resonance.
Possibly objects that have similarity to caduceus coils.Caduceus coil produce zero magnetic fields, magnetic fields which cancel each other out,
but the energy goes into making another kind of wave(ground ionosphere wave/displacement current wave) which this website has described in diagrams.

Cylinders, cylindrical objects can acccomodate cadueus coil type flows of charge on their surface. Maybe Pine Gap antennas are able to tune into cylindrical objects.Modern society makes many cylindrical shapes such as tin cans.

Insects in a hive communications... the racists would like to portray it as workers around a Queen Bee, but it more like homosexual Templar Knights selfishly worshipping themselves around a Baphomet that has been enslaved.
[The Baphomet is someone from a more advanced culture that the Templars Knights have enslaved, and the Baphomet is a source of information about a more advanced culture than themselves.
.. and if enslaving a person,if converting a person into a Baphomet was a way that Templars communicated with each other as insects in a hive, then then that is how Templar Kights were about communicating with each other.

By surgically cybernetically implanting a receiving circuit into the head of a human, a slave labour nazism situation occurs where a person's body,
a person's head is put to involuntary work as a vehicle for electromagnetic communications:
electromagnetic communications which are under some conditions are received at a finite distance to the receiving circuit.

A human being becomes a TALKING HEAD in the manner of an uncivilized racist society not caring anymore about what a person has to say with his mouth.
The society around only cares about receiving the electromagnetic communications from the receiving circuit implanted in the person's head
...The society around is selfish and doesn't care about the right to know of caring parent(s).

Talking heds were a music group founded by an anglo-germanic singer.
Australia is a screwed-up-the-arse racist culture (anglo-celtic culture) that is about converting citizens into talking heads. Australia needs to be charged by international law.
Breach of article 147: Biological experiments/Medical attrocities/Nazi Doctor crimes/Jeffrey-Dahmer-style-medical-crimes.

Talking Heads Music Group <-> "Game head" Compact discs with computer games such as Warcraft I(sold in Seven Hills Shopping Centre:"$5 computer store")<--> Hippocamapal Neuron Patterning experiments/slave labour device experiments.


Assorted $5 Computer Software Store disk images

Internet Archive
https://archive.org › details › Assorted5DollarComputerS...
$5 computer store from archive.org
1 July 2020 — Batch of disk images of shareware published by the $5 Computer Software Store in around 1992. Found at a flea market. In order of catalog number ..

Western society has tried to hide information about ground ionosphere antennas under terminology such as REMOTE SENSING.
Some remote sensimg technology is portrayed as sending Ocean probe vehicles to remotely sense the bottom of the sea and the ocean depths.
Other remote sensing technology is about investigating land areas in the form of "remote sensing surveys" that are a based upon physical phenomena that occurs under the ground of a land area.
Such remote sensing surveys of land areas are known to oil companies, geology companies. Also, oil companies use "pigging" to remotely probe the integrity of oil piping.

Remote Sensing <--->Telepresence...

Silvana Milesvski did not want to give any further interviews to a person who raised concerns about identity theft: bank information that is supposed to be confidential displayed on an internet game server by a stranger.
Why did Silvana Milevski(Bank worker) not want to provide any further customer service?

Information Silvana Milevski is probably embarassed about: Silvana Milevski is corrupt.

Silvana Milevski sends hostile brainashed swinger couples at people and claims they are investigators from the bank.

Silvana Milevski is a Polish mafia gangster moll. She is involved in prostitution, she is involved in illegal immigration.

The female in the mani-skirt came toward a person in a threatenning manner, as though she was going to slap a person,
as though she was doing some kind of hostile lesbian dare against a heterosexual male who was alone,
as though she was doing some kind of hostile lesbian dare nearby her screwed-up-the-arse male partner to start a fight against a heterosexual male who was alone.

[The heterosexual male person who was alone reacted to stop her coming near, the woman in the mini-skirt then hid behind the bus shelter.
The heterosexual male who was alone qucikly caught a bus out of the hostile situation.]

Her screwed-up-the-arse male partner looked like some relative of Leigh Chalker or some relative of corrupt policeman P Smith who resembles Trevor Chalker.

Guyeregger + Peter Payne <--->retired police constable Fitzgerald from Blacktown Police and Peter Payne double.
[Bob Fitzgeral from Blacktown Police hd something to do with the racism that occurred in shopping centres in year 2019]

NSW Police officerswho visit male prostitutes and are users of male prostitutes/exchange homosexual favour(homosexual corruption).

NSW Police Sargeant Guyeregger is afraid of being formally discovered to be related to Peter Payne male prostitute who went to school with Toni Collette actress.


The Jehovah's witnesses discoverd that Nationalism is part of the modern day antichrist system... They are a American religion probably part of NAMBLA (as revealed by adventist Loretta James corrupt racist attitude). They lie bout caring about the New World Order, their interpretation of revelation are selfish lies, ...

I Will never salute a national flag.
As long as your flag does not bother me, I dont have anything against you flag. But I would never salute a national flag because natonalism is part of modern day antichrist system.
The way that ntions around the earth have been conditioned to acting as nationalists, the way they dont want to reply to people who want international law representation is antichristan behaviour.

Theere are some people that would never salute nationslidtic flags.
Australia is about sacrificing the lives of people who never salute a nationalsitic flags. Racists should not waste people's time with lioes about waiting to see what nationalistic group person would side with
becase some people are suspicios of nationalism , or completely against the idea of nationalism because nationalism is something that is inhumane, nationalism is somehing opposed to christian golden rule,
it is something opposed to brotherhood between different races. Nationaism is opposed to propagating christian values of humane behaviour to all races and languages.

Freedom of thought, freedom of religion (article 116 of the Australian constitution).

Some people would rather make a flag for themselves that says my human rights, my right to have paid work to support myself, ... and salute such a flag.

The kind human trash characters that have conspired most about nationalism are scewed-up-the-arse gang racists such as Richard Benkovic, Michael Kostic,Tony Amabile, Boris Dovecer, Duane Bligh.
gang racist who recognised each other's supposed humanity or corruption,but they had no humanity, they had no friendliness toward people who were outside of their Caucasian gang corruption.

They were screwed-up-the-arse gang racists who were mentioning Sesame street terminology in High School classes. Sesame Street is a program watched by Elementary School students, Kindergarten students.
Their parents were probably part of the Poofter Parlour , Safe Bases homosexual venue activity, and their offspring were probably being screwed up the arse by homosexuals touring the area,
and then they were coming to school as school students,and mentioning Sesame Street terminology in High School Classes.

Duane Bligh was mentioning "The Grasshopper" in a Sesame Street American accent... Duane Bligh is an anglo-celtic aussie.
Michael Kostic was mentioning "Little Richie, he go to Disneyland, and later claimed not to remember such a expression. He was referrring to Richard Benkovic and maybe Disneyland was a nickname for a Safe Base or
a School Security Unit building which was similar to a safe base.There is a Safe Base on Blacktown Road Blacktown,internet research suggests there existed a school security unit maybe on Walters Blacktown.

Michael Kostic was mentioning "Fozzy Bear" as some nickname from the Muppet Show (Muppets are types of Puppets similar to Puppets that appear in Sesame Street:Elmo and the Grouch).

Duane Bligh was making strange comments such as "He's coming around the side". The side of the classroom? The side of some home that their criminal gang selves were invading while honest people were working or attending studies

Another line of reasoning -
Australians should not be proud of the Australian flag because
Australia is an upside-down back-to-front nation based upon a mlitary defeat.

Australia is about celebrating the massacre of its anglo-celtic race at Galipoli in World War I.

If Australians were brave they would have won at Galipoli. Australians are cowards who lost at Galipoli.



The local people in Elementary school were low characters that promoted some students to positions such as School Prefect (including Captai or Vice Captain),
and then they sent a school prefects to watch the area around the school toilets and the school tennis court.

If a person was from a migrant family was appointed as school prefect, if a person noticed a horrible smell coming out of the girls toilets, then that is something that the Australian low characters conspired murder over.

ts Selina Bonello lived in a home whose backyard was next to the school tennis courts and the elementary school toilets.

The elementary school system in Australia is divided into years 2 parts:
Kindergarten, year1, year 2 which is called the Infants Department.
years 3,4,5,6 which is called something like the seniors department?

A horrible smell was coming out of the girls toilets in the Infants Department of the Elementary School. The girls toilet in the seniors department did not have a horrible smell. If anyone went into the toilet they had to hold their breath or they might die of asphyxiation.
It was biological kind of smell out that comes from human bodies, as though the female students in the infants department were p_ssing and sh_tting like rats over the toilet floor.
Or maybe the kind of smells body odour (B.O.), bum odour/arse odour/ass odour that occurs from sodomy activity.

The toilets of the infants department and the seniors department were close to each other,toilet buildings next to each other.

Clive Bunker liked being around the tennis courts. Clive Bunker lived a 1 or 2 houses away from Selina Bonello...Clive bunker mentioned something about teaching people how to play tennis.
and the tennis court murder conspiracy possibly extended to Angela Morris becoming a member of the Tennis Club across the creek from Lalor Park Rugby League Oval.

There was a tennis club with tennis courts along Northcott Road Lalor Park with a creek flowing behind the tennis courts.

About 2 years later, when people became high school students, there was a strange display on a school morning assembly in the High School main quadrangle.
One of the male students was dressed up as a female with a tennis racket. He was dressed up as a female and looked similar to Angela Morris.
The some stranger who was a male student dressed us a female with tennis racket stood silently on the school dias platform. He was standing silently in front hundreds of school students dressed up as female and he said nothing about why he was dressed up as female with a tennis racket.n

A teacher made a comment about him being transexual tennis player Renee Richards, and then morning assembly ended and students walked to their morning classes.

About 2 yearws later in High School, Peter McDonald English language teacher with scottish name and Irish accent asked if a persion like Tennis?
He asked is a person liked watching Ivan Lendl play tennis on television?
[a person had nothing to do with tennis. A person did not know why the strange questions about tennis].

A person graduated High School as Dux (academically first in the High School).

Then during the first year of University, Angela Morris appeared as a commuter on the railway line...
She said she was not intelligent enough to study medicine which she wanted to study.
She was studying Optometry instead, possibly as a pathway of studying medicine later.

Later she appeared again on the railway line as a commuter.She displayed strange behaviour of initially seeming to be friendly.
and later her behaviour was that she did not want to speak with a person any more. She did not want to sit next a person any more on the railway train.

A person did not know why Angela Morris was behaving in such a contradictory way. A person did not want to have anything to do with Angela Morris, she appeared as a railway commuter and person was being polite by speaking with her.
If Angela Morris did not want to have to have anything to do with a person, a person did not want to have anything to do with Angela Morris. And a person was not expecting Angela Morris to appear as a railway train commuter.
It was something unexpected and something undesirable that Angela Morris began appearing as a railway commuter during the first year of University.
A person considered Angela Morris as a small ugly scrawny female with big ugly inbred Maltese eyes that reminded people of actor Marty Feldman or Peter Lorre.
Angela Morris was one of the scrawny inbred females from actress Toni Collette's neighbourhood that are probably full of genetic diseases. She lived somewhere across the street ,eastward up the street from Douglas Jeremic, on the same street as Leigh Chalker,Anthony Coroneous,, Robert Saunders, Kylie the blonde racist who knew Jason McKliskie,the Old Ukrainian woman, Gregory Anderson, Roshan the Sri-Lankan.

A person was being polite to Angela Morris by talking with her when she appeared on the railway station.

A person believed in a citizen's right to freedom of association.
So during the train journey, a person got up out his seat, and walked into another train carriage, and politely waved goodbye to Angela Morris through the train door window.
[Angela Morris did not appear on the railwaty station afterward.]


Some informatiion about racist elementary school teachers interfered with the process of sitting for an exam, or the marking of an exam to a selective High School (James Ruse Agricultural College located around Dundas).
...and Toni Collette later becoming an actress and buying a property in Dundas suburb of Sydney...and Jason Roberts nickname Robbo having a Ukrainian Nazi friend called Igor who lived in Dundas.
... and later Romanian Adventist driving a person to meetings of the 3 Angels Bible school somewhere near Dundas, and Jeff the Adventist poofter's conspiracies in connection with the 3 Angel's Bible School meetings.
Dumitru Evgeniu liked driving through Kissing Point Road on the way to meetings of 3 Angel's Bible School on saturday afternoons.

... and actress Toni Collette probably is friends with the Australian film makers who made the Lord of Rings film trilogy around the year 2000.

In a section of the exam for the selective High School, a person was asked to answer some questions about the Tolkien Novel "The Hobbit".
A person knew the subject matter very well, and was expecting to do well in the exam.

A person had read The Hobbit about 2 years before the selective school examination...also a chapter from the Habbit appeared in a school text book titled s "No rest,never ending".

Racist elementary school teachers Barry Boon,Keith Honess,(and racist school administration worker Mrs Johnson) possibly stole the examination paper, or swapped the examination paper
so that the completed exam paper did not reach the markers, because they wanted the person migraht family(elementary school student) to be KEPT BACK IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD, in the context of making A NEIGHBOURHOOD SLAVE.

Mrs Johnson was a nazi lebensborn program double of spy Ethel Rosenberg from the Portland Spy Ring.

The context was that in the first year that a person attended elementary school in the neighbourhood, in year 4, a person came top the school year.
Then in year 5 and year 6 corruption was occurring because the neighbourhood racists did not want a person from a migrant family to be top of the school year.
Information suggests that Angela Morris was probably screwing teachers in the manner of sodomite paedophile activity, during year 5 and year 6...and the friends of Angela Morris were screwing teachers.

In year 5, there was a musical chair effect occuring with teachers: 3 teachers in the same year. Mr Tunks, Miss Jenny Black with a big ugly jewish hooked nose,
and teacher Mrs Johnson(2) who was a different woman to the Mrs Johnson(1) in the school administration building

In year 6, Barry Boon was the elementary school teacher.

In year 6, Angela Morris was considered successful in passing the exam to attend the selective High School James Ruse Agricultural College.
She was only student in that school year that later went to James Ruse Agricultural High School.
Usually there was more than one student from that elementary school that went to James Ruse Agricultural College.

... and further developments occurred after.

Between 1 or 2 years after the selective school exam, Robert Saunder's family moved into the neighbourhood, Robert Saunders attended a local High School in year 8,
Robert Saunders began speaking out loud in the main quadrangle of the local High School that he knew the Hobbit novel book by Tolkien.
Joshua Cameron and his friends were in the group of the students sitting on seats in the main quadrangle, and Robert Saunders began speaking about the Hobbit, in the presence of Joshua Cameron and his friends.
[Joshua Cameron's father was a cricket coach,and when a person started to attend High School as a student,Jim Cameron suggested that a person might be still able to the selective High School through an application form, .. but this website thinks that Jim Cameron was making lies wasting a person's time because Jim Cameron's household were probably involved with the conspiracy to make a neighbourhood slave. Jim Cameron was mentioning the selective High School James Ruse for his own selfish purposes, hhe selfish purposes of his anglo-australian household and relatives or for the purpose of identity theft].

Robert Saunders began mentioning that he knew the Hobbit Novel book when Joshua Cameron and his friends started mentioning an application form for the selective High School James Ruse.
Robert Saunders did not want to reveal anythng about a stolen exam paper. So Robert Sauders was probably being corrupt as Joshua Cameron and his anglo-celtic friends.

... and further developments occurred after.
Some years later, Robert Saunders mentioned that his sister Michelle Saunders had passed the selective school exam to attend James Ruse Agricultural college.

Information/research suggests that Robert Saunders family knew about the stolen exam paper, and so he began to speak about the Hobbit novel (book),
but he did not want to reveal anything about a stolen exam paper to a selective High School.
<---Could be described as a NEIGHBOURHOOD (CYBERNETIC) SLAVERY SYNDICATE in the suburbs of Sydney, nazi jew families in the suburs of Sydney NSW Australia with connections to the USA portland spy ring.

Australia is culpable in such illegal experiments against humans. Australia needs to be charged by international law: the use of a slave labour device.

Addendum: About the bad smell, it is probably something that occurs in a school located in a male prostitution neighbourhood. The aussie males or australian-jewish-nazi males are selfish homosexuals who sodomize their own daughters.
Maybe the male homosexuals decide to sodomize their daughters around the same time during a year, and it results in many of their daughters having BO odour problems at the same time during a year,
and the school toilet smells horribly because of the accumulation of decomposing bodily fluids from perverse activity. Their daughters expel the decomposing bodily fluids from their bodies when they use the school toilets.

They are selfish homosexuals who sodomize their daughters, and then their corrupted daughters enact behaviours of luring young males into the influence of their male homosexual parents.

Further reasons why Australians must be executed because they are perpetrators of nazi doctor crimes that they have deliberately dragged on over years decades.

By committing such nazi doctor crimes in conjunction with identity theft, such racists have conspired to have all the life experiences for themselves trough acts of nazism.
[life experiences such as having a job to support oneself, learning to use machines such as motorvehicles, being married or having a parter of the opposite sex, bearing a family]

By committing such nazi doctor crimes in conjunction with identity theft, such racists have conspired to no life experiences against their victims.

It is extreme injustice that such selfish racists have continued to live abd multiplied their life experiences while enacting nazi activity.

It would be some justice that such selfish racists be deprived of their lives, that their lives would be taken from them without mercy, regrdless of what excuses they would try to make about their nazi activity.
.. and that Australia be formally charged by the Geneva Convention because of Nazi doctor crimes, that Australia be formally labelled as a nation that commits Nazi doctor crimes,
Australia as a nation that requires nazi hunter activity to be enacted against itself to stop Australian medical nazism.

The twisted views of the selfish racists described are that in their selfish opinions, life experiences for victims of nazism would be coming into the midst of many unsympathetic racists
who would enact something resembling the f__k-and-death situations that swinger couples are probably invovled in enacting(probably homosexual crimes followed by ritual murder of victim's of nazism).

Racists such as adventist Joanna Jovanovic and her sodomite male parent(resembles Ivan Lendl) who has probably committed many homosexual crimes against young males
are probably some of the racists who have promoted the racial selfishness described above. The Jovanovic family are closely connected to the Stefanovic family.

When sacrificing human lives away, they use upside down back to front expressions which are satanic mockery of the implicit right to life of a citizen.
They convey over the ground-antenna network antenna expressions as "Sorry to rush you through life", but their activity is against life. They are not about citizens living life.
They are about terrorising citizens out of life by terorrising human nervous systems through surgical attachment of slave labour devices which are nazi doctor crimes.

Australia is culpable in such illegal experiments against humans. Australia needs to be charged by international law: the use of a slave labour device.


Tulsi Gabbard political lesbian witch in American politics <---> Hillary Clinton (lesbian that married bisexual sodomite Bill Clinton)
[Hillary Clinton was Yoko Ono's lesbian lover at some time.]

Tulsi Gabbard is a supporter of Bashar Assad's political regime in Syria.
[Is American singer Katy Perry a terrorist? Her "Dark Horse" video looks like an advertisement for the terrorist organisation ISIS/ISIL that were making a Caliphate for themselves in Syria and similar locations.

Gabbard political <--?--> Donald Trump.
Celine Dion: Ugliest Woman Of The Century (Why? Her facial similarity to tennis player Monica Seles?)

Why is Celine Dion again appearing in the western media? Shouldn't she hide herself?

.. and not only is Celine Dion considered an ugliest woman candidate. She was married to a double of serial killer Leonard Lake from the Boneyard murders.
Singer Celine Dion probably has associations to serial killer activity.
Denounce Hillary Clinton as a Ukrainian spy. Her daughter Chelsea Clinton looks like a Ukrainian woman.
Is Vladimir Putin's war against the Ukraine secretly Putin fighting Clinton's war for the Ukraine?
Россия может превратить США в радиоактивный пепел

Another line of reasoning about NOT saluting the Australian Flag.

Australians should NOT be proud of the Australian flag because:

Australia is an upside-down back-to-front nation based upon a mlitary defeat.

Australia is about celebrating the massacre of its anglo-celtic race at Galipoli in World War I.

If Australians were brave they would have won at Galipoli. Australians are cowards who lost at Galipoli.

Because Australia is about celebrating the massacre of its anglo-celtic race in World War I, can its anglo-celtic race be massacred again ?
Aussies must decrease!



