Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and
those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.
But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the
time of end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.
- Daniel 12:3,4

[Please note that religious language used here is not meant to offend.
It might be an effective way to transmit information,and for people to remember information.
So this website will try the parable approach to communicating technological information.
If combining naturalistic explanations with religious language offends you,please stop reading here.
Otherwise keep reading.]

[The Gospel of the Magnifying Transmitter.]

*[The good news about GEOMAGNETIC STORMS].

In the beginning were the SUN and the planet EARTH.

And ENERGY radiated from the Sun toward the earth: LIGHT and a flow of particles called SOLAR WIND.

And nature said 'let the earth have a MAGNETOSPHERE and an ATMOSPHERE,to shield the surface from the solar wind'.

Then nature created a constant flow of ELECTRONS from the GROUND into the ATMOSPHERE.
So was formed a negatively charged IONOSPHERE above, and the positively charged GROUND below.
*[Later science called the space between Ionosphere and Ground the SCHUMANN CAVITY].

And the VOLTAGE between IONOSPHERE and GROUND became great: 300 kilovolts.

So when the electrons in the IONOSPHERE oscillated in wave motion, waves were MAGNETICALLY INDUCED in the GROUND.
Both ionosphere and ground were weakly coupled via magnetic induction.

And the ionosphere oscillated. The solar wind collisions drove the ionosphere to RESONATE.
So the ionosphere was ringing like a bell,electrically,at its own natural frequency.Possibly 8Hz.

*[Later science associated this phenomenon with SCHUMANN RESONANCE].

Later nature created MAN in the image of divine wisdom,and gave him the powers of:
reasoning, symbolic thought, collective learning, & tool making.

So man inhabited the surface of planet earth.At first his learning was slow.

Human generations laboured tens of thousands of years to make simple discoveries:
a bone needle to sew clothes together,farming,metallurgy,etc.

But through COLLECTIVE LEARNING,each discovery was built on top
of previous discoveries.Man created civilization. And discoveries began accumulating at an exponential rate.

[But sometimes knowledge was lost when civilizations were destroyed.]

So man began to investigate the atmosphere,and learned
about the awesome energies involved in planetary weather events,
electrical storms,auroral phenomena.

And man began to wonder "Can heaven be brought to earth?
Can the awesome power in the atmospheric phenomena be brought down to the earth?"

And nature said "There will be delay no longer! Let the power of the Solar Wind particles be greatly magnified to become a Solar Storm.
So the earth will cry out to man that there is an ENERGY SOURCE here waiting to be discovered."

The year was 1859 AD.The auroras glowed so that night became like day.History called this the "Carrington Event".

And the ground cried out to man.The ground was normally a
power sink. But the SOLAR STORM turned the GROUND into a POWER SOURCE!

When the Telegraph system was turned off, the GROUND CURRENTS continued to power the Telegraphs.

Later science gave these ground currents a name: GEOMAGNETICALLY INDUCED CURRENTS..
*[ Geomagnetically Induced Currents (G.I.C.), EARTH CURRENTS , GROUND CURRENTS , or TELLURIC CURRENTS .]

The Solar Storm subsided.And normal Solar Wind levels ensued.
But then man asked "Can this RADIANT ENERGY(Solar Wind Energy) be artifically brought down to the ground?

So man invented the MAGNIFYING TRANSMITTER.And this was
a way to artificially produce G.I.C. in the ground. And it used the normal solar wind levels.

So the rare Solar Storms were not needed as an energy source.
The constant Solar Wind could be used as the energy source. But Solar Storms acted as the inspiration.

But then humanity followed the way of corruption.Perhaps Banking and Finance companies
monopolised the energy companies.So the MAGNIFYING TRANSMITTER became a forgotten technology,
and coal and oil remained dominant energy sources.

Now in the 21st Century the media tells us that Solar Storms are all bad.
We must spend millions of dollars to protect our frail Coal Electricity Grids against Solar Storms.

So the question remains: Will humanity wake up & remember the MAGNIFYING TRANSMITTER?
The story continues in the present day ...



This website contains interesting information and possibly important information about
alternative sources of energy generation (power generation).However, the author cannot
take any responsibility for any consequences which might result from people trying to research
and implement alternative energy generation technologies.

Please be aware that we live in a world that is controlled by vested interests that want to monopolise
resources which could be of benefit to humanity. The internet is probably much observed by such vested
interests and the people that serve them.


The internet should be a way for humans to greatly increase the level of scientific
knowledge and to also greatly increase the rate of scientific progress.




The discovery of the HIGGS BOSON indicates the significance of the MACH'S PRINCIPLE.

MACH'S PRINCIPLE theorises that the physically property of matter called INERTIA is gravitionally based...
that the value of inertia is based upon long range interactions between thte matter in different parts of the universe.

Newton's F=MA equation [originally stated in the form F=dP/dt iN Newton's Principia writings]

The value of inertia determines how quickly objects can accelerate in this universe.

modern science equates the value of inertia-of-an-object to the mass-of-an-object.

MACH'S PRINCPLE is a theory who consequences could result in discoveries which oppose or avoid the limitations of Einstein's relativity.

MACH SHIELDING is a sparsely known area of theory/research which seeks to find ways of decreasing the inertia of objects.
The discovery of the HIGGS BOSON particle on a microscopic scale, probably has relevance to MACH SHIELDING theory/research
which seeks to shield volumes of matter from interactions which occur on a long range macroscopic scale.
It is unlikely that current human technology will develop Stargate-style-wormholes to transport objects from one location to another.
wormholes are probably more about conveying signals not matter from one location to another.

MACH SHIELDING is a field of study that opposes or avoids the need for Einstein Relativistic Wormholes.

ideas about creating wormholes in relativistic space-time are probably more of a protest against the limitations that relativity puts upon western science, than serious research.

The discovery of the Higgs Boson, and mach shielding research provides hope of opposing or averting the limitations of einstein's theory of relativity.

Einstein's theory of relativity is for people who like to look at objects in the night sky that they will never visit in person.

Research such as Mach Shielding is for people who want to visit the objects in the night sky.




Proceed to:

[click here]

[note: if you click this link get an error, it is because your browser is requesting the webpage in https://.
Change the url https:// into http:// and the webpage will display properly. ]
Or use internet explorer.This website still seems to display properly in internet explorer.





If people are looking for the complementary(auxilliary) webspace titled "various people,groups,organisations",
that webspace was deleted without warning around 25/06/2019.

The information has been reposted at a new internet address(URL):


Another Link:

[Another Link]










[iron cube as the corner-stone(foundation stone) for a bigger cube]

Isaiah 28:16-17
So this is what the Sovereign Lord says:
“See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone,
a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation;

1 Peter 2:4-
As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him.
you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood,
offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
For in Scripture it says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone...












Andrew Millett is an Epileptic. Andrew Millett wears a hearing aid (resembles external cochlear implant)/.
Andrew Millett ---- Alistair White,Elisha Forth,Jason Gabb,Jason Vella,Peter Payne,Toni Collette(actress).

Andrew Millett is an inbred perverse racist who has probably conspired murder/slavery through learning about the technology connected to his disabilities.
Andrew Millett and Angela Morris have similar initials(names/initials) = A.L.M. and A.R.M.

"Steam-punk" genre <----->Clockwork Humans<-----> Cybernetic Slavery.
Steam-punk genre (Movie:"Wild Wild West") <-----> Clockwork Humans (Animatronic Abraham Lincoln & Disney,Dr Phibes and his clockwork music band) <-----> Cybernetic Slavery.
A clockwork orange (movie) = sodomite warriors that use racial violence as a method to turn other racial groups into clockwork humans(cybernetic slaves).

Concord supersonic passenger planes flying in the Stratosphere and Cosmic Rays damaging the biology of pilots and passengers.Cosmic Rays are high energy radiation & particles mostly from outerspace.
Joe Resnick and his "Interoral Electro-larynx" invention: Damage from Cosmic Rays in deep space would result in humans having to replace body organs. Astronauts turned into cyborgs during space voyages.



Lies about ancient aliens having visited earth are a genre founded by Erich Von Daniken.
Von Daniken is a businessman with Hotels originally. Von Daniken is a Bilderberg servant.
Bilderberg Society members are known to rent out whole hotel blocks during Bilderberg Meetings.
Hotels are connected with prostitution behaviours(ritual prostitution customs).

Similar authors such as Robert Shoch is possibly a relative of Elizabeth Windsor or England whose family are probably members of the Bilderberg Society (H.A.O. Armanen Orden)

The ancient alien agenda is part of Nazism agenda in modern times.Ancient Alien theories seek to dehumanise those human races that were the first civilizations.

Television adverts such as "Trivago" averts and actor/musician, Gabrielle Miller are probably the "Mossad Pimps" of the Bilderberg Society advertising their ritual prostitution activity.
i.e. Mossad pimps similar to Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein.


There is probably some connection between Majestic-12 research(MJ-12) and the Strategic Air Command(SAC).

MJ-12: Nuclear Starships to allow Anglo-germanic races to escape into outer space & depopulation/extermination(nuclear war) against other races(euphemistically referred to as anti-immigration).
<----- secret space program(Project Solar Warden), and coded language where some migrant races/some facial types are referred to as Outer Space Aliens.
<------>Aryan Baphomet Worship customs where ancient-civilization-facial types are surrounded by pretend friendly racists and then murdered or enslaved(racial-murders,eugenics,genocide,depopulation,anti-immigration)
Aryans(Inod-Europeans) stole civilization from races which were older and more technological advanced.

SAC: Nuclear Armed Planes flying 24 hours a day on a roster(rotated schedule).


SAC: Nuclear Armed Planes.
MJ-12: Nuclear Starships,Nuclear Powered Planes/Nuclear Armed Planes (Nuclear "Aerospace" Research)

Curtis LeMay(SAC:Strategic Air Command)
Curtis Le May similar face to actors James Stewart,Hal Holbrook,Lyndon B Johnson & Ladybird Johnson(Claudia Alta Taylor,Patillo,Patilloch)
Ladybird Johnson(Ladybird Patillo) <----> "Bird Dog" facial type (slang language,Roy Orbison[singer] facial type) probably Scottish-Hungarian-Finn-Portuguese Celts that consider themselves Hun descendants (Gemano-Celtics) inhabiting
Ireland/Scotland border lands(Dalriada) and maybe Blackburn Scotland <---- locations(passes,path bottlenecks?) probably part of illegal immigration routes.

The surname "Finn" occurs among Bird-Dog facial types.
[<-----> also Edward Teller(Hungarian? scientist in USA) among bird-dog facial types.surnames Boon,Edwards,Johnson similar facial types. <----> Operation Paperclip(Germany,Hungary)
1958 bird dog song:]

Curtis LeMay probably had connections to Turkish Armenian facial types like Jack Parsons,George Orwell.
George Orwell is a nom-de-plume, and his real surname was Blair.

Jack Parson was involved with "Aerojet-General Nucleonics" company and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
"Aerojet-General Nucleonics" company is probably Nuclear Starship research(Project Orion,Project Daedalus,British-Rail-UFO, Project NERVA).

"Aerojet-General Nucleonics" company is probably Nuclear Starship research,Nuclear Powered Planes,Nuclear Armed Planes.


Armenian facial types,Armenian Native Faith(genocidal racism), Armenians: Armenia was a member state of the Soviet Union.

There is a probability that Curtis LeMay and Jack Parsons were part of the circle of people who sold nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union in the 1940s and 1950s.

There is a probability that Curtis LeMay and Jack Parson were connected to activity of atomic spies David Greenglass,Klaus Fuchs,Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Gary McKinnon(in recent years leaked information about "Project Solar Warden"(Secret Space program,MJ-12) <---?--> Edward Snowden,Bradley Manning, Julian Assange.
McKinnon mentioned the "USS LeMay" as a starship name connected to the Secret Space Program.

Gary McKinnon <---?--> Edward Snowden,Bradley Manning(has become Chelsea Manning), Julian Assange. <------ They leaked Hillary Clintons emails and John Podesta's emails .
[Is the name-change Chelsea a hint that Bradley Manning has a connection to Hillary Clinton's daughter Chelsea ?
Are Hillary Clinton,Bill Clinton(William Blythe), Chelsea Clinton involved with MJ-12 research ?

Julian Assange <---?--->Andrew Peacock, Kevin Rudd (Australian politicians).
Is Julian Assange part of a circle of Australians,including Sydney University racists, who have sold atomic secrets to Iran and China ?

Is Bribie Island off the coast of QLD Australia a centre of MJ-12 activity ? <-----> magazine advertisement in year 1992 by Chaystens Besso.(Besso similar face to Curtis LeMay,James Stewart)
Bribie Island in Australia has possibly been brought out by wealthy foreigners and probably hosts "underground economy" activity (Project Hammer). <--- Like Thor's Hammer(Norse Religion/Paganism).
The animated film "Porco Rosso" has a plane with "H.A.O." on its wing (brief scene, difficult to detect) and Italian/mediterranean locations. <----> (HAO Armanen Orden, Celtic Cross Nazism )
Italy was an ally of Nazi Germany in World War 2.See information about Benito Mussolini.
The animated film "Porco Rosso" has faces similar to Jack Parson, Adolf Hitler. There is a character called Curtis with the face of Jack Parsons(Regehr, Torkich).
Does the film "Porco Rosso" have some connection MJ-12 genocidal racism ?







the activity of DARPA in Australia is probably connected to "THE INTERNET" coming to Australia in 1994.
In 1994, the internet was called "THE INFORMATION SUPER-HIGHWAY" .
The movie Stargate(1994) has something to do with murder/slavery conspiracies by DARPA.
Stargate was possibly the first movie website to advertise on the internet



Omega Antenna research/[G.W.E.N Antenna research] (published research)

Authors: [Edgar, R S] & [SILBEY, J H] . <----- Silbey sometimes spelled Silby
Year Published: 1986

Index Terms: Australia; Electronic equipment; Electronic navigation; Motor vehicles; Navigation; Omega navigation system
Subject Areas: Vehicles and Equipment.

Is such research connected with turning a human body into a vehicle for a listening device?
See information below: definitions of about slave labour. i.e. See 'THE CONCEPT OF SLAVE LABOUR IS CONNECTED TO SLAVERY'.
'The party of Lincoln: Abraham Lincoln of the Republican Party before the Civil War' by PROFESSOR J.H. SILBY <--- Is the same J H Silby or another J H Silby?
Are the Silby family a group of people that study 19th Century slavery and also modern ways to enslave people by using Antennas?

See various authors: [A.M. Vandenberg] [E.A. Essex] [K.J.W. Lynn] [JH Silby]...

This kind of technology (or similar technology) might be sometimes known as "Acoustically Sensitive Radio-telemetry" or A.S.R.T.
It is used to observe living things that roam around.It is used to 1)"Track" 2)"Listen in to" living things that roam around.

It is used to observe animals in the wild. Maybe it is used upon human beings sometimes in racist communities.
[Maybe A.S.R.T. is being used to conduct illegal experiments upon human beings in Australia]

Journal Article: "The effects of tooth wear on the activity patterns of free-ranging koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus Goldfuss)"
Authors: M. Logan and G. D. Sanson
Scientific Journal: Australian Journal Of Zoology
Scientific Publisher : CSIRO Publishing

The free-ranging activity patterns of five adult males and one sub-adult male koala (Phascolarctos cinereus)
with varying degrees of tooth wear were investigated using acoustically sensitive radio-telemetry...




Omega Antennas (VLF:very low frequency)<-------> waves penetrate 15 metres below sea.

communicates with submarines near sea surface. Project Sanguine Antennas(ELF: extremely low frequency)<------->waves penetrate hundreds of meters below sea
communicates with "deeply submerged submarines".
<--- i.e. A land based transceiver(antenna) station communicating with submarines deep below the sea.
Land based transceiver(antenna) stations in Wisconsin and Michigan USA communicating with submarines deep below the sea.
[Project Sanguine uses dipole antennas: poles/conductors spaced 23 kilometres apart <-------planetary engineering technology (Geo-engineering)] Project sanguine antennas use an AC current loop :
-the AC current flows through wires above the ground for 1/2 of the current path.
-the AC current flows through the ground for 1/2 the current path.
The varying current(accelerating electrons) creates a type of electromagnetic wave phenomena (ground-ionosphere waves) .

Important Note:
Omega waves(and Project Sanguine waves) are said to be "VERTICALLY POLARISED" <------> Such terminology is probably a euphemism/diversion that is actually describing a "PLANETARY ELECTRIC FIELD" being oscillated(vibrated).
[evidence supporting the existence of a "planetary electric field".]
[i.e.The electric field lines that exist between ionosphere and ground = "planetary electric field" .
There is potential difference of about 300 kilovolts(KV) between ionosphere and ground, so there exists a "planetary electric field" between the ionosphere and the ground.
The planetary electric field has similarities to the field lines in an "ionic capacitor" ,because of earth's atmospheric gases(molecules with temporary electric dipoles)
act in a similar way to the electrolyte(ions) in a ionic capacitor.
electric_field_calculations.txt [click]

References to "VERTICALLY POLARISED" waves (in the context of Omega & Sanguine Project antennas) are actually describing a "PLANETARY ELECTRIC FIELD" being oscillated(vibrated).

References to "VERTICALLY POLARISED" waves (in the context of Omega & Sanguine Project antennas) are actually describing a "PLANETARY ELECTRIC FIELD" being oscillated(vibrated).

Question: Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves when travelling through vacuum.
How do electromagnetic fields propagate through physical objects(physical media) > <-- ground,earth'surface
Do the electrical vibrations become compressional/longitudinal inside physical media ?
Would that explain the longitudinal/compressional qualities & directional qualities of Tesla's standing waves(omega waves,scalar waves) ?





may_2018.jpg(webspace): 06/05/2019(website)

may_2018.jpg(webspace): 06/05/2019(website)


Australian racism is describable as:
Australia wants to pretend you are mentally retarded because of race. (euphemistically referred to as anti-immigration activity)

If you are from certain racial groups, Australia wants to forcibly implant you with a slave labour device or murder you through racial violence.

Australia wants to pretend that anglo-germanic races are intelligent and other races are mentally retarded.

To do with such a racism agenda in Australia are news stories such as:
Mentally retarded man physically assaulted at a sports match.
[The anglo-celtic nation of Australia secretly follows the same/similar ideology that resulted in the German Nazi concentration camps.
Mentally retarded people, and certain racial groups were put into concentration camps and killed by gases such as Zyklon-B in gas chambers. ]





[26/01/2018] Based on the behaviour seen around [a] railway station, when students graduated from High School and began attending University,
students from Toni Collette's High School had nothing better to do that to follow University students to the train station,
then in later days/weeks/months appear 50km away At Redfern Station near Sydney University.
It was not explained why such behaviour occurred.They are probably racist females did not speak to certain people, and appeared nearby University Students without explanation.

After a time, their behaviour becomes less evident.Their following behaviour seemed to stop.

Zoran's girlfriend was possibly a woman who in earlier years attended Toni Collette's High School,
and she had an anglo-celtic boyfriend when she seen at the bus stop seats.
[Perhaps she was a resurgence of the following behaviour, that resulted in attempted murder in June 1995.]

2 groups of racists enacting Bounty hunting activity to do with Australia's Underground Economy(Project Hammer).
There is a third side that the Australian racist groups don't want to get into court.

2 groups of racists enacting Bounty hunting activity to do with Australia's Underground Economy(Project Hammer):
being portrayed as legal cases between racist groups who fight race wars against each other.
Racists seeking millions of dollars in compensation while a third side is kept out of court by inflicting slave labour experiments
(Australia is a society that inflicts slave labour experiments upon citizens to prevent them from having paid jobs,to prevent them
from opening a businesses, to prevent them from getting their legal cases to court).
The millions of dollars that Gordon Wood was seeking is really bounty hunting money for enslaving and murdering people because of race.

Elizabeth Fullerton(Judge shown in news) <---- resembles/related to(?)------> Louise Davis.
Robert Saunders <---- probable relative of -----> Louise Davis.
Louise Louis Davis is a friend of Toni Collette(actress)

30_11_2018.jpg <------ Posted 30/11/2018:
Rene Walter Rivkin .. born in Shanghai China,... to Russian-Jewish parents.

adam_burne_further_information_19_12_2016.jpg <---- Republished on internet 30/11/2018.Additional Question about Rivkin-Lambert added on 30/11/2018.

Is Barry Lambert a drug trafficker masquerading as a philanthropist that financially contributes to Cannabis research ?
Cannabis Indica is the illegal drug(illicit drug) Marijuana.

Note: cannabis(illicit drug) connection between Lambert and Sydney University(NSW Australia).

Jordan Virgona is said to be the son of Mark Virgona. Jordan Virgona resembles Carl Williams (deceased crime boss)

Rene Rivkin --?--> Peter Jackson(Film Maker) , Ric Richardson (Inventor?) .

{Begin Notes 03/12/2018 } Note2:
Cannabis/Marijuana is said to be a pathway to more potent(heavier) illicit drugs such as Heroin(Opium) and Cocaine.
So attempts to make Cannabis/Marijuana into something medically acceptable is possibly a conspiracy to more addict people to Heroin and Cocaine over time.
Drug Organisations(Drug Growers,Drug Barons) are probably trying to make more money for themselves through corruption in the Australian medical system
and corruption in the Education System (NSW Department of Education, Sydney University)

Note 3:
Robert Saunders has a resemblance to Gordon Wood.

Rodney Cross was a physics lecturer(teacher) at Sydney University. Cross gave lectures about electronic circuits .
Robert Saunders was a "electrical engineering" student at Sydney University.
Robert Saunders was learning about the electronic circuits at the same time that Rodney Cross worked at Sydney University as a lecturer(teacher).
Robert Saunders was sometimes attending lectures in the Physics building at Sydney University where Rodney Cross gave electronics lectures.
i.e. Electrical Engineering students are required to learn some "Newtonian physics" & "Solid State Physics" as part of their University course.
So Electrical Engineering students are sometimes attending lectures in the Physics Building.
So it is probable that Rodney Cross and Robert Saunders came into contact with each other at Sydney University.

During the 1980s and early 1990s, Robert Saunders lived in the same neighbourhood as Toni Collette(actress).
Robert Saunders was friends with Peter Payne. Peter Payne lived across the road from Toni Collette(actress).

The appearance of Rodney Cross on television possibly has something to do with:
- 1) Sydney University being a racist University involved in race wars.
- 2)Sydney University being involved in illegal experiments against human beings (experiments to enslave human nervous systems) <--- Nazi doctor experiments as part of its race war activity.

The financiers and manufacturers of Slave Labour Device technology perhaps produced a situation where Rodney Cross appeared on television, but they did not want Rodney Cross to face justice.
The financiers and manufacturers of Slave Labour Device technology perhaps did not want Sydney University to face justice about its illegal experiments upon human beings. <--- Visual sadism via television news stories ?
There was no mention in the news story about Rodney Cross being involved in illegal experiments against human beings.
[Australians(aussies) such as Saunders, Cross and Wood probably would rather fight race wars against Ukrainians/Ukrainian-Jews such as Caroline Byrne rather than mention something about the use of racist technology.
i.e. The racist ideology that Nothing is achieved without conflict(race wars). To racists,race wars are a way for side1 and side2 of a triangle to meet each other, while making side3 disappear
through medical nazism, marginalisation,ostracism,racial violence, racial murders. And afterward, when side1 and side2 get together like Wood and Byrne got together, eventually side1 and side2 try to kill each other.]

i.e. See the diagram above about triangular racism(racism triangles.)
In a similar way, Neal Winter appeared on television, but there was no mention about Neal Winter being a perpetrator of race hate crimes/racial violence crimes/race hate conspiracies.
Neal Winter went to jail, but , Winter believes he can survive jail,get out of jail, and keep silent about his involvement in Safe Base racism & perversion,
and experiments to enslave the nervous systems of migrant racial groups.

So it can be concluded that Australia is a country/society too corrupt to handle court cases to do with Slave Labour Device technology.

The information on this website is for the purpose of beginning an international court case.


Andrew Millett is genetically an "Epileptic"
Andrew Millett is genetically partially deaf (uses a Hearing Aid).
Andrew Millett is inbred and suffers from genetic diseases.
Hearing Aids have similitaries to cochlear implants.
Cochlear implants have similarities to "Slave Labour Devices" that attach to the nerves.
Andrew Millett's relatives and his friend Peter Payne probably learned about slave labour
devices through Millett's use of a hearing aid, and Peter Payne being a fan of cyborg
policeman "Inspector Gadget". Voice actress Holly Berger from "Inspector Gadget" has connections to racist
cybernetic research (Theodore Berger)
[i.e. The same Andrew Millett that weas briefly shown on Channel 7 and Channel 10 as a helicopter pilot making a car traffic reports.
Andrew Millett has disappeared from television after people became aware that he is probably involved in drug trafficking, the same kinds of
sexual crimes and corruption as Neal Winter(convicted homosexual criminal, and race hate violence (conspiracies). ]

Barry Lambert(businessman) is probably a relative of Andrew Millett. Barry Lambert favours the use of illicit drug Cannabis Indica(Marijuana) against epilepsy. Is Barry Lambert a drug trafficker?
Barry Lambert has made large finiancial contribution(s) to Sydney Univerity which might be laundered money from drug trafficking and other crimes.
How closely connected is Lambert to aussie dutch-boer mafia figure Wayne Brodie(Brodie Lighting Company?)
Sydney University probably profits from drug trafficking(illicit drugs:Marijuana,Cocaine,Heroin) and is trying legalise marijuana through illegal medical research.




Lai Si Kuok ---- Sydney University (electrical engineering student in 1997-1999)<----?-----> Robert Saunders & Rodney Cross(physics lecturer,electronic circuits lecturer) .
Lai Si Kuok ---?--- Ivan Torkich
Lai Si Kuok ---?---- Robert Saunders & Rodney Cross
Sam Dastyari(australian-iranian politician,Australian Labour Party), Huang Xiangmo , Dr Chau Chak Wing

Probable drug trafficking connections (from 1990s)
ASIS (Australian Spy Organisation)------------CIA, Mossad.
{End Notes 03/12/2018 }

03_12_2018.jpg <---- Posted 03/12/2018 .

[update 28/01/2019]

Gabby Saffo <---resemblance to----> Mark Virgona, Adam Burne, Andrew Millett.
In 1998 , Andrew Millett was seen at Martin Place in the Sydney CBD(Central Business District).Martin Place is on the Bondi Junction railway line.
Perhaps Andrew Millet was working in Martin Place. It is possible that Andrew Millet has frequently travelled on the Bondi Railway Line ,despite coming from the western suburbs of Sydney.

Kings_Cross-Bondi Mafia <---> Biker gangs(Motorcyclist Gangs)
televison series connections: Home And Away (& Neighbours ? )


Helen Caldicott[medical doctor] <---?----> Expendable Humans Research(Humans doing work in environments hostile to life and dieing during or after the work is completed) , Telepresence Slavery .

In late 1984/early 1985 Rosemary Hunter moved to Woodford (Blue Mountains) region west of Sydney NSW Australia.
Around year 1992 the "Ted Noffs Foundation" wanted to build a Chapel or Drug Education Centre in or near Luchetti Avenue Hazelbrook NSW Australia.
Hazelbrook and Woodford are adjacent suburbs in the Blue Mountains region west of Sydney NSW Australia.

[In 1994 Rosemary Hunter and her husband Stewart visited the western Sydney neighbourhood where she was residing before 1984/85.
Toni Collette(actress) lived in that western sydney neighbourhood during 1970s and 1980s.Collette was a student of Barry Boon in year 1984.

Rosemary Hunter was romantically involved with Barry Boon before she married her husband Stewart.
Barry Boon is probably deceased, from natural causes. He drank coffee,smoked cigarettes,etc.]






The person they have made their baphomet (through racial violence and modern nazi doctor surgery) has been resisting Australian political racists over a period of years.
Hence the political instability in Australia. Australia is involved in medical nazism against certain racial groups (enslavement of the human nervous system experiments) .

Peter Haerstch, Marianne Vonau , Silfverskold.

It needs to be formally known that Australia is a nation that commits Nazi Doctor crimes against citizens, and then tries to pretend that everything is normal.

Such injustices get dragged on for years, and it is a way of exterminating certain racial groups.
[By perpetrating nazi doctor crimes and pretending that everything is normal, a series of unnecessary unjust situations occur with the intent that
certain racial groups get murdered, and the intent that racially tolerant people get murdered. i.e. A deliberate sadistic process of ostracization and marginalisation occurs
that is meant to result in the murders of nazi doctor crime victims.]

Australia is carrying on a similar plan of extermination as Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party from World War 2, but behind the backs of people.

Victims of such nazi doctor crimes don't understand the silence about such nazi doctor crimes, and the silence keeps going on and on.
So there is a large probability that Australia is a racist nation with murderous intent toward to certain racial groups and murderous intent toward toward racially tolerant people.

This is very unjust because Australia inflicts unnecessary suffering on migrants who are lured to Australia with promises of a better life,
and it is very unjust because Australia inflicts unnecessary suffering upon citizens who are born in Australia and don't understand why such racism occurs. Australia inflicts such suffering simply because of race.

It needs to be formally known that Australia is a nation that commits racial hate violence crimes against citizens,and then tries to pretend that everything is normal.
The Police deliberately don't want to arrest race hate violence
perpetrators.Race hate violence is a way of getting people murdered because of race,
or into the influence of modern nazi doctors waiting to surgically ambush people in Australian Hospitals .
The Police in Australia deliberately don't want to give closure in situations of racial hate violence.

This information is expressed, because there has been a need for the Australia Government to be formally asked questions in an international court, since the year 1995(at least) , about the use of slave labour devices .
Such slave labour devices are nazi death camp technology, and are being implemented together with plans of depopulation against certain races, probably in conjunction with FEMA death camps, C.I.A. prisons similar to Guatanamo Bay,
offshore processing of illegal immigrants, anti-immigration activity in general.

THe racism and racist technology described above is possibly part of a 1950s USA plan of anti-immigration/ethnic cleansing/racial exterimination/genocide known as MJ-12 (Majestic-12),
and maybe is euphemistically referred to as "the secret space program"/"Project Solar Warden": a way for anglo-germanic racial groups to escape into space and exterminate those other racial groups who would be trapped on earth.
MJ-12/Project Solar Warden might be a sub-project of Project Monarch(Project Omega/Project Rainbow?) and the underground economy of anglo-celtic nations(Project Hammer).
Such genocidal research Project probably have multiple names, in a similar way to how the migration of German Nazi Scientists into the USA(Project Paperclip/Operation Paperclip) is also known as Operation Overcast.

As reference to Operation Paperclip and Nazi migrations into english-speaking countries,
see documetary: "True Evil: The Making Of A Nazi" - Werner Von Braun(German Nazi rocket scientist in the USA).
Von Braun was one of the rocket scientists whose research led to the Saturn V(5) rocket and anglo-germanic astronauts landing on the moon.

In recent years, there have been news stories about Climate Change which often might be euphemistic references to Project Overcast/Operation Paperclip ,
and maybe USA terrorist organisations such as "The Weather Underground" who have the symbol of the nazi sig-rune together with the rainbow.
and the Symbionese Liberation Army(S.L.A.).

Operation Paperclip racism probably came to Australia via the construction of so-called "safe bases" in Australia,
which could be more clearly described as "racial safety bases" , "racially safe bases", "bases for racist xenophobes" , etc , and which have similarities probably to Nazi bunkers from World War 2.

08_10_2018.jpg <----- Posted About: About Australian racist Margo Evans, her threats to get the San Francisco Cops against people, and her years long murder/slavery conspiracy.
David Evans the son of Margo Evans made a violent attack against a child several years younger than himself.
Racist Australian Margo Evans objected when there was an attempt to defend the child several younger than her son David Evans, Margo Evans then threatenned to get the San Franciso Police onto people.


16_10_2018.jpg <---- Posted 16/10/2018

QUESTION: Why the references to Arabs,Jews,Swedes,Scandinavians,Ukrainians ?
ANSWER: Some Australians(aussies) are accepted by Anglo-celtic culture, but they have connections to places like the middle-east which few people find out about.
Also, Anglo-Celtic Culture , German Culture, Scandinavian Culture are dishonest about their views of slavery.The slave trade been occuring for hundreds of years in
Anglo-Celtic and Germanic/Scandinavian nations.WEREGILD behaviours are very much alive in such societies.
[Ukrainians have been Scandinavian allies over the centuries, and were Nazi German allies/collaboratorsd during World War 2.]
Also, there are misleading/lieing theories being promoted by
racists about: it being impossible for Jews to be racists because Jews are no longer a race, as a result of the Jewish temple being destroyed and Jews sent into exile
by the Romans (Diaspora). The reality is that there are many Jewish racists.Jewish culture and Arab culture are accepting of slavery. Jewish Culture and Arab culture are
Semitic cultures. Semitic cultures are accepting of slavery, as summarised by Genesis 9:27
in the bible.[The fact that Jewish culture is accepting of slavery, implies that
there are many jewish racists... and there are many Arab racists. ]

see the documentary "The Making of Spain" with narrator Simon Sebag Montefiore, season 1, episode 1, for mention of the Viking- Ummayyad Arab slave trade over hundreds of years.

See also: Arabic writer describing Viking Burial.In the Levant(middle east),the Vikings were considered as merchant traders. A major part of their trading was slaves.


03_10_2018_002.jpg <----- Posted 03/10/2018


The 1999 news story maybe has to do with a hospital in Westmead suburb of Sydney NSW Australia, the Ponting Foundation(company or charity organisation),
and the Henderson family from the western suburbs of Sydney whose daughter had a hole the heart genetic condition.



See also 30_10_2018.jpg above (illegal immigration,ukrainian groups,actress and her friends involved in criminality,race wars,physics lecturer whose evidence was flawed ... ).


Music Video possibly relevent to investigating Money Laundering/Underground Economy(Project Hammer)/Pirate Harvesting Conspiracies by Australians
& illicit Drugs trafficking networks
& Illegal Immigration/Slavery Networks between Portland-to-Canada, Detroit/Chicago-to-Canada. probably involving Ukrainian enclaves in Canada and french Speaking regions of Canada.

There is a music video that sometimes shown on Foxtel Australia television channels.
It might be a version of "Higher by Sigma ft. Labrinth" or a similar music video featuring the word Montana or French Montana.
It has American Indians, snow, The word "Toronto" and "Heist" appearing in the music video. It has a heliocopter flying over the Skyscrapers of Toronto possibly dragging a flag with the word "Heist" or "The Heist".

Names of Australians probably relevent to the above information:
David Christian,Reza Ebrahim,Alistair White,Anthony Coroneous,Toni Collette(actress),Wayne Brodie, Lorinda Noble(singer),Linda Vella,
R. Lenton <---> Eric Bana(australian actor) from Channel 7 television Australia and the movie "Black Hawk Down" .

Christine Anu(singer),David Christian(Australian Australoid)<------>American Actors:Henry Fonda & Catherine Hepburn,Neneh Cherry(singer).
Christine Anu(Australoid singer) is an Australian body double of Neneh Cherry (American Singer). <---- Relatives of Henry Fonda ?
David Christian is probably a fan of "Rocky and Bullwinkle" cartoons and the "Rocky" Balboa boxing series of movies. Music videos by Rocky/A$ap are possibly relevent to mention also.

A Music Video "I Told Em" has a crashed plane. Illegal trade networks between USA and Canada possibly involve "suicide body guards" on aeroplanes that are trained to kill people with their hands.
i.e. Body guards that can kill passengers and pilots with their hands which results in crashed planes (maybe a way to cover up illegal trade journeys.)

Montana is a USA State on the Canadian border, adjacent to Washington State.
Portland(USA coastal city) <----> Washington State <-----> Montana(on Canadian Border).<

Stargate(1994) is distributed by "Studio Canal" , said to be a French company with headquarters in Britain <-----> French speaking areas of Canada that contain Ukrainian enclaves.enclaves in Canada.
Canada is a country that speaks French and English.
[Studio Canal is a subsidiary company of Vivendi company that was founded by Napoleon III emperor of France.]

Studio Canal has Arab investment (Maxime Saada=Chairman) <--?--> Mohammed Al Fayed,Jack Tramiel(Commodore 64 computers)<---> Lisa Najeeb Halay,Antoinette Avril Gardiner.

Maxime Saada (Chairman,Studio Canal)<--?--> Nabil Saada (a lebanese 1990s "Jehovah's Witness"/carpenter from Sydney Australia.)


Anti-immigration political agenda <----->Operation Paperclip,Majestic 12(MJ-12),Project Monarch (genocide,depopulation against migrant races,transformation of multiracial nations into monoracial nations.)<---->WW2 Nazi Final Solution/Death Camps
Research such as Operation Paperclip,MJ-12,Project Monarch is a continuation of the Nazi Plan of extermination from Wiorld War 2, as described by the publication "Conversations with Rauschning" .
Australia needs to formally say that it is perpetrating nazi doctor crimes to exterminate migrant racial groups.




Jesus Messages through the Ionosphere and Marian Apparitions.
Marian apparitians are possibly something sinister.
Marian Apparitians are connected to Wars.
Such Marian Apparitians are possibly military organisations misusing the Nikola Tesla's Antennas,
since their invention in year 1905.

Fatima(1917) - World War 1
Medjugorije(1981-) <---> Bosnian War (1992–1995),Ethnic Cleansing/Genocide in Bosnia.
Our Lady of Kibeho(1981-) <---> Rwanda Genocide(1994)

Also, "Project Bluebeam" is terminology possibly connected to such misuses of Antennas .
Project Bluebeam refers to cults of UFOs arriving from outspace and saving mankind:
similiarities to cults of pretend angels which say they believe in Jesus returning to earth to judge humanity.
Cult leaders often suggest that they are Jesus returned.

Prince of Persia cults are connected to "Parthian Quest(s)" . Quests that begin in a sandy setting such as desert or desert oasis,
a search for wealth and knowledge(secrets of life)
by migrating or invading other cultures. Sometimes the sandy setting could a beach on a shoreline.

Originally other cultures were more advanced than the Parthian Quest group.

i.e. Quests that being in the desert and finish in a fertile land setting(forests?) with much wealth.

Parthian Quests are represented in "text adventure" computer games that were once popular, such as "Twin Kingdom Valley".

[e.g. Indo-Europeans(Aryans) invaded the Sarasvati River. But the Sarasvati River dried up.
So they went into the Parthian desert regions to search for more fertile lands northward and made war with Scythians .
The Scythians were at first a more advance culture.

Some Indo-Europeans(Aryans) went east & south and invaded the Indus River Civilisation (Dravidians) in what is now Pakistan/India.

Modern Europeans are not indigenous to Europe. Modern Europeans originally came from Western Asia (Caucasus mountains/Parthia).
Persians(Iranians) are also a Parthian culture. ]


Daniel 10:13 <---> "Prince of Persia" making angelic war <-----> Mossad and Iranians promoting genocides/massacres based upon cults of pretend angels.


Koreshans:hollow earth society(Cyrus Teed)/Thule society/Agartha -------Ku Klux Klan & Racist Jews (Genesis 9:27) ------ David Koresh(David Cyrus,Branch Davidians--- Seventh Day Adventist Church (1844 false prophecy) ----- Mormons (Joseph Smith, 1840s false prophets)

Koreshans:hollow earth society(Cyrus Teed) -- David Koresh(David Cyrus,Branch Davidians --- Seventh Day Adventist Church .
Koreshans:hollow earth society(cyrus teed) -- Heaven's Gate(mass suicide in year 1997) .

Hollow earth theories(hyperborea) --- Thule Society(Nazism,Germanen Orden),Ahnenerbe(germanic ancestral heritage propaganda organisation),Vril society,authors Edward Bulwer-Lytton & H G Wells

For modern Hollow Earth theories, see books by racist authors such as:
"When the Sky Fell: In Search of Atlantis" by Rand Flem-Ath and Rose Flem-Ath

other books: The White Lie by Walter Rea, Prophetess of Health by Ronald L Numbers.

About Genesis 9:27 , this verse is included in the bible like some kind of "Freudian Slip" about Semitic cultural racism (Semitic paganism).
There is reason to believe that Semitic paganism includes infernal(hell-ish) religious beliefs and activities resembling Molech Worship.(Judges 11:31)

So called Christian Denominations(Cults of Christendom) that seek to live selfish Old Testament lifestyles(Adventist Church=SDAs) are easily infiltrated by racist-Jews and pretend-angel-cults. (Revelation 3:9)
So called Christian Denominations(Cults of Christendom) founded by Freemasons (Mormons,Latter-Day-Saints) are easily infiltrated by racist-Jews and pretend-angel-cults. (Revelation 3:9)
Note also the frequent use of the name "Cyrus". Cyrus was a pagan Persian King that is considered a saviour of the Jews (Isaiah 45:1)



See the documentary "The Pacific: In the Wake of Captain Cook" (Season1Episode4) for evidence of the British propagating pretend angel
cults in which anglo-celtics are promoting ideas that their monarchy should be considered as gods by the native people. There have been news stories
with such themes: e.g. Philip O'greece the husband of Elizabeth Windsor expects natives in Papua New Guinea to worship him as a god: such a news
story occurred a few years ago on ABC Australia. Such pretend angel cults are the religion that is secretly forcibly taught to people by American religions,
and British religions that pretend to be Christian religions that send their members overseas as Christian missionaries.
Such pretend angel cults are the perverse religion that is secretly forcibly taught to people by American religions, and British religions such as the
Church of Latter Day Saints(Mormons), Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses,Anglicans, The Salvation Army, etc .
Such pretend angel cults are the religion that is secretly forcibly taught to people by American religions, and British religions that pretend to be
Christian religions that send their members overseas as Christian missionaries.
Australia is a former british colony where anglo-celtics have become the racial majority. Australia intends to enforce, illiteracy, generational
slavery upon certain racial groups, via the use of slave labour devices. If you have been taught to reject worship of humans(reject idolatry), if you
have been taught how to read and write, if you have attended University , if you have brought up to reject racism, to believe that racism should be
opposed, Australia is a racist nation that beleives that it can enforce idolatry and ignorance upon you by attaching a slave labour device to your
nerves for no apparent reason other than race, and sadistically bothering your nervous system for years (medical nazism, medical terrorism) . Such
medical nazism is based upon the illegal inhuman research of British Doctor/medical researcher called Ewen Cameron.
Australian plans to forcibly reduce the circumstances of certain migrant groups back to the colonial situations of native people in 20th
Century Black and White films, silent films,tarzan films,Humphrey Bogart films, which Hollywood has hidden in archives and rarely shows on
television in the present time.


See the documentary "The Pacific: In the Wake of Captain Cook" (Season1Episode4) for evidence of the British propagating pretend angel
cults in which anglo-celtics are promoting ideas that their monarchy should be considered as gods by the native people. There have been news stories
with such themes: e.g. Philip O'greece the husband of Elizabeth Windsor expects natives in Papua New Guinea to worship him as a god: such a news
story occurred a few years ago on ABC Australia. Such pretend angel cults are the religion that is secretly forcibly taught to people by American religions,
and British religions that pretend to be Christian religions that send their members overseas as Christian missionaries.
Such pretend angel cults are the perverse religion that is secretly forcibly taught to people by American religions, and British religions such as the
Church of Latter Day Saints(Mormons), Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses,Anglicans, The Salvation Army, etc .
Such pretend angel cults are the religion that is secretly forcibly taught to people by American religions, and British religions that pretend to be
Christian religions that send their members overseas as Christian missionaries.
Australia is a former british colony where anglo-celtics have become the racial majority. Australia intends to enforce, illiteracy, generational
slavery upon certain racial groups, via the use of slave labour devices. If you have been taught to reject worship of humans(reject idolatry), if you
have been taught how to read and write, if you have attended University , if you have brought up to reject racism, to believe that racism should be
opposed, Australia is a racist nation that beleives that it can enforce idolatry and ignorance upon you by attaching a slave labour device to your
nerves for no apparent reason other than race, and sadistically bothering your nervous system for years (medical nazism, medical terrorism) . Such
medical nazism is based upon the illegal inhuman research of British Doctor/medical researcher called Ewen Cameron.
Australian plans to forcibly reduce the circumstances of certain migrant groups back to the colonial situations of native people in 20th
Century Black and White films, silent films,tarzan films,Humphrey Bogart films, which Hollywood has hidden in archives and rarely shows on
television in the present time.

Pretend Angel cults are similar ideology to Nazi Superman race theories.

Nazism involve surprise attacks(lightning war), and making people believe in the superiority of the germanic race through military
victory, after miltary victory while the opposition figure what technology and what strategy to use defeat the germanic race.

The ideology of Germanic superiority becomes popular while the German Army keeps winning military victories, however once Germanic armies
start being defeated , and are seen to be defeated , the ideology loses popularity.

In an anglo-celtic country such as Australia,pretend angel cults about committing cowardly racial violence crimes without warning, and then a nazi eugenics process of social isolation,marginalisation,ostracism in which racists
do everything to make victims believe in the superiority of the race that committed the cowardly attack,
instead of helping victims get justice.

Pretend angel cults are something from before civilisation, something tribal,clain-like,racial :Anglo-celtics are descended from tribes such as Angles, Saxons and Jutes and Celtic/Gaulic clans.
Germanic people are descended from Teutonic tribes, Hun invaders, Mongol invaders , Scandinavian tribes who practiced Viking lifestyles , etc .

[Pretend Angel cults secretly follow an ideology that some races should have easy lives, while other races should have lives that are un-live-able/ Pretend angel cults are probably connected to ideology of viewing people as a source of gifts through ritual murdering such people if they are a different race.
I.e. Traditions of one brother murdering his other brother such as the story of Cain and Abel in the Bible [Genesis 4:1–16]. Also traditions of brothers enslaving a brother such as the Joseph[Genesis 37:18-36] .
Such traditions are probably based upon one race coming into contact with another race and pretending to be friends, but one race secretly enacting druidism against the other race.
Also, traditions such as Santa Claus are probably based upon traditions people from another race dieing , and the thing which they leave behind are considered as gifts .
The Santa Claus (tradition is probably closely connected to the gods of gifts, gods of vegetation such as Canaanite god Baal , and his Hittite counterpart Telepinu:
gods who are like green crops being cut down to provide food and resources. ]

The society that victims live in does not want victims to ever get justice, and the lives of victims. are not left in peace.

[So called christian denominations in Australia are involved in such racism,so the information described could be called "anti-christian"/"anti-christ"
activities within Christian denomination from Australia.

i.e. Anti-christ activity in the context of people acting as wolves in sheeps clothing. Evil behaviours that some people teach each other,
that some people intend to go from one generation to the next, in the context of such people pretending to have a religious belief.

Such pretend angel cults are probably connected with Indo-European(Aryan) cultural racism allied with Semitic racists as described in Genesis 9:27 ]
e.g. Indo-European cultures such as Persian, but also the Indo-European nations that migrated into Europe.
Isaiah 45:1,Daniel 10:13 .

Ancient Spy Warfare by humans (depicted by bible writers as something Angelic.)

Is this diagram relevent to finding information about inhumane experiments against humans ? So called expendable human experiments ?

See below information posted about Adamov/Coppack and Maria Sharapova and information stored in a Soviet Union Academies of Science, perhaps Stavropol Ukraine/Russia.



Be watching (the internet) for a new website.

Coming soon.

[Aryan/Indo-European people have been recently discovered by science to have 2% - 4% Neanderthal DNA.]

The author(s) of this website do not have much interest in researching the origins Aryan(Indo-European) national groups.
The author(s) of this website seriously consider that I/we have discovered the origins of Aryan peoples,
so the discoveries will be published on the website (coming soon)

[Question: What does the above information mean? ]

Several decades ago, European scientists were describing Neanderthals as moronic, brutish ape-men/cave-men.
Then, a few years ago, European scientists discovered that they themselves have neanderthal ancestors.

People who consider themselves Aryans (Indo-Europeans) are often striving for racial purity.
However, ARYANS ARE NOT RACIALLY PURE. People who consider themselves Aryans are intermixed with Neanderthal ape-men/cave-men.
Aryans have a genetic contribution of 2%-4% from Neanderthals which is the same as saying Aryans had a Neanderthal ape-man/cave-man ancestor 5 generations ago.
Aryans have a genetic contribution of 2%-4% from Neanderthals which is the same as saying Aryans had a great-great-great-grand-parent Neanderthal "racially pure ape-man/cave-man ancestor".



People from these families (Sharapova, Coppak[Adamov?]) have possibly been promoting Aryan Nazism over a period of years.

THe faces above relevent to Denisovans and interbreeding between ancestors of East Asians and Denisovans.
Note that people in countries/regions such as the Ukraine and Siberian Khanate have significant amounts of East Asian genetics via events such as the Mongol Invasion of Europe.

See also the "Enigma Man" documentary.
Enigma man was possibly the result of interbreeding between Denisovans and Australoids, as Australoids were migrating along the paleo-shores of the Indian Ocean during ice age times.
Enigma Man has cheeks similar to Zinjanthropus, and probably also Denisovans.


Anglo-Germanic woman Olga Romanoff claims to be a relative of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia whose family were massacred during World War 1/Russian Revolution.
Olga romanoff might be an imposter like Anna Anderson.

In profile, Anna Anderson resembles actress Julie Andrews.

Sally Ann Howes & Julie Andrews were Olga romanoff's doubles in films.

Clockwork puppett themes <----- possibly modern slavery/cybernetic slavery .
[see "Doll On A Music Box"/"Truly Scrumptious" Scene from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 1968]

also, catching humans and putting then in cages themes in Chitty chitty Bang Bang <---- Cage slavery themese .
See the character played by deceased aussie actor/[ballet dancer] Robert Helpmann.
Robert Helpmann might be a relative of Jimmy Saville from the U.K.
Also, Mary Donaldosm might be somehow connected or related to Robert Helpmann.
Donaldson's rise to fame in the modern era possibly has something to do with the 1960s film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

As for the Romanoff family, they betrayed Russia by selling Alaska to the Americans.
Alaska used to be a Russian asset, and then Nicholas II of Russia sold Alaska to the USA.




[18/09/2018:001 added into 10/09/2018.] See information about MJ-12 (Majestic 12) being an anti-immigration program, so illegal. so immoral,
that the USA Military-Industrial complex pretends it is about outer space Aliens.

The kind of racists involved with MJ-12 are possibly people who make comments about themselves
finding Jesus everyday inside the boot of car at the USA-Mexican border. i.e. There are many Mexicans named Jesus,and some of them try to illegally immigrate to the USA everyday. ]

Comments or imagery about outer space aliens(extra-terrestrials) which are hints about human illegal aliens(illegal immigrants)
maybe is a moethod of communicating in coded language among the racists(xenophobes) who are supporters of MJ-12 , similar to the comments about finding Jesus.

10/09/2018 <-- Image posted maria_sharapova__camilla_belle__roland_emmerich.jpg




[18/09/2018:002 added into 10/09/2018 ]
HIPPOCAMPAL NEURON PATTERNING. , as described by a USA Military News magazine in year 1995,
might have connections to research of Ukrainian scientists during the 1980s during the cold war era.
Further information about where evidence of illegal research might be found.
[Needs verification].

Ukrainian pretend to care about radiation problems from nuclear reactors, but really the Ukrainians were nazi collaborators during War 2.
The Ukraine is secretly allied with germanic nazism in the 1990s and the 21st Century. The Ukraine has been an ally of Germany and Scandinavia, over hundreds of years.
See terminology "germanised slavs".

Illegal research about how to turn humans into cybernetic slaves is possibly hidden in Ukrainian Journal articles about
methods that humans can use to transport hazardous substances such as nuclear waste,dangerous chemicals,etc .
Maybe articles about how the Chernobyl nuclear reactor could have been cleaned up.
The idea's behind such articles are possibly summarised by terminology "TELE-PRESENCE" , "TELE-PRESENCE SLAVES"/"TELE-PRESENCE CYBORGS" versus "TELE-PRESENCE ROBOTS" .

since Maria Sharopova's family was adversely affected by the Chernobyl nuclear accidentt, they possibly became involved in research to do with "expendable humans" .
In various countries, including the Ukraine, there is a hidden industry to do with expendable human ideology. The kind of families that are introduced to & accept expendable human ideology,
are possibly inbred families with genetic problems who doctors predict to die at a young age, families affected by nuclear accidents, racists (modern nazi subcultures,ultra-nationalists,ku klux klan) since they
are taught not to value the lives of people who are different race, etc.

It might also be mentioned that perverse cultures in modern times(countries with high suicide rates) automatically generate many citizens who consider themselves and others as expendable people,
since the shameful customs of modern perverse societies are something shameful and people in such perverse cultures know they are intrinsically worthless humans through becoming involved
in their perverse cultural customs. Isaiah 44:9 , Titus 1:16 , Leviticus 20:22

Modern methods of slavery, the technology of modern slavery,is probably closely connected to research about expendable humans.
Thus Hippocampal Neuron Patterning is a USA expendable human research program from 1995, and it is probably connected to earlier expendable human research program from the Ukraine.

The Sharapova family are connected to both the USA research and the Ukrainian research.
Maybe some research is done against humans, and some is done against simians and other animals(vivisection/ veterinary experimemts, hence the mention of anthropology of the ape-men ancestors of modern humans.
Perhaps hints about illegal research in anthropology journals about beings that were becoming human over millions of years is a method to describe illegal research done on humans and animals.

Maria Sharapova: female Eunuch




Nazi doctor crimes are a medical "act of war" against persons.
Slave labour devices are an "act of war" against a household.
Slave labour devices are a real estate crime.
Slave labour devices are an "act of war" against the right to own real estate
(civil rights/private property ownership).
Slave Labour devices are a Nazi "Lebensraum" crime.
(Ethnic Cleansing crime to "make way" for races who support nazism.)

Question:Is Holly Valance a slavic-greek Basque ?
See below for further information about Basques secretly classified as Ugrians, and Ugrian terrorism networks extending
from Europe into Asia.


[27/07/2018] - current information which might be of interest to people: information that people could research further.

Ugrians are ancient race that was interbreeding with neanderthals in the Europe(West) and Denisovans in Asia(East).
[Note that the Denisovan Genome has possibly been deliberately underestimated.]

Western scientists always try to hide the identity of the Ugrian race by combining them with Finns.
Hence the terminology "Finno-Ugrian" or "Finno-Ugric" appears in literature, rather than Ugrian/Ugric alone.

Ugrians are probably closely related to Mongols and Tibetans.

[ugrian people - people with a semi-neanderthal(west),semi-denosivan(east) appearance. This list is probably not exhaustive.]
khanty, mansi,
ancient carpathian tribes
wends(venedi,ancient venetians?),kashubians,sorbians
The many dialects of Basque language possibly have something to do with Basques remembering the language dialects of the neanderthals.

THe X Haplogroup is possibly resulted from Ugrics interbreeding with Neanderthals.

The mystery of how R1 haplogroup occurs in Western Europeans and American Indians(Amerindians) possibly has something to do with
Ugrians establishing homelands along the Danube(Europe) and in the Ural Mountains(Eurasia).
The modern humans that left Africa 70,000 years ago were dark-skinned, but had among themselves some "red haired"/"pale skinned"/"freckle face" genetics similar to modern "African Albinos".
Such genetics among modern humans had some similarity to Neanderthal Genetics.
i.e. Neanderthals(archaic humans,Europe) had most of the human red-haired genetics, and modern humans(Africa) had less red-haired genetics,
and they became isolated from each other 500,000 years ago or more. The red-haired/pale-skinned genetics helped the neanderthals survive in cold climates.
Such red-haired/pale-skinned genetics evolved further over hundreds of thousands of years among the Neanderthals after they became isolated in Europe and Western Asia(middle-east).

Later, when modern humans left Africa, and migrated into Europe & Western Asia, the minimal red-haired genetics of modern humans
played some part in the interbreeding of Neanderthals and modern humans. Cro Magnons and similar populations resulted from such interbreeding.

The modern humans in Europe initially were like dark-skinned Africans,
but over tens of thousands of years "artificially selected" their offspring/generations toward pale-skinned neanderthal traits.

By findng and interbreeding with Neanderthal genetics(through migrations north), modern humans in Europe were able to reproduce the "African albino" appearance generation after generation,
and by artificially selecting toward the neanderthal appearance, the dark-skinned African appearance disappeared after many generations.

Based upon the information above it can be summarised that:
-The "Albino" appearance occurs sometimes in Africa but it is "not stable" ,since African Albinos give birth to dark-skinned African offspring.

-The "Albino" appearance became "stable" in European populations by modern humans intermixing with Neanderthals and then artificially selecting toward the Neanderthal traits.
i.e. The Albino traits became "stable" in European populations, meaning that, Albino appearance occurred in offspring generation after generation.

Modern terorism networks are possibly based upon relict populations of Ugrians that survive in the modern World.
e.g. If people discover that ETA (Basque Terrorists) is "Ugrian" , and that they are racially and culturally connected to other small relict
populations across Europe and Asia, then terrorism networks might become more conspicuous to investigate.


Corollary 24/01/2019:
Ugrians and R1 genetics among Europeans and American Indians.

-1)Ugrians are probably closely related to Mongols and Tibetans.
-2)The mystery of how R1 haplogroup occurs in Western Europeans and American Indians(Amerindians) possibly has something to do with
Ugrians establishing homelands along the Danube(Europe) and in the Ural Mountains(Eurasia).

Americans Indians original homeland was Siberia (Yenisei River Culture in Siberia is most closely genetically related to American Indians.)

If the Ugrians originally migrated into central asia,Tibet, Mongolia, and then migrated west to Europe:
Mongolia is close to Siberia. Perhaps Ugrians or Proto-Ugrians intermixed with the ancestors of American Indians before they migrated to the Americas.

[This website is of the opinion that their is a Central Asian connection between the ancestors of Europeans and Native American Indians.
Modern Europeans are not indigenous to Europe. Modern Europeans originally came from Western Asia (Caucasus mountains/Parthia).
[Nations such as Hungarians have been Germanised, so in modern times are more like Germans than Finns or Ugrics.]
So in ancient times ancestors of modern Europeans sometimes had contact with nations in central Asia(Mongolia,Siberia).

Ugrics(Mongolic race/Eurasian race) possibly came from central Asia, and migrated west into Europe.
Ugrics(Mongolic race/Eurasian race) migrated into Europe thousands of years before modern Europeans migrated to Europe.]
i.e. Ancient Europe was inhsbited by Eurasian races such as Ugrics,Finns,Scythians, thousands of years before Indo-Europeans.




correction: Somehow Kurt Waldheim became UN secreatry General during the [1970s] .


Armenian Native Faith probably has beliefs similarIty to Dutch-Boer "Apartheid racism" from South Afruca during the 20th century.
Racists from the Armenian Native Faith don't want certain racial groups to sit down at bus stop seats on the public transport system.
Armenian Native Faith members are involved in "get off the footpath" racism and worse.
When they see "certain racial groups" sitting down instead of themselves, they bring Zhurkane/Zurkane martial artists to the bus stop seats,
to murder people of "certain racial groups" who sit down at bus stop seats. <--- Implies that Armenian Native Faith follows a "Caste System" similar to Aryan belief systems.
Zhurkane martial artists are the same/similar to middle-eastern assasins who are trained to kill people with their hands.

Armenian Native Faith has similarities to Zoroastrianism.

Armenia is a country in the Caucasus Mountains region.
The Caucasus Mountains are considered the original homeland of the Indo-European(Aryan) nations.

"Armenian Native Faith" might be connected to the concept of an "Armenian Orden", similar to "Germanen Orden" in Nazi Germany during World War 2 .
There is possibly similarities between the concept of an "Armenian Orden" and "Armanen Orden"

During World War 2, the "High Armanen Orden" (HAO) was organisation that would be seen marching around at Nazi gatherings.

The Armanen Orden was connected to Celto-Germanic pagan religion of genetic traits that could cross borders into Celtic national groups in the west,
and possibly Romanian/Baltic/Iranian/Armenian Nations in the east near the Caucasus Mountains and Black Sea.
Romania was a lesser known ally of fascist Italy and Nazi Germany during World War 2.
[The HAO is possibly considered like the 2 wings of the Reichsadler/("Imperial Eagle"/heraldic eagle]
So there is reason to believe that Armenian Native Faith , and the High Armanen Orden are manifestations of the same pagan religion, like 2 sides of the same coin.
When practised in Armenia, it is known as Armenian Native Faith. When it has expanded into countries such as Holland, Germany, Italy it becomes known as the High Armanen Orden (HAO).

High Armanen Orden pagan religion has something to do with secret alliances between some European and Middle-Eastern Nations.
Iranians migrating to France, Turks migrating to Germany and forming communities, due to similarities in racial traits.
Similarly, there is probably migrations of Armenians into European nations such as Holland and Italy.

Ritual prostitution and a war in which the USA army was defeated.


The woman with the yellow Marge Simpson style wig (top right) resembles Olga Belova (Ukrainian news reader, Segodnya/Sevodnya/"Today" News from Ukraine)
And Hearst/Sony/Disney music videos.

[published 18/05/2019--->'grunge sign asmodeus Ashmedai' anarchy 'circle A' 'neural network nodes' 'Project Grudge followed by Project Sign (bluebook)' 'MJ-12' 'illegal immigration & anti-immigration' depopulation]
Aran Islands Ireland as compared to Iran(Persians) racial segregation conspiracies.
If persons are favoured by anglo-celtic caste system, racists send illegal immigrants from the Aran islands to talk to/befriend persons. If persons aren't favoured by anglo-celtic caste system,racists send Iranian assassins(Hashisheen) at persons.<--- Majestic-12 activity.
..and variations of such racism. Illegal immigrants from the Aran islands Ireland coming near people not favoured by anglo-celtic caste system, but they are not spoken with. They are passed by silently or provoked with words/behavior.



Traffic Cops and Human Trafficking(Illegal immigration, Slavery) and Scientologist "Traffic Reports". <--- Jack Parsons & his face doubles(body doubles) .

Murder/Slavery conspiracies where Modern Slave Traders walk past potential victims at Traffic Lights.(Wednesday 21st June 1995)

Vadyan Clique,Satanic Reds organisation, Weather Underground(Fascists/Nazis/"National Socialists" organisations pretending to be Communists/Socialists). Vadyan Clique/Satanic reds <----> Billy Corgan(Smashing Pumpkins music group).

[Anarchy Agenda/Asmodeus worship <-------> Italian Mafia, P2 Lodge Freemasonry Terrorism]
Jane Badler(actress) has a resemblance to Gia Orobello an old woman who died in year 2007.Gia Orobello was married to Dominic Orobello (nickname "Nikko" that sounded like "Mikko").
Gia Orobello had some facial resemblance to Linda Vella. Dominic Orobello had a facial resemblance to Glen Kennewell who lives/lived near Wayne Brodie.
They were probably both Sicilian Italians and Sicilian mafia, and maybe connected to P2 Lodge Freemasons. P2 Freemasons news stories suggest terrorist activities.
The Orobello family possibly associated with Gambino crime family, and Fidenza Glass Bricks company.
[Maybe there is some USA-New Zealand crime connection that the Orobello family are involved in.The Orobello family are possibly connected to violent Polynesians.
[Jane Badler(USA) <-----> Lucy Lawless (Xena Warrior Princess tv series filmed in New Zealand): maybe actresses are symbols of some kind of crime connection between Italian/Sicilian mafia in the USA, and New Zealand.)
Offspring of the Gia and Dominic Orobello are named: Aida, Mary, and a male possibly named Vince.
Aida Orobello worked as a hair dresser. Aida Orobello has some resemblance to the singers "Pink",Lily Allen. Aida Orobello but has brunette hair.
Vincent was a motorcycle enthusiast. <-----> Motorcycle gangs ?
Ralph Quitadamo(Motorcycle Enthusiast) <----> Vincent Orobello (Motorcycle Enthusiast.) : Quitadamo is a friend of David Christian(Australoid Boxer family)

There are strange programs where Ancient Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaton is therorised to be an outer space alien.
Such programs have become popular in modern culture.For those who have discerning minds, sto view such programs , is way to discover how
- "Ancient Alien" theories and Reptilian cults are a way to dehumanise those races who were first civilizations.
- the connection of racist organisations such as the Ku Klux Klan to Reptilian Cults and Ancient Alien theories.
- THe connection of MJ-12(Majestic 12) UFO theories to anti-immigration agendas and genocidal racism.
[Unsealed Alien Files Akhenaten, Alien Ruler <---Strange theories with a racist , segregationist agenda .]


Spectre is an anagram of "Sceptre" a symbol of Kingship.

[Advanced cultures and the first civilisations produced the first kings.
i.e. Ethiopia, Sumer, Egypt produced the first true kings.]
Sicily - An island where there were Romans and Carthaginians(Canaanites) in ancient times.

Sicily was initially a Carthaginian(Canaanite/Phoenician) sea port, with a presence of the Bell Beaker culture(Scythians) in nearby islands such as Sardinia.
(Bell Beaker culture/scythians are connected to tales about grim reapers holding scythes(harvesting tools), Charon the ferryman(boat man).
The Bell Beaker culture was uncivilised, the Carthaginians were a civilisation from the fertile Crescent.

Presence of Persian religion in Sicily.<------> Cult of Mithras.
Persian religious concepts are Parthian.

[Etruscan religion was probably based upon Dravidian-Persian religious concepts.
Etruscan religion has Persian religious concepts.
In ancient times, the Etruscans possibly migrated into Europe from the Indus River civilization, through Persia,
were a national group(Tyrrhenians?) influence by Indus River civilisation culture and civilisation:

similarities in more recent times how Gypsies migrated from India into Europe.

The Romans defeated the Etruscans, and brought Etruscan religion with them to Sicily.]

[Mithras similarities to the Sumerian story of Gilgamesh Wrestling the Bull of Heaven.
However, Mithras kills the Bull. Mithraism is connected to Zoroastrianism where there is dualism of gods,
a god of good Ormazd(Ahura Mazda) contending with a god of evil Angra Manyu(Ahriman).
When such a religion is practised by people, it probably results in 1 person calling another person brother.
However when resources become scarce, then one brother kills the other brother (probably along the lines of racial differences.)
Persia(Iran) is an Indo-European(Aryan) culture, which is also a Parthian Culture.
Genesis 9:27 is the Semitic version of such a cultural-religious concept.

The biblical story of the goat of Azazel possibly has similarities to the cult of Mithras and Zoroastrian
religion. The so called "Scape" Goat is understood to be a "sceptre" goat: a goat representing an ancient
Kingdom(s) that were overcome. i.e. The story of Nimrod's Kingdom, and how Nimrod was defeated:
desertification in Arabia and the Fertile Cresent, rivers drying up (Revelation 16:12), the collapse of ancient Ethiopian Kingdoms through
desertification, and migration-invasions by nomadic people.(See for further information).

Mithraism is a religion that represents the end of the Age of [Aries]. Collapse of Sumerian civilization.
[A physical process of Astronomical "Precession". Each age or Epoch approximately 2000 years.
<------> groups of unjust people(degradation of religion,perverse cultural groups) guiding destinies of nations.
Unjust system of influencing people and nations that needs to come to end. A succession of cultural-religious systems that need to come to an end. Daniel 2:34-35 ,
Revelation 16:16 Meteorite-strike imagery, Armageddon-the mountain of Meggido, the rock cut out without human hands that becomes a mountain.]

The beginning of Age of the Taurus saw the Rise of the first civilisations Egypt,Sumer(invention of writing).
[Sumerian religious concepts were like brother wrestling brother (religion of Gemini).Persian religion is Parthian, where brother kills brother(religion of Aries) instead of wrestling .

MJ-12 (MAJESTIC-12) is a codename for a plan of anti-immigration and genocide by anglo-celtic(Indo-European/Aryan) nations against other races.

MJ-12 is based upon knowledge of a saviour figure surrounded by 12 constellations of the Zodiac,with similiarities to Jesus surrounded by his 12 apostles.(John 10:11 )
Or the much earlier saviour Nimrod the mighty Hunter surrounded by the animals that he hunts to sustain his life.
Over thousands of years, the religion of the mighty Hunter became the religion of the Good Shepherd surrounded by his domesticated herd animals.
Such a religion of the mighty Hunter in the sky(constellations) extends back into the stone age and has to do with the process of domesticating animals over thousands of years.
[See documentary "Cradle of the Gods", animals carved on "Gobeklii Tepe" stone temples by Natufian culture <----> probably to do with such a religion of the Mighty Hunter in the Sky(Orion).

Modern Nations such as the USA/Britain/Australian follow a "Baphomet Worship"/Molech worship religion which is a degraded version of the original religion of the constellations.

Baphomet Worship is not about sustaining the life of Nimrod the Mighty Hunter.
Baphomet Worship is about people surrounding Nimrod, enslaving Nimrod, murdering Nimrod.
Baphomet Worship is about murdering Nimrod(deified as Saturn god of ancient order,order from chaos,time) and replacing him with Jupiter.
i.e. Paganism,tribalism ,racist beleif system that if racists/nationalists enslave & murder 1 person from another race, racists/nationalists can potentially enslave & murder many people from another race.


Is Julian Cadman's mother asosciated with Linda Vella and/or her husand Joe Vella?
Linda and Joe Vella lived in the same neighbourhood as Toni Collette(actress) during the 1980s.
Is Linda Vella a relative of Kylie Minogue(actress,singer) ?
Did Kylie Minogue ritually murder Michael Hutchence(singer) ?
Were there hints about Hutchence's impending death in the music video Stand Inside Your Love by Smashing Pumpkins ?










Diffferential Omega antennas compared to Large Omega masts.
Are differential omega antennas a way for Omega antenna technology to infiltrate city areas (urban/suburban areas) ?



i.e. The rate of deaths of NSW Police officers is artificially low.

Corrupt perverse alliance between via NSW Police and crime families, via safe bases(sodomite bases)
is activity which creates injustice (Genesis 18:20)

Corrupt perverse alliance between via NSW Police and crime families, is probably a way to:
- murder migrant families (unjust,vicarious murders against migrant families.
- make money illegally (underground economy, Project Hammer ).

e.g. A person becomes Dux (academically first) at High School, and anglo-celtics see that the Dux is a different race to them.
So racist anglo-celtic families conspire murder against the school Dux.
Racist anglo-celtic students from the same school conspire murder by getting jobs in the NSW Police force.
Anglo-celtic racist actress Toni Collette has a friend Daniel Mamo. Daniel Mamo has a racist anglo-celtic friend called Peter Mort.
Peter Mort(racist) gets a job in the police at some time, and conspires murder against the Dux.
Peter Mort also helps racists than him get jobs in the NSW Police. One of the racists he helps might be named Brad Morgan.
Brad Morgan(racist) was a student at the same High School as Peter Mort(racist), and Peter Mort helps him o get a job in the NSW Police.
For racists such as Mort and Morgan to get jobs in the Police is away to conspire murder and murder people for their race.



The 1988 song "F*** the Police" is probably connected to sodomy behaviours between anglo-celtic/anglo-germanic police and crime gangs/prisoners/prisoner families
.***_tha_Police .
Replace the *** with a "uck" if you want to read the wikipedia information.
Note: about the name of the music group that wrote and performed the song, this website does not support the use of racist terminology.

... racist criminals think they escape justice by coming near victims,unjustly communicating at victims,
illogicaly criticising victims,

racists are sadisically smiling silently and a person doesn't know why, or racists make sounds at the victim and walk off,
or racists unjustly communicating at victims,illogicaly criticising victims before vicims have a chance to ask questions "who are you? What have you done ? "

[undue influence situations:]
Situations where people come near to a person who doesn't tolerate them, can be manufactured through racial violence (badly injuring a person),
but also through attaching a device to a person's nerves to disract a person's attention and then racists coming near unexpectedly,
doctors making medical lies: doctors convincing or forcing people into hospital: people being in the same hospital space as people they don't tolerate,
racists conspiring to prevent people from driving cars thus forcing people to use public transport where criminals have a chance to come near and to kill/injure a person,

[situations of "police refusing to give closure" about racial violence crimes , and undue influence:]
racists conspiring to prevent people from driving cars thus forcing people to use public transport where criminals have a chance to "finish off(murder)" people that already been injured by racially violent criminals etc .
By refusing to investigate crimes of racial violence, the NSW Police deliberately create situations where criminals have a chances to "finish off(murder)" victims of racial violence crimes.
<---- The NSW Police (as an organisation) should be charged with "conspiracy to murder" in situations where violent crimes are deliberately not investigated.

behaviour where racists are like flies coming near, trying to land on a person,
but racists think they are like angels with wings, or want people to believe they are like angels with wings.
But such racists are more like flies trying to land on people.












Elizabeth Windsor is a child murder, and her crimes are blamed on innocent people.

[Elizabeth windsor] & The Kamloops Kidnapping 1964
HAF - ... Elizabeth [Windsor] Found Guilty in Missing Children Case: Whistle Blowers Incarcerated.

The unjust behavior of Elizabeth Windsor is connected with innocent people becoming victims of
"no_due_process" behaviour by police and medical doctors .

This information possibly has to do with the corrupt racist behaviour of Adam Burne,Katrina Nichols
and their police friends (Peter Mort,Brad Morgan) in 1995 and afterward.



Don Lane (deceased 1970s American media personality in Australia (Channel 9 Australia television channel).
Don Lane <---- possibly related to -----> Prescott Bush.
Mick was face double (body double) of Don Lane.

Paula(daughter of Mick) was friends with Karen.
Karen(female) resembles photos of Joe Kennedy Junior(Joseph P. Kennedy), the brother of John F Kennedy.
John F Kennedy was USA Politician who was assassinated during the 1960s.

Joe Kennedy Junior died in a plane crash during the Wold War 2.
Joe Kennedy Junior died during experiments with radio controlled airplanes filled with Torpex explosives: airplanes that crashed into targets and exploded.
<---- 1940s "radio controlled drone" planes.
[See documentary "Dead Men's Secrets:The Mysterious Death of Joe Kennedy.(Season 1 Episode 11)"

[See also mention of Joanne from Big W(1994-95). Joanne is a body double of Karen.Joanne is like a younger twin of Karen.]

Question: Did 1940s experiments with radio controlled planes used as bombs during the 1940s eventually turn into 1990s experiments to create radio controlled expendable humans (Hippocampal Neuron Patterning)?
[i.e. Experiments to create radio controlled humans , which are part of the Nazi plan to enslave & exterminate certain races of humans.<--- The World War 2 German Nazi plan as expressed in publication "Conversations with Rauschning"?
i.e. Experiments to create radio controlled humans , which is also research to enslave human nervous systems based upon race ? <--- euphemistically referred to as "anti-immigration" activity.

Are modern racist medical researchers doing illegal genetic experiments with the genetics of modern humans? Is the research of Ivanovich Ivanovic being used to try to create expendable humans ?
Are news stories about 'suicide bombers' somehow connected to the 1940s drone plane bombs and modern Nazi research to create radio controlled humans ? <----- Israeli/Arab(Semitic) middle-eastern connection to Modern Nazi research programs?]



Note the word "Drone" has connotations of a 'bee hive'.The terminology drone is connected with slave labour and robots.


during the 1980s, Peter Dunn was part of the same Scout group as Joshua Cameron, Clive Bunker,Brett Beehag,[Wayne Brodie?]
That scouting group was across the road from the training ground of the Rugby League club that Jason Vella played for.
Jason Vella is the son of Joe Vella who was the coach of a rugby league club team.
Racist Anglicans<----> Peter Dunn's Scout Group.

Peter Dunn had a "name double" (namesake) who has been mentioned by the media, and has recently died. <---- evidence of race war activity between Peter Dunn and the "Mr Cruel" supporters.
Joshua Cameron is from a Vietnam Veteran family. <------ child murder activity by Vietnam War soldiers. (Human sacrifice,anti-immigration/depopulation racism against migrant groups).
[ <--- Possibly relevent to Project Montauk, Hippocampal Neuron Patterning.Vietnam War Veterans & Motorcycle gangs. Anglo-germanic supersoldier research. Celtic cross "nazi superman" research.]

Milperra Masscre(Motorcycle gangs) <---?----> Port Arthur Massacre

Wade Frankum(Strathfield Massacre,NSW Australia,3:30pm 1991)<---?-->Brenton Harrison Tarrant(Christchurch massacre,New Zealan,2019)
[Brenton <---> "Nathan Martin","Michael Kostic" and Kostic's mention of "Fozzy bear" during secondary school and probably over Omega antenna networks? Did Wade Frankum have a nickname like "Phantom"? Phonetic similarities to Eric Frantham?]

Kamloops Canada is probably on an ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION [TRADE] ROUTE from the USA into CANADA

The "Mr Cruel" serial killings in Australia possibly have a connection to the "Zodiac Killer" serial killings overseas, and Ted Bundy serial killer.
MJ-12 racists (Majestic-12) maybe have something to do with the Zodiac Killer. MJ-12 has connotations of the 12 constellations of the Zodiac.
Ted Bundy (serial killer) has a resemblance to George Bush[George Herbert Walker Bush].

31_05_2019_003__faces_around_19_02_2019.jpg<----- Posted 05/06/2019

faces of people around a shopping centre within walking distance of a Prison/Jail(Correctional Centre). Are they connected to Berwyn Rees (triple murderer) ? Are they connected to Joanne (Big W employee from years 1994-1995) ?



Elizabeth Windsor of England is the leader of the Church of England(Anglicans) and Elizabeth Windsor is a pagan witch(Coven of Hecate member).
The Church of England(Anglicans) are a hypocritical racist-nationalist so-called-christian denomination full of freemasons, homosexuals and probably various child murderers.

For further information about the MJ-12 genocidal racism(ephemistically described as anti-immgation), see the diagram above "16_05_2019_002.jpg" (Neural Interfaces,Robotic Planes, Robotic Space Shuttles,Slave Labour Devices).









<----------A man seen in a shop (in year 2009 and again in year 2019):

further information published about 26_03_2009__reposted__05_05_2019_002.jpg
A man seen in a shop (in year 2009 and again in year 2019): ]

A man seen in shop resembles a Jehovah's Witness man who owned a home with basement.
Maria Shellander(Jehovah's Witness) would attend his home once a week, as part of her religious meetings curriculum during year 1988.
Schellander would take along her bible studies(people who she was attempting to convert).
Schellander would take her people to his home.
Maria Schellander took Peter the Submariner to his home.
The home of the Jehovah's Witness man had a basement and was probably located somewhere in Seven Hills.