[Information will beappended to sections on the website]
Johnny Depp, Adam Ant Gary Glitter -- Elm House Britain and Cliff richard. ---- Hillary Clinton ---- Gary Glitter, Tammy Wynette and the KLF/Time Lords Dr Who song. KLF music group is the same music group as The Time Lords and the Dr Who song sung by Gary Glitter.
[The Cameron family were part of such paedophile motorcycle gangs. They are British mafia via Margaret Cameron who had a low class Cockney british accent,probably the Cameron's are Gary Glitter Fans, and fans of The Seekers I know that i will never find another you song - Nazi Lebensborn doubles in Australia song from the 1960s.] ---- About the bad smell near the Elementary School tennis courts. Leanne Cameron was among the group of schoolgirls from paedophile families/male prostitution families.Some red haired teacher Mrs Thoroughgood(thah-rah-good) probably knew about the paedophila. Mrs Thoroughgood would watch the area around the school toilets probably by camera.Leanne Cameron would be observed walking past the girls toilets on her way as a school truant. Information/research suggests thst Leanne Cameron would sneak off during school hours, and then she would be screwed-up-the-arse and return to school and use the girls toilets. The selfish homosexuals(considered anglo-celtic families, they said nothing about their jewish connections over deacdes) considered it as race war activity against anyone who was considered as from a migrant family. They had Vietam Veteran connections in the neighbourhood, and they especially hated East Asian families. There has been a lack of East Asian families in Toni Collette's neighbourhood where she was raised and went to school. Sometimes East Asian families moved into the neighbourhood, and then they moved out soon afterward. There was an old East Asian woman that bought Rene Seguna's home property near a bus stop.It is not known what happened to her. Maybe she died afew years later, it is possile she died of old age. Rennie Seguna's home was in Toni Collette's school student era neighbourhood , but Seguna's home was at some minutes walk away from Jim Cameron's home and Wayne Brodie's home.Wayne Brodie whose older brother was Eddie Brodie.
About when Brett Beehag appeared outside the front of the elementary school dressed in his pyjamas waiting for a lift to an Anglican Church Camp: Elementary school campers were encouraged to bring only their pyjamas and their toothbrushes. Brett Beehag's display in pyjamas was connected to Eddie Brodie sneaking around the side of school classrooms to harm a student from a migrant family in the same year as Brett Beehag's display.
The student from a migrant family did not trust Daniel Mamo's lies about Eddie Brodie going home. The student looked around at the school surroundings,
and he saw Eddie Brodie quickly sneaking around the western side of the school where there was a sand pit used for long jump sports activity. The student from the migrant family ran out of the school gate.
down the street toward the home of Reza Ebrahim, but Reza Ebrahim was not a friend.
Eddie Brodie stopped his running down activity and then went home, because the student from a migrant family put much distance between himself and Eddie Brodie by running out of the school gate.
Mark Doren lived in the residential home next to western side of the school where there was a sand pit.

Such a conspiracy was in the context of other students such as Leigh Chalker, Daniel Mamo, Simon Davis,Glen Knighton encouraging a student from a migrant family to stay back after school
and play handball near the front of the school during years 4 and 5. Brett Beehag's display in his pyjamas was in year 6.
Probably Eddie Brodie or his parent Mr Brodie became Brett Beehag's homosexual boyfriend, and it was some kind of race war activity to harm or murder migrant families.
It was homosexual nazism activity, homosexual nazi alliance activity between the Beehag family and the Brodie family who were about harming or murdering migrant families.
It was homosexual nazism activity: activity to negatively permanently modify anglo-australian behaviours into ritual-sex-sodomy-ritual-murder behaviours (Murderous homosexuals). Discovered to be something which anglo-Australians consider as a transitiion between childhood and adulthood(so called rite-of-passage in Australian culture), which makes Australian culture an uncivilized culture.

[Australian customs are against notions of showing hospitality to strangers.In some writing,Sodom and Gomorrah were euphemistically criticised in ancient times because of their lack of hospitality to strangers.]

This is described because Brett Beehag and his neighbouring friends such as Joshua Cameron kept conspiring around such an incident at the front of the school, in the context of neighbourhood murder slavery conspiracies.
[Some people might consider it as the side of the school where there is a long stretch of Gate. It is on a long street that curves into different directons like a question mark shape.

In year 6, a student from a migrant family was sent by teacher Barry Boon from the Elementary School seniors department to infants department,during a school afternoon,
to teacher Mrs Thoroughgood's classroom,to build a slippery dip from plastic building block components
(plastic poles,plastic plane surfaces, plastic screws dowels that held the components together.Barry Boon sent 3 Australian students to accompany the student from a migrant family.
The 3 Australian students were: Joshua Cameron,Louisa Kennewell,Vanessa Speight.
During the school afternoon Mrs thoroughfgood became disatisfied with progress being made and sent the 2 female students back to Barry Boon's school academic class room,
The 2 male students remained to build the slippery dip (a slippery dip normally a metallic playground object,Mrs Thoroughgood's slippery dip was plastic a play object inside the classroom).
The slippery dip was completed that afternoon.
Mrs Thoroughgood used the expression "Too many cooks spoil the broth" when she sent Kenewell and Speight away, back to their school class room.
and she was happy about the slippery dip being completed by the 2 male students during that afternoon.

Mrs Thoroughgood probably asked Barry Boon to send the 4 students because she wanted to know the name of the student from a migrant family.
There is a probability that Mrs Thoroughgood was corrupted by the paedophilia, and that Mrs Thoroughgood was an ally of the Cameron family conspiracies.

During years 4 and 5 when students would stay back after school to play handball, there was an older East Asian student from the nearby High School who would walk through the Elementary School his way home.
The east Asian student would walk through the quadrangle of classrooms in the seniors department of the Elementary School and he would walk through the area where students played handball.
Maybe he lived somewhere around the home of Simon Davis. Simon David lived in a Cul-De-Sac "place" or "close" street that branched off the street where lived Jason Vella, Jason Gabb, Andrew Millett, Alistair White, ...

The East Asian High Schooi student looked like a Mongol, and he is probably from a family that Australian Vietnam Veteran families such as the Camerons woild make race war against.
Did the East Asian student become a missing person? Or did he become involved in race war triangular racism against migrant families that were not East Asian?
During the time he was walking through the elementary school, there were television series occuring such as Marco Polo which depicted scenes from the the Mongol Empire.
The student from a migrant family saw that the older East Agent student was walking past,and mentioned expressions such as "Your people once had a great empire" and thought such an expression a compliment.
Such expression was in good nature, and probably was a reaction to a stranger walking past a group playing handball, and because the Mongol was being mentioned on Australian television, in Australian culture context. The older East Asian student who was male walked past on several occasions,so such an expression was mentioned on those several occasions as the group of younger elementary students was playing handball.

The area where the students played handball after school was in sight of cars that would drive past the long school fence and school gate described above.
And it was some footsteps away from the home of Simon Davis. The Cul-de-sac street where Simon Davis lived was on a slope down from the question-mark-shaped-street than ran past the long fence and the school gate.
Simon Davis became very unfriendly and was mentioning expressions such as "we don't need you "- meaning we dont need you on our sports team.Probably meaning we dont need migrant families on our sports team.
Simon Davis was a member of Joe Vella's Junior Rugby League team Lalor Park Kookaburras that played sports matches on weekends.

The street where Alistair White and Andrew Millett lived could be described as having eastern and western halves. Alistair White and Andrew Millett lived in the western half of that street.
Jason Vella lived in the eastern half of the street. Jason Gabb lived in the middle of the street on the border of halves.
Simon Davis lived lived on a Cul-de-sac street connected to the Eastern half of that street. The eastern half of that street connected with the question-mark-shaped-street that ran past the long school fence and school gate.

Simon Davis is probably from a Ku Klan family.
...When such Ku Klux Klan scum want to forcibly communicate insults such as they dont speak with some racial groups, it can be replied that some people dont speak with anglo-celtic male prostitutes, some people have nothing to do with male prostitutes.

There is a difference between Ku Klux Klan scum racists keeping to themselves and mentioning racism among themselves
compared to Ku Klux Klan racist scum forcibly communicating unwanted messages at people that they racially hate.
Australia hypocritically says it has anti-racial-discrimination laws which must be applied.
Australia hypocritically says it has the Geneva Convention laws must be applied. Australia must be charged by international law.

Situations where racists forcibly communicate racism at people they racially hate is probably Star Chambers activities,murderous homosexuals falsely judging heterosexuals(ritual murder activity).
The english civil began over injustices such as Star Chambers.
Australia's unjust activity has been to start World War 3.

...Simon Davis is probably from a Ku Klan family.
...When such Ku Klux Klan scum want to forcibly communicate insults such as they dont speak with some racial groups, it can be replied that some people dont speak with anglo-celtic male prostitutes, some people have nothing to do with male prostitutes.
<-- Such a reply can be made also against homosexual nazi racist scum such as Drago Pavlek. Some people would never talk socially with Drago Pavlek because some people have nothing to do with male prostitutes.
Drago Pavlek was discovered to be involved in male prostitution after Liliana Pavlek and her husband Drago enacted a silent victory march past a person.
Liliana Pavlek brought along with her her unwanted visitations the unnecessary baggage of generational-male-prostitute Drago Pavlek sitting in a car. Drago Psvlek the generational-male-prostitute that Liliana Pavlek married.


Joshua Cameron's behaviour never was any better than racists ganging up against a person in a school playground.
Joshua Cameron was never a friend. He was always about having his anglo-celtic friends around him to outnumber a person.
Joshua Cameron would try to sometimes falsely appear to be friendly by talking in a friendly manner to the anglo-celtics around him.

Jim Cameron possibly had some ideas about being friendly, or slightly friendly toward a person from a migrant family(JIm Cameron as a cricket coach,as a worldly person possibly tried to display some humanity),
but all the other members of his househgold were NOT friendly.
His Wife Mrs Margaret Cameron was unfriendly. His son Joshua Cameron was unfriendly His daughter Leanne Cameron was unfriendly...she enacted strange behaviour. A student from a migrant family being invited over to the home of the cricket sports coach Jim Cameron, and then when a student from a migrant family was in the front yard of the Cameron home, Leanne Cameron (the daughter of the cricket coach) ritualistically walked toward the student from a migrant family, Leanne Cameron was scantily dressed in a bikini swimming costume,and she threateningly said "Don't look at me."
Reza Ebrahim was also standing in the Cameron's front yard. Ebrahim had been also invited to the home of the cricket coach Jim Cameron.
But Reza Ebrahim was a not a friend. He said his family knew Mrs Johnson probably from work.
He did not say whether it was Mrs johnson(1) school administration worker or Mrs Johnson(2) teacher that he knew.

The Cameron home was in sight of Eddie Brodie's home. At the time of the visit, Jim Cameron had spoken to Eddie Brodie about his hostile attitude/hostile behaviour.
Eddie Brodie's hostility seem to subside at the time of the visit to the Cameron home.
...however...Jim Cameron wanted a person to keep associating with the Cameron family...
the student from a migrant family thought it was unnecessary, thought it was undesirable because of the unfriendliness of his son, his wife,his daughter.

The membership in Jim Cameron's cricket team ended around time of middle of High School.
By year 9 of High School, Jim Cameron's cricket team included Michael Mehrs and Brett Middlebrook
who used strange expressions such as Brett Middlebrook of one male having something going together with another male,
and Michael Mehrs used insulting expressions hinting that Michael Mehrs was a teenage c_ck-sucker...

There was circumstances where during a cricket match 2 batsmen were trying score enough runs to win a cricket match,
the student from the migrant home was one of the batsmen and Michael Mehrs was the other batsmen
...during a brief mid-pitch conference between the changing of bowlers,
Michael Mehrs half uttered some expression which a person from another race did not hear corectly. The person from the other race was concentrated on trying to win the cricket match.
The way that Michael Meher half uttered some expression,
maybe he knew Shane Pisani male prostitute who was taught behaviours of passing by a home and audibly whispering insults at peoples sons while their parents were mowig the lawn and did not hear.
It is probable, in hindsight, that Michal Mehrs strangely half uttered an insult that hinted that Michael Mehrs was a teenage c_ck-sucker
...was Mehrs so corrupt and racist that he did not care about winning the cricket match?
Michael Mehrs then got out(the opposing team bowler brought Mehr batting status to an end that game, probably as Michael Mehrs). Michael Mehrs then got out possibly as a way to disadvantage the other batsman,according to the racist ideology followed by Michael Mehrs, instead of co-operating with the other batsman.

There was no longer any reason to join such a cricket team.
[Brett Middlebrook and Michael Mehrs, along with their less visible friend Shane Dowd were probably trying to murder a student from a migrant home.
Shane Dowd was on a bus with Jason Roberts aka Robbo that was friends with Andrew Millett... Shane Dowd facial resemblance to Anita Cobby's husband...Anita Cobby who was ritually murdered in 1986]

The behaviour of Australians in the cricket team was that they did not want a person to know anything.They did not want a person to know details of the next cricket match,
they did not want a person to know when the cricket season came to an end.There was no longer any reason to be part of such a cricket team.
Their behaviour became ritualistic and isolatory. They were about communicating information to each other, and about isolating a person.
Jim Cameron complained of "Sledging" during a cricket game.
To a heterosexual, Jim Cameron's upset state could be difficult to describe.
Jim Cameron became upset when comments were made against the corrupt behaviour of a homosexual cricket umpire from the opposing cricket team and the homosexual batsman from opposing cricket team.
The homosexual umpire from the opposing team was calling the homosexual batsman from the opposing cricket team something like "sweety" or "sweet pea" out loud on several occasions.
[i.e. The umpire and the batsman were from the same opposing cricket team as each other]
The student from the migrant family thought it very strange behaviour very strange language from a cricket umpire towards a batsman.
The student from the migrant family started to mention out loud a combination of the words "sweety" and "sweet pea" at the homosexual batsman from the opposing team.
It was not known why such terminology was being mentioned at all during a cricket match. The student from the migrant family started to automatically mention out loud sweety and sweet pea,
maybe because he wanted know what kind of terminology it was, why was it being mentioned at all between an umpire and a batsman. They were unjustly giving each other unncessary unethical encouragement during a cricket match.
[Years later, it has been discovered that Jim Cameron was part of a group of homoexuals/bisexuals that call each other "sweeties".
They are groups of men that are sweet for each other. They are groups of men that are hot for each other ...in slavonic trminology which from a culture more natural than Australian culture:they are warm brothers (topla braca,topla bracha), brothers that are warm for each,brothers that are hot for each other]
Slavonic culture encourages people to live natural lives. Slavonic culture is against the corruption of warm brother circumstances.

This describes how the conspiracies of Australians seemed to stop for a time, but the conspiracies continued afterward.
The conspiracies and hostile behaviour continued afterward... Some of the hostile behaviour...The cricket team came to an end, people stopped visiting Jim Cameron's home.

Jim Cameron said "Don't be a stranger."
...however...Jim Cameron wanted a person to keep associating with the Cameron family...
the student from a migrant family thought it was unnecessary, thought it was undesirable because of the unfriendliness of Cameron's son, his wife,his daughter.

In the context of ancient wisdom that says to not make bad associations, and in the context of basic civil rights which similarly says that citizens have a basic right to "freedom of association"
-it was probably for the best that a student from a migrant household stopped playing for Jim Cameron's cricket team, and that Jim Cameron's home was no longer visited.

-It is horrible the way that Australians contimued to conspire afterward.

Australia needs to be charged by international law.


ISIS/ISIL terrorist organisation was connected to Asma Assad's Jewish wives scheme in Syria,and Elle Mcpherson's connections to Kerry Packer,his son James Packer and Benjamin Netanyau.
[Armenians and their Kurdish racial allies were involved in and or adversely affected by Genocide activity in the levant region during world war I : Modern Levant region:Syria,Lebanon,modern-state-of-Israel,Palestine]
Racial groups such as Armenians, Kurds are connected to Asma Assad's Jewish wives schemes. The terrorist organisation ISIS/ISIL is something like Armenians and Kurds trying to recreate the Median Empire(Medes Empire) which existed before the Persian Empire.Iran is another name for Persia.


DAVID CAMERON and PIGGATE(2015) - information emerged when David Cameron was meeting the Danish Prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen.

[Piggate is a description of anglo-celtic homosexual perversion in British politics, and it has a connection to drug smuggling.
Pier Gaveston society is a society of homosexuals: males used for unnatural purposes)

Piers Gaveston was the homosexual lover of Edward II of the plantagenet dynasty.
Piers Gaveston was the CATAMITE of Edward II

David Cameron is a member. of the Piers Gaveston Society.
Actor Hugh Grat is a member <-----------------> British Bugging Scandal 2023-2024 : Hugh Grant, Elton John, Harry Windsor]

Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron is a catamite for the big banks.
Le Premier ministre conservateur David Cameron est l'obligé des grandes banques.

Galloway Attacks Clegg As Cameron's 'Political Catamite'

a boy kept for homosexual practices

<----Probably a society of men that engages in homosexual perversion with the Windsor family - Philip O'Greece, Charles Windsor...
<-----Probably a society of men that engages in homosexual perversion with homosexual crime organizations such as the Bilderberg Society.

Is Harry Windsor is a user of such male prostitute CATAMITES or is he a member of the Piers Gaveston Society a catamite himself ?

[politician Clegg sounds like a South African Boer...Harry Windsor has connections to South African Boers and Rhodesians unelected underground government group underneath Zimbabwe (Chelsea Davy & Mining Companies)

David Icke(cultist - reptilian religious cult , considers himself a son of god) <--possibly related to --> Hugh Grant (actor).

Is David Icke a member of the Pier's Gaveston Society? Is David Icke a catamite male prostitute like actor Hugh Grant ?

The more recent version of the Clash of Titans movie has a double of David Icke... Is Clash of Titans(2010) a movie involved in selling male prostitution?

There is an earlier version of Clash of the Titans from 1981 starring Harry Hamlin from tv series L.A. Law which was a very popular in western nations.

[Harry Hamlin starred in a controversial film Making Love(1982) about a homosexual in a era when less people knew that anglo-celtics were such queers.


Ashley male medical worker at Blacktown Hospital is a double of Michael Mehrs... It could be deduced that Ashley sucked Enda Bannan's c_ck as a way to be employed at Blacktown Hospital.
Medical worker Ashley has been described as amale prostitute some months ago on this website.
Ashley and the medical doctors such as Enda Bannan at Blacktown Hospital have a connection to Costello's boy brothel that used to exist in Kings Cross suburb of Sydney NSW Australia.
Ashley and the medical doctors such as Enda Bannan at Blacktown Hospital are perverse people that the 1990s Wood Commission was probably looking for.

see also information about immoral advertising of paedophile industry by a Blacktown local newspaper which medical worker Ashley tried to cover up in year 2013.

Also, the name Mehrs sounds like it would be connected in a corrupt sodomite way to Coronavirus biological warfare research, and Project Coast the Dutch Boer South African Biological warfare research program from South Africa's Anglo-Dutch racial apartheid era.

See medical termionology MERS,SARS and Covid-19 Coronavirus alternative name of SARS-COV-2 (years 2020-2023) being a variant of SARS-COV-1(years 2002-2004). Coronavirus COVID-19 quite possibly artificially developed as a biological warfare pathogen, in conjunction with the detention centre,slave labour jails,cybernetic slavery programs by western european companies in Xinjiang Province on the silk road to Wuhan.

Detention centres, and are modern day Illuminati death camps in-the-becoming, modern day concentration-camps in-the-becoming associated with a depopulation/genocide activity that nations such as Australia,USA,Britain,Israel
intend to inflict against third world nations (developing world nations).

from previous posting 28/07/2024...

...Eddie Brodie stopped his running down activity and then went home, because the student from a migrant family put much distance between himself and Eddie Brodie by running out of the school gate...

...Eddie Brodie remembers that the child(student from a migrant family) laughed as he ran out of the school gate to a safe distance. The student did not know of Eddie Brodie's murderous intent.
Mr Honess and High Jump(student was kept back from competing outside the school)<-----? some years later-----> Alison Inverarity news stories < --?- > Catherine Zeta Jones double? <--?->Gisela Blanco,
[Abby Lee from Dance moms resembles Gisela Blanco mafia crime Boss.]

The student from a migrant family won a High Jump contest in year 6, but mysteriously Mr Honess School principal ignored the high jump result and promoted Reza Ebrahim as High Jump representative of the school.
Is possibly further evidence of racist teachers conspiriing to KEEP A STUDENT BACK IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD as part of slavery conspiracy.

Somehow the conspiracy of teachers pososibly developed into Nazi Lebensborn conspiracy with racist hostile rude provoking Nazi Lebensborn doubles of actress Catherine Zeta Jones.
Maybe they are relatives of Louise Davis.

Leanne Cameron and Silvana Milevski...both work or have worked in the same Bank Organisation...Leanne Cameron's criminal activity used to be based around Parramatta,Blacktown, Penrith areas.

Did Leanne Cameron move her criminal activity to the Kogarah suburban area where works Silvana Milevski?

Leanne Cameron probably became a significant part of a drug smuggling network that existed in connection with the Penrith Panthers Rugby League club and their DahDah Uniforms sponsoring company.
Drug Smugging network that extended overseas to the execution of Australians Barlow and Chambers drug smugglers.

Keith Leyshon and his brother Greg Leyshon became members of the Penrith Panthers team, because they were not good enough to play rugby league for Parramatta Eels that they wanted to play for.
Leanne Cameron probably became known around the Panthers social club.

The Panthers social club advertised widely in the western suburbs of Sydney.Many citizens would receive in their letterbox a "Panthers" magazine with many pages, probably produced from the drug money
of the illict drug smuggling organisation that Leanne Cameron was involved with.

Leanne Cameron was possibly a significant part of conspiracies to lure people to the Panthers social club, but some household(s) had no interest in attending suspicious night clubs where probably many Australian criminals
and Australian racists would accumulate themselves. Some people wondered why the Penrith Panthers were sending thick glossy magazines to people's letterboxes. Where did the Penrith Panthers get the money for such advertising?
High School teacher Mr Wiechmann(aussies pronounced his surname as wish-man) - was he some kind of chronologically old Jewish Nazi with blonde hair that knew surfer gangs, a type of "Davros" figure, founder of the Daleks?
During recess time and lunch time each school day, Robert Saunders would lure students to sit outside his classroom...and male prostitutes such as Michael Walker and Matthew Dicks would gather around near where Robert Saunders was sitting.
Craig Lamb who knew Gary McGee would sometimes be seen sitting near where Michael Walker and Matthew Dicks gathered around near Robert Saunders.

Robert Saunders would lure student(s) who were not prostitutes, to sit outside of Weichman's school room.Robert Saunders said he knew the Hobbit Novel, and his father worked as an engineer. His family knew about computer technology.

Mr Wiechmann's nickname was Captain Snooze. He was on the verge of retirement(worked past retirement age?). While teaching school a class, and speaking to the students in the school room, he would close his eyes as though meditating
or maybe atudents thought he was falling asleep from old age. He kept his eyes closed for some moments, and some students began making trouble, and then he would point with his finger to the trouble makers and call out the name of
a troublemaker, to tell them to stop making trouble, or tell them to get out of the school room. He kept his eyes closed while making angry comments at the troublemakers, and then he would open his eyes.
When Wiechmann closed his eyes, probably he looked similar to Davros from Dr Who television series, but because Wiechmann had hair , most students probably did not notice the similarity to Davros who had no hair on his head.

Mr Weichmann's room was on the ground floor of a school building, and on the floor above were the History rooms where Mrs A Wheeler worked.
There were High School science labs on the ground floor where Mr Wiechmann's school class room was.

Mr Wiechmann was a Health teacher, which other schools would probably describe as a sex education teacher. He would ask what is good health, and students were taught to reply that Good Health is total state of wellbeing.

Mr Wiechmann's area of school teaching meant that probably Wiechmann knew terminology such as Catamite when describing types of male prostitutes
...and Catamites probably described several(many?) of the male prostitutes that gathered themselves some distance away from Robert Saunders who lured unsuspecting student(s) to sit outside Wiechmann's school class room.

The High School history teachers such as Mrs A Wheeler liked using the terminology "Peers" when describing how she wanted to deceive some school students into thinking about the students around themselves.
Australian culture is not a culture of peers. Australian culture is about sodomite hierarchies. Sodomites are about making divisions between people. The gang families who were male prostitution families recognised each others
supposed humanity or corruption, but they had an inhuman attitude to those students who were outside the gang corruption. The gang families had an inhuman attitude to those students that had nothing to do with Caucasian gangs.
Those students who had nothing to do with gangs saw the gang families seemingly being friendly with each other, but the caucasian gang families were not friends. Caucasian gang families liked The Wanderers film.

When Australian teachers use the word peers, are they making conspiries via the Piers Gaveston society of Catamites? Is such an organisation of male prostitutes known to many Australian teachers?
Was such an organisation of male prostitutes known to Mrs A Wheeler High School history teacher?

Ancient wisdom says that heterosexuals need to be killing sodomites... ancient wisdom implies that heterosexuals should be killing anglo-celtic-Australians and those allied to Australians.
The safe base venues in Australia, the presence of the Nazi Lebensborn program in Australia has been making upside-down back-to-front situations of.... male prostitutes how to violently attack and kill heterosexuals.
Ancient wisdom says that heterosexuals need to be killing sodomites... ancient wisdom implies that heterosexuals should be killing anglo-celtic-Australians and those allied to Australians.
Ancient wisdom says that heterosexuals need to be killing sodomites... ancient wisdom implies that heterosexuals should be killing anglo-celtic-Australians and those allied to Australians.
The safe base venues in Australia, the presence of the Nazi Lebensborn program in Australia has been making upside-down back-to-front situations of.... male prostitutes how to violently attack and kill heterosexuals.
Ancient wisdom says that heterosexuals need to be killing sodomites... ancient wisdom implies that heterosexuals should be killing anglo-celtic-Australians and those allied to Australians.
Deuteronomy 23:17-18, Leviticus 20:13 ...

In the new testament there are verses such as 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 which talks about Gods kingdom putting an end to such corruption.

Some people know that religious fundamentalism is not necessary, religious fundamentalism is not practical.

Where Nazism occurs in modern times, where Nazi doctor crimes occur, it requires physical resistance,physical overcoming of the nazi activity, physical destruction of the nazi activity... the lives of Nazis must be taken from them.

If the Soviet military did not physical resist,physical overcome, physical destroy the German Nazi Army that attacked Stalingrad in World War 2,the religious fundamentalists would NOT have saved humanity from Nazism.

The Americans and British were watching from the isolation of islands and other continents who would win World War 2, the Germans or the Soviets.
The Soviet Union absorbed the most vicious fighting of the Nazi German Army and the Soviet Union won in Stalingrad and Kursk.

Only after Stalingrad and Kursk did the British and Americans join the war in continental Europe via the Normandy Landing
..before the the Normany landing, British were part of a Erwin Rommel fan club in North Africa where the fighting was very light, and they said they were trying to make some inroads into the soft underbelly of Europe such as Italy.
Because Australians are a male-prostitutiuon-culture:

Ancient wisdom says that heterosexuals need to be killing sodomites... ancient wisdom implies that heterosexuals should be killing anglo-Australians and those allied to Australians.

The safe base venues in Australia(homosexual meeting places), the presence of the Nazi Lebensborn program in Australia has been making upside-down back-to-front situations
of deceiving heterosexuals into believing that Australia is a peaceful civilized culture,
and behind people's backs teaching male prostitutes how to violently attack and kill heterosexuals.

[Australians make euphemisms such as Fight Clubs when hiding information about the ritual-sex-sodomy-ritual-murder behaviours that Australians are taught behind people's backs.]
Australians are buggers, Australians are sodomites, Australians are a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. Australians are an uncivilized perverse culture that needs to be put into decline.
Aussies must decrease.


Another line of reasoning about NOT saluting the Australian Flag.

Australians should NOT be proud of the Australian flag because:

Australia is an upside-down back-to-front nation based upon a mlitary defeat.

Australia is about celebrating the massacre of its anglo-celtic race at Galipoli in World War I.

If Australians were brave they would have won at Galipoli. Australians are cowards who lost at Galipoli.

Because Australia is about celebrating the massacre of its anglo-celtic race in World War I, can its anglo-celtic race be massacred again ?
Aussies must decrease!



Elisha Forth ---- H.R. Giger artist who designed the Alien in Ridley Scott movie ------Ridley Scott
Toni Collette actress
[Helmut kentler experiment connections]

About H R giger's art: he depicts the mother of the Alien that resembles actress Florence Henderson(Carol Brady from the Brady bunch, Song of Norway movie 1965)
and resembles Sharon Tate who married Roman Polanski. Sharon Tate was murdered by Charles Manson(mass murder)
Shron Tate was pro balby from a corrput miltitary Police family.
i.e. The American 793rd Military Police Battalion that were at the Nuremberg trials and became corrupted by the Nazi Lebensborn program.

Jody Foster ---- Sophia Loren
Serbian-Jew Adventist Joanna Jovanovic probably related to both

Joanna Jovanic serbian-jew adventist knows the brotherhood gang over decades. The brotherhood gang are fans of Jodie Foster.
The brotherhood gang members were discussing the Jodie Foster film "Foxes" in Mr Wiechmann's school academic classes.
Jodie Foster was a star in Bugsy Malone which is probably a favourite film of paedophiles.


Martijn De Sterke(Physics Lecturer Sydney University) ---- The Martijn society (paedophiles) ----- Joris Denmink paedophile scandal.

Martijn De Sterke's work as a physics lecturer has been a conflict of interest corruption activty since the 1990s. He was imported to Sydney University by his relative Malcolm Turki Physics student who died from a drug ovedose in 1994.
Probably Malcolm Turki was murdered by Sydney University staff after he bragged about sleeping with the wives of lecturers. His friend Mark Jeremy(1990s physics student) cried about his deatht in 1994 during a physics lab class.
...Martijn De Sterke is a Dutch jew probably related to people in the Waco Texas massacre Seventh Day Adventist sex-cult-death-cult.Maybe De Sterke is related to David Koresh the cult leader whose birth name was Vernon Howells.

Did David Koresh have connections to British political paedophiles, similar to Martin Bryant who had an inheritance and took airplane trips to Britain before his committed mass murder in Port Arthur Tasmania Australia 1996.
[.. and Waco Texas was very close to George Bush's ranch. The American media was silent about George Bush's ranch, and Waco Airport during the Waco Seige.]

The Australian media has been very silent about the JORIS DENMINK(Demmink) scandal from Holland. It has international connections.

The Australian media is very silent about Dutch paedophilia activity.

The Australian media prefers to mention the Jeffrey Epstein paedophile scandal as a diversion from Joris Denmink.
Richard Collins(1990s Physics Lecturer Sydney university) ---?--- Clive Romaine/Clyde Romaine (a very old Jehovah's Witness man who was colleague of Maria Schellander,Seven Hills Jehovah's Witness congregration).

What kind of surname is Romaine? Are they Romanians who migrated to Britain, Australia, USA? There was a Peter Romaine who was the son of grandson of Clive(Clyde?) Romaine.Peter Romaine was very active publicly speaking at JW meetings.
[Did Clive/Clyde Romaine join the Jehovah's witnesses because he was a British man with a face like a Orangutan ape? Is there a connection of Clive/Clyde Romaine to Clint Eastwood films with an Orangutan? ]

Seven Hills is a centre of satanist activity in Australia, and has international satanism connections: something to do with bible verse: the whore of Babylon described as sitting on Seven Hills.
and its neighbouring suburb of Blacktown is a centre of satanism activity. It is a poofter parlour suburban area that by definition profits from homosexual tourism. Australians from the surrounding suburb visit the Poofter Parlour suburban area of Blacktown as part of their Australian homosexual tourism (Australian culture is a buggery/sodomy culture).

Clint Eastwood was part of actor David Soul's male prostitution group in Hollywood actor circles. David Soul was more open about his male prostitution activity than Clint Eastwood.





Is Ariarne Titmus related to Robert Dolly Dunn , Sepp Dietrich from WW2 ? Is Ariarne Titmus related to 1940s immigration minister Arthur Calwell who was an Australian politician?

Was Australian criminals Robert Dolly Dunn connected to illegal immigration to Bristol City England Britain? Did Robert Dolly Dolly Dunn know Can Can dancers? <----> Tolouse Latreck, clubs, theatres and Can Can Dancers <--?--> British Vaudeville theatre presentations.

In an illegal immigration context: Liliana Pavlek and Douglas Jeremic possibly have an illegal immigration connection to Bulgaria.

In Bulgarian language, Douglas Jeremic could be known as a Silovan Chovek/silovan čovek (powerful man? mafia made man?)but in Croatian Language a Silovan Chovek probably understood to be a man that is a victim of force by homosexuals.
In Croatian language a poweful man is terminolgoy such as Silni čovek.

Douglas Jeremic is a nephew of Blagoje Stefanovic (Serbian Adverntist. Bulgarians know Blagoje Stefanovic by the nickname "Sliv" which means hole or drain.

Blagoje Stefanovic became a Slivatets/Slivaitech (Slivajteč) which means something like plumber or sinker that fixes drains/holes/sinks... maybe a fix-it-man or mafia fixer (criminal)

Was Jimmy [Saville ]A Fixer For The Elites? Jon Wedger Part 6 London Met Scotland Yard Detective Podcast 554

Is Mark Virgona a fixer for the mafia that lives in the same neighbourhood where Douglas Jeremic lived?
Mark Virgona has been described as having a facial similarity to Jimmy Saville. Saville <--> Seville city in Spain <-----> Virgona is a Spanish-Jew surname.

Is Milan Terzic a fixer for the mafia? Milan Terzic is a Anglo-Serbian adventist.
u [05/08/2024]

Another line of reasoning about NOT saluting the Australian Flag.

Australians should NOT be proud of the Australian flag because:

Australia is an upside-down back-to-front nation based upon a mlitary defeat.

Australia is about celebrating the massacre of its anglo-celtic race at Galipoli in World War I.

If Australians were brave they would have won at Galipoli. Australians are cowards who lost at Galipoli.

Because Australia is about celebrating the massacre of its anglo-celtic race in World War I, can its anglo-celtic race be massacred again ?
Aussies must decrease!


Phillip Hammond British politician and the Windrush scandal(anti-immigration/depopulation agenda).


... Australians are embracing a more diverse range of extreme ideologies ...
australians embracing extremist ideologies,

...because Australians dont want heterosexual cultures to have paid work.
Australians are a buggery/sodomy culture that is about making mass graves by p_ssing and sh_tting over the human rights of some migrant national group as occurred in Kamloops Canada.
When heterosexual cultures try to have paid work, then Australians conspire by embracing extremist ideologies which are about murdering migrant racial groups.
The twisted reasoning of the many Australians corrupted by sodomy goes something like "Do you think you are better than the average Australian?(Do you think you are better than
Australia's generational-male-prostitution system)?"

Some people can make a reply : Yes, some people are better than your Australian generational-male-prostitution system,
some people are for their basic civil rights: right to freedom of association..."

Also from the Australian constitution article 116 Freedom of religion/freedom of thought...Ancient wisdom says don't make bad assoiations. (1 Corinthians 5:9)

Australians dont want heterosexual cultures to have paid work <----> Australia has been secretly enacting slave labour experiments behind people's backs.
Slave Labour device experiments to enslave human nervous systems (Hippocampal Neuron Patterning experiments since year 1995)

Australia must be charged by international law. Breach of article 147 of the Geneva Convention: biological experiments/nazi doctor crimes/medical attrocities/jeffrey dahmer style medical crimes.
Infrastructure such as Horse racing stadiums were built in Australia to mask the mass graves situations that have occurred in Australia.
e.g. Randwick suburb of Sydney.
See also mention of McDonaldtown suburb of Sydney and an ideology called Baby Farming from Boer War era similar to the Nazi Lebensborn program.
Ethnic cleansing/homosexual nazism/murderous homosexuals activity.
'Direction 99' has caused another week of immigration turmoil for Andrew Giles and the government. What is it about?
"direction 99 and undocumented migrants australia <-----> nazi lebensborn illegal immigration, bay of pigs invasions against civilian suburban areas by violent gangs,
connected to watergate bugging scandal,, MASH medico-militry unit doctrs who dont care about human rights, MASH tv series based upon catch 22 Novel which had hints about Nazi rat Line activity
and military police corruption "

inhumane bugging activity(slave labour devices,from CIA research such as Acoustic Kitty and Developed over decades) <-----> watergate bugging scandal

Andrew Giles recently sacked/moved to another ministerial job. Giles is no longer immigration minister.

Tony Burke takes on home affairs and immigration
Andrew Giles recently sacked due to controversy about Australian Politicians via direction 99 keeping in Australia undocumented migrant criminals who have committed various homosexual crimes.

Is direction 99 a way to keep in Australia, undocumented migrants that are considered talented at committing homosexual crimes ?
Was Andrew Giles acting as a talent scout for homosexual criminals that Australia makes euphemisms about being "influencers":
homosexual criminals are euphemistically portrayed as "infuencing" people into homosexual perversion.

Probably Nazi Lebensborn program activity in Australia...
About revealing the racist foundations of organizations such as Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's witnesses, Mormons (cults that pretend to be christian denominations)
and how corrupted cultures form church organisations which act differently to their preaching.

Australian culture is not about christianity , it is about homosexual crime organizations.

When their conspiracies result in a nazi doctor crime, their behaviour is to stand around the victim and they are silent about the nazi doctor crimes.
They are about leaching off people's lives. They want to be near people but they dont want to do or say what needs to be done or said for people.

When some injustice occurs against a person from another race, they are not their to do anything about the injustice. They are there to racially exploit people. They want to dominate people from other races, instead of following the message of brotherhood between different races as preached by Jesus Christ.
If you try to ask them to do something for a person's wellbeing, they are about playing wprd games and doing nothing for people of another race, because they want to dominate people from another race.

If you try to ask them to do something for a person's wellbeing, they are about playing wprd games and doing detrimental things against people of another race, because they want to dominate people from another race.

When the conspiracies of the church members result in bad things happening to people of another race, the church members are happy,
because bad things that occur are a way for the church members to racially exploit people from another race.

After committing injustices such as nazi doctor crimes, their behaviour is to uncaringly direct people away from the church group,into social isolation,
as some kind of justice quest, instead of people living normal lives.

They make lies about opposing a new world order. When the racist new world order bothers people from another race, it is discovered that the church organisation
is not about opposing the new world order. The church members are only there to do things for their own race. They dont care about the wellbeing of other races.

They mention fears about underground Governments , but they dont mmention that underground governments are about getting under the ground of other nations, other races where they become most detrimental.
Underground governments care something about the wellbeing of their own race. Underground government care nothing about the wellbeing of other nations other races.
So when such church organisations mention fears about underground governments, maybe they are advertising ways for their own race to become involved in underground governments.

To criticise their church about hypocrisy is to criticise their race. Their church leadership all tend to be some racial group.
e.g. In the Jehovah's witnesses, only races such as Anglo-saxons and Germans tend to survive within the church organisation... which means that their church leaders
the Governing Body of the Jehovah's Witnesses have all tended to be anglo-saxons or german types.




singer taylor swift Swifties cult paedophiles behind 3 girls deaths in Southport britain. paedophile ring began race riot situation to hide information about paedophile ring.
the paedophile ring probably includes british political paedophiles from the 1990s Dunblane massacre - political suspects: David Cameron, Gordon Brown , Tony Blair .
Possibility - Southport parent paedophiles killed their children and blamed it on a Rwandan migrant .

singer taylor swift Swifties cult paedophiles behind 3 girls deaths southport britain. paedophile ring began race riot situation to hide information about paedophile ring.
the paedophile ring probably inlcudes british political paedophiles from the 1990s Dunblane massacre - political suspects: David Cameron, Gordon Brown , Tony Blair.
Media suspects that are probably part of the paedophile ring: Taylor Swift-Elton John,David Icke, Hugh Grant, Elizabeth Hurley, Harry Windsor (Piers Gaveston Society,
catamite male prostitutes that have profitted from child prostitution and drug smuggling). Possibility - Southport parent paedophiles killed their children and blamed it on a Rwandan migrant .