Such basements are possibly sometimes used for slavery, such as news stories about John Wayne Gacy.

Maria Schellander possibly had a habit of introducing young males to very bad people(very bad characters).
The man who owned the home with the basement displayed behaviour of coming close facially to the face(s) young male(s),
and speaking into the mouth of young male(s). The behaviour of the Jehovah's man who owned a home with a basement
would suggest that he was a homosexual within the Jehovah's Witness religious organisation.

The man seen in the shop:
-facially resembles the Jehovah's Witness man that owned home with a basement.
- has similar ears to the Chalker family(Trevor Chalker and his offspring Leigh Chalker,Jason Chalker,Christie Chalker)

The man seen in the shop was later seen at Bunnings Warehouse in Marsden Park (2019).
[He or someone very similar looking was later seen at Bunnings Warehouse in Marsden Park.
He walked near a person and said 'hi(hello)' . He probably got a job at Bunnings Warehouse Marsden Park.]

There is a possibility that the man seen in the shop is a terrorist from the Australia military, connected with a news story: [the yea 1985 bombing of a Jehovah's Witness Church Building(Kingdom Hall) at Casula].
[If he is not a Jehovah's Witness, he is probably related to a Jehovah's Witness.]
On 21 July 1985[6]Kingdom Hall(Jehovah's witness church building) was bombed
(at Casula suburb of Sydney NSW Australia): Graham Wykes(Jehovah's Witness minister) was killed.
[australian terrorist's name:John Warwick]

The man seen in the shop is probably involved with Ku-Klux-Klan-type conspiracies where racists don't leave people in peace when they are in public.

The man seen in the shop is probably involved with Ku-Klux-Klan-type conspiracies where racists don't leave people in peace when they are shopping (Shopping

centre racism): racism to prevent certain races of people from shopping at some shopping areas.
The man seen in the shop is probably is friends with Charlie Camilleri and his wife. Their daughter Maryann Camilleri and her husband Miguel Grifa are closely
associated with Neal Winter(homosexual criminal convicted in year 2005). The Camilleri family are friends of Toni Collette(actress) and Wayne Brodie.
Toni Collette is closely associated with Neal Winter via interschool musicals (dance formals?) and her friendship with Brodie Bass the homosexual boyfriend of
Thern Reynolds.
Toni Collette is a woman who had a habit of dating homosexual/bisexual racist men (homosexuals who seek access to females as a way to have families,
homsexual men who conspire to prevent heterosexuals from having access to the opposite sex <---------> probable murder/slavery conspiracies perpetrated by
homosexuals/bisexuals, see references to Nazi ideology(concentration camps) separation of males and females to prevent breeding of certain races: and that is where Nazi ideology overlaps with homosexual organisations such as N.A.M.B.L.A and the Butterfly Kisses Group).]


for further information
and read disclaimer beforehand.


[This magazine cover is posted here, because the information in this magazine maybe has
been misused to produce a situatiion of biological experiments in Sydney Australia.
Racists in the western media possibly hint about this magazine by using words such as "HIGH TECH" and "LOW TECH".

[Recent information 30/01/2018]
There could be racist technology research hidden under the category approximately describable as "Pilots who fly in the stratosphere: adverse effects on biology via ultra-violet light and cosmic rays" There is a similarity to such pilot research to so called "astronaut health reseach" in which astronauts travelling in deep space would result in health problems from cosmic rays,atomic,subatomic particles. Such particles would pass through the walls of the space ship in the absence of magnetic shielding. The bodily cells/organs of the astronauts would be horribly damaged from being bombarded by such cosmic rays,atomic,subatomic particles. Such cellular damage from cosmic rays,atomic,subatomic particles would result in the astronauts becoming cyborgs as a way to keep surviving during the space voyage. About the similar stratospheric pilot research: much of the racist research might be French,(and some British) <--- B.A.E. SYSTEMS? USA multi-national "The Rand Corporation" (French division of the Rand Corporation)? The Rockefeller family are of French/Dutch ethnicity in the USA. During the 1960s-1970 France specialised publicly in building aircraft such as civilian airliners that could travel through the stratosphere. Then at around the beginning of the 1980s,the use of such civilian airliners came to stop for no apparent reason. The health of pilots, air stewards and stewardesses possibly suffered as a result of their stratospheric voyages but western countries(France,Britain) did not want to formally state such information. Countries such as France and Britain were building civilian airlines, but probably also did research with stratospheric fighter planes.

Note that humans flying im the Stratosphere or deep space is a different physical situation to humans on the earth's surface surviving a solar storm , or utilising ionospheric energy.
Certain lieing racists have tried to suggest that collecting ionospheric energy on the earth's surface has similarities to being bombarded by subatomic particles.
This website is opposed to such lies by racists, and favours research to collect ionospheric energy on the earth's surface which is shielded from cosmic rays.





------------------------------------ 24/ Information relevent to the Viking-Ummayyad Slavery Network: Germans,Germanics,Scandinavians,Teutons have been been fighting the Romans and the Catholic Church over hundreds of years.
Germanic Teutons defeated the Romans in the Teutoberg Forest in 9 AD.
The first place the Vikings raided in Britain was the [Catholic] monastery at Lindisfarne in 793 AD.
The protestantism of the German man Martin Luther is based upon Germanic Nationalism, and the hatred of Germanic culture against the "ethnically universal" preaching of the Catholic Church.
Germans hated the Catholic church's attempt to convert Germany so much that Germans and Scandinavians secretly allied with the Muslims in North Africa and that resulted
in the Saracens and Moors invading Spain around the time of the Catholic Carolingian dynasty of Charlemagne deposed the Gnostic heretic Merovingian Dynasty in France.
Catholicism Christianity is upon to all nations and races, unlike protestant denominations which have a tendency toward each protestant denomination preaching to its own national group(racial group).
Germanic societies are supporters of racial segregation , racial apartheid .

The Gnostic heretic Merovingians were connected with stories about the Holy Grail being a code for the descendants of Jesus Christ.
[according to such gnostic heretic stories SAN GRAAL(holy cup)<--secretly corresponds to-> SANG RAAL(holy blood] in French language.
Are such stories a type of ignorance similar to the expression "If the King James Bible English language was good enough for Jesus, it is good enough for modern Fundamentalist christians" ?
Note that the the English language did not exist when Jesus was alive on earth.


THE HOLY GRAIL BLOODLINE IS THE PEOPLE WHO MURDERED JESUS AND FOUND WAYS TO MIGRATE/INVADE EUROPE and propagating an anti-christian system(pretend christian system)
of gnosticism which is influenced by Greek paganism and probably the customs of Sodom and Gomorrah.
e.g. Gnostics secretly going into caves and one teaching others the so called "Mysteries of Mark" which probably results in people hearing voices in their head.
The gnostic "experiential knowledge of christ" is probably a euphemism for gnostics hearing voices in their head.
Also possibly connected to gnostic corruption is Templar Crusaders worshipping a Baphomet and kissing each other at the base of the spine.
(In Gnosticism, angels(archons)and their leader(demi-urge) are the creators of the World, instead of the God. <--- similarities to pagan Zoroastrian dualism.
AngraManyu(Ahriman)is considered the creator instead of Ormuzd(Ahura Mazda).















Teresa May in 2019 is UK Prime Minister. Teresa May was UK Home Secretary in year 2002 when Gary McKinnon hacked into NASA computers and leaked information about NASA's Secret Space program.







NSW Policemen Peter Mort,Brad Morgan, and Chrissy Leyshon should be officially investigated,officially questioned about their involvement with NAMBLA.They are probably involved with NAMBLA.
Mort, Morgan, Leyshon are friends of Wayne Brodie. Wayne Brodie is probably a NAMBLA member in Australia.Wayne Brodie is a Dutch Boer Caucasian racial apartheid type(phenotype) that speaks with an Australian accent. Australians such as Wayne Brodie have a habit of taking holidays overseas to do injustice and to form connections with unjust people and unjust organisations.

Year 1995 Police people Adam Burne and Katrina Nichols should be officially investigated,officially questioned about their involvement with NAMBLA [and its sister organisation of lesbians(sodomites) "Butterfly Kisses Group"].
Adam Burne and Katrina Nichols were working at the same police station as Brad Morgan and Peter Mort.

Perverse racists Mort, Morgan, Leyshon, Wayne Brodie, Vanessa Speight are DELIBERATELY SENDING POLICE ARMED WITH GUNS to come near heterosexuals when heterosexuals appear to be moving out of/against social isolation , and socially moving out of/against of the web of sodomites positioned/planted by NAMBLA.

... NAMBLA deliberately inflicts injustice of social isolation and slavery (Genesis 18:20) .
BY watching people and producing social isolation against heterosexuals, members of NAMBLA believe that they own heterosexuals.
If NAMBLA members think that a heterosexuals might meet someone interesting, is counteracting the social isolation, is moving out of the web of perverse people
that NAMBLA sends against heterosexuals, that is when NAMBLA conspires [acts] to physically harm,enslave,murder heterosexuals...

i.e. See information below "Deductions about the NAMBLA organisation."







Vanessa Speight and her Seventh Day Adventist friends/rivals(Kelly Dansie double) should be officially investigated,officially questioned about their involvement with NAMBLA.They are probably involved with NAMBLA.
Vanessa Speight is a friend/neighbour of Wayne Brodie. Wayne Brodie is probably a NAMBLA member in Australia.Wayne Brodie is a Dutch Boer Caucasian racial apartheid type(phenotype) that speaks with an Australian accent. Australians such as Wayne Brodie have a habit of taking holidays overseas to do injustice and to form connections with unjust people and unjust organisations.

The Seventh Day Adventist church is an American religion, with similarities to Mormonism.

Perverse racist Vanessa Speight and her Seventh Day Adventist friends/rivals are DELIBERATELY SENDING POLICE ARMED WITH GUNS to come near heterosexuals when heterosexuals appear to be moving out of/against social isolation , and socially moving out of/against of the web of sodomites positioned/planted by NAMBLA.

... NAMBLA deliberately inflicts injustice of social isolation and slavery (Genesis 18:20) .
BY watching people and producing social isolation against heterosexuals, members of NAMBLA believe that they own heterosexuals.
If NAMBLA members think that a heterosexuals might meet someone interesting, is counteracting the social isolation, is moving out of the web of perverse people
that NAMBLA sends against heterosexuals, that is when NAMBLA conspires [acts] to physically harm,enslave,murder heterosexuals...

i.e. See information below "Deductions about the NAMBLA organisation."



[posted 12/08/2019]










These faces are criminals who are connected to Roger Rogerson's corruption and John Nikolic dug trafficking corruption.Rogerson has been jailed in recent years. John Nikolic was recently jailed for 18 years in Fiji.
These faces and alledged Police Woman Deborah Wallace(Operation Hammer/Project Hammer 1990s,Strike Force Raptor 2019) should be jailed for the same kind of corruptionand racism as Roger Rogerson and John Nikolic.
American-Turkish-NATO military corruption and racism in Australia? John Nikolic is a Serbian-Australian. Serbia was under the Turkish Ottoman Empire for 4 centuries.
They activity is similar to C.I.A. agents(spies) making money from drugs,prostitution, murders of migrants.






1) To do with Olga Romanoff being an impostor connected to Charles Windsor. Olga Romanoff <---> "The "Sound of Music"" movie/film and similar.
Anna Anderson who claimed to be Anastasia Romanoff. Anna Anderson probably had an inbred genetic trait called "Habsburg Jaw".
Anna Anderson was probably related to the Habsburg family, not the Romanov family.
2)About the film "Alien(1979)".
Ridley Scott(film maker) stole his ideas from Barbarella*(film by Dino De Laurentiis).
Barbarella has a derelict space ship scene, and groups of people trapped bodily in rocks,
similar to how the alien cocoon's people into walls of space facilities.
The Alien is possibly like a racial vilification against human races with Dolicocephalic Skulls(the most ancient civilizations).
The Alien is possibly how racists consider to be the opposite of the Brachycephalic blonde caucasian male angel.

Kevin Spacey(actor,film maker,singer) and Ridley Scott(film maker) are associated through film.

Is Ridley Scott(American film maker) secretly a member of homosexual criminal organisation N.A.M.B.L.A. ?
Do most members of N.A.M.B.L.A. have a habit of silently looking on as 1 member of N.A.M.B.L.A. is persecuted by the media.
Do most members of N.A.M.B.L.A.(Ridley Scott and others?) have a habit of silently looking on as 1 member of N.A.M.B.L.A. (Kevin Spacey?) is persecuted by the media.

Toni Collette(Australian actress) is a friend of Ridley Scott.
Wayne Brodie is a friend of Toni Collette from the neighbourhood where Toni Collette grew up before she became an actress.
Toni Collette is closely connected with Neal Winter(australian secondary school music teacher 1980s,homosexual criminal jailed in year 2006)
Toni Collette(actress)---Brodie Bass & Thern Reynolds (Neal Winter's school music class 'teacher's pets') ----Neal Winter.
Toni Collette(actress,'fag hag' who only dated homosexual men)-- Maryann Camilleri(Maryann Grifa:Camilleri married bisexual Miguel Grifa)--- Inter-school music band(group)1988, Secondary School musicals such as "Pippin" in year 1985.


3)DEDUCTIONS about the N.A.M.B.L.A. organisation:

NAMBLA is an organisation of homosexuals/bisexuals/sodomites. NAMBLA is probably about enforcing SEPARATION OF MALES & FEMALES , and that is where NAMBLA overlaps with NAZI ACTIVITY:
e.g. The separation of males and females in Nazi concentration camps during world war 2. See also the WW2 publication "Conversations with Rauschning" which expresses the NAZI IDEOLOGY of
separating males and females of certain racial groups to prevent them from begetting families.

Through homosexual customs, NAMBLA produces mass murderers,serial killers and anglo-celtic child soldiers that bother,harm, and murder people. <---probable connections of NAMBLA to Project Montauk.
NAMBLA is an organisation that has the purpose of inflicting homosexual injustices against heterosexuals (Genesis 18:20) .
NAMBLA watches heterosexuals, produces social isolation against heterosexuals by conspiring behind their backs.

NAMBLA deliberately inflicts injustice of social isolation and slavery (Genesis 18:20) .
BY watching people and producing social isolation against heterosexuals, members of NAMBLA believe that they own heterosexuals.
NAMBLA sends perverse males and perverse females against heterosexuals,to NOT leave heterosexual in peace.
e.g. "Shut up slave" behaviour where perverse groups come near and throw hostile comments at socially isolated people.
NAMBLA sends perverse males and perverse females against heterosexuals, hoping that the heterosexuals will become friends with perverse people(sodomites).

NAMBLA deliberately inflicts injustice of social isolation and slavery (Genesis 18:20) .
BY watching people and producing social isolation against heterosexuals, members of NAMBLA believe that they own heterosexuals.
If NAMBLA members think that a heterosexuals might meet someone interesting, is counteracting the social isolation, is moving out of the web of perverse people
that NAMBLA sends against heterosexuals, that is when NAMBLA conspires to physically harm,enslave,murder heterosexuals.

Where males are mixing with females, NAMBLA wants the males to be sodomised males.
If males are not sodomised, NAMBLA conspires social isolation against them.
So where females are mixing with sodomised males, the females are probably sodomised.







[About Bowman(astronaut) in the Novel & Film "2001: A space odyssey".
The monolith unexpectedly opened, and Bowman entered. His last words to
Mission Control were "My God, it's full of stars."]

Then Bowman ends up in large white room , were he is given meals, and grows old.
[Does] Bowman end up as a "kept person"/"kept man"(enslaved) in an underground room ?
Compare the film "Kept Woman(2015)".

Question: Was author Arthur C. Clarke a perverse person who enslaved people in Sri Lanka ?
Was Arthur C. Clarke giving hints in his novels that he was a slave trader ?

Majestic-12, Project Orion, Project Daedalus, British Rail UFO <------> enslavement and extermination of some racial groups & anglo-germanic race escaping into space.

David Bowie(singer,homosexual/bisexual/sodomite persona as "Ziggy Stardust" space-man. )
<----> David Bowie the sodomite,pretending to be an astronaut/alien/angel, invading countries in the developing world nations(or from the developing world),
befriending people,commiting injustices against people, and murdering people for their race.
At the beginning of the novel/film "2001: A space odyssey" , the monolith is portrayed as a 'tree of knowledge'
around which apes gather: the apes that will eventually become humans.

The film features classical music "Thus Spake Zarathustra(Zoroaster Persian Messiah,Zoroastrian religion)" <----- music probably connected with the Moon Landing in 1969, and modern atheist/pagan/satanist ideology.

A tree of knowledge is possibly like a talking pillar, or talking stone: a pillar/stone surrounded by a caduceus coil configuration of metal (similar to a snake winding around the pillar/stone)
[The bible portrays such talking stones/talking pillars as talking metallic snakes coiled around a tree (Genesis 3:1). The snake is a "shining one" : hebrew word "nachash" which is something that shines like metal.

[In the Assyrian language, the tree of life possibly corresponds to the term "Alamittu" which is a Archimedes Screw known about thousands of years before Archimedes.
[In the Assyrian language, the tree of life possibly corresponds to the term "Alamittu" which is a Archimedes Screw(water screw resembling a pruned palm tree and caduceus) known about centuries/millennia before Greek Archimedes.]
[1.Nineveh, Babylon and the Hanging Gardens: Cuneiform and Classical Sources Reconciled by Stephanie Dalley
2.The Mystery of the Hanging Garden of Babylon by Stephanie Dalley]

If people could go through the Monolith , like sci-fi movies portray going through a wormhole, like sci-fi movies portray going through a stargate, would people find ENSLAVED PEOPLE as the source of the communication? (1 Peter 3:19)
If people could go through the Monolith , like sci-fi movies portray going through a wormhole, like sci-fi movies portray going through a stargate, would people find an enslaved Bowman (kept person/kept man) as the source of communication?
If people could go through the Monolith , like sci-fi movies portray going through a wormhole, like sci-fi movies portray going through a stargate, would people find victim(s) of Baphomet Worship customs as the source of communication?

See also the film "Interstellar(2014)" which has astronauts, and an isolated man mysteriously communicating remotely through a bookshelf.

Are talking pillars/talking stones sometimes depicted as people bodily trapped inside stones, or coocooned by alien creatures such as in the films Barbarella(1968) , Alien(1979), Aliens(1986) ?  







the person who killed Curtis Cheng at parramatta police was trying to kill David Owens(homosexual criminal(star chamber cop/policeman),double of alan jones).
Homosexual criminals such as Alan Jones, and his body doubles need to have justice applied against them.
See the news story on 60 minutes form 1988 narrated by Jennifer Byrne.

Alan Jones ---- David Owens --- Shane Fitzsimmons ----Philip Coperberg ---- John Fahey(former NSW premier)
[Neal Winter probably has some association with these people.
Neal Winter convicted for homsexual crimes in year 2006].
Neal Winter --Thern Reynolds, Brodie Bass(Neal Winter's secondary school music class "pets")-- Toni Collette(actress),Ben Collette(homsexual brother of Toni),Stuart Gunther and his brother Robert---- Philip Coperberg,John Fahey.



Man Monis killed 2 Australians(aussies) in a Coffee Cafe (Lindt Cafe) in year 2014 (Sydney CBD , NSW Australia)
See information about confectionary companies such as Lindt and Nestle, and their connection to World War 2 nazism.
See information about Nestle(Nescafe) coffee adverts, and Adolf Hitler's relatives appearing in the advertisements of such companies and working as News Reporters.

See also news stories about racism in australian Coffee Houses (Coffee Cafes)
[This news story occurred in year 2014, in Darlinghurst a suburb near the Lindt Cafe (Martin Place,Sydney CBD), several months before the Lindt Cafe seige. ]
Darlinghurst is probably considered a homsexual district in Sydney, through which runs Oxford Street, a street connected with the Sydney homosexual mardi gras.
[This news story is evidence that homosexual lifestyles/sodomite lifestyles are really about intolerance,xenophobia,injustice,ritual murders/terrorism.



N.A.M.B.L.A. is an organisation of socially influentual homosexuals(sodomites) that probably has much influence in Australia. Australia is racially allied with the USA (anglo-celtics).
The social influence of NAMBLA probably extends into the film industry and music industry. e.g. The music video "Sugar" by Robin Schultz is probably a N.A.M.B.L.A. music video.
THe music video portrays a policeman wildly driving around a police car while a younger male sings the song.
A group of females briefly appear in the music video, however most of the music video is about the young male and the older male police officer.
So questions could be asked if the 2 males are calling each other "Sugar" ?

[The younger male in the rock video is an anglo-celtic with big fuzzy hair. The younger male in the music video looks similar to a 1990s physics student at Sydney University
<--- he was in the same physics classes as Bryan Gaensler and later seen working behind an interior glass window at Fisher Library in Physics University.
Is Bryan Gaensler involved with N.A.M.B.L.A. ?























Question: Is Brendan Bergman associated with or related to Sandahl Bergman from the movie 'Conan the Barbarian' ?
[A Dino De Laurentiis film.]

... or Ingrid Bergman(movie actress from a Humphrey Bogart films ?
Is Australian politician Paul Keating a relative of Humphrey Bogart ?

[Alison Rothwell is a relative of racist hypocrite Australian television solicitor Don Rothwell.
Don Rothwell claims to be an international law expert, but doesn't care about nazi doctor crimes.
Alison Rothwell was a Chemistry student and Soil Science student at Sydney University during the 1990s.

Alison Rothwell <--?--> Ivan Torkich


John Taggart should be Andrew Taggart(secondary school mathematics teacher).








Is Donald Trump related to Jan-Michael Vincent(deceased actor) & Steven Seagal--Benjamin Netanyahu ?
[Jan-Michael Vincent was associated with the 1980s helicopter television series Airwolf.

Is Donald Trump a friend of Rudy Giuliani(racist 1990s New York USA Mayor) ?






John Howard(Australian politician) was in the New York City USA(Manhattan Island) the day that the planes crashed into the New York skyscrapers in September 2001.
[Was John Howard stealing people's identities together with American politicians such as George W. Bush, and did that result
in the events of September 2001 in New York City ?]












If Gwen Terzic is related to Renee Danielle Berrier, it is an issue of the Seventh Day Adventist Church advertising to people, inviting people to their church, and conspiring murder.
The Seventh Day Adventist Church does NOT have the right to invite people to their church and then to conspire murder against people.

See also information above about the probable connection of the Seventh Day Church to the Kellogs company and American Nazi Eugenics organisations.

Milan Terzic, the husband of Gwen Terzic was associated with showing people David Down archaeology videos. When people completed a correspondence course in archaeology hosted by David Down,
the correspondece course would include suggestions about visiting adventist churches/becoming involved with adventist church activities. Milan Terzic was a member of a Adventist Church,
and if person(s) visited the Adventist Church and expressed an interest in archaeology, Milan Terzic would drive people to a Seventh Day Adventist retirement hall where archaeology videos would be shown .
One of the people who Milan Terzic drove to the Adventist Retirement Village to show archaeology videos was a teenage student attending secondary school some years ago .}







Eurovision 2014 <---> Sussana Guerra(portuguese singer,aka Suzy) & Emanuel Da Silva Monteiro (portuguese song writer)

Emanuel Da Silva Monteiro (portuguese song writer) <--resemblance -> movie actors:Gary Sinise,Steve Gianelli,David Keith, Kurt Russel

Eastern Suburbs Roosters Rugby league <---> Bondi Beach in eastern Sydney Australia (shore-line)

Eastern Suburbs Roosters Rugby league (John Tobin,convicted drug trafficker) <---> Kings Cross/Bondi Mafia

During the 1980s decade, the St George Dragons Junior Rugby League teams would sometimes play in Eastern Suburbs Roosters jumpers/guernseys/jerseys(torso clothing).






Recent information:
Ewan cameron's sadistic experiments are probably based upon the kind of racism where,
if racists/xenophobes see someone's face somewhere where racists dont want a person to be,
they commit violence against a person, enslave a person in a basement or dungeon,
and as revenge, they show pictures of their races faces while torturing a person.

[Slave labour Devices/Cybernetic listening devices are probably based upon Ewan Cameron's sadistic experiments.]
Adam Burne was a policeman in 1995 that, when racial violence occurred,
refused to do his job to arrest violence criminals,
while showing his face and appearing to speak politely.
It is a probability that Adam Burne While working as a policeman) knew about
the racism techniques described above.

associated with this kind of racism, is activity of racists deliberately coming near,
but not wanting to do anything to help a person's civil rights.

Probably, the intent of racists who behave in such ways is to brainwash people into
being subservient to some faces(corresponding to some races) , through torture

while racist come near show their faces.

The NSW Police need to formally officially be asked about their support of such sadistic racism and brainwashing techniques.
[i.e. An international court could formally question the NSW Police as an organisation, and also individual police officers
who pereptrate such racism.
An international court could also put such police officers to death according to article 147 of the Geneva Convention.





[22-10-2019 Recent Information]

Australia does not care about "freedom of association" (freedom of association is a basic civil right).
[Australia does not care about "freedom of association", does not care about 'anti-racial-discrimination laws', does not care about the Geneva Convention.
Australia is a society based upon pretend friendliness, pretend concern for law, and one racial group watching migrant racial groups and striking at the lives of migrant racial groups.
Australia wants migrant families to be always running back for help to assigned anglo-celtic bad associations]

Australia sends bad associations at migrant families (people that want to be around migrant families but not to do anything to help them.)
i.e. People that want to talk to you, but wont do anything to help you if something bad occurs.
If migrant families stop talking with such bad associations,
the bad associations start watching migrant families and striking against the lives of migrant families in ways where recovery isnt meant to occur,
in ways to prevent people from migrant families associating with the people they consider suitable or helpful.

Such racism is in the education system. If migrant families graduate from the education system and get jobs, Australia wants migrant families to be in the presence of bad associations.
If migrant family workers stop talking with bad associations, Australia wants migrant family employees to run back to their anglo-celtic teachers for help
(by watching migrant family employees and then striking at their lives.)

Police organisations in Australia pretend to care about law, but police organisations wont help migrant families whose lives are being watched and struck by the bad associations
that Australia sends at them.


Slavery and Sodomite Lifestyles.
Slavery , when it occurs in pacific island settings is associated with the terminology "Blackbirding".



Racist actress Angelina de Joile starred in the movie Beowulf (2007) and has worked as a United Nations Goodwiil Ambassador <--- racism within United Nations.
Angelina de Joile is the daughter of actor John Voight who has starred in boxing films such as: The Champ(1979),and films with ritual sex/perverse sex themes such as Deliverance
Since around the year 2000 the cult describable as "Zonbie Takeover UFO Cult" members has been very active in the media, making many films ,television series, and computer games about a Zombie Earth.
It is probably one of the major UFO cults associated with the terminology "Project Bluebeam" (Alien Takeover of Earth agenda: really man made UFOs <----> Nuclear Propelled Spacecraft:Project Orion,Daedalus,British Rail UFO,MJ-12) .
Charles Manson's ideology(Helter Skelter) <-----> Morlock underground race in the book "The Time Machine" by H.G.Wells year 1895 <----> Zombie Takeover UFO Cult (Zombies in UFOs, Zombies in Underground bases belief system?)
<----> "The Coming Race" by Edward Bulwer-Lytton (Book published in year 1871)

Such a UFO cult is probably part of the 'Steam Punk' subculture genre that portrays medieval and pre-american-civil-war situations combined with very advanced steam machines technology(films like Wild Wild West, computer games like Warcraft).
'Clockwork human' slaves are part of the Steam Punk genre as portrayed in films series such as 'The Abominable Doctor Phibes' <--- a clockwork human musical group appears in one of the films.
See also information about Arthur C. Clarke(author) and Stanley Kubrik(film maker), films such as 'A clockwork orange' , 2001 A space Oddysey. Dino De Laurentiis(film maker) was a contemporary of Stanley Kubrik, and De Laurentiis's films probably provide a connection between Steam Punk racism, and the racism(racial stereotyping) of pretend angel cults.
(films: Barbarella, King Kong etc). Later racist film makers such as Ridley Scott stole ideas from earlier film makers such as Kubrik and De Laurentiis.
A modern rock group called "Steam Powered Giraffe" <---> Zombie Takeover UFO Cult and Steam Punk/Clockwork human slavery agenda <-----> Cybernetic Slavery Agenda.




Ewan Cameron's brainwashing experiments(sadistic brainwashing experiments with earpieces and helments)
and thre mindsets of groups of people who have been turned into sodomites.
Ewen Cameron was a doctor and a sodomite.
[Some nations are sodomite nations.Some medical systems are sodomite medical systems.]

A group of sodomites is a collection of people who thought think/thought they were strong in numbers,
but they weren't strong enough to prevent themselves being sodomised.
This information has something to do with sodomites wanting to continually, sadistically communicate
at people considered outside their group.

So Ewan Cameron devised a method of sadism for sodomites to continually,sadistically communicate at
medical experiment victims by using a earpiece with a gridiron helmet.

[Brainwashing experiments to communicate at the victims of medical experiments.
Sadistic communications continually occur over days,weeks, months.

Such experiments can be described as terrorising the human auditory system.

Ewan Cameron's experiments with earpieces and gridiron helmets eventually became slave labour devices attached to the nerves.
Slave labour device experimetns are experiments to terrorise the human nervous system.


...This information has something to do with sodomites wanting to continually, sadistically communicate
at people considered outside their group...

Sydney University is involved a form of ritual sadism where a groups of university sodomites walk past people
and they are making sounds or using words against individuals in a way where they don't want to leave in peace
the life of the individuals...

and ritual sadism where groups of sodomites walk past individuals and begin laughing in an derogatory way
in a way where they don't want to leave in peace the life of the individuals.

The behaviour of groups of sodomites at Sydney Univesity has something to do with homosexual organisations such as
NAMBLA (and the BILDERBERG SOCIETY?) being influentual at Sydney University.

Such behaviour by groups of University sodomites eventually leads to murder/'racial violence' conspiraces and
sadisitic experiments with slave labour devices.

The sadistic method of sadistic communication in Ewan Cameron's experiments is describable as sodomites communicating around
an injustice, but they dont want to mention the injustice, and they don't want to do anything to stop the injustice.





There is a connection between the Jura River(Lithuania/Kaliningrad Region Russia) and the Jura Mountains(Switzerland/France).

Thousands of years ago Scythians or their ancestors were boating the coastlines of the North Sea, boating across the English Channel to Britain,
and navigating the Rhine River.

Scythians or their ancestors were navigating by boats up the Rhine River, reached Jura mountains, and the Rhone River, then the Moselle River
which flows through Lorraine Province.(The region around the Moselle River was later invaded by Germanics/scandinavians and
renamed Lotharingia.)
[It is relevent to mention the Ardenne Forest in connection with France and the province/duchy of Lorraine.
The Ardenne extends from France to Holland.]

The Scythians trade routes became the germanic Hanseatic League trade route.
[THe Hanseatic League is an Illuminati organisation that conspires to germanise slavic people and nations.
There are various other Illuminati organisations in other regions of the world.]

Kaliningrad(a disputed region currently owned by Russia) was probably part of the Cossack marches , as mentioned in the song "Polyushko Polye".
Cossacks are probably descendants of Scythians.
[Kaliningrad used to known as Konigsberg, but was inhabited by Cossacks thousands of years before Germans and Russians.]


The discovery of Radium is connected to Scythian Trade Routes later taken over by the Germanic Hanseatic League.

[There is some connection of the Lusatian Mountains(Ore Mountain range) on the Czecho-Slovakian border to the Jura Mountains.
Czecho-Slovakia<--?-->Vistula river system <---> Vistula Lagoon,Kaliningrad region Russia]

Pitchblende is a tar(hydrocarbon,heavy oil) that was mined in the Lusatian mountains over several centuries.
Pitchblende probably had strange abilities like making things glow in the dark, or affecting celluloid.
Pitchblende contained radioactive elements such as Radium and Polonium.

Pitchblende was discovered to contain an unknown energy source which would be later known as atomic/nuclear energy.


Marie Curie(Marie Skłodowska) was a Polish woman associated with research into then unknown energy source in Pitchblende.

Marie Curie travelled between between France and Poland, so there is a possibility knew something about ancient Scythian trade routes between Russia,Poland and France.

Married Curie married the French man Pierre Curie , and together they worked to discover the element Radium.
World War I was started by Germany and the Hanseatic League.
A Serbian man from the Hanseatic League assassinanted the German Franz Ferdinand.

Some years later,some influentual germanic/scandinavian families conspired to technologically arm Germany.
Germany invaded Poland and France <--- The beginning of World War 2.
[World War 2 had something to do with the discovery of Radium by Marie Curie,

Ever since the discovery of Radium in the year 1898, Germany was expecting the creation of a new type of Bomb.
German Otto Hahn split the Uranium atom in 1936.
So 1930s Germany was expecting that a new energy source of nuclear power to be used in bomb, and so began World War 2 in 1939.

[Note that British authors such H. G. Wells were writing about such new bombs, they knew beforehand that such bombs had enough
energy to destroy cities, but they were not sure whether the energy release would be a slow burning like the Great Fire of London(year 1666),
or whether energy release would be more rapid.]

Some of the most secret tests of Germany Nazi Germany were the Nazi Bell(Die Glocke) experiments carried out around the
Wenceslas Mine(Lusation Mountains/Ore Mountain range) where Pitchblende was first discovered.

The Nazi Bell experiments were probably to do with propulsion by discrete explosions(chemical bombs).
i.e. Experiments to propel an object through a series of chemical bomb explosions, one after the other,
and Germany was expecting the creation of a nuclear bomb to propel objects with much force than chemical bombs.

Germany was defeated in World War 2, the Nazi Bell research stolen by the Americans.
The Nazi Bell research later became Project Orion(propulsion by nuclear explosions), after the Americans found a way to create an Atomic Bomb.
[Did Americans use German knowledge , together with their own research to create the first atomic bomb?
Germany was defeated in early 1945. Was German nuclear physics research stolen and combined with American research to create the first atomic bomb in Project Manhattan?]

Ever since the Battle of the Bulge(Battle of the Ardenne) toward the end of World War 2, Americans(anglo-celtic nation) have been making a "pretend angelic" war against
Lorraine. American homosexuals(American sodomites) have been giving hints in the media that they are trying to take over Lorraine.
Media hints(expressions) such as "Men don't each quiche", and "He's a Nancy boy" .

[This information is probably relevent to racism by Swiss Confectionary companies(Nestle and Lindt) and racist families appearing in Coffee advertisements. Jura Mountains on the French/Swiss border and ancient Scythian trade routes.Cossacks are Scythian descendants.]


melania trump is a perpetrator of biological warfare attacks.




Note: The film "last knights" is a film about a group of Knights ruled over by the Middle-Eastern, Turkish Ottoman Empire.
i.e. Christian Knights ruled over by Muslim Ottoman Turks.(A group of Christian Knights surviving in a region taken over by Islamic Ottoman Turks.)
European countries such as Romania,Serbia,and Greece were under the rulership of Islamic Ottoman Turks for several centuries.
Romanians (near Black Sea) are a Sarmatian nation in Eastern Europe allied with Italy.
Romanians are descended from Dacians(Sarmatians) and Ancient Romans ,and Romanias were later defeated by the Turkish Ottomans(Ossomans/Osmans)
[Films such as 'Dracula Untold' have a similar geographic/historical setting to the 'Last Knights' film.]




George Bush mass murder <---- mass murder charges could be formally pressed against George Bush, in the context of international court/international law/civil law .
[George Bush <----> Carlyle Group(company,2001) <-----> Bin Laden ]
Mass murder activity is probably similar to Serial Killer activity.
1970s serial killer Ted Bundy has a facial similarity to members of the Bush family. Was Bundy related to George Bush ?


Miss J. Black(Toni Collette's school teacher in year 1983, Sydney Australia) ------> Mac/Mack family in the USA <----> Smallville(superman),CATS musical,Tales of the Gold Monkey television series with Steven Collins & Magnum P. I television series.
[Jane? Black, Jenny? Black]
Is Miss J. Black a relative of Paul Stanley from Glam Rock/Glam Metal music group K.I.S.S. (probable acronym for Knights in Satan's Service) ?
[Is KISS a MJ-12 musical group involved in brainwashing-into-nazism experiments via music,perverse sex(sodomy),illicit drugs,safe bases(sodomite bases),UFO cults/Pretend Angel Cults , along with other glam rock music groups such as:
Smokie(1964), E.L.O.(Electric Light Orchestra),The Sweet(1968),David Bowie, Cliff Richard together with his television series friend Kenny Everett who died of A.I.D.S., Gary Glitter ]
MJ-12 <---> Nancy Reagan,USA.
Is the lead singer of E.L.O. Jeff Lynne a british member of N.A.M.B.L.A. ? See information above about the music video Sugar by Robin Schultz.]

Some member of music Band 'Smokie' (Chris Norman?,Ron Kelly?) <--resemblance to--> Vanessa Speight's family members.Speight was a neighbour of Wayne Brode and 'Jim' Cameron. Speight is a friend of Toni Collette(actress).
Pete Spencer (from Smokie) <--resemblance to--> Alan Sparkl

[Robert 'Jim' Cameron was a fan of "The Seekers"(Australian music group) and probably also "The Searchers"(American music group) who sang similar songs to Smokie music group.]

Book: "Shock and Awe: Glam Rock and Its Legacy, from the Seventies to the Twenty-first Century" by Simon Reynolds

Also, there was a 1983 Waltons company advertisement with a face similar to Miss J. Black.




11/01/2020: Daniel Mamo, NSW Rugby League and some racist connection to illegal immigration from the Ukraine, Armenia ,Turkey,Putin's fascist Regime in Russia,and some racist Cossack families that allied with German Nazis during World War 2.

Some possibly consider the NSW Rugby League a racist entity, because it does not have African players, or very few African players.
It has anglo-celtics,polynesians, and some players from the South Pacific who sometimes resemble Africans but are not African.
Where African players appear in NSW Rugby League they are probably not expected to remain the NSW Rugby League,
one commentators have been heard mentioning with glee an injury to an player that might prevent him from having family. i.e. a player probably considered African but that comes from England.

Daniel Mamo and his racist connections have possibly been a significant influence in such racism.During the 1980s and 1990s, Daniel Mamo became friends with racist Ukrainian females such as Michelle Coppack and Susan Walker.
Susan Walker has an English name but she looks ethnically Ukrainian. Many were expecting Daniel Mamo to become a star player in the Sydney Rugby league competition, but his involvement with Ukrainian prostitutes somehow resulted
in his being moving to Western Australia(State-province) where he played Rugby League for an obscure club called Western Reds. So his name did not become known in the Sydney Rugby league competition.
During his final years of secondary school, Mamo was considered a competitor against players such as Brad Fitler. Brad Fitler became known in the NSW comppetition, while Mamo remained unknown.
The influence that Ukrainian prostitutes had in moving Daniel Mamo to Western Australia, possibly has a connection to Ukrainian prostitutes keeping Africans nearly/entirely out of the NSW Rugby League professional competition.
... and there s some kind of reasoning to do with , if Ukrainian prostitution can do such racism against Africans in Australian sports, then the Ukrainian prostitution can do racism against Africans in other ways.
The Ukraine was an ally/collaborating-nation of Nazi Germany during World War 2.
The way that Ukrainian prostitution/illegal immigration and the NSW Rugb League is able to find players who might resemble Africans but are not African, maybe is connected to plans of nazism to destroy populations of Africans,
and replace them with populations that look African but are not African,probably as a precursor to exterminating African nations and populating Africa with Europeans.

Rugby League is a game where people sometimes become very badly injured if they don't have their racial group friends around them supporting them to prevent injury.e.g. Injuries from from Spear Tackles.
It is probable that NSW Rugby League has a policy of isolating racial groups such as Africans if they become involved with Rugby League, and that NSW Rugby League is secretly involved in organising race hate activity against Africans.
i.e. The NSW Rugby League regards Africans with suspicion, and wants Africans to be considered with suspicion.

The NSW Rugby League probably promote the idea of players resembling members of the Beef-Eater organisation, as the physical type that is suitable to play Rugby League.

The End Goal Of Western Progressivism Is Depopulation

[Connected information: Wilbow and Vella went to the same school as Daniel Mamo and Toni Collette. David Wilbow was a friend of Jason Vella. Jason Vella was the son of a junior Rugby League Coach Joe Vella. David Wilbow played in the same Junior Rugby league team as Jason Vella.
Joe Vella would invite groups of people to his home.Afterward, sometimes people would be invited to David Wilbow's home. David Wilbow had an electronic american football game(Grid-iron) game in his home, and it was a simple looking game of an electronic dot/dashes trying get past each the opposing electronic dot/dash].
Some person(s) was invited to the homes and Vella and Wilbow (probably predatory families), and escaped harm by stopping association with Junior Rugby League, stopped association with Vella and Wilbow.
So the Vella and Wilbow probably made a years long conspiracy, along with Mamo's family to murder/enslave person(s) who stopped associating.

The electronic american football(grid-iron) game that David Wilbow had in his home, possibly led to a conspiracy to use sports-science research (and the similar battle-field-science research) as a method
to murder/enslave people that kept to themselves.
Bitcoins currency possibly has a connection to a cybernetic slavery agenda .

bitcoins are based upon computer processing:
when strangers use your computer processing power, they pay you some bitcoins. <--- bitcoin mining has similarities to trojan horse malware programs.

-alphaworld,then 2nd life chat programs set in a 3D(3-Dimensional) Virtual Reality setting with 3d 'avatars' . Alphaworld was discontinud and replaced with 2nd Life chat program.)
- "clusters" on Redhat linux = distributed computing.Then free versions of Redhat Linux operating system were deliberately discontinued and replaced by Fedora.

- based upon use of mobile phones : smart phone mobile phone chips , are probsbly same/similar to chips developed decade(s) earlier in slave labour devices.
[Cybernetic Slavery experiments: racists finding ways to use human bodies remotely (misuse of Tesla's antenna patent 787412 of year 1905) <---> similarities to strangers using your computer in ways resembling trojan horse programs. ]
<--- cybernetic slavery agenda (Tesla's antennas are used to communicate with and track deeply submerged submarines, and are being misused to do slavery experiments:experiments to enslave human nervous systems based upon race.)

- identity theft racism & underground economy: racists discriminating against people , creating a currency which they dont want vicitms of racism to be able to access:
[groups of racists who tell each other information discriminating against people who racists dont want to tell anything to: racists have made a currency out of such discrimination,
New Wireless Technology to Enable Better Smaller Medical Implants
Wireless Brain Implants Developed by Scientist





[Information about English Nazism] Philiiip O'Greece is from Glucksberg family - Phillip O'Greeces sisters did not attend his wedding to Elizabeth Windsor in England because his sisters had married into germanic families that supported nazism during World War 2.

Britain's round tower is said to hold the secrets of british nazism.

Britain's "Round Tower" possibly has similarities to Area-51 in the USA, and the Germanic/Hungarian/Italian Nazism of Kelly Johnson (airplane designer) and the Patillo famly.
The Patillo family have established a presence in the British(Scottish)-Irish region of Dalradia. Dalradia is seldom mentioned in English speaking media.
Star Chambers were abolished in the year 1641.In English speaking countries Star Chambers are still being built in the form of Safe Bases in the 20th and 21st Century.
Star Chambers/Safe bases are probably associated with an unjust system of British Grand Admirals who practise their imperialistic/racist 'Maritime Admiralty' priorities and who care nothing about Civilian Law.
[Safe Bases(star chambers) are built in civilian areas and the people who use them care nothing about civilian law.]

The media in English speaking has giving hints about a system of Grand Admirals, but the media does not give a name to the imagery.
The Beatles "Sargeant Pepper" music album shows the 4 members of the Beatles dressed in British Grand Admiral's uniform.
The Beatles song "Yellow Submarine" might refer to a safe base and the connection of Safe Bases to imperialistic/racist 'maritime admiralty' system of administration by land and sea.
The Beatles came from Liverpool in England Britain, and Liverpool has a history of slavery. The imperialistic/racist system of British Grand Admirals is probably connected to slavery activity in English Speaking countries such as Britain, USA, Australia, New Zealand.

[Songs like "Penny Lane" are a celebration of the slave trade in the streets of Liverpool, and possibly new methods of slavery to do with Slavery being in people's "ears and eyes" .
<---- Cochlear Implants(modern medical research) & Slave Labour Devices , Borg Implants?(as portrayed in films) and Slave Labour Devices.
[Slave Labour Devices(similarity to Cochlear Implants) attached to human nervous system(s) in connection with the surgical attachment of Zygomatic Plate(s) under the facial bones, when facial bones are broken in incidents of racial violence.

In movies such as Star Wars, there are characters such as Grand Moff Tarkin which give hints about the British Grand Admiral System of racism/imperialism/injustice.

Movies and television series that portray the British Grand Admiral system (but they don't give a name to it) are films which tend to include themes of how the world would be like if the German Nazis had won world war 2,
and Britain allying with Nazi Germany as Adolf Hitler intended.Some sources of information suggest that Adolf Hitler and and his German Nazi army could have annihilated the British Army at Dunkirk and invaded England
during the early part of World War 2, but he let the British escape because he considered British closely related to Germans. So Hitler intend to ally with Britain: other German Nazis such as Rudolf Hess had similar
ideology to Adolf Hitler.Some years after Dunkirk, Rudolf Hess(German Nazi official) flew a plane from Nazi Germany to Britain to formally make make an alliance with Nazi Germany and Britain, however Nazi Germany was in the verge of utterly losing World War 2,so no formal alliance was made under such circumstances, and Rudolf Hess was taken prisoner.
Car number plate CK-71-VT, car probably brown colour,around 1:30pm 19/12/2019.
4 or 5 police officers drove through a large bus stop area, observing people waiting for T-way buses.
[In the same suburb that Daniel Mamo and his cousins the Leyshon brothers played for a 'Workers Club' Rugby league team.
His friends Simon Rowe, Paul Goldsmith , Greg Meller played for an R.S.L. team. That R.S.L. club is near the Workers Club, within a few minutes walk.

It was strange that the police officers were in an ordinary car instead of a police car.
There is a possibility that some kind of tourism is occurring by racist police officers driving around in ordinary cars, instead of police cars.
[If they weren't police, but dressed n police uniforms, such circumstances are probably still relevant to mention, in the context of conspiracies by racists. They looked like some kind of opposite of plain-clothes-police. Instead of plain clothes, they were in police uniform in a plain-car.]


Elizabeth Windsor out in public displaying what her inbred anglo-celtic-germanic hunchback genetic traits are like.

Rouse Hill, a suburb in Sydney's North west, is possibly a hangout for(place frequented by) "The Family"(Sodomite criminals,Rose Hamilton-Byrne's organisation,Ku Klux Klan misinterpretations of the bible).
It's shopping area is based around an Anglican Church. At first there was built a small shopping area adjacent to the Anglican Church, and later around the year 2008 a large shopping area eastward.
The people around the shopping area very silent, as though their senses and vigour have been dulled by illicit drug use,and/or maybe it some kind of calmness that results from perverse Australian customs.
However, if you visit the post office a few times, and try to buy items there, you find that the post office sells items which customers have vandalised. So the it is logical to assume that while the
anglo-celtic around Rouse Hill seem placid, behind people's back the anglo-celtic locals are vandals and thieves.

Recently there has been a railway line built through Rouse Hill, and that has brought the sadistic homosexual/bisexual anglo-celtic bodgie gangs to Rouse Hill to make trouble for people who catch the buses.
Homosexuality/bisexuality is part of anglo-celtic gang behaviour since gang lifestyles involve people committing crimes , going in and out of jail. So anglo-celtic gang members teach each other homosexuality to prepare
the gang members for lifestyles involving survival in jail. However, there it should be also mentioned that Australia is probably a sodomite culture, so gang lifestyles are probably a hint of perverse nature of Australian culture,
on a larger scale than gang lifestyles.



The H.A.O.(armanen orden) are possibly the same organisation as the "Brown Shirts" that were rivals of the Nazi Party in Nazi Germany,
for a period of time before their organisation superseded by Hitler's Nazi Party. 1933-1945.
The leader of the Brown Shirts was a violent homosexual named Ernst Roehm.
Ernst Roehm was a racist,a homosexual, and a brawler(street fighter)

Nazi Brown Shirts <-----> H.A.O Armanen Orden( Bilderberg Society , N.A.M.B.L.A. , The sodomite crime organisation called The Family.)
The HAO: orden beloved by the Nazi German Orden. Beloved because they are organisation ritual prostitutes(homosexuals,sodomites) that cross national borders and corrupt people in countries outside Germany.
The HAO had something to do with corrupting Americans and facilitating the transportation of German Nazi scientists into the USA (Operation Paperclip aka Project Overcast)
<--->news programs possibly hint through euphemisms about weather, meteorology,climate change.
The HAO: an organisation involved in Nazi Harvest festivals(teutonic paganism).

Operation Paperclip is probably evidence of the influence of the H.A.O. upon American Society(an anglo-celtic society).

The H.A.O. has influence in Australia (Australia is an anglo-celtic society).

late December 2019:001

late December 2019:002
Question: Were the Saunders family residing near Edinburgh Airforce Base in South Australia? Is that where Saunders family committed homosexual crimes, and then escaped to Queensland (Amberley Air Force base)?
Robert Saunders on several occasions mentioned Amberley Air Base in Queensland, but he was silent about where his family were residing in South Australia. Robert Saunders said he came from South Australia, and then
was mentioning Amberley, as though Amberley was in South Australia. But Amberley is in the state/province of Queensland in Australia ...
and Robert Saunders was silent about the Air Force in the state/province of South Australia, whose name has been discovered to be Edinburgh Air Force base.

Probable path of homosexual crimes & murder/slavery crimes of the Saunders family: Edinburgh Air Base(South Australia)---->Amberley Air Base(Queensland)----->Richmond Air Base & Richmond Road (Western Sydney, Sydney NSW). Australia.

[Also to mention that Rouse Hill on Old Windsor Road,Old Windsor Road runs parallel to Richmond Road, Old Windsor Road runs toward Richmond Air Base and the Bells of Line of Road that goes through the Blue
Mountains(Great Dividing Range).So when the sodomite crime organisation called The Family visit Richmond Road, maybe sometimes they take a circular path of roads, to reach their hideout in Rouse Hill.]

[See information above about the documentary "City of Evil" about Adelaide,South Australia , an organisation of sodomite criminals(homosexual crimes) referred to as The Family and who at times probably engage in sex tourism
to venues such as Sydney NSW, Richmond Road, Robin Hood Hotel ,etc.]

Saunders became friends with Peter Payne who lived across the road from Toni Collette(actress).
Saunders on several occasions mentioned an interstate friend of his called 'Matthew Tilley' , but he did not describe whether Matthew Tilley was in Queensland or South Australia.
Saunderds mentioned that his family South-Africans(probably South African Boers). South African Boers are probably often associated with apartheid political racism ideology, but he did not describe what their ideology was,
and during the era described,there was a labour government that promoted ideas of racial tolerance,there was the understanding that Australia was supposed to have anti-discrimination laws to protect the civil rights of citizens.


Recent discovery(27/12/2019): Australia has a system of importing jewish/arabic/middle-eastern homosexuals over sea lanes , as advisors for how to murder migrant families.
Australia is nation founded by Britain.

The region in South-western Britain is called Cornwall, and it is an areas with Tin metal mines.The tin mines of Cornwall were being visited and mined over
thousands of years by Phoenicians from the middle-east.

The native people of Cornwall were not civilised,however the visits by phoenician traders to Cornwall resulted it being an area of Phoenician religion/knowledge in North-western Europe.

The legend of the Fisher King is Phoenician religion in Cornwall Britain. The Fisher King corresponds to the Phoenician fish god Dagon.
Dagon has the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish.
[Legends about the Holy Grail in Britain are probably a later form of the Fisher King tradition, possibly attempts to christianise the Fisher King tradition.
However the Fisher King tradition is something pagan, something involving human sacrifice, so legends about the Holy Grail in Britain tend to be promoted by followers of witchcraft, pagan lifestyles,perverse lifestyle agendas such as freemasons, modern templar organisations and witchcraft religion supporters.

Originally, the Canaanite Phoenicians were visiting Cornwall via the sea lanes.
Over thousands of years Phoenicians became extinct, and were replaced by populations of Jews and Arabs in the middle-east.
Visits from the middle-east continued to Cornwall Britain in the form of Jewish and Arab sea traders over the sea lanes that were previously used by Phoenicians.
Migration of middle-eastern homosexuals to Cornwall Britain probably has something to do with stories about Welsh people with dark skin, terminology such as Black Welsh.
Wales is north of Cornwall, close to Cornwall. Arabs/Semites/Middle-eastern people tend to have darker skin than British people. Jews consider themselves Semitic/middle-eastern.
[Middle homosexual families that migrate to Britain, often interbreed with the British families, so their skin colour tends to become lighter after a few generations.

When the Romans invaded Britain, mysteriously , Cornwall was an area that was resisting the Roman occupation in some way so that Roman roads extended into Cornwall, but few or no significant Roman structures were built in Cornwall.
...During the time of Roman dominance in Britain, Cornwall was rather remote from the main centres of Romanisation. The Roman road system extended into Cornwall, but the only known significant Roman sites are three forts:- Tregear
near Nanstallon was discovered in early 1970s, the other two found more recently at Restormel Castle, Lostwithiel (discovered 2007) and a fort near to St Andrew's Church in Calstock (discovered early in 2007).[13] A Roman style villa
was found at Magor Farm near Camborne...

So when the Romans invaded England, it is possible that Cornwall was secretly importing Hamitic Phoenician/Canaanite/Carthaginian advisors to keep Roman influences at Bay, to resist the Roman invasion.
The Romans were invading England as early as 100 B.C. - 50 B.C , including the invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar.
Cornwall was possibly like a secret ally of surviving Carthaginians/Phoenicians/Canaanites after the defeat and destruction of Carthage, and the destruction of Phoenician cities in the middle east such as Tyre and Sidon.
Eventually the surviving Carthaginians/Phoenicians/Canaanites became extinct, and later the Semitic races such as Arabs and Jews were being imported as advisors to Cornwall

Also, traditions about Briton Kings resisting or repelling the Saxon invasions, are connected to Cornwall and adjacent areas to Cornwall such as Dorset.
Such traditions might suggest that Briton Kings drew upon the middle eastern knowledge in Cornwall to resist the invading Anglo-Saxons.

Legends about a once and future king of the Britons, waiting for his people to arrive and retake England, are probably based upon the Phoenician Fisher King Religion of Dagon,
and possibly historical alliances and georgraphical meetings between Hamitic Phoenicians from the Fertile Crescent and Beaker people(Scythians) from Eurasia and Eastern Europe.
[The civilised Hamitic Phoenicians and their seagoing Hamitic ancestors(advanced cultures) have become extinct.
i.e. The 'farmers from the middle-east' culture (neolithic farmers) that built Megaliths(Passage Tombs) in places such as New Grange in Ireland and the beginnings of Stone Henge in Britain has become extinct.
The Beaker people(Scythians) expanded or upgraded Stone Henge.
Scythian races are still existing in Eurasia and Eastern Europe.]

Cornwall Britain <----> 'The Beefeater Organisation' <-----> Corned Beef (Cornish Beef)
[The Beefeater organisation in Britain has black and red coloured uniforms, the same colour as the German Nazi Swaticka flag.
Beefeaters organisation is probably connected to Cornwall, and the migration of middle-eastern homosexuals into Britain , the eating of beef to make people big and strong.

In Australia, the Mamo and Leyshon families probably are Beefeater families. Leyshon are cousins of Mamo.
The surname Leyshon is of Jewish origin.



Countries like Holland and Germany have something similar to the Fisher King tradition. Germanic countries have a Parsifal tradition(Knight Perceival)
probably connected legends about Valkyries.
The Parsifal tradition might have something to do with a centuries long slave trading routes between Scandinavia and the middle east.i.e.Scandinavian Vikings and the Arabic Ummayyad family in Syria.
[Holland and Germany are close to Lorraine(Lotharingia) where there was probably a presence of Scythians in ancient times.]

...In the earliest story about him(Parsifal/Percival), he is connected to the Grail. In Chrétien's Perceval, he meets the crippled Fisher King and sees a grail, not yet identified as "holy", but he fails to ask a question that would have
healed the injured [Fisher] king. Upon learning of his mistake he vows to find the Grail castle again and fulfill his quest but Chretien's story breaks off soon after, to be continued in a number of different ways by various authors,
such as in Perlesvaus and Sir Perceval of Galles. In later accounts, the true Grail hero is Galahad, the son of Lancelot...

[Traditions about the Fisher King not being able to walk correspond with Phoenician god Dagon who has the lower body of a fish, and can probably swim better than he can move on land.The Fisher King is like a Fish King inhabiting
watery places like sea coastlines and lakes.

Dagon is probably a Drudic Phoenician form of the Sumerian God Enki. The Sumerian God Enki has a name that is a mystery. His name means "Lord Earth" En - Ki), but he is connected with watery places. ]
The mystery becomes resolved when it is discovered that Enki is associated with ancient traditions of a great flood engulfing the earth. Enki is "Lord of the [flooded] earth" ,or "The Earth that used to be dry and was flooded" .
Enki is a god of technology, a god of ancient technology centres (probably including megalith building) .

Enki is the Lord of the ancient trade centre/ancient technology centre that was destroyed by flood.
Such trade centres probably had megalith building knowledge, before they were flooded by rising sea water levels after the end of the ice age.

The religion of Dagon is pagan. Pagan cultures from the fertile crescent(middle-east) and around the fertile crescent have their own pagan traditions of a great flood.
The most advanced of such ancient trade centres was probably in the Persian Gulf (Basin) , before the flooding by rising sea levels.
A less advanced ancient trade centre centre probably existed in the Black Sea(Basin), before flooding by rising sea levels.
Around the Black Sea trade centre was Urartu(corresponding to Bianilli Federation of nations).The modern countries of Armenia and Turkey are where Urartu used to be,
and such paganism is probably part of the modern rock music industry, music such as heavy metal,glam metal,glam rock and its androgynous,perverse,satanic imagery.
<--- anti-christ system: Armenian Native Faith probably closely associated with Zoroastrian satanism(AngraManya/Ahriman),
atheistic racism(thus spake Zarathustra humanism/atheism/nihilism in Germanic countries, god is dead ideology(Gott ist tot(German language) ,God is dood(dude? Dutch language)
'dude' segregationist talk among hippies subculture members (camptown races song racism: dooda-day expressions and zoroastrian satanism:zarathustra=zoroaster)
and Aryan Racial Religionism(pretend Buddhism?),Freemasonry, Witchcraft paganism.

Perverse nations such as Australia are making 'false peace' situations which eventually leads to war and destruction.
e.g. Pretend friendliness and nazism behind people's backs.
[1Thessalonians 5:3 While people are saying, "Peace and security," destruction will come on them suddenly...]

Freemasons calling a person brother,Freemasons committing crimes behind people's back, and then saying "The other guy did it,the stranger from another race" and then pointing a finger against a person the Freemasons call brother.(Vicarious blame conspiracies<---> Human Sacrifice conpsiracies).
Hippie subculture is probably involved in similar injustice to Freemasons. Charles Manson(mass murderer) was part of the hippy subculture.
[Australia is a pretend friendly culture where anglo-celtics want to have potential victims around, anglo-celtics want to be mixing with potential victims from other races,to commit cowardly cowardly crimes against,
and to put false blame upon other races when cowardly crimes occur behind people's backs.

The Fisher King tradition is probably connected to Baphomet Worship : maybe a king surrounded by enemies , repelling his enemies as possible , awaiting the return of his people (the once and future king concept)
and probably associated with poems such as 'John Barley-Corn'. John Barley Corn is celebrated because he gave people Barley and Corn, but John is no longer present among the people.
John Barley Corn is like ancient trader King, trading Barley Corn to people , and then John Barley Corn becomes extinct. However, if John Barley-Corn's people continue to exist somewhere, they remember where
John was trading Barley and Corn, and sometimes they return.
If John Barley-Corn was trading Corn and Barley somewhere , and some 'later ethic group' migrated to there later on, then John Barley-Corn's people were there before the 'later ethnic group'.
So John Barley Corn's people might have a greater claim, a more ancient claim upon regions/nations than modern ethnic groups.

Some groups in Turkey and Armenia have their own pagan versions of a Great Flood. e.g. 'Armenian Native Faith' (a belief system connected with genocide and probably allied with western nazism) probably
has its own pagan version of the Great Flood.

Uruartu is where a mountain has been named mount Ararat, however it is more correct to speak about "The MOUNTAINS(plural) of the Ararat(Urartu), where Ararat(Urartu) is a region.

In Holland is a large Jewish Community, and has been a base for a prominent Jewish Banking family called 'The Rothschilds' over a period of centuries.
Germany used to have a large Jewish Community before World War 2. After World War 2, many Turkish(and Armenian?) people have migrated to Germany.
[Previously has been posted a diagram of some kind of trade triangle/religion triangle between Armenia&Turkey, Sicily, Holland, probably to do with Armenian Native Faith and Aryan Religion, and Semitic advisors(arabs,jews) being imported along the ancient Phoenician(Hamitic) trade routes. (See also the hint of slave-trading-alliances between Aryan(Jupiter/Japheth) Cultures and Semitic cultures against other nations in Genesis 9:27) . Israel/Judah/Jews were allied with Persia(an Aryan culture in the middle-east ,Isaiah 45:1) . Armenia & Turkey are adjacent to Persia(Iran) .

The information above suggests that jews &arabs are allied with Germanics(Aryans) in slave trading activity over the centuries. Jews and Germans ally with each other to enslave other racial groups .
So racism triangles form, where 2 sides of the triangle (Germans & Jews) are fighting race wars against each other, and enslaving/murdering a third ethnic group.
In Germanic countries(Holland, Germany ... ) such race wars have something to do with traditions about Parsifal(Persival Knight and the Fisher King).
Also, in Germanic countries(Holland, Germany ... ) slavery activity probably has to do with the centuries old Viking-Arab slave trading [land] route between Scandinavia,Holland,Germany(Europe) and Ummayyad Syria(middle east),
and that is another Aryan(Jupiter/Zeus/Japheth) culture and Semitic culture slave-trading-alliance that has formed over land some time after the Phoenician sea trade routes.

During the Nazi Era in Germany, the Nazi Party tried to follow traditions of Parsifal and Teutonic Knights, but maybe they did not understand that such traditions involved racist alliances
between Germans and Jews against a third ethnic group.
The Parsifal tradition over the centuries involves germans and jews fighting race wars against each other(behinds people's backs), but in the 20th Century the German side became much stronger in its ability to commit racial killings,
so Jewish groups in Germany were trying to commit as many racial killings as possible(behind people's backs),but Jews became nearly extinct in Germany via the rise of the Nazi party,advancement of German military technology, and the holocaust.
[i.e. In the 20th Century, the Japhetic/Jupiterian knight Parsifal(Perceival) become much stronger than the Fisher King from the middle-east concept, Parsifal forgot that he was supposed to heal the Fisher King,
and Parsifal tried to exterminate the Semitic advisors from the middle east(whom many Germans probably considered to represent the Fisher King concept) , and Germans tried to exterminate the 3rd ethnic group via invasion of eastern nations
i.e. The Germanic invasion of Slavic nations , who are allied to descendants of altaic Scythians).

See above information about Beaker people(probably Altaic Scythian race) having a presence in the Ukraine(a modern slavic nation),then travelling through Europe,through Germany,to reach Britain.
It might be also mentioned that Beaker Culture had boating technology, that they were probably travelling along coastlines northern European,and in river systems, and are probably connected with 'Grim Reaper with a Scythe' imagery,
and connected with the Skeletal Scythic Ferryman Charon (the Sicilian/Sardinian/Greco-Roman Charon:the Etruscan Charun whom the Romans adopted) in the Southern European Mediterranean.

Also Sicily was an island where there were Phoenician(Hamitic) ports/colonies.

After World War 2,the Jewish people who survived were given a region to region in Palestine(Levant, Middle East) to form modern-Israel: given to them by the United Nations.
The 'United Nations' organisation formed after their predecessor organisation the 'League of Nations' failed to prevent World War 2, failed to prevent the Holocaust.

Some decades after World War, racism in modern Israel has become so bad that Israel has been publicly described as a "racist entity" and "terrorist racist entity" by organisations such as the P.L.O.(Palestinian Liberation Organisation)
and its successor organisation Fatah.

So in modern times, some decades after World War 2 is occuring a phenomenon of Nazism by Jews:
Jewish Nazis like Roland Emmerich(film maker) whose jewish family survived World War 2, found families of German Nazis or imported them into the USA via Operation Paperclip ,decided to interbreed with German Nazi families instead of executing hem.
Emmerich(together with his friend Mario Kassar) is associated with making of films such as Stargate(1994) where Americans emerge from holes in the Space-time continuum like Ku Klux Klan cowboys and use relatively primitive firearms ,
not much different from cowboy movies , to overcome human-looking-aliens(anthropomorphic aliens) who are supposed to be more advanced than humans, aliens that have electromagnetic weapons.
Emmerich and Kassar possibly are connected with violent racial attacks against people, and the use of slave labour devices(cybernetic listening devices) against people who survive such attacks.
i.e. The kind of racial violence attacks where attackers should be charged with attempted murder: in later years the Australian media has been describing such racial violence attacks as 'Coward Punches',
and the media has reported that people have died from coward punches.
..and the use of Cybernetic Listening Device is a Nazi-doctor-crime (it is modern day nazi technology designed for the purpose of enslaving,exterminating certain racial groups:
a way for groups racists to make race war against civilian migrant homes.]

Racists such as Benjamin Netanyahu (whom many would consider a Jewish-Nazi): Netanyahu(Lithuanian-Jew) probably considers himself a Jewish-Arab-Scandinavian descendant of the Syrian Ummayyad Arabs who were trading slaves with Scandinavian Vikings,and a relative of the slave-trading family of Benjumea in the Pyrenees Mountain region in Spain,France and Portugal is geographically near the Pyrenees.Benjamin Netanyahu considers himself to carrying on the slave-trading traditions of his Benjumea/Ummayyad & Scandiniavian Viking ancestors, by having something to do with the development and use of Slave Labour Devices(Cybernetic Listening Devices) in countries such as Australia,USA,Britain.


This information needs to be stated,because most people who become victims of experiments,probably would not know the intent of racists who do such experiments.It is information discovered over periods of time.
Communication needs to be down in writing , as much as possible, in such situations.
(To note, because Australians probably teach each other habits of not wanting to put things down in writing, not wanting to answer letters or emails in situation where slavery might be occuring.)
i.e. Weregild/Ericfine value systems among Australians, they possibly teach other at meetings to do with pets and lost dog posters (monoracial settings).

Holly Valance(Australian actress) has face doubles appearing in European music videos: videos about truck networks.
However,perhaps Holly Valance is more involved with illegal immigration over the "Orient Express" railway train.
The orient express is probably a pathway for middle-eastern terrorists from countries such as Turkey,Iran,Syria into Europeans countries like Germany and France.
During the year 1980, there was advertised films such as a cartoon-like version of Lord of the Rings, and also "The Lady Vanishes" starring Cybill Shepherd about a murder on a train something like the Orient Express .
who co-starred with Bruce Willis in the television series Moonlighting. Bruce Willis later starred in the "Die Hard" series of movies.
[The Lord of the Rings cartoon-like movie had faces similar to Antoinette Gardiner as the hobbits.]

Bill Shorten(Australian politician) <--has a resemblance to---> Klaus Kinski (German-Polish actor)? <-----> Roman Polanski , Sharon Tate <-----> Charles Manson killings
The daughter of Klaus Kinski was herself a film star Nastassja Kinski

[There is a worker in a Coles Supermarket called "Paul" in western Sydney. Paul has some resemblance to Bill Shorten. Paul is possibly an observer/informer in area close to where there is Omega antenna infrastructure.

The information might suggest that Paul and/or his lookalike Bill Shorten might be friends with the Pritchard family who were fans of the Charles Manson television movie/series Helter Skelter.
e.g. A Bank worker called Christine, and others such as Gary that worked in a Sharp Electronics factory in 1996.
Gary displayed strange behaviour of looking friendly but when a person asked him if he could act as witness to sign his initials in a work book, he refused in an unfriendly manner.
A Seventh-day-adventist called Fred worked in the same Sharp Electronics factory.Fred worked in the 'picking in packing section' together with 2 polynesian women. Fred was friend of Seventh Day Adventist pastor Lewis G Parker.]
Paul(worker in Coles Supermarket)<-?--> Steven Essam<---> Ralph Quitadamo.


Playa subculture/Player? Subculture(safe bases, Ace of Bass music genre),Playa = beach(spanish language) and also extinct lakes <--?--> ein dara ufo cult
Black Cube organistion (Western Freemasons & middle eastern occultists? False Islam organisation & False Judaism organisation?Synagogue of Satan?Revelation 2:9)
Black Cube organistion <--> 'Time Cube' Einstein UFO Cult(pretend angel cult)<---->Stones in the Ein Dara temple?In Germanic languages (Einstein = first stone, Fierstein=4th stone, Weinstein=Wine stone) ? <---> Antoinette Gardiner and Lisa Najeeb Halaby


Dark Fence(Space Fence) research program to track earth orbital space debris,Black Knight satellite system plan, Majestic-12 American plan of genocide,
& News stories about 'Space Junk' around Mars. [Are news stories about tracking orbital debris euphemism/decoys for a plan to enslave & exterminate
certain races of humans while Anglo-Germans would escape into outer-space/Mars? Is the Dark Fence and Black Knight pole-to-pole satellite system part of
the Majestic-12 plan American plan of genocide ? ]

stories on the internet about Mars Slave Colonies <-----> Scientology 'Sea Org' Ships and Scientology 'Traffic Reports' ?
[Scientology<---> H.A.O. Armanen Orden.]
Does Mars has much orbital debris(due its proximity to the Asteroid Belt). Mars 2 moons Deimos and Phobos are gravitationally captured asteroids.
Over the years there have been news stories about martian-space-probes that go missing (possibly destroyed by debris orbiting around Mars.

Are these news stories hints about Mars orbital debris that destroys some Mars-Space-Probes?
Lockheed Martin prepares to turn on U.S. Air Force Space Fence on Kwajalein Atoll

Dark Fence(Space Fence) research program
Mashall islands(Pacific Ocean island) to Colorado Springs USA<---> Cheyenne Mountain(Tesla technology, fortifieid against Electro-magnetic Pulse EMP).

Also ,is Denver Airport(Colorado) another Cheyenne Mountain underground complex ? Denver Airport is 1 hour drive away from Colorado Springs & Cheyenne Mountain. Are Denver and Colorado Springs(Cheyenne Mountain) connected underground in some way? Natural underground cave systems or underground tunnels?
A natural formation called 'The Grand Canyon' runs through Colorado.

...Denver International Airport was constructed at a cost of $4.8 billion. It opened on February 28, 1995, 16 months behind schedule...
There is a masonic monument in the airport dated from 1994.

Denver Airport has apocalyptic artwork on walls. <---> Similarities to the 'Shanara Chronicles' television series & Sword of Shanara series of books by Terry Brooks ?


Donald Trump's comments about building a wall(anti-immigration)<--->Wall Street,New York City(slave markets)<--->space fence/dark fence/ black knight satellite system.
[black knight <---> Baphomet Slavery <---> MJ-12.
Certain races are probably not accepted to be knights by Freemasons or Western Knightly organisation and are murdered or enslaved.]

[auxilliary note: Underground Mountain base in the television series Stargate SG-1 <--resembles--> Cheyenne Mountain Base Colorada USA.]

Probably THE BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE IS AN ASTEROID CAPTURED BY EARTH'S GRAVITY that has possibly been orbiting the earth for thousands of years.
[There is a possibility that scientists have calculated that its orbit has reached a stable orbital configuration over thousands of years.]

[or the Black Knight asteroid is the debris from earths surface when an asteroid struck the earths surface: some debris had enough kinetic energy
to travel from earth's surface into space and into orbit.
Have artificial structures like spy cameras or antennas been artificially been built upon the asteroid, or there plans to land upon the asteroid to build

artificial structures ?[
Rosetta was launched on 2 March 2004 from the Guiana Space Centre in Kourou, French Guiana on an Ariane 5 rocket and reached Comet Churyumov–Gerasimenko
on 7 May 2014. It performed a series of maneuvers to enter orbit between then and 6 August 2014, when it became the first spacecraft to orbit a comet]

Is the asteroid in polar orbit or have there been experiments or plans to divert the asteroid into polar orbit ?

Satellites in polar orbits can see every part of the earth over a period time: satellites rotating in a longitudal manner,
and all parts of the earth's surface rotate into in a lattitude manner.
So called Black Knight satellite research(captured asteroid)/Dark Fence/Space Fence is probably closely connected to the american Corona Spy satellite
program from 1959.
[...and the Black Knight asteroid is possibly connected to stories about a TR-3B platform which is said to float/orbit in the sky.
UFO cultists possibly refer to the TR-3B as some kind of mothership. ]

Tara Wells <--- is probably related to---->Neal Winter
[Tara Wells is a long time friend of Toni Collette(Australian actress)]

[Are Winter , Wells involved in Ronald McDonald conspiracies?
Winter's family posswibly have a resemblance to the clown in Australian Ronald McDonald adverts from the 1980s.}
See the Steven King movie "It(1990)" - television movie.
and also John Wayne Gacy was a serial killer who worked as a clown.]

McDonalds fast food company (beef burger products <-----> Beefeater organisation.]

Also, Willard Scott was the weatherman(meteorologist) on 1980s 'Today Show: with Bryant Gumbel and Jane Pauli'
Willard Scott worked as a McDonalds clown on television in the USA.
Meterologists=weather men) <--?-->Weather Underground(American terrorist organisation similar to SLA), Project Overcast(Operation Paperclip, German Nazi migrations to USA.)
Leo Speck <----- resembles/is possbly related to ------>Alan Miller (1980s-1990s computer games programmers,Accolade company)

Accolade company made the company game 'Universal Soldier'.
Accolade company made the computer game Hardball(a commodore 64 baseball games with many American names.)

Brodie Bass and Thern Reynolds<--is friends with-->Leo Speck <--is friends with--> Boris Dovecer
Leo Speck is/was involved with Battletech. Battletech is like Dungeons and Dragons gaming with robots.
Robots similar to the transformer cartoons and movies.
[Thern Reynolds is mentioned in connection with news stories about Neal Winter.]
Thern Reynolds and Brodie Bass are effemnate homosexuals and are long time friends of Toni Collette,
and her brother Ben Collette. Ben Collette is the homosexual/bisexual brother of Toni Collette.

Nada Stefanovic and Les Sanday have possibly become related to each other over decades.
There was a tall blonde female living a street corner next to Rosemary Finn and near Maryann Camilleri,
and she is probably related to both Nada Stefanovic and Les Sanday.
[Nada Stefanovic is the mother of David Stefanovic. Nada Stefanovic is the wife of Blagoje 'Bill' Stefanovic.]
The tall blonde female that lived a street corner was friends with Richard Bazlidenski(Bazledenski?) and his sister.
Les Sanday(anglo-celtic Australian) and his relatives probably took sex trips(sex holidays) to Eastern Europe and found relatives of Nada Stefanovic.

[Les = Leslie. Les Sanday's son says his son worked for the United Nations, however his son is suspected of being a Nazi doctor from Australia,
and he possibly has training from the British military.Les Sanday's son is probably a friend of Alistair White and his sister Monique and Genevieve.
Monique White married a doctor possibly connected to Les Sanday's son.

The tall blonde that lived a street corner probably attended Peter Roger's dance school. Peter Rogers was probably a relative of Andrew Millett.
The tall blonde that lived a street corner was probably a student of Barry Boon(a deceased primary school teacher).

The tall blonde female moved away from the street corner.

There is some connection of Les Sanday to the Seventh Day Adventist church on Hammers Road Old Toongabbie(north of Parramatta suburb).
At that church was a anglo-celtic man who was friends with Blagoje 'Bill' Stefanovic. That anglo-celtic man had bucked teeth, he looked similar
to Les Sanday, and he had a Dalmatian dog called Sasha which he gave the dog Sasha away to a family living next to where Les Sanday was living.
Les Sanday had bucked teeth.

Blagoje 'Bill' Stefanovic is a Seventh Day Adventist who is a member of the Adventist Church on Blaxcell Street Granville.
Nada Stefanovic the wife(estranged wife?) of Blagoje Stefanovic attends a church in Toongabbie/Wentworthville which is a breakaway-denomination-sect
of the Seventh Day Adventist movement. i.e. It is called something like Seventh Day Reformed Church or SDA Reformed Movement.

Across the road from Maryann Camilleri lived Rachel Griffiths. Toni Collette has formed some kind of conspiracy around Rachel Griffiths.
Toni Collette became an actress, and in the film "Muriel's Wedding" she found another person called Rachel Griffiths.
So there is a Rachel Griffiths(1) and Rachel Griffiths(2). Rachel Griffiths(1) is unknown to the media and lived across the road from Maryann Camilleri. Since at least the year 2004, the mother of Rachel Griffiths(1) has driven a car with number plate TWG-00D which looks like the word "two good/too good".

Rachel Griffiths(2) is a film actress that starred in the movie Muriel's wedding.

Rachel Griffiths(1) became a girlfriend of Shane Pisani. Shane Pisani is a very ugly looking italian with a big nose that looks like it is taking
over his face. Robert Saunders saw Shane Pisani and then commented about how ugly he looked.Shane Pisani did not complete secondary school, and
he became employed as a mechanic or trainee mechanic at a car garage along a busy road.
[Because Shane Pisani is so ugly looking, there are questions about he became the boyfriend of Rachel Griffiths(1). It is probable that Shane Pisani
became a male a prostitute to parents of certain people, as a way of becoming friends with their daughters, and that is possibly some secret custom
among italians such as Shane Pisani, Ralph Quitadamo, and his brother Donny Quitadamo.
Ralph Quitadamo became a boyfriend of Louise Davis, probably in similar way to how Shane Pisani became the boyfriend of Rachel Griifths(1)
Trevor Chalker is friends with the Davis family.Leigh Chalker and Jason Chalker are the sons of Trevor Chalker.Leigh is pronounced 'Lee'.]

[Later a rugby league player appeared on television called Craig Salvatori. Craig Salvatore is like a taller body double of Shane Pisani.
and then in the year 2002 occurred the Bali Bombing in which Cathy Salvatori was killed. Cathy Salvatori was the wife of Craig Salvatori.
88 Australians died in the Bali Bombing.202 people (including 88 Australians, 38 Indonesians, 23 British, and people of more than 20 other nationalities).
A further 209 people were injured. ]

Shane Pisani lived very close to the training ground where Joe Vella was a rugby league coach.Shane Pisani would walk from that rugby league training ground
a distance to meet his friend Stephen Collins.Stephen Collins lived on the street corner across the road from the tall blonde female.
So Stephen Collins was living a few houses away from Maryann Camilleri, Rosemary Finn, and Rachel Griffiths(1).
Stephen Collins was a friend of Ralph Quitadamo.

[The Rugby League training ground where Joe Vella was coach has a crude brick club house visible from the road where cars and buses travel along.
On the club house are displayed the slogan "The White House - our house " which might suggest some connection between Australia and the USA.
[See information above about Nancy Reagan possibly have relatives in Australia, and her connection to American MJ-12 genocidal plan of the extermination.
i.e. Majestic-12

Maryann Camilleri is closely connected with Neal Winter who was convicted for homosexual crimes in year 2005.

The way that Rachel Griffiths(2) is displayed in the media as an actress probably suggests that Toni Collette uses
her to obscure the existence of Rachel Griffiths(1). Toni Collette uses Rachel Griffiths(2) the film actress as a decoy
for the activities of Rachel Griffiths(1).




The origin of Caucasian physical traits. [A solution to R1 genetics appearing in both Caucasians and American Indians.]









identity theft syndicates<->pathology companies in Sydney NSW Australia(blood tests) <-> Australian medical nazism(totalitarianism) situations

Australian medical nazism(totalitarianism) situations(forced blood tests,doctors deliberately misdiagnosing citizens to steal their identities,to prevent freedom of movement)<---> similarities to Alexander Solzhenitsyn situations(totalitarian regime medical crimes)

Australian medical nazism<---->racial violence(attempted murder) then forced hospitalisation,surgical attachment of slave labour devices(torment/torture/terrorising the human nervous system) to prevent freedom of movement, racists tracking a person around,etc.
[identity theft crimes tend to involve groups of criminals(racists) committing slavery ,missing persons,murder crimes]

Is Maria Sharapova a member of the "Purple Dawn" UFO death cult

Purple Dawn UFO death cult <----> H G Wells novels(Time Machine, War of the Worlds)?

Zombie(undead) takeover UFO Cults?
imagery from H. G Well novel and film: gigantic lobsters/crabs/crustaceans by a sea shore under a red giant sun <---?--> rock lobster music video by B-52s

Michelle Coppak & Toni Collette(actress)<---->Tara Wells<---> Purple Dawn Cult<--- H. G. Wells Novels ?
[Coppak=Ukrainian in Sydney Australia,probably Ukrainian Mongol]

H. G .Well was a contemporary of George Orwell(Blair) <-----> Jack Parsons(Satanist,NASA employee,Scientology?, Golden Dawn satanic cult?)
[Purple Dawn <--?--> Zodiac Killers<---> (MJ-12 depopulation research)]

Is there some connection of the Purple Dawn cult to the Vladimir Putin's gang "The Brotherhood" (Solntsevskaya Bratva Banda) ?
[Vladimir Putin is a fascist, who had an admiration of George H. W. Bush, while being critical of his son George W. Bush.]

Did singers Michael Jackson and TAFKAP(the artist formerly known as prince) have some association with Purple Dawn ?
Did their associaiton with purple dawn result in both their deaths (Michael Jackson and TAFKAP) ?
TAFKAP had an obsession with colour purple: purple appeared in his stage costumes, and in his songs. e.g. "Purple Rain" song
During the 1980s, TAFCAP was a group of Spanish/South American singers called Apollonia 6(sometimes called Appollonia 5?) <--?-->German Nazi bases in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay (Note vampire/undead stage costumes)

Is the "Dusk Till Dawn(1996)" movie connected to the Purple Dawn UFO cult
The movie starred George Clooney, Vincent Tarantino, Salma Hyek.
[Has Maria Sharapova sometimes been a face-double or body-double for Salma Hyek?]

Purple Dawn & Golden Dawn (western nations) <--?--> Yellow and Red Society(in Asia) / Golden dragon Society ? <----- British Opium Wars in China(1870s), Opium traffickers.
[Maria Sharpaova has a connection to: Chernobyl Ukraine <---> Omsk Siberia Russia(Ob River System, radiactive lakes) <-----> Xinjiang Province China(Across the Border from Omsk Siberia Russia).
[There are pprobably western/european/anglo-celtic businesses there and slave labour factories, slave labour prisons.] Countries such as Australia,Britain,USA are probably developing slave labour device technology there through their financial investment in Xinjiang China.

e.g COSTCO company, with its factory in Marsden Park suburb of Sydney NSW Australia,sells items manufactured by slave labour in China.

[Is COSTCO the Australian version of American TESCO?]

[News stories about TESCO company and Slave Labour manufactured items <----->Costco , Lindt company vs Nestle(Swiss racist confectionary/chocolate companies):Nestle collaborated with the German Nazis during WW2. George Clooney Nescafe Adverts.
In December 2014m there occurred Lindt Cafe terrorist incident in Sydney CBD <----probable connection---> Lindt Factory in Marsden Park Sydney near a large Mosque.
There is a COSTCO company warehouse nearby the Lindt Factory.<----->COSTCO,TESCO,WALMART(Slave labour products]

News stories about Lindt vs Nestle(racist swiss chocolate companies), Lindt cafe terrorism incident(20140, COSTCO,TESCO,WALMART(slave labour product companies) <----are hints about---> slave labour device experiments in Australia.
[Slave labour device experiments: Experiments to enslave human nervous systems. Such experiments are occuring in Australia.]

Is this the kind of information that Maria Sharapova's family have conspired to cover up , through identity theft, terrorism, murders of innocent people?




When A Fire Starts To Burn By disclosure music band
<----- This music video may have something to do with Richard Collins(1990s Sydney University Physics lecturer), misuse of Nikola Tesla's ground-ionosphere antennas
pentecostal denominations and Dutch pretend angel cult/UFO cults
The preacher could be like a person from Rwanda or Burundi, where western pretend angel cults/UFO cults/Marian Apparitian cults caused many deaths during the 1990s.

[08/03/2020 recently discovered information.]

Australia is a society where perverse males are watching other males who take an interest in females.
When perverse males see that some 'other male' takes an interest in some female, the perverse males conspire/attack in some way against the 'other male'.
The perverse males conspire/attack in the manner of disrupting or 'breaking up' the development of friendship between the female and the 'other male',
and the perverse males act in a way with the intent of converting the 'other male' into a perverse male(homosexual/sodomite).

e.g. The High School that Neal Winter worked at as a music teacher was an all-male secondary school, and it was next-to(adjacent to) an all-female school.
Actress Toni Collette was a student at the all-female secondary school (before she became an actress).
Neal Winter's music classroom was located in the all-male secondary school, and in the school room where Winter taught music,
were windows on the west side that looked out upon the all-female school where Toni Collette was a student.
The east windows looked out upon on the main quadrangle of the all-male school.

Neal Winter's music room was on the upper storey(level) of a 2-storey school building.

So Neal Winter would observe which students wanted to be closest to the west windows, which students wanted to look out at the all-female school.
The students that wanted to be near the west windows,the students that were looking out the most upon the all-female school,
are probably the students that Neal Winter first conspired to convert into sodomites/homosexuals/perverse males.

There was a student in Neal Winter's music room called Brodie Bass. He made a strange comment that " If you're not gay, you are not gay yet " but he did not explain wht he meant.
Brodie Bass was usually sitting next to his friend Thern Reynolds. Both Brodie Bass and Thern Reynolds were effeminate male secondary students, and could be described in Australian(aussie)
colloquial terminology as Neal Winter's "pet students" . i.e. Neal Winter seemed to favour them over the other students in his music lessons.
Brodie Bass and Thern Reynolds would provoke other students in the class (provovation with words). On one ocassion, Brodie Bass provoked a student, the student replied and made an insult against Brodie Bass.
The teacher Neal Winter strongly objected, and suggested that student should stop studying the secondary school music course. The student did not like Brodie Bass and Thern Reynolds, and did not like Neal Winter,
did not like being amongst homosexuals/effeminate males, so the student left the music room and never returned.
[Neal Winter's behaviour of criticising students that Brodie Bass provoked, and the way that winter did not care about Brodie Bass's provocation ,suggests that he favoured Brodie Bass against other students.
i.e. That Neal winter was corrupt person, and unjustly biased toward some students(Brodie Bass & Thern Reynolds), and unjustly biased against other students.]

Similar information could be probably expressed about Andrew Taggart(mathematics teacher).Taggart seemed more masculine that Neal Winter, however he seemed to have an inhuman attitude toward some students.
Taggart cliamed to be a christian, but sometimes he made 'uncalled-for remarks/unjust criticisms/intolerant behaviour' against students, as though he could not help himself from making an unnecessary insults.
Taggart worked as a secondary school mathematics teacher in the same building where Neal Winter worked.
Andrew Taggart taught mathematics classes on the ground floor of that school building(lower storey).During lunch time, Andrew Taggart would hold I.S.C.F. meetings in a room on the upper storey.
The room on the upper storey had windows on the west side which looked out toward the all-female secondary school.
I.S.C.F. is an acronym for Inter-School-Christian-Fellowship.
[10/03/2020: recent information]

When the Nazi German Army was seeking to capture the oil wells at Baku in Azerbaijan(Soviet Union) during World War 2 ,Friedrich Von Paulos
was commander of the German 6th Army, associated with Army Group South. Von Paulos and his nazi colleagues eventually attacked Stalingrad in 1942.

Von Paulos has the face of an Armenian Native Faith priest.

So it is deduced that the H.A.O.(Armanen Orden,Brown Shirts), despite their apparent decline in Nazi Germany, were still influential enough
to place Friendrich Von Paulos in a position of leadership in the German Nazi Army.

So Von Paulos' march from Germany to the Soviet Union could be considered as the voyage of an Armenian Native Faith priest
from the "Aryan Native Faith" country of Germany,
to the "Armenian Native Faith" region around the Caucasus mountains.

Perhaps Von Paulos was sent to try to make allies of several small ethnic minorities around the Caucasus Mountains region, near Armenia.
i.e. The ethnic minorities such as the Sarmatian Cherkess/Cherkezians/Circassians , Ossetians, Dagestanis , Armenians(Togarmah),Turks, Persians.

Decades later , during the 1990s, there was a Seventh Day Pastor called Zoran Gajic preaching in a Serbian Adventist Church
at Blaxcell Street Granville suburb of Sydney NSW Australia. One of members of that church was a double of Friedrich Von Paulos.
[Gajic is pronounced guy-ich ,like the word guy that rhymes with words sigh,buy,sly.]

Blagoje 'Bill' Stefanovic and his son David Stefanovic were members of that Adventist church during the 1990s.

So there is probability that the Adventist Church in Granville is some kind of HAO Nazi and/or genocidal Armenian Native Faith centre in the suburbs of Sydney.
The church members there probably have some involvement in planning/conspiring illegal experiments against human beings.

..and that Adventist church has some kind C.I.A./Disney connection . A member of the Church called Peter Kelu is a double of the Jonas Brothers.
i.e. The American C.I.A. and their P.N.A.C. imperialism probably have something to do with recent modern day wars in Caucasian republiccs like Dagestan,
and Ossetia.
[Kelu is possibly a Romanian surname, so there is some kind of Serbian-Romanian presence there at the Adventist Church, maybe to do with illegal immigration
to Serbia and Romania. Also to mention, that Romania was an ally of Nazi Germany and Benito Mussolini's Italian fascism during World War 2.

A double of Joanna Jovanovic(Jovanovich) appeared years later in a music video called "Be Mine" by Offenbach music group. That music video has themes abduction/slavery.
Joanna Jovanovic was a member of the Serbian Church in Granville: she was a friend of David Stefanovic and Peter Kelu.
Joanna Jovanovic was the daughter of man that resembled Ivan Lendl(cold war era Czecho-slovakian Tennis Player): Joanna Jovanovic's father was probably
a friend of the Friedrich Von Paulos double.

So a nazi organisation called the H.A.O. has survived World War 2, and over decades become influential in countries like Australia, USA, Britain.
The HAO is probably connected with organisations like the Bilderberg Society in Europe, N.A.M.B.L.A. in the USA, and the homosexual crime organisation called
"The Family" in Australia as described by 1980s Sixty Minute News story and the book "City of Evil"by Sean Fewster.

[This website suggests it is accurate to label the Bilderberg Society as a homosexual crime organisation.
The Bilderberg euphemistically refer to their sodomite crime activities as making family alliances as a way to avoid wars.
However, this website would suggest the apparent peace that the Bilderberg Society says it represents is a false peace(based upon perversion and injustice)
that eventually leads to wars and destruction. Jeremiah 6:14 , 1 Thessalonians 5:3 ]

The Bilderberg Society(H.A.O.) possibly had something to do with Kurt Waldheim(German Nazi Commander) becoming United Nations secretary General during the 1970s.



Kristina Nikolic was a 1990s member of that Serbian Adventist Church. Years later, news stories have appeared about Nikolic being a crime family.
John Nikolic has been recently jailed for 18 years in Fiji to do with drug trafficking crime .
Articles on the internet try to portray the Sarmatian Cherkezians(Cherkess,Circassians) as fighting alongside the Free French in middle east. Such articles are probably misleading.
The Cherkezians appeared in Croatia(Balkans) when the German Nazi Army occupied Croatia. So the CHERKEZIANS WERE ALLIED WITH HITLER AND THE NAZI ARMY,
similar to how the Romanians allied with fascist Italy and Hitler.Romanians are descendants of the Sarmatian Dacians and ancient Romans who defeated the Dacians.

[The Cherkezians were probably marching around Croatia, during the occupation by the German Nazi Army: marching around Croatia in a similar way to the H.A.O. pagan harvest festivals in Nazi Germany.]







Toni Collette possibly uses Tequila(mexican alcohol drink) as away to smuggle illegal items.
[This a recent 'lead' that could be further investigated.
Tequila is made from the Agave plant that grows in the American deserts.

When Toni Collette was attending elementary school(primary school) there was a car park across the
road from her school.In the car park grew large Agave plants.Her friend Simon Davis lived nearby the carpark,
and Joe Vella lived westward down the street from Simon Davis.
Those Agave plants could have been a hint about the anglo-celtics in Toni Collette's neighbourhood having a connection to American racists(Ku Klux Klan),
and illegal trade from America, something similar to Moonshine.

Tequila trade and smuggling might have overlapping themes with
Purple Dawn cult films like Dusk Till Dawn(1996) with its saloon full of mexican vampire women and alcoholic drinks like Tequila (and illegal immigration over the USA-Mexican border).
[See also information about the Purple Dawn cult being fans of H.G. Well novels(War of the Worlds,The Time Machine), and Tara Wells being a friend of Toni Collette since their school days.]

Note that Hollywood actor Orson Welles(pronounced Wells) was involved with some Illuminati psy-op(Psychological Operation) in which a radio program was used as a way to scare the American public
into believing that the earth was being invaded by aliens. <---> Purple dawn and other UFO Cults, psy-ops., mind control , brainwashing experiments.




Peter Danzie and his wife resemble people that attended the so called Parramatta-Adventist-Church on Hammers Road Old Toongabbie suburb of Sydney NSW Australia during the 1990s.
Peter Dansie is a relative of the Kelly Dansie's family who attended the Hammer's road church.There is a similarity in the eyes to Kelly Dansie and her male parent.
Helen Dansie(female) has a facial resemblance to a tall thin anglo-celtic male that attended the Adventist Church on Hammers road during the 1990s.

About Nancy Reagan(her birth name was Nancy Davis), the wife of USA President Ronald Reagan:
Nancy Reagan was probably from a family involved with Majestic 12 (MJ-12) American plan of genoicide against other races.

People who possibly/probably are relatives of Nancy Reagan in Australia:
Margo Evans the mother of David Evans and Elisabeth Evans.
[Margo Evans' neighbourhood in inner west suburb of Sydney NSW Australia 1970s-1980s:
Margo Evans --- Michelle Gibson --- Vicki Taber.]
Margo Evans and Vicki Taber were living in that neighbourhood during the 1970s.
Michelle Gibson(student),Joel Gardiner(student),Deborah McLachlan(teacher) arrived there around 1981.
Louise Davis and Simon Davis that lived in the same neighbourhood where Toni Collette was raised.
[Toni Collette's neighbourhood in the outer western suburb of Sydney 1980s.] Louise Davis and Simon Davis were different households living in the same neighbourhood, both families had surname Davis. They lived about 10 minutes walk away from each other.
Louise Davis had a resemblance to Michelle Gibson, especially during year 4 of elementary school.

Helen Clarke (New Zealand Prime Minister) has a resemblance to the family of Louise Davis.
Louise Davis is the daughter of a man (Mr Davis). Mr Davis could be described as using his car to
cruise around bus stops looking for young males. i.e. Mr Davis is probably a user of male prostitutes.
Trevor Chalker, and Charlie Camilleri could be described as behaving in a similar way to Mr Davis.
Leigh Chalker,Jason Chalker,Christie Chalker are the offspring of Trevor Chalker.
Maryann Camilleri is the offspring of Charlie Camlleri . Camilleri has a resemblance to New York Mafia member John Gotti.
Maryann Camilleri married Miguel Grifa. Miguel Grifa was a student of Neal Winter.Miguel Grifa was friends with Brodie Bass and Thern Reynolds who were effeminate males(openly homosexual high school students during the 1980s.)
Wayne Brodie could be described as using motor vehicle as some kind of pimp for his older male friends Davis,Chalker, Camilleri.
[The names mentioned are closely connected to the news story about Neal Winter being convicted for homosexual crimes in year 2005].

[Possibly connection between 2 neighbourhoods(connection between 2 different suburban area)
Louise Davis <-----> [Margo Evans --- Michelle Gibson --- Vicki Taber.]

At some time during her acting career, Toni Collette became friends with Ridley Scott(American film maker).
Collette's friendship with Ridley Scott is probably as a result of Australians Margo Evans,Michelle Gibson,Vicki Taber having some connection to American Ridley Scott.
.. and Evans,Gibson, Taber possibly formed some connection to a ear-nose-throat specialist doctor called Henley Harrison.
In the late 1970s-early 1980s Henley Harrison was working in Parramatta suburb of Sydney NSW Australia. Some years afterward, he is probably working in Sydney CBD.
Henly Harrison might be an American doctor in Australia, or some connection to the USA. Maybe he has an American accent.

Ridley Scott --- [Margo Evans --- Michelle Gibson --- Vicki Taber.]
Ridley Scott --- Toni Collette.

Ridley Scott(American film maker) --- James Cameron (American film maker) e.g. They both are connected to the "Alien" series of films

Teresa Emilogu(Romanian in Australia) & Samy Graziano were from the same neighbourhood as Evans,Gibson,Taber. Emilogu and Graziano attended the same elementary schoo as Evans,Gibson,Taber.
Teresa Emilogu & Samy Graziano possibly formed some kind of Romanian/Italian racism connection to film maker James Cameron, over time.
James Cameron without his beard has a parrot-like face, similar to Larry Bird basketball player for the Boston Celtics in the USA.

.. the 2 red headed twin women that lived next to Rachel Griffiths have similar parrot-like faces similar to James Cameron. Those 2 red headed twins are probably relatives of Vanessa Speight.
Vanessa Speight lived across the road from another James Cameron (cricket coach "Jim Cameron" = Robert James Cameron). Jim Cameron looked very similar to Alan Bond (1980s British millionaire in Australia,)


Maria Sharapova is probably invested in rubber (India Rubber plantations). Such investments probably have to do with news stories about Maria Sharapova being involved in Real Estate fraud racism in India, and her tennis matches in China.
India and China are geographically close to each other, and close to Himalaya Mountain range, and the close to the Khyber pass between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Sharapova is an illegitimate Rockefeller who family were conceived in safe bases(sodomite bases) in Russia established by and visited over the decades by influentual American families.
Sharapova is a Rockefeller bastard from Ukraine and Russia Mongolian Khanate/Siberian Khanate region .
Sharapova is a "Rockefeller Skank "(Rockefeller bastard), as mentioned by a music video by Fat-Boy-Slim music group.

Maria Sharapova is connected to an early 20th century business triangle between Rockefeller,Ford),Firestone.
Rockefeller(oil,hydrocarbons),Ford(car production lines),Firestone(rubber tyres).
Harvey Firestone is probably associated with Thomas Edison's "General Electric" company . <-------------Recent years music video about Firestone lighting up the world.







Around the year 2004, some information was being communicated over a world wide antenna network called the "Omega Network".
The Omega Network uses antennas based upon Nikola Tesla's patent 787412 of year 1905.
Later it has been referred to be other names such as G.W.E.N. (Ground Wave Emergency Network.)
The information communicated was about British researchers doing experiments to direct lightning bolts from clouds to specific points on the earths surface.
The British researchers thought they could artificially induce electromagnetic phoenomena called "Leaders" and "Streamers" as a way of directing the
lightning bolts from the clouds during an electrical storm of clouds.

i.e. British researchers thought they could wage a 'lightning war(blitzkrieg)' literally by artifically inducing streamers from the ground.

Before a lightning bolt strikes the earth's surface, there occurs something like various ionic paths. Ionic paths are regions of ionised air that form something like paths of randomly connected lines , joined end to end , winding their way toward somewhere else.
Leaders could be described as an ionic paths that start at the clouds and try to find their way to the ground.
Streamers could be described as an ionic paths that start at the ground and try to find their way to the clouds.

When a Leader and a Streamer find each other, then is formed an ionic pathway between ground and clouds.

' However, the experiments of the British researchers to direct lightning bolts were not successful.
Probably the energies required are too great for current technologies to artificially induce such streamers.

The people involved in such experiments were said to include a model calling herself Natacha Senechal.

Natacha Senechal appeared mysteriously on 2 or 3 occasions at the so called Parramatta Adventist Church on Hammers Road , Old Toongabbie suburb of Sydney NSW Australia,
during mid 1996, during the Richard Baron seminars. Richard Baron was an Afro-american pastor/public speaker that looked tall enough to be a professional basketball player, and he was visiting Sydney Australia in 1996.
Peter McDonald and his wife were members at that Adventist Church and they were giving Natacha Senechal a car lift to their church.
Peter Mcdonald mentioned that she was calling herself by the name 'Suzanne'.
Later, around 1999 , Peter McDonald and his wife moved from Sydney to somewhere north like Coffs Harbour.

It is not known if Natacha Senechal(aka Suzanne) was working as a model in mid 1996. She appeared on the front of a magazine cover some months later.
It is possible that she was somehow promoted to work as a model some months after the Richard Baron seminar by racists in the Seventh Day adventist church,
or racists who observe via infrastructure camera systems in the Seventh Day Adventist Churches.

It is probable that Natacha Senechal is a relative of one of the church members Bindi Odea.Odea is an irish name that is pronounced "oh-day".
Bindi Odea is said to have a sister called Tiffany Odea, but they look dissimilar to each other.
Tiffany Odea married Serbian Adventist David Stefanovic in around the year 1996.

Bindi Odea (brunette hair) has some resemblance to GF4 music group member Michelle Heidenreich.

So it is possible that Natacha Senechal and Michelle Heidenreich are related to each other.

The surname Heidenreich is connected to an German Nazi SS breeding program called "Lebensborn".
The existence of Safe Bases(sodomite bases) in suburban areas of Sydney is possibly connected to nazi breeding programs such as Lebensborn, via the existence of the H.A.O. Armanen Orden nazi organisation in Australia.

So Natacha Senechal and Michelle Heidenreich are probably connected to Safe Base activity(sodomite bases,ritual prostitution).

There is a concern that the information communicated over the Omega Antenna network had a dual meaning.
Safe Bases(sodomite bases) are a way to cause diseases , via perverse sexual activity (sodomy).
So Safe Bases are probably associated with biological warfare research programs, in addition to nazi breeding programs.

The dual meaning of the communications from 2004 over international antenna networks, possibly refers to how groups of sodomites around the world, can form networks,
that are like a chain of people associated with each other by perverse sex(sodomy). They can form a chain of people that stretches from one location on earth to another location on earth.
Such groups of sodomites are a chain of people connected to each other by their recent sexual activity(perverse sexual activity,sodomy).
i.e. Sodomites carrying the bodily fluids of other sodomites within their bodies. Sodomites carrying such bodily fluids from one location on earth to another location on earth,within hours.

Such a chain of Safe Base sodomites acts like a pathway for diseases such as Corona Virus(COVID19).
So diseases which seem to be contained in 1 location, can strike like lightning, another location on earth, within a few hours.

[Via the safe base system,a disease like COVID19 that seemed to be contained in NW China(xinjiang Province) has been communicated to other locations on earth.And it has become a world-wide epidemic.

Natacha Senechal(aka Suzanne) might be an MI6 agent in Australia, or she might be associated with MI6 agents. MI6 is a british spy organisation.
Natacha Senechal and her Seventh Day Adventist friends, and her relatives might be involved in subversive activities in Australia.

(see images of a safe base(sodomite base) in the suburbs of western sydney on the detection.htm webpage of this website). It is located on a road leading to a public hospital.
On road maps/street directories, the safe base is marked as a 'Military Depot' in the suburbs of Sydney Australia.
Is the public hospital near the Safe Base involved in illegal experiments on human beings?]



The Lightning Protection Industry has a similar imagery to Nikola Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter Experiments.
[and Tesla's Ground Ionosphere Antenna Patent 787412 of 1905 is being misused: experiments to enslave human nervous systems using slave labour devices that include Tesla's receiving circuits.

The antennas probably find the receiving circuits according to physical principles similar to coronal discharges.
The antennas probably begin to see the receiving circuits because they have similar small-scale-geometry/electrical properties to larger scale systems/situations/regions where coronal discharges occur.
similar to how Pine Gap antennas observe the area around themselves. The Radome Antennas at Pine Gap (in Central Australia)possibly find objects around by tuning into something like lower voltage coronal discharge phenomena
of objects around them. ]
Corona Discharge: The Corona Effect

Corona Discharge (also known as the Corona Effect) is an electrical discharge caused by the ionization of a fluid such as air surrounding a conductor that is electrically charged.
The corona effect will occur in high voltage systems unless sufficient care is taken to limit the strength of the surrounding electric field.

Corona discharge can cause an audible hissing or cracking noise as it ionizes the air around the conductors.
This is common in high voltage electric power transmission lines. The corona effect can also produce a violet glow, production of ozone gas around the conductor, radio interference, and electrical power loss.
See also 15_07_2019_003.jpg <-------------------- modern day slave traders are attracted to work in professions such as Insurance Companies:
Insurance companies put monetary value on people(Insurance Payouts).

[19/04/2020 recent discovery]

This recent discovery is something that sodomites know about themselves, and they never want to tell heterosexuals,
to the extent that sodomite nations such as Australia are deliberately creating some kind of counterfeit against heterosexuals,
sodomite nations such as Australia are surgically attaching slave labour devices to the nerves of heterosexuals,
devices to enslave the nervous systems of people from heterosexual cultures,devices to enslave the nervous systems of people based upon race,
devices which electronically induce strange sounds in the stomach/digestive system of heterosexuals,
devices which electronically induce strange sounds in the stomach/digestive which sound as though heterosexuals are passing wind.

This recent discovery is something that sodomites know about themselves, and they never want to tell heterosexuals,
to the extent that sodomite nations such as Australia are deliberately creating some kind of counterfeit against heterosexuals,
to the extent that sodomite nations such as Australia surgically attach such devices to the nervous system of heterosexuals and
then make heterosexuals unnecesarily suffer for years and years from strange sounds in their digestive systems,
and sodomites play sadistic games of coming near heterosexuals who have been adversely affected by such slavery devices,
and the sodomites instead of revealing what know about themselves, the sodomites watch the heterosexuals suffer for years and years.
and the sodomites instead of revealing what know about themselves, the sodomites watch a process of social isolation, marginalisation, ostracism occur over years,
and the sodomites remain silent.


This information has something to do with a serbian man called Milos Vujanic and Lois(his New Zealand anglo-celtic wife) pretending to be christians in a pentecostal church calling itself "Christian City Church".
Lois was a member of the Salvation Army so-called-christian organisation organisation, which is similar to the Anglican Church.
Milos Vujanic's church advertised to people by putting leaflets in the letter boxes of people, then people would visit their church in Seven Hills West (Seven Hill is a suburb of Sydney NSW Australia).
So people would visit Milos Vujanic's church and then Milos Vujanic visited people's homes.
Milos Vujanoc worked as a fence maker(handymsker).
On one occasion he visited an investment property in Hazelbrook (Blue Mountain, west of Sydney) to put up a fence around the investment property.
While Milos Vujanic was working, he was audibly passed wind, and he probably made a murder/slavery against the person/people who heard Milos Vujanic pass wind.
Milos Vujanic did not want people to find out that he and his wife are sodomites, and not christians.
[One of Milos Vujanio's homosexual sex partners probably stuck his sex organ up Milos Vujanic's behind some hours before he went to work that day,and that resulted in Milos Vujanic passing wind as he worked.]

Sodomites nations such as Australia are developing some kind of Hitlerist/World War 2 German Nazi agenda about such information, so it needs to be known.
It is information that sodomite nations such as Australia know about themselves, and Australians never want to tell other people.
Australians never want to tell such information to migrants they lure into Australia with false promises of a better life made by Australians,
Australians never want to tell such information to migrant families in Australia.

Cant Hold Us by Macklemore,Lewis,Dalton music video (year 2011) is some kind of harvesting(pirate harvest)/underground economy video.
It is a video displaying the word "Heist" , on an American flag in the Canadian city of Toronto.
[People that aren't considered American Indian, singing and dancing like American Indians.

The music from the music video was played frequently on Channel 10 Australia television around the year 2011.
Some years later Channel 10 Australia has been taken over by an American company group,and many Australian employees lost their jobs

Macklemore resemblance to Andrew Millett. Mark Virgona, Adam Burne, Peter Rogers.
The music video possibly connected to illegal immigration across the USA/Canadian border. See information above.
The music video possibly connected to news stories about Alex Hepburn playing country cricket, and then being jailed.

See mention of David Christian above. David Christian is from an Australoid Boxing/Fighting family.He is the son of Trevor Christian(Australoid professional boxer).
David Christian is a friend of Andrew Millett,Daniel Mamo, Toni Collette(actress).

Deborah McLachlan(1981 elementary school teacher in Sydney Australia)--------- Fleur Cates(Netanyahu's 1970s wife)------ Benjamin Netanyahu

Charlie Ayoub ------Paul Habib Nemer (an arab connected to the Australian homosexual crime organisation called "The Family"). One Nemer owns a laundry cleaning company: they probably clean suits, and another Nemer is mentioned as a convicted gunman. <---> Nabil Saada a 1990s Jehovah's Witness who would send his bible students to a gloomy,drab clothing shop in Cabramatta to buy a suit for church
(Jehovah's Witnesses call their Church 'Kingdom Halls').

Nemer is mentioned in the book "City of Evil" by Shaun Fewster.

[Probably similarity to the "Charles Manson Family" (American mass murderers, killers from the hippy subculture. Thus spake Zarathustra(Zoroaster), God is dead, burn down the churches <--- atheistic satanic religious ideology, aryan religionists within the Hippy movement, Beatles fans.}

Charlie Ayoub was friends with Emad Jaber,Andrew Jubian, and crime families from Seven Hills West area.
Emad Jaber was friends with Neil who lived near Terry Feeny, Jamie Hatson, and various racists that joined Jason Vella's Lalor Park Rugby League team.
See also the Arabic man (blue shirt)in an AAMI insurance company advertisement.
The arab in the advertisement probably has some connection to Charlie Ayoub and Paul Habib Nemer.
Modern slave traders like to work in Job such as Insurance where monetary values are put upon people.
AAMI 2015 Ad

Otto Warmbier(American the died after being being jailed in North Korea and the released) was possibly part of a pretend angel cult associated with the film "No retreat, no surrender".

No retreat, no surrender was a martial arts film, where an american martial arts student was taught how to fight by the spirit(ghost) of a famous deceased martial artist.
There might be some association,relation, or correspondence between Otto Warmbier, and the lead actor of the film, Kurt McKinney.
Jean Claude Van Damme plays the villain in the movie.
There is also another actor in the movie: Timothy D Baker, who has been interviewed as making criticism of Jean Claude Van Damme's martial arts ability. Baker mentioned in an interview
that Jean Claude Damme should not be considered a martial arts master, because he cannot control his punches and kicks, to prevent injury. Jean Claude Damme was criticised for unnecessarily
injuring people during the making of his films. On an Australian news program probably called Terry Willesee Tonight (TWT) ,
it was mentioned that there occurred a death during some Van Damme film with a helicopter scene, a scene in which it was raining,with a man looking at the helicopter above,
maybe the man was standing in a shallow river(stream).

Van Damme also starred in movies such as Universal Soldier(1992), and Streetfighter(1994). Kylie Minogue was Van Damme's co-star in the Streetfighter movie.

In movies such as Streetfighter(1994) occurred Jack Parson's doubles such as Raul Julia who played the character General Bison.

Such Jack Parson's doubles in films probably has something to do with an austrian born nazi called Otto Skorzeny. Skorzeny and group of paratroopers rescued italian fascist political leader Benito Mussolini from captivity.
Benito Mussolini was an ally of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.
Skorzeny was Austrian born, but maybe he was ethnically italian,spanish,arab,or Armenian, or maybe some combination of such ethnicities.
The cartoon drama "Porco Rosso" is probably a film based upon the activities of Otto Skorzeny and his paratroopers. There are Adolf Hitler faces in Porco Rosso, as though Skorzeny and his colleague were among Hitler clones,
or as if Skorzeny was trying to clone Adolf Hitler. During a brief scene in Porco Rosso, there is a plane with it's wing marked H.A.O. The H.A.O.(Armanen Orden) are an organisation connected with pagan harvest festival in Nazi Germany.

Documentaries about Otto Skorzeny mentioned that he was part of the Nazi Waffen S.S. (Schutz staffel=protection squad) , however he might have been associated with the H.A.O.
The Brown Shirts of Ernst Roehm(homosexual nazi brawler) were probably a chapter of the H.A.O. in Nazi Germany.

Is the some connection between Otto Warmbier doubles and Otto Skorzeny doubles?
Did Otto Skorzeny/Jack Parson doubles and their Persian Zurkane/Beef Eater/Molech worshipper martial arts system have something to do with the making of the movie "No retreat no surrender?",
Is that why they appear in later martial arts films like Streetfighter(1994)?

This information possibly has relevence to the questions & information above, asking who was Daniel Mamo's homosexual mentor during his years playing Rugby League?
Daniel Mamo played rugby league for a "Workers Club", while his friend Simon Rowe played rugby league for an R.S.L. club (War Veterans,Returned Serviceman's League.
Greg Meller was another friend of Daniel Mamo. Greg Meller played rugby league for the same R.S.L. club as Simon Rowe, but due to Greg Meller's being a few months younger than Simon Rowe,
Greg Meller played in a team that was considered 1 year younger than Simon Rowe's team.

Greg Meller invited people to play for his R.S.L. Meller grew up in a single parent home after his father died in a bogun(ocker) fishing/boating accident [possibly] from a spear-gun injury,
and Greg Meller's mother owned a car.
[Meller did not want to say how his household became a single parent household. Information was discovered later.
The Meller household seemed to have more money than other aussie households, including 1980s video games, and that was probably from an Insurance/Compensation payout due to a member of their household dieing.]

Meller's mother would give car lifts to people to transport them to rugby league training and weekend rugby league matches.
However, Meller's mother would sometimes disappear before the end of a Rugby League training day,or disappear before the end of a Rugby League match.
So there were situation where Greg Meller's mother would transport person(s) to the sports grounds, but she would suggest to others(strangers) to transport person(s) back to their homes.
So person(s) would finish playing a rugby league match, expecting to be transported home by Greg Meller's mother, but then person(s) would discover that Meller's mother had left early, and then
some complete stranger would appear and say that he would give person(s) a car lift home.

On one such occasion when Greg Meller's mother left early, a stranger appeared and said that he would give a person a car lift home.The stranger resembled the lead actor in the film "No retreat, no surrender."
The stranger had an Australian accent.
However a person had organised some minutes before to be transported home by the manager of the Rugby league team.
The name of the coach of the team was Barry Panowich/Panovich( probably a Serbian-Polish surname). The name of his manager is less memorable. The manager was anglo-celtic.
Simon Rowe(anglo-celtic male) was a member of that Rugby League,as was a small australoid male called Chris Perry, but they are not the person that Greg Meller's mother was giving a car lift to.
Some months later,during a regional competition, Chris Perry was taken off the rugby league field due to an injury. It was said that Chris Perry had a head clash with another player,
but the other player might have considered the circumstances a clash of Chris Perry's head into his leg.
[Therefore, there is a a possibility that some kind of pretend angle cult activity was occuring in the R.S.L. club in Sydney Australia,during the 1980s decade.
i.e. Some kind of pretend angel belief system with doubles from the movie 'No retreat no surrender' , or that makes movie doubles out of strangers offering car lift to people...
and the American Otto Warmbier might have been a 21st Century double from that movie ,but he was touring North Korea not Australia.
i.e. In some circumstances,networks of spies are possibly able to get similar faces into the media, after observing someone. There might be other methods , other groups of people that can get similar faces into media.]

So, on the ocassion that Greg Meller's mother left early, and the Manager transported a person home ... the behaviour of the Manager was strange. Instead of driving a person home directly,
the manager drove to some location like a club house, or a small grfup of shops with a newsagent to fill out a weekly lotto/lottery entry form(card).
The manager was away for 20-30 minutes, while a person was in the car , waiting to be driven home.
The behaviour of the manager was as though he wanted to the person to become bored in the car, then then to open the car door and to go outside to search for the manager.
But a person decided to stay in the car, and eventually, after 20-30 minutes, the manager came back to the car, and a person was driven home.

A few weeks after, a person decided to stop playing rugby league for that R.S.L, Club, probably because the team was very unfriendly toward the person.
Then Greg Meller afterward, and he said that a person should have kept playing rugby league for the R.S.L. club.
But it could be asked, why would a person want to be among people that were so unfriendly ? and Greg Meller became unfriendly. Why would a person want to associate with Greg Meller when he became so unfriendly?
Greg Meller was never a friend of a person, he never was anything more than an acquaintance to the person.

...and for some unknown reason, Greg Meller and his friends made a years long conspiracy out of a person joining an R.S.L. Rugby League team and the deciding to stop playing because the team members were very unfriendly.
Would the information suggest that some kind of shameful immoral activity was occurring in connection with R.S.L. clubs and their Rugby League teams and also rugby league player Daniel Mamo and his Workers Club ?



Nikola Tesla probably constructed his ground ionosphere antennas from existing telegraph line technology.




Forrestal is a surname connected with Majestic 12(MJ12) . Majestic 12 began in 1947 and James Forrestal died in 1949
(Forestal was possibly murdered(1949) in a similar manner to scientist Frank olsen in 1953).

.Forrestal was secretary of the Navy.
Majestic 12 is said to be a committee of 12 people, however the terminology certainly has further meanings to do with the 12 constellations of the Zodiac,
and the way that a group of pagans observe a baphomet at the centre of their circle.
[MJ-12 aren't Jesus Christ and his 12 apostles. MJ-12 is something pagan, involving human sacrifice(ritual murders),serial killings(zodiac killers), mass murders
and plans of genocide against racial groups that are not anglo-germanic, that are not aryan(not indo-european).

Forrestal was also the name given to a 1950s type of Aircraft Carrier that were nuclear armed(armed with nuclear weapons). It could carry nuclear armed planes.
[The Forrestal type of aircraft carriers were followed by the USS Enterprise nuclear powered(nuclear propelled) type of Aircraft Carriers.
Maybe the Forrestal aircraft carrier was a prototype for the later nuclear powered aircraft carriers.

[Note that the name 'Enterprise' is connected with The Rand Corporation (USA multinational research and development company). In the 1950s television series 'Star Trek'
the Spaceship is called The Enterprise. Also the 1970s prototype of Space Shuttles was called the Enterprise by NASA(USA national aerospace organisation)]

The Forrestal was possibly a way for the planes of the Strategic Air Command (SAC) to be carried over the sea, to wage genocidal war against nations that opposed the USA.
It seems likely that,the airplanes of the Strategic Air Command had more purposes than simply defending the continent of North America.

Vannevar Bush(MJ12 committe member)<<<<<<<<<<< resemblance to Lewis Carrol the author of Alice in Wonderland.(Expression: How deep does the rabbit hole go?
Alice in Dreamland ?)
[...President Harry Truman instructed Secretary of Defense James Forrestal to set up Operation Majestic Twelve, a blue-ribbon, top-secret panel headed by Vannever Bush, a leading Manhattan Project figure...

[The following individuals were described in the Majestic 12 documents as "designated members" of Majestic 12:Lloyd Berkner,Detlev Bronk,Vannevar Bush,James Forrestal,Gordon Gray,
Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter,Jerome Clarke Hunsaker,Donald H. Menzel,Robert M. Montague,Sidney Souers,Nathan F. Twining,Hoyt Vandenberg.
e.g. The Bush family are servants of the Rockefeller family. The Rockefeller family are possibly considered as 1 of the 13 illuminati bloodlines.
So Vannevar Bush might be a representative of the Rockefellers in the MJ-12 committee.

<<<<< Majestic12 possibly has connections to writings about 13 illuminati bloodlines. The illuminati is a vague term to describe groups of occultists(satanists) and their associated sodomite religion.
Sodomite religious organisations are freemasons, templar-type knightly orders, sisterhoods that follow witchcraft belief systems,... and families which are prominent in sodomite religion have many servants.
Safe bases & underground bases(sodomite pits?) are places for modern sodomites to meet and to practise their sodomite customs and sodomite religion.
[Also, 1990s ecumenism (ecumenical movement) seem to be part of the plans for a world sodomite religion. Ecumenism is a banner for freemasons and homosexuals who are anglicans, and similar denominations, to rally behind.
The ecumenical movement is accepting of witchcraft religious belief systems.

Deduction: Majestic 12 genocidal warfare can be done with:
1) planes and aircraft carriers(S.A.C. airplanes and Forrestal Aircraft carrier)
and it can be done with
2) nuclear propelled space craft (Project Orion,Project Daedalus, British Rail UFO ...)
[space station? & nuclear propelled space craft :(ISS international space station and Projects Orion/Daedalus...
the ISS international space station is probably a way to construct nuclear powered space craft in orbit.)


This information is probably relevent in connection with names mentioned on this website: Lisa Najeeb Halaby , Jack Parsons , Otto Skorzeny ,etc .

There is possibly some connection with Bashar Al Assad(Syrian politician) and Pablo Escobar(Colombian Drug Baron ,deceased)
Both have Romanian.looking.faces.
Bashar Al Assad speaks as though he is vampire Count Dracula.Novel(s) & films about Dracula was based upon 15th century Romanian ruler called Vlad the Impaler(aka Vlad Dracul,Dracul=son of the devil).

The wife of Bashar Al Assad resembles 1980s Australian model Elle McPherson. She looks jewish. Is Elle McPherson a jewish Australian?
Over several decades, there seems to have been a habit of Arabic political leaders marrying jewish,looking.women,
so it could be asked are such arabic political leaders traitors to their arabic people?
Have several arabic political leaders been doing the bidding of Israel over several decades?

There is some connection with Bashar Assad(Syrian politician) and Pablo Escobar(Colombian Drug Baron ,deceased)
Both have Romanian faces.

Also to mention Philippe of Spain(supposedly son of Juan Carlos) has some resemblance to Bashar Al Assad.

The corresponding underground economy trade routes might go something like: Colombia(South America)<>Puerto Rico(Virgin Islands?)<>atlantic ocean<>mediterranean sea<>Syria.
Columbia(South America)<>Spain<>Italy<>Romania(country on the Black Sea)<> Turkey<> Syria.

Note also that Mohammed Morsi(Muslim Brotherhood political leader in Egypt, deceased) had a resemblance to Ron Pearlman(Italian American actor).
[The resemblance of arabic political leaders to Italians and Romanians probably has to do with Italy having colonies in North Africa before World War 2.]

Also news stories about former model Kate Fisher converting to Judaism and calling herself Tziporah Malkah, could be hints about Elle McPherson being an Australian jew,
and that she resembles(is related to?) the wife of Bashar Al Assad, and maybe connected to some kind of illegal immigration involving a jewish wives scheme.
Elle McPherson,Kate Fisher,and Portia De Rossi were actresses in the mermaid movie Sirens(1993)

Kate Fisher was a former girlfriend of James Packer, the son of deceased Australian billionaire Kerry Packer.
Would this information suggest that the Packer family were profitting from illegal immigration and drug trafficking from Columbian Drug Baron Pablo Escobar?
[Note that Packer's wife Roz looks Dutch(& Basque?). So there is possibly a connection to Holland. Holland is country that has had a large Jewish population over centuries.]

Pablo Escobar <.......> Acsinte family from Romania?

[The Assad family are political rivals of the Hariri family in Lebanon(Hariri <....> Habib ?).
[lebanon is adjacent nation to modern day Israel.]
Bashar Al Assad probably ordered/financed the assassination of Rafic Hariri in year 2005.The United Nations said it would investigate,
but the United Nations has not been able to investigate the assassination of Hariri.

A connection of Marsden Park (suburb of Sydney NSW AU) has been found to Nikola Tesla.
It has been observed that a "Crookes company" is present in Marsden Park as a company that builds the

industrial/factory/warehouse buildings around the area where there is a large sign listing the companies.

The Lindt Chocolate factory(confectionaries) is close to such buildings, some minutes walk distant.
[Crookes is associated with gas dicharge tubes that eventually led to the development of the Cathode Ray tube as used
in old style television sets( gas discharge tubes/electrical discharge tubes/vacuum discharge tubes. = glowing gas
when an electrical current is passed through)]

The documentary "Tesla Master of Lightning" mentioned that William Crookes was considered a friend of Nikola Tesla.
Crookes believed that people could communicate telepathically if their bodies became tuned to the same frequency as
each other. Tesla was sceptical.

Some moments later, the documentary mentions that Tesla developed metallic coils whose frequencies were tuned to
each other: coils that could send messages to each other in the form of radio communications.

[This website is of the opinion that William Crookes' statements suggest he was an anglo-celtic sodomite(sodomites
become experts at communication without speaking), and that Crookes possibly organised the murder of the mother of Nikola
Tesla, and then by some perverse method,maybe the use of illicit drugs, William Crookes caused Nikola Tesla to have a
vision of his deceased mother, probably in a dream-like state under the influence of drugs and suggestion. e.g. Illicit drugs put into the drinking water, or tea.]

Crookes company <---> Cadbury(confectionaries) similarities to Lindt ?



7 Jason Harris hasa resemblance to Barbaro crime family members mentioned in recent news stories.
[Harris was adopted by a man resembling the lead singer of Hoodoo Gurus music group.He looked irish or portuguese.
Jason Harris looks Italian(Ligurian?).
During the 1980s jason harris lived on a busy road north of where Joshua Cameron,Brett Beehag,Clive bunker,Selina Bonello lived.a park was between harris and Cameron et al
Evette Nelson probably lived somewhere near Jason Harris.]

Jason Harris<-----?---->Barbaro Crime family in Australia<...............>Calabrian Mafia Italy
Ralph Quitadamo in Australia<--------Quitadamo(Genoese Crime Family In Genoa & Foggia Italy<--------->Genovese Crime family USA?
{Ralph Quitadamo has brothers:Donny,and,Robert.
Ralph Quitadamo's father resembled italian pornographic film actor Marcello Mastroianni}
Quitadamo and Harris were friends with Rosemary Finn.Finn was in the same school class as Quitadamo and Harris.
Rosemary Finn lived between the Camilleri home and a the home of a tall blonde that lived on a street corner.
Across the road from Rosemary Finn's home lived Stephen Collins and Rachel Griffiths.
[Rosemary Finn's mother looked very similar to a woman living in the same street called Rosemary Hunter, however Rosemary Finn's mother avoided speaking to the people whom Rosemary Hunter lived near to.]
Rosemary Finn and her mother moved out of neighbourhood a year or two before Hunter moved out.
Rosemary Finn would knock on the doors of people who lived in the neighbourhood:Rosemary Finn would try to sell flowers to people on whose doors she knocked.In hindsight Rosemary Finn acted like some Hippy(Mansonite?) "Flower Girl".
In hindsight,there is reason to think that the Finn family were hippies with ideology same or similar to Charles Manson,and so there activity is probably connected to the
Australian homosexual crime organisation known as The Family(see the September 1988 News Story by Jennifer Byrne (australian 60 minutes) and the book City of Evil by Sean Fewster.)


Concord Repatriation Hospital in Sydney could be described as a R.S.L. hospital (R.S.L.=Returned Service Men's League=War Veterans=club buildings/meeting places for military people.)
So Concord Hospital is something like a military hospital in a civilian region of Sydney. It is near the Parramatta River .
[The information about Concord Hospital that has recently appeared on the internet would suggest so.]

Questions should be asked in a legal context(court,international law) about the meaning of repatriation.
Information about Concord Hospital on the internet suggests that repatriation refers to Australian soldiers being overseas and then repatriated back to Australia.
However, this website is of the opinion that Repatriation has a more sinister meaning in connection with Concord Hospital. Repatriation is probably connected with anti-immigration against migrant families . "
The kind of anglo-celtic Australian racial selfishness where " If you dont like Ku Klux Klan racism occuring in Australia, go back to where you came from . "
The kind of anglo-celtic Australian racial selfishness where " If you dont like HAO Armanen Orden Nazism occuring in Australia, go back to where you came from . "
The racist military doctors and medical staff at Concord Hospital are possibly there to try to send people back to where they came from , by force, through racial violence, through medical crimes, through medical nazism.
See the information above about medical doctors Peter Haertsch,Marianne Vonau,neurosurgeon Silfverskold,...













Urumqi is the capital city of Sinking(Xinjiang) Province China.
Wuhan is far eastward of Urumqi.
However, both Urumqi and Wuhan are located on a land trade route called "New Silk Road" .
so Cargo travels quickly between Urumqi and Wuhan.
So if the Corona Virus(COVID-19) originated somewhere in the Tarim Basin(in which Urumqi is located), it could have travelled
quickly to Wuhan, via the New Silk Road.
[A striking overlap exists between the path of today's viral spread and the path of the Black Death in the 1300s.]

Also,people from Eastern European countries know a tradition about the Bubonic Plague that killed many Europeans some centuries ago.
The tradition suggests that rats came from Asia, and had very nice furry coats when they were in Asia.
However, when rats were brought to Europe from Asia, they lost their nice furry coats, and became a pest:
rats became a plague animal in Europe with ordinary looking coats... and that is how the Bubonic Plague reached Europe.

There was a news story from year 2019 about Marmots and Central Asia: the fur trade (rodent furs similar to Mink to make fur coats worn by humans=fashion industry ),and the bubonic plague .
Marmots possibly correspond to the rodents with nice furry coats as described in Eastern European traditions about the Bubonic Plague in Europe.
[Plague deaths: Quarantine lifted after couple die of bubonic plague]

Question:Is it possible that the Corona Virus(Covid-19) is the revenge of the Mongols against Western Europe ?
[Is Covid-19 a plague produced by Western European industrialists in Xinjiang province making ritual prostitution(perversion) against some central asian people ?]

The Mongols probably reached Hungary and Germany, and then turned back and went home eastward.
Eastern European countries and Germany have been less affected by the Corona Virus ,maybe because those countries have significant Mongol Genetics within their populations, so maybe that provides some resistance against COVID-19?
Western European countries such as Britain,France,Spain have been badly affected by Corona Virus. maybe because western European countries lack Mongol Genetics.
Is Covid-19 a biological warfare agent, deliberately released by Western European Industrialists in Xinjiang some years after large numbers of migrants reached Europe.
Is Covid-19 a way of murdering many of the migrants, after they were allows to go in through European borders.
Did the Western European industrialists not realise that many Europeans would be killed by such a biological warfare organism as COVID-19 ?

Were there hints about such biological warfare research by western nations some decades ago ?

-The Rand Corporations(Research and Development Corporation: makers of the 1960s space series Star Trek.

-The 1980s Computer 3D Space Game "Elite":
[Trumbels are a later copy of the Tribbles Star Trek furry creatures.
THe computer game Elite might be a computer hint about research called Project Daedalus.
Project Dadalus is connected with the anglo-celtic Majestic-12(MJ-12) plan of extermination against some racial groups.
Project Daedalus probably includes biological warfare research.

-Steven Spielberg's Gremlins(1984) movie: Fictitious furry creatures called Mogwai turning into monsters if you feed them incorrectly.




[A] woman with a face similar to Catherine Zeta Jones. [Appeared on the same day as Saher Yousef in year 2009]
i.e. The woman in the white coat.
She was not the same woman that was a Sydney University student in Ian Sefton's physics 1 lab class.
The woman in the white coat was younger than Ian Sefton's student.

[Ian Sefton's student from physics 1 might be connected to names such as Marie,Maree,Johns: Marie Johns ?]
She appeared at Sydney University (Physics 1 labs,Science Faculty) with a male who resembles the surname Rathmell , and given names such as Lester(Liecester?)].
Some time after Ian Sefton's student appeared in physics 1 lab classes, it was discovered that there was a lecturer in the Engineering Faculty whose name was Jim Rathmell.
Jim Rathmell resembled the boyfriend of Ian Sefton's student.

Ian Sefton was a member of the school of Physics at Sydney University.Ian Sefton had his own office room in the physics building.
[Ian Sefton resembled photos of musician Jeff St John , when Jeff St john became older. Was Jeff St John an Anglican Church musician ?]



Faces from year 2009 and a Letterbox advert from around year 2007.
[A woman with some resemblance to Tracey Austin (professional tennis player) ?]





[Why the US Navy once wanted to turn Wisconsin into the world's largest antenna]
Project ELF — was eventually built in Wisconsin and Michigan's Upper Peninsula, and operated between 1989 and 2004.

Bill Clinton ,Hillary Clinton,James B. & Susan McDougal : Whitewater(housing development corporation) - real estate scandal <---> Whitewater Wisconsin USA
Whitewater Wisconsin USA <----> Hippocampal Neuron Patterning & Project Sanguine Antennas in Wisconsin USA.

Hippocampal neuron pattering USA (USA DARPA research) <-----> Bio-robots(cyborgs) Ukraine chernobyl (German & Soviet Cyborg experiments)
[Something like a Soviet version of Operation Paperclip , Nazi doctors in the Ukraine?]

Bio Robots | 5 Secret German/Soviet Projects <--- Bio-robots(cyborg experiments) World War 2 era

Chernobyl disaster <---------------------------- Bio-robots 1980s era
(expendable humans experiments,humans that soon die from nuclear radiation,probably includes cyborg experiments,
tele-presence by turning humans into cyborgs to do jobs in conditions that kill human life.) 1980s era.
...Consequently, the most highly radioactive materials were shoveled by Chernobyl liquidators from the military wearing heavy protective gear (dubbed "bio-robots" by the military);
these soldiers could only spend a maximum of 40–90 seconds working on the rooftops of the surrounding buildings because of the extremely high doses of radiation given off by the blocks of graphite
and other debris. Though the soldiers were only supposed to perform the role of the "bio-robot" a maximum of once, some soldiers reported having done this task five or six times...

31_05_2020 added into 25_05_2020.jpg:begin]
***********Bio-robots(cyborg experiments) aka TITANS: Titan robots/Titan biorobots=Titan Cyborgs. The word robots means workers in the context of menial jobs & slave labour.*************

[It might be mentioned that Titan is a word associated with Greek Paganism, racists within Eastern Orthodox denominations,
Gnostic beliefs are corrupted by Greek Paganism(Greek pagan homosexuality).
Gnostic beliefs(gnostics teaching their disciples the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven by being naked together in caves , as described in the Gnostic "Secret Gospel of Mark"),
Templar crusader ideology(sodomite ideology=Templars kissing each other at the base of the spine). Gnostic Archons <---> Titans. Archons were the servants of the Satan-like Demiurge whom Gnostics consider the creator of the World fallen into sin.]

By turning certain races into Cyborgs,perverse racists within the eastern orthodox church denominations want to endlessly vilify people:
eastern orthodox racists want to consider victims of cybernetic slavery devices as Titans.
eastern orthodox racists want to consider victims of cybernetic slavery devices as people whose bodies have been possessed by the Archons of the Demiurge.

The concept of Archons possesing peoples bodies is similar to the biblical verse of the fallen angels: angels rebelling and falling from heaven. (Genesis 6:1–4,Revelation 12:7-8)

Some might consider the Orthodox Church denominations as counterfeit christianity (eastern orthodox=nationalistic countefeit of true christanity).
i.e. The orthodox church is about secretly promoting Gnostic paganism, because orthodox church nations were defeated by Turks and Mongols who over 300-400 years subjugation turned the orthodox church into groups of homosexuals.
i.e. Orthodox Church nations were the nations of the Eastern Roman Empire who were defeated by Turks and Mongols, and were ruled over by Turks and Mongols for 3 centuries, 4 centuries .

The desire of perverse eastern orthodox racists to use slave labour devices against some races, is possibly connected to concepts of capturing Archons,enslaving Archons to act as sources of information.
Capturing/Enslaving archons within the bodies of people that racist pagan nations consider alien residents (people of a different race,people who are not considered members of the nomadic pagan tribe).
Capturing Archons,enslaving Archons to act as sources of information has similarities to Baphomet Worship customs where primitive nomadic races would capture and enslave individuals from ancient civilisations and
then do things around those individuals, probably treating the captured/enslaved individuals as sources of information.

31_05_2020 added into 25_05_2020.jpg:end]



The Packer media family in Australia are probably significantly invested in the illegal research of Project Daedalus <--> "Starlight" music video.
i.e. Illegal experiments against humans(enslavement/depopulation experiments), portrayed as Space Research. <--> "Secret Space Program" Nazism(Covert Space program,Project Solar Warden),Majestic-12(MJ-12)
Starlight(music video) by The Supermen Lovers (feat. Mani Hoffman)

The music video might suggest that the Packer family make much of their money from mafia-style-crimes such as racial violence/racial murders , identity theft, ...

Identity theft is a way that anglo-celtics do racism against migrant families.
Migrant families are adversely affected so that their quality of life is reduced:
e.g. sitting at home watching television instead of being out and about doing interesting things.

If it became known that the Packer family are involved in such mafia activities/racism, maybe Kerry Packer and his family would be sitting at home in front of a television,
instead of being the owner(s) of a television network company Channel 9 Australia.
Kerry Packer died few years after the music video was made.




To do with the pretend angel sodomite cults promoted by Grenville Kent(SDA Pastor) and the Seventh Day Adventist Church pretend Christian denomination that allows him to be a Pastor :
[To do with news stories about the Waco massacre in the 1990s, and the formation of other son-of-god cults like the sweat lodge deaths years after Waco.]

The Seventh Day Adventist church is a counterfeit religion: it is in American religion that is about making groups of sodomites, not groups of christians.
The Seventh DAy Advetises advertises itself as a christian denomination, but when people are invited to Adventist Churches, it becomes visible that the SDA

[GOD IS DOOD <----- Dutch language expressing Zorastrian satanism ideology of God is dead. Probably connected with sodomites using the terminilogy "Dude" .
Dude terminology is probably connected to sodomites cults of Coolness.Satanists and segregationists like using Dude, because they arent using language like "Man".
To mention the word Dude to someone is a way to dehumanise a person in Dutch language , to consider a person as dead, to consider a person as a Baphomet-in-the-becoming.
Satanists want to make people into gods and then to kill their gods:To kill their secret gods is a way for Satanists want to become gods/god-like themselves.
Satanism and paganism are closely connected.]

When people mention the word Dude , often it might be a hint. People coming near in a social gathering and using the word Dude are hinting the existence of a sodomite herd around .
they are acting in a manner to signal that the sodomite herd can reach you. The Sodomite herd considers you as being in their territory .

Some people have never liked hearing the terminology Dude, because it is a word that is used but most people dont know what it means.
When people use the word dude,some people never liked hearing the word dude . Some people asked the question, what does dude mean? Is someone calling you their horse ?
This website has discovered recently the real meaning of the word dude, as described in the previous 2 paragraphs .

SODOM AND GOMORRAH WERE DESTROYED Genesis Chapters 18 and 19 .







Irish submarines: Some years ago, Australians(aussies) used to mention jokes about Irish Submarines.
Aussies portrayed talk about Irish Submarines as jokes. Years later, aussies probably no longer talk about Irish Submarines.
Irish submarines were probably something like underground bases on land.
People who started talking about Irish Submarines were probably hinting they were from perverse families.
Irish submarines did not seem to work properly underwater, and they were said to be modified in ways that were against their use underwater.
e.g. The talk about Irish submarines used to be like "How do you sink an Irish submarine? Knock on the door[hatch door?] and they will open the window[hatch window?] ".
such talk about Irish submarines used to occur in school students settings and also on television programs.
Some school students would often start talking about Irish Submarines.

Irish submarine talk occurred during an era where anglo-celtic families were mixing more socially with migrant families, there was less segregation than there is in the early 21st century.
Have anglo-celtic societies regressed (not progressed) in terms of racial segregation ?
i.e. Irish submarine talk occurred in an era when many migrant families did not know that Australia is a sodomite nation , an era when Australians didn't openly accept events such as the gay mardi gras.

An era when there wasn't mention of Gay Marriage in the media as something that Australians accept. Gay Marriage = Hieros Gamos marriage ? Something that homosexual societies(sodomite societies) consider sacred ?
Hieros Gamos marriage are probably some kind of union between 3 people: a male and female who show themselves as marriage partners and a secret male third person who sodomises them both.
Safe bases are venues where probably many Hieros Gamos unions occur, and the Beatles Sargent Pepper "Lonely Hearts Club" is probably about Hieros Gamos unions in safe bases(yellow submarines,Irish submarines).
Hieros Gamos marriage is probably closely connected to concepts like Gay-Straight alliances. [But nations/societies who encourage gay-straight alliances are not straight, because the homosexuals corrupt people.

i.e. An era when it was less known that Sydney Australia is the homosexual tourism capital of the Southern Hemisphere. Australians used to mention that San Francisco,California, USA was the homosexual tourism capital of
the Northern Hemishpere, but Australians did not want to mention Sydney Australia in that way.

Also terminology such as Hieros Gamos Marriage(homosexually sacred marriages) implies the existence of a sodomite religion(sodomite religion).Nations such as Australia probably secretly follow a sodomite religion describable as
"Aussie silly buggers". i.e. a religion of "aussie silly buggers" in connection with with aussie buggery(sodomy) behaviours. Such a religion of aussie silly buggers is about anglo-celtics being brainwashed into their sodomite religion .
See the mention above of Masonic organisations having the purpose of brainwashing people into ritualistic lifestyles.

Brianwashing by sodomy , brainwashing people in sodomite religion , is associated with the way that pretend angel cults easily infiltrate supposedly christian denominations in Australia,
and associated with the UFO Cults that accept people who anglo-celtic sodomite nations do not want to be considered christian.
[The American "Church of Scientology" religion is the world's largest UFO Cult: ...


The sons of Mrs Cousins have resemblance to Joe De Maggio(professional baseball player). De Maggio was a husband of Marilyn Monroe(actress). i.e. Steven Cousens has a resemblance to Joe De Maggio, and to Erwin Rommel's family. Rommel was a Nazi General in World War 2 . Rommel fought the British in North Africa during world war 2.

Marilyn Monroe(actress) was a girlfriend of John F. Kennedy 1960s USA president. Marilyn Monroe was shown on television singing a sexualized version of the happy birthday song to USA President John F. Kennedy:
lyrics "Happy Birthday Mr President".

Marilyn Monroe had a slight resemblance to actresses such as Liza Minnelli and her mother Judy Garland.
Marilyn Monroe had Italian mafia connections. [Frank Sinatra(actor) and his daughter Nancy Sinatra(singer)?]
1980s singer Madonna's career was probably based upon her similarities to photos of Marilyn Monroe.

Marilyn Monroe was a brunette who dyed her hair blonde.

Marilyn Monroe was a fan of Bella Bartok music(music composer). Bartok was a competitor against the music of Franz Liszt.
[Franz Liszt (music composer) <---> Guido Von List(Lizst?) H.A.O pagan Priest (Armanen Orden pagan priest)]
The information on the internet about the H.A.O. nazism organisation suggests that the behave in the manner of advertising 1 of their pagan priests, the other priests are deliberately hidden.
If you find one H.A.O., if you investigate 1 pagan priest(ein Priester), you will probably find many other priests(viele Priester).

The Rune writing of the H.A.O. probably comes from the island of Sardinia(considered part of Italy). Sardinia probably had Phoenician writing artefacts which included symbols such as the Cross inside the circle(Celtic Cross).
Racist organisations such as the Ku Klux Klan frequently use the Celtic Cross symbols in their gatherings.
There is some connection of the H.A.O. to the Pyrenees Mountains(Basques). The island of Sardinia is East/South East of the Pyrenees Mountains. Fascist leader Benito Mussolini was probably a Sardinian racial type(Basque-Italian?).

Jimmy Morrisey <--resembles-> Blajoe Stefanovic(Seventh Day Adventist,retired plumber ,David Stefanovic is his son).
& Heston the television chef.

Doc and Grace Goddard were the adopted parents(guardians) of Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Baker).
Goddard is a name associated with American Rocket Science.

John gilmore(hollywood author about Marilyn Monroe) <-resembles--> resembled Tony curtis when younger, John gilmore(hollywood author) <-resembles--> resembles Duncan Regehr(actor), Skorzeny ,Jack Parsons when older.
(Jack Parson(scientology,NASA JPL,satanist)<------>Curtis LeMay from Strategic Air Command.) <---> Majestic-12 Project


Milan Terzic (british-serbian male,Seventh Day Adventist,suffers from incurable blood disease Toxoplasmosis) <--some resemblances-> Lee Harvey Ozwald ?

[Polynesian woman named Toeta is the friend of Milan Terzic. Terzic and Toeta conducted Seventh Day Adventist bible studies together.
Terzic's wife Gwen claimed to be a prophetess , calling herself Hepsibah Beulah , and sent many letters to people in the 1990s about her visions (probably drug-induced-visions) .
But Gwen Terzic didnt tell people she was a drug user. She claimed to be a christian.]

Milan Terzic lives nearby Drago Pavlek.

See information above about Toni Collette's friend Louise Davis and her resemblance to New Zealand politican Helen Clarke.

Did Nancy Reagan(Nancy Davis) have some connection to death of Marilyn Monroe? Nancy Reagan <---> John Gotti ?

documentary: Reagan(2011) by Mailonline.
...Hollywood powerhouse Lew Wasserman was Ronald Reagan's mentor, once described as 'the Godfather of the film industry.'
A new documentary seen exclusively by MailOnline explores Wasserman's connections to the Mafia and how that influenced the man who would be president ...

Donald Trump ---probably related to actors Martin Sheen's wife Janet Estevez(Janet Sheen).

Trump's family probably started out in Wild West Saloons(beer pubs ,simple wooden hotels like in Hollywood sets in cowboy films).
Maybe Trumps family were involved in trading Moonshine alcohol during the 1920s prohibition era, and that could associate Trump with Bill Clinton's family(Clinton and Blythe, Barbara Pierce=Barbara Bush).
According to some news stories , during the 1970s and 1980s, Clinton and Bush were trading illict drugs through Mena Airport in Arkansas USA (Arkansas pronounced Ark-in-saw), and that was connected to the Iran-Contra scandal.
The USA news programs were frequently mentioning the Iran-Contra Scandal ,and Oliver Oliver North, but rarely mentioned Mena Airport and the Bush & Clinton connection to Mena.

William Jefferson Clinton (né Blythe III; born August 19, 1946) is an American politician who served as the 42nd president of the United States from 1993 to 2001.
Prior to his presidency, he served as governor of Arkansas (1979-1981 and 1983-1992) and as attorney general of Arkansas (1977-1979).
Also Clinton is the name of a town/city in Arkansas USA.,_Arkansas
City of Clinton, Arkansas – Where the Ozarks meet the South









Gnosticism is probably counterfeit Christianity corrupted by Greek paganism.
The Secret Gospel of Mark is a gnostic gospel.









Pertaining to the information above about Drago Pavlek and Milan Terzic:
There is a possibility that racists have been moving into such neighbourhoods in western Sydney the
racist families that started World War I (the assassination of Franz Ferdinand that began World War I).
They are probably servants of the Hanseatic League.

Racist families such as Pavlek, Terzic, Stefanovic possibly have some connection to the families involved in
the assassination of John F. Kennedy in the 1960s along with the italian mafia , and also the assassination of
Franz Ferdinand in 1914.

[The Hanseatic League has the perverse racist purpose of Germanizing Slavs. Hanseatic League <--similarities to--> H.A.O. Armanen Orden.
Racists such as Pavlek and Terzic are probably members of racist organisations that have the same/similar ideology to the Hanseatic League.

e.g. Drago Pavlek possibly considers himself a Folks-Deutscher . Drago Pavlek is probably a member of the Croatian Ustashi.
After the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe in the 1990s,
the Ustashi took over the politics of Croatia, which is something that Croatia should ashamed about.
The Ustashi were collaborators with Hitler during World War 2. The Ustashi are supporters of the German Nazis who were defeated in World War 2.

The Ustashi fought against the Croatian Partizans who were waging a World War 2 version of Guerilla War from the rural/forested areas.
The Partizans defeated the Ustashi with assistance of the Russian military ,
who stopped the advance of the German Army in battles such as Stalingrad and Kursk.

Stefanovic are probably Chetniks. They use expressions such as "Ma Yok". Yok is a Turkish word meaning No .

Milan Terzic is possibly an Anglo-Serbian Chetnik. The Chetniks fought sometimes on the same side as Hitler, sometimes against Hitler.
Such racists probably pretend to be servants of the Turkish Ottoman Empire when committing crimes,but secretly they
consider themselves servants of the Hanseatic League. And this information has something to do with eastern orthodox church
racists turning christian meeting places into Mosques.]

It could be summarised that John F. Kennedy thought he was winning politically by forcing the Russian nuclear missiles out of Cuba.

But Nikita Kruschev probably thought he restored some political balance in the Cold War , by assassinating John F. Kennedy,

in conjuction with his(Krushchev's) sometimes allies in the italian mafia and servants of the Hanseatic League.

[Various sources suggest the John F. Kennedy had alliances with the Italian Mafia, and the Italians Mafia probably turned against John F. Kennedy.
The death of Kennedy's girlfriend Marilyn Monroe probably had connections to Italian Mafia in the USA. Marilyn Monroe looked Italian.]



Australian Politicians and their connections to terrorism:

[Note that anglo-celtic, anglo-germanic terrorist organisation do exist.
-S.L.A. (symbionese liberation army) ,
-The Weather Underground(Probably associated with Operation Paperclip aka Operation Overcast).
- I.R.A. (Irish republican army).
- Orangemen (Anglo-Dutch-Northern Irish Opposition of the IRA): Founded by William of Orange from Holland(Dutch).
- Ku Klux Klan
- The Family Murders (homosexual terrorism some of which is fatal(murders): a homosexual crime organisation calling itself "The Family".
Similar to N.A.M.B.L.A.

[Once it is discovered that anglo-celtic societies are sodomite societies, then it is probable that other terrorist organisation mentioned are involved in homosexual-style terrorism.
i.e. organisations such as SLA,The Weather Underground , IRA, Orangemen, Ku Klux Klan are probably involved in terrorism which is often of a homosexual type.
The injustices are sometimes injuries,murders(unjust killings , ritual murders),not always homosexual crimes.]

BARRY UNSWORTH(NSW Premier=NSW state/Provice political leader) predicted several years before the event, that there would a massacre in Port Arthur Tasmania Australia.

"JOHN FAHEY was involved in both NSW State/Province politics and Federal politics .
John Fahey retired in year 2001 from JOHN HOWARD's federal government ministry due to a cancerous lung which was removed.
Has John Fahey's cancerous biology been Fahey's motivation for being involved in terrorist racism?

Is cancer risk something genetic in Fahey's genetic traits ? Is increase cancer risks from mutations associated with so called "sodomite breeding schemes" conducted in Safe Bases ?
i.e. Mutations from sodomites manufacturing disease organisms , inside their lower digestive system , through their unclean perverse sexual activities.

Leviticus 18:25 suggests the land which sodomites inhabit becomes polluted, probably polluted by disease organisms, plague organisms,
... and that sodomite nations should be vomited out of the land which they inhabit , so disgusting and abomnible are the customs of sodomite nations.]
[See also information above about Michelle Heidenreich(Australian singer) possibly being connected to Nazi SS Lebensborn racist breeding scheme. Was the SS Lebensborn breeding scheme
something connected to the perverse ritual prostitution of the H.A.O. Armanen Orden ?]

Actress Toni Collette -------- Robin Loau, Michelle Heidenriech (Girlfriend/GF4 music group)
[Toni Collette and Robin Loau were students at the same secondary school. ]

Also John Fahey, John Howard, GEORGE BUSH (former USA president) <--mutations?--> radioactive mutant Maria Sharapova[Tennis player from Chernobyl Ukraine,
and later migrated to Omsk Russia(near the radioactive Ob River system)located in a region historically termed as "The Siberian Khanate" which was ruled over by Mongol Genghis Khan and his relatives. ].

Also news stories about the many deaths of the Australian music group Rose Tatoo. Did they have some involvement with migrating radioactive illegal immigrants and submarines ,
or were they very much involved in polluting the land and polluting themselves through sodomy customs (aussie silly buggers activity)?

In 2001, John Howard(Australian prime minister was in New York City USA the day that the terrorist attack occurred in September 2001.

Francis Fahey is mentioned in news articles about homosexual crimes.

John Fahey claims to be a Catholic but he married a (former?) Anglican woman Colleen McGurran from New Zealand.
See the information above about Anglican priests involved in subversion and british imperialism via the Holyrood Agreement.

John Fahey was born in New Zealand and became naturalised in Australia in 1973. How did he become NSW Premier in Australia by being born in New Zealand ?

Evidence of Directional Long range magnetic coupling effects corresponding to Nikola Tesla's Patent 787412 of Year 1905

(ground-ionosphere antennas coupling with receiving circuits).
[ 1-Directional Long Range magnetic coupling effects )
& Probably the physical effect used by the Radome Antennas at Pine Gap Australia and Menwith Hill Britain
to observe around themselves (to tune into objects around themselves).

[Journal Summary]
Magnetic 'wormhole' connecting two regions of space created for the first time

Date:September 3, 2015

Source:Autonomous University of Barcelona

"Wormholes" are cosmic tunnels that can connect two distant regions of the universe, and have been popularized by
the dissemination of theoretical physics and by works of science fiction like Stargate, Star Trek or, more
recently, Interstellar. Using present-day technology it would be impossible to create a gravitational wormhole,
as the field would have to be manipulated with huge amounts of gravitational energy, which no one yet knows how
to generate. In electromagnetism, however, advances in metamaterials and invisibility have allowed researchers to
put forward several designs to achieve this.

...Scientists in the Department of Physics at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona have designed and created in
the laboratory the first experimental 'wormhole' that can connect two regions of space magnetically...
The wormhole developed now, though, is a completely three-dimensional device that is undetectable by any magnetic
<-------device that creates "zero magnetic field" yet transfers magnetic effects over a distance between 2 points
corresponds to the concept of "scalar waves"/Tesla's standing waves (NOT CONVENTIONAL Electromagnetic waves).

...unlike conventional electromagnetic waves that have detectable varying Magnetic field components between 2 points.

Journal Reference:
Jordi Prat-Camps, Carles Navau, Alvaro Sanchez. A Magnetic Wormhole.
Scientific Reports, 2015; 5: 12488 DOI: 10.1038/srep12488

This research possibly has something to do with the death of Julian Cadman in Spain.
Julian Cadman was from Lalor Park suburb of Sydney NSW Australia, and Julian Cadman's family were travelling
between Spain and Australian for some unknown reason.

Barcelona Spain is probably along an illegal immigration route, and terminology such as the "autonomous" in
connection with a University in Barcelona Spain sounds similar to regions in the former Soviet Union and North Western China(e.g. Sinkiang/Xinjiang Province)

[See information above Rachel Griffith's mother driving a car with number plate TWG-00D since at least the year 2004.
Rachel Griffiths and her mother attended that Church, along with Ralph Quitadamo, Tony Azzopardi and his older brother, Frank Pico, during the 1980s.
Rachel Griffiths is a friend of Toni Collette the actress.Rachel Griffiths lived across the road from Toni Collette's friend Maryann Camilleri, in the same neighbourhood where Toni Collette was raised.

Shane Pisani lived nearby the Church where Rachel Griffiths and her mother attended. Shane Pisani was a boyfriend of Rachel Griffith's.
Shane Pisani is probably a male prostitute: see information above that Shane Pisani would probably get girlfriends by bending over for their aussie male parents.

The rugby league oval that is near the church where Rachel Griffiths and her mother attended during the 1980s,was the training ground where Joe Vella coached rugby league teams
during the 1980s. Jason Vella the son of Joe Vella was a member of such a rugby league team.
Shane Pisani joined that rugby league team for a brief period of time.

Toni Collette, Maryann Camilleri are closely associated Neal Winter(secondary school music teacher. News stories about Winter in year 2005 say he has been convicted for homosexual crimes.)
Is Neal Winter a member of a homosexual crime organisation such as "The Family murders"?