Race riot situation makes easier illegal importation of illicit drugs into Britain. David Cameron is a drug user drug smuggler . David Cameron's Piggate scandal is connected to David Cameron being a drug smuggler .

a cruelty such as sewing up the back passages of animals stuffed with drugs: pigs ,.... and reptiles such as snakes lizards.
They illegal import living animals stuffed with drug packets and usually the news stories only mention the illegal trade in animals not the drugs.
https://www.sun-sentinel.com/1993/07/03/agents-intercept-223-live-snakes-stuffed-with-drugs/ <--- Information deduced discovered about Piggate activity "

Taylor Swifites cult advertises on the internet, they part of Kandi Jewelry/Rave concert goers subculture.
The Kandi Jewelry is very colourful and looks like it is designed to attract children, or jewelry worn by children. <---> singer taylor swift Swifties cult paedophiles
daniel mamo is part of robert dolly dunn's paedophile ring, via his associatiion with Monique White, and Rosemary Hunter and her Husband Stuart Hunter.
Sturt Hunter facial similarity to Sepp Dietrich WW2 German Nazi.

Also to mention Peter Dunn from Lalor Park Scouts.Mamo and Dunn possibly have some hostility toward each other, but they both are members of crime rings that believe in detrimentally sandwiching innocent third parties.
From the point of view of third parties, the activity of Daniel Mamo and Peter Dunn is the same or similar racism corruption to each other.

Mamo considers himself Maltese, Peter Dunn is anglo-celtic.
In Taylor Swift music video Bad Blood there is a female Fitzgibbon in a helmet/medical face mask. A female Fitzgibbon that resembles Michael Fizgibbon Philippino-Australian male prostitute and television station employee.
It is completely unnecessary cruelty to animals, probably connected to perverse racists practicing how to do cruelty against humans.
[People that seek to live natural lives are against illicit drug use, and against drug smuggling. There is no need to do such unnecessary cruelty to animals by smuggling illicit drug substances.
It is probably activity connected to perversion sodomy: illicit drugs are a way that perverse people ease the pain of their back passages being wounded in the manner of Cain and his descendants - the complaints of Lamech,
the drunkeness of Noah.

Some news stories mention that hundreds of reptiles are killed in removing the drugs from their digestive systems. The western police organisations consider it easier to kill the reptiles than to keep reptiles alive.
Western police organisations make excuses about the reptiles being too harmed in having their stomachs digestive systems with drug packets, so hundreds of reptiles are slaughtered in such drug arrests.

Such inhumane reptilian cults(and pig cults?) are probably connected to Sardinia(Italy), Malta - locations on ancient trade routes which were taken over by Aryans/Indo-European cultures who have inhumane customs/ritual sadism customs.

Sardinia(Sardian Mafia=Anonima Sarda) --- Scottish Rite Freemasons ---- American Ku Klux Klan.
Sardinia ---Malta.

There is possibly a Southport QLD Australia connection: In 1990s there were Neural Networks built in Southport Queensland Australia. Neural Networks said to be for predicting horse race results.
A businessman calling himself John Walton was selling such horse racing schemes by phone to the people in Sydney NSW Australia. He called the company MRC(advanced research technologies)

and saleswoman Patricia Calleja (kahl-leh-ya) who was probably Maltese.Patricia Calleja was selling animal breeding pair investments for Flightless Birds of Australia company, whose CEO was Ron Benscher.
Patricia Calleja selling activity was in Sydney Australia by visiting homes knocking on doors activity, and Ron Benscher probably based in Queensland near Southport suburban area Australia.

Ther is a probability that such neural networks are misused to do cruelty against humans, via slavery experiments against human nervous systems that misuse ground ionosphere antennas.
Ground ionosphere antennas are a technology which tracks submarines.A tracking,communication, remote control/remote influencing technology invented in year 1905 about 50 years before the first satellites.
See patent details about the ability of the technology in tracking,communication,remote control of electrics electronics(implying remote influencing of living things that circuits are attached to).
Such slavery experiments are inhumane activity: slave labour experiments,moern day concentration camp medical crimes connected with detention centres,slave labour prisons.

The race riots in Britain, and members of brainwashing cults described probably know about a slave labour agenda concentration camp crimes agenda.
There have been news stories about Britain's plan to deport immigrants to Rwanda. Britain has been trying to establish a new convict colony in Rwanda Africa where there was a genocide during the 1990s.
The newspaper call it Britain's Rwanda Plan.

suspects of the 1990s genocide in Rwanda were probably religious brainwashing cults to do with the Anglican Church(church of England) whose presence in Africa probably from World War 2 British against German Rommel,
Greek Orthodox church - Eastern Orthodox denomination which gained access to Africa via Coptic Church in Ethiopia,
Chabad Lubovitch sex-cult-death-cult whose leader was closely connected with Benjamin Netanyahu, and illegal immigration activity of Vladimir Putin when he was a KGB spy during Soviet Union era.
Racists in the Soviet Union such as Vladimir Putin were trading with South Africa that had a racist Anglo-Dutch apartheid political regime over decades since 1948 into the 1990s.
Vladimir Putin is a supporter of the Russian Orthodox Church whose activity over centuries was to repress and exploit the proletariat population that existed in Russian.
Communiskm tried to free the Russian population from the repression and exploitation of the Russian Orthodox Church which is probably very much controlled by the Greek Orthodox church.

David Bowie, Mick Jagger's Rolling Stone Magazine article , and the Greek orthodox church assassinated John Lennon because Lennon was a Golden Horde Mongol that talked openly about boys who he considered beautiful.
Homosexuals/bisexuals such as Bowie and Jagger liked boys but they believed it was better not to talk about their boy love activity,so they to together with homosexuals in the Greek Orthodox church and Anglican Church murdered John Lennon.
A few years after, David Bowie and Mick Jagger were together in a music video titled Dancing in the Street. <---describes homosexual crime organisations such as NAMBLA,Bilderberg Society.

David Bowie had some connection to the Anglican Church in North Africa, which is how he married a female Ethiopian model calling herself by the androgynous name Iman (I-man).
Also in North Africa and Ethiopia were British military commanders such as Charles Wingate.

... Elton John is a Golden Horde Mongol in Britain, similar to how John Lennon considered himself.
[In years 2023-2024, Elton John was connected to a Bugging Scandal in Britain.]

David Bowie and Mick Jagger versus John Lennon describes racism triangles. David Bowie and Mick Jagger probably knew about Bugging technology.
John Lennon was probably more open to hinting about such Watergate Scandal Bugging technology in songs such as Penny Lane.



NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb accused of spending taxpayers' money on gin

Vanessa Speight: Agave Plants <----> Tequila (moonshine production and distribution?) connected to drug smuggling ring ?
Vaness Speight, Louisa Kennewell lured students into Wayne Brodie's backyard where there was a swimming pool,
and they didn't say they were crossing overa brder between properties, they didn't say it was wayne brodie's back yard...
... i.e. students that visited the homes of Joshua Cameron and Brett Beehag,
then Leanne Cameron,Vanessa Speight and Louisa Kennewell appeared and pretended to be friendly and lured students into Wayne Brodie's backyard...
and then Eddie Brodie was conspiring to harm/murder students by running them down.

Nickname "Publius" - Physics students who played Civilization computer game on msdos pc computers during lunchtimes (Physics computer lab room down stairs from Juris Ulrich's office).
Nickname that they sought to label a student with who had nothing to do with them.

The nickname Publius something to do with conspiracy to surgically implant a slave labour device into contact with the nervous system,
hitleristic conspiracies with car automobile technology (Adolf hitler was about motorizing the German race, and preventing other races from having access to car technology).

In 1998 The Physics Computer Lab Room became the starting point of a conspiracy to cover up slave labour device. Racist students began racism of making animal sounds
behind the back of a student who was implanted with a slave labour device. Tony Turtle was the Sydney University Physics teacher/lecturer in charge of the physics lab class.
Tony Turtle did not care about the racism.Richard Collins had been promoted to Head of the Physics department. Richard Collins did not care about the racism.
Staff and students were trying to cover up illegal experiments against humans.Staff and students were trying to cover up slave labour device experiments.

Science and Engineering students used the Physics computer lab room.

Miss Crowley (art teacher) ---- Mrs Abbott & Ugly Linda probably related to Miss Crowley ---- Susan Walker & Anthony Rutter's sister ------ Daniel Mamo ---- Robert Dolly Dunn paedophile network ---- Englishman in New York conspiracy.

Miss Crowley(art teacher) --- NSW teachers union (Australia) ----- CIA blowback, Taliban(The teachers in Afghan language).
Liliana Pavlek's mother Kata murdered her husband Velko in 1980 to get a farm property into her hands, and Anita Cobby ritual murder 1986 was farm owners revenge against citizens who bought land from subdivided farms.
[Kata discovered conspiracies by farm owners against citizens, and then Kata became involved in such conspiracies by murdering her husband Velko.]

...Kata conspired murder via 3 Australians in a motor vehicle who crashed into her husband Velko when he was acting as caretaker of a Croatian Social club that used to exist in Rooty Hill suburb of Sydney]...

Blacktown county/municipality/shire has become involved in depopulation experiments as a result of racist farm owners getting revenge against citizens who bought land from subdivided farms
- Blacktown used to be large farms, and later the farms became subdivided into smaller residential properties that were bought by citizens.Citizens who bought residential properties were more racially diverse than the racist farm owners.

Anita Cobby 1986 ritual murder :her killers drove her down Rene Road <---> Jenny Rene high school English language teacher related to farmer(s) on Rene Road.

Mrs A Wheeler high school history teacher connected to crime families: e.g. Mark White's gang - Wheeler Street Lalor Park (used have large farm(s) owned by the Wheeler family).

[Mrs A Wheeler----Grace Lynch----Dorothy McMartin scandal(Manhattan Beach California USA) 1983 ]

[see deductions some days ago about Liliana Pavlek's mother Kata had some connection to the Dorothy Martin scandal in the USA 1983. Kata was a selfish corrupt racist woman. She had a habit of mentioning abominable expressions such as crap-on-a-match which heterosexuals did not understand the meaning of]

Daniel mamo and his friends had a nickname for Blacktown Girls High School where Toni Collette was a student.
He called them "BUSH PIGS".
Their appearance tended to be of inbred short stocky build like ice skaters Katerina Vitt, and Jayne Torvill from Torvill and Dean.

Most of them were uglier than Katerina Vitt.
R Lenton liked Katerina Vitt

..others were inbred scrawny with thin limbs... they liked inbred scrawny actresses such as Kylie Minogue.
[according to the twisted perverse views of locals... if you did not like scrawny inbred actress Kylie Minogue, then you didn't like women.]
<---- They are liars. Some people liked looking at women who were tall,elegant,fleshy and did not like Kylie Minogue at all.

This is mentioned because its relevancy to some Australian-British connection to Piggate Scandal involving british politican David Cameron, and maybe politician Paul Keating's PIGGERY investment scheme in Australia.
...also relevant to mention in the context of corruption by the Nazi Lebensborn program: an area of Sydney that tries to make inbred clones of each other.


[The American 793rd batallion of military police negatively became experts at enacting nazi rat line situations - escapes of nazis to nazis bases,... and private islands homosexual tourism venues.

The media in western nations has deliberately hidden their names surname as some last chance of Nazi families to get revenge against the defeat of Nazis in World War 2.


Joanna Jovanvic has been conspiring murder against a person since year 1983. Joanna Jovanovic knew Nada Stefanovic who is a Serbian Nazi pretend christian(Seventh Day Adventist ).
situations where Nada Stefanovic has looked after people's children, she is has conspired to racially exploit and racially murder people's children as revenge for looking after after children people's children.
Nada Stefanovic's husband befriended a person's parent before a person was born, so Nada Stefanovic is a baby killer, she conspires to murder people's sons... Joanna Jovanic tried out for the St George Dragon's cheerleaders

Silvana Milevski's behaviour inside the bank was discrimination, Hitlerist car conspiracies, where pedestrians are viewed from afar as away of descriminating against pedestrians,as a way of mudering pedestrians.
She sent a name double of Joanna Jovanovic to the front of the bank while she from a distance walked away into a room and disappeared from sight.She did not want to give any further customer service in the context of identity theft
concerns raised...Which would suggest conspiratorial activity, that Silvana Milevski is involved in identity theft...Silvana milevski is a Polish mafia woman...Silvana Milevski sends swinger couples and calls them investigators
which is something she is ashamed about... She probably knows LEanne Cameron ... Silvana Milevski was working in Kogarah suburb of Sydney in year 2018-2020(St George suburban area of Sydney), and knows
the St George Dragons cheerleeders.

Name double Kristina Stefanovic at Bank in Kogarah <--> Nazi Lebensborn. Stefanovic and Milevski are corrupted by Nazi Lebensborn program.

George w bush connection to St George Cheerleaders . George W Bush was a male cheerleader.

Rainbow Warrior Bombing (1985 George Bush CIA spies family and and french secret service, George W Bush attended a college in New Zealand and played Rugby Union after his membership in male cheerleader group)
<----> 1980s High School student Brian Hill and his friends Justin howlett and some Sheldon formed some connection to George Bush's CIA. Brian Hill was recruiting for his Rugby Union team.
In Brian Hill's Rugby Union team was Joshua some aussie poofter from Parramatta Marist school that was in the news in connection with Robert Dolly Dunn's homosexual crimes.He was another Joshua than Joshua Cameron.
during Rugby Union training, Joshua would describe how homosexual teachers would perversely sexually pat the legs of male students when they were sitting at their student desks at Parramatta Marist High School.
Some people didn't appreciate Joshua's perverse connections and stopped playing for Brian Hill' Rugby Union team...they were a team that handed out socks to team members,
and they asked for the socks back as revenge when people stopped playing for the Rugby Union team.

Galveston Island Texas USA homosexual tourism venue <---> Piers Gaveston Society in Britain: Catamite Male prostitutes
Brokeback mountain film with homosexual themes about George Bush, resulted in the murder of Heath Ledger Australian actor.
[George bush is involved in homoseuxal crimes that have themes of female cheerleaders luring heterosexual males: e.g. Nirvana music group's video with the cheerleader nazi colours black clothing with red A symbols (A for Anarchy or A for Andros=man symbol from reptiles,dragons,Reptilian cult depicted in movies such as Spectre(1977) The Intruder Within(1981)]

George Bush --- Roger Rogerson ---- Graeme Langlands St George Dragons Rugby League player

Andrew Andropoulos from "Greasy Joe's Fish and Chip shop" was a friend of Sheldon. Sometimes he mentioned Sheldon's surname without mentioning his given name.
[The Fish and Chip shop was near to , (next to?), the Ice Skating Rink that used to exist in Blacktown. It was demolished and a Social Security building built (Centrelink=Social Security)]
The fish and chip shop was on the east side of the ice skating rink, on a corner, (near a corner?) on a busy road and the street with the Ice Rink which later became Centrelink building.
Andrew Andropoulos was a friend of Saher Yousef,Richard Benkovic, Glen Rowlands.

Rockdale was a suburb that had many Slavonic migrants from the 1960s and 1970s decades. Rockdale was near Kogarah.
The St George cheerleaders possibly a organisation involved in stealing females from migrants families in areas such as Rockdale and illegally immigrating them to locations unknown.


nirvana cheerleaders with A anarchy andros=man symbol and reptilian cult sardinian mafia anonima sarda
[asmodeus religion]

Beatles music group from Quarrymen music group, quatermass and the pit UFO cult, Silurian hypothesis reptile aliens and insect aliens
... Earth's First Civilization? [UFO Cult Theories] | Silurian Hypothesis}

Silures advanced culture in britain descended from ancient egyptians Lydia(Buto-maadi culture from northern egypt,lower egypt)
(The real civilization connection of the Silures tribe in Britain was to Northern Egypt and Lydia.}
scientology UFO cult hates ancient history knowledge. scientology hates people with ancient history knowledge.




Nick Candy -- Holly Valance(actress)
[Nick Candy some resemblance to Clive bunker who went to school with Toni Collette (actress).]

Holly Valance probably related to Renee Danielle Berrier who was involved in racially violent gang attack activity(attempted murder) in 1995, followed by doctors in Australia surgically implanting a slave labour device.

facial approximation to Renee Danielle Berrier posted at:
shout_nissan_exa_turbo_advertisement_and_sale_of_the_century_quiz_show.jpg <----- Posted 11/10/2018
references to glitter tarts <---> kandi jewellery at Taylor Swift Concerts (aka Swifties cult/subculture).
glam rock, glam metal <----> Gary Glitter , The Sweet music group(Ballroom Blitz song), KISS (Knights In satan's service) music group: Lick it up song by KISS <---> Sugar by Robin Schulz featuring Francesco Yates.
Francesco Yates looks like a male student with big hair that attended physics classes along with Brian Gaensler.

The student with big hair looked anglo-celtic and he had big red hair (maybe a jewish trait)...Gaensler is a Nazi jew.
[Also, the man driving a car in the Sugar music video some similarity of appearance to Physics lecturer Richard Collins.

The sugar music video could be described as a NAMBLA music video. A music video by a homosexual crime organization.
It has themes of people calling each other sugar, the people being males. There is no tenderness between people-of-the-opposite-sex in the music video. The females that are briefly shown are splashed by water from the car wheels.
It is though the car driver and a younger male are singing to sugar to each other.

)...Gaensler is a Nazi jew.
Probably Bryan Gaensler has some connection to Benjamin Netanyahu's racist genocidal regime in modern state of Israel.

Dale Tristan Young and James Matthew Dawkins: illegal betting on Australian of the Year awards.

a mother that was corrupted by Australians of getting her son implanted with a slave labour device.
Later racists deliberately conspired an unnecessary unwanted meeting between mother and son.
a mother whose behaviour was to leave her son in an enclosed setting with packet of chips(food without nutrition) as a slave while she selfishly visited Doyles Seafood restaurant and ate a nutritious meal of Fish.
[Was Melissa Doyle channel 7 television employee observing from Doyles Seafood restaurant]

She would make boring meals of lentils and rice without any taste, and then selfishly visit restaurants to eat nutritious meals that were tasty.

A mother that discovered her son was eating French Bread Croissants when he was a child growing up with the caring Slavonic male parent, and then she conspired the use of a slavery device against her son's nerves. When her son visited her (via unnecessary unwanted meeting between mother and son that racists conspired), she would talk about buying Bagette French bread of lesser quality, and she would deliberately never mention Croissants.
When her son visited her (via unnecessary unwanted meeting between mother and son that racists conspired,racists such as adventist Marian Barabba and his wife ), she would talk about buying Bagette French bread of lesser quality,
and she would deliberately never mention Croissants.


Debating contests terminology such as "AD HOMINEM" (Latin language: to the man) possibly have something to do with injustice activity of Star Chambers.

Ad Hominem describes the ritualistic brain-washed behaviour of homosexuals/buggers/sodomites against heterosexuals.
Homosexuals/buggers/sodomites don't care about describing how they have harmed the lives of heterosexuals.
Homosexuals/buggers/sodomites only care about unjustly attacking the characters and lives of heterosexuals, as a way to ritually murder heterosexuals.

Australians are a buggery culture that does not care about Nazi doctor crimes against heterosexuals. Australians are about ignoring Nazi doctor crimes and ritually conspiring against heterosexuals.

s Australians dont care about harming people's lives through Nazi doctor crimes, Australians are about to-the-man attacks against people's characters and peoples lives,
while ignoring the harm they have done by perpetrating Nazi doctor crimes.

u Australians dont care about harming people's lives through Nazi doctor crimes, Australians are about Ad Hominem attacks against people's characters and peoples lives,
while ignoring the harm they have done by perpetrating Nazi doctor crimes.

[The AD HOMINEM RITUAL MURDER BEHAVIOURS OF SODOMITES are part of the injustice of ETHNIC CLEANSING/HOMOSEXUAL NAZISM/MURDEROUS HOMOSEXUALS BEHAVIOURS. ] Australia must be formally condemned by INTERNATIONAL LAW CHARGES because of such Star Chambers injustice against heterosexuals.

Injustice such as Star Chambers started the English Civil war. Australia has started World War 3.


Such descriptions could be useful for more natural cultures to formally charge and execute people from sodomite cultures such as anglo-celtic-Australians whoever they are allied to.


The Generational-Male-prostitution system upon which Australian culture is based has something to do with inhuman racism conspiracies.

Racism where they pretend to be friendly to a person who is a son, but they only visit because of a person's parent.
When there is no longer a parent in the home, the racists abruptly stop visiting and never visit the home again.

Wisdom says it is not good for man to be alone, and such racists/satanists/inhumans deliberstely conspire to make people alone.