See also information about Mrs Cousins, who lived a few houses away from Toni Collette during the 1980s. After the year 2012, Mrs Cousens has moved into the same street where Rachel Griffiths lived.
Steven Cousens(1 of the sons of Mrs Cousens) was friends with Joshua Cameron, Wayne Brodie, Brett Beehag, Clive Bunker.






Phi(scalar potential/scalar magnetic field intensity) is way of describing the way that conventional EM waves cancel out, but energy/signals/messages/non-conventional oscillations still flow between 2 points over a distance .





This information suggests that Australians Ally Moore, and Kerry Packer(deceased) and his son James Packer are perverse racists who use police to murder people(Star Chamber Cops activity).

Griselda Blanco (female Miami crime boss) <--?--> Holly Valance, Portia De Rossi , Demi Lovato .

The terrorist attack against New York City in September 2001 is said to have been predicted by Satanist Aleister Crowley who died in 1947.
1947 is considered to be the Dawn of the New Age for Satanists.
1947 is also the year corresponding to Majestic-12 and the Roswell incident. Note that Rosswell was the home of the SAC (Strategic Air Command) ,
and Majestic-12 is probably an American plan of depopulation/extermination against some race while anglo-germans would escape into outer space or Mars.
Does Majestic 12 overlap with a concept called "Agenda 21 " ?

Neal Winter and Mrs K Byrne were work colleagues of a female art teacher whose name was pronounced as Crowley, but maybe her name was spelled Crawley.
Was she involved with satanism ? Is she a relative of Veronica Abbot who lived across the road from Toni Collette ?

Peter Payne lived a few houses away from Veronica Abbot. Does Peter Payne(male) have a resemblance to Magda Goebels(female World War 2 German nazi) ?

Are Crowley and Crawley the same family ?

Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order

Agenda 21? The Plan To Depopulate 95% Of The World By 2030


Q.I.C (Queensland investment company) is considered the owner of shopping centre(s) in western Sydney.
Q.I.C (Queensland investment company) seems to have a sister company in Doha Qatar Arabia with the same initials Q.I.C. (Qatar Insurance Company)
Q.I.C. insurance has advertised itself on Australian television, in the Australian media at times.
<---- probably a connection to the anglo-celtic Beef Eater organisation whose unifirms have the same colour as the German Nazi flag.

The crime networks of Rupert Murdoch and the Packer family(Kerry Packer,James Packer) probably converge(meet) in Doha Qatar.
[i.e. Their underground economy networks which are involved in activities(dares against people's civil rights) such as irish-italian-jewish mafia activity,
identity theft,racial violence crimes,racial murders,star chamber cops injustice, jewish wives schemes, ... ]

John Bowles and Brodie Bass should be mentioned in the context of underground economy associated with Toni Collette and her friends from when she was a secondary school student.

John Bowles, when he was student in year 10, Bowles was a fan of a television program called Blah Blah Blah, hosted by Andrew Denton(Australian-jew).
Andrew Denton later married Jennifer Byrne from Sixty Minutes Australia, however Denton's television appearance as host of Blah Blah Blah suggested he is a sodomite.
One of the episodes of the program Blah Blah was about the question "When were you first propositioned to anal sex?" <---- meaning when were people first propositioned to enact sodomy ?
John Bowles saw that program on television in Sydney Australia, and then John Bowles was asking other the same question at the High School that he attended.
John Bowles tried to suggest that such perverse sexual activity was somehow connected with being intellectual. e.g. Questions of the form : "You seem intellectual ... when were you first propositioned to do ... "
Toni Collette's brother Ben Collette was speaking in the school library in a similar way to Bowles. Been Collette was mentioning the word "intellectual" .

Around the same time that Bowles was asking people questions about involvement with sodomy, John Bowles was speaking strangely about a science teacher called Mr Hannan.
In the year when John Bowles was in year 10, Mr Hannan was the teacher of science lab class that looked out onto the border between adjacent Girls Secondary School and Boys Secondary School.
So, it is probable that Mr Hannan was acting in a similar way to Neal Winter: Hannan was probably watching which students looked out the window the most.
[John Bowles briefly mentioning something about punching out Mr Hannan . Some students thought that John Bowles was probably joking. because school teacher Mr Hannan was much stockier, much heavier,
more strongley built than student John Bowles. John Bowles did not explain why he wanted to do violence to a teacher, it was mentioned once and not again , and it seemed like some kind of joke .
[As well as being a science teacher, Hannan was the teacher for a bicycle riding sports group that occurred once a week on sports days. The bicycle riding group would ride along the side of the road where there was busy traffic.]

1-2 years afterward, John Bowles was travelling from Australia to Arabia (Bahrain Arabia) as a representative of a Australian schoolboy soccer sports team.
However, the year afterward , his circumstances looked less successful. John Bowles was not intelligent enough to attend University, and when University students
would walk up the ramp to the catch the railway train to University in the mornings, John Bowles would walk past the University students greet them.
Brodie Bass would be walking a close distance behind John Bowles, but Brodie Bass would walk past students and not greet them.
[The old railway station and the railway ramp was demolished in year 1996, and then a new railway station built over the western side of the train platforms.
The old railway station was over the eastern side of the train platforms.]

This is mentioned because at Concord Hospital , a few years after John Bowles was walking past University students at the railway,
at Concord Hospital in another suburb of Sydney, there was a situation where instead of nurses medically attending to people whose Bones had been broken and were recovering in hospital after surgery,
there were physiotherapy professionals present , acting in the same manner as nurses.
One of the physiotherapy professionals was a body double of Mr Hannan.
Peter Haertsch(1990s plastic surgeon) was a connection between Concord Hospital and the suburb of Sydney where John Bowles was walking past University students.
[Peter Haertsch had an office(plastic surgery clinic) in the suburb where John Bowles was, and Haertsch would refer to people to become patients at Concord Hospital where surgery would occur.]
The office of Peter HAertsch would look out via a window toward a shopping centre owned by Q.I.C. The larger shopping centre was across the road from his office.
His office was part of a smaller shopping centre next to where the Robin Hood Hotel used to be before it was demolished sometime around year 1983.

During year border 1999/2000 Robert Saunders(anglo-celtic Australian) took a plane trip to Saudi Arabia.
Some years afterward, Richard Benkovic(serbian-Australian) has been working in Arabia, supposedly as a chemical engineer.

Q.I.C probably connected to car theft syndicates & illegal immigration via stolen cars,
and racism in shopping centres to turn multi-racial shopping centre situations into mono-racial shopping centre situations.
Alistair White and his sisters Monique and Genevieve a re probably associated with an American military person called Bo Gritz.
Bo Gritz is a body double of actor John Duff who played the role of a Sheriff in television series "flamingo road".Alistair White and his sisters were probably fans of Flamingo Road tv series.
Flamingo Road would probably be written about magazines such as TV Week in the 1980s.
other actors in Flamingo Road include John Beck and Mark Harmon.
John Beck looks like he is a Beef Eater organisation member. Beck looks similar to Duncan Regehr,Skorzeny(italian WW2 Nazi paratrooper), Jack Parsons , George Orwell(Blair).
Harmon was the name of USA base in Guam. Guam is an island in Pacific/Micronesia far north of Australia and on the way to Hawaii.
Guam has probably been involved in illegal immigration over decades. <---?----> QIC (Queensland, Northern Australia) : a company probably involved with car theft syndicates and illegal immigration.
Guam might be a venue where young Turkish/Armenian , arabic males were illegally immigrated over the years, Guam being on the other side of the NATO allied countries to turkey.

and the way that Bo Gritz's book was portrayed in a magazine, it sounded as though American Bo Gritz is involved in drug trafficking, similar to information about the Windsor family in England in the book "Dope Inc"
by the EIR Executive Intelligence Review.

A mexican actor called Jimmy Smits joine dFlamingo Road toward the end of the television series, and a few later, jimmy Smits was starring in the L.A. Law television series.
L.A. Law was a very popular television series in countries such as Australia.
Also Harry Hamlin was an actor in the L.A law tv series, and Hamlyn had some association with Mark Harmon. Hamlyn was an actor in a film about homosexuals during the era A.I.D.S. epidemic in the 1980s.
Mark Harmon is similar looking to scientologist actor Tom Cruise who married Austrlaian actress Nicole Kidman.

There is an area of England called "Blackfriars" which is like a Priory of Templar Knights. It is near Oxford/Oxford University.
A priory is like a tiny country or micro-state in England.
The Blackfriars Priory is associated with an organisation called Hussars, which is possibly about british jews intermarrying with races from Eastern Europe and Eurasia in a military context.
Hussars and the Beef Eater organisation are probably closely associated.

Blackfriars Priory is possibly where treasure fleets are received in England: treasure fleets from countries such as Australia, USA, Caribbean nations which were former British colonies.
i.e. treasure fleets from the underground economies in countries that were former British colonies.

The Blackfriars priory is connected to news stories about the killing of banker Roberto Calvi. Robert Calvi was found found hanged under Blackfrias Bridge.
Roberto Calvi was labelled by the media as "God's Banker". Calvi probably had a connection to religious organisations and money laundering for mafia organisation and freemasons and templar organisations.,
Bear Grylls(special forces soldier,adventurer) is probably a television representative of the Blackfriars Priory.
Bear Grylls looks very similar to the maltese Zammit family who lived in the same neighbourhood as Angela Morris in Sydney Australia.
Grylls are a Hussar family, so Bear Grylls is probably jewish.
Angela Morris is anglo-celtic-maltese.
Malta is a modern-day-colony of Britain. Maltese probably often say they are catholics, however many maltese are probably more like secret Anglicans because they have an allegiance to Britain.

At Sydney University, there was a student called Brian Ball. Brian Ball was a student in the same physics lectures as Bryan Gaensler.Brian Ball is possibly a relative of Angela Morris.
It is probable that Brian Ball was sent from Sydney University to Oxford University in England in association with the underground economy in Sydney Australia.
[This information is relevent to illegal betting activity in Australia: situations where perverse racists associated with safe bases(star chamber injustice,maritime admiralty activity) bet against people's lives.]

Brian Ball was seen with an evil grin in the same shopping area as Ivan Torkich, Andre Dada , Rene Berrier, 2 days before they enacted a racial violence crime.
[Both Ball and Angela Morris knew the local government politicians such as Leo Kelly. They were mentioned in a local newspaper as receiving scholarships from the Ku Klux Klan style local government(local govermnent) of Leo Kelly . ]
Donald Trump(USA President) had a brother called Fred Trump.
Fred Trump invested in Coney Island during the 1970s.
[Coney island is probably like a franchise, if someone invests in one Coney Island, maybe they have an interest in an another Coney Island.]
[Birmingham is a city in Oakland County in the U.S. state of Michigan. It is a northern suburb of Detroit]

Documentary: Children of the Snow (published year 2019)
[Are Trump family involved in ritual murders ? ]
The Business careers of the Trump family started with Friedrich Trump(migrant from Germany to the USA) as Saloons/Hotels in Monte Cristo USA, and Yukon Alaska.
There are many Ukrainians in Alaska and Canada.
Do the killings in Birmingham USA have an American-Ukrainian connection?
Do they include secret tourism during the 1970s-1980s to the United States by political figures such as Mikhail Gorbachev ? Vladimir Putin ?
Is that the kind tourism that Trump family catered to via their hotel/saloon businesses?
Do the Trump family have association with the Bilderberg Society or similar organisations?

[08/07/2020] This information will be made into a diagram later: " black knight satellite program(tr3b floating platform?) nazi bases on orbiting asteroids earth and mars lar warden . mars 2 major moons deimos phobos are captured asteroids ,mars is orbitted by many smaller asteroids. earth has orbitting asteroid(s) " black knight satellite program nazi bases on orbiting asteroids earth and mars <- covert space program project e.g. solar warden . Kenneth Branaugh films possibly give hints that Britain is involved the Nazism of Operation Valkyrie. If the Germany had won its war in the east, Britain planned to assassinate Hitler and take over the concentration camps, to rule the world together with the Germans in the H.A.O. The same kind of racism is still existing decades after World War 2 in the form of Safe Bases(sodomite bases) in anglo-celtic countries. See the information above about hints of Nazism being considered the perfect system in Star Trek,Star Wars,... [Operation Valkyrie is probably H.A.O. Nazism.] Valkyries are the angelic creatures in pagan germanic religion(teutonic paganism). Germany has barred the makers of a movie about a plot to kill Adolf Hitler[Operation Valkyrie] from filming at German military sites because its star Tom Cruise is a Scientologist The LAPD has evidence a Scientology official it’s seeking has been sent to the Freewinds scientology sea orgs floating cities(floating cathedrals/floating town halls) nazi floating sky cities (Operation Valyrie) <-- The HAO planned to assassinate hitler and to take over the nazi concetration camps. The series "Flash Gordon(1936)" occurred in the same year that German Otto Han discovered how to split the Uranium atom. Germany was awaiting the discovery of a new energy source that could possibly be away to make things like man made UFOs(Die Glocke-THe Nazi Bell) and also floating cities. Conceration Camps are connected to concepts such as invading new lands through making prison colonies. Pretend angel cults/UFO cults are associated with prison colonies and perversion. The floating cathedral ships of the Scientology Sea Orgs are a type of "floating city" concept that floats on water, before anglo-germanic nazis are supposed to discover how to make cities float in the air. The German nazis thought that splitting the atom would provide a way to make floating cities. Anglo-american nazis in the H.A.O. have the idea of making floating cities inhabited by pretend angels(Valkyries) by colonizing orbiting asteroids. vultan flash gordon 1936 flash gordon 1936 cast: Buster Crabbe, Gene Rogers(related to Ginger Rogers?) <---------> Buck Rogers actors: Gil Gerard, Erin Gray | Mathew in documentary "The Invisible War" The documentary title and its use of the word "invisible" might be connected to the pretend angel activity of sodomites and the way that racists in perverse nations turn a blind toward sodomite injustice . i.e. racists in perverse nations pretend that they dont see sodomite injustice . Vultan flash gordon 1936 (Valkyrie leader in Flash Gordon) <------> Hawk character in Buck Rogers. Sky City depicted in Flash Gordon (1936) ,inhabited by Vultan's Hawkmen(Valkyries). flash gordon valkyries Charles Dance(British actor) ------ JamesCameron, Ridley Scott [Alien 3 movie was about a prison colony in outer space.] Charles Dance <--?--> Kenneth Branaugh. "Hitler is a dancing dervish..." - Quote by Operation Valkyrie conspirer Henning von Tresckow floating windmill islands gorillas feel good music video Operation Valkyrie Nazism <-------->anglo-celtic H.A.O. Armanen Orden "State of Emergency" conspiriacies, FEMA , FEMA death camps (concentration camps built by anglo-celtics to exterminate migrant racial groups, were being spoken about more openly during the 1990s.) The First concentration camps were built by Australians and british during the Boer War in South Africa. In the neighbouring country of Namibia, the Dutch and Germans were doing Genocide around the year 1908. ----------------------

Jim Wicks <--- name of George H W Bush's homosexual boyfriend, during the time that George Bush was a Naval Aviator.
[Documentary: Presidents at War: season1 episode2 - Their Finest Hours.]
Jim Wicks died during the Naval Aviation activities.

The information is difficult to find on the internet.
If you try to search for the information about George H W Bush on the internet, the search engine shows information
about Roy Cohn being Donald Trump's homosexual boyfriend and mentor.
09/07/2020:002 - Safe Bases are 'invitation-only venues' which suggests that safe bases are associated with Freemasonry corruption. Freeamsonic Halls are similarly invitation-only venues.
09/07/2020:002: - Anglo-celtic cultures are sodomite cultures. In Anglo-celtic cultures the men are expected to get into groups and bugger each other , and then such men consider that they can do what they like to the females in anglo-celtic culture: women in anglo-celtic cultures are sodomite women(perverse women) that want men to be buggered before such woman give themselves sexually to men.
This is probably the meaning of various news stories in the anglo-celtic media.

e.g. News stories about actor Craig Mclachlan from the tv series Neighbours. Craig McLachlan was dressing us in drag, playing the role of a transvestite in the Rocky Horror stage musical at the time that
he was said to bothering some woman that did not like him, and the woman made complaints afterward.

e.g. News stories about the tailhook scandal.
[What Really Happened at Tailhook Convention : Scandal: The Pentagon report graphically describes how fraternity-style hi-jinks turned into hall of horrors.]
[In anglo-celtic societies, heterosexual males are not told such information, and when heterosexual males try to make friendships with women, anglo-celtic societies conspire violence
and cybernetic slavery agendas if heterosexuals survive the violence:such conspiracies occur especially against heterosexual males who are considered racially different to anglo-celtics.
The more racially different to anglo-celtics that male heterosexuals are, the more hateful the conspiracies by sodomites. ]
Sodomite lifestyles encourage xenophobia and brainwashing uinto racism where other races are considered as alien species .

15/05/2020:001 Ghislaine Maxwell news stories are occuring in the media.
Ghislaine Maxwell (female) <-has a facial resemblance to -> Roman Polanski(male) .

Noni-B company and Pirate Harvest conspiracies by Toni Collette and her friends.
Around the year 1983 , Maryann Camilleri mentioned in the presence of school students that her family had a friend who could pirate cinema films.
Maryann Camilleri was a school student at the time. Camilleri said that her family friend would walk into a cinema,and sit down in middle of the seats where there would be steps leading down the centre of the cinema,
with a bag or a case, and inside his bag/case was some recording device. Maybe the recording device had some similarity to 1980s "video cams",cameras associated with VCRs(Video Cassette Recorders).

The Projectors in Cinemas and/or the film cutting instruments look similar to sewing machines.
Projectors are the technology that is located at the back of the cinema and projects the film onto the cinema screen at the front.
i.e. The

sewing machines in an industrial context might be associated with textile "sweat shops" and slave labour in developing world countries.

Toni Collette and her friends might be involved in importing or exporting products the look like sewing machines but are cinema projectors.
Toni Collette and her friends might be involved in importing or exporting products the look like cinema projectors but are sewing machines.
and such products possibly have something to do with slave labour situations and/or piracy of cinema films,perhaps underground economy industries involving illegal films and magazines.

Maryann Camilleri married Miguwl Grifa. Camilleri and Grifa are closely associated with Neal Winter. Winter was convicted for homosexual crimes in year 2005/2006.

Winter was a secondary school music teacher.

"Doja Cat - Say So" music video possibly has hints about such underground economy activity. The music video has subliminals about people selling their souls.
THe name of the music group could been understood as "Do ya cat(Do you cat)"
[Some connection between Puerto Rico Caribbean and the underground economy in Australia?]

The song lyrics "ya know me" sounds like a subliminal about Janome brand of sewing machines , and her colourful clothing might suggest she made a new fashion creation for herself with a sewing machine.

There was a Noni-B shop in Stanhope Gardens Village shopping centre, and on one occasion, before incident occurred at Aldi , a Policeman was seen going into the Noni-B shop.
[Are racist police protecting the illegal activities of perverse racist such as Toni Collette(actress) by enacting Ku Klux Klan racism in shopping areas ? Do groups of racist police "hit" shopping areas in a way to make citizens from migrant families scatter away from shopping centre areas ? Is such behaviour by NSW police according to the "Helter Skelter" terrorism of ideology serial killer Charles Manson?
i.e. Was the behaviour of the NSW police to deliberately terrorise away(scatter away, shew away) a citizens away from Stanhope Gardens Village shopping centre ?
Was such behaviour by the NSw Police to prevent the citizen from finding out information beneficial to the citizen's civil rights ?
Is Stanhope Garden Village Shopping Centre is associated with Q.I.C. Company?

Such questions could be asked of the NSW Police in a court context:an international court might be the correct place for the NSw police to answer such questions,
because it is perverse racism that can dragged on for months/years in perverse coubntries such as Australia.
Australia needs to be officially known as a country that deliberately drags on situations of injustice(Star Chamber injustice).
<--- Operation Vampire Killer: Most Cops in anglo-germanic countries get corrupted by the New World Order, rather than investigating the New World Order.
Operation Vampire killer is a way to corrupt police, to turn police into Star Chamber Cops, and is not a a method of investigating the New World Order plans of Roger Rogerson(Operation Hammer in Sydney Australia)
and George Bush (Project Hammer(underground economy),American CIA,Skull and Bones Society).







19/07/2020:001 Bill Cinton(former USA president,was adopted:biologically is a Blythe) <-----resembles----> Dick Van Dyke(actor), Phyllis Diller(actress,voice actor in Rankin Bass stop-mtion-puppet animated films).

19/07/2020:002 About a 1980s student who was in the same secondary school science lab classes as Wylie Pearson and Robert Saunders, and he is probably a member of the Brotherhood Gang(Solntsevskaya Bratva Banda) in Sydney Australia: David Shlat(changed his name to David Redding) <-----similar eyes and cheeks to------> Angelina De Jolie, John Voight .
Shlat is probably a Folks-Deutscher (german-slav).



(The PO Box 1142 interrogation program ) might have some thing to do with:
- Satellite interrogation and transponders.
- FEMA Death Camps and Black Helicopter.
[Illuminati Deaths camps and Black Helicopters.]
- Black Knight Satellite (possibly a meteorite orbiting the earth).
and Majestic 12 (MJ-12).
- The Mount Cheyenne Underground Military Base in Colorado Springs USA.
Information connected to the the identity theft and illegal immigration that QIC company is probably involved in:
Taylor Swift(singer/musician) might be a missing person called Becky(she is said to have become involved in drugs and dissappeared).

Taylor Swift's Tumblr Obsession & No Its Becky Shirt



Safe Bases(Sodomite Bases,modern day star chambers) are disguised as "Lonely Hearts Clubs".
First Base ... kissing,Is followed by feeling up second base, oral third base, and sex home run.
What are the 4 Bases of Love?
First Base - Kissing
Second Base - Heavy Petting/Manual Stimulation
Third Base - Oral Stimulation
Home Run - Penetrative Sex.
"Sgt Pepper's Lonely hearts club band associated with decriminalisation of homosexuality Why ?
Because Lonely Hearts clubs(aka yellow submarines) are involved in sodomy "
[John Lennon was fan of Oscar wilde(mentioned in Lennon's last interview in 1980)]
Oscar Wilde was nn Irish playwright noted for his witty epigrams.
He was involved in a major scandal due to his
homosexuality and served a jail sentence before dying in ignominy in Paris in 1900.

John Lennon: The Last Interview
Three days before he died on December 8th, John Lennon talked with ‘Rolling Stone’ for nine hours.
Here’s the extraordinary interview:

That’s what Yoko has taught me. I couldn’t have done it alone – it had to be a female to teach me. That’s it. Yoko has been
telling me all the time, “It’s all right, it’s all right.” I look at early pictures of me-self, and I was torn between being
Marlon Brando and being the sensitive poet – the Oscar Wilde part of me with the velvet, feminine side. I was always torn
between the two, mainly opting for the macho side, because if you showed the other side, you were dead
John Lennon Had a ‘Desire’ to Sleep With Men, Says Yoko Ono
Brian epstein discovered the beatles and was their manager.
[So is there some connection of the Beatles to the activity of Jeffrey Epstein?
queer eye for the straight guy(concept):
A concept invented by Beatles manager Brian Epstein in the early 1960s. A gay guy tells straight guys how to dress and cut
their hair, and somehow the straight guys end up knee deep in pussy.
queer eye for the straight guy(television show):
Karson Kressly is a modern day body double of Brian Epstein.

-Neal Winter has a resemblance to both Brian Epstein and Carson Kressly.
[Is Winter a relative of Jeffrey Epstein?]
Ringo Starr puppeteer(cybernetic slavery agenda against heterosexuals in the context of cultures(nations) involved in ritual sex(sodomy))
[e.g. Molech Worship and Sodomite cultures: Ancient Molech idols(statues)) were like a puppets whose arms could move.
Sodomite cultures are ritualistic behaviour societies that consider their society to function like clockwork, and such perverse societies want to forcibly
turn heterosexuals into clockwork slaves(cybernetic slaves)]

Ringo Starr - Narrator for the tv series "Thomas the Tank Engine". Thomas is an anthropomorphic railway train.
i.e. Like a human trapped in a train(human intelligence trapped in a train).

Summary: Australia is involved in the corruption of Safe Bases(sodomite bases, star chambers)
Australia is a sodomite nation.Australia is a nation like Sodom and Gomorrah.

Aussie refer to each other as "silly bugger(s)" .

Australian sex/dating customs are probably describable as:

1)Australians are brought up to believe that sexual perversion is a way for anglo-germanics to have families.
( Australians are brought up to believe that unnatural sex acts with people's behinds/buttocks are a way to get women pregnant by anglo-germanic men.)

2)Australians are brought up to believe that sexual perversion and its associated unjust behaviours is a way to prevent migrants races from having families.
( Australians are brought up to believe that unnatural sex acts with people's behinds/buttocks are a way to prevent women from getting pregnant by men who are not anglo-germanic.)

[And Safe Base(sodomite bases,star chambers,Lonely Hearts Clubs) in suburban areas, are way to generationally corrupt Australian citizens into enacting such customs on a nation-wide scale.]

Australia hypocritically says that it cares about civil rights and the geneva convention,
but behind people's backs Australia is doing racism based upon acceptance by groups of segregationists.
[So Australia is deliberately causing unnecessary suffering to citizens who dont fit in with groups of segregationists.
Australia has been immigrating racial groups to Australia, and then ignoring their civili rights,deliberately doing sadistic

nazism, deliberately causing unnecessary suffering to citizens who dont fit into groups of segregationists. ]

Australian solicitiors dont seem to care about representing citizens who are not accepted by groups of segregationists.

[This is the kind of question that the Australian nation needs to answer to international courts(s)]

Such racism is possibly based civil defense organisations building nuclear war shelters, and such racism involves hypocrisy

about Australia saying it cares about the civil rights of every citizen regardless of race, but behind people's backs the

anglo-celtic nation of Australia says that when your race can invent/build some invention then Australia will care about

your civil rights afterward.

It is the kind of racism where some households say that they don't racially accept other households they are related to.
Such situations are probably connected with Zodiac Killers[the genocidal racism of Majestic 12(M-J12)].
Perverse racists from Safe Bases corrupting members of families behind people's back by turning members of people's families

into sodomites. And then those sodomites conspire injustice/murder/slavery against households they are related to...

...and then Australian soclitors are not wanting to legally represent the legal cases of households that are not accepted by

groups of segregationists.

The groups of segregationists are like gangs, or mafia groups, probably groups of sodomites.
[Some people cant be accepted by groups of segregationists because some people resemble phenotypes that used to exist but no longer exist(ancient civilizations),
or to a phenotype that does not exist, and to some people the idea of joining groups of segregationists/mafia/gangs is not acceptable from a moral standpoint.
to some people the idea of joining groups of sodomites is not acceptable from a moral standpoint.]

It involves racism where astronauts such Neil Armstrong said he was walking on the moon for all mankind, but really he was

claiming the moon for anglo-celtic Americans.

[And such racism involves racism where groups of segregrationists dont care whether you have enough knowledge of history to counter their racist suggestions:
e.g. arguments against racism such as that anglo-celtics stole knowledge of races that were older and more technologically advanced earlier then anglo-celtics.
that anglo-celtics were not the first civilization and that anglo-celtics wont be the last civilization.
The groups of segregationists(sodomites) only care if you can find the protection of a group that cares about your humanity to care about your civil rights. ]

and it should be mentioned that such racism is the basis of underground economy , based upon dares against civil rights.

and it should be mentioned that such racism is the basis of underground economy, with activities such as western women advertising sex dressed in bikinis
but not wanting sexually satisfy some racial groups.Such advertising became widespread after the invention of nuclear weapons. "Operation Crossroads" (Bikini Atoll)
and Strauss the commander of the US Navy in 1946 are probably connected with large scale sexual advertising of women in bikins.The Navy is the part of the USA military
mst closely connected to Maritme Admiralty corruption(Star chamber injustice)
[This is relevent to state in the context of race hate violence, medical nazism,eugenics conspiracies, ostracism , marginalisation, social isolation activities
that Australia is doing against some racial groups.
Some people didnt ask to be born into the sodomite nation of Australia, and Australia should not have lured into Australia migrants from more more natural cultures than anglo-celtics with lies about about a better standard of living.]
Section 116 of the Constitution of Australia precludes the Commonwealth of Australia (i.e., the federal parliament) from making laws for establishing any religion,
imposing any religious observance, or prohibiting the free exercise of any religion.


Drug traffickers, retiremenet homes , Covid 19 news stories.
[Further information about the Black Knight Satellite program and the Majestic-12 plan of depoopulation(the anglo-celtic plan of genocide against some racial groups.]

Recent Infrastructure that has been built in Sydney such as the Driverless Metro Train System was possibly built with drug money.

The underground economy is like the USA invading Afghanistan militarily in a so-called-war-on-terror, then the CIA growing opium poppies in Afghanistan, while the USA pretend to fight a war on drugs.

Spy organisation such as the CIA and have a habit of laundering drug money by using the money to build infrastructure used by the public, such as metro train systems.

There Sydney Metro System seems to be built along a line of Anglican Retirement Homes. There are Anglican retirement homes near the Sydney Metro Train line
and the Anglican retirment homes were there long before the Metro train system was built.

Assuming that the Sydney Metro Train system is a laundering money scheme for drug money from organisations such as the CIA and ASIS .
Anglican retirement homes are probably places used by drug traffickers and illegal immigration perpetrators.

The conspiratorial behaviour by drug traffickers and illegal immigrators is possibly like: Rosemary Hunter inviting to her home the next door neighbour's boy who is from a migrant family, and then Rosemary Hunter and her husband takes along a boy with her to visit her racist parent in a nursing home.
Her racist parent doesnt racially approve of the boy that Rosemary Hunter brings along to the nursing home, so Rosemary Hunter's parent gets people to follow the boy around.
Is like the Seventh Day Adventist church advertising archaeology correspondence courses. Sometimes high school student(s) take the correspondence courses,and afterward racist pretend christians such as Seventh Day Adventists "Milan Terzic"
invite to High School(s) student to watch archaeology videos in the hall of a Seventh Day Adventist retirement home. The old racists at the Seventh Day Adventist Retirement home do not approve racially the school student(s)
who visit the hall in the retirement home, so the racists at the retirement home get people to follow around the student(s).

and conspiratorial behaviour probably involves old people in retirement age being invited into places where there are many young people.
e.g. Church halls in school being used on weekends as meeting places. Sometimes old people are invited along to the such church meeting in school halls.
See the information above about Milos Vujanic. Around the year 1993, Milos Vujanic was a member of the Christian City Church pentecostal denomination which
met at a hall inside an a public/elementary school.Milos Vujanic was friends with another church member called Zaheer.Milan Terzic is an anglo-serbian,Milos Vujanic is a serbian, Zaheer was south-asian-indian or pakistani.
Milos Vujanic had an anglo-celtic wife called Lois who was from New Zealand.

[*********See information above about Rachel Griffiths,Tony Azzopardi,Ralph Quitadamo. They attended church meetings which were held inside a school in a suburban area where Julian Cadman(deceased) was living.******* ]

Drug traffickers illegal immigrators are probably watching who visits such venue, and who racist families do not approve of.
and then drug traffickers are probably visiting such venues with illegal immigrants, and that probably has something to do with Covid 19(Corona Virus) problems in Retirement Homes.

When racists get people followed around, it it is probably encoded in language about Earth and Mars swapping rocks (swapping asteroids). Asteroids are orbiting Earth and Mars,
sometimes the asteroids croash into the surfaces of planets earths and mars.The impact of asteroids results in debris including rocks thrown upward from the surface into space and sometimes
some of the rocks end up on another planet.

[when racists see another race entering a venue that they consider racially their own,racists probably consider it as another race "gate-crashing" a venue, or like a meteorite(rock) hitting the surface and creating debris.
Anglo-celtic Australians possibly consider that the resulting debris is like an avalanche of more rocks. The racists who follow migrant families around possibly believe they are like the rock debris that begins hitting other areas.
Anglo-celtic Australians should not be following around migrant families. This is a description of the anglo-celtic racism that Australians have been doing behind people's backs. Anglo-celtic Australians should not be doing such racism.]

<------- Black Knight Satellite program(asteroids orbiting earth and mars),
and also news stories about life originating on mars and then Mars rocks travelling to earth via impacts of asteroids,


Did Mars and Earth swap microbes? - Cosmos Magazine

Seeding Life on the Moons of the Outer Planets via Lithopanspermia

Recent Information:
While working as a police officer in 1995, Adam Burne was a user of male prostitutes connected with safe bases(sodomite bases).
Katrina Nichols is a masculine (butch) lesbian who was the work partner of Adam Burne(sodomite). i.e. Lesbian(sodomite) Katrina Nichols worked as a police officer.
Together Burne and Nichols were part of the planning of a racial violence crime in June 1995.The racial violence occurred in broad daylight at the front of a shopping centre.
The crime was recorded by infrastructure camera systems and then Adam Burne and Katrina Nichols organised for the camera recording to given the male prostitutes connected with the safe base in the same suburb as the shopping centre.
<---- This is the kind of sodomite injustice that NSW Police and their star chamber cops are perpetrating against migrant families. The NSW Police should be officially asked questions about such injustice.
[The male prostitutes connected to the safe base consider recordings of racial violence crimes as some kind of racist entertainment that they have shown to people who they have corrupted through sodomy.]

In situations of star chamber injustice set up by the rperverse racists in the NSW Police, there occur situations where people's lives are continually bothered, people are not left in peace.
Racists are making threats that some perverse racist policeman doesnt like you , or some perverse racist doctor doesnt like you, or some perverse racist judge/magistrate does like you, doesn't like you behaving like yourself,
doesn't like you breathing the air from the atmosphere around you. <----- such communications are racial intolerence, intolerance against a citizens right to life, are activities by perverse racists against
a citizens right to persue ones own happiness and so connected to as slavery activity.

Such perverse racists have behaved in a manner where they don't seem to care about concepts such as the Australia claims to have protections to citizens civil rights in the form of anti-discrimination laws.
Such perverse racists have behaved in a manner where they are bothering citizens lives, and Australians never seem to ask questions such as where are the protection to the citizen's civil rights that Australia claims to have?
If some perverse racist policeman hates a person, it shouldnt matter because there are supposed to be anti-discrimination laws to protect a citizen's life against such hatred.
If some perverse racist doctor hates a person, it shouldnt matter because there are supposed to be anti-discrimination laws to protect a citizen's life against such hatred.
If some perverse racist judge/magistrate hates a person, it shouldnt matter because there are supposed to be anti-discrimination laws to protect a citizen's life against such hatred.
In sitatuons of star chamber injustice, situation where anglo-celtic perverse racists have sought to have their hatred adversely affect the lives of citizens,the perverse racists must be officially asked
about where have been the protections to the civil rights of citizens, where have been the anti-discrimination laws that Australia claims to have?
Such perverse racists must face justice. Such injustice in Australia must not be swept under the carpet.

such sotuations of injustice need to be handled by the international court system, where people from other races, other cultures would be involved in determining how to execute racists from anglo-celtic nations because of their perverse
nazism, so that racists from anglo-celtic nations dont think that they can escape the consequences of injustices such as nazi doctor crimes.
In situation where perverse racists from anglo-celtic nations, and whoever they are allied with, are entertaining themselves through injustices such as nazi doctor crimes,gentile nazi hunter's should have been sent to execute such perverse
racists , long ago nazi hunters should have been sent against such perverse racists.

Australia needs to be officially labelled as a country that is committing nazi doctor crimes.
To do with the H.A.O. Armanen Orden nazism and ritual prostitution corruption within the United Nations since Kurt Waldheim was United Nations Secretary General during the 1970s:
Peter Dalglish.
Dalglish is a Canadian, and despite being a Canadian he became the Afghanistan Country Representative for the "United Nations-Habitat" in Afghanistan.
Dalglish is currently in prison in Nepal for nine years because of his homosexual crimes.

Does Peter Dalglish have some connection to Steven Spielberg(maker of the film "Raiders of the Lost Ark") ?
[Peter Dalglish resemblance to cowboy film actor James Stewart. Is there a N.A.M.B.L.A./MAJESTIC-12/Strategic Air Command connection to Peter Dalglish?

Justin Trudeau(Canadian Prime Minister) and Peter Dalglish: N.A.M.B.L.A. and Ku Klux Klan racism
Peter Dalglish received an "Order of Canada" award, similar to a Knighthood from Elizabeth Windsor,
[maybe the kind of award that republicans prefer to receive instead of knighthoods].

Does the information about Peter Dalglish's award have similarities to the political policies of Bill Clinton's government during the 1990s
and homosexual criminals associated with the United Nations)? Peter Dalglish is one of the homosexual criminals associated with the United Nations.
[Hillary Clinton(leaked emails),the Podesta brothers, Pizzagate]

Juan Carlos of Spain has fled to the Caribbean country of the Dominican Republic. Juan Carlos is associated with the United Nations organisation called UNESCO.
[Juan Carlos of Spain in recent days fled to Dominican Republic in the Caribbean on island of Hispaniola.Dominican Republic is next to Haiti. Haiti also on Hispaniola island.
News stories suggest Juan Carlos would be difficult to find on Hispaniola island in the Caribbean.]
See the diagram about money laundering "01_08_2020.jpg"


Lukashenko is a Ukrainain surname.
Hungary and the Ukraine are adjacent countries which share a border.



other namesprobably associated with 21_08_2020.jpg :
Kelly Johnson from Lockeed Martin aeroplane company,Lyndon B Johnson and his wife Ladybird Patillo, Jacqueline Kennedy the wife of John F Kennedy who was assassinated

Note that the Hydrogen Bomb made obsolete the "Duck and Cover" Civil Defense organisations of the late 1940s-early 1950s.
So if civil defense organisations are still recruiting people, perhaps such civil defense organisations are dishonest groups that lure citizens and convert them into sodomites.
if civil defense organisations are still recruiting people, perhaps such civil defense organisations are groups dishonest about the chances of surviving hydrogen bomb explosions through Duck and Cover behaviour.
Because civil defense organisations are without purpose in the context of Hydrogen Bomb explosions, perhaps civil defense are connected to expressions about "military intelligence"
being a contradiction in terms,



Jeffrey Epstein(deceased,Mossad Agent,1990a PROMIS Software scandal & illegal betting,convicted paedophile)--?--"SS NAZI Lebensborn" families--?-Michelle Heidenreich(australian GF4 music group,Heidenreich means pagan empire)
Safe Bases <---->continuation of Nazi Lebensborn program decades after World War 2?

Summary:Racist Jewish families bending over (forwards) as way to intermarry with WW2 German families.
Racism described as: racist jews and other racists are murdering people over blonde hair. Racists that worship blonde hair (some decades after World War 2) need to be asked if they are followers of Nazi ideology.
Such racism is occuring within the NSW Police in Australia.

[04/11/2006:Nazi "Lebensborn children" go public]

<------ Why are these lebensborn program persons still making news in the 21st century? Are nazi breeding programs still occuring decades after World War 2?

[06/04/2015:Dublin woman found she was bred by Nazis for master race]

[18/12/2017:The Nazi breeding and infanticide program you probably never knew about]
<--- Child murder and nazism.




Bill Gigov Nickname "Bill Gay-gov"
H.A.O. Armanen Orden nazism(Celtic Cross Nazism,Anglo-germanic nazism, The Celtic Cross is a type of swastika frequently displayed by racist organisations such as the Ku Klux Klan).
The nazism of Ernst Roehm and his brown-shirts & Rudolf Hess.



Q.I.C company probably has a history of being connected to homosexual crimes.
Some years before the news stories about Neal Winter, around year 1985, a homosexual crime possibly occurred in the large shopping centre: the large shopping centre where the violent attack occurred in 1995.
Joe Rolela was a year 7 student in 1985 in the boys secondary school that was next to the girls secondary school where Toni Collette was a student. Joe Rolela was the same age as Toni Collete.
When he was walking through the school between school classes, Joe Rolela mentioned "There's that kid ..." . He pointed to a germanic looking student with blonde hair and a round face, that was 1 or 2 years older than Joe Rolela.
Joe Rolela's comment suggested that the older blonde student was a victim of a homosexual crime.

Steven McPherson was a student in the same year as Joe Rolela in 1995, and Steven McPherson kept mentioning a nickname "Big W" at a student, but McPherson did not explain why.
A student that McPherson was bothering didn't now what the attempted nickname meant.
Steven McPherson was mentioning such a nickname.
McPherson was trying to falsely label a student with a nickname whose meaning was not known.
during science lab classes, and he said He's got mates(i.e. McPherson said that he has friends , using homosexualised australian slang. Australians males refer to their male friends as mates).

There was a Big W shop/store inside the large shopping centre.
The large shopping centre was close to where the Robin Hotel was before it was demolished around 1983.

meaning of Armanen and Ahnen
inheritance of the foreseers <---> ritual rostitute priest class(sodomites) who are considered prophets/seers and considered returned ancestors.

[often defined as: inheritence of the ancestors]

ancestor worship where german pagans get visitations by supposed ancestors(deified ancestors,considered gods).
[visitations by pretend angels <---> visitations by aliens(pretend aliens)]

Translations of
vermuten, verdächtigen, ahnen, argwöhnen,
<---> ahen : returned ancestors who commit crimes(homosexual crimes)? guess

erraten, raten, schätzen, vermuten, ahnen, glauben foresee
voraussehen, vorhersehen, absehen, ahnen, vorauswissen

ariosophy and armanism
[theosophy <----> ariosophy]

ariosophy: religious ideology centred around the supposed superiority(false superiority) of the Aryan race(indo-europeans).

armanism: germanic ancestor worship & by sodomy customs involving visitations by perverse people considered to be returned

ancestors, considered to be angels, considered to be gods, considered to be aliens.
a mysterious sect of pagan priests that supposedly ran everything in the "barbarian" warrior tribes of ancient pre-Roman Germany...


Brett Middelbrook and his freidns are associated with an R.S.L Club . On the same road as the R.S.L used to be a secondary school called Grantham in there wre mostly anglo-celtic families.
Grantham changed its name, and is now a "Sports" secondary school with many polynesian students.
What was happenning to make Grantham Secondary school change its name?
Such changes over the years to a secondary school might suggest that Brett Middlebrook and his friends are involved in illegal immigration between Australia and New Zealand.
Lord Howe Island is between Australia and New Zealand.

Greg Meller said that his mother was a former student at Grantham Secondary school, some decades ago. Greg Meller is a friend of Toni Collette(actress)


Kerry Packer--probably related to the family of--- Sofie Tucker(1920s American Singer, Comedian, Actress, Radio)

[Sofie Tucker mixed with criminal mafia such as Al Capone and also american police(FBI) Edgar J Hoover.
Edgar J. Hoover was corrupted by Illuminati/Freemason customs of cross-dressing, similar to the later 1990s racist New York mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Sofie Tucker was a contemporary and possibly friends with early 20th century actresses Ginger Rogers and Judy Garland.]

Peter Rogers Dance School(Peter Rogers homosexual dance instructor)<--->
Pye,Rogers & Fairfax(corrupt solicitors: a company that used to exist in the 1990s and afterward)<-----> Fairfax is a media name(Newspapers), similar profession/business to Murdoch and Packer.
Ginger Rogers was a media star(actress). Grech Partners Solicitor(corrupt Solicitors that existed nearby Pye Rogers & Fairfax Solicitors),<------> Grech Partners Solicitor office door entrance was in a gloomy and drab laneway.)<--->Camilleri (Maltese Mafia families(maltese jews):Michael Grech,Zammit,Seguna,Bonello,Morris,Maryann Camilleri,Daniel Mamo)

Kerry Packer was the owner of channel 9 television channel Austrelia(see information above about the music video "Starlight":the Packer family are probably invested in the genocidal racism of Majestic-12
and the associated nuclear spacecraft research such as Project Daedalus or similar). Majestic-12 is associated with nuclear propulsion space craft research, and UFO Cults.
[The Church of Scientology is the World's largest UFO Cult, and there have been smaller UFO Cults such as Heaven's Gate who made news in the 1ate 1990s through mass suicide.]
Research such as PRoject Daedalus is a breach of The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 banned the stationing and use of nuclear weapons in space.

James Packer is the son of Kerry Packer.

See also the information about the red-haired woman with a parrot-like face 06_02_2020.jpg
(possibly a relative of Vanessa Speight living in the same neighbourhood as Speight, the same neighbourhood where Toni Collette(actress) grew up).
The red-haired woman with a parrot-like face(1 0f 2 twins) grew up in a home across the road from where Maryann Camilleri lived.Camilleri and Collette are closely connected to news stories about Neal Winter.
The red-haired woman with a parrot-like lived next door to Rachel Griffths. Rachel Griffth's mother is still living there in year 2020.
Maryanne Camilleri---Toni Collette---Steven Cousens----Joshua Cameron,Vanessa Speight,Brett Beehag,Wayne Brodie,----Brett Middlebrook

She has a slight resemblance to a modern day American singer calling herself Sofi Tukker.
In Sofi Tukker's music videos appears a man singing in a low voice resembling another singer called Ricky Martin.

In years 1997-1998 there was a student in Electrical Engineering cal;ed Joel Gennari.Joel Gennari was similar looking to Ricky Martin.
Joel Gennari was present at Sydney University and witnessed the Ku Klux Klan type of behaviour by students at Sydney University in 1998 when
There was something like Ku Klux Klan mob riot behaviour by students in Engineering Lab and the eating area on the ground floor of The Wentworth building.
The racist mob racist behaviour by students occurs slightly before the middle of the year exams.
[Ku Klux Klan <----> N.A.M.B.L.A. and "The family Murders".
Sydney University was trying to cover up illegal research against human beings.

Joel Gennari was a so-called "lab partner" of the student that Sydney University was trying to murder in 1998. i.e. Electrical Engineering labs.
[Does Joel Gennari have a connection to the red-hair women with the parrot-like face? Is she a Hun-descendnat-type? A "bird-dog" racial type?]

during an engineering course, students are also travelling to physics lectures held in the Physics Building(School of Physics at Sydney University).
In 1998, there was student in physics lectures resembling Brett Middlebrook and Brett Beehag.
[In walkway on the ground floor of the Physics building was a noticeboard with information posted behind glass window-panes, somewhere near the reception office where worked Rosemary Millsr.]
On the noticeboard was posted a news paper article(newspaper clipping) about the physics student that resembled Brett Middiebrook.The name of physics student is not known, but on the newspaper article
appeared the name "Brett Climo", so that could be the nsme of the physics student resembling Middlebrook and Beehag.

In the physics building, in the computational physics lab , was occuring the same Ku Klux Klan style mob behaviour as described above, in year 1998.
One of the physics students was the physic student that resembled Middlebrook and Brett Beehag.
[There was NAMBLA-style provocation on numerous occasions, followed by Ku Klux Klan riot behaviour by the students.
The students were making animal sounds behind the back of the student that Sydney University was trying to murder.
Also the students were making sounds "Woo" and "Woo-hoo".
i.e. Inhuman behaviour was occurring from the students. When the student turned around, the animal sounds would stop, and the students acted as a group that didnt want to say who was making the animal sounds.
This needs to be described in the context of Sydney University being a racist University that is influenced by a homosexual crime organisations called N.A.M.B.L.A. and "The Family Murders".
There seems to be a connection between the Ku Klux Klan and homosexual crime organisations such as N.A.M.B.L.A. and "The Family murders". This kind of racism needs to be known to the international law system/international courts , in connection with the murder conspiracies of homosexual crime organisations(ritual sadists) that exist in countries such as Australia,Britain,USA,Canada, New Zealand.
Solicitors in Australia have not wanted to provide representation over years, this kind of information needs to be described to an international court.
Because Australia has been acting against justice over years,Australia has not wanted to provide legal represenation,the racism that Australia is perpetrating is much worse than Australians would like to suggest, this information is posted on this website.]

Tony Turtle was the member of physics staff in charge of the computational physics labs.Tony Turtle did nothing to stop the racist behaviour of the students.
As has been mentioned, Sydney University was trying to cover up illegal experiments against humans.



People who are deliberately silent about slave labour devices could be treated in the following way: tracking devices could be attached to them, they could be thrown into the middle of the ocean ,
to see if they could swim (like deeply submerged submarines) back to land. The technology is used to track around deeply submerged submarines and the technology is being misused to do slavery experiments against humans.

Perverse nations such as Australia want such submarine tracking technology to be a mystery, and to be misused as slavery devices.
[would attaching tracking devices to Australian solicitors, and throwing Australian Solicitors into the middle of the Ocean be a way to convince Australian solicitors to do or say something to prosecute slavery devices?]

[31_08_2020:001] 31_08_2020.jpg

[31_08_2020:001] 31_08_2020.jpg
From 1970-1973, Jones was a teacher at The King's School in Parramatta. According to journalist Chris Masters award-winning 2006 biography, Jonestown: The Power and The Myth of Alan Jones, he was forced to resign
over growing concerns of inappropriate conduct with some of his students. One student, Scott Walker, alleged Jones watched him shower naked after playing sports. In his biography, Masters also recounts
the instance of a schoolmaster discovering a love letter Jones had written to a boy that had been left behind in a classroom desk. According to Masters, In it, Alan spoke of thinking about the boy late at night,
expressing his love.



Is John Fahey a relative of Christopher Skase?
Maryann Camilleri --?--Paul Galea(county Council, Local Government politician 1990s)
Frank Pico ---- Con Constantine(county Council, Local Government politician 1990s).

Con Constantine ----- Emilios Patsilides aka 'Mr Emilio'(1990s Chemistry staff at Sydney University)

Church of Scientology Centre at Greek Street Glebe, near Sydney University <------?--------> Greek Street, Soho London, Britain (Soho homosexual district in London, similarities to Oxford Street Sydney Australia.)
[The Gay Hussar pub in Soho London Britain is probably a hangout for Beefeater organisation members , and a hangout for British politicians.
The Gay Hussar Pub in Soho London <----> Hussars & Beefeaters <---> The Blackfriars microstate Oxford London Britain (probable money laundering, Treasure fleet reception area, Underground Economy treasure fleet,Military shipping,submarines?]Possibly transported under the guise of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
Section 81 of the Australian constitution says that "All revenues or moneys raised or received by the Executive Government of the Commonwealth shall form one Consolidated Revenue Fund, to be appropriated for the purposes of the Commonwealth..."
What is the Executive Government, what are Executive Orders?
Is the Executive Government the system of Grand Admirals(Maritime Admiralty, Star Chambers, sodomite bases), including Safe Bases in civilian areas?
Executive Orders have been described as government activity that doesn't need the approval of the elected government officials.

Alan Jones and "The Wall" homosexual prostitution area(homosexual pick up area) that was being mentioned in 1980s news programs. e.g. T.W.T.(Terry Willesee Tonight) so called current-affairs news program.
Internet information suggests "The Wall" is where Darlinghurst Jail used to be close to be Sydney CBD, within walking distance of the Skyscrapers in the Sydney CBD.

Glebe is possibly an area that has motocyclists(bikers) stopping at pubs. Glebe suburb of Sydney might be on an illegal immigration route. It is close to the Parramatta River(mouth or river delta)/Sydney Harbour
Sydney University is in Camperdown suburb of Sydney adjacent to Glebe suburb of Sydney.

One of the crime families that were active in Glebe during the 1990s are possibly the Michenton family.Lisa Michenton(anglo-celtic) is probably a friend of Teresa Emilogu,Samy Graziano, Michelle Gibson, Joel Gardiner, Deborah Mclachlan.
Lisa Michenton's family probably has a connection to the killing of school student Nathan Prichard in 1983: Prichard was killed by a car crashing into jogger(s) at a charity marathon(a so called "fun run").
Michenton possibly has some family or in-law connection to people in Sydney and Queensland. Her birth certificate name is Lisa Michenton.

[If an illegal immigration network passes through Glebe, maybe it the same illegal immigration network that stopped at the Robin Hotel that used to exist at the eastern end of Richmond Road in Sydney NSW Australia.
The Robin Hood hotel was demolished in year 1983. A large shopping centre was built nearby the Robin Hood Hotel by Q.I.C. company and maybe Frank Lowy has some connection to the building of the large shopping centre.
See information about Joe Rolela and his blonde Germanic friend with the round face.

Does Lisa Michenton's family have some long-distance connection the Robin Hood Hotel?
Lisa Michenton's are friends with Gregory James. Gregory James is probably a friend of David Evans, the son of Margo Evans. David Evans has a sister called Elisabeth.
Gregory James was probably the son of an anglo-eltic drunkard who would be seen sleeping around the footpath near to home of Clayton. sometimes the anglo-celtic drunkard would urinate in his trousers while sleeping around the footpath, his back resting on the wall of a building while he slept.
The mother of Clayton had a horribly large birth mark on one side of her face that looked like a side of of her face was burned.

Also, also connected to these names there was a "Jason Kerr" who friend with Russell. Jason Kerr was part of a Star Wars Fan Club
(star Wars Fan clubs <---> Star Wars film maker=George Lucas who is closely connected to Steven Spielberg--Jeffrey Epstein).
These names lived near Anthony Mundine the australoid professional boxer. Tony Mundine's son Anthony Mundine became a boxer and played rugby league for the St George Dragons.

A blonde Australoid called David Christian has probably become friends with the Mundine family, or maybe they were friends with each other decades ago. David Christian is a friend of Toni Collette(actress).
Blonde australoid David Christian(intermixed with Dutch?) is the son of Trevor Christian(Australoid boxer). Maybe Tony Mundine and Trevor Christian have been friends of each other over decades.

[Districts where anglo-celtic societies openly display their homosexuality.Anglo-celtic nations are sodomite cultures that pretend to be heterosexual. They have homosexual districts which hint about the society on a large scale.]
[Camilleri and Pico are friends of Toni Collette(actress). Peter Payne lived across the road from Toni Collette.]


Observation: human sodomites accumulate around sources of ground waves like hive insects . human sodomites group behaviour is based upon a satanic hive intelligence. Does the church of scientology study such behaviour ? Or do other
organisations study such behaviour among the scientology members ? Is cellular automata(Conway's game of life simulation) relevant to such research ? If so, the use of word life is probably misleading because sodomy is the way of
death/destruction according to biblical wisdom(the wisdom of thousands of years in the context of human behaviour).
a 1980s education program on ABC(television channel 2) that
possibly had a double of scientologist Kate Ceberano.
Was Australian Government owned television channel 2 involved in the sodomite corruption of the Church of Scientology ?

Would such television programming suggest that the australian workforce is intolerant of heterosexuals? intolerant especially in jobs involving managing groups of people, and jobs that require specialist knowledge or large amounts of knowledge ?
. Also to mention terminology "Modular organisms" research <-----> cellular automata .

Church of Scientology(World's largest UFO Cult/pretend angel cult.'Thetans' are their angels.) <-----> Thule Society and H.A.O.(racists who observe the activity of the Church of Scientology?)

The American Kennedy family have some kind of ancestral connection to Bath Somerset England, Gloucester Cathedral
Bath is a town between Wales and Cornwall, near the eastern shoreline of the Bristol Channel sea region.
Bath is possibly a port pathway between England and Eastern Ireland.

The Kennedy family possibly consider themselves Somerset English(anglo-celtic) or Welsh instead of Irish.
Somerset was once part of Wales. Somerset was a war zone between the Anglo-Saxons and Welsh.
In 825 a battle was fought between the "Welsh", presumably those of Dumnonia, and the Anglo-Saxons. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle states:
... fought the Wealas (Cornish) and the Defnas (Devonians) at Gafulforda" (perhaps Galford in west Devon).
However, there is no mention of who won or who lost. A further rebellion in 838, when the "West Welsh"
were supported by Danish forces, was crushed by Egbert at Hingston Down.

John F Kennedy called his 1960s political administration by the name Camelot. The American White House was his Camelot.

In an Australian context, names such as news presenter Chris Bath is possibly a hint that the American Kennedy family have been invested in Channel 7 television company.
Chris Bath is the daughter Harry Bath who coached the St George Dragons rugby league team around the year 1980. St George is like a hidden region in Sydney that has been renamed Kogarah(& Hurstville?).
paintings and information posted on their website:
23. Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger, Sir John Kennedy, oil on canvas, 1614, The Duke of Bedford. Immediately after James I’s accession Elizabeth Brydges –
Maid of Honour of Queen Elizabeth I – married Sir John Kennedy, one of the king’s Scotch attendants, at Sudeley Manor, Gloucestershire, England. Chandos
appears to have opposed the match, and it was rumored early in 1604 that Kennedy had a wife living in Scotland. But James I wrote to Chandos (19 Feb 1603/4)
entreating him to overlook Sir John’s errors because of his own love for his attendant. Elizabeth apparently left her husband and desired to have the matter
legally examined, but as late as 1609 the lawfulness of the marriage had not been decided upon. Lord Chandos declined to aid his cousin, and Sir John
Kennedy’s wife died deserted and in poverty in 1617. (Strong 277).

The Name Walsh probably means Welsh or of Wales.

See also information about "Berthe Morisot Kennedy" from the 1930s era.

[Centuries ago, perhaps the people of Somerset formed an alliance with Dalradia... maybe Jackie Kennedy is a racial type(phenotype) from Dalradia. anglo-saxon Jute tribe<--?-->Huns.
i.e. Jackie Kennedy(the wife of John F. Kennedy) is probably a 'bird-dog' type, as was singer Roy Orbison.
The Everly Brothers-Bird Dog/Lyrics

Veronica Abott was probably a ethnic type from Somerset England.Veronica Abbot lived close to Peter Payne, and across the road from Toni Colllette(actress).Veronica Aboot was Jute anglo-saxon tribal phenotype ?


DLASTHR & Brothers for Life middle eastern gangs<---possibly connected to->grey wolves(bozkurtlar) and jewish red kippah gang.
Conspiracies of masons and prostitutes/satanists to turn [christian] meeting places into mosques.

Christianity is a religion that promotes freedom concepts (Galatian 3:28). Christianity is a religious revolution over Judaism.
Judaism is a primitive tribally based(nationalistically based) inward looking religion.
Judaism is from a time where each nation had their own distinct God, or had their own distinct gods.

Racists dont like the freedom concepts within Christianity, and racists dont like the way that the bible accurately describes human nature, racists don't like the internationalism of christianity(Galatians 28:19)
Chistianity is against Australia trying to impose its anglo-celtic caste system upon people. Christianity is against so-called "systematic racism, institutional racism", so the racists dont like Christianity.

Religions such as Judaism and Islam are more nationalistically based,are religions with tendancies toward racial segregation, and are religions that promote submission rather than freedom.

Australia is NOT a chistian nation. Australia is some kind of atheistic/satanist counterfeit of christianity(pretend friendliness and racism/celtic-germanic nazism behind people's backs).

During the mid 19th century,Dutch satanism developed in countries such as Holland and Germany(thus spake Zarathustra(Zoroaster), god is dead...burn down the churches).<---> god is dood(dude) in Dutch language
Togarmah Pagan Worship system(Iran,Armenia,Turkey=Bianilli Federation)includes Zoroastrianism, Armenian Native Faith <----> similarities to HAO Armanen Orden religion and Germanen Orden religion(teutonic paganism?)
Perhaps Dutch satanism is the religion of the HAO Armanen Orden.
Dutch satanism includes the Hippies(Hippiedom), and Charles Manson's murders. <----> Zodiac Killers (pretend angel cults,UFO cults).
Australia become a Federation in the year 1900(20th Century), and has probably adopted Dutch satanism into it's culture over decades.

[Grey Wolves terrorist organisation were involved the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II around year 1980.]

Jimmy Saville was probably a Beef-Eater organisation member(Yeoman).


08/09/2020: Is cricketer Ricky Ponting an Asis Agent(Spy) ? Does Ricky Pointing have conenction to Westmead Hospital via a charity organisation/foundation?
Was steve Smith an ASIS agent. The Steve smith from the 1980s rebel cricket tour to Apartheid Regime South Africa ?
Peter Dunn -- Robert Dolly Dunn(the wall in Sydney, homsexual pickup area)----Alan Jones.
-- Julie Michelle Dunn (the family murders, mentioned in city of Evil.)

Michael walker---?---Aaron Light

[in hindsight,Michael Walker was possibly a male prostitute.
Michael Walker looked Greek-Jewish, and he had an adopted brother that looked Greek.
The adopted parents of Michael Walker were 2 anglo-celtic australians. They lived on a busy road during the 1980s.(Their house has been demolished to make way for a bus T-WAY)
Michael Walker was inviting secondary school students to his home to look at his Amstrad computer on which was the game Ghosts and Goblins.
Michael Walker invited Robert saunders to his home on. Robert Saunders said that the music sounds tinny compared to
Commodore 64 version of Ghosts and Goblins.
Michael Walker was friends with an older student called Mathew Dicks. Mathew Dicks sometimes spoke with Robert Saunders because they were the same race with blonde hair.]
There is a checkout worker in Coles called Olivia working year 2020. The same Coles that Paul works in. Olivia looks like a relative of Michael Walker.

12_09_2020_002.jpg posted into 08/09/2020


12/09/2020:002 posted into 08/09/2020(begin)
There is a checkout worker in Coles called Olivia working year 2020. The same Coles that Paul works in. Olivia looks like a relative of Michael Walker...
and working in the same Coles supermarket as Olivia & Paul is Bianca who looks like a female relative of male .Shane Knight(1) who is connected to Greg Cook, Nathan Pritchard's family,Samy Graziano.
Both Olivia and Bianca look jewish.
Is Bianca somehow associated with Stanhope Gardens Village Shopping Centre? Does she conspire or enact Ku Klux Klan style racism incidents at shopping centres?

[namesake Shane Knight(2) is a friend of f Steven McPherson,Robert Sigsworth and Troy Woods and Zachary Etcell ]
12/09/2020:002 posted into 08/09/2020(end)
60 minutes news stories about circus and cults(05/09/2020)

This group of perverse aussies have probably corrupted members of the NSW Police.

And the media people they are probably associated with.
- simon townsend(tv personality) possibly involved with jewish wives schemes & the "flying fruit fly circus".
- Rupert Murdoch and the Packer family (Channel 9 television owners) whose illegal immigration/trading networks converge around Doha arabia (Q.I.C Insurance Company that Advertises in Arabia )
- GREG COOK(1980s professional Rugby League player) Shane Knight(1)<---?----> Shane Knight(2),NATHAN COOK a friend of Steven McPherson,Robert Sigsworth and Troy Woods and Zachary Etcell ?

[Zachary Etcell would use a strange expression "Smell my finger , Mal Meninga" when he was an elementary school student, but he did not explain what it meant.
After watching the 60 minutes news story about the Circus Group, something similar was described to Zachary Etcell's expression.
Families who are brought up to be sodomites possibly have a custom of sticking a finger up their behinds, and they believe it way to test their health to smell their finger afterwards.
When Zachary Etcell used the expression, it would sounds like "Smell mi(mee) finger ...". Mi is a colloquial way of saying the word "my" .
Zachary Etcell's mother was friends with Peter Payne's mother. Peter Payne lived across the road from Toni Collette(actress).



Vince's Super Gym was usually referred to as simply "Vince's Gym".

Groups of secondary school students would visit Vince's gyms on sports days(once a week).
some of Toni Collette's friends such as Daniel Mamo would visit Vince's gym when they were secondary school students.







Information probably relevent to describing Simon Townsend: his associations.
Simon Townsend<----------->David Yeldham(homosexual judge that killed himself).

Mala Del Brenta(Venetian Mafia,Venice Italy.) -----David Jason,Dalring Buds of May.Roger Rabbit,Antoniette Gardiner,Bob Hoskins,Phil Collins,Dennis Waterman.
-=--- Anthony Hopkins,Keir Dullea ,Westboro Baptist Church Fred Phelps,Stanley Kubrick(film maker)
Nadia Towsend(his daughter) --resembles---Katy Perry(American Jewish singer,Mossad and Iranian connections?) <---> Kornikova (Tennis player)
Rosanna(Townsend's deceased wife) resembles Jo Bailey hostess of Sale of the Century.
Mossad----Fleur Cates(Benjamin Netanyahu's wife)<--?- possibly Simon Townsend's relative---?-> Deborah Mclachlan.
Simon towsnd probably related to the Graziano family(real estate conspiracies).
Edith Bliss one of his reporters from WonderWorld tv program died of lung cancer (similar to John Fahey).

Johhny Young(Host of "Young Talent Time" on Channel 10 television Australia)--- Fifa Riccobono---Ally Moore.
Fifa Riccobono---Angry Anderson(singer from Rose Tatoo).Several Rose Tatoo Band members have mysteriously died over the years.

Townsend's jewish connection are probably a hint that he is connected to Jeffrey Epstein's prostitution network network (Beatles music prostitution/slavery network<--Penny Lane Liverpool themes).
Simon Townsends familial connection to a bakery in the western suburbs of Sydney<------>Neal Winter(Winter is an Epstein family member in Australia).

Fidenza Glass Brick company(Parmalat & The Rand Corporation) <---> glass bricks hollow interiors are possibly a way to transport drugs between Australia and Venice Italy? <---> The Murano glass-making-guild(s) in the islands of(off?) Venice Italy(similar to Mafia,Masons,Templars) <----> theories about the Voynich Manuscript(code&pictures) being connected to the Filarete Tower castle.

Simon Townsend is probably connected with The Family Murders. Simon Townsend is possibly a secret member of the The Family murders.

question; Who was Simon Townsend's mother? What was her birth certificate surname ?



[20/09/2020] There was a 2018 car crash into a telegraph pole, a group of 3 in the car, one death among the 3 in the car : name: Kasey Xuereb.
There is a probability that the 3 in the car were practicing to kill person(s) who walk past telegraph poles on a median strip.
[The driver of the 2018 car is named Cameron Cook, and this website thinks he has some connection to the Blue Mountains Circus Paedophiles
recently shown 60 Minutes Australia.]

["Dare devil" car group in 2018 crashed into telegraph pole<------->Blue Mountains Circus Group paedophiles:circus performers are involved in dare devil circus acts(similar to Stunt Men)]

On Friday 18th September around 5:10pm perverse racists probably tried to complete the murder.

Roger Rogerson style police corruption. Deborah Wallace is probably involved (Wallace is Ukrainian and 2018 car crash 3 probably Ukrainian connections<-?-> Michelle Coppak's Ukrainian Church)
Corrupt racist NSW Police officers(Star Chamber cops) have moved their paedophile relatives into a home on a busy road.
The property that they are living in looks out onto a median strip with a telegraph pole(1). The household of aussie paedophiles have made some kind of pretend christian(satanic) display by nailing a cross on the telegraph pole(1).
The household of paedophiles intend to murder someone, probably as some kind of aussie satanic ritual.

The cross has the name "Diva Marie" printed on it, and some flowers a placed on the cross(the cross nailed onto telegraph pole(1))
There are similarities to the telegraph pole(2) that Kasey Xuereb and her friends were stupid enough to crash into.
<--- Is that news story an indication of the stupidity of aussie silly bugger drivers?

The aussie silly buggers that live around the telegraph pole(2) have made some kind of pagan shrine out of the telegraph pole with flowers placed around the telegraph pole(2).
[some people think instead of flowers, people should post medals on the telegraph pole for ridding the world of some worthless aussie called Kasey Xuereb.]
It is as though the aussie silly buggers that live near telegraph pole(2) got angry that some person(s) never visited telegraph pole(2) where Kasey Xuereb lost her worthless life,
so they have chosen another telegraph pole to make some kind pretend christian(pagan/satanic) display.

Some person(s) couldnt be bothered to send the television Tuckerbox dog to urinate on the pole where some worthless aussie lost her life, and would never place flowers there.
[aussies arent women, aussies arent men. aussies are sodomites(aussie silly buggers.) Aussies call each other silly buggers.]
The NSW Police believe they can cover up years of racism by getting the household of paedophiles to violently attack person(s) who walk past the area on the way to a shopping centre.

On Friday 18th September 2020 around 5:10pm the household of paedophiles tried to violently attack a person, and to steal things that the person was carrying.
A person managed to scare them off. They followed the person for about 50m , running toward a person, but then became afraid. There were 2 aussies males and 2 ugly fat italian-looking females.
one of the males had red hair, the other male had dark hair maybe some resemblance to Brad Morgan.
There is a woman living in the property behind them, she has been walking her dog, and has a green coloured car. She has a facial resemblance to the Lenton family (and maybe Evans family)
She(as a female) probably has facial resemblance to (male )R. Lenton.

The household of paedophiles possibly are connected to some group of racists who patrol up and down the busy road, trying to run person(s) over by using cars.
Some group of racists who teach each other to drive quickly toward pedestrians crossing the road.
One their group nearly missed hitting someone and yelled out the word "goose".

number plate(white coloured car parked in front of home of paedophile household near the DIVA MARIE cross pretend christian satanic display.
************HOUSE NUMBER 291**********

************HOUSE NUMBER 291**********
number plate(white coloured car parked in front of home of paedophile household : perpetrators
of racial violence attack attempt 18/09/2020 incident):
number plate possibly JQS-360 or JQY-360
[They are probably renters not owners.]

[Roger Rogerson style corruption. Possibly has a connection to Deborah Wallace and her fellow star chamber cops.
Corrupt racist NSW Police officers(Star Chamber cops) have moved their paedophile relatives into a home on a busy road.
The NSW Police believe they can cover up years of racism by getting such a household of paedophiles to violently attack person(s)
who walk past the area on the way to a shopping centre.

It is not an investigation,it is underground economy: star chamber cops in the NSW Police
conspiring to make money through drugs, prostitution, murders of migrant households.


Jeffrey Dahmer was possibly connected with some kind of illegal immigration scheme in Milwaukee Wisconsin USA, possibly of immigrating the surviving relatives of Adolf Hitler and Nazi generals,
and that sounds similar to Operation Paperclip(Project Overcast) <--?--> Weather Underground American terrorist organisation & S.L.A.(Patty Hearst's Symbionese Liberation Army).
There is some connection of Jeffrey Dahmer's serial killler activity to the perverse racist ideology of Phillip O'Greece the husband of Elizabeth windsor.
Phillip O'Greece had some association with Rudolf Hess, Operation Valkyrie and the HAO Armanen Orden in Nazi Germany. Phillip O'Greece's sisters were married to German Nazis.
Operation Valkyrie has continued after World War 2, in the form of Majestic-12 in USA and Anglo-Celtic nations. Majestic-12 is a plan of depopulation(genocide) against the races in developing
world nations. The serial killer activities of Jeffrey Dahmer are part of plan of depopulation associated with Majestic-12/Operation Valkyrie.Jeffrey Dahmer was befriending afro-americans and murdering
them.He considered Afro-Americans as citizens of the developing world rather than Americans.
Milwaukee USA is portrayed in the 1970s tv series Happy Days. Happy days portrays racists as likeable and respectable. It isnt known who the racists are until Afro-americans get invited to a psrty,
then some of the characters in Happy Days refuse to stay at the party. The distinctive school sweaters displayed in Happy Days, have probably become a theme in later movies and tv series made by racist film makers, such as Nighmare on Elm Street(1985), 21 Jump Street , Charmed , Buffy the Vampire Slayer , etc .
Jeffrey Dahmer's activities included trying to make "kept people" by putting drugs in their drinks, and he wanted to turn Afro-Americans into his personal zombie slaves.
The racist immigration schemes that have been occuring Milwaukee Winsconsin USA are probably connected to the type of UFO Cult portrayed in the John Carpenter film They Live(1988)
which features Roddy McDowall (member of the WWF, World Wrestiling Federation) which was said to be owned by Vince Kennedy McMahom. The World Wrestling federation(WWF) had the same initials as
Phillip O'Greece's racist deep ecology organisation the World Wildlife Fund(WWF).
There is possibly some connection of Jefrrey Dahmer to Steven Spielberg. Steven Spielberg has made UFO Cult movies such as Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and E.T. The Extraterrestrial.
Jeffrey Dahmer is possibly a relative of the Ronald Lacey the actor who plays Major Arnold Toht in the Spielberg film Raiders of the Lost Ark. In the film, Toht is a member of the Ahnen-erbe
was an organisation probably closely connected with the HAO Armanen Orden in Nazi Germany. The killings in Milwaukee could be described as race wars of Jewish racists against Germanic racists,
and such race wars are schemes to kill as many Afro-Americans as possible.
Project Sanguine is similar to Project Omega. Project Sanguine has more powerful antennas than Project Omega.
Jeffrey Dahmer was an ancestor worshipper. Jeffrey Dahmer worshipped his Germanic ancestors, inclidng the caucasian cannibals that were at Herxheim Germany.
Phillip O'Greece and his association with Varna "Big Ears" cult(German ancestor worship). Charles Windsor portrayed with big ears in 1970s-1980s media.
Varna "Big Ears" cult(German ancestor worship) is associated with the history of caucasian cannibalism that occurred at Herxheim Germany.The Varna culture is promoted by racists as a
centre of caucasian civilization, however research indicates that Varna Culture were caucasian cannibals that were involved in sex worship. If Varna had a knowledge of metal working,
their metal artwork skills(gold metalwork) was used to adorn their sex organs. Varna probably had a stone age religion of breeding out the Neanderthals. When Neanderthal groups were bred out
the Varna Culture would worship the Neanderthals as ancestor by copying the behaviour of Neanderthals in a ritualist way. Neanderthal behaviour included cannibalism, so the people of the Varna
Culture had customs including ritual cannibalism.
Lindy Chamberlain<---facial similarities to----> Elton John(singer)
[Would such a connection suggest kind of human sacrifice(child murder) connection between the Seventh Day Adventist Church and the perverse satanic Glam Rock music industry?]
(lindy Chamberlain is the woman who became famous for saying that a Dingo has got her baby
Does her husband Michael Chamberlain have a connection to the Blue Mountains suburb of Hazelbrook?

Note that Lindy was the nickname that 1930s media gave to Charles Lindbergh(male multi-millionaire).

Names and faces associated with the Blue Mountains paedophile ring.

[Why does Liberal conservative politician Peter Dutton look so similar to former Labour politician Paul Keating(1980s-1990s member for Blaxland)?
Blaxland is a suburb of the Blue Mountains.]


[On the map:Up is east. North is left]
About a tall blonde female that lived on the the SE corner.:She was friends with Richard Bazlidenski's sister (Bazlidenski is Polish surname)]
Richard Bazlidenski was friends with Adrian Buggs(aka Bugsy),Gary McGee, David Clements,Craig Lamb. And they were friends with Joshia Cameron,Wylie Pearson,John Bowles, John Towers.
They would refer to Bazlidenski with the nickname "Baz".

The tall blonde female that lived on the the SE corner.[She was friends with Richard Bazlidenski (Polish surname)]

Christian Identity Cults(Ku Klux Klan religion:false christianty groups=counterfeit christianity groups)<---> UFO Cults/Pretend Angel Cults





"Harry the Bok" is possibly an expression used about Harry Windsor the son of Diana Spencer,and it is an expression used by people who have influence over Harry Windsor.
It is possibly an expression which causes shame to Harry Windsor.Bok might be a South-African Boer(Dutch) surname, the surname of Harry Windsor's relatives/ancestors.
And it might have something to do with photos of anglo-celtic men during World War 2, who were supposed to be fighting against Rommel in North Africa ,
but instead they were nazi sympathizers who supported Rommel's nazi activity.
harry_the_bok_and_a_ww2_photo.jpg(or ww2 film)

harry_the_bok_and_a_ww2_photo.jpg (or ww2 film)

Are the men in the ww2 photo british jews who were nazi sympathizers(Rommel sympathizers)?
Is Harry Windsor descended from racist jews ?


---------------------- [03/10/2020]

Note: Mr Cousens should be Mrs Cousens <--- the diagram will be corrected later from Mr to Mrs Cousens.

Note 2: Compare Ernst Roehm in the HAO sub-organisation 'Brown Shirts'. Ernst Roehm was executed by the German Nazi Party.
The Brown Shirts were competing with Hitler's Black Shirt Nazi organisation.
politician Bill Clinton(born William Jefferson Blythe) is an Ayers.
[see the name Birchie Ayers]



[08/10/2020:001] number plate(white coloured car parked in front of home of paedophile household near the DIVA MARIE cross pretend christian satanic display.
[Are these perverse racists(aussie silly buggers) trying to make graves in residential areas ?]

************HOUSE NUMBER 291************

See the information above 21_09_2020.jpg
"HIS COVER WAS BLOWN" in the incident that occurred on 18/09/2020. <--- Does this expression mean something to someone or some organisation unknown ?

Steven Essam's family are connected with conspiracies to do with an organisation called "Little Athletics" in Australia.
During the 1980s, Ralph Quitadamo befriended an elementary school student that walked home past the home of Quitadamo.
Steven Essam was sometimes talking to the elementary school student.
Steven Essam suggested that Mr Essam his father could drive the elementary school student to Little Athletics meetings.
However, little athletics meetings were considered meeting places for racist anglo-celtic families. Little athletics was considered a meeting place where the anglo-celtic race could physically develop their families.
and Essam's family made some kind racism conspiracy out of Mr Essam's unwillingness to drive the elementary school student to little athletics meetings,
while his son Steven Essam suggested the opposite. Steven Essam several occasion mentioned "long jump pits" at little athletics meetings.

So Mr Essam did not drive the elementary school student to the Little Athletics, and the Essam family made a conspiracy.

Th elementary school student did manage to attend one little athletics meeting that year, the final little athletics meeting of the year.
The manager of Jim Cameron's cricket team was called Mr McGeechie. His son was Michael McGeechie and was a member of Jim Cameron's junior cricket team.
The McGeechie family drove the the elementary school student to one Little Athletic meeting, but not to any further Little Athletics meetings.

The McGeechie family were probably influenced by other anglo-celtic familiesY(racists) not to invite the elementary school student to any further meetings.

[08/10/2020:003]Recent discovery:

The was news story about William Windsor comtemplating how circumstances would be if his son(s) was gay(homosexual).
[The Duke of Cambridge says he'll be fully supportive of his children if they are gay]

That news story was connected to the London Bridge Terrorism incident in which 2 Australians were killed(3 June 2017)
Sara Zelenak and Kirsty Bowden.