David Stefanovic and his adventist friends have conspired in such a way, they pretended to be christians want to help people.
Seventh Day Adventist Serbian Nazis(Blagoje "Bill" Stefanovic) befriended a person's parent before a person was born.

Liliana Pavlek and her brother conspired in such a way, by bringing gifts of small value such as cakes and books of about the lessons of history and ancient egypt (whch turned into a murder/slavery identity theft/ pirate harvesting conspiracy). They visited their uncle and pretended to have some humanity toward the uncle's son by bringing near-worthless gifts such as cakes and books which they quickly bought on the way to visiting the farm that
their mother stole from their uncle and his brother...They made "Witching Hour" visitations to their uncle's home:... Their witching hour visitations are connected to them being sodomites/male prostitution system members.

Tom became a male prostitute via swingers activity and he did not want to tell his heterosexual uncle.
...they visited for an hour their uncle's home and then they left to go to the farm property which they stole from their uncle.

-kristina nikolic(Serbian adventist), SDA church and political corruption
[john nikolic horse racing personage was jailed for 18 years in Fiji]
nikolic--barabba(surname)---- pat buchanan(Nixon political advisor) ----- Richard Nixon (watergate bugging scandal)

- eddie brodie and Informer music video by singer Snow: music videos possibly hint at crimes Eddie Brodie could be jailed about. Eddie Brodie and his brother Wayne Brodie connected to Warwick Fairfax newspaper businessman.
[Informer music video by Snow-Eddie Brodie's corruption of Roshan Ebrahim and Roshan the Sri-Lankan? , Snow <--> Ice illicit drug (methamphetamine was used by German Nazis during World War 2?)
Glass animals-heat waves

Glass animals-heat waves(song visual information: man dragging bought items on a cart through urban suburban cityscape with cars parked around but the cars are not accessible
- hints about a hitleristic car conspiracies (hitler wanted to motorise the German people(German race) and prevent other races from having access to cars.
Anglo-celtic-Australians & anglo-germanic Australias are involved in such Hitleristic conspiracies with car automobile technology.
song lyrics hints about Eddie Brodie's homosexual affair with Brett Beehag dressed in his pyjamas on the way to Anglican camp?)





Jessica Fox Australian Olympic athlete some resemblance to the Lancelot Character in Excalibur(1980) movie played by Nicholas Clay.
[Is Jessica Fox related to Jason Challis who was a friend of Ralph Quitadamo?
Are Glen Kenewell and bank worker Louisa Kennewell related to Jason Challis?..Such names and faces are possibly a slave labour connection to mining companies in Ethiopa,Eritrea,Somalia (East Africa)] where Benito Mussolini Italian Fascist
was making Italian colonies in the early 20th Century

[...and families who are involved in slavery/slave labour probably involved in crimes such as drug smuggling. See information above about drug smuggling across the English Channel from France,
and illegal immigration from England, France, to the Black Sea. Ukraine is a nation on the Black Sea.]

Australia advertised itself as a land of opportunity, a nation where people through their efforts could improve their quality of life.
Australia lied about Australia being a land of opportunity. Australia is about racial discrimination behind the back,
Australia is about racists watching people's lives slowly die and the racists dont want to do or say anything about such conspiracies.

When people try to improve their quality of life through efforts , Australia makes homosexual race war against the lives of citizens.
australian culture is based upon a generational-male-prostitution system, that is about conspiring situations where Australia does not want citizens to progress any further in improving their quality of life.
Australia does not want some racial groups to have quality of life, and that is discrimination.

When people try to improve their quality of life through efforts , Australia has a male prostitution system(homosexual nazism system) which labels citizens as cool or creeps.
When citzens try to improve their quality of life through efforts, Australia labels their progress as creeping forward/creepy activity forward.
Citizens who the society does not want to favour are labelled as creeps.

Baby farming is about murdering people who the male prostitutes consider as creeps.
Baby farming is about murdering citizens who try to improve their lives through efforts and the society does not want them to be rewarded for their efforts.
[<----Australia has system of injustice,slavery,racial murders that must be prosecuted by International Law.]

When groups of racists label citizens as cool or creeps, such groups of racists are male prostitution groups.
When groups of racists label citizens as cool or creeps, it is baby farming : baby farming is a euphemism for male prostitution (generational-male-prostitution).
baby farming is a euphemism for teaching homosexual racism/homosexual nazism - ritual-sex-sodomy-ritual murder-behaviours

Baby farming and nazi lebensborn program are similar forms of male prostitution perversion.
Some would describe Australia's system of male prostitution system(homosexual nazism system) as a satanism: it is about causing unnecessary sufffering.

Paul Sironer corrupt policeman who played Rugby League ---facial similarity to ---Greg Anderson.
Maybe Paul Sironen possibly related to Greg Anderson.
[Simon Davis was a fan of the Balmain Tigers Rugby League team of which Paul sironen was a member of. Balmain Tigers merged with Western Suburbs Magpies to become Wests Tigers Rugby League club.]

Liliana Pavlek's activity of visiting her uncle's home and giving near-worthless gifts to her uncles son was based upon Liliana Pavlek conspiring to steal things from her Uncle's son.

The kind of behaviours where paedophiles get access to people's children, and then they ask for things from children without the parents knowing.
Children don't have jobs to support themselves,so to ask things from people's children could be considered a form of theft.
People who have paid work can buy things that they dont need to give gifts.People who dont have paid work have things that they need for themselves.
To ask gifts from people who dont have paid work is a form of theft... To ask children to give gifts is a form of theft, because children dont have paid work.
Where gifts are given on ocassions such as birthday parties, the gifts would tend to come from their parents who can support themselves through paid work.

Paedophiles possibly consider such activity of asking gifts from people's children as making alliances with people's children, as a way to do racial exploitation against families of other races than themselves.



Such conspiracies by Liliana Pavlek have something to do with her selfishly wanting to conspire through family court activity while she has conspired against her facing justice through international law charges.
Her selfish desires of Family Court need to be considered ridiculous, because she is an inhuman. She has not acted like a relatives. She had acted like a stranger, a prostitute , a nazi to make social iolsation against a household.

One of the situations that Liliana Pavlek continually looks back upon, is possibly a 7-11 petrol service station that used to exist, which was across a busy road from where Mariana Pavlek attended Elementary School, and Mr Adam worked as a teacher. Lilian Pavlek wanted her younger cousin to work casually at the service station, to prevent her younger cousin from finishing high school.
Her younger graduated High School. Her younger cousin became School Dux (academically first).

There were strangers at the service station and/or stangers that worked at businesses which were located around the service station which Liliana Pavlek has continued to conspire together with.
e.g. School Teacher Mr Adams.
There was some businessman called "Wade" who organised paperboys to sell newspapers by wheeling a trolleys through neighbourhood streets and they blew whistles to indicate their presence as newspaper sellers.
People who became paperboys: Robert Saunders,Leigh Castle's brother(Shane Castle?),Anthony Rutter, Stuart Gunther's brother (Robert Gunther) <---- Robert Gunther needs to be charged with home invasion activity in conjunction with Stephen Essam's sister and Louise Davis's mother. Robert Gunther is a male prostitute who went to same elementary school as Toni Collette.
Robert Gunther did not say he was a male prostitute, he portrayed himself as a paperboy that sold newspapers.

Home invasion activity which resulted in a nazi doctor crime.
Home invasion activity which resulted in a violent racial attack(attempted murder) on 21/06/1995, followed by a nazi doctor crime perpetrated by doctors in Australia: surgical implantation of a slave labour device.
Breach of Geneva Convention article 147 : International law charges must be pressed.

Adventist are about sending human waves at people in the manner of Zoroastrianism satanism,Iran-Iraq war.
It is something embarassing to the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
People who visit Adventist churches are observed by prostitute homosexuals who follow visitors around and are involved in behaviours of coming near visitors.
The adventist church maes euphemisms about Wayward Adventists, but the corruption is much worse than the Adventist church would like to suggest.
Probably they portray themselves as people in need who exchange sex for favours, but they are making homosexual race war against people.
instead of people being converted to christianity, a practical description is that the Seventh Day Adventist church is about sending homosexual prostitutes at visitors to convert visitors to homosexuals.
instead of people being converted to christianity, a practical description is that the Seventh Day Adventist church is about sending racist homosexual prostitutes at visitors to convert visitors in racists/segregationists(racist homosexuals). The Seventh Day Adventist is an American religion.

The attitude of members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church is that if the homosexual prostitutes sent a people dont like a person then the Seventh Day Adventist Church does not like a person.
Whether some homosexual prostitute likes a visitor or not is more important to Seventh Day Adventist Church members than Christian acts,Christian atttitides.
If a visitor insults a homosexual prostitute related to some member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, the church does not have humanity toward a visitor.

The Seventh Day Adventist Church should not be luring people to is churches and conspiring murder via homosexual prostitutes(sodomites).




015-FIS is the Rae's Graphic Signs company ute utility vehicle number plate from around year 2005(not 715-FIS).Probably a CIA front company, it sounds like a Korean Spray Painting company and there are USA Bases in South Korea.



was singer David Bowie an advertisement of picadilly circus male prostitution (london, britain)?

piccadiily circus is part of a network of underground railway stations with name such as Holloway.Warren Holloway <---> David stefanovic,, his mother Nada Stefanovic involved with Picadilly-Circus male prostitution ring.

Liliana Pavlek and her mother Kata(Kate) involved in Picadilly Circus male prostitution ring advertised as the "Lost in Space" tv series from the 1960s.
Railway stations around piccdily circus had advertisements with a man resembling Dr Smith from tv series Lost in Space.
Liliana Pavlek possibly makes euphemisms about having a connection to Project Nerva
(and maybe the British Rail UFO patent from the 1970s whose power source is controlled fusion but western science has NOT been able to make controlled fusion work on a macroscopic scale).
In a practical sense, the stories about controlled fusion success are false, because western science cannot power electricity grids with controlled fusion, cannot power a motor vehicles with controlled fusion,...)



David Bowie was star of a Nikola Tesla film.

joe biden is a racial segregationist that does not consider himself a racist.

both trump and biden are from kkk families. biden and trump are secretly united by kkk alliances between both of their families

both trump and biden are from kkk families. biden and trump are secretly united by kkk alliances that both of their families belong to . both trump and biden are racial segregationists.

Robert Byrd Was Once An Exalted Cyclops Of The KKK. Joe Biden Called Him A Friend, Mentor And Guide - YouTube

STUNNING: Donald Trump's Father Was in KKK? - YouTube

fred trump kkk member - YouTube

Joe Biden ...his Working With Segregationists In Congress | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

Biden friendships with at least six segregationists

documented in 2019 by The Washington Examiner, The Gazette's sister publication, Biden has praised or boasted about friendships with at least six segregationists

joe biden's kkk mentor Byrd

...both trump and biden are racial segregationists.

[practical meaning: if you are person whose parents crossed racial barriers, trump and biden dont care about you. they dont want you to exist.
they dont seem to care what sufffering racists want to inflict against you. they are about ignoring laws that are supposed to prevent people being harmed by racists]

they want racists and racist activity to discriminate you out of existence.

both sides of American politics are corrupted by racism, racial discrimination-racial segregation is about racially discriminating against people, about unequal groups such as existed in apartheid south africa.
inequality where one group has everything, and the other group has nothing.

and the ritual prostitution sodomy corruption in American culture causes a situation where Americans are silent about such racism in politics.
[<-- why has the western media been silent about Joe biden's kkk connections over years ?why has the western media been silent about Donald Trump's kkk connections over years ?
It has to do with America being a perverse culture that is about making counterfeits of racial tolerance.]

There are people who believe in freedom of association. Freedom association is according to ancient wisdom and according basic civil rights. Racial segregation is a counterfeit of freedom of association.
Racial segregation is something that selfish people want to impose upon citizens. Racial segregation is something male prostitutes want to impose upon citizens.
Racial segregation is something that generational-male-prostitution system wants to impose upon citizens.

People who beleive in freedom of association are murdered and enslaved by the racists. When people ask why does not someone want to associate with people somewhere,
the racists make lies that someone is racial segregationist and does not want to assicuate with some group
... and uncaring racist cultures such as anglo-celtic culture dont care about the lies that racists make.
...uncaring racist cultures dont care about people being enslaved, uncaring racist cultures dont care about people suddenly disappearing... they believe the racists lies and dont bother to care what happens to people are not racists.
... therefore, it is logical to deduce that racial segregation is some kind of counterfeit making against freedom of association.

Racial segregation tends to be something that is imposed...Joe Biden could be described as a hypocrite that knows about racial segregation,social isolation,slavery,nazi eugenics being imposed upon people.
...and he pretends that racial segregation is about free choice.

Fred Trump, the Ku Klux Klan and Grassroots Redlining in Interwar America.

Donald trump learned how to do redlining racism from his Ku Klux Klan parent Fred Trump...Donald Trump has NOT repented of the Ku Klux Klan ideology that his parent taught him.
...Trump has made much money from Ku Klux Klan racism: segregated neighbourhoods, segregated shopping area situations ,segregated building infrastructure/real estate development...
Trump is hypocrite when he says he disavows the Ku Klux Klan. Trump profits from Ku Klux Klan activity - Redlining.

Biden Said His Kids Would Grow Up in 'Racial Jungle' if Desegregation Wasn't Orderly?
<---From such articles, it could be argued that Biden does NOT believe in desegregation. Biden believes in racial segregation.

Biden’s History of Getting Away With Racist Remarks
hints about uncivilized anglo-celtic culture in American School curriculum books:

last of mohicans (Novel) by william fenimore cooper - psalmody while riding on horseback(euphemism for sodomy).
- a man without a cross (someone whose parents have not crossed racial barriers, or someone who hates the christian cross an antichrist ?)

Moby-Dick (Novel) by Herman Melville - cannibalism among anglo-celtic sailors.


...horse racing social clubs, lawn bowls clubs, r s l clubs are probably some of the worst places for racial segregation. If the patrons see you are from a different race,they appear and ask you what are you doing there ?
[if you are an employed to do a job such as industrial painting, and if the employer is not visible, the patrons see you are a different race, and then they ask you what are you doing here, the social club is closed to people such as you.
If you are another race, they want anglo-celtic and allied races to be visible around to guard you if you are someone from a different race.

Also there are situations where a Rugby League coach Barry Nicholson invited his rugby league team home, and his son Jason Nicholson sent one of the team to go to the neighbour David Chalari's home.
The Chalari household were Italian racists but the Nicholson's did not reveal who the racists in the neighbourhood were.
David Chalari parents was in his front yard. He saw a member of team walking toward his home, and saw the team member was from a diferent race.
David Chalari's parent began acting in a manner where he was motioning threatenning to the team member to stay away from his home. David Chalari's parent did not care that Jason Nicholson suggested to the team member to go to the Chalari home.
Some moments later, Jason Nicholson appeared, and David Chalari's parent stopped his threatenning behaviour.
His behaviour changed when Jason Nicholson appeared, but the racist behaviour of David Chalari's parent is something that a person would keep remembering about citizens in Australia not being civilized, Australia a nation that makes
counterfeits of civilization, a nation that makes counterfeits of racial tolerance.

Nathan Martin probably related to Louise Davis.



Linwood inner suburb of Christchurch New Zealand <--->place name connected to mass murder enacted by Brenton Tarrant.
Greg Lynn(murderer) is a male with a facial resemblance to female the mother of Louise Davis who lived in the same neighbourhood as Toni Collette.
[Greg Lynn has facial resemblance as though the mother of Louise Davis could be his sister or cousin.]

Louise Davis went to school with actress Toni Collette. The neigbourhood where actress Toni Collette was raised in, is part of a hidden suburb called Lynwood Park (adjacent to Lalor Park)
A Lynwood Park sign has been displayed in a grassy area(sports fields) across the street from Lalor Park Rugby League club house,
and over the creek(water course) from where Lalor Park scout hall was located.

a Lynwood Park hidden suburb of Sydney NSW Australia is a suburban area where illegal experiments against human beings have been occuring (involuntary cybernetic experiments).
Australia needs to be charged by international law because of the illegal experiments against humans: breach of geneva convention article 147 - nazi doctor crimes/medical attrocities/jeffrey-dahmer-style-medical crimes,biological experiments.
Louise Davis' mother, Steven Essam's sister, .... , Robert Gunther need to be charged) with home invasion crimes that led to involuntary cybernetic experiments.
Robert Gunther is a male prostitute that used to work as a paper boy(newspaper seller), a members of homosexual procurement network that was a way to source/import slave labour device technology into the suburbs of Sydney Australia.

in some situations , keith leyshon possibly reveals tht he is a male prostitute, but his corruption is worse. He is part of a hjomosexual propcurement network... he screws young boys up the behind and murders them
as aeay to accumulate females for himself (similar to dean corll and probably donald trump).some boys survive and become a way to lure further young boys.

Chrissy Leyshon (corrupt policeman) probnably involved in same homosexual procurement network activity as keith leyshon his relative.

see information posted some days ago,corrupted people who are brainwashed into believing that sodomy is some kind of service, are hiding information about homoseual procurement network.
,In cultures corrupted by sodomy such as Australia, USA, Britain, there are many women who probably know about homosexuals/sodomites murderinhg young males/boys, but they are silent about the murders.
Csuch corrupt groups of women want to consider homosexual criminals as some kind of heroes that comit crimes.



documentary about mfp multi-functionpolis mentions tracking devices
tracy denne------------------------------------------------------peter baldwin actor----------------------------------------alec baldwin------------------adam baldwin my bodyguard movie(andrew jubian was a fan of such movie)
Erich von Manstein Nazi commander
Stranger that visited chemistry lab during the 1990s he smiled but a person did not smile back

tracy denne related to judith durham from the seekers :morningtown ride song ----- ronald biggs train robberry 1963
leigh chalker liked tracy denne

doug knightluna park fire----- deborah knight ---- helena hutchins(killed by actor alec baldwin during a film called rust
paul sironen

peter baldwin australian politician(vicitm of violence in 197ng ) ---- william camm(the little pebble cult) ------- alexander wilonn cult(child murders) --- david icke(racist reptilian cult)

...<---> david icke(racist reptilian cult) ---- hugh grant(became actor in connection with being a catamite male prostitute,bugging scandal 2023)--elton john(homosexual singer,2023 bugging scandal)
...<->hugh grant(piers gaveston society=catamoite male prostitution,advertisements about providing sex and illicit drugs)--elton john-harry windsor(2023 bugging scandal)--andrew windsor(epstein paedophilia scandal child prodtitution)

harry windsor (probable association with piers gaveston society catamite male prostitution,homosexual male prostitution advertised during 1980s A Flock of Seagulls-ran music video)


why sigmund freud no longer mentioned by western culture ? freud mentioned anal bias in western upbringing. anal releche/anal retentive terminology ? <-- homosexuality corruption

james freud music video - He's in love with a modern girl
[themes of puppet slavery themes conspired by homosexual corruption among western females]

monique white ---secret sodomy alliance with?-- ali haaki

b63gCz/:F^y}AzU0,§/$I`Lp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WPvSovRFfs
How Aircraft Carriers Stay 20 Years at Sea Without Refueling

Peter Dunn very much involved in Hitleristic conspiracies with car technology.
Peter Dunn is an Aussie bastard that is a lookalike of Christiaan Huygens (Dutch researcher into optics who lived hundreds of years ago).
Christiaan Huygens probably originator of a pretend angel cult from Holland.

Pretend angel cults are about racists sodomites travelling fast.

Peter Dunn probably involved in conspiracies where he wants to travel fast with car technology, ... and Hitleristic/nazistic conspiracies to motorize some races while preventing other races from having access to car technology(slavery conspiracies...)

Peter Dunn is a male prostitute connected to the Lalor Park Scouts... Lalor Park Scouts corruption probably significant in forming a HOMOSEXUAL PROCUREMENT NETWORK in the western suburnbs of Sydney Australia.

Peter Dunn involved in racism triangles with Daniel Mamo...he is said to have had a fight publicly in the school quadrangle with Daniel Mamo during High School
Peter Dunn was said to have Karate skils but his Karate skills were not good... Peter Dunn involved in very cowardly conspiracies behind people's backs.

Peter Dunn probably connected to the ritual murder of Anita Cobby in 1986... and renaming of the Reen road to Peter Brock Drive.

Peter Dunn(male) facial resemblance to missing person Nicola Lynas(female-looks like his sister or his cousin)...Peter Dunn's friend/school colleague Richard Benkovic probably a fan of lion cartoons such as Linus the Lionhearted
and Kimba the White Lion.

Ia the Australian hospital system f_cked up the arse by the nazi lebensborn program and baby farming behaviours?

Is the Australian Hospital Hospital about occupying people's bodies via nazi doctor crimes?
Are such Nazi doctor crimes a way that Australian Hospital system wants to steal homes (by nazi concentration camp medical objects tresspassing against human nervous systems and tresspassing against homes?

Why hasn't the Australian Hospital system mentioned anything about such Nazi doctor crimes?

Is the Australian Hospital system f_cked up the arse corrupt-racist-nazist(modern day sodom and gomorrah)? Australia needs to be charged by international law: breach of article 147
nazi doctor crimes/medical attrocities/jeffrey-dahmer-style-medical-crimes/biological experiments.

Why have people sat back and watched male prostitutes develop their nazism over years and decades?

Why have they not tried to do something, why have they not tried to say somethinbg to stop male prostitutes from developing their nazism.

Australia has a system of anti-christian behaviour, australian has an antichrist system of generational-male-prostitution. the safe bases, poofter parlours, homosexual toilet cruising tourism meeting places,...33

The activity of male prostitutes is to poison people's minds against doing something for people who want the nazism of male prostitutes to come to a stop.

Where there are groups of male prostitutes, people should try to do something , people should try to say something to stop the nazi activity by male prostitutes


....The activity of male prostitutes is to poison people's minds against doing something for people who want the nazism of male prostitutes to come to a stop...

Romans 16:18
18 For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.

2 Timothy 3:13
13 while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

did mark latham prove that ALP labour party are racists ? the way the ALP easily made Mark Latham their leader in year 2003, and the way he easily joined One-Nation later ?

r the way that mark latham was ALP labor party leader in 2003 and then mark latham joined the extremist racist One-Nation party might suggest influence of KKK racists upon the ALP labor party in Australia ...

How Fringe KKK Ideology Went Mainstream In Australia
[<------australian labor party secret connections to david duke kkk Imperial Wizard and racist organizations such as NOFEAR which combined kkk ideology with nazi ideology ?
see information on this website about David dukes suggestions that the KKK should stop burning crosses and put on business suits to make money from peoples suffering:racist town centres occupied by kkk businesses

similar to the nazi depopulation and repopulation by germans - plans of building new cities of germans in the regions where other races live.Albert Speer Nazi architect and The Generalplan Ost , abbreviated GPO,]

see also an article
Australian Labor and the “Color Line”
By Jon Piccini

<---the article also mentions Bill Shorten (another politician associated with the Australian labor party ALP)

Thu 5 Sep 2024

why australian labor party ALP has american spelling , instead of labour party it is labor party ?
why american spelling ? American influence upon the ALP Australian labour party? KKK is American racist organisation.

further information:
The Australian Labor Party uses this spelling because, in 1912, an American-born Australian politician King O'Malley made a successful case to have the spelling 'modernised' to the way that the Americans spelt it

A description of how the NSW police have behaved is that they have not cared about the Geneva Convention article 147 over years decades.
They acted in the manner that they are preparing for Ernst Roehm's homosexual nazi anglo-germanic 4th Reich, instead of caring about the Geneva Convention, instead of caring about anti-racial-descrimination laws.
It is deduced that the NSW police liked the idea of having victims of cybernetic slavery experiments existing in the vicinity, inhumane tracking
within reach of their police cars and paddywagons, to conspire ritual murder against as some kind of racist entertainment.
The inhuman attitiude of the NSW police has been that they did not have the humaity, they did not have the decency to say there is a citizen who is need of legal representation by an international law solicitor.
Instead of trying to introduce a citizen to an international law solicitor, they enacted ritualistic racist activity of coming near a citizen to try to ritually murder a citizen, over period of years decades,
while Australian solicitors did not have the decency, did not have the humanity to provide legal representation of an international law case.
The NSW Police have acted in the manner of sacrificing the lives of citizens that Australians have a racial hatred toward. The behaviour of the NSW police has not been civilized, they need to charged by international law because
of their homosexual nazism,...NSW Police stations such as Blacktown police have been involved in injutices such as homosexual procurement network activity from which slave labour device technology was sourced.
It could be described that Australia is not a civilized nation, Australia makes counterfeits of being civilized. Australia is a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah...

Recent discovery: Zachary etcell and his father mentioned visiting Picton oval south of Sydney. Picton has gas chambers like in Nazi Germany - but supposedly the gas chambers are used to kill animals.
They did not mention the gas chambers at Picton. They mentioned that Picton oval had bur plants get whose seeds have hook structures that become entangled in the textiles that composes the socks of sports players.

This is further information about Zachary Etcell being from a Hitler family in Sydney Australia.The Etcell's are Hitler relatives.They knew where gas chamber facilities existed in Sydney some decades ago.

The Etcell family liked inviting children from migrant households to professional sports matches: rugby league and VFL/AFL. The Etcell family barracked for the South Sydney Rabbitohs(League) and Sydney Swans(VFL/AFL).
Somehow, the Etcell family were probaably able to acquire free tickets to professional sports matches with which to invite people outside their household.

It could be deduced that when the Etcell household were conspiring to commit homosexual crimes against people's sons, the gas chambers in Picton would be a way to kill people's sons before the parents would be able to find out.

Tags:Gas Chamber

About Tracy Denne who went to school with Toni Collette(actress).
Tracy Denne should be arrested

Tracy Denne should be arrested in connection with news stories to do with prostitution pornography networks to do with gang mafia around the Black Sea Europe-Asia border.

A large pornography network that has resisted investigation and arrests - tracey denne is connected to a name Tessa from such a large pornography network around the years 2000-2004 around the time
when George W Bush started his war on terror (subliminals of War on Terra = War on Earth).
Tracy Denne is related to Tessa
Crime connections that go back to the 1960s, Ronald Biggs Train Robbery, and Judith Durham from The Seekers music group

About: 2004 Ukrainian child pornography raids
The 2004 Ukrainian child pornography raids occurred a few months before the First Orange Revolution, when police in Ukraine raided a softcore child pornography ring operating in the cities of Kiev, Kharkov, and Simferopol.
The ring had operated since 2001 and used a modeling agency as a front. The Crime Investigation Department of the Ministry for the Interior conducted the raids. The deputy head of the department, Vitaly Yarema, said that
the bank accounts of the agency, containing hundreds of thousands of dollars, had been frozen.

Florida ‘Child Modeling’ Web Site Owners Indicted for Conspiring with Alabama Photographer to Produce Child Pornography

Such pornography prostitution websites are about homosexuals advertising females, homosexuals violently attacking heterosexuals in the manner of ritual murder or homosexual crimes(buggery/sodomy).

Such pornography prostitution websites are about are about violent homosexuals murdering boys via homosexual procurement networks.

Tracey Denne related to Tessa <---> Gregory Anderson probably related to Tessa <---> Elizabeth Gourleigh <----> Sarah Ferguson who married into the Windsor family.
Possibly connections to Vladimir Putins daughters, Bob Carr australian politician, Iggy Azalea Australian singer, illegal immigration by submarines? Why do Australians Bob Carr and Iggy Azalea looks so similar to Vladimir Putin?

...Such pornography prostitution websites are about are about violent homosexuals murdering boys via homosexual procurement networks...

e.g. Boys dont know that they are going to school with females involved in pornography and prostittution.
The murders of boys by homosexual procurement networks is a way for homosexuals/bisexuals/sodomites to accumulate females for themselves.
e.g. Donald Trump's involvement with the Miss World Beauty pageant where there are many females accumulated around Donald Trump has something
to do with Donald Trump's murders against boys/young males via Trump being involved in homosexual procurement networks.



from a neighbourhood of very inbred anglo-australians that have jewish connections.Tonic Collette's friends.
Toni Collette and her friends are fulll of genetic diseases from inbreeding.

Such neighbourhoods of anglo-celtics/anglo-germanics probably genetic problems such as proteus syndrome(Elephant man's gentic disease=John Merrick's genetic disease.
Such Ronald Biggs crime neighbourhoods probably genetic problems such as Proteus syndrome(Elephant man's gentic disease= John Merrick's genetic disease.

Ronald Biggs train robber was of Anglo-Dutch Boer facial appearance similar to the racist Apartheid South African regime 1948 which started ariund same time as modern israel and lasted decades into the 1990s.



Also, to mention that the Packer media family should be formally known to have profitted from male prostitution/child prostitution.

The Packer family resemble Romanian Mafia (Ceaușescu family), and the Romanian mafia are notorious because newspaper articles suggest the Romanian Mafia specialise in child prostitution.
New stories about James Packer and Crown Casino gambling corruption, are eupgemisms for child prostitutes or child prostitution madames befriending people who use Casino Poker machines.

and the Packer media family are connected to paedophile holidays to Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu generational-male-prostitute and Israeli Prime Minister:
paedophile holidays to Israel an activity which began the Gaza War, as Israeli paedophiles provoked trouble at the border of Gaza Palestine.


Everyday life in SA in the 1990s (Part 1)
Snowtown serial killings. This is the Snowtown ... 23/43Protesters hold an anti-poker machine rally at Parliament House in Adelaide 1992.
https://www.adelaidenow.com.au › Lifestyle



The mention of Star City Casino did not make any sense at the time,
a person's son did NOT visit Casinos.

research/information suggests the NSw Police were trying to lure a person's son into a Casino,
in a similar way to how the Etcell family were trying to lure a person's son into Picton Oval, near to where there are gas chambers in NSW Austral;ia.

the NSW Police corruptly favoured Hitler relatives.



Australian femle police officer was injurred overseas year 2023 because Australian police officers are corrupted by paedophilia and homosexual procurement network (injustices).

...and the serbian adventist church where joanna Jovanovic was a member, there were various Romanians who were members and visitors to Joanna Jovanivic's church: e.g. Peter Kelu and Jonathan Kelu -Kelu romanian surname.
Joanna Jovanovic is an seventh-day-adverntist paedophile who mixes with Romanian Mafia :

see information posted above
The Packer family resemble Romanian Mafia (Ceaușescu family), and the Romanian mafia are notorious because newspaper articles suggest the Romanian Mafia specialise in child prostitution.

pennhurst American nazi eugenics facility:

Pennhurst American nazi eugenics ideology remove people from society implies to remove them frpm the gene pool.

penhurst american nazi eugenics facility closed down in 1987 (It was closed down decades after the 1960s civil rights movement in the
USa)... anglo-celtic America does not care about nazi eugenics, america found a way to prolong eugenics experiments decades after the civil rights movement.

<--- relevent information to state in the context of involuntary cybernetic experiments in Sydney Australia. Anglo-celtic Australia does not care about nazi eugenics
...Australia has found ways to perpetrate nazi eugenics from 1995 past the year 2000..into year 2024, by Nazi doctor activity in Australia.

charges of NAZI EUGENICS against Australia

inhumane tracking experiments, racists terrorism against human nervous systems by male prostitutes enacting violent racial attacks and sodomite nazi doctor crimes by Australian doctors-
implantation of slave labour device technology into contact with human nervous system.

years decades of social isolation deliberately perpetrated by Australia, by racial violence and nazi doctor crime.Charges of nazi doctor crimes and nazi eugenics against Australia.

...and Australians have done such injustice against a heterosexual school dux...Australia is about completely ignoring c itizen's human rights through Australian doctors committing nazi doctor crimes.

" song1)deutschland deutschland uber alles -german nazi anthem , song2)english song -early one morning - how could you use a poor maiden so
.... similar sounding songs combined becomes combined song lyrics resembling "germany germany above all, how could use a poor maiden so "
the combined song lyrics seem to fit both song 1 and song 2.
<-- are these song lyrics this basis of the 1970s european common market which became the european union ?
An illegal trade in humans across the English channel . Possibly a euphemism for male prostitution, humans used for unnatural purposes "

some years ago, over the ground ionosphere network was occuring communications such as:

-"Nazism in youth employment" had something to do with Australia conspiring and perpetrating slave labour experiments.

"The European union had a way of reducing youth unemployment";
Did the European union/eec/european common market consider male prostitution as a solution to youth unemployment?
- but for people male prostitution is not a way to solve anything, some people dont want to tolerate homosexual corruption.

When western nations advertise women's issues, it is probably the gay liberation value system that is probably being advertised.
The gay lib/gay liberation movement from the 1970s seemed to be very much connected with themes of western society reverting to sodom and gomorrah/end of the western civilization.
They gay liberation movement produced homosexual criminals such as Harry Hay and Harvey Milk(politician homosexual).
[song about the use of poor maidens are possibly an earlier form of euphemisms about perverse cultures.]

There was an alliance between George Bush's CIA blowback and the European Union(EU) homosexual nazism which brought about the destruction of the WTC World Trade Centre towers in September 2001, to artificially foment war,
and to bring about a takeover of political parties around the world by the nazi lebensborn program.

Some have described the European Union(EU) as Hitler's United Europe by Stealth - or are they Ernst Roehm's United Europe by Stealth?

Question: Are news stories about Edward Heath(British Prime Minister) the Kincora Boys Home Britains side of the illegal trade of humans across the English Channel?

further information: around 1982-1983 in Sydney Australia school children were being invited to sing in a district choir. They sang from song books the lyrics something like: I am the music[a], come from Germany. I am the player all, are the players....give to me the zoom-pa-za! zoom-pa,zoom-pa,zoom-pa-za ! ....
ich bin die musik[a], kommen aus deutschland. ich bin die spieler, alles sind [die] spieleren ...

The tune of the song was a similar variation of 1)deutschland deutschland uber alles -german nazi anthem and song2)english song -early one morning - how could you use a poor maiden so

Some years later, was the success of music groups such as Ace of Bass based upon such tunes, which are probably nazi tunes, anglo-germanic nazixm tunes.

Early One Morning .... - RCM 1 Piano Repertoire

Deutschland über alles - Germany anthem during the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin

Joining the Common Market | Parliamentary Vote | European Union | EEC | This Week | 1971

[Edward Heath information - Edward Heath was British Prime Minister during the beginnings of the glam rock era - garry glitter, the sweet music groups .]
Glam rock, the Osmonds, power cuts, Edward Heath,...

and something more positive than anglo-germanic nazism, songs which occurred after world war 2, after the race war between Weimar Republic racist jews and Hitler era German nazis.

It is a balanced view, in the context the jewish racism that Benjamin Netanyahu Israeli Prime minister has enacted over the years, in Gaza Palestine and elsewhere.
Has modern Israel learned anything from the lessons World war 2?

It is balanced view to criticise jewish racism and german racism...Berlin used to be considered a very Jewish town during Weimar Republic Germany.
After World War 2, Jews never again mentioned Berlin as a very jewish town.

Cossacks in Berlin/Казаки в Берлине.



When citizens study to have paid work to support themselves,
what is the australian activity of male prostitutes violently attacking citizens,
and sodomite nazi doctors trespassing against people's nervous systems through implantation of cybernetic slavery devices,
and the australian society around wanting to have nothing to do socially with a citizen but they want to have something to do with a citizen's home?

[Australians are thieves and conspirers...Australians need to be charged by international law(nazi doctor crimes)
[Australians are thieves and conspirers...Australians need to be charged with slave labour experiments(Australians teachers made false promises about paid work)
Australians need to be charged with theft conspiracies against homes]




The news story about paedophile Paul Ashley Smith(Don Rothwell double) is possibly Proteus syndrome families advertising their Sarmatian sodomy/prostitution activity in the Australian media.
The news story about paedophile Paul Ashley Smith(Don Rothwell double) is possibly Proteus syndrome families and the Romanian mafia/French connection mafia/sarmatian mafia advertising in the Australian media.

n Ridley Scott film maker is a member of a Homosexual Procurement Network as in Toni Collette a member of a homosexual procurement network.Toni Collette formed a friendship with Ridley Scott.
The western media has made hints about Kevin Spacey's homosexuality but the western edia has been too corrupt to mention ridley Scott as a homosexual procurement network member.
Ridley Scott British film maker who the western media likes portraying as an American is about homosexually murdering young males as a way to accumulate females for himself and to propagate proteus genetic disease problems.

[Enda Bannan Irish nazi doctor who has worked at Blacktown Hospital is a Ridley Scott double.

Some of Enda Bannan's medical colleagues involved in homosexual procurement network activity are:
Some Dr. Haig who has profitted from being portrayed as the villain in a recent Mad Max movie - Mad Max fury Road - the villain Immortan Joe that wants all the females for himself.
Dr Haig knows a corrupt policeman Chris from the AFP Australian Federal Police.

Some Dr. Sloss(Schloss?) who is a nazi lebensborn double of nazi concentration camp kommandant Josef Kramer
...Sloss is onnected to news stories about Mark Latham criticiing homosexual politician Alex Greenwich.Greenwich facially resembles Dr Sloss.]
English Translation of “SCHLOSS” (= Gebäude) castle; (= Palast) palace; (= großes Herrschaftshaus) mansion, stately home; (in Frankreich) château

Some Mr Leitch who is a corrupt magistrate/judge that is a member of a fake jesus brainwashing cult based upon veil of veronica faces.He facially resembles channel 10 traffic report helicopter pilot Brittany Gorrel.
Andrew Millet who went to school with Toni Collette was appearing on channel 10 and channel 7 television news as a helicopter pilot until descriptions of millett's corrupt character were made,
and why an epileptic such as Millett was piloting a helicopter, his epileptic fit problems could result in a helicopter crash.
Brittany Gorrel <---> Mark Guyyer's daughter and sex tape scandal <----> fake jesus brainwashing cult based upon veil of veronica relic: the cult is probably a sex-cult/death-cult (sodomy corruption cult)
Mark Guyyer was a Rugby league player in the Penrith Panther's team that keith leyshon and greg leyshon played for.
[Leitch is possibly a sodomite boyfriend of Monique White and Genevieve White and their brother Aleister White <---> ALEXANDER WILON CULT mentioned by news stories as invovled in CHILD MURDERS.]

Leitch and the doctors mentioned probably have connections/membership in the Ku Klux Klan, as do the Sydney University lecturer(s) that they communicated with.

Blacktown local government politician Leo Kelly had a facial resemblance to John Merrick the elephant man, but Leo Kelly's proteus genetic problem was more recessive than John Merrick.
Leanne Cameron has f**ken-yuck genetics !
Louise Davis has f**ken-yuck genetics !
Kelly Mamo has f**ken-yuck genetics !
[They are from a neighbourhood of anglo-celtics with severe genetic problems.They have Jewish and Sarmatian connections.They are friends of Toni Collette.From a neighbourhood with ugly scrawny inbred looking females.
Some kind of "suburban-hell-hole" area of Sydney , that migrant families are lured into and never supposed to emerge from. <--- description resembles the concept of a slavery area in Sydney.
Ronald Biggs crime syndicate families.]

the Catherine-Zeta-Jones double from Physics 1 labs Sydney University has f**ken-yuck genetics ! Disgusting genetics ! (She is a relative of Louise Davis. Is Marie Johns her name?)

They have John Merrick monsters hiding in their genetic codes.

...and so a person was justified in NOT speaking with Leanne Cameron when she appeared as a bank worker in Parramatta, because Leanne Cameron is a human rat with f**ken-yuck genetics !
and so is Joshua Cameron a human rat with f**ken-yuck genetics ! Leanne Cameron's brother Joshua has f**ken-yuck genetics and is a worthless racist,a person not worth being friends with, not worth talking to.

Leanne Cameron is a depraved women,a perverse woman. Her behaviour of appearing somewhere where a person did not want to meet her, was the behaviour of depraved person (sodomite women),
so a person did not speak with her.She was suspicious person, and estranged person.For all a person knew, Leanne Cameron could have become a mafia moll in the years after a person stopped playing in Jim Cameron's cricket team.
A person believed in freedom of association and acted correctly by not speaking with Leanne Cameron when she appeared as a bank worker in Parramatta.

Cricket coach Jim Cameron had some kind of delusions that a person might frequent Seven Hills Toongabbie RSL club to mix with the Aussie homosexuals/bisexuals bad characters there, but a person was never going to visit there.