William Windsor ordered the terrorist attack, to take the lives of the 2 Australian women, because they were Australian baby-sitters
who thought it was normal British customs to enact sodomy against his sons Louis and George.

The 2 Australians probably had male perverse boyfriends that they would let inside the buildings where they were working.

This is the kind of information that the Windsor family in Britain possibly want to murder people about, so it is something that probably needs to be mentioned
in the context of anglo-celtics being a perverse culture. Anglo-celtics are a culture like Sodom and Gomorrah.

There are situations were racists deliberately feed information to people, as a way to try to murder them, so it is probably the best course of action to
mention information, whether or not people are afraid of the Windsor family.

Some people consider the Windsor family with utter contempt, as a morally worthless family of sodomites.



When article 147 of the Geneva Convention is spoken about in English language, the term "Biological Experiments" is used to describe Nazi Doctor crimes.
The English language description of Nazi Doctor crimes is like a euphemism, the English language terminology is not strong enough, not descriptive enough.

In Croatian language , biological experiments are termed "bioloske pokuse" (bioloshke pokushe), which means something like Biological wrongdoings/attrocities.

Australia should be labelled as a nation whose doctors have been/are committing BIOLOGICAL ATTROCITIES.


In connection with 14_10_2020.jpg: the turkish man probably knows a brunette woman in Sydney Australia facially resembling blonde woman Anna Politkovskaya(said to be a Russian Journalist, died 2006. Politkovskaya looked Turkish.)
The turkish man and the brunette woman have appeared in locations nearby each other, in the suburban area where Toni Collette(actress) was raised.

Rupert Murdoch(newspaper/television/media,expatriate australian)--- Sidney Riley(early 20th century British spy,said be an ace of spies,was born in Russia.)

Rupert Murdoch ---- 1990s advertisements about the "Australian College of Journalism".
[The Australian College of Journalism(correspondence course) is/was probably a front organisation that recruits spies and informers.
Martin Okroglic mentioned that he wanted to become a Journalist.Okroglic probably took and interest in the Australian College of Journalism.
Martin Okroglic is friends with members of The Brotherhood Gang: Bill Gigov,Boris Dovecer,Richard Benkovic.]
Martin Okroglic is friends with Bruce O'Brien and probably John Tassel <----> Rudy Pins and P.O Box 1142 (similarities to FEMA Death Camps, CIA Prisons,Abu Ghraib torture program in 2003 Iraq War)]<--->Frank Olsen(Project Artichoke)

There is possibly some kind of illegal immigration connection/safe base/terrorism connection between advertisements of the Australian College of Journalism
and news stories about Russian Journalists being killed.

Politkovskaya was said to be a negotiator in the 2002 'Moscow theater hostage crisis(Dubrovka Theatre)', but secretly she was possibly a corrupt person that appeared near terrorism incidents,
because she was part of a terrorism network with connections to Australian terrorists.

Movsar Barayev., the terrorist leader in the 2002 Moscow theater hostage crisis has a strange resemblance to actor Keanu Reeves.
[Diagram 27_09_2020_further_information.jpg suggests that Keanu Reeves has a connection to the HAO Armanen Orden Nazi organisation,
that the Camilleri family have a connection to Reeves via the acting profession(Terry Camilleri) and the Australian Broadcasting Network(ABC,Channel 2,Australian Government television channel),
and Martin Okroglic formed a corrupt association with the Camilleri family as a result of his visits to 2 Turkish brothers that lived on a busy road.]

About:The turkish man and the brunette woman have appeared in locations nearby each other...
The brunette woman is probably associated with 3 males adopted by a household that was approximately across the road from the home of David Christian during the 1980s.
i.e. Across the road and then eastward up the street.
The males had names Richard(blonde slav),Manuel(pronounced Man-well,slav-spanish?)... the third male's name was unknown and he looked like an eastern-european-jew,dark hair, jewish nose, with count dracula looks.









Paul Simon(singer) probably has connections to apartheid regime that existed in South Africa for some decades.
Paul Simon looks slightly Sicilian Italian.<--?--> Orobello family from Sicily.

Toni Collette(actress)---Peter Payne---Robert Saunders
Robert Saunders is a Paul Simon fan.


The Beef eaters have uniforms that suggest they are anglo-celtic 'medicine men'(pagan priests).
The Beef eaters have hats that suggest they are anglo-celtic 'medicine men'(pagan priests).

Bottle Cap musical instrument
(Anglo-celtic pagan wizard's staff to scare away hostile spirits.
Used as a musical instrument in country music,
and traditional anglo-irish music groups
such as The BushWhackers,Bullamakanka)

Beefeaters (anglo-germanic-semitic descendants pagan priests) <--------> H.A.O. Armanen Orden (Anglo-Germanic/Celto-Germanic Pagan priests)
[i.e.Medicine Men/Pagan priests in the manner of American Anglo-Celtic 'Snake oil Salesman'].


From a documentary:
Dead Men's Secrets-
Revenge!Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich:...

The Documetary is about German Nazi commander Reinhard Heydrich.

" Heydrich is ready to carry out atrocious acts of cruelty on behalf the regime that he serves.
But this Nazi superman has a dark secret: one which makes him even more brutal and ruthless.
It is a secret that casts doubts on his very identity.
There is a suspicion that this perfect Nazi has Jewish blood in his veins.
Heydrich's grandmother was maried a second time to a man name Seuss,a Jewish name.
Heydrich is haunted by this possibilty.He may not be racially pure.
Hitler is aware of Heydrich's secret, but considers it a way to ensure Heydrich's loyalty.

This secret will ensure that he(Heidrich) is the perfect exterminator of the Jews."




Recent information: The events of Friday 18th September 2020 probably had something to do with Mrs Griffiths and Redhaired Twins neighbours wanting to cover up
their family's perverse activities with male prostitute Shane Pisani, and to cover up an illegal immigration scheme. Also Charlie Camilleri was involved the perverse activities.

Rachel Griffiths has some connection to illegal immigration between the western Sydney neighbourhood described (wherer Toni Collette was raised), and Toowoomba Queensland Australia

The illegal immigration between Sydney NSW Australia and Toowoomba Queensland Australia possibly associated with Netball themes.During the 1980s Rachel Griffiths was an elementary school student that played netball.

Around the time Rachel Griffiths was ending her secondary school education , Shane Pisani became her homosexual/bisexual boyfriend.
Shane Pisani enacted italian customs of bending over in a homosexual way for aussie male parents as way of getting their daughters to be his girlfriends.

Near the home of Greg Anderson was a BBC Harware store. Relatives of Ralph Quitadamo and Scott Herman were working in the Hardware store.
Scott Herman's mother was friends with Rosemary Hunter.During the 1980s, Scott Herman's mother and Rosemary Hunter were involved in giving car lifts to children of migrants,
and taking them for trips to shopping areas.

Around the year 2004 the BBC hardware store was closed down.BBC Hardware later became Bunnings Hardware company. Was BBC Hardware a British Company in Australia?
[Around the same time as Parmalat Company in Italy went bankrupt. Parmalat is possibly a division of the The Rand Corporation in the USA. Also around the same time Fidenza Glass Brick Company moved out of industrial area adjacient to the neighbourhood where Toni Collette was raised.]

There are faces in a documentary called "Only in Oz". In the Toowoomba Queensland episode of Only in Oz are faces similar to Ralph Quitadamo's relative that worked in BBC Hardware,
ans maybe Tery Feeeny. R Lenton lived near Terry Feeny and was friends with him.

At some time , maybe during the 1980s, Shane Pisani was befriended by a woman that lives at house number 33 on a street that leads out to the busy road(Drive) where the Seventh Day Adventist retirement village is located.
She might be a South African Boer racist, and she has a resemblance to the grand-mother of R. Lenton. The local people patrolling around near her home behave/conspire in the manner of 'get off the footpath' racism.
Get off the footpath racism was depicted in a film/telemovie Gandhi(1982) as occuring in an apartheid south African setting.
The woman living at number 33 is probably a madame(female pimp) for male prostitutes such as Shane Pisani.

A few house away from the woman at number 33,on the other side of the street, lived relatives of Greg Anderson. The relatives of Greg Anderson were 2 females who had a habit of hanging from the low trees,
playing in the low trees located along the street, around the years 2010-2015. They would be seen by people walking to the shops, and by people driving along the street.

Their home was somewhere near where the footpath branches into two paths. One footpath leads north up the same street, the other footpath goes east next the creek toward the shopping area. The street where the woman at number 33 lives initially goes east, then it turns 90 degrees to go north. Where the street turns 90 degrees is where the footpath branches into 2, on the other side of the street to number 33. Greg Anderson's realtives lived somewhere near the branching footpath.

Those relatives of Greg Anderson have some connection to the driver described above that tried to run people over with his car and then yells out "Goose", on the busy road that runs past the home of paedophiles at number 291.







The Underground Economy and 'Bonds' underwear company .Bonds is a word associated with slavery.

Bonds underwear company(Australia) has diversified into Bonds Transport vans.
Bonds was possibly a company involved in illegal immigration, and so Bonds company
have tried to launder their illegal immigration activity by diversification into transport vans.

Bonds have a factory a few minutes walk away from Sydenham railway station(Sydenham suburb of Sydney NSW Australia.
The Bonds company factory is within walking distance of where Harry Triguboff was developing property in Tempe suburb of Sydney NSW Australia.
Triguboff was a contemporary/competitor of Frank Lowy from Westfield Holdings(Shopping Centre building company).



One of the students who Royce Simmons shook hands with during "Speech day" , has become a victim of cybernetic experiments.
One of the students who won academic awards at the secondary school that Royce Simmons visited , has become a victim of cybernetic experiments.
[It is the worst case of racism by the NSW Education Department and Sydney University ever. The situation should go to international court.]

12_11_2020_002.jpg -----------------------------------------------






1) The film Breaker Morant(1980) was closely connected with Australians building the first Concentration Camps during the Boer War in South Africa.
[Concentration camps,mass killings/killing sprees <----> depopulation agenda]
Concentration Camps <---> Star Chambers.

In more recent years has appeared a documentary/tv serties called "Breaker Morant: the retrial(" which features
In the documentary,is mentioned military lawyers including James Unkles.
[Omega navigational installation : report from the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and DefenceOmega navigational installation : report from the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence(1975)]

So there is a possibility that documentaries about Breaker Morant have a connected to misuse of Omega Antennas to do slavery experiments/concentation camp experiments.
i.e. A misuse of Nikola Tesla's ground-ionosphere antennas to do slavery experiments/concentation camp experiments.

James Unkles<--facial resemblance to--> Peter Haertsch(plastic surgeon),Phillip Kennedy(Neuroscientist/Neurologist)
Further Questions:
[About Maria Sharapova's connection to John Fahey's identity theft/illicit drugs network, and connection to the Australian Open tennis competition in years 2008-2009,
Maria Sharapova has a similarity to actress Joanne Woodward. Is Maria Sharapova a relative of Edward Woodward who played the role of Breaker Morant in the 1980 film?
Is Maria Sharapova associated with/invested in schemes to build modern day concentration camps(aka Illuminati death camps ... detention centres,CIA Prisons,...euphemistically referred to as anti-immigration)<--->Slave Labour devices]

2) There is a news story about a Kylie_Moore-Gilbert that has become a hostage in Iran.
That news story has an Australian advertised in the media as a hostage/prisoner/slave in a similar way to how Australian women Chappelle Corby, and Cassie Sainsbury were being advertised in the media.
Such news stories are possibly some kind of "Slavery Triangle" which are hints about Australia doing modern slavery against people that anglo-celtic Australians racially hate.
i.e. 2 sides of a triangle doing slavery, and conspiring against the existence of the third side of a triangle.Iran has slave traders, Australia has slave traders(modern slavery).
And such news stories are probably about slave traders in Iran and Australia wanting to swap hostages/prisoners/slaves.
The news story about Kylie_Moore-Gilbert could be connected to the Hospital in Sydney Australia mentioned by anglo-celtic experiments victim Ian Clarke.
Some time after the year 2000, there were 2 female medical doctors Moore and Gilbert working at that hospital in the same kind of medical work(medical experiments).,of%20Melbourne's%20Asia%20Institute

3)Pine Gap military base in Australia is a DARPA project in Australia.<-->Radome antennas that observe objects around themselves.<-->Nikola Tesla's ground-ionosphere antennas which couple to receiving circuits around them.(Omega antennas).
The internet is another DARPA project on an international scale.
[DARPA=Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency],of%20Melbourne's%20Asia%20Institute.



Michael O'Neil from G.P.(1989) Australian television series.



Note:Latins(Romans) began as uncivilized primitives, and stole civilization from Etruscans and Phoenicians.
So the foundation of Rome was the primitive dog-man religion of Aryan colonists, sometimes portrayed as wolf religion.

************** FURTHER INFORMATION about Dog Worship religion (Aryan man-dog religion) **********************[posted 08/12/2020 into 21/11/2020]

Deuteronomy 23:18 (New King James Version)
You shall not bring the wages of a harlot or the price of a dog to the house of the LORD your God for any vowed offering, for both of these are an abomination to the LORD your God.

Deuteronomy 23:18 (New International Version)
You must not bring the earnings of a female prostitute or of a male prostitute into the house of the LORD your God to pay any vow, because the LORD your God detests them both.

Matthew 13:42
They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

[Excarnation ]
Writing on the culture of the Persians, Herodotus reports on the Persian burial customs performed by the Magi, which are kept secret.
However, he writes that he knows they expose the body of male dead to dogs and birds of prey, then they cover the corpse in wax, and then it is buried.[5]
The Achaemenid custom is recorded for the dead in the regions of Bactria, Sogdia, and Hyrcania, but not in Western Iran.[6]
[Note that cities such as Sogdia,Chorasmia... were sometimes controlled by Parthians/Persians and other times controlled by Scythians(Eurasians).
Parthians and Scythians were at war with each other.]

A Bouquet of Archaeozoological Studies: Essays in Honour of Wietske
page 113
bodies tossed into a pit, left exposed and gnawed by animals and Birds of Prey.

[Sky Burial(defleshing by bird scanvengers) is often closely connected to Excarnation in dog pits(dogs,wolves,ground scavengers)]

Possible connections between Anglo-American denominations, the HOGPI violent religious sect , and Jim Jones mass murder cult.

1) Anglo-American religions:Anglicans,Salvation Army,Seventh Day Adventists,Mormons,Jehovahs Witnesses,Pentecostals:<---religious denominations that lure people to their churches and then conspire violent murders via 3rd parties(ritual murders,pretend angel cult activity).

2) H.O.G.P.I.: a strange religious sect that has violent males who say they are christians,they are against abortion,
they are possibly violent homosexuals/bisexuals that want access to women to breed families, they care nothing about the civil rights of husbands.
Maybe associated with violent freemasons and modern day Templars.

3) James Warren Jones():American cult leader,faith healer,founded Peoples Temple Indiana USA 1950s.Mass murder-suicide of himself and his followers at Jonestown,Guyana on November 18,1978.909 people died.

Jim Jones preached a sermon and then he was violently hitting someone in his congregation. Something like 'fight clubs' occurred during or after his sermons.

Jim Jones claimed to be christian, but he was having sex with females and males in his congregation.He encouraged members of his congregation to give themselves in a homosexual manner to others(possibly hippie-style custom of making peace).

He described such perverse acts in terminology that he could be the woman toward some male, and some male could be the man toward him.

Jim Jones had a facial similarity to Cowboy western movies actors Dale Robertson and Clint Walker.<------> Majestic-12 (MJ-12), Jimmy Stewart(actor) similarities to Curtis Lemay
[Majestic 12 is the American plan of genocide/depopulation that tries to portray itself as UFO research/UFO Cult]

[Dale Robertson wss portrayed in a 1965 cartoon movie as 'The Man from Button-Willow'.

[Jim Jones was probably a CIA spy during the 1960s 'Bay of Pigs invasion'against CUBA, and his involvement probably had something with him later establishing Jonestown in Guyana South America at which the mass murder/suicide occurred.]
Jim Jones <---> Kennedy

The Jim Jones cult has a similarity to later news stories about the "Children of God" cult(aka 'The Family' Cult) in North America.<---> H.A.O. Armanen Orden sub-organisations.
and probably "The Family murders" in Australia



[further information posted 08/12/2020:002 into 01/12/2020: Next to Ralph Quitadamo lived Jason Weston. To the west of (adjacent to) Ralph Quitadamo's home was the home of Jason Weston.
Jason Weston and members of his family have a resemblance to Ernst Roehm(Brown Shirt Nazi) and also resemblance to John Wayne Gacy(American serial killer:homosexual crimes)]






Toni Collette is probably GCHQ agent or GCHQ informer.

GCHQ is described as an British spy organisation that specialises in covering up human rights cases.
So a corollary deduction about GCHQ is that GCHQ very much involved in setting up Underground Economy situations: situations where groups of perverse racists profit from lawlessness,
situation where people's civil right are being ignored by groups of perverse racists.

The headquarters of GCHQ looks like a circular sports stadium, and also might resemble Plato's description of Atlantis, and also Phoenician port city such as ancient Carthage.
UFO Cults and new Age Atlantis theories <---->
GCHQ possibly has advertised in the media with 'Ghost Busters' themes.<--->GCHQ probably infiltrates Paranormal Research organisations.e.g. Stanford Research Institute,Remote Viewing, Project Stargate.
i.e The original Ghostbusters series with characters Kong, Spencer, Tracy.One of the characters is a gorilla but he isn't named Kong.
GCHQ <--> GBHQ (Ghost Busters Head Quarters, like in the commodore 64 game made by Activision)

GCHQ and American media personalities with British connections:
Patrick Duffy:the man from Atlantis, that later starred in advert for a 1970s Australian company called "Electronic sales and rentals", which usually featured an actor called Joe Hasham.

Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan and SDI(Strategic Defence Initiative, colloquially referred to as 'Star Wars'.)<---> MJ-12
[The company "Kenner" that sold Stsr Wars film toys possibly has an Armenian-Jew connection, similar to NASA(JPL) satanist Jack Parsons having an Turkish-Armenian-looking face, but being accepted as an American.]

Hillary Clinton: Edward Snowden's information leaks about the American NSA were said to adversely British GCHQ, and the media was also mentioning leaks of Hillary Clinton's emails\ , and the Podesta brothers.
[See also news stories about Julian Assange, and Bradley Manning being involved in information leaks around the same time as Edward Snowden.

Ridley Scott: film maker who was probably a homosexual boyfriend of earlier film maker Dino De Laurentiis. Ridley Scott has made movies by stealing themes from earlier movies made by Dino De Laurentiis.
Toni Collette has formed an association with Ridley Scott over years. Ridley Scott is probably involved with the homosexual crime organisatin N.A.M.B.L.A.
Dino De Laurentiis possibly had some connection to Soviet secret police personage Lavrentiy Beria.

The girls secondary school that Toni Collette attended as a student has been later mentioned as involved in Robotics competitions. Such news stories probably are connected with GCHQ activity in Australia
and a Cybernetic Slavery agenda.

GCHQ <----> Operation Hammer: star chambers cops Roger Rogerson and Deborah Wallace teaching teenagers to sell drugs and pretending it is an investigation. <-- as described in the documentary "Gangs of Oz".
Operation Hammer <----> Project Hammer(Undergrond Economy). ]

************** FURTHER INFORMATION about Dog Worship religion (Aryan man-dog religion) **********************[posted 08/12/2020:001. See above 21/11/2020]

Deuteronomy 23:18 (New King James Version)
You shall not bring the wages of a harlot or the price of a dog to the house of the LORD your God for any vowed offering, for both of these are an abomination to the LORD your God.

Deuteronomy 23:18 (New International Version)
You must not bring the earnings of a female prostitute or of a male prostitute into the house of the LORD your God to pay any vow, because the LORD your God detests them both.

Matthew 13:42
They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

[Excarnation ]
Writing on the culture of the Persians, Herodotus reports on the Persian burial customs performed by the Magi, which are kept secret.
However, he writes that he knows they expose the body of male dead to dogs and birds of prey, then they cover the corpse in wax, and then it is buried.[5]
The Achaemenid custom is recorded for the dead in the regions of Bactria, Sogdia, and Hyrcania, but not in Western Iran.[6]
[Note that cities such as Sogdia,Chorasmia... were sometimes controlled by Parthians/Persians and other times controlled by Scythians(Eurasians).
Parthians and Scythians were at war with each other.]

A Bouquet of Archaeozoological Studies: Essays in Honour of Wietske
page 113
bodies tossed into a pit, left exposed and gnawed by animals and Birds of Prey.

[Sky Burial(defleshing by bird scavengers) is often closely connected to Excarnation in dog pits(dogs,wolves,ground scavengers)]

[further information posted 08/12/2020:002. See above 01/12/2020: Next to Ralph Quitadamo lived Jason Weston. To the west of (adjacent to) Ralph Quitadamo's home was the home of Jason Weston.
Jason Weston and members of his family have a resemblance to Ernst Roehm(Brown Shirt Nazi) and also resemblance to John Wayne Gacy(American serial killer:homosexual crimes)]

Paul Simon(singer) <-- resemblance to-----> Son-of-Sam serial killer(David Berkowitz)
Paul Simon has connections to the Apartheid Era in South Africa. Simon And Garfunkel music group existed before Paul Simon's solo music career.
[about Robert Saunders the friend of Peter Payne: Robert Saunders is a fan of musician Paul Simon.He liked listening to songs such as "Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes" by Paul Simon .]







[31/12/2020] The household of paedophiles at number 291 are probably connected to a nickname 'Alphakaneki' that appeared on the 'Paladins' Australian internet game server
on September 12 2020(a few days before the hpusehold of paedophiles tried to attack a person)
Alphakaneki made threats involving grabbing and smashing people, which suggests he is part of the BODY-SNATCHERS activity of Project Sunshine.
[body snatchers <----> Ritual murders/Human Sacrifice(including child murders)]

Research into the nickname Alphakaneki suggests a link to Japanese Manga(cartoons)subculture, but his networks are ANGLO-CELTICS IN USA BASES in places such as Japan, and various other places around the world.
i.e. Alphakaneki is part of a network of anglo-celtics who pretend to be east-asians via the internet.
e.g. Kersten Dunst in her 2009 music video Turning Japanese is probably a member of such USA Base racism networks.That music video was based upon an earlier song from the 1970s: The Vapors - Turning Japanese (1980).
... and it is probably USA Military Base activity in Australia that has corrupted NSW Police stations in suburbs along Richmond Road in western Sydney Australia.

Some of the lyrics in the 'The Vapors - Turning Japanese(1980)' music video suggest British culture, and the presence of the Anglican Church in Eastern Asia.
The British adventuruers and their Anglican Church are hypocrites who are probably often associated with drugs,prostitution, ritual murders (underground economy/shadow economy).
i.e. 1980s music video is suggestive of British Opium trafficker families who set up "Opportunity Shop(Op-Shop)" businesses in East Asia ,and also western discos in East Asia.
[ <----News Article: Bali night club bomb kills 180 | Indonesia | The Guardian]
Films such as "Enter the Void" portray such drug traffickers in East Asia: some have american accents, others probably have British and Dutch accents.

So what is being described in these paragraphs is probably slavery,prostitution,ritual murder networks from USA Bases, which are adversely affecting suburban areas of Sydney, Melbourne, etc.
So what is being described in these paragraphs is probably "underground economy/shadow economy" networks from USA Bases, which are adversely affecting suburban areas of Sydney, Melbourne, etc.
[such USA Base Networks are probably behind the making of films such as Robocop , Stargate(1994), and computer games with racist themes. There is probably a RAND Corporation connection such USA Military Base networks.]

[Faces resembling Christie Chalker and Brad Morgan appear in Robocop(1987).
Also Leeza Gibbons(American televsion presenter) who was interviewed on the Australian Terry Willesee Tonight(TWT) television program.
Leeza Gibbons<--?--> Kerry Anne Kennerley(aka Kerry Anne Wright) probably associated with the Steven Spielberg E. T. the Extraterrestrial fan club along with her 1980s television co-host Gordon Elliot.
Kerry Anne Kennerly was recently sacked from Channel 10 television company in Australia, along with Tim Bailey(meteorologist).

Before the household of paedophiles moved into home at number 291, there was a '13cabs' taxi driver living there.

Some news stories have occurred which are probably associated with the USA BASE NETWORK described:
Baseball bat criminal urged to come forward over 'stupid' act [Note the name of the 2 persons who damaged the cars has not been mentioned by the Australian media, maybe because the NSW Police are corruptly protecting the men from being identitied.
The NSW Police are corrupted by USA Base activities <--- suburbs along Richmond Road in outer-west-Sydney Australia.]

More than 60 cars have tyres slashed in span of days in Richmond, Victoria

The Toni Collette film "Little Miss Sunshine(2006)" is possibly a hint about Toni Collette and her friends being involved in the body-snatching activities of Project Sunshine.
Some families living around(near) Greenway Village shopping centre on Richmond Road possibly have a connection to the film "Little Miss Sunshine(2006)".
Greenway Village Colebee/Marsden park(Schofields area) in outer-west-Sydney , on Richmond Road.

Len - Steal My Sunshine
[a song from the 'Venice Beach Subculture(California USA)' <--> Len is a Bruce Willis lookalike (Moonlighting tv series) <--> Cybil Shepherd(actress) movie 'The Lady Vanishes(1979)']
Venice Beach California is probably where the Player(Playa?) subculture began, as popularised by the songs by 'Ace of Bass' in the 1990s.
So Venice Beach subculture is probably the Player(Playa?) subculture.

[added 01/01/2021 into 31/01/2020] In the 'Steal' My Sunshine music video is displayed a Graziano surname business.
See information aobove about Samy Graziano and his brother Michael Graziano having formed some association to Maryann Camilleri.
The British GCHQ connection to USA Base Networks.
countries such as USA, Australia,New Zealand are racially allied to Britain, because they started off as prisoner colonies of anglo-celtic British criminals.

British Convicts Shipped to American Colonies
Author(s): James Davie Butler
Source: The American Historical Review , Oct., 1896, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Oct., 1896), pp. 12-33
Published by: Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Historical Association

In many dountries, USA Bases have taken the place that the British military colonialists and redcoat soldiers used to occupy in decades/enturies past.

GCHQ is connected to the Radome Antennas in Menwith Hill Britain military base, in a similar way to ASIO and ASIS are probably connected to the Radome Antennas in Pine Gap Australia.
The Menwith Hill miliary Base is probably a USA D.A.R.P.A. Project in Britain, in a similar way to Pine Gap being a USA D.A.R.P.A. Project in Australia.

The cooperation bertween British spy organisations such as GCHQ and spies organisations in former-british-colony countries such as the USA,Australia,New Zealand has been mentioned in the
media under terminology such as "UKUSA Agreement"
[UKUSA Agrement alliances are probably relevant to USA Bases in Japan and various other countries, so there is probably a presence of GCHQ in Japan and Australia.]

Harry Dunn's parents 'devastated' by footage of hit-and-run suspect driving car
[USA Base personeel in Britain(the UK) similarities in behaviours to the USA Base network associated with Alphakaneki(car windows destroyed, car tyres destroyed),
and the paedophile home at 291 and the adjacent busy road where there are cars driving up and down trying to run pedestrians over and yelling out goose when they miss a pedestrian]


Jeremy Irons(actor) in his role as Simon
in the film 'Die Hard With A Vengeance'
resembles the subversion that Anglican Priests are doing.
Subversion includes acts of terrorism.
[In the 'Die Hard' series of films stars Bruce Willis.
Simon is a terrorist and he plays games of 'Simon Says' against people's lives.

[The terminology 'simple Simon' is used suggesting that Simon wants to be considered humble, in the manner of being a disciple or religious personage, religious leader (Matthew 5:5)]

See information the Holyrood Agreement.

See also information above about television personality Simon Townsend who looks italian.
Does Simon Townsend know various Anglican Priests(Church of England priests)?

Note: When Henry the 8th(Henry VIII) caused England to break away from the Catholic Church,
and formed the Anglican Church
he mentioned that he became an Emperor, instead of a King.


Information relevant to Jews/Israelis doing Nazism lseveral decades after World War 2:
Geli Rebaul was the Jewish cousin's-daughter(neice) of Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler had an incestuous sexual relationship with his Jewish neice Geli Rebaul.
So Adolf Hitler was had sexual relations with a Jewish woman who was related to him, (offspring of a 1st cousin ).
Geli Rebaul later killed herself, or Adolf Hitler had her murdered.

So Jewish Nazism could be based upon ideology of Jews intermarrying with German Nazi families, as described above in other paragraphs from months ago,
[Is it Jewish national customs to do incest after they marry into Germn Nazi families?
Does the incest and sodomy behaviours have something to do with Jews being motivated to follow Nazi ideology, an idelogy that doesnt tolerate Jewish existence?

When Jews fall into the degraded state of becoming involved in sodomy(buggery), do other degraded behaviours such as incest follow?
The bible suggests that Jews/Israelites were always falling into apostasy such as the sex worship that they tried to label other nations with,
so it could be asked whether sodomy was always part of Jewish paganism?
(1 Kings 17:1,Numbers 25:3-5,In Judges Chapter 11 Jephthah burns his daughter alive according to pagan custom(Molech Worship or similar), 1 Kings 14:22-24

..and if people try to suggest that the Israelite/Jewish culture was not sodomite in its beginnings,
were Jews turned into a sodomite culture by the Greeks and Romans who defeated the Jews militarily,
and via the destruction of the Jewish Temple by the Romans and the Jewish Disaspora, in which Jews no longer had a homeland over centuries ?

Archaeology that suggests the Israelites were not monotheistic until after the Babylonian Exile.
Before the Babylonian Exile, Israelites followed Polytheism in which the God Jehovah had a wife called Asherah.
Asherah and Ashtoreth were probably associated with sex worship(sacred poles,sodomite religion)]
It was only after the Babylonian Exile that formal worship of Asherah as a goddess was abandoned by Jewish/Israelite society.

Some photos of Geli Rebaul suggest a resemblance to faces such as Craig Salvatore(whose wife Cathy Salvatore died in the Bali Bombing of an disco in Indonesia in 2002).
Cathy Salvatore's surname was spelled Sarvatori in Indonesian News media.)
Craig Salvatore was a 1990s Rugby League player for the Eastern Suburbs Roosters.
.. and also a resemblance to Craig Salvatore's lesser known double Shane Pisani.

When Jews fall into the degraded state of becoming involved in sodomy(buggery), do other degraded behaviours such as incest follow?

Aussies(Australians) are a buggery culture(sodomy culture). Aussies call each other silly buggers as some kind of friendship terminology.
COROLLARY: Are Aussies a sodomy culture, and an incest culture? <--- See the information above about the Chalker,Henderson,Davis,Camilleri families.
Are they incest families based upon the genetic diseases in their families ?

...When aussies fall into the degraded state of becoming involved in sodomy(buggery), do other degraded behaviours such as incest follow?

1)If a male person wants to become friendly with the daughter of some Australian family,
does the father of the Australian family want to screw a male person up the backside as part of anglo-celtic national customs?

2)If the father of an Australian family wants to screw male suitors up the backside, where does the jealousy over his daughter come from?
Why do Australian fathers(anglo-celtic fathers) want to commit homosexual crimes against male(s) who want to become friends with their daughters?
Is it the Anglo-celtic natioinal custom of Australian fathers to commit incest with their daughters before they become socially available to males outside their family?

[Are there variants of such behaviour among Australian families? If an Australian father (Anglo-celtic father) sees that a person from another race is interested in his daughter,
does the Australian father commit incest with his daughter as way of ensuring that she remembers his anglo-celtic race as her first sex partner ,as away of turning his daughter into a sodomite,
as a way of defiling any marriage bed that his daughter would share with another race? i.e. Are Australian families involved in Paganism/Racism in opposition to the biblical to the bible verse Hebrews 13:4 .]

[03]/12/2020]Recent information:

The dark haired male at house number 291 is probably a relative of Gregory James. Bianca checkout worker from the nearby Coles probably set up the attempted violence.

Bianca looks like a relative of Shane Knight from a distance suburb in Sydney: Shane Knight the friend of Craig Akroyd, Mathew Payne...
Gregory James is a friend of Shane Knights family,and some years older than Shane Knight. Shane Knight's parents would get Gregory James to bully students younger than himself,
in a similar to how David Evans violently attacked those several years younger than himself.

Shane Knight is the son of 1970s Police man (NSW Police):probably a star chamber cop=sodomite cop(recent deduction).
When Shane Knight was a Kindergarten student , he invited several other kindergarten students to his birthday party. The students came to the birthday party with their parents.
Shane Knight's policeman father was at the birthday party, and one of the other parents commented that Shane Knight's father had passed wind(farted) , and the smell was very bad.
It was a strenge situation: Shane Knights father(the policeman nout of uniform) was sitting motionless in the room where the birthday party was held.
Shane Knight's father had passed wind and he kept sitting motionless as though nobody would notice,
or as though he was silently protesting against the presence of some of the people at the birthday though he was silently protesting by passing wind in a room full of people.
... and that birthday party situation probably turned into a years long conspiracy against the families that attended the Birthday party of Shane Knight.

In hindsight, Shane Kinght's mother looked Jewish. Shane Knight's mother had a resemblance to actor Terence Hill from the Trinity Cowboy western movies.<----Bianca the Coles Checkout worker has a resemblance to Shane Knight's mother.
Shane Knight's father(anglo-celtic) had a resemblance to the drummer from the Sky music group.

Shane Knights family & relatives. Bianca the checkout worker , possibly have some connection to actress/singer Holly Valance, & therefore probably know actress Toni Collette.
Holly Valance married a British real estate magnate probably involved with similar racism to Frank Lowy and Harry Triguboff.
...The dark haired male at house number 291 is probably a relative of Gregory James. Bianca checkout worker from the nearby Coles probably set up the attempted violence.
[in the same shopping centre is a Woolworths supermarket where has worked Brooke. Bianca and Brooke are from families that probably know each other. Brooke has a resemblance to a friend of David Evans called Karen.
During the 1990s at a Kmart Store there was a checkout worker called Joanne in Big W department store. Brooke has a resemblance to Karen and Joanne, and also to Leo Speck. Leo Speck was a friend of Brodie Bass and Thern Reynolds.
Thern Reynolds & Brodie Bass are closely connected to Neal Winter and Toni Collette.
Zachary Etcell's cousin , during the 1990s was present in both: -1) smaller shopping centre with the Coles and Woolworths. <--- Lauren (resemblance to Shane Talarico) works as a checkout worker in Coles: the same Coles as Bianca.
<--- Craig Akroyd(distant suburb of Sydney) has been seen at the post office adjacent to the Coles).
<---- Alison Laspina(distant suburb of Sydney) has been seen at the Woolworths.
-2) larger shopping centre with Big W Department store.

Also friends of Zachary Etcell(Frank Pico & Shane Talarico) were seen patrolling around the larger shopping centre with the Big W during the 1990s.
Zachary Etcell lived in a street very close to the smaller shopping centre. David Stefanovic's mother and sisters moved to that street around 1994.

Shane Knights mother(from a distance suburb in sydney) in some way imported her fellow Jews into the neighbourhoods where Shane Knight lived(distant suburb of Sydney).
Her fellow Jews=Michelle Gibson(students),Joel Gardiner(student),Deborah McLachlan(school teacher) <---> They have some connection to {Teresa Emilogu ,Samy Graziano}(distant suburb of Sydney).Are Graziano American-Italians?Italian Jews?
Louise Davis --resemblance to-- Michelle Gibson(distant suburb of Sydney). Elisha Forth ---- Mersina Parisis(distant suburb of Sydney) , Elisha Forth saw Mersina Parisis's name on a graduated wooden rule object(ruler).An object used to draw lines with a pencil.



----- [A probable connection of the family of Shane Knight to Benjamin Netanyahu(Israeli military(special forces),politics,& Mossad spy organisation)]

Deborah McLachlan resembles Fleur Cates a wife of Benjamin Netanyahu.
Joel Gardiner probably a relative of Mark Regev (Israeli consular official in Australia.





In Cornwall was a Phoenician(Canaanite) presence (Phoenician Tin mines,farmers from the middle-east)

Around Wilshire,Somerset,Hampshire was the presence of Scythia(Beaker people Culture=Grim Reaper Culture,Charon Boatman culture.)
<-- The Belgae tribe were Beaker People Culture descendants that existed when the Romans invaded Britain.



There is some connection of Josef Mengele(WW2 Nazi Doctor) to Alexander Lukashenko's polticial regime in Belarus.
Josef Mengele (farm equipment)

Joe Adamov 'Belarus Machinery Inc. ' (a Soviet-owned business)
<---- shown in a 1980s 60 Minutes(Australia) news story with Joe Adamov from the Soviet Union and Mike Gore a businessman from Queensland's Australia corrupt 'White She Brigade'
[Australians refers to such news programs as 60 minutes as 'Current Affairs' television programs]

Joe Adamov possibly 'Red orchestra' member : Soviet Union radio peronality -- Red Orchestra = pretend communists really fascists.

[See also information about an old ukrainian woman referred to on this website as Coppak-Adamov who might known as Olga. Copack-Adamov lived near Gregory Anderson at a home located on a road 'T-section' . Coppack Adamov lived about 3 minutes walk from Michelle Coppak's home.Michaelle Coppack lived a few houses westward from Toni Collette's.]
Coppack_Adamov and Greg Anderson lived across a busy road from a BBC Hardware store(a company which later became Bunnings Hardware.)
The BBC store closed down around the year 2004, and has later become an "Anytime Fitness' gym(gynasium) venue.

BBC Hardware(farm equipment,garden equipments) <--across a quieter road on the bank of a creek/stream-> 1980s Sheltered Worshop (probably labour experiments on mentally retarded people)

Does John Tassel(1980s mathematics teacher) have a resemblance to 1980s businessman Mike Gore?

People who might be related to Joseph Mengele's Wife : Joseph(Joe) Rolela , Nada Stefanovic, a tall blonde that lived on a street corner across the road from Steven Collins, Les Sanday.
[Stefanovic is Serbian, Les Sanday is Anglo-Celtic, etc .. but the people named possibly have Germanic or Italian relatives in common.]
Nada Stefanovic is the mother of David Stefanovic.
The names/organisations mentioned had something to do with replacing John Tassel with another mathematics teach Mr A Payne.Mr A Payne looks like photos of Josef Mengele(WW2 Nazi Doctor).

Robert Saunders was a fan of the White Shoe Brigade and Boer-Dutch-South-African politician in Queensland Australia Johannes Bjelke-Peterson. Robert Saunders mentioned Joh Bjelke Petersen. Robert Saunders mentioned that his family listenned to talk-back radio, and that John Tassel possibly appeared on talk-back radio.
Robert Saunders referred to John Tassel as 'the unhappy maths teacher'.
Robert Saunders and Peter Payne walked to and from Secondary School past the home of Adamov-Coppack.Peter Payne lived close to Michelle Coppack and Toni Collette, in the same street as them.




Charles McCaskill(mathematics lecturer) from Sydney University is possibly part of a Henry 7th , Henry 8th fan club.(Henry VII and Henry VIII)
He is possibly involved in sending homosexually defiled, depraved ugly red headed females to bother people that dont like being bothered by such sadistic sodomite nuisance females.
Sadistic in the sense of coming near people and not beibng friendly,coming near people and then making insults, coming near to make trouble, making a nuisance of themselves.
Depraved in the sense of coming near people and then seeking to drag people's lives down through behaviour such as insults,racist comments, while trying to look like they want to find friends.
The behaviour of coming near and trying to drag people's lives down to their level of existence, which suggests they have bad characters and are against peace.
<---Such unnecessary bad behaviour is probably associated with the activity of ritual prostitutes(involved in ritual sex=sodomites).
[There are similar looking faces to Charles McCaskill among the narrators(historical experts) that are shown in documentaries about Henry 7th and Henry the 8th.]







Josef Mengele's connection to the banking system: -Stephen Collins lived across the road from the tall blonde that lived on a street corner<--related to-->Josef Mengele's wife
Collins has a resemblance to Graham Richardson(labour politician). There was a femalebank worker around the town centre who resembled Grahm Richardson.
She worked along with Christine with the pierced nose(body piercer subculture).
-Stephen collins was visited by a friend of Ralph Quitadamo called Shane Pisani. Shane Pisana <--related to-->Geli Rebaul(Adolf Hitler's Jewish neice).
- Martin Okroglic walked past Stephen Collin's home and the home of the tall blonde female to meet 2 Turkish brother.
Martin Okkroglic lived in the same street as Joseph Rolela. Joseph Rolela <--related to-->Josef Mengele's wife
-Louisa Kennewell and Leanne Cameron became employed as Bank workers(Bank counter workers/bank teller workers).

Terminology possibly associated with nazi doctor activity in Australia:
Citizens from migrant families become "no longer viable" when they DONT want to be racially exploited.
Citizens from migrant families become "no longer viable" when they find out about racism occuring behind people's backs.

In Serbian language, expressions such as "mi nebudemo te vise njegovali" possibly occurs. <--> Nada Stefanovic possibly uses this kind of expression.
[variants of same expression: mi nebudemo vise tebe njegovali, mi nebudemo tebe vise njegovali, mi nemogu vise tebe njegovati.]
<-- note:the letter s has a small v symbol above it and is pronounced as an sh sound.
[Such language expression are probably used by racists treating a person like a food crop, that is allowed to grow for a time, and then harvested.

[Croatian is similar language, but different culture to Serbian.
Croatia remained independent of the Ottoman Turkish Empire.
Serbia was under the Ottoman Turkish empire for 4 centuries(approxiamtely 400 years).

Definition of Viable: capable of surviving or living,..

Question:What dont Australians(aussies) understand about nazi doctor crimes being FORBIDDEN?
Question:What dont Australian allies(aussies allies) understand about nazi doctor crimes being FORBIDDEN?

Geneva Convention article 147 implies that people have a right to live their lives free of the nazi doctor crimes of Australian doctors.
Geneva Convention article 147 and anti-racial-discrimination-laws-imply that people have a right to live free of racists bothering people with expressions such as "you are no longer viable".



...and Ally Moore possibly a relative of Benito Mussolini.

There is probably a Josef Mengele connection to the assassination of John F Kennedy(1960s deceased american president).
Lee Harvey Oswald(assassin) probably had a connection to Josef mengele.

Faces similar to Lee Harvey Oswald appear in documentaries about Josef Mengele.

John F Kennedy was corrupted by the Italian mafia in the USA.
and Kennedy rebelled against the control of the Italian mafia.

Kennedy made a speech against the corruption of secret societies such as freemasons and mafia.

In areas where there is Underground Economy(Shadow Economy) occuring,there is a connection between the Nazism and the Mafia.
1)The mafia corrupt people.
2)The Nazi organizations tell people what to do.

Milan Terzic (seventh day adventist,british-serbian) in the western suburbs of Sydney NSW has a resemblance to Lee Harvey Oswald.
Is Milan Terzic a double from the Nazi Lebensborn program in Australia?




"Everybody" music video by Backstreet Boys<-->SONY electronics company & USA Bases in Japan<-->Randolph Hearst(Newspaper multi-millionaire)<--->Patty Hearst(American Terrorist,S.L.A terrorist organisation = first 3 letters of the word slavery.
It has a lookalike of Ukrainian News-reader 'Olga Belova' . Ukrainians were Nazi collaborators during World War 2.



faces from 24/06/2018



14/02/2021 posted into 24_01_2021_further_information:
1) ETA had something to do with migrating nazis to South America Argentina Paraguay Uruguay.
In the 1960s, Skorzeny set up the Paladin Group, which he envisioned as "an international directorship of strategic assault personnel [that would]
straddle the watershed between paramilitary operations carried out by troops in uniform and the political warfare which is conducted by civilian agents".
Based near Alicante, Spain, the Paladin Group specialized in arming and training guerrillas. Some of its operatives were recruited by the
Spanish Interior Ministry to wage a clandestine war against the terrorist group ETA.
[If ETA was fighting the Spanish Government in the 1960s after Nazi Germany was defeated, was ETA aiding the Nazis during World War 2? ]?

Juan Carlos of Spain and ETA terrorist organisation <------> Juan Carlos resembles a Hungarian politician during World War 2.

racism triangles:
The Paladin Group and ETA probably wage wars against each other (race wars in suburban areas) to murder innocent third parties.

2)lebensborn program is involved in abductions/kidnappings <----> Project Sunshine

**********3)Project Monarch in english speaking countries is a continuation of the Nazi Lebensborn program************


recently discovered information


This information possibly has a connection to Sydney University Physics 3 labs,
Around the year 1994, one of the lab overseers retired(old age retirment). The lab overseer was possibly
an Australian relative of Dyson Freeman.

[Names of other Physics 3 lab overseers who worked with him: Lawrence Peak('laurie' Peak[Peake?]), Michael Small.
The lab overseers favoured very much a student called Brian Ball. They would Mark Brian Ball up, and other students down(lab work marks,lab work score out of 10)
<--- Possibly corruption in the Physics Labs.

Brian Ball was seen smiling in an evil way, on the ramp to the entrance to a shopping centre, 2 days before a racial violence crime in 1995.

Also to mention,during the 1990s, Martin Okroglic was seen walking around Sydney University near the Seymour Theatre and Engineering block,
and it was not known why.
Martin Okroglic was not a student at Sydney University.
Martin Okroglic wanted to be a Journalist.
Martin Okroglic is connected to the Brotherhood Gang(Solnsevskaya Bratva Banda) in Sydney Australia.



The Dyson Sphere is the like the Earth starting off as an electron in a Neils Bohr atom with an circular/elliptical orbit,
and then becoming an Electron Shell (Schrodinger Wave-Particle electron orbital=Electron Shell around an atomic nucleus) .

The matter of the Earth would need to become like a quantum mechanics wave to surround the Sun in a shell.

[19/02/2021] Recent discovery: a satanic organisation called "The Church of the Subgenius" (Cots).
They are based upon the satanism of H P Lovecraft who wrote horror novels
and popularised the idea of the Necronomicon (a book of infernal names used by witchcraft practitioners: those who practice witchcraft)

HP Lovecraft was known to be a racist.

**************COTS is an organisation that believes in INFLICTING SADISM AGAINST A RACE, AS WAY OF PRETENDING THAT RACE IS MENTALLY RETARDED.*******************
COTS is probably closely associated with homosexual crime organisations such as N.A.M.B.L.A.

[Inflicting sadism is probably a form of Baphomet worship. the COTS organisation portrays baphomets as Nuns who are being satanically tortured.
and that suggests that COTS is an organisation that wants to consider the men and women of some race as all females.

[Most people don't know the meaning of the organisation's name. The meaning of the name has been deduced.
It is connected to the use of Slave Labour Devices.

The activity of COTS is associated with complete strangers(ritual prostitutes) turning up somewhere and trying to convince everyone in the vicinity that a person is an idiot/mentally retarded,
and that people should not speak with the person at all. <--- NO TALK CONSPIRACIES ARE SLAVERY CONSPIRACIES.
It is usually occurs behind a person's back.

When such ritual prostitutes appear online (complete strangers) , they sometimes start attacking the person with words, suggesting that a person is mentally retarded.
[i.e. They know a person's nervous system is being terrorised, and instead of saying something about the use of slave labour device,
they act satanically/selfishly by making lies about a person's intellectual level. ]

H P Lovecraft was probably a representative of the H.A.O. Armanen Organisation.
His name is suggestive of satanism and ritual prostitution.

H.P. Lovecraft was possibly a relative of Lee Harvey Oswald who assassinated John F. Kennedy.
[So Kennedy's assassination was by the H.A.O. organisation who are closely associated with the Italian Mafia in the USA.
[See above the information about the Mafia corrupting people, and then racist organisations telling corrupted people what to do.]

The internet information suggests the Church of Subgenius(Cots) has a presence at Sydney University.

During his time as a secondary school student (around year 9), Andrew Millett(the friend of Toni Collette) mentioned something about marrying nuns, and people becoming nuns,
so Andrew Millett is probably a member of the Church of Subgenius(Cots) satanic organisation. Cots is associated with face called Robert Dobbs, and is portrayed in a similar way
to Alfred E Neumann from MAD Magazine.
Robert Dobbs is possibly based on faces from from the 1960s 'Leave it to Beaver' television series. <---- some Nancy Reagan similarities.(Nancy Davis)& Wernher Von Braun's secretary (Dorette Schlidt)

Both Andrew Millett, and Peter Payne were fans of Mad Magazine and Alfred E Neuman.

Also, about Brodie Bass, the openly homosexual boyfriend of Toni Collette during secondary school. <--- Toni Collette is a 'fag hag' who only went with homosexual/bisexual males, and has a homosexual brother Ben Collette.
Brodie Bass mentioned the words "Those who aren't gay, aren't gay yet. <--- i.e Those who are not gay, are not gay yet according to Brodie Bass.
Brodie Bass might be connected to both Church of Subgenius(Cots) and Heaven's Gate who committed mass suicide in 1998.Some members have remained alive.



The movie Stargate(1994) and Stargate television series possibly have something to do with the Church of Subgenius ideology of 'Space Popes'
The english language word pope is from the latin Pontiff or "Pontifex" : 'pontifex' literally means 'bridge-builder' .
i.e. The church of the Subgenius promotes a belief in Space Pontiffs or Space Bridge Builders. <-------> possibly similarities to Scientology Bridges (which they consider an advancement of Scientology level).
[UFO CULTS/ Pretend angel cults.]

i.e. The System Lords portrayed in Stargate films are possibly based upon the Church of the Subgenius(Cots) idea of Space Popes.
[Space popes are also possibly connected to concepts such as Wormhole communication <---> Einstein-Rosen Bridges.]

Could be that the Church of Subgenius is hinting about communication by electro-magnetic wormholes, rather than gravitational wormholes?
[This website discovered the information about Electromagnetic Wormholes, before discovering information about the Church of the Subgenius(Cots).
Logically,this website is not a fan of Satanic organisations such as the Church of the subgenius (Cots).
This website is critical of satanic activity, critical of ritual sadism,critical of ritual torment and torture that causes unnecessary suffering to those people who are innocent.

See the information "electromagnetic_wormholes__posted_18_06_2020.jpg" associated with the waves produced by Nikola Tesla's ground-ionosphere antennas.
and the discovery of the "Autonomous University of Barcelona"
Journal Reference:
Jordi Prat-Camps, Carles Navau, Alvaro Sanchez. A Magnetic Wormhole.
Scientific Reports, 2015; 5: 12488 DOI: 10.1038/srep12488
- further description of Project Monarch = Nazi Lebensborn Program.]

Project Monarch insect hive behaviour among humans
(sometimes referred to as a 'hive mind' situation among a group of perverse humans that have enslaved someone).
project monarch sodomites act like insect hive.
project monarch baphomet becomes like a queen bee.
project monarch baphomet becomes like a borg queen.

project monarch sodomites try to hide their baphomet by assuming identity of baphomet.
project monarch sodomites try to hide who their baphomet is by assuming identity of baphomet.
project monarch sodomites used to enslave baphomets in cages or pits and then did tasks around the baphomet.
project monarch sodomites implant slave labour devices to create baphomets which can move around but are not free.
project monarch slave labour devices are to enslave human nervous system,to create human puppets, humans that are not free to live life.

further information:
...project monarch sodomites try to hide who their baphomet is , by assuming identity of baphomet ...
and also baphomet does not have freedom of movement. Baphomet is not left in peace when in public.
[Racists enact NAMBLA style provocation (thrown comments) when Baphomet is in public, to make Baphomet stay home as much as possible.
The racism includes racism by police (Star Chamber Cops=Sodomite police).

E.g. Shopping centre racism, police surrounding a person who doesnt have a criminal record,surrounding a person to discriminate against a person in public.
<--->Perverse racists armed with guns causing Trauma to a person when in public. Terrorism by police.

Also racial violence in shopping centre areas that the police dont want to do anything about.
<---> racist causing trauma to a person when in public through violent attacks, attempted murder.



Is this "Diva Marie" ?
These criminals are doing illegal experiments against humans in Sydney Australia,
and advertising them from Milwaukee Wisconsin USA ?

Is there a Donald Trump Coney Island , Jeffrey Dahmer connection ?

LHOHQ: The Most Dangerous Rabbit Hole on the Internet | blameitonjorge

Was Marie a prostitute or madame(female pimp) known in Sydney Australia some decades ago?
Was she connected with the Robin Hood Inn(hotel) poofter parlour that existed at the eastern end of Richmond Road over a period of decades?

Was she a pimp for male prostitutes ? <---> see information about Shane Pisani the friend of Ralph Quitadamo and Steven Collins.

Was she a relative of Barry Boon(1980s elementary school teacher)
and a relative of Mrs Johnson who worked in the school administation near the office of Principal Keith Honess ?
[Barry Boon was the year 6 teacher of Toni Collette(actress)




Did Cyndi Lauper's family and Otto Skorzeny have something to do with the plane crash that killed singers, Richie Valens,Buddy Holly, and the Big Bopper ?
i.e. There are theories about Otto Skorzeny having body doubles who are trained as 'suicide guards' that cause plane crashes by killing and injuring everyone possible on a plane flying high above the ground.

Did Cyndi Lauper's family escape justice with the help of Star Chamber Cops and/or Otto Skorzeny's Paladin Group organisation?

further information discovered


Buddy Holly has a resemblance to Roy Orbison.
Was Buddy Holly a relative of Roy Robison(singer),Jacqeline Kennedy-Onassis(politician's wife),Ladybird Johnson(politician's wife)?

Note that in the Damien Omen film, the actor who plays Damien (Jonathan Scott-Taylor) has a resemblance to Jacqeline Kennedy-Onassis,
in the manner of the Omen films suggesting that Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis' family could be the main anti-christ family suspects during the 1970s decade.

22/02/2021:002 Since the year 1995 (and probably before 1995),
The NSW Police are corrupted by Otto Scorzeny's Paladin Group Fascist organisation,
they pretend to be looking for Basque terrorists in Australia,
but really they are trying to murder as many migrant families as possible in Australia.

[this implies that the NSW Police are corrupted by Spanish,Irish, and Israeli military/spy racism & corruption,
because Otto Skorzeny was in Ireland, and later became a Mossad Asset.
The 1995 Chamber magistrate(sodomite magistrate) depicted in 17_09_2020.jpg has a connection to Otto Scorzeny's Paladin Group Fascist organisation,
In 1995 he was located next to a police station, nearby to where the Robin Hood Inn(Hotel) poofter parlour was located(east end of Richmond Road in Sydney NSW Australia.



[04/03/2021:001] About:Jason Weston who lived next to Ralph Quitadamo: Jason Weston and his household are possibly related to Terence Hill the actor who starred in the Trinity Brothers cowboy films.
[See also information above: The Weston family have a resemblance to Ernst Roehm(Nazi brown shirts leader) and John Wayne Gacy(American serial killer).
During the 1980s, Michael Chebyl mentioned that he was a fan of the Trinity Brothers cowboy films,maybe Chebyl wanted to find their relatives in the neighbourhood, but maybe he didn't know who they were.
Chebyl lived in a parallel street,one street away to where Weston and Quitadamo lived.

[The Trinity Brothers cowboy films are possibly part of a H.A.O. Armanen Orden scheme to 'breed' lookalikes of founders of religions(people considered historical religious messiahs).

[Note that the Nazi Lebensborn program is a homosexual nazism(perversion) program which is about doing sodomite injustice, and it sometimes results in pregnancies,
sothe Nazi Lebensborn program could be described as a homosexual nazism perversion program more accurately than a breeding program ].
The Trinity Brothers films and films/videos with similar themes are probably popular among members of N.A.M.B.L.A.
<---> Holly Valance(australian actress) and her doubles/lookalikes who sing about Pina Colada Boys probably have some involvement in such sodomite perversion.

Elton John(British singer) is probably involved in 'breeding' relatives of Adolf Hitler (probably in a similar manner to described above about the Nazi Lebensborn Program.) and also Steven Spielberg and his obsession with bGeli Rebaul.
[When Elton John was singing "Back In the USSR" during rock concerts, it could be because he is related to the Adamov amd Coppak families who are from the former USSR(Soviet Union).
[Joe Adamov was the representative of 'Belarus' farm equioment company that was mentioned on Australian Sixty Minutes. Belarus farm equipment company was controlled by pretend communist(secretly fascists) within the Soviet Union,
and has a connection to Josef Mengele farm equipmemt family business. Josef Mengele was a German Nazi doctor. Organisations such as the Red Orchestra were secretly fascist during the Soviet Communist Era.]

Also, during the communist era, there existed networks of Soviet homosexuals. Networks of Soviet homosexuals were a way for western nations to infiltrate the Soviet Union, to gain information about the Soviet Union.
Elton John is an openly homosexual singer, and he is probably associated with networks of homosexuals from the former Soviet Union.Networks of Societ homosexuals probably helped him visit the Soviet Union to sing rock concerts.

Among Cyndi Lauper's music videos, is a scene of police acting as though he is a judge, in the context of the deaths of 1950s rock stars in a plane crash.
This is probably evidence of Lauper and Spielberg involved in 'Star Chamber Cop' injustice activities.
Spielberg and his Geli Rebaul doubles have possibly been involved in corrupting police stations via star chamber corruption.






Australia is a culture that doesnt want people know about the sodomy customs of anglo-celtic Australians,and those they corrupt.
The silence about sodomy customs among Australians, creates spaces for Nazism to exist in Australia.

[Because Australians are sodomising each other and silent about such sodomy activity,
when Nazism occurs in Australia, Australians consider that Nazism is something they dont want to talk about, and thus Nazism develops in Australia.
[this includes Australian police officers,Australian solicitors,Australian judges who have allowed nazism to develop in Australia.]
Australia is a morally worthless nation, so some situations of injustice require International Law/International court action.


i.e. The industrial area near to where actress Toni Collette grew up.
In the Elton John song "I'm still standing", there is a scene where the singer is standing on the beach, a group of people are toppled onto the sand like dominos, and then Elton John does a small dance with
his lower leg flailing out to the side while standing on the other leg, and then other lower leg flailing out to the side while standing on the first leg.
Such dancing possibly has something to do with Weimer Republic dances that were occuring a few years before World War 2, dancing with similarities to Nazi heel clicks.
[The Weimer Republic was an era of decadence in which the H.A.O. Armanen Orden were probably converting many people to homosexual nazism. It could argued that the
decandence of the Weimar Republic had contributed to the rise of Hitler's Nazi Party a few year afterward, which initially allied with Ernst Roehm's Brown Shirts.]

Weimar Republic Jazz: Ben Berlin & His Orchestra - Broadway Melody, 1929
<---- The 1920s sideways leg dancing around 1:40 into the video, similarities to Elton John's dancing in his 1980s music video.

Such dancing possibly has a racial meaning. People who have German physiques(German legs) most easily dance that way.
Elton John by dancing in his 1980s music video in such a way is possibly hinting he is allied with the homosexual Nazism of the HAO Armanen Orden.
i.e. His association with the HAO Armanen Orden is the reason for with his continued musical existence from the 1970s into the 1980s.
Probably the meaning of perverse racists making racial slures that some people are like monkeys or apes:
[Note that some might consider perverse racist cultures as similar to dogs:[21/11/2020] Colonisation by Aryans is connected with a primitive dog-man religion. ]

Perverse racists who are making racial insults that some people are like monkeys, are probably threatenning homosexual sex crimes.

Deduction: When homosexual activity is occurs, there are are many ape sounds occuring, many ooh and aah sounds, because sodomy tends to be painful.
The sounds associated with sodomy are someties simulated in music videos, such as 'Rock Me Amadeus' by Falco.<--- The singer Falco resembles UFO Cult author Erich Von Daniken and 1990s singer Ricky Martin.
[Also, Von Daniken is probably a representative of the Bilderberg Society which this website describes as a homosexual crime organisation.]

Falco - Rock Me Amadeus (Official Video)

The Planet of the Apes movies, and King Kong Movies are fears about heterosexual cultures becoming dominant over homosexual western cultures.
When anglo-american soodmite cultures invade heterosexual cultures, the sodomite cultures have fears about heterosexual cultures invading their concrete jungles(ctiies with Skyscrapers).

The Planet of the Apes movies are fears that heterosexual cultures will inherit the earth, because western cultures are sodomite cultures that will bring destruction upon themselves.



[16/03/2021] David Stefanovic <---> Darren O'Connel(O'Connell?) Deduction: Darren O'Conell is probably the Drug Trafficker that David Stefanovic has been buying from since the 1980s/1990s.

During a church meeting in the mid 1990s, David Stefanovic mentioned to a group of his Seventh Day Adventist friends, that he and his oousin Douglas Jeremic were drug users.David Stefanovic claimed to have become christian(found jesus) and he said he reformed.
i.e. He was giving some kind of christian testimony to a group of his Seventh Day Adventist church members at the Hammers Road SDA church. He was speaking about himself.Stefanovic said he stopped using drugs because he became Christian.

However, David Stefanovic is a pretend christian that conspires behind people's backs. So Stefanovic probably has kept using drugs over the years.
David Stefanovic became a jail prisoner around the year 2007.David Stefanovic was comvicted for some crime, and has a criminal record.

An older woman who is probably Darren O'Conell's mother was working at the Pharmacy(Chemist) near to where David Stefanovic was working.
Pharmacy's are sometimes referred to as "Drug Stores" , in 1970s hippy terminology. So David Stefanovic probably was frequeting that Pharmacy
to buy illicit drugs from Darren O'Connell or his mother.

Behind people's backs, David Sterfanovic probably portrays himself as a spy that has lost his memory
(some conditiion similar to Alzhemiers Syndrome, but it is induced by heavy drug use.). A spy or serbian military commander?Serbian Military interlligence?
Behind people's backs, to strangers,David Stefanovic probably portrays himself as a amnesiac spy(spy with amnesia),
or his sisters portray him that way, or his serbian friends portray him so.
[.. and such portrayals probably have something to do with Stefanovic's use of illicit drugs.

Also about Stefanovic: Stefanovic probably follows an ideology of marrying small ugly women, and turing tall good looking women into prostitutes.
His wife Tiffany O'dea possibly says she is Irish-Italian , and Darren O'Connell looks Irish Italian.
So maybe Tiffany O'dea was sent to David Stefanovic by Darren O'Connell.
Is Tiffany O'dea related to Darren O'Connell? Or is she considered to be from the same ethnic group as Darren O'Connell?

There was an 'Erin' (Australian nationalist) who worked at that Pharmacy during the late 1980s and 1990s.A local anglo-0celtic drunkard called 'Stan'
became fond of Erin and made some kind of loud display in front of her home.


What needs to be described about the activity of homosexual crime organisations in Australia: organisations such as NAMBLA ,Butterfly Kisses Group(BKG), The Family Murders:

Once such homosexual crime organisations begin ritually murdering people: - the Police organisations in Australia become unwilling to do their jobs.
- Solicitors become unwilling become unwilling to do their jobs.
- Australian Doctors think they can commit all kinds of medical injustices against citizens.

Once such homosexual crime organisations begin ritually murdering people, the conspiracies of Australians become 'sealed with blood',

the blood of people who have been ritually murdered., and the police organisations in Australians dont want to do something for the civil rights of people,
the solicitors dont want to do something for the civil rights of people,
anti-discrimination organisations dont want to do something for the civil rights of people.

So Australia is a nation that allows the activity of homosexual crime organsations to operate above the activity of organisations such as police, solicitors,...
Australia is a nation that allows the activity of homosexual crime organsations to operate above the activity of organisations that are supposed to care about civil law.
[The homosexual crime organisations exist in places such as safe bases, poofter parlours,....]

On 1/04/2019 there was police racism around Greenway Shopping Centre in Marsden Park . A constable P Smith.
<---- Scott Morrison(Australian Prime Minister) has relatives in Marsden Park suburb of Sydney who are involved in real estate work.
Scott Morrison used to work as a police officer.He probably knows the police around Marsden Park/Schofields in Sydney.
On 04/06/2019 there was another shopping centre police racism incident with a group of police lead by constable Guyeregger at Stanhope Gardens Shopping Centre.
Venues, offices are visited in Sydney CBD to see if they can provide legal assistance , to act as legal witnesses.
They are not willing to provide legal assistance, they are not willing to act as legal witnesses.

[Note:Kristina Keneally probably has the role of some kind of pagan priestess in a homosexual crime organisation such as the Butterfly Kisses Groups. She probably organises ritual murders.Keneally has an American accent.
She looks similar to American media personalities such as Paris Hilton.]
Kristina Keneally has a connection to the Spielberg family.<---> Jeffrey Epstein <----> Brian Epstein(Beatles Manager), Neil Winter the friend of Toni Collette is an Epstein.

The Police racism resulted in a formal complaint lodged on 09/01/2020 at the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board. Felicity Huntington was the member of staff spoken to.
Felicity Huntington did not mention she has a connection with the Australian Institute of Sport, probably connected to politician John Fahey who became Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) President

23/01/2021: 23 Jan 2020 - John Morrison dies. Scott Morrison(Australian Prime Minister) is his son. Kristina Keneally probably has something to do with his death. Maybe she sent ritual prostitutes to befriend John Morrison.
So Scott Morisson's police racism conspiracy is sealed with blood: the death of Scott Morrisn's father.

A few days later, Coronavirus becomes a World Epidemic.
Around 25/01/2020 the first Coronavirus victims in Australia.

[Is CoronaVirus(COVID-19) a biological warfare agent connected with Project Sunshine(a way to conspire missing persons/body-snatcher activity/abductions) <----> Otto Skorzeny nazism and Nazi Lebensborn activity include abductions.
Is Coronavirus(biological warfare attacks) a way to try to prevent legal cases going to international court?]

Some weeks later the NSW Anti-dsicrimonation Board seem happy to ignore formal racism complaint , as a result of the CoronaVirus situation in Australia,
and probably also the ritual murder activity by
25/08/2020 - death of Arnold Spileberg, whose son is Steven Spielberg(film maker).

12/09/2020 - death of politician John Fahey.







About Peter Payne the friend of toni Collette: Peter Payne mentioned in foreign language classes(french and German language) that he built this shoe , in the manner of the Starship (1986) song lyrics 'We buil this city'.

There was a student called Daryl Prince in the foreign language classses that was 1 year older than Peter Payne.
Prince was his surname. He was facially similar to Peter Payne, and he probably played for the Secondary School Rugby league team.
[There was an incident where the foreign language teacher (Mr Wells:Estonian-Australian) said to a student that the teaching room door would be locked,
and to not to let any students in. The teacher then left the room and locked the door.
Daryl Prince and his friends arrived outside the room to attend foreign language classes.Prince saw the younger student in the room,
and he became very angry when the student did not open the locked door.Daryl Prince became very angry in front of his school friends.
[Eventually Mrs Wells arrived back at the teaching room, and the door was teaching room was unlocked. Daryl Prince remained angry when the
younger student unlocked the room and left to attend another school class. ]



The killing against Sharon Tate is probably a secret that is mentioned in the media, but it is never mentioned that Sharon Tate was a military police woman(Coxswain naval police?)
Why? Because, although Sharon Tate was killed, it is a way for police to do racism.
To set up situations of military police, buggered wives illegal immigration schemes,is way to do racism (via the nazism of secret space programs).
Buggered wives illegal immigration scheme = sodomised wives illegal immigration scheme.
Woman that are buggered(sodomised) probably easily find their way into police work. Police work tends to be masculine work, and women who are sodomised often become very masculine,
with the temperament of mafia molls who like to make threats against males.

Anglo-celtic culture is a sodomite culture. In sodomite cultures, women act in a ritualistic way of coming near males, as a way to get their homosexual boyfriends against heterosexual males.

[i.e. The NSW Police in Australia are involved in buggered wives illegal immigration schemes with similarities to the Sharon Tate killing, as a way of doing racism.
[i.e. The NSW Police in Australia are involved in buggered wives illegal immigration schemes(underground economy = star chamber cops)
i.e. Roman Polanski is probably a member of the Polish mafia, and the NSw police probably have a corrupt alliance with the Polish mafia (in the form of Operation Vampire Killer: police being coorrupted by the New World Order).
Polish <---> modern Poland. The country that was overrun by German Tanks in World War 2 beginning.
Zbigniew Brzezinski (Polish-America politician associated with Bill Clinton <----> Technetronics = Secret space program nazism.
see diagram 29_03_2021.jpg
Colin Kaepernick(Gridiron Player)possibly knew that something like the George Floyd television execution by Star Chamber Cops would occur, 4 years before it happenned.

Taking a knee: Why are NFL players protesting and when did they start to kneel?

Colin Kaepernick Tweets ‘Rest In Power George Floyd’ After Minneapolis Police Killing

As George Floyd protests swept the country, so did George Soros conspiracy theories
Child Killing by Royalty, Soros: Eyewitnesss
testimony of Anne Marie van Blijenburgh
Body found on Queen Elizabeth's estate
As George Floyd protests swept the country, so did George Soros conspiracy theories

Giuliani doubles down, says Soros uses Judaism as "a shield and a sword"
Colin Kaepernick(Gridiron Player)possibly knew that something like the George Floyd television execution by Star Chamber Cops would occur, 4 years before it happenned.
[surname similarity to Nicolaus Copernicus(astronomer)?]
Hercules constellation (Hercules bent knee)

Orion is the original mighty man.
Hercules is the usurper that become mighty. Hercules is a servant with bent knee.

Hercules usurped the place of Orion, in a similar way to how Jupiter was usurper against the earlier Saturn.
"I have reserved for myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal."



*******************The NSW POLICE NEED TO FACE FORMAL CHARGES.***************************

Recent discovery:
The NSW Police have been corruptly protecting a male prostitution industry over years,decades
in the neighbourhoods around where Toni Collette(actress) was raised.

Such a male prostitution industry extends into shopping areas,and parks nearby such neighbourhoods.

It seems to be an economic issue for many of the anglo-celtic families in such neighbourhoods.

When someone starts mentioning out aloud that aussies are 'silly buggers'(a buggery culture), the prostitution families become murderous.

It is some kind economic matter for the anglo-celtic families in such neighbourhoods to provide male prostitution and
to make lies about the sexuality of migrant families who become socially isolated.

[The NSW Police by protecting such a male prostitution industry among anglo-celtic families have promoted 'ritual murders'(human sacrifice) activity against migrant families.
such neighbourhoods are involved in the racial murders of migrant families.
[See also the mention of 'Underground Economy" including racists profitting from murdering migrant families<---> racists being socially promoted for harming/murdering migrant families.]
Such racism is anglo-celtic homosexual nazism and needs to go to international court.

About the Nazi Lebensborn program being a program of homosexual perversion from which children are sometimes conceived:

2 Jehovah's witnesses are visiting the home of a homosexual couple to try to convert them,

and one of the Jehovah's Witnesses says to the homosexual couple
"Your home looks so clean.

The other Jehovah's Witness replies:
Oh, you must try to look clean, after the dirty sexual habits you homosexuals have.

[Nazi Lebensborn members(bastards) have a fear/hatred of such expressions].


Jason Sankey<--->Craig Barnes (Barnes was a member of the same 1980s scout group as Jason Sankey.)
[Barnes and Sankey are friends of Jason Chalker, the brother of Leigh Chalker(pronounced Lee Chalker)]

SEE DIAGRAM 01_04_2021.jpg

Craig Barnes was possibly closely related to Barry Barnes.

During the 1980s there was Barry Barnes (a corrupt referee that worked in the NSW Rugby League, and was sometimes shown on television in NSW professional Rugby League games).
Barry Barnes was a corrupt referee that hated the St George Dragons rugby League team to the extent that St George could never win a match when Barry Barnes was referee.
St George Dragons could never win a match (or won very few matches) when Barry Barnes was the referee.



[patrons=members/people who frequently regularly attend a venue and pay money.]

There seems to be a correspondence in names(surnames) between Jason Sankey's scout group, and the UFO CULT TELEVISION SERIES "Ancient Aliens":

Is this coincidental, or does it have to do with Sankey's Scout Group being sodomites(male prostitutes) who have access to Omega Antennas(Ground Ionosphere Antennas that form a world-wide antenna network)?
Omega antennas are still used in the form of GWEN(Ground Wave Emergency Network), and Project Sanguine antennas are a more powerful type of Omega Antenna.

Ancient Aliens (TV Series 2009– ) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb › title › fullcredits Kevin Barry ... (5 episodes, 2012-2014) ... Craig Stanford . ... T.D. Barnes . ... Bill Chalker . ... Self - Son of Dr. Robert J. White 1 episode, 2011 ... consulting producer / coordinating producer (56 episodes, 2016-2021) ... David Sankey ... images courtesy of (1 episode, 2010) ... Did You Know? "

Hunter Valley north of Sydney NSW Australia is a grape growing area. <---similarities to----> Barossa Valley SA Australia <-?-> The Family Murders.
[Homosexual crime organisations such as The Family Murders, NAMBLA,Butterfly Kisses Group possibly interpret Genesis Chapter 9 in a satanic way.
Homosexual crime orgnaisations possibly like to accumulate themselves in grape growing areas.



In 1998, the Jehovah's Witness man with the basement appeared at an interfaith religious meeting where there were Pentecostals and Seventh Day Adventists.He spoke as public speaker at the religious meeting.
[Jehovah's witnesses were taught public speaking skills at their Tuesday meetings at Kingdom Halls during the 1980s in western Sydney.
Their main worship services were on Sundays at Kingdom Halls where they studied what was in the Watchtower Magazine.]

At the 1998 interfaith meeting, Milos Vujanic(Pentecostal) was there,as was a Jamaican Seventh Day Adventist called Lola from the adventist Church on Hammer's Road Old Toongabbie
which calls itself the Paramatta Seventh Day Church.
That was during a period when Sydney University was trying to cover up the illegal experiments against humans, so a person's life was being terrorised.
When Milos Vujanic drove a person to that religious meeting, there was another car that came near displaying a Tweety Bird cartoon drawing in the window(Tweety Bird from Bugs Bunny Cartoons).
Then the car drove away before Milos Vujanic's car reached the interfaith meeting.
Tweety Birds are drawn with huge foreheads, possibly similar to modern Romanian racial traits, and maybe ancient Roman racial traits.

In the music video "Stand inside your love" by the Smashing Pumpkins music group is a dwarf woman with a face similar to Lola the Adventist.
Also faces similar to "Shakespear's sister" music group, which were some kind of gothic horror genre singers.(Siobhan Fahey who was previously in Bananarama)
<--?_-> Buggered Irish Wives illegal immigration scheme. <---- politician John Fahey was corruptly profitting from a Buggered Irish Wives illegal immigration scheme.

[In recent years(2018?) there was an Australian car commercial , with an Irish-looking-woman driving past an African man holding/spinning a sign as work, and smiling that she is in car,
while the African man is outside on the footpath. Later the Irish-looking-woman is at a party dancing with her lesbian girlfriend.That racist car commercial probably has something to do with
a buggered Irish wives illegal schmme in Australia.

Advanced Research Technology 1996 was Neural Networks and a Horse Racing Program. Neural Networks to predict the results of Horse Races,said to be a way to make money(as advertised by John Walton).


House number 291 is probably connected to the County Council putting signs out during the Town Festival, and the town centre being advertised overseas
as a town of missing persons,for the purpose of illegal tourism.
Elisha Forth (the friend of Toni Collette) has probably been involved over decades in such advertising overseas (illegal industry/underground economy).
Elisha Forth's criminal activity probably extends to media personalities such as Ally Moore,Johhny Young,Simon Townsend,Fifa Riccobono,Angry Anderson and includes actress Toni Collette.
[One of the photographs of the town festival has a face similar to Yalda Hakim a reporter from SBS. Yalda Hakim's career path as a news presenter has similarities to Ally Moore.

Thomas Cook travel(travel agency company) probably was part of such advertising of the town centre overseas.
Media stories about Blue Mountains Circus paedophiles probably has something to do with Thomas Cook travel agency company, and the illegal tourism described.
see the information below 15_09_2020.jpg

The Roads from the Blue Mountains, and the trainline from the Blue Mountains pass through the suburb of western Sydney that is advertised overseas as a town of missing persons.
It is the same suburb in the pictures of the Robin Hood Inn Hotel poofter parlour, at the eastern end of Richmond Road.

During the 1980s, Elizabeth Gourleigh lived in Broadmeadow(Gosford/New Castle region north of Sydney Australia)<---- On the way to the Hunter Valley NSW Australia.

Safe bases and Poofter Parlours in Australia are probably connected with news stories about satanists who mutilate and kill animals in a ritualistica way.
Sometimes perverse people are ritualistically killing animals in the manner of torment/torture, as way for ritually murdering humans.

Safe Bases teach perverse people to have the same mentality toward heterosexuals as satanists who sadistically ritually kill animals.

Safe Bases teach perverse people to sadistically bother the lives of heterosexuals until heterosexuals lose their lives. <--- ritual sacrifice(human sacrifice) conspiracies/

This describes the mentality of satanists/sodomites in the Australian Police organisations(Star Chamber Cops).
And it is a reason for Safe Bases and Poofter Parlours to prosecuted by international law. This is a reason for police organisations in Australia to be prosecuted by international law ,because of their corruption by safe bases(star chamberls)].

International law prosecutions should occur in situations where police dont care about anti-discrimination laws, where police dont care about the Geneva Convention,
where police havement left people's lives in peace and police have not wanted to put their reasons down in writing and police have not cared about due process.
<-- Describes the activity of the NSW Police in Australia.

Something that needs to be described, because it is probably circumstances which many people are silent about in perverse Nations.

Racists want to brainwash people into strange notions of the police romantically setting up a people with companions.

This information implies: NSW Police are involved in similar corruption to Jeffrey Epstein(Banker,spy) who was part of a Beatles 'lonely hearts club' network.<-- Seargent Pepper Beatles music album.

To send undercover cops at a person , is to do Ku Klux Klan racism against a person.
[The police are an organisation that wants to punish people and NOT set people up on romantic dates.

Rap music songs such as 'F*ck the Police', television series such as '21 Jump Street' . and 'Hunter'(with his undercover police co-worker McCall should be considered
situations where groups of people have been corrupted by the ritual sex(sodomy) activity that the Ku Klux Klan wants to inflict against people, especially against people from migrant families.
The undercover police probably tend to be 'undercover fags' , as described in 1980s music industry.