There was a Kentucky Fried Chicken KFC fast food store across the side street from Seven Hills-Toongabbie RSL club. Wayne Brodie was making some kind of conspiracy by ordering chicken from that KFC and then eating chicken in front
of omembers of Jim Cameron's cricket team. Wayne Brodie was being a selfish Aussie, he did not offer any chicken to the members of Jim Cameron's cricket team. Wayne Brodie was making some kind of selfish display,
probably about conspiring to prevent access to food.

Wayne Brodie <---> KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken fast food conspiracies<---->Dorothy McMartin scandal & KFC fast food stores and underground tunnels(drug tunnels near borders, abduction tunnels)
RSL Club(returned servicemen=soldier families/military families) <---> underground tunnels.

Australia must be charged by international law - breach of Geneva Convention article 147.

It is deduced hat Australian culture is about luring people's sohs out of the home, as a way to for homosexuals to ritually harm or ritually murder people's sons.

...which they possibly term a "count-down" of luring people's sons out of their homes, or conspiracies to force people's sons out of their homes.

Australia is about committing nazi doctor crimes against people;s sons, so that sons dont have peace in their homes. Australians are about bothering people's sons behind the backs of parents.
Anglo-celtic Australian culture doesnt care about the parents right to know. Aglo-celtic culture does not care about the next-of0in's right to know.

Australians could be described as homosexual paedophiles (paedophile homosexual nazis)

Australia must be charged by international law.

Sydney University Physics corruption<-----> paedophile activity by Mandelbrot and his doubles

[In the physics computer labs during lunch time some physics students were interested in Fractals from Chaos Theory, and they were playing the civilization computer game on computers.
Chaos theory was very much in the science media at the time, but Sydney University did not formally teach Chaos theory.
Mandelbrot was a chaos theory researcher.]

Mandelbrot and his doubles (chaos theory themes)<--?-> Dunblane Massacre 1996

One of the physics lecturers resembled the later killer from the Dunblane massacre.
That lecturer taught plasma physics physics in the computer room, but later the plasma physics computer modelling programs disappeared and were replaced by Quantum Mechanics computer modelling programs.
That lecturer maybe was a relative a physics student named Elizabeth(further information about conflict-of-interest corruption in the Sydney University physics department).

That lecturer was also teaching astronomy/Astrophysics and maybe he was occupying another lecturer's room - Lawrence Cramm's office? aybe he was acting as a relief teacher/relief lecturer for Lawrence Cramm.

George bush and the wood mafia: Romanian Mafia , Kashmir mafia <----> resources (wood, coal ,oil).

George Bush and Bulgarian-Jewish mafia personage Boyko Borrisov (Bulgaria-Romania <----> Kashmir:mountain wall of the Himalayas.)
Hillary Clinton and Dominique Strauss Kahn from the IMF World Bank/International Monetary Fund : United Nations corruption.

Boyko Borrisov and Domonique Strauss-Khan are doubles of each other.

George Bush--- Romanian Mafia(wood mafia)---------
Jewish Mafia --- Khazarian Mafia(Frankist Sabbateans)
Bulgarian Mafia

Haliburton oil company and USA Bases in Bulgaria and its neighbouring countries <---> IMF World Bank corruption.

IKEA Store Marsden Park(Wood Mafia corruption-Romanian Mafia-illegal immigration ?KAshmir to Romania)--- Kashmir(wood mafia)---Himalayasb---Tibet(Uma Thurman's family)----Uma Thurman (Hamburg Terrorist Cell=Osama Bin Laden's terrorists)
IKEA Store Marsden Park ------ Lindt Chocolates factory marsden park ---- Lindt Cafe Seige year 2014 in Sydney CBD: wood mafia connections:Romanian Mafia,CIA,Osama Bin Laden sheltered in Kashmir when Americsns bombed Tora Bora Caves Aghanistan ... George Bush and the American CIA were protecting Osama Bin Laden in Kashmir.

Donald Trump and Imran Khan met and discussed information about Kashmir - Imran Khan was later jailed, and Trump has become a convicted felon criminal but Trump has not been jailed.
Was Imran Khan jailed over Bush's connections to Osama Bin LAden terrorism CIA Blowback, but both Trupm and Imran Khan are silent about the corruption for their selfish reasons?
Imran Khan has been jailed but the groups that jailed him dont know to ask him about George Bush's corruption with Kashmir and the Romanian mafia, and the USA Department of Justice does not know to ask Trump about Bush's corruption,
or the USA Department of Justice has not wanted to ask Trump about Bush's Kashmir/Romania corruption for selfish reasons?
----- NSW Police officers Guyeregger and P Smith have a corrupt connection to the Lindt Cafe Seige that occurred in the Sydney CBD in December 2014...There is a Lindt Chocolate factory on Hollingworth Road Marsden Park near an Ikea store, which is near a Mosque visible from Richmond Road...It is on Richmond Road down the road from Blacktown...Blacktown Hospital has been doing braiwashing experiments...Man Monis had some connection to the Mosque n Marsden Park.
They have tried to cover up information about their corruption,witch covens involved in ritual prostitution,illegal immigration,illegal experiments agaiinst humans.
NSW Police officers Guyeregger and P Smith are homosexual paedophiles that wear police uniforms. They are corrupted by the kind of illegal immigration that occurs in music videos to do with the Romanian Mafia and Serbian mafia:

eldzhei and feduk rosovo vino
[This video resembles the Streets around Marsden Park/Colebee, on the way to a New Golf Course. It has to do with illegal immmigration by the Wood Mafia in Romania.The Serbian mafia are allied with Romanian Mafia.
It is the kind of illegal immigration that Serbian Adventists David Stefanovic and Milan terzic are involved in...Also Richard Benkovic who is not an Adventist...Rosovo Vino means Red Wine like the UB40 song Red Red Wine.
There are themes of illegal immigration by Submarines.
One of Richard Benkovic's relatives/doubles was working for a Hardware and General store that used to be on Vardys Road Kings Park/Marayong.Richard Benkovic have a connection to the Wood Mafia, Hardware stores ...]

Singer Eldzhei resembles Richard Benkovic and his relative/double who worked at Hardware and General.

Cleopatra Stratan‬ - Numar pan'la unu

Cleopatra Stratan Zunea zunea <----- This Romanian Language music video sounds Jewish, subliminals of the Simon Bar Kokhbar Rebellion , and Noah's ark themes: Romanian Mafia <---> Jewish Mafia , Benjamin Netanyahu

Cleopatra Stratan - Zunea Zunea covering by EMBUN TABINA (Live @Centro Margo City)
[Romanian Mafia connection to Indonesia, near Australia]

Trupa The Mood x Cleopatra Stratan - Zunea Zunea | #CoverByOriginal
The older Cleopatra Stratton (singer in the middle) resembles Elton John and paedophiles in Summerland Crescent Colebee/Marsden Park across Richond Road from the Ikea Store and Lindt chocolate Factory.
She is wearing Elton John Glasses in some of her other music videos.

Did that paedophile family from Summerland Crescent visit Morgan Power Reserve grassy playing fields on Vardys Road and Kingslangly Shopping centre to set up a murder conspiracy in years 2019 and 2020 ?

that paedophile family from Summerland Crescent have a resemblance to the female in the pink ballet uniform in music video:
Jubël feat. NEIMY - Dancing In The Moonlight
.. and there are Jenny Harris resemblances in the Summerland Crescent paedophile family...The mother resembles Jenny harris, her 2 daughters resemble the female in the pink ballet clothing and they have an an older double.

Resemblances to a Toni Collette movie "Little Miss Sunshine".

Little Miss Sunshine: Loser (Short)
Little Miss Sunshine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWyH_twcMl0
Little Miss Sunshine

P smith NSW police officer is corrupted by the summerland paedophile group. The NSW police are considered a service of the Governmental system in Australia.The paedophilia has Australian Governmental connections.
The Sumerland Crescent paedophile conspiracies occurred during the time that Scott Morrison was Australian Prime Minister. Scott Morrison is a former NSW Policeman.

Australia needs to be charged by international law - brach of article 147 , and various other charges could be applied: charges to do with Ku Klux Klan racial discrimination to do with child prostitutes in Shopping Areas.

Summerland Crescent is next to Greenway Village Shopping Centre(Colebee) across Richmond Road from IKEA store and Lindt Chocolate Factory Mardsen Park.
Greenway is the name of a political/governmental electorate. Politician Michelle Rowland has been representative of Greenway Electorate in recent years. Louise Markus used to be the member for Greenway.
Louis Markus some resemblance to Tiffany O'dea who married David Stefanovic(Serbian Adventist). Michelle Rowland some resemblance to Glen Kennewell who lived in same neighbourhood as Douglas Jeremic cousin of David Stefanovic.

Serbian Adventist Joanna Jovanovic is from a family to do with brainwashing experiments, Kentucky Friend Chicken and McDonalds Fast Food stores <-->Dorothy McMartin paedophile scandal<->Clinton and Monica Lewinsky<-->Brittany Higgins.

[Brittany Higgins asked Scott Morrison if he was for women...Brittany Higgins asked Scott Morrison if he was for women discriminating against heterosexual men...if he was for homosexuals discriminating against heterosexual men.
...if he was for homosexuals committing homosexual crimes/ritual sex as a way to discriminate against heterosexuals]<--- Safe Base homosexual corruption, Generational-Male-Prostitution system(Australia)

NSW Police officer P Smith suggested that he knew the public toilets well (near the Ikea Store).
P Smith is a NSW Police officer who has probably committed homosexual crimes against the migrant families who attend the Mosque near the IKEA store, and Man Monis took revenge by killing anglo-Australians in the Lindt Cafe Seige 2014.

Man Monis was facing 40 charges by Australian women in a court case before the enacted the Lindt Cafe Seige 2014. The news stories suggest ritual sex corruption by Australian women (possibly Witch Coven corruption).

The information suggests:MKULTRA/QK-HILLTOP Brainwashing Experiments in Sydney Australia (generational-male-prostitution system is Australia):
the perverse desires of Anglo-australians to enslave,homosexually harm,ritually murder heterosexuals
is connected to involuntary cybernetic experiments in Sydney Australia.(nazi doctor crime/medical attrocities/jeffrey-dahmer-sytle-medical-crimes/biological experiments-breach of geneva convention article 147)
Australia must be charged by international law - breach of article 147 of the Geneva Convention.

Singer Katy Perry is a double of some pornography model (julia taylor?).
[Nazi Lebenborn program doubles and pornography.]

The corruption extends into Australian politicians Julie bishop and Mikaela Cash.
[see information about politician Bronwyn Bishop and her daughter angela bishop having South American nazi base connections (Eva Peron)

Politicin Tony Abbott said he liked Katy Perry.

Katy Perry probably terrorism connections to Isis/isil/islamic state organisation hinted in her dark horse music video where she is said to portrays herself as Cleopatra.


i Amway is a pathway to spaceship earth satanists (Alice Bailey, Charles,Buckminster fuller Leadbeater ideology) and nazi space programs/secret space programs such as Project Orion.

Barbara Hubbard(World Future Society,Project Orion,Biosphere I and II)----Betsy Devos----Richard Devos (Amway) | L Ron Hubbrd founder of World'slargeet UFO cult | Jack Parsona satanist that worked for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory --- Project Orion
This information is possiby connectd to Tupperware financial collapse yesterday.Tupperware plastic products were a word-of-mouth organization.

About FTX cryptocurrency financial collapse and Bitcoin as a crytpocurrency based upon a cybernetic slavery agenda.

FT cryptocurrency collapse:

The founder Sam-Bankman-Fried has probably a slave labour connection to Hong Kong a former British Colony until year 1997, food companies such as Franklin and Jewels.
[Mariana PAvlek and Zachary Etcell's female cousin were casual workers at such food copanies in Australia that originated with the British Colonialism in Hong Kong.

Sam-Bankman-Fried a connection to investment organizations advertised at Blacktown Workers Club.

Sam-Bankman-Fried facial resemblances to Marios Parrmatta who was medical student at Sydney University, a member of the Boston Church of Christ religious cult,and possibly a student of Peter Haertsch.

during the 1990s Peter Haertsch had an consultation office in Blacktown that looked out onto the entrance of Westpoint Shopping Centre where the violent racial attack(attempted murder) occurred on 21/06/1995.
His office was in the same building as Jewel food store.his office was on level 2 of the building, and there was a further muder conspiracy by Peter Haertsch and racists that he knows to throw a person down
from the level 2 walkways down to level 1(ground)
Peter Haertsch possibly described himself as a Philanthropist that donates money to charity, but that was a mirage for Peter Haertsch making money by murdering people and then further conspiring ways to launder money.

[Sam Bankman Fried is described as Philanhropist. it is not known whether or not he conspires against peoples lives.]

Sam-Bankman-Fried facial resemblances to Justin Trudeau Canadian Prime Minister(Ewan Cameron's Montreal Experiments) and Robyn Williams actor (Good Morning Vietnam movie, Millennium Man movie with Robot/Cybernetic themes.)

FTX probably a crypto-currency possibly said to regulate the price of Bitcoin: FTX cryptocurency designed to act like a sacrificial anode that prevents a ship from rusting.
FTX probably was a crytocurrency designed to be sacrificed to keep Bitcoin afloat as a cybenetic slavery agenda currency.

Australian man Craig Wright’s claim he invented bitcoin to be considered by UK court

Craig Right has some connection to Gordon suburb of Sydney Australia where Robert Saunders worked for Bost engineering company (bost.com.au) 1998- 1999 before he took a plane trip to Saudi Arabia.
Also Richard Collins Sydney University lecturer probsbly has some work connection to Gordon via company that manufactures glass products.

Slave labour device injustice situations only occur in cultures/nations that are corrupt in a no-redeeming-qualities way, societies/ultures/nations that need to be permanently condemned.

Some group discovered how corrupt Australia is, and made slave labour device technology, and slave labour is being used in Australia.

Australia would rather sacrifice human lives away than to say how corrupt it is.

There are many men, women and children in Australia that entertain themselves with conspiracies of heterosexuals becoming victims of homosexual crimes - groups of homosexuals/bisexuals/sodomites who violently attack heterosexuals
in the manner of converting heterosexuals into homosexuals or ritually murdering heterosexuals.

[..and since the invention of slave labour device technology around the 1970s,there are many men, women and children in Australia that entertain themselves with committing nazi concentration medical crimes against citizens,
and then dragging on such nazi concentration medical crimes over years decades.]

A person's older cousins were corrupted in such a manner, and person's mother was corrupted in such a manner...the mother probably died selfishly lived out her life and died without revealing the
nazi concentration camp medical crime committed against her son, the older cousins are still living and need to be charged by international law and executed.

Australia is not civilized, Australia makes counterfeits mirages pretence at being civilized.
Australia is not christian, Australia makes counterfeits mirages pretence at being a judeo-christian culture.
Australia is not humane, Australia makes counterfeits mirages pretence at being humane.

Australia is a homosexual nazism culture,Sodom and Gomorrah culture that needs to be condemned by pressing international law charges.





See also information about the corruption racism identity theft by the Russan Embassy in Sydney NSW Australia in year 2003 which resulted in the Beslan Massacre in Russia 2004
posted some weeks ago

See also information about Michael Kostic from the brotherhood gang being a fan of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure film(s).





Peta Jakes possibly a prostitution madame nazi within the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

Such ceriminals possibly advertised in the media around year 2004 2005 in "Basement Jax" music videos, and some years later the music group Jax Jones became an offshoot or competitor of such music videos.
Possibly a crime syndicate of nazis prostitutes mafia within the Seventh Day Adventist church, connected to the Nazi Lebensborn program.

Nearby the area described, Mark Virgona works as a spray painter for Rae's Graphic Signs. Originally Rae's Graphic signs was on the other side of the busy road, next to Scott Herman's home.
Rae's graphic signs used to have a loudspeaker, something like the loudspeaker in the advert for NEC Computers with Mr Okimura character in a television advert.
Rae's graphic signs is possibly a CIA front company(USA Bases in South Korea) that is present in Sydney Australia.

...Tom Craig is the name of the Australian Olympian Hockey player arrested in Paris in 2024.


blagoje stefanovic ----- Romanians[ john merrick monsters in their genetics]

\ / bulgarian prostitutes(male and female prostitutes) ------------------------bulgarian music industry george bush
[the bulgarian music industry has themes of women who enslave men,
and silovan men: men sexually forced to by homosexuals.
The bulgarian music industry found out information about Australian women and Seventh Day Adventists]

the Stefanovic Family are about sending romanian mafia at people to murder people, and the bulgarians are somehow hidden(sometimes the bulgarians appear on the internet and they start mentioning the nickname "sliv"(slivaitets=plumber))
e.g. Dumitru Evgeniu is a Romanian Mafia homosexual(pretend christian,Seventh Day Adventist). dumtru evgeiu was visiting the stefanovic stefanovic family in his small car, and stefanovic introduced Dumitru Evgeniu to people.

Medical doctor Enda Bannan's homosexual procurement network connections probably includes male prostitutes from the Iron Maiden fanclub.
Iron Maiden is a music group that travelled on a "World Slavery Tour - probably meaning a "Third World Slavery tour" -(Developing World Slavery tour).
e.g. Mert Nay is probably a fan of Iron Maiden, as is Ralph Quitadamo, as is Douglas Jeremic the cousin of David Stefanovic.

When there are people from migrant groups interacting in Australian society,the male prostitutes like appearing with their Iron Maiden t-shirts.
T-Shirts with racist art work:art work that is about dehumanising migrant groups who anglo-Australians want to consider as members of the third world nations(developing world nations).
The music,art work,and stage performances by Iron Maiden music group look like they have connections to American Ku klux klan, and racist American industrialist families that met at d Island during the 1920s and formed
the American Federal Reserve as a way of making money from people's suffering. The Jeckyll Island meetings have Baphomet Worship themes, themes of creating Frankenstein's monsters <--->racism developed into Hippocampal Neuron Patterning

Durng live performances, Iron Maiden display monsters on stage similar to Alice Cooper's teenage frankenstein concert stage performances.
<---> The Columbine massacre 1999 in the USA possibly has a connection to the Iron Maiden Fan club, and the Alice Cooper and Marilyn Manson fan clubs.
Songs such as Push It by Shirley Manson, Coma White By Marilyn Manson,Teenage Frankenstein by Alice Cooper ,and Iron Maiden song by Iron Maiden during their World Slavery Tour.
Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden / World Slavery Tour / Rock in Rio - Rio de Janeiro - 1985

years later, Marilyn Manson song Raise the red flag seems to be popular in Russia during the 2023-2024 war in the Ukraine. --------------------------------------------------------------

Australians are about finding ways to communicate secretly with people that they racially hate.

If it was made public the kind of language that Australians like to use in secret toward to people they racially hate(when people have no witnesses), then many people would discover that Australians are not civilized.

Australians are about making counterfeits mirages pretence at civilization. Australians are about making counterfeits mirages pretence at racial tolerance.

Australians are hypocrites: Australian politicians publicly talk about the need of other nations to follow Human Rights laws, while Australians act in a contrary racist way toward people who have no witnesses.

When Australians are alone they act in one way (seemingly friendly), but when they are with their racial group around themselves, they behaviour becomes different and unfriendly.

When Australians waste people's time via conspiracies of finding ways to communicate secretly with people they racially hate, Australians possibly use terminology of telling people what Australians really think of them,

but that is misleading terminology. Australians are a degraded perverse culture that deliberately likes using racist terminology when secretly speaking to people. It is not telling people what Australians really think,

it is about Australians wanting to drag heterosexuals down to the degraded level of how Australians are behind people's backs. Australians are a degraded buggery(sodomy) culture.




nationalism antichrist system and nationlistic flags

nationalistic flag(flag worship), nebuchadnezzars statue 60 cubits high in Daniel chapter 3 ands its similarity to racists worshipping a nationalistic flag on a flag pole.
[racists, nazis, nazi collaborators,nazified people who have become so corrupted they dont care about human rights, they dont care about nazi doctor crimes,
and they are about worshipping nationalistic flags(idolatry) and they are about doing injustice.]
[60 cubits possibly about 90 feet]

> nationalism is part of an antichrist system(unchristian/inhuman behaviurs,abject selfishness behaviours) which racists want to occur from one generation to the next,
if you are not nationalistic about your country, the nationalistic systems in other countries result in a situations where other nations dont want to do or say something
when your country puts your life into a pit and doesn't want to ever let your life out of a pit. e.g pits of discrimination,racism, racial hatred such as nazi doctor crimes.

the abject selfishness of australian culture. selfishness of australian culture is below the normal standards of human decency and dignity.
<---- Australia is a modern day sodom and gomorrah. Australia makes counterfeits of civilization: Australia is not civilized.