[Widermanski pronounced Wid-der-man-skee]




The paedophiles at house number 291 live next to pacific islanders. The pacific islanders live to the west of aussies at house 291 (and adjacent).
The aussie paedophiles at house number 291 and the pacific islander household are possibly fighting race wars between each other. Are the south pacific islanders investigators? If so, they don't seem to care about basic civil rights(the citizen's right top freedom of movement.)
<--- (Lt)Joe Kenda who resembles the Chalker family (television cop = star chamber cop?<---constable P Smith from a 2019 shopping centre racism incident at Greenway Village Shops Colebee/Marsden Park Schofields suburban area of Sydney).
Frank Bainimarama(Fiji Politician) who might be a relative of Bejamin Netanyahu(Israeli politician)?

[Do they know a perverse racist Seventh Day Adventist called Rose Toeta from Raratonga(Cook Islands) in the South Pacific? Toeta is a friend of Milan Terzic.)
perverse racist Seventh Day Adventist called Rose Toeta = pretend christian. During 1990s she mentioned questions about whether there was forgiveness for
committing an "unforgivble sin" . There is probability that Rose Toeta was giving hints that she is corrupted by the sodomy activity of a Safe Base
located near to where she lived during the 1990s.] <-- short driving distance in same suburban area.
[This website wants Rose Toeta and Milan Tzic to face justice about their ritual murder and slavery activity.]

The aussies are supporters of Lebensborn nazism(Project Sunshine) abductions which result in missing person.
Maybe the household of aussies at 291 planned to transport captured people to the south Pacific islands in the manner of "Blackbirding" slavery.

In year 2020 are holiday programs on Channel 9, that were advertising the South Pacific Islands.
Catriona Rowntree from Channel 9 made comments on a holiday program, if something about the islands doesn't interest you, then "there are always the children".
[What kind of entertainment is Channel 9 advertising in such holiday programs? Is Catriona Rowntree a friend of Ally Moore, or Jennifer Byrne?]

The Howard political family are probably involved in entertaining themselves through unjust activity, something to do with books
such as "Catcher in the Rye", and Disney films such as "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" in which starred an Robert Helpman(Australian ballet dancer and homosexual).
i.e The Howard family are probably involved in crimes of terrorism, missing persons and paedophilia, and they probably consider it entertainment.
<--- nazi lebensborn child abductions and child murders ?

See also the information above 23_03_2021.jpg ,which involves perverse racists terrorising citizens at shopping centres, via star chamber cops.

Is Mary Donaldson a relative of Robert Helpman ?

The person who assassinated John Lennon(singer) was a fan of the book "Catcher in the Rye". <----- Jeffrey Epstein-style Beatles fan music networks (lonely Heart's clubs) ?

Also,during the 1990s there was a Lewis G Parker (deceased Seventh Day Adventist pastor) at the same church As Rose Toeta, and Milan Terzic.
Lewis G. Parker resembled "Alice in Wonderland" author Lewis Carrol, and also Fred Gwynne actor from The Munsters television series.
Did Milan Terzic and Rose Toeta become part of Lewis G. Parker's rabbit hole of corruption? How deep does the rabbit hole of corruption go ?
during the 1990s, Milan Terzic and Lewis G. Parker were accusing each other of 'stealing from the till'. i.e. The church till, which is probably like a church donations/contribution fund for its poorer members.

Lewis G. Parker's wife resembled Florence 'Flo' Bjelke-Petersen.


Around the years 1988-89 there was an Australian military man called Mr Spiers who worked as a secondary school art teacher.
During Lunch times,Mr Spiers was in the same art staff room as Mrs K. Byrne. i.e. At the same secondary school as Neal Winter.
[The art staff room was adjacent to the Foreign Language teaching room as described below 29_03_2021.jpg ]

What connections does John Howard have to the Blue Mountains?
20_04_2019.jpg possibly suggests that Paul Keating is a relative of John Howard.Paul Keating was the member for Blaxland(Blue mountains Federal political electorate.)
Paul Keating was Labour party treasurer for some years, before he briefly became Prime Minister in 1994-1996.Paul Keating was an unpopular Prime Minister of Australia,
as though he wanted to become an unpopular Prime Minister, he wanted to make the Party unpopular, as a way of making way for his relative John Howard's Ku Klux Klan liberal(conservative) government,
which lasted from 1996 - 2007. Was Paul Keating a Labor-party relative of John Howard(liberal-conservative-party)?





Bus conductor: a bus worker who boards buses and checks people's tickets or transport cards.
He has a dark coloured baseball cap.
Polish mafia connections?

about the information below late_december_2019.jpg

Rouse Hill, a suburb in Sydney's North west, is possibly a hangout for(place frequented by) "The Family"(Sodomite criminals,Rose Hamilton-Byrne's organisation,Ku Klux Klan misinterpretations of the bible)...
FURTHER INFORMATION: there is a bus stop very near to the Anglican Church(a few steps to the west of the anglican church). i.e. The Anglican church near the smaller shopping centre in Rouse Hill.
If you are a male standing at that bus stop, then you might notice many cars start driving past. There are males in the cars that start 'checking you out' (probably in a homosexual manner).

Around December 2019, news stories began occuring about the western companies involvement in slave labour.
i.e. Companies such as COSTCO/TESCO, WALMART, Nestle vs Lindt confectionary companies.
see information below 16_02_2020.jpg

The behaviour of the car drivers at Rouse Hill is probably similar to the discription of the 'homosexual cruising' behaviour of anglo-celtic Australians in the neighbourhood where Toni Collette was raised.
[See '21_03_2020:002' which mentions Trevor Chalker,Mr Davis,...

Are the male prostitutes at house 291 (in the neighbourhood where Toni Collette was raised) connected to the Anglican Church neighbourhood in Rouse Hill?
[Rouse Hill is on the way to the Blue Mountains, on the way to the "Bells Line of Road" which leads to the Blue Mountains.
[That Anglican neighbourhood is strange in various ways. It has a property between the houses that is a small graveyard. Instead of a home being built on the property, it is used as a graveyard.
Westward past the bus stop, past the small shopping centre, and then right-turn is the street with the small graveyard among the houses.]


The Seventh Day Adventist Church are false christians(anti-christs) that support Nazi Lebensborn activity(Project Monarch Nazism).




Relevent to state is information posted 05/02/2018
on webpage

[from 05/02/2018]
Question: How can the racist Harry Windsor appear in an interview with Afro-American Barack Obama on television?

See the information above posted some months ago:
... When sodomites have dealings with people outside their own racial group,
sodomites expect that other racial groups degrade themselves through sodomite activities like some manner of trading exchange between races...

Barack Obama is probaly a sodomite.
Harry Windsor is probably a sodomite, and he expects Barack Obama to degrade himself in the same way.
Harry Windsor knows about or "senses the presence" of his own anglo-celtic race inside the body of Barack Obama
(via perverse sexual activity (exhange of bodily fluids/semen/sperm) probably involving anglo-celtic ritual prostitutes)




[recent discovery] There was a member of that Serbian Seventh Day Adventist church who facially resembled Von Paulos (WW2 Nazi General). Zoran Gajic(pronounced Ga-yee-ich) was the Pastor at the time.
<--further Nazi Lebensborn connections.

The Stefanovic family are involved in sadistically sending sodomites, as ritual murder conspiraces, in the manner of "human waves" <---- serbians involved in Indo-european(Aryan) racism.
When a person was on an internet game server, strangers would connect to the internet server, appear in an internet match, and mention the word " 'Sliv' (????).
It was difficult to know what those sadistic strangers were trying to say. The word Sliv probably has connotations of hole,drain.

Sometimes it was mentioned in reply that orthodox racists were like holes made in a tree, used by the Mongols and Turks that conquered eastern orthodox nations, and ruled over them for 300-400 years.
that eastern orthodox racists are weaklings that could not defend themselves the invasions of Mongols and Turks.
i.e. Orthodox nations should not be so racist. Orthodox nations are intermixed: some orthodox nations are intermixed with Mongols(east-asians),
other orthodox nations are intermixed with Turks(Turks were originally an east-asian race similar to Mongols. A Mongolic race(yellow skinned race). ).

After some time, the word 'sliv' was discovered to probably be a slang form of the word 'slavaitec'(sliv-va-ee-tets)????????? the Bulgarian word for Plumber.

Blagoje 'Bill" Stefanovic worked as a plumber in Australia, and he mentioned that he worked as a 'Fitter and Turner' in Serbia.Serbia is an eastern orthodox country.
Serbia was ruled by Turks over 400 years. Serbians are intermixed with a Mongolic race(yellow skinned race), and should not be so racist.

So, those sadistic strangers were probably being sent by the Stefanovic family to bother a person online, to stop a person from having an internet presence, to prevent a person from talking to other people.
<---- slavery activity by the Stefanovic family.




About house number 291 paedophile household (dark haired male):
probable connection of dark haired male to Catalan-Spanish terrorists from Balaguer Catalonia Spain(Catalan independence movement terorists).
The Kennedy family from in the USA are Celto-Portuguese Basque types. Portugal is a neighbourging country to Spain.Kennedy bastards have conspired
within walking distance of the paedophile household at 291, in an around a shopping area.
[Probably Juan Carlos of Spain's servants and Carlos the Jackal terorrism type of connections.]

Australian swimmer Shona Jack probably has relatives in Balaguer Catalonia Spain.
[and a lookalike of Shona Jack's friend/relative Jack Debellin(rugby league player) was photographed as being present
during the day in mid 2018 when Ku Klux Klan gathered around the shopping area.

During that day in mid 2018,There was also a red haired man walking towards his car that resembles a Jeff an Adventist friend of Dumitru Evgeniu from "3 angles bible school"
Dumitru Evgeniu drove people to 3 Angels Bible School meetings after Church on Saturdays, during the 1990s.

The NSW Police uses the British Beefeater organisation to terrorise the lives of citizens, and hpuse number 291 are probably Beefeater homosexuals/bisexuals(male prostitutes).
Terrorism by the Beefeater organisation is another reason why formal charges need to be laid against the NSW Police.

i.e. Portugal is a said to be an "old military ally" of Britain.
There is probably some kind of alliance between Catalan separatists and portuguese racists.

Jennifer Byrne(Television Presenter from Channel 9 Australia) is probably a relative of Bob Carr(politician former NSW Premier).
Bob Carr(Australian politician) has a resemblance to VLadimir Putin(Russian politician), and Putin possibly goes for sex holidays in Catalonia Spain.
So the dark haired male from house-number-291 is possibly a relative of all 3 persons mentioned(Byrne,Carr,Putin).
Also singer Iggy Azalea(Australian rock music singer) has a resemblance to both Bob Carr and Vladimir Putin.
[See also the diagram about illegal immigration and a deeply-submerged-submarines connection between Lukashenko dictator in Belarus, and several Australian politicians:Keating,Howard,Fahey...]

Also the paedophile home at number 291 is within the neighbourhood where Toni Collette(actress) was raised.
Such a neighbourhood cuold be described as a neighbourhood of anglo-celtic beefeater families, and Beefeater families accepted by anglo-celtic such as Daniel Mamo(Maltese-Hungarian-Jew)
and his cousins Keith & Greg Leyshon(Anglo-Hungarian Jews).

i.e. A neighbourhood of aussie Beefeaters connected with the name Lynwood/Linwood.
The meaning of Linwood is something like Lime Wood(Lime Tree), which would suggest Beefeaters from the Sea Lanes (Beefeater Pirates?)
Lemons and Limes are a method to prevent scurvy problems during sea voyages.e.g. Slang for English is "Slimy Limeys" <---England/Britain sea-going nation.English invaders via sea voyages.

Lynwood/Linwood is associated with the 2019 Christchurch massacre in New Zeland. Christchurch is a New Zealand coastal city associated with American and Japanese submarines.
[Ann Hamilton Byrne's The Family Cult probably is inspired by Beefeater sodomy religion(Ku Klux Klan misiniterpretations of the bible. The KKK are a race hate organisation not christians.
Such information might suggest that the paedophile home at house number is connected with the Christchurch massacre in 2019 and racists in the New Zealand government who want everyone to forget the name Brenton Tarrant.
Brenton Tarrant the gunman who perpetrated the Christchurch massacre has a resemblance to Nathan Martin.Nathan Martin was friend of Michael Kostic who knows Martin Okroglic via The Brotherhood gang(Solntsevskaya Bratva Banda).
Nathan Martin used to hang around at school with Daniel Mamo during lunch times, in a group of heavy-metal-music fans, that gathered next to an outdoor bitumen basketaball court at Secondary School during the 1980s.
Toni Collette's friend Daniel Mamo was a student at the Secondary School adjacent to Toni Collette'a Secondary School.

[Italian Mafia & Catalan Basque terrorist connection to the Christchurch massacre? Beefeaters are homosexual nazism organisationthat is similar to Mussolini italian fascists nazis interbreeding with Jews and Arabs.
Sometimes the homosexual perversion of the Beefeater organisation results in pregnancies to sodomite women <--Similaririties to ----> Nazi Lebensborn (aka Project Monarch)].


Kelly Dansie's family and Natacha Senechal are MI9 familes within the Seventh Day Adventist Church. MI9 were involved in helping people to escape overseas.
British Mi9 spy organisation(military intelligence) were probably disbanded as an organisation because they became corrupted easily to help nazis escape overseas to places such as South America.

So the Dansie and Natacha Senechal are probably involved in profitting from illegal immigration, to do with Nazi Lebensborn program in Australia.

Grace Tame is possibly has MI9 involvement. She seems to folowing a similar Magazine publicity path to Natacha Senechal.


Sometihing to investigate about Seventh Day Adventists:
The Seventh Day Adventist church has racists who follow a strange ideology of
The WW2 allies should not have tried to defeat Nazi Germany, because the allies should have been afraid that Nazi Germans would fight back against the allies.

This is the type of illogic(non-logic) that racists try to brainwash victims of slave labour devices into.
[<--- something to do with Ewan Cameron's sadistic experiments with gridiron sports helmets, and illogical messages being played over and over again by a tape recorder,
while a victim of experiments is tormented/tortured/terrorised.]

Dumitru Evgeniu possibly follows this ideology. as do others in the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

[Does this ideology have something to do with the Seventh Day Adventist Church secretly supporting the activity of the HAO Armanen Orden over decades after World War 2?
Why such an illogical beleif system? What does it mean . Such an ideology seems to be important to racists in the Seventh Day Adventist Church, and whoever they are allied with.
Is it a belief held by the Kennedy family ?]


Nikola Tesla's antennas are a way for ground ionosphere waves to come out of the hollows, to be generated all over the earths surface.
Nikola Tesla did not realise that his ground-ionosphere-antenna-invention would be stolen abd misused by sodomite nations to try to bring about a world sodomite religion.

Sodomite religous groups used to exist in hollows where the ground ionosphere wave vibrations accumulated.
After Tesla's inventions, such sodomite religion groups want to proliferate their sodomite religion all over the earth.
The One-world-witchcraft-religion of the WCC World Council of Churches and 1990s ecumenical movement.

see also information about Concord Repatriation Hospital in Sydney NSW Australia, where implantation of a slave labour device occurred in 1995.

i.e. See information [08/10/2018] - modern_nazi_doctors.jpg
Peter Haerstch, Marianne Vonau , Silfverskold.



About the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986.
It probably had something to do with Operation Paperclip Nazis being sacked from NASA in the 1980s, while Jews were stealing identitities to get jobs in NASA.
After the American Vanguard rocket failure, Wernher Von Braun and his fellow German Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists and engineers were employed
by NASA to design American Rockets. German Nazi rocket scientists were designing rockets for NASA from the end of the 1950s into the 1980s.
In the 1980s a special group within the USA Department of Justice decided to investigate the German Nazi Rocket Scientists for their atrocities during World War 2,
that occured in locations such as Dora-Mittelbau and Nordhausen concentration camps, and the Mittelwork underground slave labour facility.
German Nazi Rocket scientists began to lose their jobs during the 1980s, as a result of the activity of the special section of investigators inside the USA Department of Justice.
The German Nazis in American NASA were angry at losing their jobs, they sabotaged the design of Challenger Space Shuttle, and
mmanaged to kill Christa McAuliffe(American-Jew school-teacher turned astronaut) and others , via the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion.
There is a connection to Benjamin Netanyahu with Christa McAuliffe. Christa McAuliffe was probably an identity thief. She had a resemblance to Fleur Cates(Netanyahu's former wife),
and 1980s elementary School teacher Deborah MClachlan in Sydney Australia.... and McAuliffe some resemblance to actress Sigourney Weaver, and Jefferson Airplane singer Grace Slick.
By 1986, Jefferson Aiplane music group had changed its name to Starship. See information above about Jefferson Airplane and secret space program Nazism in California USA,
probable connections to the Kennedy family.
Did "Australian Rain Corporation" have something to do with CoronaVirus COVID-19 becoming a World Epidemic? Australian Rain Corporation is invested in by Rupert Murdoch and Malcolm Turnball.
...Australian Rain Corporation ... investigations have shown that it is in fact 75 per cent Swiss-owned <--- Swiss Bankers & money laundering.

The Film "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" from year 2016 possibly parodies Australian Rain Corporation, and expresses the ideoology of its executives/major investors.
The film mentions an "Umbrella Corporation", and portrays "useless eaters" ideology : developing world nstions portrayed as hungry zombies that the lead actors in the film are trying to destroy.
The film mentions the use of a T-virus to cleanse the earth.

[description of Useless Eaters Ideology] In 1979 ....a massive document commissioned by the Club of Rome and written by Cyrus Vance, three days after President James Earl Carter accepted it as official U.S. Policy
....Global 2000 was unknown outside the Committee of 300 and carefully chosen official inside U.S. Government circles...."
...namely that the world is populated with too many redundant people who must not be allowed to procreate and consume scarce natural resources...
"..jobless people be confined in concentration camps, run by a join stock company for profit....Once committed to concentration camps, inmates would never leave there alive."
..Civilian labor camps are being put up on military installations...

p] <-- Coronavirus epidemic as a way to implement the 1977 Global 2000 Genocide Plan.

This website has reason to believe that the racist activity of police constable Smith and police Sargeant Guyeregger's group in shopping centres had some connection to Malcolm Turnball Australian Politician,
Police constable Smith and police Sargeant Guyeregger are probably fans of Jeffrey Epstein and his Beatle's Seargent Pepper Lonely Club Network...and Malcolm Turnbull is possibly a relative of both Trevor Chalker and police constable Smith.

Police constable Smith and police Sargeant Guyeregger are fans of Jeffrey Epstein and his Beatle's Seargent Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Network...the police officers know Brad Morgan and Peter Mort who worked in the same police station
at the eastern end of Richmond Road in 1995...on 28/08/2018 In Marsden Park/Colebee female police constables Ball and male police constable "Nand/Anand" were observing people inside a Bunnings Hardware store.
THE Bunnings store is close to the Lindt Chocolate factory in Marsden Park <-----> Lindt and Nestle are Swiss chocolate companies <------> Swiss Banks and Money Laundering.
Female constable Ball is probably Peter Mort's relative, and Brad Morgan resembles Epstein and Kate Spade. Kate Spade was part of Jeffrey Epstein's network, and she was killed a year before Jeffrey Epstein.
people in
Jeffre [Banker Jeffrey Epstein knew he was going to die in Jail in year 2019, so Epstein's network of socially influential paedohpiles were making protests around the world, in the form of the the Christchurch massacre in March 2019,
and in the form of shopping centre terrorism/racism by corrupt police(Star Chamber Cops) in year 2019.
[Not only was a Jeffrey Epstein a Banker and Paedophile. Epstein was a Mossad Terrorist involved planning massacre events...depopulation experiments.

Police constable Smith and police Sargeant Guyeregger's group of police are Star Chamber Cops that knew that the CoronaVirus COVID-19 was going to become a World Epidemic.
They euphemistically refer to CoronaVirus COVID-19 as making "Curfews" in cities with large population such as Sydney, in the manner of night-time curfews in racist rural country towns in Australia.
Also the news stories about "Lockout Laws" where pubs were closed down in Sydney during the night time , are evidence that racist groups in Sydney Australia knew there was an impending CoronaVirus COVID-19 epidemic.
2014 Lockout Laws (Sydney Australia <-----> 2020 CoronaVirus COVID-19 Lockdown Laws.

Malcolm Turnball has a connection to the Lennon family in Tasmania.

...Mr Turnbull connection to the logging industry in Solomon Islands began in 1991 and 1992, when he owned shares and also chairman of the then Hong Kong listed Axiom Forest Resources...

The Christchurch massacre in 2019 was a political copy of the 1996 Port Arthur Massacre. Jacinta Ardern in 2019 acted in the same way as John Howard in 1996. Jacinta Ardern's political position in has everything to do
with John Howard's politial term in Australia. Both John Howard and Jacinta Ardern are supporters of depopulation experiments and they both have connections to Jeffrey Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein had something to do with the Port Arthur Massacre(Tasmania Australia) <--- Depopulation experiments , euphemistically referred to as ""Anti-immigration".

Mary Donaldson from Tasmania <-----> Nazi Lebensborn(aka Project Monarch) in Tasmania=a 'Nazi Princesses' homosexual perversion scheme' secretly supported by Phillip O'Greece(Windsor family in Britain)<-->Port Arthur Massacre 1996.
Phillip O'Greece = Greece-Denmark asosciations , and British Nazism, depopulation agendas.
Port Arthur Tasmania Australia <--?--> Duke of Edbinburgh Airforce Base in South Australia (SA state/province) Australia.
['The Family Murders' homosexual crime organisation, possibly has a connection to Duke of Edinburgh Airbase, as does Robert Saunders, a fan of the Jack Tramiel inspired Commodore 64 computer,
and Sid Meyer computer games on the commodore 64. Is Jack Tramiel Polish Mafia? Why does Jack Tramiel resemble British arab Mohammed Al Fayed? <---> Diana Spencer.
The "Pirates!" computer game on Commodore 64 possibly portrays "nazi princesses" in the form of "sea wives" some of who have faces similar to Deborah McLachlan and Fleur Cates(Benjamin Netanyahu's former wife).
The remake of "Pirates!" on the Commodore Amiga computer has sea wives, some resembling the Saunders family, and a Bonds Underwear model advertisement in a "TV Week" magazine from year 1983.

Australia-China Slave Labour Connection ,"Cubby Station" in Australia,Cotton farming,massive water resources given to Chinese by Australia, in return for drug trafficking money from Asia(British Opium War families in China).
Information mentioned in paragraps above, months ago.

singer Elton John is part of Jeffrey Epstein's paedophile network. During the CoronaVirus world Epidemic,singer Lady Gaga was hinting about such in her song lyrics "Rain on me".
Jeffrey Epstein-Elton John's paedophile network in Australia possibly connected to the name "Summerland". <---> constable P Smith and police car CN-32-LN connected to the name Summerland.He knows it well comment by P Smith.
i.e. police constable P Smith knows it well (01/04/2019).
<----> Andrew Pitzing probably a member of such a paedophile network Pitzing was a student in Neal Winter's 1980s music classes.Pitzing is a friend of Bill Gigov, Brodie Bass, Thern Reynold<--->Toni Collette.
singer Lady Gaga was brought ito international fame by Elton John around year 2008.
FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT...EPSTEIN, VICTORIA'S SECRET FASHION SHOWS,&...The Film "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" starring Milla Jovovich.]

...Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" from year 2016 possibly parodies Australian Rain Corporation, and expresses the ideoology of its executives/major investors.
The film mentions an "Umbrella Corporation", and portrays "useless eaters" ideology : developing world nstions portrayed as hungry zombies that the lead actors in the film are trying to destroy.
The film mentions the use of a T-virus to cleanse the earth...

Victoria'sSecret Fashion Models<------->Jeffrey Epstein

Milla Jovovich (Victoria's secret model) <--probably related to--> Ivan Lendl (1980s eastern block Soviet tennis player),Laura Bush(American Political wife) , Lauren Bacall American actress , Martin Sheen American actor.)
Milla Jovovich <---> Black Knight Satellite Prgram (Majestic 12 American plan of extermination against Developing nations, Secret Space Program Nazism = Space Weapons Program).Venever Bush(MJ-12)<---George W. Bush and Laura Bush.

[constable P. Smith from Police car CN-32-LN possibly has a habit of making racist comments such as "Play it again Sam" ,
which are from 20th Centuries Humphrey Bogart movies such as from the movie "Casablanca" starring Ingrid Bergman. Lauren Bacall sometimes starred in Humphrey Bogart films.
There were 2 serbian women travelling on buses from a factory near the Lindt Factory in Marsden Park suburb of Sydney.
There is possibly a connection to Joanna Jovanic Serbian Adventist in the NSW Police terrorism/racism that occurred in shopping centre areas in 2019.
And the bus that the 2 serbian woman travelled on, went past the Braca Radic Croatian National Club.(Braca Radic pronounced Brat-sa Rah-dich).

i.e. A probably connection to the Serbian Seventh Day Adventist Church in Blaxcell Road Granville suburb of Sydney NSW Australia , where David Stefanovic is a member.
Seventh Day Adventists are pretend christian denomination that with their speech pretend to support the bible, but with their behaviour support racist 'useless eaters' ideology, concentration camp technology conspiracies ? ]




David Stefanovic and his Serbian Adventist friends often visited the "Parramatta" Adventist church on Hammers Road Old Toongabbie suburb of Sydney NSW Australia.
Also, there was some Pablo at the Hammers Road Adventist Church. Pablo was possibly South American, or Italian.




See 30_09_2020.jpg <--- Face of Christine the Bank Worker, and her probable connection to Renee Danielle Berrier.Berrier has a French surname, but looks like a Black Sea type(phenotype:Romanian,Ukrainian,Hungarian?).
The Camilleri family are probably fans of Slayer heavy metal group.
Slayer are fans of Nazi Doctor Joseph Mengele, and they wrote a song called "Angel of Death' about Mengele's activities.

How Slayer’s Controversial ‘Angel of Death’ Changed Thrash Band Forever
Group chronicled Nazi horrors on infamous ‘Reign in Blood’ opener, igniting an industry firestorm
By DAN EPSTEIN(Reporter)

Tom Arraya <---resemblance to---> Gregory Greene (Oakland County Murders,Michigan USA).

Slayer music group members<---(Resemblances to)--> Boris Johnson(UK politician), Boris Becker(tennis player), Martin Okroglic who became a homosexual boyfriend of Charlie Camilleri.

Miley Cyrus has an association with Slayer music group. Miley Cyrus wears heavy metal music T-shirts.

singer Justin Bieber possibly came to fame as a cross-dresser and wears dresses & make up to look like Miley Cyrus.
Justine Bieber possibly came to fame as part of Miley Cyrus lookalike competition. Maybe Bieber was a male contestant in such a competition.









About Bank worker Christine in Sydney Australia(western Sydney).Christine is possibly an informer of some kind.
Her code name might be "Evil Car" ,in the manner of cars driven by unknown satanic intelligences,
as portayed in the movies such as "Duel" by Steven Spielberg , and "Christine" the novel by Steven King.

Christine the Bank worker in Australia maybe has American CIA connections,
and pirate harvesting connections to Eastern Europe and Western Asia (see 25_05_2021.jpg)
In the contest of such undergrond economy connections, it probably relevent to mention,
that there are "Evil Car" subliminals in the music video Ocean - by Martin Garrix feat. Khalid.
Ocean - Martin Garrix feat. Khalid

It is a strange song, with lyrics about sending love over an ocean , maybe to someone code named "evil car".
If the singer is trying send love to someone like Christine in Sydney Australia, it is without sense,
because Christine is a race hater, Aryan religionist, probably Ku Klux Klan member.
Christine works in a town centre area where the racists would use an expressions such as "oki doki" when
someone from a migrant family asked them to do their job .
i.e Expressions from the racist 1950s Lone Ranger televison series, the way that Tonto(the Lone Ranger's side kick partner) would speak.
The Lone Ranger:The Courage of Tonto

The subculture that Christine belongs to could be described as "Rockabilly" Ku Klux Klan and Australian 'Bodgies' .
Maybe they say they are Elvis fans, and fans of movies such as Footloose(1984).
Elvis Presley's 'Jail House Rock' is a description of their habits of going in and out of jail through illegal activities,
and their perverse jail sex customs (sodomy or buggery)<------> Anglo-Celtic Australians are descended from convicts(criminals).
Australian culture is a convict culture = Australian culture is a criminal culture.

labour politician Bob Carr <--another meaning of---> "Evil Car" codename.Bank worker Christine worked with a female lookalike of labour politician Graham Richardson 'the numbers man'.

American CIA spy organisation <----->Australian ASIS spy organisation.
Is Christine an ASIS informer?

During the 1990s Louisa Kennewell(the friend of Toni Collette)worked in a different bank to Christine, but nearby Christine, some metres away, along the main street of the town centre.
Later another bank branch openned inside a large shopping centre, and Christine began working in a bank branch inside a large shopping centre, in the town centre around the railway line.
Louisa Kennewell is part of the racist 'oki doki' work culture(subculture) in the town centre.Louisa Kennewell later somewhere else.

Jason Hogan lived across the road from Michael Chebyl. Jason Hogan would speak in the "oki doki" way toward people. He used the term "Kemosabe".

Daniel Mamo snd his 'Leyshon brothers' cousins, Greg Meller , Leigh Chalker & his brother Jason,and Craig Barnes are perverse Rockabilly Ku Klux Klan/Australian Bodgies <----- caucasian gangs.
..and are fans of racist 1950s the Lone Ranger tv series. <----- As is actress Toni Collette part of the "oki doki" racism.

Is singer Billy Eilish a CIA agent? She was in a duet music video with Khalid. The Billy Eilish duet music video has a similar looking setting to his duet with Martin Garrix.
[Billy Eilish similar looking to actor Willem Dafoe? Angela Morris, the friend of actress Toni Collette?] -----------------
[BOB CARR AND PROJECT LUCID , and Australian Bank Worker Christine ?]
labour politician Bob Carr <--another meaning of---> "Evil Car" codename.Bank worker Christine worked with a female lookalike of labour politician Graham Richardson 'the numbers man'.
politician Bob Carr has knowledge of "Project Lucid" implants? <-----> Lucid and Church Subgenius calling people idiots and retards ? <----> Symbionese Liberation Army?(Patty Hearst)

Bob Carr <--?--> Rupert Murdoch(newspaper magnate) <--?--> Randolph Hearst(Newspaper magnate)
Randolph hearst had a strange interest in buying Monastery Real estate. <--------> Knights of St John(Knights Hospitalers) sometimes call their groups 'Convents' as though they are referring to
groups of Nuns.Nuns Convents are the female counterpart of male Monasteries.
<------> Church of Subgenius has a strange obsession with artwork of tortured Nuns.Is that Baphpmet Worship? They want to consider some races as all females?

Bob Carr --?- John Fahey --- Australian Olympics (AIS=Australian insitute of Sport.)

Vladimir Putin loves the Olympics ?

????????? ?????? ???????: ?????? ????, ????? ????????? ?????, ??????? «???????? ??????????» (1701),
????????? ?????????? ???????? ?? ??????? ???????.

English are racially impure:Daniel Defoe author of Robinson Crusoe,
wrote The True-Born Englishman (1701),
satirising the English claim to racial purity.

This website has described such.The presence of Beefeater organisation in Britain means that British nation are intermixed with the people that have been imported from the middle east

And the Anglo-Saxons were ruled over by the Normans for about 400 years...The Normans were sodomising Anglo-Saxon males and females for about 400 years, and sometimes producing offspring
from Anglo-Saxons. The Normans taught the Anglo Saxons how to be a culture of prostitutes over 4 centuries of Norman domination.
The anglo-saxons 'bred out' the Normans through the prostitution behaviours taught to them by Norman domination over 400 centuries .
<---- Evidence : A knowledge of history, and Anglo-Saxon culture are frequently advertising sex via the western media in modern times.
["1066: The Battle for Middle Earth" <------ Has the voice of an anglo-saxon man sadly complaining about the influence of Norman domination upon Anglo-Saxon culture.]
björk : human behaviour
Björk - It's Oh So Quiet

ANGLO-CELTICS ARE A SODOMITE CULTURE(RITUAL SEX, RITUAL MURDER CULTURE) <----> Anglo-celtic Australians call each other 'silly buggers' as friendliness terminology.
[29/05/2021] The Black Sea pirate harvesting scheme in 25_05_2021.jpg(Bulgarian singer Kristiana) looks like it is inspired by 1980s singer-cross-dresser Boy George(George Alan ODowd).
Boy George possibly has something to do with Phillip O'Greece and Nazi Princess Schemes.
Phillip O'Greence had a sister called Sophie. Sophie was known by the title Princess George William of Hanover(Princess George).
Nazi Princesses schemes are part of the homoexual perversion of the Nazi Lebensborn program.Nazi Princesses schemes are probably about turning many young males into homosexuals,
hence the appearance of "Boy George" in the 1980s music industry.

So Nazi Princess schemes probably have something to do with satanists turning Christian meeting places into Mosques. Nazi Princesses schemes are making many homosexuals, and homosexuals conspire to enslave people.

Christianity is a "New Covenant" religion that supports ideas about freedom of of the individual, freedom in the holy spirit (Galatians 3:28), as compared to "Old Covenant" religions which support slavery.
Judaism is an "Old Covenant" religion that supports slavery, and although Islam is a religion that came into being hundreds of years after Christianity, Islam can be described as "Old Covenant" religion
because of it supports slavery. There are similarities between Judaism and Islam: both Islam and Judaism have Semitic cultural influences that support slavery.

When satanists/homosexuals are conspiring to harm people, to enslave people, it is easier for them to be pretend by jewish religion or islamic religion than christian,
because Christianity is a "New Covenant" religion that supports ideas about freedom.

Satanists/mosexuals who pretend to be Christians probably conspire to convert people to Judaism or Islam.

THe appearance of Boy George in the western media possibly has something to do with Liliana Pavlek being corrupted by the Robin Hood Inn Hotel poofter parlour around the year 1983.
Liliana PAvlek lived in a street very close to the Robin Hood Inn Hotel poofter parlour.
Boy George looks like a male double of Liliana Pavlek in her red and black Lika Cap(Criatian National Costume).
Croatian culture is against homosexuality, so Liliana Pavlek is corrupted by Australian anglo-celtic culture. <--- Liliana Pavlek should be known by th nickname 'poofter parlour Liliana'

Liliana Pavlek has a sister Rosie, and a brother Tom, and a mother Kata(aka Kate).
Liliana, Rosie and Tom are possibly afraid of the terminology "little Saint George" becoming known.
Liliana, Rosie and Tom are probably made a conspiracy around the terminology "little St George"
Liliana, Rosie and Tom are probably afraid of it becoming known that they sent the homosexuals against their younger cousin.Liliana, Rosie and Tom sent the homosexuals against their Uncle's son.
The homosexuals from the Robin Hood Inn Hotel poofter parlour began looking for "Little St George" around the year 1980.
The homosexuals from the Robin Hood Inn Hotel began looking for someone dressed in the sports uniform of Earlwood Saints Junior Rugby League Club: a sports uniform the same as the St George Dragons.

Tom(the brother of Liliana Pavlek) married a woman called Evica(Ev-it-sa), but he should be known as "Poofter Parlour Tom", because he is corrupted by the homosexuality of the Robin Hood Inn Hotel.

Evica is possibly a relative of Belinda Chikosh who attended the same school as Nathan Pritchard. Belinda Chikosh was said to have come from Croatia,but her family are corrupted by Australian homosexuality.

In 1979,Rosie had an Australian boyfriend.Liliana Pavlek's sister Rosie allowed the homosexuals from the poofter parlour to inflitrate her Croatian household.
2 years afterward, in a suburb near Earlwood, a younger body double of Rosie's Australian boyfriend appeared. i.e. In the elementary school where Nathan Pritchard a student, a male student from Queensland started attending the school and he was said to be the boyfriend of Lisa Michenton.Lisa Michenton was a female student in the same year as Nathan Pritchard.

There is reason to believe that the anglo-celtic homosexuals from the Robin Hood Inn Hotel poofter parlour sent the male student from Queensland. <--- He resembled Rosie's anglo-celtic boyfriend.
The Anglo-Celtic homosexuals from the Robin Hood Inn Hotel began observing Nathan Pritchard's elementary school by sending the anglo-celtic male from Queensland.
The Anglo-Celtic homosexuals from the Robin Hood Inn Hotel began observing Nathan Pritchard's through Lisa Michenton's boyfriend.
The Anglo-Celtic homosexuals from the Robin Hood Inn Hotel were looking for "Little St George" by observing Nathan Pritchard's elementary school. <---- and years later Christine began working in western Sydney, far away from Earlwood, in a bank near the poofter parlour (on the main street of the town centre, next to the railway line).

Christine is probably the relative of Nathan Pritchard(Prichard?) whose death in 1982-1983 was mentioned by news programs.
and Christine probably has involvment in an attempted murder that occurred at the front of large shopping centre in June 1995. Was bank worker Christine trying to murder "Little St George"?

Correspondences to the Kristiana Music Video: Boy George,Stargate(1994) movie,The Mahabharata (1989 film) <---> Lookalikes of Kofi Annan United Nations Secretary general who preceded Ban Ki Moon as Secretary GEneral.
USA Bases in Korea & USA Bases in Japan, Kamloops Canada,Vivendi film company and the NAMBLA homosexual crime organisation in Canada and USA?, Peter Dalglish from the United Nations?
Australian ASIS spy organisation and TNT Delivery company(multi-national company):The TNT building is across the road from Eveleigh Street in Redfern suburb of Australia.
Eveleigh Street is an enclave of native Australoids, near the Sydney CBD, and near Sydney University.
Sydney University Employment Service <-----> TNT Building & ASIS Spies.

Names from Nathan Prichard's elementary school: Shane Knight,Lisa Michenton,Bradley Heyward(Australians pronounced his name Hey-wood),Jin-Hee Cho,Anthony Mundine.
Bradley Heyward was the son of Newton Jets rugby league player Paul Heyward.Paul Heywood was convicted for drug trafficking around year 1980.Heywood is probably a connection to the mysterious "Mr Asia" Drug Syndicate.
Paul Heyward resembles Neal Winter. Paul Heyward's son was attending Nathan Prichard's elementary school near Earlwood suburb of Sydney NSW Australia.
Neal Winter was probably a patron of the Robin Hood Inn Hotel poofter parlour in a suburb far away from Earlwood, a suburb in western Sydney at the eastern end of Richmond Road in Sydney Australia.

Did Bradley Heyward's family migrate Jin-Hee Cho' family from South Korea to Australia? <--- Mr Asia Drug Syndicate connections ?

Kamloops Canada,Vivendi film company <-----> TNT Delivery Company(multi-national) in Canada and USA & Australian ASIS Spies?
<----> The Pirate Harvest "The Heist" money laundering scheme portrayed in the "Ceiling Cant Hold Us" music video by Macklemore? <---> Channel 10 Television Australia,Sandra Sully.
Do Australoid native Australian sports families Anthony Mundine, and David Christian have some association to Australian ASIS Spies, and the TNT Delivery company in the USA and Canada ?
[David Christian is a blonde haired Australoid probably intermixed with Dutch. David Christian's mother is a blonde haired Australoid who resembled actress Elle Dawe from tv series "Swift and Shift Couriers".
Is "Swift and Shift Couriers" television series based upon knowledge of Australian ASIS Spies who are the organisation behind the multi-national delivery company TNT ?
THe success of the TNT company over decades has everything to do with activity of ASIS Spy organisation.

Swift and Shift Couriers<---->Amanda Keller <-----> "Beyond 2000' future technology teelvision program.
[Was Beyond 2000 produced by ASIS Spies? Is there a Vietnam drug trafficking connection with Beyond 2000 television program?]
Ian Turpie --- Italian mafia? ["Cop It Sweet"(1991) documentary <---- describes racism conected to the TNT Building in Redfern suburb of Sydney Australia.
Also there were news stories on the ABC Channel about the TNT Building and racism around Redfern.]
Swift & Shift Couriers
Is Swift and Shift Couriers an advertisement in the Ausstralian media for work as ASIS Spies?
Most people probably would not know what it is about, unless someone told them about ASIS and TNT Delivery company.<----- RECENT DISCOVERY.

There are several toilet paper comments from office secretaries(call centre operators?) in the Swift and Shift Couriers television series <---- hints about employment as business office secretaries and aussie sodomy customs?
The delivery company office workplace is described as a brothel that needs to change within 6 months.

Complaints about the smell of one of the delivery drivers(BO=Body odour). Later a comment by Angry Anderson "Is that you that smells like a poof?"
B.O. is really a euphemism for aussie "Bum odour" (odour from the behind), the odour from aussie workplace sodomy customs?
Is Felicity Huntington with ASIS?

+   >
The "Oki Doki" racism described implies depraved people that give a derogatory reply if you are different race to them when you ask them to do their jobs.
When such behaviour first starts occuring, people dont know what kind of behaviour it is. When such behaviour is first encountered, some people might think they are still doing their jobs,
because they say "oki doki" which is derogatory and then they go away seemingly to do their jobs.
Other people might become suspicious that such a derogatory reply as "oki doki" implies that they are Ku Klux Klan racists who are being derogatory because as a way of resisting the notions
about doing something for someone that is a different race to them. Some people might have suspicions about such racists saying "oki doki" and then them not doing their jobs.

Adam Burne was part of such "oki doki" racist behaviour within the NSW Police in 1995 and afterward...

Is this the behaviour of modern day slave traders? Depraved racists that conspire to enslave people if you ask them to do their jobs?

Is this the behaviour of modern day slave traders that are taught to waste people's time,instead of doing their jobs that would benefit people who they racially hate?
Is this the behaviour of modern day slave traders that are taught to waste away peoples lives,instead of doing their jobs?
[Is such "oki doki" racism depraved racists taught to act in the manner of ritual murders(human sacrifice) and generational slavery conspiracies?<--Sodomite religion(Aussie brainwashed buggers activity)?


Is the American N.S.A. the N.O.R.A.D. organisation?
[i.e. When the media mentions Edward Snowden and the NSA,
was Snowden working for N.O.R.A.D.?

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is a United States and Canada.
bi-national organization charged with the missions of aerospace warning,
aerospace control and maritime warning for North America.

NORAD Radome antennas(<-?--> NSA Radome Antennas)

The Distant Early Warning Line, also known as the DEW Line or Early Warning Line,

The LeTourneau snow train in Alaska <--- resembles Radome Antennas.

POW-2, now Oliktok Long Range Radar Site <--- resembles Radome Antennas.

[See also mention of Pine Gap in Australia, and Menwith Hill in Britain <----- Radome Antennas sites.

N.O.R.A.D. is mentioned in documentaries in connection with Transponders.

transponder delta code NORAD <-----> transponder class Class D code ?

what is an awkward distant ? <--- Thi terminology maybe has something to do with 'The Distant Early Warning Line' Radome Antennas and Project Lucid transponders.
Awkward Distant terminology is possibly used when American NORAD/NSA are communicating Police organisations in Australia to cover up illegal experiments against humans.
i.e. Star Chamber Cops injustice activity in Australia.

[31/05/2021] Awkward distant is possibly terminology associated with Lonely Hearts Clubs(Sargeant Pepper beatles music networks.)

People who are labelled 'socially awkward' later become labelled as 'awkward distant'
Implying that groups of sodomites are making of counterfeit of friendliness toward some people,
but groups of sodomites dont want to accept some people, so groups of sodomites have deliberately conspired to socially
isolate some people, as ia way to easier ritually murder people.

Awkward distant is possibly terminology that Jeffrey Epstein would use to describe some people.

What might 'Awkward Distant' really mean in the context Nazism being people's backs, and pretending to be friendly from afar(far away)?
-People that the Nazi Lebensborn program has been doing years/decades of nazi eugenics against (social isolaton,and worse...)
[including the Jewish Nazism of people such as Geli Rebaul and Reinhard Heydrich.]

-Groups of homosexual nazis have been "getting their (racial) generations through" by preventing some people from breeding.

-Groups of homosexual nazis have been isolating some people in the manner of making Baphomets.Because racists wants to cover
up the nazis, racists pretend friendliness from afar, as a way of conspiring to create situations where racists appear around
a person in the manner of ritual murder conspiracies.

- Groups of homosexual nazis(sodomites) committing medical crimes using transponders against unwilling people,and the groups of homosexual nazis(sodomites)
pretend to be friendly from a afar(far away)....

-....Groups of homosexual nazis(somdomites) unjustly creating situations of racial violence,nazi doctor crimes,social isolation resembling the discovery of the Frankesnstein Monster
surviving in the middle of the movie Van Helsing(2004), and then homosexual nazis (sodomites) using euphemistic expressions about the injustice such as "oh he's simply awkward,
or he's an "awkward distant" and then homosexual nazi(sodomites) uncaringly forgetting about the injustice, instead of doing something to get a humans right case to international court.
<---- situations where some people might ask "what is wrong with people in this society? Are people in this society drunk,on drugs, brainwashed ?
Why havent they done something, why havent they done their jobs? Why did they allow a situation to go on and on ...
News Article:Naval Research Lab Attempts To Meld Neurons and Chips:Studies May Produce Army of 'Zombies' By PAT COOPER - Defense News Staff Writer
Quote by Kyle Olsen "You've got this Frankenstein-type weapon on one hand, and it can deal with problems of the human conditions on the other..."
[Reference: Defense News, (1995, 20-26 March). ]
See also on internet search engines "military neuroscience"

<---- Societies such as Australia, USA, Britain are doing the injustice of Sodom amd Gomorrah. Some societies deliberately do injustice ... some societies are perverse.(Genesis 18:20)

Here is a website that might suggest that groups of sodomites in safe bases are making disease through their perverse customs, and pretending to be friendly form afar.
An internet webpage titled:"Coronavirus is making us all socially awkward"
[Socially awkward, and awkard distant terminology maybe has everything to with groups of sodomites euphemistically labelling
the social isolation activity and ritual murder activity that sodomite groups perpetrate against some people.]

People who groups of sodomites possibly label as socially awkard or awkward distant probably would prefer that something be done for their civil rights,
instesad of sodomites pretending to be friendly from afar, and/or instead of sodomites coming near and not caring about their civil rights, and then uncaringly flitting away.
[02/06/2021] Recent information:

This website has reason to believe that NSW Police Officers P.Smith and the group of police officer around Seagent Guyeregger are connected to this news story which
mentions 2018 politicians Marise Payne(Defence Minister) and Christian Porter(Attorney General).

June 2018 News Story: 'Turnbull government to boost ADF counter-terror response with new laws'.

i.e. NSW POLICE corruption/racism in suburbs along Richmond Road - NSW Police who probably know information about the Lindt Cafe Seige terrorism
and its connection to groups of Australian women who are involved in /witchcraft Covens(sodomy Covens)- groups of perverse Australian women are probably
involved in planning acts of terrorism by corrupting middle-eastern males such as Man Monis. Man Monis was involved in a "spiritual healer" business, and cosnidered himself a fortune teller.
Man Monis possibly thought he had a harem of Australian women who were clients of his Spiritual Healer business, but the Australian women had many other boyfriends.
The Australian women and their other boyfriends probably conspired to turn Man Monis into a terrorist.

At Richmond there is a military Air Base.(ADF Air base)

Constable P Smith and the group of Police officers around Sargeant Guyeregger probably know information about the women in the Witchcraft Coven(sodomy coven),and their connection to the Lindt Factory in Marsden Park.
.. and there is military corruption/racism within the activity of NSW police along Richmond Road.

Corrupt police and corrupt Politicians probably became concerned that someone was collecting information about the Marsden Park Park area(Lindt Factory in Marsden Park)
and so they tried to cover up the informaton collected through police terrorism incidents in shopping areas in year 2019.

Australian politicians wanted to deflect attention away from Marise Payne(Defence Minister). Instead of Marise PAyne and Christian Porter news stories appearing in year 2021,
Linda Karen Reynolds and Christian Porter news stories began appearing in year 2021. Linda Reynolds is a similar looking to Marise Payne(her political double?)

Christian Porter did not do his Job - he he did not care about a breach of Geneva Convention article 147, he did not care about anti-racial-discrimination laws.
A long line of Attorney Generals: from Phillip Ruddock in the 1990s to Christian Porter in year 2021 did not care about a breach of Geneva Convention article 147, they did not care about anti-racial-discrimination laws.
<--- Hence a revolving door of politicians who are appointed to positions then are sacked/demoted.

This website considers there is a British connection with the NSW Police in suburbs along Richmond Road in Sydney NSW Australia.
British politicians Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and the Dunblane massacre. Do British politicians visit Richmond Air Base in Sydney?

Channel 10 television newsreader Sandra Sully probably has a connection to the corruption described, and she has a connection to undergorund economy(Pirate Harvest) activity hinted by the
music video 'Ceiling Cant Hold Us' by Macklemore.
During 2019, Sandra Sully sometimes mentioned "it's Timmy time' some weeks before there was large scale sacking of Channel 10 television staff such as Tim Bailey,Natarsha Belling,Kerry-Anne Kennerly...
[03/06/2021] The lead singer in the 1983 "Red Red Wine" by UB40 resembles David Stefanovic. Members of the Stefanovic family passed near or bought wine from a Bottle Shop that existed on a corner where there was the intersection of 2 busy roads.
During the 1970s, that intersection possibly the worst statistics for car accidents in NSW Australia.
The bottle shop was eventually demolished. one of the roads became a street had its traffic diverted southward.
[The Stefanovic family are disicvered to have Nazi Lebensborn connections, so UB40 is deciphered probably to mean Nazi 'U-Boat 40' .
At the end of the song, lead singer Alistair Campbell walks similar to David Stefanovic. There is possibly a 'drunk' codename connected with the Serbian Stafanvoic family and the way the Stefanovic family walk.

Neal Diamond originally wrote the song.Maybe there is a British-Maltese connection with UB40 music group. Malta was a colony of Britain until 1964.
Surnames: Nicholson , Camilleri,Bonello, <---> Alistair White the brother of Monique and Genevieve.

Fake Swiss Watches <-----> U-boats(submarines) as transport vehicles involved in illegal trade.
as compared to Omega time pieces.



Political Racism in Australia and Winston Churchill(British Politician) could only think of the colour of people's skin.

" we [Australians] have no real racial problem, we are not desirous of importing one - T.W. White,Australian Trade and Customs Minister 1938 "
His Darkest Hour: 12 Times Winston Churchill Was Far From Being a Hero

Churchill later wrote of his “irritation that Kaffirs (blacks) should be allowed to fire on white men” and his personal physician, Lord Moran, once remarked that
“Winston thinks only of the colour of their skin.” The final word on Churchill’s views on race might well go to journalist and biographer Max Hastings, who described it as such:
“Churchill’s view of the British Empire and its peoples was unenlightened by comparison with that of America’s president [Franklin Roosevelt], or even by the standards of his time.



Is the blonde woman a member of a Witch Coven(Sodomy Coven,Safe Base Coven,Poofter Parlour) that turned Man Monis from a businessman into a terrorist?
Is Anne Hamilton Byrne's "The Family" cult a Witch coven of brainwashed racists that misinterprets the bible in a Ku Klux Klan way ?

Is there political corruption in such situations? Was Australian politician Andrew Peacock a member of Anne Hamilton Byrne's "The Family" cult?

Was Anne Hamilton Byrne's "The Family" cult the motive behind the Port Arthur Massacre in Tasmania Australia 1996 ?
3 members of the Howard family were killed in the Port Arthur Massacre. Was Andrew Peacock sacrificing 3 members of John Howard's family, to kill off many other people?
[see also mention of a Buggered Nazi Princesses scheme in connection with Nazi Lebensborn activity in Australia.]



surnames the woman could be related to: gourleigh(& wrightson?),ferguson,anderson .  



There has been dishonesty in the western media about the Adventist Church and cults derived from the Adventist Church.
When the Western media mentioned the Branch Davidians, Waco, and David Koresh, the western media made them sound like some 1990s cult.

How many of acts of terrorism have the Davidian Adventists and Branch Davidian Adventists been involved in since the 1930s, since 1959?

About the behaviour of Mark Jeremy and Malcolm Turki in the 3rd year Physics laboratory at Sydney University during the 1990s:
Mark Jeremy is possibly related to Wayne Pearce who played professional Rugby League for the Balmain Tigers, and later became a Liason Officer for the NSW Rugby Laague orgnaisation.
[Wayne Pearce became (Schools Liason Officer?) for the NSW Rugby league]

In the Balmain tigers team played also Paul Sironen. Paul Sironen is possibly a Swiss Banking, South African Boer Apartheid era coennction.
[... <--?--> Michael Walker Swiss Banking and male prostitution connection? Michael Walker has a Swiss-Jewish face. Michael Walker weas friends with Robert Saunders.
See also information around 31_08_2020.jpg_002 , 07_09_2020.jpg ,04/07/2020:002 which mention Aaron Light(Michael Walker lookalike) and the homosexual district in Sydney called "The Wall"
which was visited by socially influential homosexuals such as Alan Jones, and probably represents the way that many anglo-celtic Australians started making money before they obtained formal jobs.]
There might some perverse economic connection of the Wall in Sydney to the Blackfriars area of London connected to death of Banker Roberto Calvi. Does the Blackfriars region of London have similarities to Soho in London?

Simon Davis the friend of Toni Collette was a fan of the Balmain Tigers Rugby League team(that later merged with the defunct team Western Suburbs Magpies.
Paul Hayward's Newton Jets existed for a time into the early 1980s before becoming a defunct professional Rugby League club.)
[Simon Davis was friends with Scott Williams who lived next to Elisha Forth, a very near Jason Vella and Jason Gabb.Simon Davis Lived at the eastern of a street.]

Paul Sironen appeared in the NSW Rugby League time, around the time that there were Zurich In surance adverts(theme "Ziggy went to Zurich" Switzerland)<---> Souths Sydney Rabbitohs player Zigbren Nizscott?
Paul Sironen, Craig Young possibly are part of corrupt circle of police officers that played in the NSW Rugby League around the 1970s and 1980s. <-- Roger Rogerson and Australian television connections.
...Police officers that are involved in conspiracies such as to to steal homes of migrant citizens.Groups of 'trailer park trash' anglo-celtic police officers who do not have homes of their own,
or many of their NSW police colleagues dont have homes of their they form syndicates of corrupt racist police officers that conspire to steal homes ...Police officers unjustly bothering homes that are not theirs...

[When people watched such police officers playing Rugby League, they seemed to be "dirty players"(without morals) that would be involved in illegal play incidents in Rugby League scrums/scrimmages
and they would get into on-field-fights, and people would ask are they really Police officers playing in such an immoral manner? What kind of Police Officers would such immoral players be off the field?

Drug Trafficker Paul Hayward's son Brdley attended the same Elementary School as Boxer Tony Mundine, so Mundine and Hayward are Australian Sports personalities that probably knew each other.
Both Mundine and Hayward possibly had something to with importing Jin-Hee Cho's family into Sydney Australia from South Korea.
Mundine's son Anthony played for Earlwood Saints Junior Rugby league team, and later player for the St George Dragon's professional rugby league club in which played Craig Young.

Mark Jeremy cried in 3rd year Physics lab(Sydney University) after his friend Malcolm Turki was killed.<---> Politican Neville Wran's media comment "Balmain boys dont cry".
Mark Jeremy possibly made murder conspiracies against other students in the 3rd Physics lab who saw him cry...Mark Jeremy's conspiring resulted in him following people around and that is probably how he met Seventh day adventists.

There is a railway that goes from Italy into Switzerland, and there are Maltese faces appearing along the railway.<--?--> Malta Illegal immigration, money laundering connection to Switzerland.
Also Bear Grylls is a Maltese face in Britain, probably connected with Soho, and the Blackfriars Priory(microstate) area of London(The Gay Hussar pub that existed in Soho London that was visited by British politicians=British Poofter Parlour).
<--?--> Knights of St John, Knights Hospitallers, corruption within Ambulance services/Emergency services, Randolph and PAtty Hearst.
Red Red Wine(1983) music video = 1970s Neal Diamond song. <---> Fake Switch watches transported by Nazi Submarine families & Deeply Submerged Submarines(versus Diamond Swiss Watches).Jewellers and Watchmakers are similar professions.
Omega Swiss Watches. Project Omega/Project Sanguien submarine tracking by ground ionosphere antennas(Nikola Tesla's patent 787412 of year 1905).
[Michael Walker, Aaron Light 'Swiss-Jew faces' involved in male prostitution <----> Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epptein underground economy connection to the Swiss Banking system ? Jeffrey Epstein had a connection to the 1990s Promis Software scandal in Australia. Trojan-Horse PROMIS software was used to leak information from Australian Government Databases for Safe Base/Poofter parlour illegal betting schemes.
Illegal bets against people's lives perpetrated by perverse racists who visited Safe Bases and aussie Poofter Parlours: hinted at by news stories such as 'Fear In the Fast Lane'(Four Corners,ABC Australia).

.. and Jeffrey Epstein probably connected to the racist Jewish cult of Germanic Blonde Hair that perpetrated the Port Arthur Massacre(1996) in Tasmania Australia.
i.e. A Jewish perversion scheme that was probably a decoy for a Nazi Lebensborn perversion scheme [Phillip O'Greece's 'Nazi Princesses Scheme'.] in Tasmania Australia. <----> Mary Donaldson.
[In a similar manner to the nazism of German Jews Reinhardt Heidrich and Geli Rebaul = HAO Armanen Orden].
<--- Terrorism by a religious cult observed and sodomised by Beefeater Organisation. Probably connected to a "Cargo Cult" religion of the 'Dutch East India company', that exists in many former Dutch colonies.
[Holland has many Jews, and many Blonde haired Germanic types.
'Dutch East India company' <----> Holland. New York USA, South Africa trade networks.

Sydney University's illegal trading scheme with Iran and China is probably based upon the trade networks and the sodomy religion(Cargo Cult religion) of the 'Dutch East India company' .
British Beefeaters were probably competing with the Dutch via the "British East Indies company".
[Robert Lipka (1990s Physics student Sydney Universty, probably Polish mafia) : was in Sydney NSW Australia then later in Tasmania. Lipka was in the same Physics clasaes as Mark Jeremy at Sydney University.
See above information discovery of the a corrupt association between the NSW Police and Polish Mafia<---->Roman Polanski and Military Police families (Secret Space Programs.corruption of Military police families from the Nuremberg Trials)
[Operation Vampire Killer: Police corrupted by the New World Order - Roman Polanski <---> Ghislaine Maxwell <----> Jeffrey Epstein.]
Operation Vampire Killer was something advertised by members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, in the form of religious talks(presentations),paper leaflet handouts , in the context of George Bush's New World order schemes.

Is NSW police Sargeant Guyeregger associated with Paul Sironen? Mark Guyyer?
also surname Fowler.

[Information above probably relevent to the Lindt Cafe Seige(2014) terrorism incident and the Lindt Cafe Factory(Swiss Chocolate Company) in Marsden Park , along Richmond Road Sydney NSW Australia. Lindt and its competitor Nestle who have links to Nazi Germany. <---> probably a Fake Swiss Watches trade and Nazi Submarine families & Deeply submerged submarines: ilegal trade(counterfeit Swiss watches) illegal immigration.
Probably American CIA/Disney connections to trade network New [York USA <-----> Holland <----> South Africa ] <--?--> Tasmania Australia <---> Sydney Australia.
[Walt Disney(CIA Agent) and his 'animatronic'(clockwork,gears) Abnaham Lincoln puppet were possibly a CIA advertisement for Fake Swiss Watch manufacturing syndicates in places such as Detroit USA, and human slavery experiments.
Groups of American jews would probably involve themselves in Watchmaking apprenticeships, as a way of joing a Fake Swiss Watch manufacturing syndicate.

Counterfeit Swiss Watches illegal trade <---?----> Quintrix Mail Order Company who sold 'Space Shuttle Game' Digital Watches around 1983 <-----> Deborah McLachlan <--->Fleur Cates, Benjamin Netanyau.
Space shuttle game: Space Shuttle maneouvred through spaces between columns of descending 'Space Invaders Aliens' , as a way for the space shuttle to reach a base on the right side of the watch display.
[Fake Swiss Watch manufacturers diversifying in Digital Watches? Such digital watches were legal to buy via mail order.]
Peter Sterling (Parramtta Eels) <--resemblance to--> Paul Heyward.

Eric Grothe(Parammata Eels) <-----> resemblance to medical researcherDr Roy Bakay in the news article.
Implant Transmits Brain Signals Directly to Computer:22 Oct 1998


In the secondary school where Neal Winter taught music,
there was a secondary school teacher called Mr Gaynor, who mentioned he had a brother in the Australian Ballet.

Mr Gaynor taught Chemisty claases, but sometims he taught computer science in the ground floor computer room which was directly below Neal Winter's first floor music room.
Mr Gaynor was probably fond of students Brodie Bass and Thern Reynolds.
Brodie Bass and Thern Reynolds probably formed an association with the Australian Ballet, in which worked Robert Helpmann. Is Jennifer Byrne (channel 9 television) a relative of Robert Helpmann?

Robert Helpmann was an actor in the movie Chitty Chitty Bang which had Clockwork human themes (enslavement of humans by turning them into clockwork puppets).

The paedophile home at number 291 possibly has a connection to the Australian Ballet. Is the brunette male at house number 291 a relative of Robert Helpmann ?

In mornings, Mr Gaynor walked over the railway bridge that existed, from the direction of Robin Hood Inn Hotel poofter parlour , to his workplace at the secondary school where Neal Winter taught music.

Mr Gaynor mentioned that he thought Rugby League players were more likely to be homosexuals than Ballet Dancers.Rugby league scrums were a way to be friendly with a group of hot sweaty males.
Most people would probably consider it a strange comment, because there are many homosexuals in the dancing profession. Perhaps Mr Gaynor was biased by his brother's employment in the Australian Ballet.
... and during the 1980s, less was known about the aussie buggery customs. Less was known about Australia being a sodomite nation.

Also, physcial education teacher Mr Barracliffe's appearance in the televison advert for Toohey Beer in 1985/1986, had something to do with the patrons of the Robin Hood Inn Hotel poofter parlour
deciding to advertise on television, after their poofter parlour was demolished in 1983/84 .
The Toohey's beer televison advert had American Baseball Themes in Australia.

Tooheys draught - 'How Do You Feel' (a rather unAustralian Australian ad)
[This website considers that both Australia and USA are Anglo-celtic societies, so the advertisement is relevent to Australian culture.]

Australian Beer drinking customs used to be known as the "6 oclock swill' implying that Australian Beer drinkers were like 'piggies' <--- terminology that appears in movies such as Deliverance(1972).

Australian pubs were places where males would congregate and ply each other with alcohol (probably as a way of enacting homosexual customs against people who became drunk).

Compare Australian expression such as :
"We plied Tom with alcohol to get him to reveal the dark secrets of his business."

Also occur british cultural expression about groups of males 'having a night out with the boys at the pub', and leaving their wives home.
So Poofter parlours are also a Britsh custom. Both Australia and Britain are Anglo-Celtic societies.


< Brett Beehag, Brett middlebrook, possibly Calabrian mafia types.
Elton John <-- related to--> David Yeldam(1990s Australian homosexual judge who committed suicide) <---> Andrew Pitzing.
[Relevsnt to police corruption/racism: the police station at the eastern end of Richmond Road in Sydney Australia.
Racism.corruption that has been occuring from the 1990s to the shopping centre racism incidents in 2019, and afterward.

Racist ideology(racist religion/sodomite religion/Britsh and Dutch 'Cargo Cult' religions that made slave workers out of natives in colonies.:

Australian anglo-celtic culture is connected to such 'Cargo Cult' religions.Anglo-celtic societies brain wash their anglo-celtic race into such sodomite religion,
and then they want to brainwash the nations that they colonise.
Dutch East India Company, and its colonial competition with the British East India Company(Beefeaters).
<---- Probably the kind of financiers,companies, economic interests behind Jewel Food Stores,Franklins,and 'Black and Gold' food packaging brands.
British Colonists in China, Dutch Colonists in China.
and such colinies in the middle east.
See also mention of Aussie Poofter Parlours and Safe Bases.]



Ezekiel 28:4-8.

Situation where a nation is invaded, and sodomite religion is used to make brainwashed slave workers out of the native population.

Safe Bases and Poofter Parlours are venues which seek to brainwash the local population into such sodomite religion.
One race of silly buggers, telling other races which are taken over and enslaved , where to move cargo.

The sodomite religion that anglo-celtic nations secretly follow, wants to create situations of Ku-Klux-Klan-trash racists telling other races what to do, in the manner of slave labour conditions.
The sodomite religion that anglo-celtic nations secretly follow, wants to create situations of Trailer-park-trash racists telling other races what to do, in the manner of slave labour conditions.
Slave labour is a way to exterminate other races.




[18/06/2021] -NSW Police have been corruptly protecting Hitler relatives from Justice: Hitler relatives in Australia.
Shopping Centre builder Frank Lowy(WEstfield Holdings company,deceased) possibly a Hitler relative.<---> Alan Sparkl from Toni Collete's suburb has a resemblance to Frank Lowy.i.e. Suburb that Toni Collette was raised.

In the suburb where Toni Collette was raised(grew up), along a busy road were families involved in male prostitution.
Their clients probably visited their homes by driving along the busy road and turning their cars into their driveways of home along the busy road.
<--- Michael Walker's 1980s home was part of the male prostitution activity.
The shire council(county council) tried to cover up the male prostitution activty, by demolishing tthe homes along the east sdie of the busy road, and building a Bus T-way.
On the western side of the busy road were businesses.
Some streets/cul-de-sacs were deomolised by the building of T-way.In the situation of the male prostitution wathere was the presence of mafia from Felicia Place: a street/cul-de-sac that no longer exists.
But the Felicia Place mafia still exist as a group. <--- perhaps colloquially known as 'Jamie Tedesco Poofters'.They resemble Rugby league player James Tedesco.Italian appearance.
Rachel Griifths was friends with the Felicia Place mafia.Shane Pisani was friends with Felicia Place mafia.
The Felicia Palce mafia have been conspiring to murder people, as a way of returning to the area where their homes were demolished.
The conspiracies of the Felicia Palce mafia probably include making trouble in shopping areas(racism conspiracies in shopping area, police racism in shopping areas <--> collusion between mafia and NSW Police.)
1980s secondary school teacher Mr Gaynor is part of the corruption racism(homosexual nazism), as was Neal Winter.

1533 anti-sodomy law could possibly be invoked in Australia via Basic Civil Rights Law (Freedom of Association).
In Australia, there are possibly situations where Safe Bases(Star Chambers) are built in a suburb, and many people are corrupted by sodomy,
Australian society is such that , Australians want everyone in a suburban area to be corrupted by the sodomy activity.
[e.g. Suburban areas with many male prostitutes.]

e.g.2 . David Stefanovic started out saying he is an Adventist Christian, but Stefanovic ended up in jail around year 2007.
Stefanovic was sodomised in jail, so David Stefanovic has become a male prostitute that wants unwilling citizens to be sodomised.

===> Australians want to impose their sodomy custom [on] unwilling citizens.
Australians want to ignore the basic civil right of freedom of association.

So , perhaps an law case could begin based upon Australians discriminating against the right to "freedom of association".
as a way to invoke the year 1533 Buggery Act(anti-sodomy law)
[To provide some balance against homosexality being decriminalised in year 1994 in NSW Australia.
A racial violence attack and implantation of slave labour device occurred 1 year after 1994.
It is the sodomy system in Australia that is connected with illegal experiments to enslave human nervous systems. ] <--- H.A.O Armanen Orden homosexual nazism in Australia

Also, Star Chambers were supposed to be abolished in the year 1641, but Australia has deliberately built star chambers in the form of Poofter Parlour pubs hotels and Safe Bases.
So Australia has acted unjustly by building star chambers(sodomy venues).
[Star Chambers were probably one of the siginificant reasons for the English Civil War.]
Australia has started the 3rd World War, through the use of modern day star chambers. The system of star chambers and poofter parlours brings brings the 3rd world war.

Also the homosexual nazism system system in Australia has acted against other basic civil rights such as "freedom of movement".

Quiz Show: 'Remote Control'(1988)
<--- Probably a reference to Nikola Tesla's Patent 787412 of year 1905. Thte patent mentions 3 capabilities of Tesla's ground ionosphere antennas.

i.e. Remote Control was a program on American MTV(Music television ) that was rumoured to be for bringing about the antichrist system of enslavement/exterminmation of the developing world and control by the few.
i.e. When church people would talk about an Illuminati New World Order.
MTV Game Show Remote Control
Remote Control Intro

The host of the Quiz Show was Ken Ober, and he would use the expression : its his basement its his rules . Ken Ober died in year 2009.
Was Ken Ober ethnically Swiss in America? Switzerland. Was Ober connected to Patty Hearst and the S.L.A. Symbionese Liberation Army ?

The quiz show sometimes featured a musician called Paul Shaffer whose name was pronunced the same as the leader of a Nazi Base in Chile.
Paul Schäfer

The musician Paul Shaffer later appeared on the American David Letterman talk show, and Saturday Night Live comedy program

See also information about the Tom Araya from the Slayer music group, who is probably a boyfriend of Miley Cyrus.[Slayer music group are fans of Nazi doctor Josef Mengele.: Angel of Death song.]
.. and Gregory Green from the Oakland City murders
And also surname Ramacci from the Seventh Day who are less famous than the Slayer Music Group, and less famous/infamous that Gregory Greene.Pronounced Rah-mah-chi.
<---Probably a a Chile Nazi Base connection, Chile secret police , Chile military intelligence , illegal immigration.


Female security guard Suzanne suspect in the attempted racial violence on Friday 18/09/2020.
She is a security guard that works in a building with a solicitor/conveyancing company.

There is a female security guard called Suzanne from Harris & Company (Solicitors & Notaries) who took down a person's email address on Friday 20/09/2019 .
She said she would pass the email address on to a conveyancer/solicitor , but instead Suzanne has probably made made some Jeffrey-Epstein-style illegal bet against a person's life.
[Harris & Company (Solicitors & Notaries) are located at Circular Quay in the Sydbey CBD at 27 Macquarie Place Sydney(Circular Quay).

There is reason to believe that Suzanne is some kind of Hitlerist. She resembles the Rommel family.Suzanne has some resemblance to Mrs Cousens and her son Steven Cousens.

There was a secretary Felicia working in that solicitors/conveyancers office the day before Suzanne appeared in year 2019.
Also there was a Alexandra Tzavellas working in that office.

Suzanne took down in writing a person's email address, and said that a person would be contacted. But the they never contacted a person.
Instead, Suzanne has probably made some Jeffrey-Epstein-style illegal bet against a person's life,
which resulted in the attempted violence by the household of aussie paedophiles at house number 291.
what Donald Trump and Hugh Hefner reality represent: male prostitution = NAMBLA (homosexual crime organisation).
+"playboy bunnies ---> beautiful women in a group around a few males ---->female harems & male eunuchs -----> many male prostitutes were created in the process of accumulating the group of beautiful women "

See also mention of Nada Stefanovic being involved in making harems, and her connection to the Lindt Csfe Seige(2014) in Sydney Australia <--- WACO-style Seventh Day Adventist terrorism.
[Nada Stefanovic (Seventh Day Adventist) turns young males(momaks) into male prostitutes?
The Lindt Cafe seige(2014) was about NSW Police in suburbs along along Richmond Road turning young males from the Marsden Park Mosque into male prostitutes ?
Is male constable P. smith from police car CN-32-LN on 01/04/2019 around Greenway Village Shopping Centre one of the NSW Police involved in turning young males into male prostitutes?]
Could similar questions be asked of Sargeant Guyeregger and his group of police officers from the Riverstone Local Area command ?
i.e. Star Chamber Cops activity.

During the 1980s, while he was a secondary school student, Bill Gigov mentioned something about making Eunuchs. Was he giving a hint about male prostitution industry in the suburban area around?
Bill Gigov is probably a member of The Brotherhood Gang(Solntsevskaya Bratva Banda).

1989 Washington USA 'Call Boy' Scandal.

Was American Reporter Larry King a television advertisement for male prostitution (American Call Boy Scandal) ?
Larry King died of COVID-19 in January 2021.

The Omaha Pedophile Network
Before Jeffrey Epstein, there was Larry King — another friend to the wealthy and powerful.

"playboy bunnies" <---> "rabbit holes" <---> "call boys"

from George H.W. Bush to Donald Trump (Part 1)
Presidential Pedophilia...

"telephone exchanges" (surveillance) <---> "call boys"

Forgotten Coverage of the White House "Call Boy" Scandal
George Archibald and Paul M. Rodriguez The Washington Times; Final Section: A Page: A1 Friday, June 30, 1989

Knight Hospitaller(Knights of Malta) connection to Call Boys(Male prostitution).
<--- Note the name "Mandalay" is connected with a terrorist incident in the USA.
Nicholas Frederick Brady (born April 11, 1930, in New York City) was United States Secretary of the Treasury under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, and is also known for articulating the Brady Plan in March 1989...
...In 1984 President Reagan appointed Brady to be Chairman of the President's Commission on Executive, Legislative and Judicial Salaries...
...He became the 68th Secretary of the Treasury in 1988 and was also in charge of the secret service in this way
during the White House male prostitution scandal in 1989. He is said to have been the president of Bohemian
Grove camp Mandalay. Member of the Knights of Malta. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations...

"telephone exchange"<--->surveillance <--->radome antennas type surveillance <--->1990s deakin centre Canberra Australia.
As mentioned in the book "The fine print" by Brian Wilshire(radio commentator on 2GB radio station).
Pine Gap surveillance infiltrating the suburbs of Canberra, and Suburbs of Sydney NSW AustraIt was onlia....
[Pime Gap is an American DARPA Project in Australia.]

+Sydney "pink pages" telephone directory <---> "Call Boys" & Telephone Exchange surveillance.
[Possibly connected to Raynortown New York City USA <---> 'The Village People' genre (Greenwich Village, New York City)=American Military intelligence group in the music industry.
and Space maybe '2001 A Space Odyssey' themes . Arthur C. Clarke , Stanley Kubrick (A clockwork orange=Cybernetic Slavery themes.), Keir Dullea(actor) as a Batman superhero double.

pink plant hire company ,<----> Sydney "pink pages" telephone directory <---> "Call Boys" & Telephone Exchange surveillance.
[during 1980s, Pink Plant Hire company premises existed near where Shane Pisani worked as a mechanic, along a busy road in the suburb where actress Toni Collette was raised(grew up).
The Pink Plant Hire company was on a street corner.
Shane Pisani has been described,in above paragraphs,months ago, as a male prostitute.

P&M Galea Plant Hire <---> pink plant hire company
[Galea has been in news stories over decades, portrayed as a rebel chicken farmer.
Is Paul Galea's chicken farm business(egg farmer business) a cover for a USA-style male prostitution industry in Australia ( young male human 'spring chicken' male prostitutes?)]

Also local government politician Con Constine's resemblance to author C. S. Lewis <---> rabbit hole themes.
Con Constine <---> emilios Patsildies (Sydney University Chemistry Staff). Patsilides is a homosexual with a wife Zoe Patsilides who worked as secretary in the School of Chemistry administration.

Charlie Camilleri is probably friends with Galea and Constantine.
Charlie Camileri's daughter Maryanne Camilleri(Maryann Grifa) is closely connected to Neal Winter who was jailed in year 2006 for homosexual crimes.

Galea's plant hire company redevelops areas that have been discovered to be Male Prostitution areas.
Galea's plant hire company 'covers up' areas that have been discovered to be Male Prostitution areas , by redevloping the real estate.
<--- Activity probably similar to the 'The Rand Corporation'.

Was Pink Plant Hire company doing similar in the 1980s? Covering up male prostitution areas by redeveloping them?

[In June 2021,Galea's plant hire company are redeveloping the area around the 'Outback Steakhouse Parklea' on Old Windsor Road Sydney NSW.
The Outback steakhouse is near the news story about a stabbing in a secondary school.]
i.e. within walking distance.

There are 'Black Helicopters' present around the area where Galea is redeveloping real estate.
What could Black Helicopter be about? Illuminati concentration camps/CIA Prisons/Guatanamo Bay detention centres? Project Isabela from the Galapgos islands, The Judas Project(tracking devices)?
Black Helicopters in Australia <---> New Zealand political presence in Australia? USA politicial presence in Australia ?

Helicopters possibly associated with a western Sydney Prison.

Darwin's Secret: The Voyage of HMS Beagle Ship to the Galapagos islands had a secret mission to exterminate the Tierra Del Fuego Indians(Chile,South America)

Darwin's Secret Documentary

Darwin's Secret: The Beagle's Child Kidnap Experiment
<--- Is this the basis ideology of Project Sunshine? Project sunshine is mentioned various times on this webpage.

Darwin, Africa, and Genocide: The Horror of Scientific Racism
Attrocities associated with NAZISM corresponds to an earlier ideology of SOCIAL DARWINISM (Invasion,Colonization,Enslavement & Genocide against other races)
ANGLO-CELTIC-NAZISM(H.A.O. Armanen Orden,Celtic Cross Swasticka Nazism,Celto-Germanic Nazism) corresponds to an earlier ideology of SOCIAL DARWINISM (Invasion,Colonization, Genocide against other races)

The description of racists in Sydney NSW Australia as being part of a "Lone Ranger/Oki Doki racial racial insults/Ku Klux Klan Rockabilly" subculture, has something to do with them being servants of Elizabeth Windsor,
Elizabeth Windsor's genocidal activity in Kamloops Canada since the 1960s, and news, and news stories about mass graves around schools were American Indian children were educated by being separated from their parents.
i.e. See information about Bank Worker Christine. Also actress Toni Collette and her friends Leigh Chalker ... Jason Hogan ... <--- Jason Hogan's sisters had double in the Australian tv series "Home and Away" .
Such coummunities of anglo-celtic racists in Sydney Australia are probably involved in illegal immigraton networks in USA & Canada: Illegal immigration that crosses the USA-Canadian border.
Such illegal immigration networks that anglo-celtic racists in Australia become involved in, are connected to underground economy(pirate harvest activity & money laundering=heists) associated with
a music video "Ceiling Cant Hold Us" by Macklemore which portrays helicopters and a USA Flag in Toronto Canada.
To such groups of racists, genocide : murders of native people & murders of migrants seems , to be a money making activity.

i.e. See information about Bank Worker Christine. Also actress Toni Collette and her friends Leigh Chalker ... Jason Hogan ... <--- Jason Hogan's sisters had a double in the Australian tv series "Home and Away" .
i.e. Actress Nicolle Dickson who played character Bobby Simpson that makes her sound like an Australian male professional cricketer from the 1960s era.
The Hogan family lived next to an electrical substation and across the road fom Michael Chebyl.