Australia must be condemned by international law chharges.
<-----breach of geneva convention and the nuremberg code.

Some people dont need to be nationalistic about Australia, because Australia is a racist f__ked-up-the-arse nation(against nature) that makes hints about its perversion by Australians calling each other silly buggers.
Buggers are sodomites. Some people were brought up to live natural lives and cannot be nationalistic.

Australia says it has a freedom of religion law article 116 of the Australian constitution. Australia has not cared about its constitution, so Australia must be charged by international law.

...nationalistic flag(flag worship), nebuchadnezzars statue 60 cubits high in Daniel chapter 3 ands its similarity to racists worshipping a nationalistic flag on a flag pole...

[racists, nazis, nazi collaborators,nazified people who have become so corrupted they dont care about human rights, they dont care about nazi doctor crimes,
and they are about worshipping nationalistic flags(idolatry) and they are about doing injustice.]

[racists, nazis, nazi collaborators,nazified people who have become so corrupted they dont care about human rights, they dont care about nazi doctor crimes, their only purpose is to make counterfeits of heterosexuality.

[racists, nazis, nazi collaborators,nazified people who have become so corrupted they dont care about human rights, they dont care about nazi doctor crimes,
their only purpose is to propagate their generational-male-prostitution system, via sacrificing the lives of heterosexuals.

Their only purpose is to make counterfeits of heterosexuality to perversely generate their next generation of sodomites...based upon their perverse activity they want their offspring to be born out of their behinds.
Maybe sometimes their sodomite males miss the behind the sodomite females and so they beget offspring from their shameful sodomy behaviours.

...and they are about ritually murdering heterosexuals to prevent heterosexuals producing offpsring. It is NOT respectable how Australians produce families. Australia needs to be formally condemned as a Sodomite culture.

their only purpose is to make counterfeits of heterosexuality but they are not heterosexuals(they are sodomites)]

About Miss Crowley(art teacher) who worked with Mrs K Byrne(art teacher),Andrew Taggart(mathematics teacher), Mr Notley-Smith(art teacher) and Neal Winter(art teacher) in Sydney Australia:
Miss Crowley possibly has the appearance of a Zorastrian priestess and she is from a satanist family (Crowley).
Miss Crowley (art teacher) possibly has the facial appearance of a Zorastrian priestess which is how she became involved with the Taliban terrorist organization. Miss Crowley resembles Paula Bun sign language interpreter that was seen together with Scott Morrison during the Coronavirus World Epidemic.
The Taliban means "The Teachers".

A description of how Zoroatrian religion was founded and developed:
Probably,in ancient times,when women from cultures to the north of Parthia became corrupted they were expelled from their society and they became Zoroastrian priestesses in Parthian cultures.

American CIA spies were involved in training the Taliban before te events of 2001.September 2001 has been described as CIA blowback activity. See information about George Bush being a mass murderer against his own people.

Northern Cyprus, a country that is rarely reported to exist, possibly a significant information to do with slavery activity in Sydney Australia. e. The turkish cypriot man that calls himself greek,several turks that lived in
theneighbourhood - Ali Haaki, Murat Kol,Levenne Kol...the eath of Hussan Dustan in 195 and the Turkish man that worked after him at Auto Ezy Wreckers company.
(song by Portugal. Hints of CIA Front Companies , and brainwashing UFO cults? )


Donald Trump is George Bush's connection to the European Union.

[Both George Bush CIA Blowback and European Union Hitler's/Roehm's United Europe by Stealth agenda had a connection to the September 2001 terrorism against New York City USA.

Donald Trump(American businessman, American Politician)<---- Federica Mogherini(European Union)
<---probably related to--->Brenden Nelson(Australian Medical Association,Australian Politician)

...they are from perverse families that intermarry with each other...There was a Brenden Nelson double at a protest in Australia about an Irish court Case.
A female Brenden Nelson double facial similarity as though she could be his sister or his cousin. The protesters were dressed in their underwear.It was a news story reported on Australian news channels.



About the connection of slave labour experiments(involuntary cybernetic experiments to radiation experiments & project sunshine :

rust online game <----> guatanamo bay (detention camp = modern-day-concentration-camp in the becoming)

guatanamo bay/cia prisons/ modern concentration camp slavery technology ---- -nuclear submarine slavery ------ radiation experiments
nuclear powered aircraft carrier slavery
slavery to do with sea vessels that are able to stay at sea for years without refuelling.
sea vessels which are difficult to investigate about slavery because they are all-at-sea for long periods of time.
USS Enterprise 1956 first nuclear powered aircraft carrieor <-----> Enterprise Star Ship Startrek slavery themes(Cybernetic implants/Borg Implants)
Kelso Cochrane Death 1959 <------------------> Zephram Cochrane startrek character.(fake jesus cult based upon Veil of Veronica relic= Aryan Persian/Iranian Jesus face)
Note that Project Sunshine is about body snatching/abductions in an anglo-celtic cultures such as America,Australia,Britain.
similar activity to the Nazi Lebensborn program abductions.

Project Sunshine probably also about illegally experimenting against unwilling people and then conspiracies to cover up such experiments by body snatching/abduction /making missing persons

Project sunshine <---> illegal trade in cadavers(corpses) tat has been occuring in Sydney Australia.<----> 2017 news story about pathology companies and identity theft syndicates(Blacktown Centrelink=Government Social Security).

Liliana Pavlek and her brother Tom were visiting their uncle's home/household while they were very much involved in the conspiracies of Mark Virgona who has lived in the same neighbourhood as their uncle's home/household.
Their mother Kata maybe saw the rock musical Tommy, and then she sent her offspring Tom and Liliana to visit in a conspiratorial manner.

Liliana Pavlek(woman with facial resemblance to male homosexual singer Boy George)---Boy George comments about(He does not consider himself a homosexual,he has sex at home)----Mark Virgona's Thailand homsoexual-sex-holidays at home
[Mark virgona made homosexual sex holidays to Thailand, then he conspired to make Thailand sex holidays at home by marrying a Thailand wife and getting one of his homosexual friends to biologically beget conceive Jordan Virgona.
Then Mark Virgona raised Jordan Virgona as a his son.

[and jordan Virgona has a younger brother. Jordan Virgona and his Thailand wife lived together for a period of time,and then separated. Jordan Virgona stayed with Mark Virgona,
and Jordan Virgona's younger brother stayed with Mark Virgona's Thailand wife ]

Kata the mother of Llliana Pavlek ------ Dorothy McMartin Scandal.

Kata the mother of Llliana Pavlek ------ Andrew Millett <-- probably related to-----> Mark Virgona,Adam Burne,Peter Rogers dance instructor.

Mark Virgona (a racist Tommy messiah, associated with advertisement of rock musical Tommy) <--------> Liliana Pavlek's brother is named Tom.
[Tommy Messiah's --Orde Wingate and the Cambodia Genocide, Lawrence of Arabia, ....]





...- Witches and Amish, assemble!

Amish show up to support black lives matter protest


Politicians Kristina Keneally portray herself as a christian but secretly she is a sadistic satanic homosexual woman who follows an ideology of converting people's heterosexual sons into homosexuals/sodomites.
Secretly Katrina Keneally is secretly a homosexual religionist - homosexual religion is something very evil. By making counterfeits homosexual religion can infiltrate various moralistic religions.

Her ideology is something resembling that she supports people's heterosexual sons being continually provoked by homosexuals.

When people's sons are provoked by homosexuals, they often resist the provocation. When heterosexual sons resist being provoked,Christina Keneally possibly describes that as people's sons "arguing back and forth"
against the generational-male-prostitution system that is associated with anglo-celtic culture in nations such as USA, Britain, USA.

Her ideology is something resembling that to commit a crime that adversely affects the home life a heterosexual household
is a way to stop heterosexual sons from "arguing back and forth" against the provocation of homosexuals/male prostitutes/s

Her ideology is something resembling that to commit a crime that adversely affects the home life a heterosexual son, a crime that keeps bothering and bothering the home situation of a heterosexual household
is a way to stop heterosexual households from resisting the generational-male-prostitution system associated with anglo-celtic culture.
i.e Secret ideology that crimes that adversely affect the home life of heterosexuals are a way for anglo-celtic culture to send a mafia style message to heterosexual households
that the anglo-celtic society is NOT tolerant of heterosexual cultures/migrant families.

Her ideology is something resembling that once such a crime is committed, a crime that
the back-and-forth argument activity moves from the realm of social settings such as shopping area, workplaces , places of learning.
...anglo-celtic cultures are selfish - nations such as Australia USA Britain dont not want to care what citizens have to say about crimes that are a way to remove citizens from the society,
that are a way to remove citizens from the gene pool(Nazi eugenics). Nations such as Australia Britain USA dont care about anti-racial-discrimination laws & Geneva Convention.Such nations are about making counterfeits mirages pretence.
Anglo-celtic culture wants the homosexuals to inbreed to produce the next inbred-incest-sh*t generation. Anglo-cetic celture does not want the heterosexuals to breed.

Her ideology is something resembling that to commit a crime that adversely affects the home life a heterosexual son, a crime that keeps bothering and bothering the home situation of a heterosexual household,
crimes that keep bothering a heterosexual household afterward, such as crimes of medical nazism(nazi doctor crimes),
are a way to stop heterosexual households from resisting the generational-male-prostitution system associated with anglo-celtic culture.

It is probably ideology associated with homosexuals/buggers/sodomites that observe the society from safe base homosexual tourism venues, poofter parlours and similar meeting places of perverse people.
Perhaps connected to terminology such attachment theory. Homosexuals attaching themselves like leeches to the lives of heterosexuals, so that heterosexuals dont have peace in anglo-celtic cultures.

Anglo-celtic culture is not civilized. It makes counterfeits of racial tolerance, counterfeits of cultural tolerance, so it is not tolerant.

Christina Keneally has a connection to the the Mandalay Bay massacre in Neva USA,politician Caroline Goodman,it has to do with Mandalay name being connected to the genocide of Pol Pot's regime in Cambodia
and the Anglo-Jewish Nazism of Orde wingate, and Aryan dog-man religion which is homosexual religion.

Christina Keneally is connected to homosexual depravity of book author-film star Thomas Keneally and Nick Tate in the 1970s version of The Devil's Playground film.
Nick Tate later starred in the tv series Space 1999 which was has an Alice Bailey satanist Space Ship Earth ideology.
In Space 1999 tv series, the space ship earth concept is modified into the Moon that becomes like a space ship.



Jeff Bridges(American actor)<--related to--> Iranian General Solemeini

Jeff Bridges(American actor)<--related to--> Iranian General Solemeini who died in 2020 a few days weeks before Covid-19 became a World Epidemic.
[Donald Trump murdered Solemeini as part of covering up an American baby adoption scandal whose trade routes go trough Iraq, Iran to Armenia.
Solemeini probably would have denounced Trump's illegal immigration corruption if he kept living.
During early 2020 the Armenian Patvakanyan baby adoption scandal was in the news, and news stories about Putin's corruption: children of American displomats being invited to Russian Embassies/Consulates.
..There were also news stories about Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya and the Magnitsky laws to do with stopping criminals making money from activities harmful to human rights
...It could be deduced that the Covid-19 was an artificially produced biological warfare pathogen deliberately release to prevent investigation of illegal trading networks involved in
injustices such as slavery/slave labour, illegal trade in humans, illict drugs. In year 2019 news stories began to appear about western companies profitting from slave labour in
regions along the silk Road such as Xinjiang Province Tarim Basin(Costco,Nike, Blackrock-Vanguard ] and the COVID-19 world epidemic made those news stories disappear..

[Jeff Bridges Co-star Jessica Lang is a hitler relative... hitler's favourite film connections.]

This information is posted because Westen cultures such as the USA have secret Aryan/Indo-European alliances with Iran (Persia) via Israel ().
Western culture is involved in racism triangles. Some countries are not suposed to exist as side 3 of a triangle. some countries exist but they are portrayed as enemies as side 2 of a triangle,
and some countries exist and are considered as allies as side 1 of a trangle. Iran is a member of side 2 of the racism triangle. Nations north of Iran are side 3 of the triangle and rarely appear in western news storoes.
Western news prefers to talk about Iran as an enemy nation instead of mentioning Nations to the North of Iran which western nations consider a greater enemy than Iran....Side 1 and side 2 have secret alliances with
each other which are a conspiracy to destroy side 3.While the western media hypocritically describes Iran as an enemy of western nations, western nations conspire to have secret alliances with Iranians against the nations
which are North of Iran and are seldom mentioned by the western media.

...Western nations conspire to have secret alliances with Iranians... Western Nations and Iranians are from Aryan culture/Indo-European culture.
e.g. The Shah of Iran who visited New York City in 1947 and had perverse sex with strangers in the underground corridors of New York City. (1947 was the beginning of the satanic new age.)
In year 1979, the Shah of Iran was deposed. The Shah of Iran took refuge in the USA.[Probably his 1940s corrupt tourism to the New York City USA had something to do with his being deposed and his refuge in the USA.]

Some cultures are so different to western culture that Donald Trump is not their friend, and General Solemeini was not their friend.
Some cultures are so different to western culture that Donald Trump is not their friend, and actor Jeff Bridges is not their friend
(Bridges resembles Benny from ABBA Scandinavian music group <----> Norway Nazi Lebensborn program).

some cultures are more natural than western culture.

Also to mention, the western nations hate the Third World,Developing World because the Third World/Developing World has nations which are more natural than western culture.

When mention is made of COVID-19 being an artificially produced pathogen, it does NOT mean that Covid-19 was synthesized in a test tube.
in similar way to how Napoleon's army was inoculating its soldiers to give them resistance against plague(s), decades before Louis Pasteur's vaccine research.

Vladimir Putin's fascist political regime in Russia is connected to 1950s 1960s Ossetian gangs in Britain England London.
[The Ossetian gang connections to Britain have secretly financed Vladimir Putin's regime.]

Ossetian gangster names such as Dzhako resemble British nicknames such as Jacko.




Toni Childs unfeminine method of singing.She sounds like a lesbian version of Joe Cocker.

Toni Childs - Many Rivers To Cross (1989)

If singer Joe Cocker became a butch lesbian female, he would sing like Toni Childs
<------ Did Toni Childs songs have something to do with actress Toni Collette advertising her sodomy prostitution?
Toni Collette became a television actress around the same time that singer Toni Childs songs began appearing in the western media

Toni childs sings like an australian unfriendly gangster moll that has been screwed up the behind many times and becomes like a man

Joe Cocker, "Many Rivers to Cross" on Letterman, Sept. 15, 1986 (st.)

Is Butch Lesbian corrupt policewoman Katrina Nichols related to singer Toni Childs?

Lilliana Pavlek has been described as such: an unfriendly gangster moll.
Liliana Pavlek came visiting her uncle's home and she did not want to reveal that she was becoming a gangster moll.
Probably Liliana Pavlek began exchanging sodomy favours with corrupt police officers.
Could Liliana Pavlek be mentioned in newspapers as some kind of crime figure in Blacktown ?

Liliana Pavlek's home home is near to where Anita Cobby was abducted by car, and near to wear a recent stabbing death has occurred.


Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses are both cults united by a heresy about the Archangel Michael being Jesus Christ.
[Heresy is an interpretation/teaching that is profoundly different to what is generally accepted by christian denomination.]

Their heresy about the Archangel Michael is something very negative.
It has something to do with groups of homosexuals within the Adventist Church and Jehovah's Witnesses getting together in groups and conspiracies to commit homosexual crimes against young males.

The groups of homosexuals within such churches start quoting verses about how they would be as a father to a younger male, and a younger male would be like a son.
Such a bible verse occurs in 2 Samuel 7:14 .

During the 1990s, Blagoje Stefanovic spoke in such a way when he was giving a car lift to someone's son,
and Lewis g Parker had an obsession with the books of Samuel and passages such as Saul and the Witch of Endor which describes a situation of ghosts of people who are still living - which could suggest that ghosts are NOT the souls of people who have died and instead are connected to demonic activity.

It could deduced that both Blagoje Stefanovic and SDA Pastor Lewis G Parker were both members of a group of homosexuals/bisexuals/sodomites/male prostitutes
within the Seventh Day Adventist church involved in comitting homosexual crimes against young males, and they probably knew homosexual criminals in the Jehovah's Witnesses.

... and Seventh day Adventist Marian Baraba was probably a member of the groups of homosexuals connected to the pretend angel cult activity
based around the heretical teaching to do with the Archangel Michael.






Australia must be condemned by international law charges-Australia follows a secret ideology it believes that people who have been brought up to be opposed to Ku Klux Klan can be forced to follow the selfish desires of Ku Klux Klan
by Australia inflicting nazi doctor crimes and continual cruelty against the lives of people who are opposed to the Ku Klux Klan.

[Implying that Australian culture is a corrupt culture that pretends to care about anti-racial-discrimination-laws but it doesn't care via behaviours of homosexuals/sodomites enacting ritual harm and ritual murders where
the Australia Parliamentary system becomes like a Ku klux Klan gathering.

Australia conducts such racist experiments via groups of racists who specialise in discrimination against old parents, conspiracies against old parents.

Old parents who are socially isolated and conspired against by their brothers or the corruption of brothers wives,
isolated and conspired against by ex-wives who become corrupted by the sodomite buggery society around
isolated and conspired against by death-oriented visitations by nephews and nieces who become corrupted by the sodomite buggery society around

Also, situations where a parent becomes ill and the child looks after the parent and becomes isolated from the society around, the Australian government is
about making modifications of such situations and inflicting social isolation and nazi doctor crimes against people's sons.

Sometimes the parent is healthy and deceived by the corrupted nephews and nieces that come visiting, and deceived by corrupted ex-wives,
the corrupted solicitor/lawyer system in Australia doesnt want to provide legal assistance to sons because Australian solicitors are screw-up-the-arse-corrupt racists...]

Australia must be condemned by international law charges because Australia because Australia does not care about the parents right to know.

Kata the mother of Liliana Pavlek ad Tom was conspiring Nazism behind backs since the 1950s, a conspiracy which is like a spring wound up over decades before the son born,
nazism which Australian Governmental system has allowed to slowly unwind in Australia.
The Australian Governmental system has allowed Nazism to occur in Australia over decades, so Australia is culpable and must be charged by international law.
Why do people in corrupted cultures sit back and watch male prostitutes develop their nazism over decades? Australia must be condemned as an uncivilized culture that is corrupted by
a generational-male-prostitution system. Australia is a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.


Australia must be condemned by international law charges-Australia follows a secret ideology it believes that people who have been brought up to be opposed to Ku Klux Klan can be forced to follow the selfish desires of Ku Klux Klan
by Australia inflicting nazi doctor crimes and continual cruelty against the lives of people who are opposed to the Ku Klux Klan.
<------ Australia is not civilized, Australia makes counterfeits mirages pretence . Australia must be condemned as a nation that causes unnecessary suffering to people.

isolated and conspired against by death-oriented visitations by nephews and nieces who become corrupted by the sodomite buggery society around
<------ Nationalists love the boys who became buggered sodomized by gang activity such as the Brotherhood Russian mafia gang, so Nationalists want force a person's son to be part of the gang corruption.by cruelty and discrimination.
Wasn't the education system supposed to be a way to avoid the problems of gangs? The Australian Education system should not be murdering/enslaving people's sons.

Richard Collins 1990s Sydney University physics lecturer needs to be condemned as a homosexual paedophile (baby killer).
Collins believes it that people's sons are "bested" by parents conspiring against sons. Collins believes it that some people's babies are "bested" by parents conspiring against babies.
Richard Collins believes it is competition where parents conspire against children who are not their own,where a corrupted mother conspired against her son,
where older cousins who became adults conspired against a younger cousin who was not an adult.

Richard Collins manner of conspiracy suggests that Collins has connections to the Ku Klux Klan in the USA/North America, and that probably he is associated with NAMBLA or a member of NABLA.

Collins has corruptly authored a book called "Lots of Scars" which could be a hint that he deliberately harms people's lives, that he is involved in ritual murder activity.





Alison Inverity = Alison Inverarity