Kamloops(Canada) is is also spelled Tk'emlups

No longer ‘the disappeared’: Mourning the 215 children found in graves at Kamloops Indian Residential School

Carlisle and the Indian Boarding School Legacy in America

Canada discovers 751 unmarked graves at former residential school. Graves found at site of Marieval Indian school in Saskatchewan

Charles Windsor and Diana Spencer visited Kamloops. Why their visits to Kamloops Canada?
...To such groups of racists, genocide : murders of native people & murders of migrants seems , to be a money making activity...
[, and news stories about mass graves around schools were American Indian children were educated by being separated from their parents.

Australian politician John Howard and his comments about Children Overboard which became a media scandal in 2001 and afterward,
have been followed by years of Detention Centre building activity,
in wich the Australian government makes business out of separating migrant children from their parents,
(in the form of detaining migrant parents in detention centres)




Names connected to a Coldplay music video.
<--- Music Video aired on channel 10 = some kind of hint of pirate harvesting activity by Channel 10 television company in Australia.
On Channel 9 Sydney 26/06/2021 was a news story that possibly hinted that Coronavvirus outbreaks have to do with the way that groups of sodomites communicate their unhappiness to other groups of sodomites.

Instead of speaking with each other, one group of sodomites probably begins sexually attacking the other group of sodomites without warning.
This is euphemistically referred to as a "kick in the guts". It is an expression used by Australian politician and Australian business people in upset way.
And then Australians politicians appear in the media and try to put into words the unhappiness that was communicated previously in perverse actions.

NSW Premier [Gladys Berejiklian] says she’s negative after attending a ‘superspreader event’
<--- Was the superspreader event where a "Kick in the guts" occurred?
Gladys Berejiklian was censored from using the word 'lockdown'.
Berejiklian's comment..we dont want to see this situation linger for weeks.

Scott Morrison's comment - Coronavirus is a formidable enemy.

Business NSW chief executive Daniel Hunter
and Victorian Politician Daniel Andrews(VIC Premier) mentioned that lockdowns were a "Kick in the guts"
The USA Military probably had such nanotechnology knowledge in 1995.]

.... to do with a Swiss researcher Biefeld who was a contemporary of T T Brown (1920s era)
(Biefeld-Brown effect and assymetrical capacitor thrust effects as a way to recharge electronics , via electrical 'corona discharge' effects).

...Nazi doctor Josef Mengele formed a connection to the Swiss Banking Sytem probably to launder the wealth the Nazis stole during World War 2...

such physical effects have been applied in the technology of modern slavery(slave labour devices).



Safe Bases are probably based upon the Nazi DIRLEWANGER BRIGADE: groups of prisoners(convicts) that Nazi Germany should have executed, but the Nazis kept them alive to do injustice against towns and villages.
<-- -probably connections to Otto Skorzeny, his later organisation "The Paladin Group".

The American Kennedy family are Nazi sympathizers, and the 1960s Bay of Pigs invasion against Cuba was probably inspired by the Nazi Dirlewanger Brigade.

Implies that Safe Bases are a way that anglo-germanic nations harbour immmoral depraved people, in civilian areas: immoral depraved people that should be executed(death penalty).

Nazi DIRLEWANGER BRIGADE: <-?-> Documentary: 'Finding The Fallen'
- probably some of the bodies found were NOT Soviets, some were a group corrupted by Nazis and stole Soviet uniforms
(some stole clothing of Russians they murdered.Some of the bodies(remains,photos) found look very German or Romanian)

Connections of the Dirlewanger brigade to cybernetic experiments against humans?

Bio Robots(titan cyborgs) | 5 Secret German/Soviet Projects
The Soviets discovered medical atrocities of the Nazis...
[Biological robots=titan cyborgs].


Kammler , Rommel <---probably related to ---> Steven Cousens family (Sydney Australia) [and Van-den-Bosch family? in Sydney Australia]
Hans Kammler and Erwin Rommel possibly related to each other,
[Nazi Bell Research in Poland, Wenceslas Mine/Lusation Mountains ,Underground Slave Labour facility -----> Project Orion (Dyson Freeman & Operation Paperclip Nazis) ]

Nazi Bell Research <-----> Keksberg UFO Cult in USA

Freeman Dyson(USA Project Orion) <-----> 3rd year physics lab tutor at Sydney University NSW Australia : physics student Malcolm Turki was killed and his friend Mark Jeremy cried about his death.
The lab tutor retired of old age around 1994 resembled Freeman Dyson photos.

Cousens(surname)<----->Erwin Rommel & Hans Kammler[rocket propulsion by discrete explosions] <---?---> Van-Den-Bosch(surname) <--?--> Wernher Von Braun (conventional rockets = propulsion by continuous combustion)

Some Van den Bosch family members are Jehovah's Witnesses <----Van Den-Bosch famales resemblance to American singer Meghan Trainor.
the Van-Den-Bosch family were friends with Maria Schellander and Corrie Rowe, within the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Is Meghan Trainor a Von Braun ?

Steven Cousens(nickname 'Cuzzie' 'kah-zee' 'kah-zi') closely associated with Joshua Cameron's family. They visited each other's homes.
Joshua Cameron <-resemblance to-->Bruce Petersen(Test pilot whose plane crash started a cybernetic human film genre.) Cameron, Petersen <-slight resemblance to--> Richard Joslyn (Dick Joslyn, trainee fighter pilot , Heaven's Gate cult member,actor 1970s New York homosexual theatre productions(stages plays) .
[Heaven's Gate cult committed mass suicide in 1997, but Richard Joslyn survived.
<-- The Heavens Gate cult was being observed and sodomized by groups of New York theatre homosexuals ?

Ewan Cameron(British doctor) - brainwashing experiments against human beings (use of Gridiron Helmets and tape recorders in brainwashing experiments, messages played over and over again to people under duress) = percursor of NAMBLA uncaring homosexuals who want to tell people what to do in the manner of Cargo Cults.Cargo Cult homosexuals telling another race where to put the cargo, in the manner of slave labour circumstances. Precursor of slave labour device experiments=electronic harassment against nerves, duress , terrorism against nerves. <------- Cowboy films <-----> Majestic-12 MJ12 , Electric Cowboys(Cybernetic experiments),Beefeaters & Cow herding <---> Westworld(1973).
Heaven's Gate <---> Mia Farrow(actress)<--->Frank Sinatra<---> Nancy
Mia Farrow(actress)----->Woody Allen(film maker)<------>Dianne keaton , Tuesday Weld(looking for Mr goodbar movie=zodiac killers/MJ12 depopulation experiments)<----> Michael Keaton(Batman:The Dark Knight)[<--- black knight satellite /MJ12 themes?]

1960s Batman tv series symbol <-- ? ---> Nazi SS Honour rings. <------> Tolkien poem about Sauron's "one ring to rule them all". <---> Wagner's Ring opera (Teutonic paganism, Nazi angels=Valkyries,Hitler was a fan of Wagner).

Batman <---> SS Nazi Honour Rings (Wewelsberg Castle) World War 2
[and.. a perhaps a circle of satanists (satanist actors/film mkaers) around Tuesday Weld Illuminati priestess who began her career as a child actress.]<--- Michael Keaton <--- Nicole kidman (1995)

Mia Farrow --- Tarzan themes.


Johnny Young from 1970s Australian "Young Talent Time"television series
was probably supplying young males to homosexual media stars in the USA, for the purpose of male prostitution.

e.g. News stories about australians Jamie Redfern
and John Farnham visiting the home of Liberace,staying at the home of Liberace,
and being mentored by Liberace.

Actress Toni Collette's acting career is probably based upon similar activity to Johnny Young.
Toni Collette has a friend called Evette Nelson who was a fan of John Farnham.

Toni Collette was raised in a neighbourhood where there were male sleep-over-clubs and students attended 5 day school camps each year.
Names of families involved in sleepover clubs: Zachary Etcell, Jason Harris.

Leigh Chalker's family had a shed in their backyard and inside the shed was a bed.Leigh Chalker's family were inviting elementary school students from migrant families into their backyard after school during the 1980s during the day time, and they would be kept outside in the backyard and not invited into the Chalker home.They would be kept out and then given biscuits/cookies and cordial drinks. The Chalker family said that the 'bed shed' in their backyard was in case someone stayed over... .In their backyard was a garage with a dart board, a shed with a bed inside, an above ground pool, and seats and table with a car-port type roof over them to shield from the rain where the biscuits and cordial were consumed.
some students only visited during the day, they did not know what happenned there during the night time.The Chalker family seemed to be friendly for about 2 years, then they became unfriendly.Leigh Chalker stopped inviting some students to his home forever afterward. Leigh Chalker later became friends with Simon Cianter. Afew years years later Chalker was frequently around Simon Cianter whose name he prononced as "See-en-ah". i.e. "hey See-en-ah" Leigh Chalker would frequently utter.

See also mention of Joshua Cameron's family in 1984-85 christmas-new year period.

Later ,Michael Kerr who said he was LDS/Mormon.Kerr mentioned he was sleeping over the place of a guitar school teacher whose business was within walking distance from where Toni Collette was raised, near where Terry Feeny lived.

Which media stars is Toni Collette friendly with?: Ridley Scott ,Elton John,..[ Christopher Reeve <--> Terry Camilleri ?]

..David Yeldham was Elton John's man in the Australian Court system.David Yeldham was a homosexual judge who committed suicide... and the year 1995 'Man At Arms' Chamber Magistrate described in 17_09_2020.jpg was probably involved in the same activities as Yeldham.

Why hasn't the 'Man At Arms' magistrate killed himself like David Yeldham ?
[In June-July 1995,the 'Man At Arms' magistrate was working as a chamber magistrate next to the police station at the eastern end of Richmond Road in Sydney NSW Australia. That police station was corrupted by the homosexual corruption of David Yeldham(euphemistically refered to as "Star Chamber" corruption), and [probably still is corrupt.<---Homosexual nazism.A poofter parlour police station.] Later in October-November 1998 he was working at the Downing Centre in Sydney CBD.]

Adam Burne, worked as a racist cop in June 1995, was then promoted for his racism to Police Prosecutor in the court house next to the police station. <---- Can Adam Burne be charged with "Prosecutorial Miscoduct", as step toward laying numerous other charges against Adam Burne ? Prosecutorial Misconduct in the context of Australia being a corrupt culture that tries to confuse slavery with jail ? Charges of Prosecutorial Misconduct ---> Charges of Slavery, Charges of Racial discrimination] as a step toward international court charges of Breach of Geneva Convention article 147 ?

[About Toni Collette's friends... they are from a racist area that dislikes Arnold Schwarzenneger's appearance(he looks too Russian),
they prefer the blonde haired He-Man: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe cartoons, in which appears the "Man At Arms" character...]
When Christopher Reeve's spine was broken, it was said to be a horse accident...
NAMBLA the homosexual crime organisation possibly has an expression to do with male homosexuals being attacked by their male sexual partners...
hen a homosexual is physically attacked by the male that he was 'riding' sexually, NAMBLA members make euphemisms about falling off their horse and being injured.
Was Christopher Reeve a member of NAMBLA and did he "fall off his horse" in the manner of being attacked by the homosexual male that he was riding sexually ?
Recently, the news story about Victorian politician Premier Daniel Andrews falling down a flight of stairs and being injured?
Did Daniel Andrews "fall off his horse?"
Was Daniel Andrews attacked by his male sex partner ?
See the informaiton about the Australian politicial expression "Kick in the Guts" under diagram 25_06_2021_002.jpg

Is there some connection to American golfer Tiger Wood's car accident? Surname 'Van-Niejenhoff'?
NAMBLA : Names and Organisations connected with NAMBLA. NAMBLA probably corrupts both left and right political wings of American Politics. When American television programs speak about NAMBLA. the male commentators disappear, and women with Hair-styles similar to 'I Dream of Jaennie' appear , and start mentioning NAMBLA as some kind of Left Wing organisation. But in America, both Right Wings and Left wings of politics are probably corrupted by NAMBLA. [e.g. Donald Trump was a right wing politicians,and the 2021 Capitol Hill attack(United States White house) was probably an outbreak-of-sodomy(lawlessness,mob-riot) by NAMBLA. ]

Some names that American media mention to falsely portray NAMBLA as a leftist organisation:.
Eileen Scheff
Tom Reeves
Bill Andriette
...Revolutionary Workers League is a Trotskyist organization...
BAMN(By any means necessary)
The HAO Armanen Orden gave the Nazi SS a pagan religion to base their lives around.
In the surroundings of Wewelsburg castle was probably pagan worship of Armanen Orden Celtic Cross symbols.

In the surroundings of Wewelsburg castle was probably pagan worship of Armanen Orden Celtic Cross symbols.

Faces in the Australian labour party correspond to Beefeater families that live in/around the Tower of London:
Beefeater Naval Pirate families/Opium War families with surnames like Hawkins (Alf Hawkins-Curator)- The River Thames considered the lifeblood of London.

Kevin Rudd <-> Bridget Clifford (Armoury keeper of Collections)
Gareth Evans <-> Roger Hall(Chaplain - Anglican Priest in the Chapel)
Sam Dastyari <-> Jonathan Ferguson (works at Leeds visits Bridget Clifford in the Tower of London)
Ferguson resembles Rowan Atkinson intermixed with McCarthy.
Iranian faces from middle-east associated with Beefeater organisation.
[See information above about Beefeaters activity oef migrating Arabs,Jews, italians into the British population. The migratiion activitiy includes Iranians.]

Lenton, Nichols faces.<--- They look like comnination of Lapplander reindeer herders(Finno-Ugric) and Maltese Hussar types

Australian Trade Unions <---. Tower of London Beefeater families.


The Seventh Day Adventist church is involved in slavery conspiracies , based upon "Theosis Ideology": ideology that supports the ideas that some humans can be developed into gods to rule over worlds of humans <-- Mormon theology is based upon theosis ideology... There are some people that the SDA Church invites to churches, there are other people that the SDA invites to the camera rooms that watch over churches ... There are some races/cultures group that the SDA Church invites to churches, there are other races/cultures that the SDA invites to the camera rooms that watch over churches ...the SDA Church wants such situations of disparity to develop into paganism/satanism/idolatry where the people from the camera rooms sometimes make appearances without warning in the churches as if they are gods walking through the garden of eden ... the church members dont need to know who they are, the church members are expected to consider them as gods instead of church members, and then they disappear back to their camera rooms <--- This is a description of the paganism of pretend angel cults, paganism/racism/idolatry that the Adventist Church secretly supports ... Other people from the camera rooms never show themselves...people from the camera rooms are taught to watch people without ever wanting to talk aobut their observations, in the manner of watching people slowly die, in the manner of conspiring to make people slowly die, without ever wanting to say or do something to stop people slowly dieing ... such slavery conspiracies by the Seventh Day Adventists sometimes develop into situations where people are watched, violently attacked, surgically implanted with slave labour devices , and adventists make euphemisms about wanting to watch people, adventists want to be "watchers" over peoples lives, something like the angels in the book of Enoch. But the adventist church are not angels, the adventist church are antichrist humans who are perpetrating slavery experiments, developing the World War 2 nazi plan of enslavement and extermination against races of the developing world(third world).

Loma Linda University (owned by the SDA Church) has been involved over decades in experiments to cybernetically enslave human beings.Such research is portrayed as research where organisms can communicate information between each other, similar to how insects in a hive communicate through chemicals called pheromones, which has something to do with Project Monarch(aka Nazi Lebensborn).Such research is given names like Bio-semiotics, Bio-communication, Cyber-semiotics...

<--- This a description of what the Seventh Day Adventist Church American religion is about (Pretend angel cults). This is a description of what UFO Cults such as Heaven's Gate are about: groups of people being observed by sodomites, groups of people being sodomized by sodomites, groups of people being enslaved and ritually murdered by sodomites, sodomite races dominating groups of unsuspecting people .

Tony Abbott(Australian politician) is a user of male prostitutes, and so is Vladimir Putin.
That is why Tony Abbott and Vladimir Putin were competing with each other in swimming costume photos in the media.
[Journalist Alexander Litvinenko was going to make such information public about Vladimir Putin, and then he was murdered by radiation poisoning in his food]
Tony Abbot has been bothering people's lives since the late 1980s, in the form of music videos with themes to do with Celluloid Movie Editing machines: music groups with names such as "Cold Cut" and "Cold Play" .
When such movie editing machines were disassembled and packaged, they probsbly resemble unassembled sewing machines(resin sewing machines?).

In year 2019 , before CoronaVirus became an World epidemic, news stories began to appear about slave labour camps in NW China (Xinjiang Province) where Western Companies have factories.

Also, there were music videos with sublliminals
about sewing machines and selling your soul:
Doja Cat - Say So - subliminals of 'Janome' sewing machines.
Roddy Ricch - The Box - hints about the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico , and Breakin : Electric Boogaloo movie.
Jeffrey Epstein's island 'Little Saint James' was north of Puerto Rico.
Roddy Ricch's music video was like a reply against the Doja Cat video: he didnt want to sell his soul.
[The Box possibly suggests slavery in a cage?
Tower of London Armoury themes? ]

Sewing Machines connected with 'sweat shops' and slave labourand illegal immigration.

Is Tony Abbott from a British Jew MI9 spy family in Australia? <--?--> Veronica Abbott who lived across the road from Toni Collette who became and Australian actress.

Tony Abbott (& Veronica Abbott?) <---> Thomas Kendrick(British MI9) <---> Mikhail Gorbachev.

[MI9 became a corrupt organisation that was helping WW2 Nazis escape to South America.
Russian Mikhail Gorbachev was a KGB spy who involved in the racist illegal immigration schemes of MI9.
Mikhail Gorbachev was a pretend communism supporter, a racist , a traitor to the Soviet Union. ]

Vladimir Putin was a younger KGB spy: Younger than Gorbachev.

Toni Collette <---->'Noni B' clothing company <---> sewing machines.
Is Noni-B a company that launders money, or involved in transporting sewing machines,film editing equipment,illegal immigration? <-- sewing machines(slave labour) and casting couch situations corruption?


Frank Sinatra(singer,actor,USA)---Lucky Luciana(Italian Mafia Boss)---Sean Connery(actor,Scotland-Britain)

Enrico Fermi --- Trinity Brothers cowboy western films.

"The Bund" : An organisation that held racist rallies in the USA, similar to Hitler ralies in Germany.

about the activity of homosexual crimes organisations in australia.

australian solicitors dont want to represent some citizens, because australian solicitors dont want ku klux klan families to be
left behind by migrant families who want nothing to do with the ku klux klan , who are more capable intelligent than ku klux klan families.

homosexual crimes organisations in australia [e.g. nambla, the family murders];

no talk behaviour , they get third parties to disrupt people's lives .

they groups of people that make assumptions/bets about people who want to bother,
to bother people with the intent of dragging lives down to the depths of depravity of homosexual crime organisation members.

such groups brainwash their members into the assumptions/bets that they have made against people's lives,
and if people resist the assumptions, the homosexual crime organisations want impose the assumptions by force
upon the people who they bother,homosexual crime organisations want impose the assumptions by force
upon the people who they have lied about.

people who seek to live normal lives , the homosexual crime organisations observe such people , and then terrorise
people without warning .

homosexual crime organisations are terrorists. they plan unecessary situations where people lives are disrupted in ways where people dont understand
the brainwashing assumptions/bets that homosexual crime organisation have made against people's lives,
so people dont know what to say in the unnecessary situations that occur,
so that people dont know how to answer.

this kind of racism occurs in the nsw police.
when the nsw police unjustly bother people who the homosexual crime organisations dont want to leave in peace,
the police should be formally asked questions by a court [instead of police asking questions]. --- formal charges required against nsw police
i.e. ---situations where ku klux klan trouble makes are sent into a situation,
then the police are called to round up the victims that ku klux klan dont want to leave in peace.


certain music videos give hints about the way that people get into nightclubs.
people get into nighclubs by looking like pimps that lend out their girlfriends to people around,
that lend out their girlfriends to the people watching by camera.

where homosexual crime organisations are doing their prostitution,
there is the behaviour of a group of ritual prostitutes come near a complete stranger,
and then the group of prostitutes go with other people.

the prostitutes pretend that the complete stranger is their pimp,
so that if the prostitutes get caught in their illegal activity,
they blame their activity on the complete stranger that they came near.
tey pretend that the complete stranger is their pimp, and they dont want
to reveal who their real clients are.


a definition of theft , as perpetrated by homosexual crime organisations
if you need something, homosexual crime organisations want you force you to trade that something away,
to force you to trade something that you dont have ,
so that that you never have something you need.

the unknown person that receives something that you need, has stolen that something from you.
The families of Joshua Cameron , Steven Cousens , Andrew Millett possibly have some connection to Ronald Biggs (1960s train robber=criminal).
Biggs escaped to Sydney Australia for a period of time, and then he escaped to Melbourne Australia.
Then Biggs escaped to Rio (Brazil) and lived in Rio for many years , like some kind of western media celebrity.

Ronald Biggs has a resemblance to deceased county council politician Leo Kelly (local government politician).

Joshua Cameron was the son of Robert James Cameron (aka cricket coach 'Jim' Cameron).
Craig Kelly (australian politician) looks similar to Jim Cameron.
Therefore, there is a probability that Jim Cameron was a Kelly family relative:
Perhaps Jim Cameron and Leo Kelly were related to each other. Cameron and Kelly lived in neighbouring suburbs to each other.

There was probably a South African Boer connections with Ronald Biggs. He looked anglo-dutch.

During the 1980s, the Australian families in the same neighbourhood as Cameron,Cousens,Millett began speaking as fans of Eddie Murphy films.
The did not like Mr T in 'The A-team' tv series, and from a 'Rocky' Balboa film.
Murdoch from the A-Team <--- similarity to---> Peter Dunn's family members ?
The Cameron family know Peter Dunn via a Scout group.

i.e. The same neighbourhood as Toni Collette actress was raised in.

One decade later, their jokes about Mr T were nullified when Eddie Murphy(actor) was caught by the American police in a car with transvestite homosexual prostitute(cross dresser)

Mrs Cousens sons, her friends ,her relatives possibly resemble the hooligans in the film "Train Spotting(1996)" ,but they have australian accents.

Eddie Murphy and his lookalikes(doubles) were in films about robberies, heists, train robberies.

Wesly Snipes actor <--some resemblance to--> Reza Ebrahim(South African Zulu intermixed with South-Asian-Indian) : a member of(player in) cricket teams coached by Jim Cameron.

News stories with phonetically similar/same surname as Reza Ebrahim:

around 1985/1986, jim cameron the cricket coach , during a weekday training session , drove back to his home with some members of his junior cricket team who he he was giving a lift to in his car.
other members of jim cameron's team were waiting at the cameron home.
after the other cricket team members got into cameron's car, jim cameron the cricket coach made a comment about keith leyshon who was sitting in the back seat of the car.
jim cameron called keith leyshon by the nickname 'COUSIN JETHRO' , which suggested that jim cameron knew that leyshon was related to cameron family.

keith leyshon has a resemblance to photos of farly biggs, one of the 5 sons of ronald biggs train robber.
also daniel mamo's younger uncle chrissy leyshon has a resemblance to farley biggs.chrissy leyshon is a corrupt racist policeman in the nsw police; nsw state/province australia.
[this is more evidence of the families cameron,cousens,millett having a connection to ronald biggs.
[top centre of photo]

there is a newspaper photo of keith leyshon and his brother greg in 13_08_2019.jpg
was ronald biggs was mi9 agent family ?
was the train robbery a way to start underground economy in some location where ronald bigg's family settled . australia , rio de janeiro ?    

keanu reeves 9actor0 ------- beslan massacre 2004. russia.

see above mention of christopher reeves , the homosexual crime organisation nambla, and comments about people falling off their horse.
nambla is involved in massacres. nambla is a western organisation trains child soldiers . some child soldiers grow up and commit massacres such as beslan.

ja necu da vi necoveki fascisti nazisti communikirate meni preko vase nacisti?ko lije?nika zlo?ine . vi morate poslati slu bena pisma o svom medicinskom nacizmom. morate se suo?iti s pravdom.

ja ne?u da vi ne?oveki fašisti nazisti communikirate meni preko vaše nacisti?ko lije?nika zlo?ine . vi morate poslati slu bena pisma o svom medicinskom nacizmom. morate se suo?iti s pravdom.
a spraypainter ken fullham from 'ken fulham signs' has something to do with the violent aussie paedophiles at house number 291.
he works in the same kind of job as mark virgona. and his business is near to where mark virgona lives and works.
virgona is from some kind of spanish-jew/portuguese-jew mafia family that teaches its members to work nearby to where they live.
ken fulham's workplace is nearby where there was a noni-b clothing factory. then the factory was closed down or moved somewhere else.
noni-b is a company probably involved in illegal trading in places such as the pacific ocean islands and caribbean; slave labour sweat shops
slave labour textiles sweat shops with sewing machines and movie cameras .


which countries have been worst affected by Coronavirus?

countries such as USA, Britain,France,Italy,Germany ....:

countries which say they care about human rights ... but behind people's backs such countries have a system of ritual murder to convert multi-racial nation back into monoracial nation.
countries which allow various races to migrate into their borders ... but behind people's backs such countries have a system of ritual murder to convert multi-racial nation back into monoracial nation.

[Project Monarch(Nazi Lebensborn) is homosexual nazism which is about turning multiracial societies back into monoracial societies.]

The sodomy system in such countries is a way to ritually murder migrants. When a plague/epidemic occurs such as Coronavirus(COVID-19) the sodomy system in such countries becomes a way to spread the plague/epidemic.

The Safe Base/Poofter Parlour/Star Chamber system in such countries is a way to ritually murder migrants.
When a plague/epidemic occurs such as Coronavirus(COVID-19) the sodomy system in such countries becomes a way to spread the plague/epidemic.

In such countries , when groups of sodomites see that migrant families are trying to improve their situations, the sodomites ritualistically do their sodomy behaviours, to ritually murder the migrant families.
In such countries , when groups of sodomites see that migrant families are trying to improve their situations, the sodomites ritualistically do their sodomy behaviours, to senselessly spread the Coronavirus plague/epidemic.
The outbreak of Coronavirus(COVID-19) is probably connected to the mass migrations caused by politicians such as Hillary Clinton, through political activities which destabilized the middle east and north Africa.
i.e. Hillary Clinton's "Arab Spring" political policies, which resulted in mass migrations into Europe.
Coronavirus(COVID-19)is probably a biological warfare method to decrease the number of migrants that European countries have allowed into their borders some years after Hillary Clinton's Arab Spring political policy.

Andrew Denton(jewish-australian media personality) --- trevor horn(british musician , music producer) ---- Puerto Rico , Jeffrey Epstein .
[Simon Townsend(Australian television personality) --- Puerto Rico , around 1982: <---> Eddie Grant and other musicians (british Guiana, Jamaica)

Ghislaine Maxwell’s Father Wanted to Buy Aussie Newspapers to Annoy Rupert Murdoch


Liliana Pavlek probably has a genetic problem called Hypertrichosis(Werewolf Syndrome), inherited from her Serbian-Sarmatian mother Kata(aka Kate). Kata was born with Serbian surname Ivanovic.
Liliana Pavlek's household frequently prepare food called "Sarma" , maybe as hint of Kata's Sarmatian racial origin.
Liliana has female moustaches which she shaves off her face to try to look feminine, similar to the females of races such as the Ainu of Japan, and Australian Australoids.
In Croatan language: Liljana Pavlek ima ber?i?e . Liljana brije svoje ber?i?e . Liljana ima mustache

Liliana who grew up as a female with moustache problems , possibly became involved with aussie poofter parlours and homosexuals because she was looking for males that liked women-who-resembled-males-with-moustaches.
Her homosexual corruption is a secret she hid from people that she visited over the years/decades.
Maybe there was a presence (or conspiratorial obsevation activity) by star chamber cops from Detroit USA during the racism incidents in Bunnings Hardware Marsden park 2018, and K-Mart Stanhope Gardens Village Shopping Centre 2019.
i.e. Star Chamber Cops associated with Detroit Secret Space Program (Nazism packaged as a space program).
see 08_07_2021.jpg

illegal trading/underground economy with clothes companies such as Noni-B (and Deece fashion Company)? <--> racists dont have any right to terrorise people in shopping areas, and then make up excuses afterward.
[formal charges need to occur against racists. formal charges against police racism must occur.]
This website has reason to believe that the Unknown-blonde-woman(blue denim jacket) is associated with Deece fashion brand,and that Deece company and Noni B are involved in sweat shops, slave labour ,
prostitution with film equipment packed to look like sewing machines...

Some days after the police racism in June 2019 at , an news story occurred: aussie identity thief Lucas Fowler was killed in Canada:
terrorism and identity theft by racist police officers in the NSW Police resulted in the killing of anglo-celtic Australia identity thief Lucas Fowler.

Lucas Fowler (was killed):Lucas Fowler the son of NSW Police Chief Inspector Stephen Fowler <---- Does Stephen Fowler have a resemblance to 1990s Sydney University mathematics lecturer Charles "Charlie" Macaskill ?

were racist police behind the attempted racial violence that occurred on 18th September 2020? <--- further reason why the NSW Police need to face formal charges in an international court.

Western nations secretly follow a sodomy religion of brinawashed people who want to brainwash many other people <--- cargo cult religion <---> European Age of Exploration(Discovery and Expansion) and before.
Western nations secretly follow a sodomy religion which is able to make counterfeits in religions such as Christian church denominaitions, and various other religions.
There is Templar-like corruption in modern day churches.
Templars usedf an expression: People are 'letting the side down' if people mention the sodomy customs of Western European crusaders.
<---> Right wing christians tend to be a counterfeit. Right wing christians tend to be racially selfish(racists)
See information above about Tony Abbott, and others.

and sodomy customs are unhygienic(filthy, dirty).
sodomy customs result in the disease problems mentioned in Leviticus (bible book).

And if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you. - Leviticus 18:28

In Plato's 'Timaeus' writings:
- Solon, law giver of Athens,visited Egypt. While discussing the Flood of Deucalion, Solon was told by Egyptian priests that the (ancient) Greeks were as children who had no knowledge of the ancient past.
[Ancient Egypt was ancient compared to the later so-called-Ancient-Greeks and so-called-Ancient-Romans.]
-the Egyptian priest tells Solon that Greeks only remember the last flood of Deucalion (1453 BCE) and not the THREE floods before it.
Further information about Christine the Bank worker. She possibly has a connection to Australian rock music industry, in the form of the music video Talk Like That(2008) by the Presets.
The female dancer in the music video has a slight resemblance to Christine the Bank Worker, but Christine the bank worker is less attractive.
(Bank worker Christine is an ugly racist brunette female who sometimes worked with a jewel pinned through her nose = body piercer subculture ).

The singers in the music video have a resemblance faces in the American comedy television series Frasier.

Sydney University lecturer Richard Collins has a resemblance to Kelsey Grammer from the Frasier tv series.
[Question: Did Richard Collins from Sydney University have some connection to politician Malcolm Fraser?
Richard Collins mentioned during a physics lecture that he took trips to the USA.

What REALLY happened the night Malcolm Fraser lost his trousers in a seedy Memphis hotel (Tenesseee USA)?
...[Malcolm Fraser] was wearing nothing but his pants and claimed to have been drugged ... ]
In year 2001, Richard Collins was seen driving his car , along a busy road , in the same suburb wher Christine worked in a bank.
It was near a petrol service station where a lab tutor/post-graduate student from Engineering at Sydney University worked in year 1998.
The lab tutor was of middle-eastern/iranian appearance.

Richard Collins probably passed through such a suburb, on his way home to Marsden Park.
During the 1990s and maybe afterward, Richard Collins probably lived in Marsden Park suburb of Sydney NSW Australia.

Andrew Pitzing probably knows Christine the Bank worker. Pitzing was patrolling around the same suburban town centre in which Christine worked.
Andrew Pitzing has a resemblance to the faces in The Presents music group,and resemblance to faces in the American Frasier tv series.
Pitzing has more resemblance to David Hyde Pierce than Kelsey Grammer.
A lookalike of singer Khalid was walking around the bus stops at Rouse Hill ,around the time that the metro train station was being built at Rouse Hill shops.
The old bus stops that faced toward Old Windsor Road were demolished, and temporary bus stops were assigned which faced toward Rouse Hill Shopping centre.
The lookalike was younger than Khalid the singer.
Information on the internet suggests that singer Khalid possibly has a connection to the 'Big Bang Theory' tv series , 'Frasier' tv series, and maybe Elon Musk.

Internet article: Frasier and The Big Bang Theory are practically the same show
Frasier is about cultural snobs who like opera, ballet and the arts. The Big Bang is about science snobs who like Science Fiction, comic books and video games...

Singer Khalid has association with DJ Marshmellow. DJ Marshmellow has a cylindrical mask which has similar symbols to the Martix Garrix music video 'Byte'.The cross symbols and letter X symbols are possibly used as a binary code.
[Martix Garrix has a facial similarity to 1990s physics students Mark Jeremy and Craig Spiteri.

Some performances by DJ Marshmellow might suggest that the man under the cylindrical mask has a resemblance to actor Jim Parsons from "Big Bang Theory" tv series,
(and in some photos, or some camera angles a resemblance to Elon Musk.)

See 15_04_2019.jpg , near the top of the webpage ... is Richard Collins worried that someone might find this planetary engineering diagram(geoengineering diagram),
or similar diagrams posted over time on this website?
... Who is looking for such information? Nobel Prize officials? Scientists engineers researchers from developing world nations? Civil Rights/Human Rights workers ?

... consider a large cylindrical volume around the antenna ...

The diagram provides an explanation of Thomas Bearden's mysterious "scalar wave"(electromagnetic compressional wave/longitudinal wave) phenomena.
i.e. If a cross-section of the electromagnetic field vibrations is taken, it looks like Thomas Bearden's electromagnetic compressional wave phenomena(scalar waves).

Conventional ElectroMagnetic wave phenomena are tranverse waves.

The Ground-ionosphere waves generated by Project Omega and Project Sanguine antennas are different:ground-ionosphere waves probably have compressional/longitudinal qualities,
and correspond to the stationary waves in Nikola Tesla's patent 787412 of year 1905.

Kristina Keneally politician in Australia is probably related to Carolyn Goodman the Mayor of Las Vegas city in Nevada USA.
Caroline goodman appeared in the western media, after the Mandalay Bay massacre.

The information that has been deduced is, that the Mandalay Bay Massacre had something to do with the Las Vegas City county politicians being military sadists,
who think they can endlessly do cruelty against people by sch politicans hiding behind infrastructure camera systems.

The Mandalay Bay massacre was a way to make Las Vegas county politicians to show their faces to people around the world , via the western media.
Las Vegas Shooting: 58 People Killed, Almost 500 Hurt...October 1st 2017.

So,politician in Australia Kristina Keneally is a military sadist who thinks she can endlessly do cruelty against people, in a similar manner to Las Vegas county politicians.

For Kristina Keneally's connections to ritual cruelty and the Mandalay Bay massacre to be known , is a step toward laying formal charges against the Australian Government (3 levels of the Australia Government:
The Australian Government needs to be unconditionally stop illegal experiments against humans: experiments to enslave human nervous systems via the use of slave labour devices.
the Australian Government needs to be sending formal letters about its experiments.
The international court system and the western media should be officially talking about the slave labour devices in Australia.
Australia needs to face charges of breach of 'Geneva Convention article 147 (prohibition against Nazi doctor crimes=prohibition against biologicsl experiments(biological attrocities))'.
... So,politician in Australia Kristina Keneally is a military sadist who thinks she can endlessly do cruelty against people, in a similar manner to Las Vegas county politicians....

Kristina Keneally(politician),Joan Kirner(politician)<--->Jenny Reene(1980s secondary school english language teacher),Mrs Nash(english language teacher),R. Lenton in Australia.
Reene and Nash were coworkers of Neal Winter (same secondary school). The english language school teaching rooms were near the Art staff room where Mrs K. Byrne and Mr Knotley-Smith spent their lunch times.
The behaviour of Jenny Reene had similarities to adbuction/kidnapping. <----> Project Sunshine/Nazi Lebensborn program in Australia.
[The behaviour of Jenny Reene was to whisk away students by car during lunch times to a venue that she called "School Council"]. i.e. A venue outside the school. A venue which was possibly near a safe base.
But nothing was known about safe bases during the 1980s.This website discovered the existence of safe bases around year 2014, and afterward information about safe bases being sodomite bases(star chambers)
has been discovered over time.

The questionable activities by teachers in the NSW/Australian education system and their School Council meetings,
probably resulted in conspiracies to cover up their activities , conspiracies against a student who attended once and never attended afterward,
and led to movie Stargate(1994). One of the members of the school council meeting was a male with a american accent that looked like someone out an AIDS documentary.
He had some resemblance to General West from later Stargate(1994) movie.

The aussies that attended school council meetings were probably fans of AC/DC music group.One of the members of AC/DC music group dressed in a schoolboy uniform.
Andrew Millett is the son of a man that looks like a Woody Allen double.

A Party event between Andrew Windsor,Jeffrey Epstein, Woody Allen.
In Richard Collin's physics lectures was a physics student Greg.
Greg was in the same physics lectures as Bryan Gaenslerand Brian Ball.
Greg has aresemblance to Raniere from the NXIVM sex cult(Nexium sex cult).

Greg is probably involved in brainwashing people. Greg is probably involved in sodomy crimes against people.
He probably would not be considered anything special to look females. Greg is probably considered a 'Geek'.
If he is involved in a sex cult, it is probably brainwashing activity through sodomy crimes.

Greg and his overseas relations are possibly Richard Collin's connection to the NXIVM sex cult.
Greg and his overseas relations are possibly Sydney University's connection to the NXIVM sex cult.

Keith Raniere, Leader of Nxivm Sex Cult, Is Sentenced to 120 Years in Prison

Allison Mack’s decision: Young Superman star turns sex cult master brand initials into young women

Sex cults(rital sex/sodomy brainwashing cults) <---> American sitcoms(American situation comedy television programs) & British comedy television programs.

Sitcoms are television programs based upon 'British humour'.

Humour is a word-concept that has been adopted into some languages via the western media that advertises it.
Where British humour occurs, english-speaking witches(english-speaking sodomites) are testing whether their laughing behaviour can reach people around.
The laughing behaviour of english-speaking witches(sodomites) is probably based upon the-anger-of-being-sodomised ,
... that causes them to want to make sadistic sounds and sadistic words at the people around them.
... that causes them to want to make sadistic laughs at the people around them.
If people around them can hear their sadistic laughs,it is way to test whether the people around have been affected by sodomy crimes.

People who have been adversely affected by ritual sex or ritual murder activity no longer consider the laughter as something funny. The laughing behaviour becomes a form of terrorism by sodomites.

If strangers laugh back at the 'British humour' , the strangers probably have not been adversely affected by ritual sex or ritual murders.
If strangers become silent or upset at the "British humour" , the strangers probably have been adversely affected by ritual sex or ritual murders.
British humour has to do with British Imperialism. British has to do with with making colonies and converting foreign populations to their British 'Cargo Cult' sodomy religion.]

When sodomites are among people they know,among their own people, then it is situations of sodomites laughing, and sodomites laughing back. They already know each other, they are not strangers to each other In such situations, they are no strangers to test.



[see information from 15/08/2021, above] ... So,politician in Australia Kristina Keneally is a military sadist who thinks she can endlessly do cruelty against people, in a similar manner to Las Vegas county politicians....

Kristina Keneally(politician),Joan Kirner(politician)<--->Jenny Reene(1980s secondary school english language teacher),Mrs Nash(english language teacher),R. Lenton in Australia.
Reene and Nash were coworkers of Neal Winter (same secondary school). The english language school teaching rooms were near the Art staff room where Mrs K. Byrne and Mr Knotley-Smith spent their lunch times.
The behaviour of Jenny Reene had similarities to adbuction/kidnapping. <----> Project Sunshine/Nazi Lebensborn program in Australia.
[The behaviour of Jenny Reene was to whisk away students by car during lunch times to a venue that she called "School Council"]. i.e. A venue outside the school. A venue which was possibly near a safe base.
But nothing was known about safe bases during the 1980s.This website discovered the existence of safe bases around year 2014, and afterward information about safe bases being sodomite bases(star chambers)
has been discovered over time...



Victoria Aird did not show her ugly big nose in emails.
It is recently discovered that she has a resemblance to the big ugly hooked nose of Jenny Black.


Australian women are women-defiled-by-homosexuals <----> Australian women are motivated by the perverse lusts of the male homosexuals that they know.
Australian women hate such bible verses as : Hebrews 13:4
Recently ,further information has been discovered about the meaning of Majestic-12(mj-12)
It has to do with ideology about 12 centuries of Castle Building [and satanic knights doing their selfish worship customs around a Baphomet]
When information about the cities belonging to the Hanseatic League is researched, terminolology appears
such as "Majstic 12th Century Castle" in a city that is part of the Hanseatic League.

Accoridng to the satanic ideology of Majestic-12, Castle Building occured from the 9th century AD to the 20th century AD.
Castles were a way for the few to selfishly rule over many.
The few that knew how to build castles could rule over the many who did not know how to build castles.
[e.g. The Normans inaded England in 1066 and kneww how to build castles, and that allowed them to rule over for 4 centuries over Anglo-Saxons.
Anglo-saxons who did not know how to build castles. Castle were being built on the European mainland about 2 centuries before the Normans invaded England.

Th 12 centuries [considered majestic] of small-in-number selfish groups of people building castles for themselves,
is a way to ensure a 13th century of the rule of the few over the many.

Small groups of satanists intend to ensure that the 21st century becomes their Majestic 13th century of satanic selfishness,
through their ideology of building modern day castles for themselves , or similar activity.
[PNAC, the 'Project for the American Century' seems to be very much connected Majestic-12]

Majestic-12 and its connection to Cowboy Western movies, has something to do with groups of castle-building-knights
upgrading their organisations to knights armed with guns.

THe Knights who fought during the Crusades were less technologically advanced than their Islamic opponents.
The armour of Western European knigfhts is derived from the armour of Persian knight called Cataphracts,
and from invention of the horse stirrup.
Persian Cataphracts existed hundred of years before European knights.Persian Cataphracts were fighting battles against the Ancient Romans.

The similarity between European knights armour and Persian Cataphracts might suggest that the Persians were secretly helping the European crusaders against the Arabic Muslim armies, during the Crusades.
Persians were an Indo-Euopean culture, and the Euopean crusaders were Indo-European.

Euopeans got their knight armour from the Persians(Iranians).
Europeans got their guns from the the Chinese. Marco Polo's travel's along the Silk Road to China. The Chinese invented gun powder.
Sydney University's illegal trading scheme to Iran and China, is very connected with Majestic-12
----<------br /> The Majestic-12 american plan of extermination against the developing nations, and its association with knights armed with guns,
is probably very much connected with homosexual crime organisations such as N.A.M.B.L.A.
NAMBLA members are probably portrayed as rich cowboy western types.
Majestic-12 and NAMBLA are probably very much nterwined with each other.

=>(implies) The American homosexual crime organisation NAMBLA has had a presence at Sydney University(Australia) over some decades.
The atheistic ideology of 'thus spake zarathustra(Zoroaster)' has to do with European knights getting their armour from Persian Cataphracts.
European knight organisations such as the Knights Templar and Knights of St John are probably followers of Zoroastrianism religious concept (which includes Zoroastrian Satanism - Ahrimanic worship).

Sometimes there are advertisements in the western media about "Gauchos"(South American Cowboys) in countries such as Argentina,Paraguay,Uruguay,Chile.
Such advewrtisements are possibly about Majestic 12(Operation Valkyrie= H.A.O. Armanen Orden plan of enslavement extermination against the developing World Nations,
similar to Hitler's plans of enslavement and extermination . ]

documentary : nazis in the cia
chile , pinochet regime , inhuman experimentation facilities.
[see 24_05_2021.jpg ,also the Ramacci family in Seventh Day Adventist church, probably connections to Chilean Pinochet regime,
and the Oakland County murders in the USA.<---> also the Dansie family.].

research laboratory for inhuman experiments located at colonia dignidad. <--- nase base in south america.
dina chilean secret service .
torture camp , torture school ,
underground torture chambers . looks like a farm on top.
corrupt organisations pretended to look for evidence of torture but did not want to find them. <--- corruption in the United Nations? they did not want to find Nazis in South America.
recuperation centre for nazis. cold war nazis. supported by american cia.
production centre for biological weapons and chemical weapons: e.g. sarin nerve gas.
villa baviera.
german doctor experimented [against humans] at colonia dignidad.

cocaine coup in bolivia -
nazi colonel klaus barbie planned the coup.
klaus barbie the butcher of leon(france)
... barbie hired by american spies . german ss and sd officers hired by american spies(cia)
klaus barbie was considered an important asset.
vichy regime and networks of nazi collaborators in french politics some decades after wortld war 2.
escaped nazis in south america were able to blackmail french government. also cia was blackmailing french politicians.
[eventually such racism over decades has become the European Union organisation?]

south american nazis have made big profits from drug crops.
recent information/deductions;

felicity huntington did not want to do her job to stop racial discrimination.
felicity huntington works at the nsw anti-discrimination board to direct people toward the nsw police office in parramatta.
nsw anti-dscrimination board , parramatta suburb of sydney nsw australia.

when people make a formal discrimination complaint, felicity huntington tries to send them to the racist nsw police.
when people make a formal discrimination complaint, felicity huntington wants them to be murdered by the racist nsw police;

the racist nsw police pretend to be investigating the death curtis cheng, whose killing probably resulted from the buggery injustice activity of star chamber cop david owens.
[is it deliberate racism that a australian-chinese employee of the NSW Police was killed, instead of anglo-celtic police employees being killed?]
the racist nsw police havent wanted to mention the ritual sex/ritual murder activity-star chamber-injustice of star chamber cops such as david owens who worked at parramatta police.
david owens retired from parramatta police in year 2009.david owens has a resemblance to australian media homosexual alan jones.
<--. connection lindt cafe seige 21014 and marsden park lindt factory ?

Australian politician John Howard was in New York city USA , the day that the September 2001 terrorism event.
i.e. John Howard was Australian Prime Minister(Federal Political Leader) in year 2001.

Something needs to be done for a person's civil rights.

Formal charges need to be laid against the NSW Police(a police organisation in Australia)... formal charges against the 3 levels of government in Australia.(Federal...State/Province...County/Shire)
and charges against the Australian education system (secondary school teachers who knew Toni Collette... including Neal winter who needs to be executed for breach of Geneva Convention article 147,
and Sydney University doctors are perpetrators of Nazi Doctor crimes (via Concord Repatriantion Hospital, which was a teaching hospital of the University of Sydney).


when australians are in a group , and australians try to organise themselves socially,
it tends to be the same as the german nazis trying to organise themselves.
i.e. accoridng to an anglo-germaic caste system.

an anglo-germanic caste system implies racism

[when news stories talk about 'the system' letting people down,
is that a hint that australia wants every citizen to conform to the racism of an anglo-celtic caste system

racism should NOT be conformed to.
racism needs to be opposed.
ewan cameron's brainashing experiments with gridiron helmets and recorded messages played over and again , nambla, and slave labour devices,
include activities such as racists continally communicating at someone while inflicting torment/torture/terror,
in the manner of racists wanting to force someone into a raw deal]bad deal]
like anglo-celtic colonists swapping a worthless shiny mirror for south american indian gold,
by continually mentioning how a mirror shines in the sunlight and superstitutious lies about mirror reflections
being a pathway into a parallel world where you can meet your back-to-front double... while applying torture.

so ewan cameron's experiments , nambla, slave labour device are connected with anglo-germanic colonialism/imperialism/racism/nazism.

why did ewan cameron's inhuman experiment happen at all ? anglo-celtic societies are less civilized than they would like to suggest.
anglo-celtic socieities are buggery[sodomy] cultures that practice abominable homosexual crimes behind people's backs while pretending to be friendly....
anglo-celtic socieities ritual sex[sodomy] and ritual murder cultures, like sodom and gomorrah described in the bible.



the church of scientology is a groups of mccarthyist brainwashed buggers[military intelligence faggots with similarities to the village people.
they probably get upset when people call them undercover fags].
their organisation was formed during the era of american senator mccarthy's persecution of russians, and people who associated with russians.
mccarthy made a comment about robert oppenheimer being considered as fair game, because of his communist tendancies, and
l ron hubbard made a brainwashed buggery ufo religion around senator mccarthy's comments.
the church of scientology is involved in racism against russians,and others slavic nations, and people with eastern european culture.
edward teller was supportive of the persecution against oppenheimer.
the church of scientology possibly has a strange connection to the germanic thule society. most people would not be told about such.
their connction to the thule society possibly has to do with scientology's hatred of russians and slavs in general.
[the thule society and hollow earth satanism.l ron hubbard was invovled with satanism and was a homosexual boyfriend of satanist jack parsons who became a member jpl nasa.]
,,,---- is richard collins physics lecturer a fan of jack parsons ? has richard collins strived to be a butt-sex-magician[magickian] that made into jpl/nasa like jack parsons ?
this information is suggestive of corruption within nasa.

scientology tends to attract mormon types, and jews who pretend to be slavs.
i.e. russian jews who went into exile to escape russian pogroms.
encoded into some computer games , is leigh chalker's work in a plant nursery.
[plant nursery implies baby plants. leigh is pronounced lee.]
leigh chalker went to the same elementary school classes as toni collette.their families know each other from the same neighbourhood.
after his secondary school attendance finished, he began working in a plant nursery around the year 1991.
chalker some years later in early 2002, chalker was working for the county council. jobs like mowing the grass on a public playing field[cricket field].

nsw police constable P Smith has possibly tried to cover up information about leigh chalker's work in a plant nursery.
P Smith has a resemblanced to trevor chalker. leigh is the son of trevor chalker.

also to mention, leigh chalker's househould were listed in the phone directory, but when someone from a
migrant family phoned them up, the chalker took their name out of the phone book. their phone number became a silent number.

around the same time period, it became known that andrew millett got into trouble with police because millett was making nuisance phone calls.
millett referred to his nusiance calls as 'threat calls'.

nsw police constable P Smith possibly has a connection to television cop Lt. Joe Kenda from the Colorado Springs Police Department

nsw police constable P Smith possibly has a connection to the music video by duke dumont music group which portrays the sinaloa cartel crime organisation from south america,
a criminal wearing a mask of elizabeth windsor or her son andrew windsor
there are criminals escaping with pogo sticks, and a policeman on a segway scooter.
in duke dumont music videos, is mentioned the 'blaise boys club' which might be something like a scout group with access to technology items.

[leigh chalker told few people about his work at the plant nursery ? why ? was chalker trying to lure someone to chalker's plant nursery place of employment?
was chalker trying to lure someone , to murder them , to stop them from attending university ?

people from sydney university appear less on television programs, much less than they used to.
this is probably an indication that sydney university has something to university is afraid of media scrutiny.
this is probably an indication that sydney university is afraid of legal action, a court case.
[ and an international law case should occur against sydney university. sydney university is a homosexual nazism university that is involved in illegal experiments against humans.

In Year 1985 (sometime around 1985) , there was a song playing on the car radio, when Jim Cameron was driving his cricket team to training.
It was possibly called "Masquerade" , and the lyrics were something like "dancing with somebody else" or "everyone's somebody else".
The song sounded similar to the "Doctor Hook" music group but was probably another music group.
('if you're in love with a beautiful woman' was one of Dr Hook's songs.) Music Bands like Doctor Hook possibly have Peter Pan(Disney), and Pirate themes.
It seems to be difficult to find the existence of the "Masquerade" song the internet.
It possibly a song that racists have tried to eliminate from people's memories, (maybe because it became the basis of a Project Monarch cybernetic slavery conspiracy).
The Cameron family listened to an AM radio station called 2 S M , whose slogan was "rock of the 80s : 2 S M".

When internet mentions the "Mandela Effect" , it is possibly has to do with groups of racists trying to eliminate meomories of things that people have seen or heard some years ago.
1985 was a during the South African Apartheid era, when Nelson Mandela was in prison because he was a political dissident.
The year before it was 1984, which corresponded to George orwell's book about big brother surveillance,earth ruled by totalitarian regimes and in a state of continual war.
Selina Bonello facially resembles terrorist Carlos the Jackal.[Selina Bonello looks like his sister of his cousin].
Jimmy Saville ---- George Lucas (film maker, make of Star Wars) ---- Steven Spielberg(film maker)--- Jeffrey Epstein.

[About The ewok leader "Chief Chirpa" and their celebration at the end of film Return of the Jedi:
'Chief Chirpa' sound similar to the lyrics of a very popular song from year 1971 : a song that is possibly represented with Tweety Bird T-shirts.]

Australians seem to very much hate expressions such as :
"you worthless convict descendants. "

[Anglo-celtic Australians are descended from convicts(criminals) that were brought to Australia by ships.]

when aussies are being noisy:
Keep quiet, you worthless convict descendants ! You worthless aussie criminals.





In year 2013. This information was sent to consulates/embassies in Sydney Australia , in the context of Blacktown county/Shire being pepretatrators illegal experiments against humans.

In year 2013. This information was sent to consulates/embassies in Sydney Australia , in the context of Blacktown county/Shire being pepretatrators illegal experiments against humans.

Operation Hammer was mentioned as illegal activity by the NSW Police, in which teenagers sold drugs to people.
Roger Rogerson and Deborah Wallace were members of the NSw Police involved in Operation Hammer.
[Operation Hammer is not about investigating crimes.
Operation Hammer needs to be defined as Australia finding ways to make money from ways that Australia has hypocritically labelled as illegal.
i.e. Operation Hammer is part of Australia's "Underground Economy"/"Shadow Economy" .

2 men from Blacktown Hospital tried to cover this information up. One of the men was called "Ashley" (his given name.

Ashley worked in connection with Enda Bannan.
Blacktown Hospital is near to aa secondry school called St Patricks, St Patricks was in the news about homosexual crimes committd by teachers against students.
and medicqal doctor Enda Bannan was described as committing homosexual crimes.

Ashley worked in connection with Enda Bannan. There was a doctor Haig that knew a Chris from the AFP(Federal Police),
but doctor Haig , but when Chris surname was asked about, Dr Haig did not want to give his surname.

Also , working together with Bannan and Haig and was a Dr Sloss. Dr Sloss resemblesJosef Kramer the "Beast of Belsen" concentration camp form World War 2.
Recent information suggests that Ashley is a relative of a corrupt policeman from 1995 who was walking from Blacktown Police station, back to train line to catch a train to Penrith.
The policeman was told about Ivan torkich, to arrest him , but he did not want to do something to arrest Ivan Torkich.

The policeman probably knows Brad Morgan, who was working at Blacktown Police , and later at Penrith Police.

Instead of trying assist in prosecuting the NSW police, Blacktown Hospital has tried to steal a home ,
through Ashley from blacktown Hospital (a relative of the racist corrupt policeman described).

[Charges need to be laid against Blacktown Police, and Blacktown Hospital.





Western spy organisation that have been doing subversion in the middle eas, such spy organisation use the as a code the Novels "Dune" by Frank Herbert.
Dune has a family whose name is similar to Saddam.

ISIS - She is is using the words "I" and "SIS". She says she is a sister.
ISIL-K - She says she is silk - 'Silk Road' trade route connection.
maria sharapova ----- boy george ---- alison mack(NVIXM sex cult=nexium,sodomy brainwashing cult) -----------------------------------------------

brian henderson had joseph menghele connection, canary islands
greg anderson's mother probably related to Brian Henderson.
Greg Anderson the friend of Toni Collette(actress).

Milan Terzic's wife Gewn probably involved in Bubonic plague attacks(live vaccine Yoph <---> Blacktown Hospital is involved in illegal resesarch with Vaccines. e.g. tuberculosis vaccines).,
via her involvement with safe bases(sodomy bases,star chambers) and the Adventist Church,
Gwen Terzic became deluded/brainwashed into believing that she was prophetess.
had a friend Esther Burnett who began living in the same home as herself and her husband Milan Terzic.
Gwen Terzic sent many people letters with prophecies that 1 in 2 will die (similar to the Great Plague of London in 1666)
Gwen Terzic changed her name to Hephsibah Beulah.
[This probably relevent to Mert Nay's killing of Michaela Dunn. maybe he was taking revenge against Gwen Terzic's relatives.]


Steve Jackson books have "Space Olympics" themes <---->1990s Movie: Space Jam (similarities to Roger Rabbit) <--> Detroit Secret Space Program
Deduction: Sydney University illegal trading network.
Sydney University find people from Scout groups, such as Peter Dunn.Joshua Cameron was in the same Scout group & Anglican weekend camp group as Peter Dunn.

Peter Dunn resemblance to Christiaan Huygens(17th century Scientific Researcher,Watchmaker,Mechanical calculating machines with gears) <----> British East India Company)

The movie stargate(1994) is from the illegal trading activity of Sydney University.
Detroit/Chicago USA (fake Swiss watches)---New York City USA (used to called New Holland) ----- Holland --- Switzerland.
[Sydney University found Peter Dunn and his Scout Group.
Faces in the movies Stargate 1994: Peter dunn knows Andrew Millett, Nathan Martin , Brett Beehag.


[there is a scene in Stargate 1994 with Kurt Russel talking to a native boy.
In that movie scene, Kurt Russel looks very much like Brett Beehag during Beehag's time as Secondary School Student.

Biblical advice about what to do against homosexual corruption (homosexual nazism) : 1Samuel 15:3
[A international court could legally execute such criminals]

Homsexual crime organisations such as NAMBLA are corrupt organisations that want their cake (whole) and to eat their cake too"
NAMBLA starts provoking people (for no apparent reason),
and NAMBLA tries to murder people who decide to resist the provocation.

Quotes by Nick Begich : Doctor of Medicine (Medicina Alternitiva).
He was twice elected President of both the Alaska Federation of Teachers and the Anchorage Council of Education.
Documentary: Angels Dont Play This H.A.A.R.P.

the ability to track people is again a violation of what we consider a right to privacy...

think about the first amendment, the idea of freedom of speech ,freedom of religion ,freedom of the press: all [of those] first require freedom of thought
,freedom to feel,what it is that you intend to feel and not something imposed upon you from some external force out of your control ...

what bothers me most is that the united states army , in disclosing all of these technologies, lays out the sort of scenario, of how to change Americamn values,
to more closely correlated to the introduction of bnew weapons technologies . This is not the role of United State Army
[i.e. This should not be the activity of the United State Army because it is outside the stated purpose of the United States Army ...]

Charlie McCaskill Mathematics lecturer from Sydney University probably has some connection to homosexual; judge David Yeldham and his habit of visiting public toilets at night to find perverse sex partnets,
Also Stephen Fowler NSW Police Inspector General, whose son Lucas Fowler was killed in Canada,
There is reason to beleive that the Foiwler family has connections to homosexual jusge David Yeldham.

Current Prime Minister Scott Morrison posssibly has a connection to homosexual judge David Yeldham, and also a Computer training course via a 1990s organisation called "Western Sydney Itec" located at a multilevel building/small skyscraper in Parramtta NSW Australia.
Western sydney Information Technology centre.

Also Policemen mentioned above in connection with shopping centre racism incidents in year 2019 NSW Police Sargeant Guyeregger and P. Smith possibly have some connection to the corruption of homosexual judge David Yeldham.
Guyeregger probably has association to Dutch Boer Apartheid Racists (Afrikaner Nationalist extremists/neo-nazis).
Some people rejoiced at the death of Afrikaner Nationalist racist Eugene Terreblanche, and Guyeregger is poassibly connected to Dutch Boer racists who have been seeking revenge over years.
Nazi Bell (Nazi occupied Poland, Lusation Mountains ,Wenceslas Mine=underground slave labour facility. <-----> Project Put Put (USA, Operation Paperclip) <-------> Project Orion (USA, Operation Paperclip)
[Project Put Put & Dyson Freeman , Stanislav Ulam, probably to do with why Golf hsd become a game that attracts scientists, engineers, etc.
Golf a venue that groups of racists plan Secret Space program nazism in their local communities? In Australia, golf is possibly a place to find American racists.]
Jerry Ford is so dumb he can't fart and chew gum at the same time.
Lyndon B. Johnson (1960s American President).

Question: do male prostitutes chew gum and fart (pass wind) ? <--- Lyndon B Johnsion American politician involved with male prostitution ? NAMBLA .
American Call Boys <--> Late 1980s Washinton Call Boy Scandal (Ronald Reagan political era)."

Rosemary Hunter in Sydney Australia is a Ladybrid Johnson double.
Hunter was living in the neighbourhood where Toni Collette was raised.
during the Summer of 1984-85 , Rosemary Hunter moved with her husband Stuart to Woodford(suburb) in the Bue Mountains west of Sydney.

something mentioned on the internet, during an online game with many people:

why is |nickname| making a counterfeit by attaching a nervous slavery device against another person?
The device makes sounds in the stomach and digestive system of another person.

|nickname| ids the real homosexual. homosexual makes similar sounds when someone shoves a cock up his ass.]

|nickname| is an antichrist. He makes countefeit against another person, by attaching a slavery device to nerves of another person.
[1John 2:18]


[A media connection betwen Drug trafficking and Slavery]

Liliana Pavlek probably became involved with a group of drug traffickers that make long term promises to people.
They are involved intergenerational conspiracies, including intergenerational slavery conspiracies.

Such drug traffickers seek to unjustly advantage some people
and to unjustly disavantage other people.

Such drug traffickers are probably connected to eastern orthodox church denominations.

Such drug traffickers are involved in observing people, in the manner of visiting locations once a year, or once every 10 years,
to see how people's lives have developed, or to see how their racism/slavery conspiracies are making some people's lives slowly die.

such drug traffickers teach people how to visit homes, in the manner of "witching hours". <-- e.g. The 1960s tv series "Bewitched" .
To visit people once or twice a year,
in an uncaring manner,to visit a place for not more than 1 hour at a time, in a way that is not meant to help the peolpe that are visited,
in a manner where the people that visited are observed not helped, in way to make trouble for the people that are visited,
to visit in a manner where people wont remember what they really need to ask the visitors.

Such drug traffickers make music videos, maybe every 5 - 10 years, to describe how their observation conspiracies against people.
The music videos have psychedelic themes,
and also "doll house slavery" themes, people existing in SQUARES that are like rows of houses with their roofs lifted off,
and someone viewing the homes from above.

e.g. after year 1990
Dlite - Grove is in the heart
[Dlite sounds like a variety of Ski yoghurt ]

after year 2010
Junkie XL - A Little Less Conversation <-- there are some robotic human scenes in the music video(cybernetic slavery)
[XL sounds like a shirt size ]
Possibly <-- RSL and Sydney University connections.
The singers are probably NOT oommunists. Doug Anthony was a right wing politician in Australia.
They are more like Laissez-Faire (anything goes) Capitalists, like in the Weimar Republic that preceded Nazi Germany.
[This news story occurred near to where Liliana Pavlek lives. Also Liliana's brother Tom and his wife Evica
have probsbly visited the Park near to where this news story occurred. Greg Meller's RSL club rugby league team trained at that park where this news story occurred . ]

Greg Meller and the RSL Club that Greg Meller played Rugby league for, have probably become allied with such drug traffickers.
Greg Meller is an Elvis fan.
In the late 1980s , Greg Meller mentioned that he wanted to forcibly "socialise" people. His comment was ambiguous.
Greg Meller probably began mixing with homosexuals(buggers), and then he wanted to force people to mix with homosexuals(buggers)
as some kind of revenge against people who avoid bad associations.






brett midddlebrook's family possibly has connection to a 1984 music video.

boys of summer by don henley

is middlebrook an anglo-celtic australian 'call boy' with connections to the usa ?
[jim cameron was a cricket coach of brett middlebrook. joshua cameron was the son of jim cameron.

was 1984 a big year for advertising the underground economy in australia] ?

the 2021 song by vance joy some connection to the don henley's song ? an counterfeit to attempt to make such groups look heterosexual ? some connection to paul galea and hisindustrial plant hire equipment ?

Vance Joy - Missing Piece (Official Video)
about wayne brodie and his brother eddy. the brodie family lived across the road from joshua cameron.

brodie lighting company ---- edison electric company [often symolised by electric light bulbs].
[in the context of edison electric company stealing technology from nikola tesla. tesla's ground ionosophere antennas misused to do slavery experiments against humans

Dr Matthew Greene(historan) is part of a fan club of Henry 7th & Henry 8th.
ugly red headed people join such a fan club to find companions(practcally it is an american-style dating for red headed people=red haired people).
Charlie McCaskill homosexual mathematics lecturer from Sydney University is part of such a fan club.

[A first approxomation at defining the slavery activity which the NSW Police make money from(underground economy, star chamber cops activity).
To define such racist activity is a way for perverse racists to be more easily investigated, more easily prosecuted.]

In a documentary "History of Spain" by Simon Bell Montefiore, slavery activity is defined as racists conspiring to uproot someone from the culture they were born into.

Ssdistic homosexuals in Australia are taught to make business out of slavery activity: perverse racists separating males and females from the same culture.
If your parent was eastern european culture,and brought you up in eastern european culture in the home, sadistic aussie homosexuals plan/enact violent attacks
against you when they think you might become friendly with a female with eastern european culture.

After males are attacked, then the sadistic homosexuals convey suggestions that you can only go with these ugly females (from an alien culture) that look similar to sadfistic homosexual males that sodomised the ugly females.
the sadistic homosexuals convey suggestions that it is no longer possible to go with females of the same culture as you.
the sadistic homosexuals convey suggestions that it is no longer possible to go with heterosexual females.

[e.g. the music video My My My by Armand Van Helden
the music video has a small male resembling a dwarf variety of businessman Richard Branson, and a big ugly female resembling NASA satanist jack parsons.She could be Jack Parson;s sister or cousin.
There is a female of another race in the music video, and she is probably a racism collaborator, corrupted to segregate into an unknown culture, someone that sadistic homosexuals have attacked.

The sadistic homosexuals make a business out of such slavery activity. Males are advertised to females in some way, but the meeting between males and females are prevented by sadistic aussie homosexuals.
The females become corrupted by the sadistic homosexuals.

Deduction: That is what the police racism in year 2019 at Marsden Park/Colebee and Stanhope Gardens was partly about : a significant factor in the police racism in shopping areas.

Slavery/Eugenics charges need to be laid against such sadistic homosexuals. THeir Slavery networks extend into the NSW Police. <--- Charges against the NSW Police are required.
Names : Sadistic homsoexuals/sodomites such as Charlie McCaskill , Adam Burne, Katrina Nichols , ... , Keith Leyshon and Vietnam Veteran racists connected to Jim Cameron...
Charlie McCaskill <--?--> Richard Branson.

castles upgraded into floating cities <---- space orbits are a way to build floating castles called Space Stations <----- nuclear propulsion space ships built in orbit.
[majestic 12 - pagans satanists racists rising into the sky and escaping the destruction upon earths surface, like a reversal of the bible imagery of christ and his
apostles/disciples meeting in the air.

brexit decoded - european union is third reich in disguise , and britain & its colony australia is committing nazi doctor crimes.
so britain has tried to distance itself from the european union.
they are nazi prostitutes that make promises from afar, then they forget their promises and they set up violence against the person that they promised something unknown to.
they are nazi prostitutes that make promises from afar, then they forget their promises and call the police on the person that they promised something unknown to.
racists that make unknown promises behind people's backs.
<------ shopping centre racism
they are nazi prostitutes that from afar pretend to be friendly.
<----- prostitutes from the nazi lebensborn program.

they are nazi ideology followers, and their nazi ideology has some overlap with the the totalitarianism ideology of the tianamin square massacre.
They are about sending in the inhuman border guards, that care nothing about a person coming dux of one's high school,
they care nothing about a person being a university
student. they are about sending in the inhuman border guards that want to do racism against people,
in a way where they dont want people to be able to speak ,they they dont want people to exist in the society.

the nazi lebensborn program is a system in opposition to the Geneva Convention ,
the nazi lebensborn program a system in opposition to civil rights laws/human rights laws/anti-racial-discrimination-laws.

the prostitutes from the nazi lebensborn program need to be executed because of the horrible things they are doing against people's civil rights.
In suburban areas that are corrupted by nazi lebensborn programs, such racists are involved in reversing the need to execute nazi lebensborn racists.
In suburban areas that are corrupted by nazi lebensborn programs, the racists are inflicting arbitrary death sentences upon people who oppose racism.
<---- Elizabeth Windsor is corrupted by the Nazi Lebensborn activity.Elizabeth Windsor is a supporter of the homosexual nazism of the Nazi Lebensborn program
, as a way to do anglo-celtic racism(anglo-celtic nazism, celtic cross nazism, ku kux klan nazism <---- David Duke ideology whose ideology is about unifying
the Ku Klux Klan and Neo-naism in the form of people in business suits workng in the town centres of racist areas
(suburban areas that have been corrupted by nazi lebensborn programs.)



invitation only venues that are not people's homes , are possibly the basis for underground economy/shadow economy.
masonic halls, safe bases , infrastructure camera systems hidden in shopping areas/commercial areas...., jeffrey epstein's private island.

Jose A. Rodriguez Jr(Junior) Former CIA Director , CIA interrogation/torture program <--resembles is a face double of -> Reza Hashemi-Nezhad (physicist that worked at Sydney University during the 1990s

[Reza Hashemi-Nezhad has some resembance to Qasem Soleimani the Iranian General who was killed in January 2020 by Americans.
Iran promised terrible revenge against the USA, and some weeks later Coronavirus COVID-19 became a world epidemic.
Western Nations that prided themselves about being able to dress however they want,to dress themselves however immorally they want,
began to cover their faces (with face masks) , similar to people in Muslim countries such as Iran, Afghanistan,... who cover their faces with clothing such as Burqas,niqabs,hijabs .
Countries such as Iran, Afghanistan are on the Silk Road trade route which leads to China.
about organisations such as the taliban, al-qaeda, and islamic state ; they are organisations that were probably trained and armed by the american cia spy organisation, as part of pnac.
can such organisations as the taliban, al-qaeda, and islamic state be consider middle eastern SECRET SPACE PROGRAMS AND MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEMES ?

Are islamic state soldiers a middle eastern version of 'Star Ship Troopers' with a Dune Novels survivalist theme ?

See above 'space orbits are a way to build floating castles called Space Stations' in connection with mj-12
The international space station as a method to build a project orion starship in orbit.

stories about islamic state capturing western women , possibly has a correspondence to secret space programs and foreign wives illegal immigration schemes.

and western illegal immigration networks tend to pass through middle eastern countries such as israel, qatar , dubai
... money is more easily laundered through nations that care less about western law systems, that care less about human rights.

jeffrey epstein's illegal betting activity against people's lives <-------> insurance companies [such companies put monetary values upon people's lives] <------> modern slavery methods.
jeffrey epstein's illegal betting activity against people's lives <-------> loan shark companies [money laundering ,laundering of crime-money via the underground economy ,]

1)insurance companies were very much advertised on rupert murdoch's pay tv network.

2)loan shark companies were very much advertised on rupert murdoch's pay tv network.
loan shark companies launder money, by lending out money from questionable sources ,lending out to many different people.
loan shark companies such as citibank[citicorp], cash train , etc.
does cash train loan shar company sound like it connected to the great train robbery by Ronald Biggs ?

quote by Johyn Chris Kiriakou(Former US intelligence Officer).
"Look at Syria. The United States is arming and financing the Nusra front. That is an Al-Qaeda group .
How do you explain that to the American people? That this is the same group (or at least an offshoot of the group) that murdered 3000 Americans on 1 day, and now we are sending them weapons and money. "

ralph quitadamo's family in sydney australia probably has a connection to serial killer activity in california usa called 'the bone yard'.
thte bone yard serial killer is said to be similar to the zodiac killer.

quitadamo's neighbours were the weston family who resemble nazi brown shirts leader earnst roehm and serial killer john wayne gacey.
the weston family would be turning their backyard into some kind of graveyard scene. using a rectangular piece of foam , they made a small grave for their dog that died.

the bone yard serial killer was associated with suicide through cyanide capsules. suicides by cyanide capsules were methods used by world war 2 nazis.

elisha forth had a friend called cathy lake.

margaret cameron is similar in appearance to an actress from the movie waterworld, staring kevin costner.
margaret cameron, and her relatives/troublemakers who appeared in her neighbourhood (near the home of an old ukrainian woman coppak-adamov) have similar appearance to an actress from the movie waterworld, starring kevin costner.
margaret cameron, and corrupt policewoman katrina nichols have similar appearance to an actress from the movie waterworld, starring kevin costner.
people in her neighbourhood are probably fans of the movie 'waterworld'. the greenhouse effect was being mentioned in the 1980s media ... around the time of the boneyard serial killer .

orange county california is mentioned,which is an enclave of hippies, and drug trafficking organisations such as 'the brotherhood of eternal love'.
george bush's family probably has connections to the such a drug trafficking organisation.
[also hippies and serial killers ,------- charles manson's helter skelter ideology.]

in secondary school during the 1980s, some of students were singing a song from the movie 'bugsy malone'. names; brian hill , jamie hatson, and neil who lived near terry feeny.
they were singing the song 'my name is tallulah' , possibly with lyrics about someone waiting for them in a tree .
during roll call at the end of the day, students would gather together in class room about 10 minutes before they went home. students who did not have anything to do with each other.
their roll call teacher was called mr horne.

there is a possibility that the bone yard serial killer had something to do with the movie bugsy malone. i.e. underground economy activity to do with the movie bugsy malone.

also connected to the court proceedings of the boneyard serial killer, are possibly faces similar to ivan milat[serial killer around belanglo state forest],
adventist marian barabba who attend granville adventist church in sydney nsw australia during the 1990s,
and pat buchanan usa politician.

also, the singer post malone, whose name might suggest some kind of an existence after the movie 'bugsy malone'.perhaps some people lived the bugsy malone way and survived ,or a still surviving.
his song about his life being a circle sounds similar to a school music book known to actress toni collette and the people she used to go to school with.
zachary etcell was a fan of such a song from toni collette's school song book. zachary etcell was the son of man resembling alois hitler.
[historically, from world war 2, hitler and roehm were iniitally ideological allies.

zachary etcell[resembles hitler] ------- jason weston[resembles ernst roehm] ---- ralph quitadamo . they know each other from associations with louise davis and peter payne, and from elementary school.

jodie foser was an actress in the movie bugsy malone, and during health class, conducted by a teacher called mr weichmann[pronounced wish-man] , a jodie foster movie called 'foxes' became a subject of discussion.
michael kostic,tony amabile and their friends seems to be very enthusiastic about discussing the movie 'foxes'. so they are probably fans of the 'bugsy malone' moive.

the bone yard serial killer and kim wilde songs; in 1981 , singer kim wilde started singing about kids in america, and some time later she was singing about cambodia a country that has mass graves from the khmer rouge from the pol pot political era.
cambodia is near vietnam in a region the western media used to call indo-china or french indo-china.
simon townsend
kim wilde[singer] ----- Ilona Staller [aka cicciolina].

there is possibly united nations corruption involved in the boneyard serial killer activity. during the late 1980s-early 1990s, there were television advertisements for unicef.
a man appeared in unicef adverts whose appearance was similar to photos of Leonard Thomas Lake.
the man in the unicef advertisements spoke with a voice similar to the narrator of the 'the deadliest catch' television series.

[see above also information about peter dalglish convicted homosexual criminal who worked in the united nations.]

also mentioned in documentaries about the bone yard serial killer ; san francisco police, california cops ,

is ralph quitadamo a friend of convicted killer mert ney ?
is mert nay a bone yard killer , along with the quitadamo family, and the weston family ?

the bone yard serial killings appeared in the media around the same time 1984-85 as the quitadamo family became unfriendly toward people that ralph quitadamo had invited to his home.
donny quitadamo , the brother of ralph quitadamo , became unusually hostile, and shane pisani began wolf whistling at males.

further additional informaion 19/09/2021 :[begin-of-additional-info]{ Some months after Ralph Quitadamo invited a person to his home, Ralph Qutiadamo began to use a word that sounded like FAHN-GOO-LOO.
It has been disocvered that the word used by Ralph Quitadamo is a probably a variation of the word FANCULO, which means 'get lost, or some italian will screw you up the backside'
Based upon the way that Ralph quitadamo was using the word, and the presence of older italian males that were hostile at a local church,
such as the Toni Azzopardi's older brother Italian culture, the word Fanculo is probably used by older males against younger males:
bigger older stronger males against smaller younger males who are physically weaker because they are younger. i.e. In Italian culture,
older males are probably sodomizing younger males.

Ralph Quitadamo started using the word Fahn-goo-loo(Fanculo) around the same time that his brother Donny Quitadamo became unusually hostile.
Ralph Quitadamo started using the word Fahn-goo-loo(Fanculo) probably by older italian males,such as his parent.

Ralph Quitadamo came near people and then called them a Fahn-goo-loo.
e.g. Ralph Quitadamo came near Jerrod Henderson and said "Jerrod you Fahn-goo-loo" .

Question: were the parents of Ralph Quitadamo planning to commit a homosexual crimes against people that Ralph Quitadamo was inviting to his home?
information possibly relevant to Beatles music networks, Jeffrey Epstein.
Ralph quitadamo --- Glen the lookalike of Ringo Starr Beatles drummer--- (Bucks Fizz music group=Sherbet themes? 'Bucks' possibly a reference to school sports teams,sometimes displayed on caps ? )
A buck is an adult male deer, antelope, reindeer, or rabbit...
Bucks Fizz - Making Your Mind Up . <---- lyrics about being taken from behind.
Glen has a slight resemblance to the blond male singer in the green torso clothing.
GLEN has DARK HAIR. Is Glen a relative of Stuart Hunter the husband of Rosemary Hunter ?
Rosemary Hunter & Jenny Black <----> Girlfriend music group(aka GF4 music group) Michelle Heidenreich has a Nazi Lebensborn surname
<---> Jimmy Saville & Sally Carr from Middle Of The Road music group.Carr resemblance to Gisela Heidenreich(Nazi Lebensborn)

Mark Virgona lives in the home where "Rosemary Hunter used to live in until year 1985".Mark Virgona has facial similarities to Jimmy Saville.
Jimmy Saville = Jimmy of Seville? Seville is the capital and largest city of the Spanish autonomous community of Andalusia and the province of Seville.
Similarly, Virgona is a Spanish name
Saville/Seville , Virgona <----> Benjumea spanish-jew family Slave Traders.

[Glen and his older male friend live in a home on the same street as the Quitadamo home.
Glen's home is in Ralph Quitadamo's street , on a path between Ralph Quitadamo's home and where "Elisha Forth lived around a street corner: on an adjoining street". Haysi Fantayzee - Shiny Shiny 1983 music group . <----- predecessors of Boy George ? David Christian seemed obsessed with Hazsi Fantayzee.


actor marco della cava <---resemblance---?-> boris the serbian friend of dumitru evgeniu . i.e boris the effeminate serbian.
[marco della cava played the character pepino in the 1973 christmas special 'the small miracle';
it was a film that kept appearing on australian television some years after 1973 , during christmas periods.]


See the diagram near top of this webpage: 15_09_2021.jpg15_09_2021.jpg

MYSTERIES SOLVED ! :bronze age civilizations had meteoritic iron tools to build structures such as pyramids,to carve stones, to bore holes/cores in stone,...
Superstitious religious cults of Cubes, and Brainwashing Religious cults of Cubes still exist in the modern world.

Jeffrey Epstein was part of a brainwashing Cube cult:
Harvey Weinstein is part of a brainwashing Cube cult:
The Black Cube story is enormous and carries over into the MeToo movement, into the surveillance and intimidation of journalists,...

the nsw police in australia are corrupted by male prostitution/poofter parlours/star chambers, and that results in modern day racism/nazism.
sodomy is a way to brainwash people into racial segregation/racism/nazism in a country that claims to have anti-discrimination laws.
Australia is a country that claims to have anti-discrimination laws, but Australia doesn't care about aboout racial discrimination and prefers to follow it aussie silly bugger corruption.

some aussie brainwashed bugger comes near and asks "is there anyone else to talk to (is there anyone pale skinned to talk to in this home?)".
[the aussie berainwashed bugger shoud not have come near at at all, he is being a nuisance.
The aussie brainwashed bugger asks an unnecessary question because he is brainwashed into believing that only pale skinend people should own homes.

His aussie sodomy brainwashing results in an unnecessary situation of a racist-whose-backside-has-been-disturbed-by-aussie-sodomy-customs bothering a home that is not his.
His aussie sodomy brainwashing results in an unnecessary situation of a racist-whose-backside-has-been-disturbed-by-aussie-sodomy-customs promoting his racist belief that only pale skinned people should own homes.

So after needlessy bothering a home that is not his, the aussie brainwashed bugger says there is nothing further to talk about. he only has something to do with pale skinned people.

the home owner gets angry and replies " This household has nothing to do with male prostitutes. This household has nothing to do with you anglo-celtic ritual prostitutes (aka aussie silly buggers)."
the home owner gets angry and replies " Dont do your skin colour talk around me. There are supposed to be anti-racial-discrimination laws. I want those anti-racial-discrimination laws applied against you aussie buggers."
the home owner gets angry and replies " dont waste people's time. dont bother a home that isn't yours. dont steal homes (you worthless aussie convict descendant).

This is further reason why the NSW Police needs to be formally charged with racism offences, because the NSW Police are corrupted by male prostitution.
the NSW Police and their "Hazing rituals"(ritual-sadism rituals) are connected to the police bugging scandal that mentions Catherine Burn,Nick Kaldas...].
When the NSW Police become desperate about preventing legal cases, the NSW Police send prostitutes at people, as way of ritually murdering people.
[whih suggests the family murders news stories that were occuring around year 1988 had something do with the South Australian police trying to prevent legal cases going to court.]

[[and this is further information about the need to press formal charges against the brainwashed bugger aussie male prostitutes/paedophiles at home 291.






25_09_2021_002.jpgbr />

Recent discovery: Mark Virgona is a "Norwegian-Jew" type with a Spanish/Portuguese surname.
Mark Virgona is a "Telemark-Norwegian-Jew" type with a Spanish/Portuguese surname. <--- Jews in Norway.
Vrgona is probably a relative of Stewart Hunter,miss Jenny Black Toni Collette's school teacher from 1983,
... incestuous aussie families moving out of a neighbourhood and then moving their relatives into a neighbourhood.

Mark Virgona's wife is said to come from Thailand, but she resembles a missing person from Cambodia <--?--> "The Bone Yard" serial killer themes.
[Mark Virgona probably married her in connection with his homosexual sex holidays to South-East-Asian countries such as Cambodia, Thailand ...

Mark Virgona needs to be charged with a 'Theft Conspiracy'
and worse charges.

Mark Virgona and his connections have tried to steal a property:
-A by having a presence around a property,

-B by setting up a situation of nazi doctor crimes
(illegal experiments against humans) against the household who owns the property).
[via attempted murder(racial violence attack) that occurred at the front of a shopping centre.]

-C by trying to cover up the experiments,
through theft conspiracies,
through murder conspiracies <--- Virgona probably has formed friendships with the household of aussie paedophiles at house number 291,and a Ken Fulham spray painter from 'Ken Fulham Signs' business.

wisdom concept : beware of strangers .
why does male cousin [DOZ-???] not care about beware of strangers? Has cousin [DOZ-???] been corrupted? Has cousin [DOZ-???] become a prostitute?
Prostitutes are visited by many strangers, so prostitutes dont care about beware of strangers.

????????? ????????: ????????????? ???????????. ?????? ?????????? ???? [DOZ-??] ?? ????????? ? ???, ????? ???????????? ???????????? ??????? ?????????? ???? ?????????
?????????? ???? ???? ????????????? ??????????? ???????? ????? ???????????, ??????? ??????????? ?? ????????? ? ???, ????????????? ???????????.

[DOZ-???] is his number plate. Someone's cousin came sadistically near in a shopping area during December 2020-January 2021 .
He came near with his car, and did not speak, did not offer a lift to his relative. ]

[DOZ - ???] - ??? ??? ???????? ????. ? ?????? ? ??????? 2020 ???? ?? ?????? 2021 ???? ? ???????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ???-?? ?????.
?? ???????? ?? ????? ??????, ?? ????????????, ?? ????????? ???????? ????????????. ]
Why did cousin [DOZ-???] conspire for many strangers to observe his relative? When his relative finds out something embarrassing about cousin [DOZ-???],
then many strangers discover something embarrasing about cousin [DOZ-???]. Why has cousin [DOZ-???] not cared about many strangers finding out embarrasing things about cousin [DOZ-???] ?
Why does Cousin [DOZ-???] not care about beware of strangers? Has cousin [DOZ-???] become corrupted? Has [DOZ-???] become a prostitute? A ritual prostitute ?

?????? [DOZ-???] ??????????, ????? ?????? ?????????? ????????? ?? ??? ?????????????? ????? ??? ??????????? ?????? ???-?? ????????? ? [DOZ-???],
?????? ?????????? ???????????? ???-?? ????????? ? [DOZ-???]. ?????? [DOZ-???] ?? ????????? ? [DOZ-???], ????? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ? [DOZ-???] ?????????? ?????
???????????? [DOZ-???] ???? ????????????? ?????????? ????????????
To get many strangers to observe someone, Is that the revenge of a prostitute against someone ?
Because cousin [DOZ-???] conspired to get many people to observe his relative, does that mean that cousin [DOZ-???] is a prostitute ?

????? ????????? ?????? ??????????? ????????? ?? ???-??, ??? ????? ??????????? ????-???
????????? [DOZ-???] ??????????, ????? ?????? ???? ????????? ?? ????? ?????????????, ???????? ?? ???, ??? ????? [DOZ-???] - ????????????




Cousin [DOZ-???] could be described as an anti-christ ,inhuman . His relative wrote him a letter some years ago,
that being alone causes unnecessary problems in a country such as Australia.
Australia has many homosexuals who want to prey upon heterosexuals that are socially alone.

Cousin [DOZ-???] replied in a letter that he wanted his relative to be alone, (for no apparent reason).
The letter writing (correspondence) stopped between cousin [DOZ-???] and his relative.

Then years later, cousin [DOZ-???] turned up in a shopping area , with his sadistic antics of coming near ... "

Cousin [DOZ-???] is an anti-christ who is in opposition to the biblical wisdom of
Gen 2:18 Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone...




Liliana Pavlek , her btother Tom , and Liliana Pavlek's daughter Mariana Pavlek have resemblances to people in a missing person's documentary "Disappeared: Murky Waters".
Liliana Pavlek's brother Tom in Sydney Australia has a resemblance to American John Bish, whose family are shown in a missing person's documentary.

Then later, there is a documentary in the same missing person tv series , Brandy Hall is mentioned. Brandy Hall has a resemblance to Christy Chalker
the sister of Leigh Chalker and Jason Chalker.
"Disappeared: Lost Hero "
i.e. Possibly ritual murder/abduction activities between communities in Australia and America.
Rupert Murdoch had a body double called Herman Rockefeller. Rockefeller became a missing person in year 2010.
[The Rockefeller family are French-Dutch and became oil millionaires/billionaires in the United States of America.
Rockefellers were mentors of the Bush family.]

There is possibly some connection to a woman who worked in the Electrical Engineering Administration room/desk near the 3rd year electrical engineering labs in year 1998-99 at Sydney University.
She poaaibly has a resemblance to aomw media pictures of Herman Rockefeller's wife.

The Sydney University electrical engineering neural network computer was near the administration room where she worked.

When one of his body doubles goes missing,as revenge,or to cover up situations resulting from Murdoch's misdeeds ,
Rupert Murdoch possibly sends hired thugs to abduct people via the Project Sunshine program(body snatching).
The aussie paedophiles at house number 291 , are possibly connected to Rupert Murdoch's revenge seeking against activities, 10 years after Murdoch's body double wemt missing.
There was a woman (aged in her 50s?) in a van that drove past house number 291, and she has a resemblance to woman who worked in the Electrical Engineering Administration room/desk
<--- resemblance to australian actress Judy Farr.

rupert murdoch=""> Ghislaine Maxwell , Jeffrey Epstein

See also mention of Australian Rain Corporation (A.R.C. )which has the same initials as Advanced Research Technology a compsny with Neural Networks from 1996 in Southport Queensland Australia.
A saleman called John Walton was calling people by phone, and selling investment packages for Advanced Research Technology in the form of a horse racing program.

Concerning House number 291
Connection discovered to the television series 'Reign' (Adelaide Kane, Kaitlyn Stacey)
and "sleepover club" tv series Channel 10.

Kaitlyn Stacey has similar appearance to Maryann Camilleri, the friend of actress Toni Collette.
Maryann Camilleri aka Maryann Grifa.
Adelaide Kane, possibly a Hitler relative,perhaps similarity to Sandra Sully.

Probably also a connection to a Henry 7th/Henry 8th fan club.

About house number 291 where there are a household of aussie paedophiles/male prostitutes who have been taught to go with fat ugly italian women,

About:The bucked tooth female seen walking her dog.
The bucked tooth female that lives behind them possibly has a connection to
a group of females that appeared without warning in october 2019 on a saturday 1:00 between the Bella Vista railway station and a T-way bus stop.

[It is near Glenwood suburb of Sydney NSW Australia.]
A person was looking for the bus stops around Bella Vista train station, and the group of females appeared without warning.

There is a baptist church on the T-way, however such groups appearing without warning are possibly groups of satanists(Ku Klux Klan families,neo-nazis)
who pass near churches to see who they can lure away from churches.

Standing near the church, there was man that looked similar to the male adopted parent of Jason Harris,similar to the lead singer of the Hoodoo Gurus music band.



deduction 16/10/2021 begin{
Television series called "reign" <------> Project Monarch (aka Nazi Lebensborn).
the tv series probably has Nazi Lebensborn faces, including relatives of Adolf Hitler.


P Smith (police car CN-32-LN on 01/04/2019) Sydney Australia ---- Lt Joe Kenda (Colorado Springs Police) ---- Cheyenne Mountain Military Base
(Base frtified against Electromagnetic Pulse.
A base that Americans do experiments with
technology the Ku Klux Klan stole from Nikola Tesla.
Nikola tesla had an electrical lab in Colorado Springs Colorado USA.]

Cheyenne Mountains military base is probably where Slave Labour devices come from in the USA.
P Smith was trying to cover up the use of a slave device in Sydney Australia.
Joe Kenda possibly looks similar to the maker of the racist film "Birth of a Nation".
It is a silent film that supports the racial terrorism of the Ku Klux Klan.

Cheyenne Mountains military base has probably been taken over by the Ku Klux Klan.

Joe Kenda (television cop) is probably a hint that the Ku Klux Klan in Cheyenne Military has been making money for theemslves
by putting faces in films, faces on television as a way to murder people that oppose racism.

Film maker Ridley Scott is possibly connected to such racist activity.

Birth of a nation , initials = B.O.A.N.
Boan yard <----> Bone Yard
----------------------------------- Boneyard serial killer is possibly about Ku Klux Klan getting into positions of influence over people's lives.

David Duke's statements that the Ku Klux Klan should put on business shirts, and stop buring crosses,
sounds like it is about white-collar work in office settings,
but it really might be often about blue-collar apprenticeships where Ku Klux Klan get into positions to train apprentices.

If the Ku Klux Klan doesn't like someone, they apprenticeship teachers pretend to be friendly but murder those that are trying to learn work skills.

David Duke was a Ku Klux Klan Imperial Wizard for a period of time.
David Duke's ideology is about unifying the Ku Klux Klan qactivity with neo-nazi activity (Nazi Lebensborn/Project Monarch/H.A.O. Armanen orden projects).

Cheyenne mountain military base probably had something to do with The Family murders in South Australia,
and the Port Arthur massacre.

Some kind of Ku klux Klan alliance between Custer and Sheldon from the battle of Little Big Horn.
i.e. Ku Klux Klan racists who consider themselves modern relatives/descendants of Custer and Sheldon.
Bryant probably consider themselves Custers.

Actors Dolph Lundgren , and singer Bruce Sprinsteen are probably connected to Bone yard murders.

Hunter Of Invisible Game by Bruce Springsteen <------> pump it up by Endor <-----> Pump up the volume by M.A.R.R.S.(brother franciso subliminal).
Refrigerated Venison trucks ?
[the bibilical meaning of Endor, possibly translates into ghosts of living people simulated in television sets or computers in the music video.]

Dolph Lundgren became involved with Kyokushim Karate which follows an ideology of seemigly killing people and then trying to bring them back to life.
The Boneyard serial killer activity probably involves perverse racists seemingly strangling their victims to death, and then seeing if they can be revived.
Many victims probably are never revived (many victims probably die from such abominable strangulation games against people's lives.
[Richard Ramirez made comments about such ideology.]




John Howard(Australian Prime Minister)was in New York City USA the day the planes hit the Skyscrapers.
John Howard was doing slavery experiments against someone in Australia.
John Howard was stealing a person's identity(identity theft).
Australia's Howard a surprise 9-11 witness


Nazi Lebensborn program (aka Project Monarch in English Speaking nations such Australia, USA, Britain).
[Practically: A homosexual perversion(sodomy) program that sometimes results in pregnancies.Portrayed as a breeding program.1]
'We only recommend genuinely valuable men as procreators. '
<--- A small group of males sodomising(defiling) a much more numerous group of females.Anglo-Germanic nazi harems.

Nazi League of German Maidens(Organisation) stated officially :
"Although not every German girl can hope to find a husband, you can all become mothers."
Source: The War Files - The occult history of the Third Reich (Part 3).s1e19

Himmler appointed a shadowy [group] of 12 SS leaders...Wewelsberg castle.
<--- To do with Nazi honour rings. Is it the racism that JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings is based upon ?
Tolkien had a Hungarian appearance.


about boneyard serial killer(s) : resemblance to Richard Ramirez in music video 'Got my mind set on you' by George Harrison(Beatles)/Travelling Wilburys
Clockwork slavery themes. Clockwork puppets. gears in the background (and a clockwork ballerina? Possibly a Hitler relative.)

From the neighbourhood where Toni Collette wqas raised:
Angela Morris, Ali Haaki <--- resemblance to Richard Ramirez.
[later to be made into a diagram]
Also another music video
CNC music factory - 'make you sweat(Everybody Dance Now)' <--- Belgium connection.
Possibly connected to Colin Powell (USA miulitary, Pentagon, Born in Caribbean Jamiaca) <----> Willie Brigitte(assassin/terrrorist/criminal born in Caribbean Guadeloupe)
[music video has Gears/Clockwork themes. Confinement to a Pentagon. <---> Colin Powell worked in the Pentagon USA military organisation, later became a political Diplomat for George W.Bush in 2001.
The Pentagon/US Military involved in Cybernetic Slavery conspiracies ?

Haiti, The Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, British Virgin Islands are on a sea path between Jamaica and Guadeloupe.

Powell visited Belgium in early 2001.

Colin Powell <---> Ice-T(1980s Rap music videos and films) and his body double(face double) Freedom Williams from C&C Music Factory. <--> similarities in appearance to Willie Brigitte.
[corruption in music videos and news stories : if people seek to be free(freedom), then someone called freedom is sent to bother a person ?
if people seek to have justice done, then someone with the name Justice is sent to bribe people around, to corrupt a community/suburban area.]

Willie Brigitte claimed to be an assassin who was involved in the killing of Afghan Taliban leader Masood , 2 days before planes hits the World Trade Centre buildings in September 2001.
Brigitte claimed to be behind Masood assassination
Masood was killed by assassins posing as journalists.

This information is another connection between George W. Bush's political administration and the European Union in Brussels Belgium Europe.

About Boneyard serial killer activity, ands its connection to Nazi Lebensborn9Project Monarch):

About Joshua from Brian Hill's rugby union team. see diagram 16_10_2021.jpg
See information about teacher(s) at Parramatta Marist secondary school during the 1980s decade

Perhaps such teacher(s) in Sydney Australia had similarities in behaviour and atttiude to teachers in Reservation Schools such as Kamloops Canada.
If such school teachers were in Canada amongst racial minorities, maybe they would have abused/murdered many more people than in Australia.

Canada: 751 unmarked graves found at residential school
Further information about Baphomet Worship Customs.

Racists making a monoracial space for themselves,
and they pretend to seem friendly because they are merry making with their own race around themselves,
they are happy that someone from another race is alone, and at a distance from their monoracial space.

Then they make promises to a person from another race,
but the group of racists conspires to turn person of another race into a missing person.

The intent of the group of racists is for their to be no person of another race to receive the promises,
as a way for their racist group to steal the promises that have been made.
Information that the Australian Government does not want oters to find out about racist activity in Australia. Racism that the Australian Government probably wont be able to answer, once mentioned.

Australia claims to care about it an anti-racial-discrimination laws. Behind people' backs , Australia has prostiuttes(male prostitputes, female prostitutes) that
come near people, and judge people based upon people upon their appearance without speaking. Such a system of ritual prostitution in Australia, does not care
about what culture people are , what language(s) they might speak , it does not care about how people are brought up .Australia cares more about supporting such racism from safe bases, racism that is designed to
make anti-discrimination-laws of no effect in Australia .
. Australia cares more about supporting such homosexual racism from safe bases, than it cares about enforcing anti-discrimionation laws.

[It is like importing into a cosmopolitan city area the border guards from rural areas that have no racial tolerance toward migrant families,
no tolerance toward people considered a foreign race,no tolerance toward subversion against monoracial cultural or mono-racial-cultures-to-be , in preparation for a massacre with tanks and military equipment in a city area.]

[This is the kind of homosexual nazism activity that Australia needs to be formally asked about in the context of international law. ]


Some recent news stories suggest that NSW Police Officers corruptly compete against criminal organisations such as the Polish Mafia,Serbian Mafia,Croatian Mafia,
in the manner of the NSW Police corruptly profitting from the murders of migrants families.
The activity of the NSW Police results in missing girls from migrant families, missing boys from migrant famil;ies, and child soldier suicide squads such as McLeod and Schmegelsky
who called Australian Lucas Fowler and his girfriend China Deece. Lucas Fowler was the son of NSW Police chief inspector.
Schmegelsky sounds like a Polish name.

Roman Polanski and Ghislaine Maxwell are probably members of the Polish mafia, or closely connected to the Polish mafia.

The death of Gabby Petito and her boyfriend possibly has to do with the corruption between NSW Police and Polish mafia.
[(paedophile network of house number 291 Paedophiles allied with corrupt NSW Police) vs (paedophile network of Pavlek & Stefanovic in Australia and Bish in the USA)]

constable P. Smith and NSW Police Sargeant Guyeregger are NSW Police who know child prostitutes in a corrupt manner.
[Instead of going after criminals who steal ATM cards, P Smith and Guyerregger's group of police bother citizens who child prostitutes are unhappy about. .
e.g. Citizens who are for their own human rights, citizens who go home when suspected child prostitutes appear in shopping areas to make trouble.
[which is probably the same as Ku klux Klan families appearing in shopping areas to make trouble.]

Guyeregger and P. Smith are NSW Police officers who "act tough" or "grand stand" in the sight of child prostitutes,
by bothering citizens without criminal records in shopping areas , while child prostitutes are watching.
Child prostitutes who are angry about citizens being for their human rights.]

Neurosurgeon Marianne Vonau has something to do with the aussie paedophiles at house number 291 , or their pacific islander neighbours (Fijians) ?
Blonde Germanic female neurosurgeon Marianne Vonau possibly hides behind cameras and pretends she is a pacific islander doctor by getting her medical staff to pronounce her surname as 'Von-oo' .

There is reason to believe that
P. Smith and Guyeregger are police who observe people at Rouse Hill Shopping Centre, and then corruptly terrorise people at smaller shopping venues near Rouse Hill such as Stanhope Gardens Village Shopping Centre,
and Greenway Village Shopping Centre, which are acessible by bus from Rouse Hill.

P Smith and Guyerreger's corrupt network of paedophiles possibly had their eyes on some blonde females seen around Glenmore Place Kellyville, and such activity by the corrupt NSW Police possibly has something to do with the death of Gaby Petito in the USA.
Blonde females ritualitistically turning up on buses around 4:00pm on Fridays or knocking on bus windows around 5:30pm and then jogging away.Possibly similarities to Diana Spencer's relatives.
Blonde with a wide mouth, similarity to Kitty Spencer. Wide mouth possibly a Jewish/Arabic trait. Diana Spencer's relative converted to Judaism.

[...P Smith and Guyerreger's corrupt network of paedophiles (including house number 291 in the neighbourhood where Toni Collette was raised) possibly had their eyes on some blonde females seen around Glenmore Place Kellyville, and such activity by the corrupt NSW Police possibly has something to do with the death of Gaby Petito in the USA...
Possibly in a similar manner to how Julian Cadman's family travelled from Sydney Australia to the Spain Europe , and Julian Cadman was killed in Spain.]


Rouse Hill is a centre of the World Antichrist system. Rouse Hill is suburb based upon a graveyard and an Anglican church, around where the Battle of Vinegar Hill was fought.

Rouse Hill has a presence of Diana Spencers relatives. Diana Spencer was a promoter of a Zombie Cult, which has appeared in some music videos such as
Thriller by Michael Jackson, and Zombie by the Cranberries(fighting inside people's heads themes) <--similar themes--> Penny Lane(British slavery port) in people's ears and in people's eyes.Song by The Beatles.

Rouse Hill was where the Battle of Vinegar Hill was fought. Anglo-celtic convicts fought against British Red Coat soldiers, rebellion against British rulership over the Colony of New South Wales.
The Battle of Vinegar Hill in NSW had some similarity to the 'Eureka Stockade' battle in the state/province of Victoria in Australia.

Diana Spencer was considered the Queen of the Beefeater organisation.
The Beefeater organisation are emulators of a Phonician(Canaanite) priesthood that used to exist in Britain, in connection with Phoenicians mining Tin Metal in Britain.
The Phoenicians set up a priest-king system in Britain which is known as the tradition of the Fisher King.

Phoenician(Canaanites) became extinct. The Beefeaters are a satanic religious organisation which imports arabs and jews from the middle-east into Britain.
Diana Spencer was secretly a British Jew.
The religion that Beefeater organisation practice could be described as Snake Oil salesmen, homosexual nazism(sodomy religion), pretend angel cults which can infiltrate and make ocunterfeits of various religions.

Anne Haqmilton Byrne's "The Family" Cult, is probably associated with the Zombie Cult described.
br /> Such racist Zombie cults are connected with behaviour of racists planting a cross somewhere, and then keeping other races away from the cross.
It is a way to pretend that migrant races are anti-christs, undead creatures , similar to movies about Vampires being turned away by crosses,garlic and sunlight.
[The racists are the real antichrists who are in opposition to Jesus Christ's teachings to preach christianity to every race. matthew 28:16
Such racist Zombie cults are connected with behaviour of racists planting a cross somewhere,and migrant races can only pass near the cross if they are sodomised by anglo-celtics.

Such racists need to be charged with racism offences, and there is a need to apply the anti-buggery law from year 1533.
Such racists(racist violent sodomites) are about making racially segregated streets/roads,racially segregated neighbourhoods,
manifest destiny racism situations(wagons against the American Indians,British racists populating America instead of American Indians).]

Also, it should be mentioned, that the association of Zombie Cults with Anne-Hamilton Byrne's "The Family" cult...
... Rouse hills possibly connection to Bone Yard Serial Killer activity, and "The Family Murders".
Rouse Hill's large grave yard,possibly makes Rouse Hill a "Bone yard" suburban area of Sydney Australia.

Rouse Hill has a telephone exchange. Such telephone exchanges are involved in surveillance, as described in books such as The Fine Print by Brian Wilshire.
Such telephone exchanges are probably the Pine Gap's surveillance network reaching into the suburbs of Sydney Australia.

The NSW Police are involved in the racism described above. see 29/10/2021
Beefeaters have infiltrated the NSW Police.

The Zombie Cult described above, has sometimes been portrayed as a "Ghoul Cult" movies such as The Monster Club(1981).

[Below is a description of a move, but the movie is based upon real corruption in human societies(inhuman societies), and belief systems followed brain washed buggers corrupted by their sodomy customs and drug addiction. ] The Ghouls A movie director (Stuart Whitman) scouting locations for his next film pays a horrifying visit to an isolated, decrepit village, Loughville, where the sinister residents refuse to let him leave. He discovers to his horror that the village is inhabited by species of corpse-eating demons called ghouls who unearth graves for food and clothes. And now there are no more graves to plunder and the ghouls are hungry for flesh. While imprisoned by the ghouls, he meets a ghoul-woman (Lesley Dunlop), the daughter of a ghoul father (Patrick Magee) and a deceased human mother, making her a Hum-ghoul. Luna advises him to hide in the church, as ghouls cannot cross holy ground. Whilst in the church, the director discovers the terrifying truth of Loughville; centuries before, a swarm of ghouls invaded the village, mated with the humans and made their nest there. With the aid of the ghoul-woman, the director attempts to escape and almost succeeds - only for the ghoul-woman to be killed by the ghouls and the director captured again and returned to the village by ghoul policemen.

Actor Sturat Whitman has a similarity to Robert Maxwell who died somewjere near the Canary Islands. i.e. Ghislaine Maxwel was Robert Maxwell's daughter.

In the Monster Club:The Ghouls film the police are servants of a group called "The Elders" which might be like a shadowy group of Freemasons/Illuminati living in the village.
Elders also denotes suggestions about leaders of Church congregations.
<--- Masonic corruption in police organisations, masonic corruption in the Anglican Church.

similarity to Asimov's Second Foundation which pretend to be simple farmers?



The Seventh Day Adventist Church is secretly involved in promoting racist Zombie Cult via its involvement in a biological warfare program called "Operation Whitecoat".
Operation Overcoat is biological warfare research for the purpose of making biological warfare organisms/agents to make a Zombie Apocalypse.

Recently has been discovered that the Seventh Day Adventist church has involvement in Operation Whitecoat.
Charles Roesel was a Seventh Day Adventist involved in Operation Whitecoat.

Fort Detrick, Maryland USA
Operation Whitecoat took place at Fort Detrick, Maryland, where Seventh-Day Adventist draftees volunteered to undergo biological weapons
[Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis was one of the biological warfare organisms developed in Operation Whitecoat.
Equine Encephalitis is a candidate for producing a Zombie Apocalypse(Zombie Earth). ]

There is an Australian connection with Operation Whitecoat. Another Biological warfare organism/agent developed in Operation Whitecoat was Queensland Fever.

The racist sodomite doctors who developed Coronavirus COVID-19 as a biological warfare agent , have made large amounts of money from the ILLICIT DRUG trade,
including drugs such as Heroin(Opiate) which drug users inject into their bodies. [Opium is harvested from Opium poppy flower plants grown in countries such as Afghanistan. The British fought wars of imperial conquest against countries such as China. The British tried to addict as many chinese as possible with Opium as method of making western imperialism against China.]

Americans, British,Australians are nations of sodomites & drug users.
Americans, British,Australians like using needles/syringes.They want everyone to be using needles/syringes.

COVID-19 has been developed in conjunction with Project Sunshine and Project Gabriel.

Also, suring World War 2. Nazi doctors were doing unnecessary experiments with the blood of concentration camp victims.
Nazi doctors were uunnecessarily extracting people's blood by using needles/syringes.

Nazi doctors have continued to appear decades after Worold War 2 in English speaking countries such as Australia, America, Britain
to do with English speaking coutries accepting The Nazi Lebensborn program into their nations and calling it names like Project Monarch.

Modern day Nazi doctors in English speaking countries have continued to do unnecessary illegal experiments with people's blood.
Modern day Nazi doctors in English speaking countries have unjustly confined people in hospital , unnecessarily extracted people blood, and done illegal experiments with people s blood .

It is as though western governments want to get as many needs/syringers in people's arms as possible,
in a simillar manner to how western governments are laundering drug money by lending it out to as many people as possible and then wanting people to repay their loans,
or how western governments are laundering drug money by building public infrastructure such as buildings, roads ,railways, bus T-ways and want as money people to be using the public infrastructure as possible


"On the 8th of September [1944] , under the direction of SS General Hans Kammler, the first [V2] rocket was launched against London."
[source -"The War Files: Hitler's secret weapons" - s1e24 .

This information confirms the involvement of Hans Kammler with rocket programs, such as the V2 Rocket invented by Wernher Von Braun.

Modern day UFO cults try to make Hans Kammler into a mysterious figure , involved with the mystery of the Nazi Bell.
UFO Cults try to suggest that Nazi Bell was a German UFO inspired by contact with outer space Aliens.

In reality, the Nazi Bell was rocket research into propulsion by a series of explosions (discrete explosions), as deduced many months ago by this website.
See diagram 10_08_2019.jpg

The Nazi Bell research was carried on by the Americans in the form of Project Put-Put , and later Project Orion.
The Nazi Bell research was imported in the USA, via Operation Paperclip and the migration of German Nazi scientists into the USA.


Suburban area that were advertising 'horse racing programs' in local newspapers during the 1990s decade (computer software to predict the results of horse races, as a way to make money),
were probably a cover/hint for neural networks used in slavery experiments against humans. <---> Jeffrey Epstein style illegal betting against human lives, and the use of slave labour devices.

Ross Symonds (former Channel 7) newsreader is probably a planner/conspirer/perpetrator/collaborator of such slavery experiments from the Australian media.

His involvement in experimets against humasn being probably go back to the 1980s decade. During a news program in the early 1980s
Ross Symonds mentioned something about an attack of underground orcs , as though he was observing what books a child was reading from a local library.
Books such as the The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien .
[Ross Symonds news reader year 1982,83]

During the 1990s, Ross Symonds was criticised by the Australian media for selling horse racing programs.
*********Involvement of media stars with 'horse racing programs' were a media scandal in the 1990s, similar to Peter foster selling Bai Lin tea, and ocuured around the same time as Christopher Skase escaping to the Spaniah island of Mallorca.******
The internet has been censored of such news stories. It is as though Ross Symonds and his financiers have converted(corrupted?) all their media critics.

Does Ross Symonds have a connection to Israeli Mossad spy organisation, ort ASIS spy organisation?

11AM With Ann Sanders And Ross Symonds ...

Ross Symonds probably has some connection to the Australian military.

Ross Symonds choice of employment after he was sacked from his newreading work, might suggest he knew neurologist Makram Girgis,
and maybe neurosurgeons connected to Peter Haertsch(1990s Plastic Surgeon).

Ross Symons has some dacial similarity to Steve Vizard(another channel 7 Australia media personality). Maybe Ross Symonds is friends with Eric Bana.

Is corrupt policeman Brad Morgan is possibly related to Ross Symonds(news reader), Michael Pate from the 1970s Matlock Police series?

Whe people enquired about horse racing programs, they would be sent via postal mail, something like a portfolio about the company, and a VCR cassette video in a plastic case.
Such VCR video cassettes contained a video with narrator such as Ross Symonds,
set in a pleasurable or luxurious setting (like sitting in a chair near a private swimming pool), speaking about the financial benefits of joining a horse racing program company,
by paying hundreds or thousands of dollars to join and to get access to the horse racing program software.


Cheyenne Mountain Underground Base became operational in 1967 at the same time as the begnning of building of the Omega Network (Ground Ionosphere Antennas) that track submarines.
The Omega Network is said to have become operational in 1971 (at the completion of the network building activity).

J H Rogers year 1919 patent is knowledge stolen from Nikkola Tesla who invented the Antenna Technology in conjunction with his Colorado Springs laboratory 1899-1900 and made it a patent in 1905.



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The NSW Police have methods of murdering migrant families by using groups of prostitutes to bother the lives of migrant households who dont use prostitutes.
The NSW Police have methods of murdering migrant families by using groups of prostitutes who provide sexual favours to violent racists who the prostitutes encourage to violently attack migrant families.
The NSW Police have methods of murdering migrant families by using groups of prostitutes who unjustly complain against migrant households.

The NSW Police have a corrupt alliance with outlaw motorcycle gangs and the Australian military.
Outlaw motorcycle gangs are involved in massacres. *e.g. Strathfield massace, Milperra massacre...)

There are situations where the NSW Police have not given closure about racial violence attacks.
Where people from migrant families have been violently attacked to prevent then from having employment, been prevented from having families(in the manner of deliberate nazi eugenics activity in Austrslia),
the NSW Police believe they can make money from the suffering of migrant families, through some scheme of helping racist prostitutes produce families instead of migrant households.
The offspring that prostitutes produce , themselves become prostitutes ( implying the NSw Police are profitting from child prostitution).

The NSW Police seem to be supporters of racist activity where they send child prostitutes to come near migrant families in shopping areas, and then the NSW Police officers round up people from
migrant families to arrest them and to put them into jail, or to terrorise away migrant families from shopping areas.
In coloquial language this is possibly known as "Boo-yah" or the use od "we-a-boos" or "we-are-boos" to "boo away" ,"shoo way" , "terrorise away" migrant families from some area.
<--- masonic practice ? masonic coruuption?

The terrorism by the NSW Police in shopping areas creates a monoracial space for the racists, which could be described as 'nazi lebenraum' in shopping areas in Australia.

[This kind of racism was occuring in the USA over some decades after the American civil war. THen it was given a definition in the American Law system, and officially outlawed. The police racism described in conjunction with the use of prostitutes could be prosecuted various ways,
described various ways: such as sending Ku Klux Klan families to come near migrant families in shopping areas, Ku Klux Klan families coming near migrant families in shopping areas to make trouble,
and then the police terrorising migrant families.
[i.e. An alliance between Ku Klux Klan and neo-nazis]

The NSW Police are supporters of popularising nazism as a way to ignore the human rights of migrant families, as a way of murdering migrant families.

All the details are not known. The NSW Police need to face formal international law charges , so that further questions could be asked about their
support of the nazi lebensborn program in Australia.
[Names of NSW Police(and former police) that could be asked questions by the international court system.
Adam Burne, Katrina Nichols, Peter Mort , Brad Morgan , .... ,police Sargeant Guyeregger , P Smith )



Scotland's Mengele': The truth about Dr Ewen Cameron


The corrupt associations that the NSW Police have with motorcyvle gangs, means that the NSW Police are involved in the slavery activity practiced by Vietnam Veterans.
The activity of the NSW Police ignoring the civil rights of citizens, and terrorizing citizens away from shopping areas , is to do with the Vietnam Veteran slavery activity
of keeping citizens in the dark, and feeding people Bull-s**t ... and other citizens making hay while the sun shines with the identities of people who are kept in the dark and fed bull-s**t
by the NSw Police and their outlaw motorcycle gang/vietnam veteran friends. <--- The NSW Police must face identity theft and modern slavery charges, and other charges.

The behaviour of the NSW Police is against notions such as citizen's precious time.
The NSW police are involved in racism that is wasting away people's life times, sacrificing away people's life times because of race.

..and the discriminatory activity of the NSW Police is against the Magna Carta article that Justice Should Not be delayed.

The NSW Police must face official international law charges.


Further information about [27/10/2021:003]:Colin Powell's connection to Caribbean Sea nations, singers Ice-T and CNC Music Factory
Wille Brigitte(terrorist),
a racist connection between George Bush and the European Union(Brussels) & September 2001 terrorist against New York City,
the killing of Afghan Taliban leader Masood 2 days before planes hits the World Trade Centre.

Members of the brotherhood gang in Sydney were fans of singers such as TAFKAP, and Otis Redding.
So the information is relevent to the Vladimir Putin's brotherhood gang(solntsevskaya bratva banda) in countries around the Black Sea,
such as Bulgaria, Romania, etc.

i.e. Members of The Brotherhood Gang were said to be fans of singers that they secretly racially hate, prbably because the brotherhood gang members wanted to prey upon Africans/people they consider African.
[i.e. The brotherhood gang are probably involved in conspiracies to befriend and murder people they consider African.

Probably relevent to a trade route: Black Sea <------> Caribbean.
Black Sea <------> Mediterranean Sea <---> Atlantic Ocean <-----> Caribbean.
[There are ethnically African nations in the Caribbean, such as Haiti.]




Ewan Cameron's experiments are probably for the purpose of forcibly turning people into sodomites.
So it is consistant to say that Safe Bases are sodomite bases.

i.e. Experiments that resemble descriptions of brainwashing people into illuminati 'mind control' behaviours through artificially induced trauma/terror.

e,g publications such as:
How The Illuminati Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave

Freemasonry's Best Kept Secret:Ritual Sodomy [as Brainwashing method ]

see terminology on internet"Monarch mind control"(Project Monarch)
"Monarch mind control"(Project Monarch) = NAZI LEBENSBORN PROGRAM EXPERIMENTS by racist doctors,
probably planned and financed by modern day HAO Armanen Orden.]
Charges against the NSW Police.

Adam Burne and Katrina Nichols were 'acting tough' in the sight of child prostitutes in June 1995, so the NSW Police have not given closure over years decades.
Adam Burne and Katrina Nichols were acting tough in the sight of child prostitutes in June 1995, in a similar manner to police Sargeant Guyeregger and constable P. Smith years later in 2019.
[prostitution corruption in & around some shopping centres. <---- nazi lebensborn program (aka Project Monarch) . Frank Lowy(deceased Shopping Centre developer, Westfield Holdings) possibly a Hungarian relative of Adolf Hitler.]
Katrina Nichols was a corrupt butch(masculine) lesbian female police officer.
Adam Burne a homosexual/bisexual police officer that probably used male prostitutes.See also questions above about whether 'prosecutorial corruption' charges could laid against Adam Burne.
<---Nichols and Burne resembles the description of police officers from homosexual crime organisations like NAMBLA = Star Chamber Cops.

further information:
Adam Burne and Katrina Nichols were 'acting tough' in the sight of child prostitutes in June 1995...
... Frank Lowy(deceased Shopping Centre developer, Westfield Holdings) possibly a Hungarian relative of Adolf Hitler.]
[prostitution corruption in & around some shopping centres. <---- nazi lebensborn program (aka Project Monarch)

Mark Jeremy (1990s physics student from Sydney University) is possibly an Australian relative of Gabby Petito.

The lead actress in 'The Handmaid's tale' tv series has a resemblance to Mark Jeremy's family.

Mark Jeremy possibly a connection to Nikola Gobbo Lawyer X scandal ?

Mark Jeremy has a connection to Amish religious groups ? Seventh Day Adventist retirement villages ?

see 24_05_2021.jpg 20/11/2021:003----------------------------
When racists make promises to someone they racially hate, in the context of racists not wanting to do somethhing for a person's human rights,
it is a way for racists to NOT keep their promises, by ignoring a person's human rights at crucial times.


Scott Morisson has a connection nazi doctor Lithuanian Nazi Doctor Dr Leonas Petrauskas,who is part of a group of satanic paedophiles described Australian woman Fiona Barnett,
and MKULTRA Brainwashing experiments.

The Petrauskas damily have some connection Engadine McDonalds where Scott Morrison strangely hints he "sh*t in his pants" .
<--- probably a hint about the homosexual experiences of Scott Morrison in connection with his getting drunk at McDonalds Engadine.
<--- Benjamin Netanyahu is a Lithuanian Jew.

Scott Morrison is a pretend Christian. He worships the homosexual god of the Freemasons, and is friendly with Masonic groups. Masons are a witchcraft erganisation that believe in
torturing people from races different than their racial group (witchcraft activity is about doing cruelty against living things to cause an effect in the surroundings).
<--- i.e. Baphomet Worship customs.Scott Morrison has participated in the gay Mardi Gras, and beleives that his god will not punish homosexuals. Scott Morrison probably
follows the Ku Kluc Klan interpretations of the Bible as promoted by racist cults such as Anne Hamilton-Byrne.
Scott Morrison was a child star in a Vicks "Love Rub" advert, which might be relevant to know in the context of Scott Morrison's probable connection to
the group described by Fiona Barnett.

Scott Morrison's connection to Dr Leonas Petrauskas might suggest that Morrison has a connection to the Port Arthur massacre and the brainwashing experiments
that turned Martin Bryant into a mass murderer, and a connection to The Family Murders in South Australia.

Scott Morrison has a connection to Frank Houston from Hillsong Pentecostal Church who committed sex crimes against young males.

Scott Morisson has a connection to Johnny Young and his Young Talent Time singers, who supported AIDS clinics in the Philippines,
and engaged in hypocritical witch hunts against Frank Arkell and David Yeldham, while being corrupted themselves.
Franka Arena is the mother of Tina Arena the singer from Young Talent. Franka Arena is corrupted by the homosexual paedophilia of Johnny Young and his connection to American piano player Liberace.

Some people connect Scott Morrison and his trip to Hawaii , with politician George Christensen and his sex trips to the Philippines.
[News story: George Christensen makes third attempt to block release of AFP letter]

Scott Morrison possibly has a connection to gun smuggling, a connection to the Russian Kalishnikov family, and knowledge of outlaw motorcycle gangs.
He expelled expelled Alex Vella (Rebel motorcycle gang) for his own selfish reason, but Morrison is probablyfriends with other Outlaw Motorcycle gang members, or other outlaw motorcycle gang organisations.

Morisson has some conection to Rudy Giukiani who is a descendant of German Martin Luther's family, who intermixed with italians.
Rudy Giuliani is like some counterfeit italian catholic, who supports German Nationalism , and Luther's protestantism, and homosexual cross-dressing illuminati perverse behaviours.
Also a connection to Jack Parsons(NASA Satanist) as does Gladys Berejiklian..

Scott Morrison or his wife are possibly relatives of politician Kevin Rudd.
Australians at Queenslkand university were researching a Coronavirus vaccine , but the research was abandoned because the Vaccine materials were infected by something like the AIDS virus.
The Australian attempt at making a Coronavirus vaccine produced antibodies similar to the HIV/AIDS virus.

[Was Coronaviours research in Australia connected to the Johnny Young's experimental AIDS Clinic in the Philippines?
Is Scott Morrison connected to biological warfare research? The British Biological Warfare research with the Sheep Virus VISNA , that occurred on Gruinard Island Scotland Britain,
and probably artificially produced HIV/AIDS virus some decades ago ?
Does Scott Morrison know about Coronavirus COVIS-19 being an artifically produced biological warfare agent connected to Project Sunshine and Project Gabriel research ?

A car crash outside where Luke and Jason used to live , 3rd April 2007.
Jason and Look initially had a car with number plate DTR-210, and later a bought a car with number plate AM-54-QK


NASA Astronaut Gus Grisolm was possibly a relative of Griselda Blanco(female mafia crime bosss in Miami USA,deceased).

[Gus Grisolm was killed in a 'cabin fire' during training in a space capsule.
NASA mistakenly thought that pure oxygen would be safe gaseous environment to use inside the space capsule,
but pure oxygen is very reactive and resulted in the fire that killed the American astronauts inside the space capsule.]

Probable relatives of Gus Grisolm and Griselda Blanco:
-Amanda Wilson(singer) : Love on my mind music video, hints at masonic connections.

- Abby Lee Miller
American dance instructor, became famous via television series "Dance Moms".

- Daniel Mamo from Sydney Australia, and his more widely known relatives Trent Robinson (Rugby League Coach).
Mamo is a relative of Keith Leyshon and Greg Leyshon who played in the 1990 grand final for the Penhrith Panthers,
Mamo went interstate and played Rugby League for an obscure team in Western Australia called the "Western Reds",
instead of playing in the NSW competition, which suggests that Mamo became involved with criminal activities and tried to hide his identity
by not playing playing the NSW Rugby League.
[During his secondary school rugby league days, Mamo was considered a competitor of Brad Fitler who later did play in the NSW Rugby League.

Mamo (who is Maltese-Hungarian-jewish) possibly formed a criminal connection to Ukrainian prostitution, and Ukrainian prostitutes convinced him not to play in the NSW Rugby League.
i.e. See mention of "Coppak-Adamov' on this webpage. <--- Probably Ukrainian-Mongol-Jew
[Mamo descrided himself as Maltese, a Hun. Mamo looks slightly Mongol. Huns are an extinct race that originally came from Mongolia, and invaded Europe some centuries ago.]

Some of the Ukrainian prostitutiopn families have intermarried with Anglo-celtics and have English surnames. Mamo was friendly with Susan Walker and her friend Linda who looked Ukrainian.
Susan Walker and Linda had a third female friend who was very silent, Her name is not known.

Mamo was friendly with a 'Stacey Adams' who was the daughter of an elementary school teacher Mr Adams.
Mr Adam's corrupt connections probably had something to do with Daniel Mamo becoming a member of the NSW Junior Rugby League team during Mamo's secondary school days.
Mamo and Adams were said to be boyfriend and girlfriend of each other, but later Daniel Mamo married a less attractive, overweight woman, who probably considered Mamo as the same race as herself (italian/maltese).
Despite having an anglo-celtic girlfriend in secondary school, Daniel Mamo was unable to marry into an Anglo-Australian family.
[This website considers Anglo-Australians as the lowest of the low(convict descendants), so perhaps Daniel Mamo is lower than low in social rank.
However , in his maltese/jewish circles, maybe Mamo became a P2 Mason. P2 Masonic lodges are connected with terrorism.]


Griselda Blanco is mentioned in documentaries such as "Cocaine Cowboys" which describes the connection of George Bush's family to mafia organisations and drug trafficking.

Corrupt correspondence of names discovered brtweeen Jeffrey Epstein and NSW Police:probably relevent to the Lindt Cafe Seight 2014 that occurred in the Sydney CBD,
and relevent to the police racism that occurred in shopping areas in 2019 at Greenway Village Shopping Centre, and Stanhope Gardens Village Shopping Centre near Parklea Prison.
.. such name correspondences are probably associated with sodomites misusing Nikola Tesla's Ground ionosphere antennas (ritualistic injustice).

Jeffrey Epstein's surname means Water Stone/River Stone <-------> constable P Smith and police Sargeant Guyeregger are from Riverstone Police Station in Sydney NSW Australia.
Guyeregger is said to be Sargeant of the LAC (Local Area Command) of the NSW Police in Riverstone.
[The Lindt Cafe factory on Hollinsworth Road Schofields/Marsden Park is near Riverstone.]

i.e. Has Epstein's network of paedophiles infiltrated the NSW Police in Riverstone and Schofields?






the neighbourhood where Toni Collette actress was raised has an industrial area across a busy road, in which sound waves(compressional waves) can be heard transferrring through the ground.
i.e. Sounds from heavy objects being dropped to the ground by cranes.

The study of sound waves travelling through the ground, probably has some relevance to generating and detecting ground ionosphere waves
(the electromagnetic standing waves described in Nikola Tesla's patent 787412 of year 1905.
The vibrations of the electromagnetic field lines between capacitor plates is probably compressional, as compared to conventional electromagnetic waves which have trasnverse vibratiions.




Governmental racism/corruption. Outlaw Mororcycle gangs are the transporters/workforce of the US military and Australian Military, in context of underground economy.


DLASTHR - Sandiego <---> Sydney
[Brother 4 Life Gang <---> DLASTHR Gang, Assyrian Mafia (Iraq connections and Sydney >Sandiego)
<--- US mil;itary connection.]

Sandiego Mafia ---- Miami Mafia

News story about the killing of Pasquale Barbaro in 2014: Same year as Lindt Cafe Seige.
Earlwood suburb of Sydney <-------> Penrith County in Sydney (Kingswood,St Marys suburbs of Sydney.)

Ronald Biggs (deceased anglo-boer in Rio De Janeiro,Brazil) <---> Greg Leyshon, Keith Leyshon (Penrith Panthers and DahDah Uniforms(arabic clothing company founded in 1936) .
Leyshon brothers and Dahdah Uniforms <---------------> Hungarian Jew/Black Sea connection -----> caribbean/Miami .

Dahdah Uniforms 1990s Cabramatta connection? <--- NSW Police supposed investrigation Operation Hammer (corrupt police : Roger Rogerson, Deborah Wallace) <-- star chamber cops.
[Operation Hammer was probably 'Underground Economy' activity by NSW Police . <---> Operation Vampire Killer: Police Corrupted by the NEw World Order and Safe Bases/Undrground bases.
Joshua Baines looks like Masked Wolf(Astronaut in the Ocean song) <---> Gus Grisolm(NASA astronaut) & Miami Mafia(Griselda Blanco).

Elzabeth Crowley (New York Council) <--resemblance to-> Griselda Blanco: documentary with Slave Labour themes:
coronavirus cause an unusually large number of fatalities, New York City’s Rikers Island inmates would have the unfortunate task of digging graves to meet the death toll
Crowley is a surname connected with satanism.

ISS = islamic state soldier [& international] space station <---> star craft/warcraft , clash of civilizations

abazar Sultani . Some resemblance to Daniel Mamo? Arabic sea trade route between Malta and MiddleEast? Mamo is cousin of the Leyshon brothers from Penrith Panthers).
Mark Geyer played for St Marys junior/amateur ruby league teams before he joined the Penrith Panthers.
<----> Royce Simmons from Penrith Panthers was present at Awards Day ceremony at secondary school attended by Daniel Mamo.

Recently discovered:

Monique White(the friend of actress Toni Collette) has been involved in decades long conspiracy of claiming to be a relative of the Romanov children.
Her brother Alistair White considers himself a bastard descendant of Harold Godwinesen, the anglo-saxon who lost the Battle of Hastings against William of Normandy in 1066.
Alistair White and his sisters Monique and Genevieve want to reverse the Battle of Hastings, to the extent that they are involved in terrorism against France.
Alistair White and his sisters think that the pretense being a Romanov by Monique White, can somehow translate into Anglo-Saxons(British) taking over France.

Actress Eva Green is a lookalike of Genevieve white, and she has had acting roles in films such as The Kingdom of Heaven.
Monique White and Genevieve white were said to be twins, but they look dissimilar to each other. Perhaps the White family were involved in some kind of adoption scandal.

Monique White(the friend of actress Toni Collette) has been involved in decades long conspiracy of claiming to be a relative of the Romanov children...
it probably has similarity to Anna Anderson's false claim to be Anastasia Romanov, so Monique White has probably formed connections to the Polish Mafia and Polish military.
Also, the 1980s pornography Star Cicciolina (aka American Ilona Staller) and her election to the Italian Political Parliament system probably has something to do with Monique White falsely claiming to be a Romanov.
Monique White has some facial similarity to Cicciolina(Ilona Staller).

Also, Monique White has probably formed some kind of connection to drug trafficker Olga Romanoff .Olga Romanoff is probably some kind of imposter with facial similarity to Leonie Kramer the former Chancellor of Sydney University.
Kramer is a surname of a Nazi concentration camp commandant during World War 2.
Olga Romanoff intended to become the wife of Charles Windsor, but she was rejected . However,Olga Romanoff has probably remained a supporter of Charles Windsor, despite NOT becomng his wife.
So Monique White's conspiracy to falsely claim to be a Romanoff, and her involvement in terrorism against France, has probably has has the support of Charles Windsor of Britain.
[e.g. Music videos by Peking Duk with a supposed lookalike of William of Normandy telling people to take him over, while there were terrorism incidents occuring in France.
In a documentary some years before the music video, William of Normandy was portrayed to look similar to the later music video.
And Harold Godwinesen was protrayed to look similar to 1980s Australian cricketer Wayne Phillips. Alistair White has a similarity to Wayne Phillips. ]

Some Peking Duk music videos portray Romanian types , looking similar to Pablo Escobar, so Romanian mafia (and Romanian military?) probably have some involvement in the terrorist incidents that have occurred against France.

Olga Romanoff was involved in a televison program with the ridiculous theme of Australian women being selected to become some kind of Princesses.
Australian women are not suitable to be Princesses, because Australians are a prostitution culture (Buggery culture). Australian culture produces concubines at best, not real princesses.
So Olga Romanoff should be criticised for false advertising, in addition to being criticised and prosecuted for her illegal profits from drug trafficking.

Also, Alistair White and his sisters Monique and Genevieve probably have some connection to the Lindt Cafe seige in year 2014.
They probably watched infrastructure camera systems to do with the large shopping centre at the Eastern end of Richmond Road.
They were probably friends with Veronica Abbott.
[Hollinsworth Road Marsden Park(Schofields), off Richmond Road , has a Lindt Cafe factory.
The Lindt Cafe Seige in Sydney CBD occurred during the same tie period as terrorist incidents against France.

Jason Robert referred to Monique White as "Mon-ee-kyoo" or Mon-ee-"Q" . The "Q" being like nicknames of spies in a James Bond novel.

Monique White is said to have married a medical doctor, who was perhaps a friend of Les Sanday's son.
Les Sanday's son possibly involved with medical racism via the United Nations or British Medical system. Les Sanday was a member of the RSL club(returned serviceman's league).

The Sanday family probably have some connection to the brutal killing against Anita Cobby in 1986.





Mother and daughter that are possibly connected to the violent paedophiles at house number 291.

The mother looks like she could be a relative of Stuart Hunter the husband of Rosemary Hunter.

On 16/04/2020 they provoked a person in Woolworths(insulting words),
and when a person went into the Coles store,they followed a person into Coles.

They came near with smiles, perhaps some kind of racist dare behaviour.
Perhaps they consider themselves some kind of mafia family that are above the law.
[or Australian military family that consider themselves above the law?]

Their words and behaviour suggested they attend dance classes.


Mafia organisations had their origins from organisations such as: memories of the The Roman Empire army, and Knightly Organisations such as The Knights Templars, Knights Hospitallers .
Knights are from the medieval Feudal System, but they are based upon horse soldiers from an older culture: Persian Cataphracts . Persia = Iran .

In France , where mafia groups exist, they are promoted to the status of Knights (Knightly Organisations).
So Mafia organisations in France might be spoken of as the Knights of st John, or Knights of Malta, and never mentioned as mafia, or rarely mentioned as gangsters.

About David Stefanovic's family:
the are Serbian Basques(Basque-Serbians) with average looking males, and ugly daughters who look they are on the verge of dwarfism.
The Stefanovic family are an incest family.
Their sons marry other women, but their daughters are used for incest(and often do not marry). Their daughters give birth to incest children.

Deductions about the genetics of the Stefanovic family which cold be genetically tested:
The Stefanovic family are an incest family.Their sons marry other women, but their daughters are used for incest.
Such incest customs, practised over generations, result in a very inbred X chromosomes. Some genetic diversity can only exist in the Y chomosomes.
When the Stefanovic family give birth to daughters, their daughters have very inbred XX chromosome genetic traits (ugly daughters who look they are on the verge of dwarfism.)
When the Stefanovic family give birth to sons, their sons have XY chromosome genetic traits (average looking sons. Their inherited Y chromosones give them some genetic diversity).

Further deductions:
About incest families that use their daughters for incest(such as the Stefanovic family). <--- incest probably often associated with the degraded state that are sodomy behaviours.
... probably implies that Blagoje Stefanovic probably conspires to commit homosexual crimes against any male that he would offer his daughters to for marriage.
Blagoje "Bill" Stefanovic is jealous over his ugly daughters, and would probably seek to do homosexual harm against any male who take an interest in his daughters.

Further ... Basques are descendants of modern humans(Ugrics) who interbred with isolated Neanderthal populations(archaic humans).
Basques adopted the customs of small Neanderthal populations who became isolated in Ice Age conditions, and became very inbred.
[Cro-magnons (much Neanderthal genetics) -----> Ugrics(less Neanderthal genetics) ---> Basques ]

Genetic problems of modern humans such as Downs Syndrome are possibly inherited from Neanderthals.
Small isolated Neanderthal popluation practised inbreeding over many generations:
Their Neanderthal daughters became very inbred and were often killed off, while their Neanderthal males continued to survive , which produced very inbred X chromosomes.

When humans and neanderthals interbred, only the female neanderthal genetics passed into modern human populations.
Modern humans lack the male neanderthal Y chromosomes.
Modern humans would kill off the neanderthal males and interbreed with the neanderthal females and their inbred neanderthal X chromosomes.

The inbred neanderthal X chromosone probably resulted in reproduction problems in modern humans , such as the extra chromosome associated with Downs Syndrome.
[Is the intelligence of modern humans with Downs Syndrome genetic problems , similar to the intelligence of the intelligence of Neanderthal archaic humans ?]


The year 2014 movie 'Interstellar' seems to be a film about the International Space Station and Space Shuttle programs being involved in nazism.
The people on the earths surface are going to die, while those in the space station will survive,
as part of the Majestic-12 plan of some races escaping in Space while,the developing World races are destroyed on the earth's surface.

instead of wormhole travel to exoplanets such as Gargantua,
Interstellar is more like the survivors on the space station visiting different parts of the earth's surface,after a disaster overtakes the humans on the earth's surface.
[the Kepler mission researchers who search for exoplanets know that there are no alien civilizations on the exoplanets that the discover. Humans in space stations are the future aliens.]

The makers of the movie 'Interstellar possibly knew some information about COVID-19 becoming a world epidemic(as part of the Anglo-American Majestic-12 plan of genocide),
because at the beginning of the film is mentioned problems with the food supply, and dust problems from topsoil blown into the air
(western society cant continue. Western society is going to come to sudden stop themes) :
-large corn fields and coming food shortage problems <---> COVID-19 lockdowns in which it become difficult for some to visit shops to get food.
-the dust problems are a reason to wear masks (smog and masks dystopia)<---> masks against COVID-19
[see also theories about COVID-19 being connected to biological warfare research involving "smart dust".

The astronaut trapped in the tesseract scene, and communicating through a book case:
In the modern world, there are groups that enslave citizens when citizens read too many of the books that matter (books that describe how western society is supposed to function).
The method of slavery has to do with astronaut research , and nazism with the international space station, and space shuttle programs.

[The International Space Station is about eventually building Project Orion style space ships that would travel near the speed of light,
so the twin paradox from the theory of relativity is portrayed in film interstellar: a parent returning to earth and has become younger than his daughter.]

The scene where the astronauts are butting each other's helmets, is similar to a scene in Ridley Scott's Alien 4 film franchise, where
2 Aliens are attacking each other to try to find a way out of a sealed room viewed from a glass window.
[the Kepler mission researchers who search for exoplanets know that there are no alien civilizations on the exoplanets that the discover. Humans in space stations are the future aliens.]

Matt Damon from the year 2013 Space station film 'Elysium' makes an appearance in Interstellar(2014). He mentions that he is brought back to life (after dieing in the Elysium film?).
In Elysium(2013),the Matt Damon character becomes a cyborg to extend his lifetime for a brief period and to get access aboard the Space Station where the villains are.
There are cybernetic themes in the Elysium(2013) space station film: cybernetic themes in connection with space station research, perhaps cybernetic slavery/human sacrifice themes .



Rosalie Lopes

some films occurred yesterday : 'Ready Player One' by Steven Spielberg, Warcraft , Waterworld.
then a day later politicians John Howard and Tony Abbott appeared in the media news stories. Also actor Daniel Craig who played James Bond.

-Tony Abbott (australian politician, liberal conservative party) was probably very active in racist activity and male prostitution during the late 1980s.
Tony Abbott is possibly one of the jewish-looking orcs portrayed in the C64 game "Pool of Radiance" <--- A Dungeons and Dragons Game, textile factories, and Cadorna surname from World War 1.
MAYBE THE MAKERS OF POOL RADIANCE HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR TONY ABBOTT, and a maybe a friend of Toni Collette called Clive Bunker.
[This information has something to do with illegal immigration networks, MI9 spies, racist politicians, nazis that escaped to South America(Nazi Bases)? Illegal immigration of Nazis.
Thomas Kendrick(British MI9)---- Mikhail Gorbachev(KGB Spy,politician traitor to the Soviet Union)----P. W. Botha(South African Boer Politican,Racist Apartheid regime).
Mikhael Gorbachev was the Russian body double of P. W. Botha.
And this information probably has something to do with The Family Murders in South Australia(homosexual crime organisation activity).

The gigantic-robotic-ogre in Ready player One film has a face like Tony Abbott.

About John Howard and the Children Overboard scandal in 2001. John Howard (former Australian Prime Minister, liberal conservative party)
John Howard's comments about children overboard possibly have to do with the film Waterworld(1995) , where a child is thrown overboard, and there is an illegal trade in humans.
Faces from the "Venice Beach" subculture in the film Waterworld(1995) <--> glam rock subculture,
Len - Steal My Sunshine <---> Project Sunshine (Nazi Lebensborn style body snatching <----> illegal trade in humans.)
Tampa Bay Florida , Venice beach Califronia are on different sides of the American nation, but similar beach activity scenes in the 1990s ?
both Tony Abbot and Vladimir Putin were publicly displaying themselves in swim wear around the same time. It is possibly a way to attract younger males who are perverse.
Users of male prostitutes , perhaps sometimes make public displays to see which younger males they can attract.

around year 1992, during Boris Yeltsin's Presidency, Vladimir Putin had an interest in Russian Mafia prison in St Petersberg,
where older Russian mafia males wanted sex from younger males, and homosexual crimes were being committed.
Perhaps Vladimir's Putin's interests in 1992 are an indication of his real inclinations.

Putin was probably part of Mikhail Gorbachev's KGB spy circles / political circles , during the 1980s.
Gorbachev and Yeltsin knew each other. It has been said that Gorbachev and Yeltsin together could have saved the Soviet Union...
[but maybe neither Gorbachev nor Yeltsin wanted to save the Soviet Union.]

An accurate facial approximation of
One of the 'lab overseers' in Physics 3 labs at Sydney University in Australia.He retired from work around 1994 (old age pension).
[The names of some of the other lab overseers that he worked alongside with: Lawrence 'Laurie' Peak , Michael Small .]

When Malcolm Turki was saying that he can have any woman that he wants,the lab overseer was using expressions such as "[You cant have Laurie,] but you can have me"
<---- When students in the physics 3 lab asked for assistance, the lab overseer pictured would mention such an expression.

Are these faces some connection of Sydney University to an American crime organisation(drug smugglers) called the "Brotherhood of Eternal Love" ? Drug smugglers that have been difficult to prosecute.
<---- George Bush is probably associated with such a crime organisation. See documentary "Cocaine Cowboys".



Aussie Poofter Parlours and Safe Bases represent a system of homosexual nazism:

anglo-celtic culture (and its homsoexual nazism 'caste system' = 'the system') secretly consider some races human, other races as half-human or subhuman.

anglo-celtiuc culture believes that some races can be competed against (those races that anglo-celtic culture considers human).
anglo-celtic culture beleives that some races dont need to be competed against,some races can be unjustly discriminated against,
can be harmed and murdered when noone is looking,exterminated without thinking (those races that anglo-celtic culture considers half-human or subhuman).

the poofter parlours and safe bases in Australia:
when the homosexualised racists inside the safe bases see some races competing against anglo-celtics,
it is something they dont want to tolerate.
the homosexualised racists behave according to an ideology where they want some races to be serving anglo-celtics(sub-serviant),
instead of competing against anglo-celtic.

the homosexualised racists act in a manner that is against anti-discrimination laws, that is against the Geneva Convention.
the homsexualsied racists in aussie poofter parlopurs and safe bases beleive they have some right to harm,murder some races who compete against anglo-celtic,
and they(homosexualised racists) dont care about the Magna Carta principles in modern law, they dont care about anti-discrimination laws, they dont care about the Geneva Convention.

The behaviour of the homosexualised racists in Aussie poofter parlours and safe bases is of the same type as the "The Family murders" .

<--- Australia is a culture like Sodom and Gomorrah.(Genesis Chapters 18-19).

Also, Sydney University staff such as Richard Collins (1990s Physics lecturer, Physics Head teacher in 1998) needs to answer questions to the international law system,
Questions about his racist views, and racist behaviours(homosexual nazism behaviours).

Sodomy is brainwashing corruption that people can't be educated out of. Sodomy customs turn people into homosexual nazis that need to be executed.
Once corrupted,the vast majority of such people cannot change their behaviours.Perverse people too essily fall back into their perverse ways of ritual sex and ritual murders.
The year 1533 law need to applied against the perverse-corruption-racism in Australia.

-------------------------------- [17/01/2022]

The brotherhood gang in Sydney and their gang member groups overseas are probably using the "Nazi Ratlines" escape routes described in the book "The Odessa File" by Frederick Forsyth , for their illegal immigration.

The escape route went from Germany - Tyrol(Northern Italian Border) - Genoa port city in NW Italy.
Then 1 route went toward South America, the other route went toward the middle east.
[Schloss Rametz in Tyrol region <-- Castle Rametz]
KGB spy racists such as Mikhail Gorbachev and Vladimir Putin are probably connected to the Brotherhood Gang(Solntsevskaya Bratva Banda)
and profitted over decades from the Odessa File escape routes,
during the communist era when the Soviet Union existed for some decades after World War 2.

The escape route that goes from Genoa Italy to the Middle East passes closest to the Black Sea where the Ukrainian city of Odessa is located, and the Route to the middle east probably passes through Cyprus.

Odessa File by Frederick Forsyth

The makers of the computer game Warcraft are probably connected to the illegal immigration along Nazi Ratlines, as described in the Odessa Files.
Genoa mafia (Genovese mafia?) , Bon Jovi fanclub , and illegal immigration involving Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (O.M.G.).
And the computer arcade game "Jouste" with South African(Apartheid era) looking Ostriches in the role of Knight's horses.
The Elven Archers in Warcraft 2 <------> John Bon Jovi.
The makers of Warcraft were possibly trying to identity m odern day nazis in Warcraft2,
but then they got bribed by the Genoa Mafia and their Neo-Nazi allies to produce Warcraft 3, in which the faces changed significantly.

The Bon Jovi fan club is probably closely connected to an Iron Maiden fan club, <--- anglo-germanic neo-nazis?
and Slayer music group fan club <--- Chilean Nazis ? Josef Mengele nazi doctor fans.

Iron Maiden went on a "World Slavery Tour", but they are not the kind of musical group to oppose slavery,
so what was the Iron "Maiden World Slavery Tour" about? Their music is about selfishness,violence, not humanitarian activity.

Was Iron Maiden advertising a way to enslave the nations of the developing world ?
In their songs, they make reference to "Starving Millions" .

Iron Maiden songs also make reference to nazi concentration camps such as Belsen ,
and they have lyrics suggestive of Jeffrey Dahmer style anglo-germanic cannibalism .
[perhaps the kind of cannibalism that was occuring in Herxheim Germany.
Was Jeffrey Dahmer inspired by his ancestors at Herxheim?].

Cadorna surname (World War I) <---> Genoa Italy, racism to do with Textile companies, textile factories. <---> "Pool of Radiance" computer game (dungeons and dragons).
[racism in shopping areas, and then racists try to make false excuses about why weren't you wearing the right clothes?
But they didn't care about your clothes. They discriminated against people in shopping area because of race.
Racists are doing identity theft with clothing companies/ textile companies, sewing machines like Janome brand,
and slave labour sweat shops in developing world nations.]
[See 15/05/2020:002 information about Noni-B clothing company and slavery routes, illegal immigration routes.]

The lead singer of Iron Maiden music group has a similarity to the Thorgrim character in Conan the Barbarian movie(1982).

Rexor character in Conan the Barbarian(Ben Davidson) number 83 in Oakland Raiders during 1960s <---> see Monique White, Alistair White ,portrayals of Harold Godwinsen <-----> see "18_12_2021.jpg" = Vanilla Ice and the Oakland Raiders gridiron team(American Football. Oakland Raiders=Las Vegas Raiders=Los Angeles Raiders: their various name changes suggestive of much corruption?

Dahdah Uniforms (clothing company,textile company) <---> Keith Leyshon, Greg Leyshon (Penrith Panthers Rugby League club)

Alistair White and his sisters Monique and Genevieve probably know the middle eastern gang that violently attacked a person on 21st June 1995 at the entrance ramp of a large shopping centre,
and have remained silent over years,decades. see art_593.jpg (Renee Danielle Berrier,Ivan Torkich,Andre Dada,...).

Moran crimes family have a Norwegian mafia connection?(Norway jews) <--- Toni Collette, Mark Virgona is involved with Moran crime family.
Mark Virgona's son Jordan looks like Carl Williams from the Moran Crime family,
and a corrupt policeman surname Blanchette. <---> Kate Blanchette is an australian actress. Is Kate Blanchette invovled with the Moran crime family?
[Tony Abbott (Australian politician) <--?--> Moran crime family?]
The Iron Maiden song "2 minutes to midnight"(1984) was a hint that groups of western satanists were going to cause the Chernobyl Nuclear fire(1986) in Ukraine,
as a step toward to ending the Soviet Union(1991)?
[Odessa Files themes ? Nazi immigration routes were used to cause the Chernobyl nuclear fire, and to put an end to the Soviet Union?
The political corruption of Mikhail Gorbachev was involved. Gorbachev was Soviet Political leader during that time period (General Secretary of the Soviet Union)]
Further crime connections discovered in the neighbourhood where actress Toni Collette was raised.

David Christian --- George Freeman (Australian gangster)
Steven McPherson(Mark White's gang member) --- Lenny McPherson(Australian Gangster).
[Saher Yousef and Steven McPherson attended the same secondary school classes and would criticise each other during school classes.]

about the redheaded woman that has a parrot-like face that lived next to Rachel Griffiths: her family are connected to Lenny McPherson's crime organisation.
Lenny Mcpherson(Australian Gangster) was connected to the "Chicago Outfit" crime organisation in the USA.
Chicago city and Milwaukee city( where Jeffrey Dahmer committed his homosexual nazism crimes) are close to each other.

1980s AustralianCar dealers Ferdie dominelli (Ferdie Bird cartoon adverts), Tony packard <--->Who framed Roger Rabbit (American cartoon film)
<--> Space Jam(Americancartoon film,baskewtball themes)(Chicago Bulls, Chicago Bears, Detroit space program.)
<-- Brad morgan corrupt policeman connection. Blacktown Police, Penrith police.
Penrith Panthers, Dahdah uniforms , Keith Leyshon & Greg Leyshon <-->chicago outfit crime organisation.

Corollary deduction:
Tony Blair(UK former Prime Minister) <----> Chicago Outfit crime organisation.
1980s AustralianCar dealer Tony packard <--->Tony Blair(UK former Prime Minister)

" kerry packer had anita cobby murdered ? packer and mcpherson families . motive: to cover up illegal immigration of armenian jews into Australia ?".
Roslyn redman Weedon, Bragg

Joss Whedon: Buffy the vampire slayer.

whedon armenia

illegal immigration armenia to holland <--> Roslyn Packer , resemblance to Dutch Armgard family.
Balmain Cessnock NSW Australia.
Chicago outfit USA

[Paul Sironen (1980s Balmain Rugby league player, corrupt policeman) <--?--> Lenny Mcpherson and criminals in Blacktown : David Christian, Steven Mcpherson, Anita Cobby murder]
Simon david was a fan of 1980s Balmain Tigers professional team. His parent worked at Transylvania Timbers. Davis played in westerns suburbs amamteur the team where Joe Vella was coach.

Nabil Saada(Jehovah's Witness,Sydney Australia,lebanese origin) <----Cocaine or Opium? (or both Cocaine & Opium?)--->Chicago Outfit (USA).
Opium is less mentioned by current news programs
He's in love with the Coco ?]


names probably associated with Project Montauk:Donahue(talk show host) ---- William Barr (corrupt judge/politician,a friend of CIA politician George Bush.) ---- Elton John (singer)
Ben Davidson(Los Angeles Raiders gridiron player, actor) ----Sven-Ole Thorsen (Danish actor)

Sven-Ole Thorsen (Danish actor) - Pitzing surname--?--Elton John(singer)

Ann Hamilton Byrne(Australian cult leader) was a relative of Eva Braun (Hitler's Girfriend?)


In reference to the information 30th Dec 2021: The way that the Coronavirus Vaccines have been named, suggests that Coronavirus COVID-19 is a biological warfare agent associated with Space research (international Space Station?)
Astra Zeneca vaccine<---> Kill the Stars ? Star of the Zenith ?
Sputnik vaccine <---> Sputnik was first artificial satellite in space (1957) lunched by Soviet Union.. It means "fellow traveller, travelling companion" .

compare with "Ad Astra" film(2019) (Latin for 'To the Stars').
did the film makers know that a world epidemic was going to occur ?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has to do with Project Orion, Project Daedalus nuclear propelled starship research,
and the plan of destruction against the developing world nations that would be left behind on the earth's surface? (i.e. Majestic-12)

In UFO cult terminology. Majestic-12 is like some racial group hitch-hiking for a MOTHER-SHIP, to get off the surface of a world,
as in Space Novels such as Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, and Space Movies such as Knowing(2008) and The Day The Earth Stood Still.


The Other Global Pandemic:Scientific Racism and the Normality Bias

The Disturbing Resilience of Scientific Racism : A new book explores how racist biases continue to maintain a foothold in research today
<--- Evidence of English-speaking societies having anal-rectal disturbance which adversely affects their minds: societies brainwashed into racism through their sodomy customs(buggery,ritual-sex-ritual-murder-behaviours=homosexual nazism).
[racist Journal published by Ulster Institute for Social Research in London,
ULSTER, NORTHERN IRELAND(COLONY): a colony of Britain in the island of Ireland.]

See "12_11_2021__discovery_of_identity_purpose_of_safe_base_in_suburbs_of_sydney_australia.jpg"
which mentions the ULSTER DEFENCE REGIMENT,British experiments against human nervous systems in Northern Ireland described by western media as "THE HOODED MEN" .
EWAN CAMERON's EXPERIMENTS(The Montreal Experiments) are probably for the purpose of forcibly turning people into sodomites (British homosexual nazism system: British Grand Admiral Uniforms,Safe Bases,Beatles songs ).
i.e. Experiments that resemble descriptions of brainwashing people into illuminati 'mind control' behaviours through artificially induced trauma/terror.,
"Taking the Hood Off British Torture" :(url)
"The Hooded Men: torture, lies and a quest for justice" :


Against UNESCO: Gedda, Gini and American scientific racism
[The Support of Nazi Eugenics by a United Nations organisation UNESCO]
Probably connected to the H.A.O. homosexual nazism of Kurt Waldheim(1970s United Nations Secretary General).



William Windsor took a pill in Ibiza Island Spain ,
and it has everything to do with Jeffrrey Epstein's paedophile network.

Music video with hint about the genetic problems of
The Windsor family of Britain
=Saxe-Coburg und Gotha family (Tyrol-Germany) in Britain, similar to Margarethe of Tyrol the ugly)




To do with Channel 10 television Australia,pirate harvesting activity, 'The Heist' in the music video 'Ceiling cant hold us' by Macklemore:
Various channel 10 employees were sacked in early september 2020 because they are members of a crime network
which channel 10 no longer wanted to be associated with. But channel 10 Australia did not want to describe the crime network ,
so it sacked them as quietly as possible.

Such crime networks are involved in violent attacks in suburban areas, to try to cover up their criminal activity.
See information above about Friday 18th September 2020, and the aussie paedophiles at house number 291:

American Robert Durst , video game arcade corruption

Illy - Catch 22 feat. Anne-Marie (Official Video)

[Also the music video 'Tightrope' possiby suggests singer Illy has a Serbian mafia/Polish mafia connection, and hints about covert assassination programs,
and corrupt connections to American actors, American politicians, (and UFO Cults?)
See 18_12_2021_002.jpg about Covert Assassination programs and the H.A.O. Armen Orden Nazi organisation.]
[See information above about newsreader Sandra Sully's comments "It's Timmy Time" that were occuring before Tim Bailey was sacked.]
[Kerry Ann Kennerly has connections to Steven Spielberg's E.T. The Extraterrestrial fan club.She used to be known as Kerry Ann Wright.
Kerry AnnE Kennerly possibly has connections to Ukrainian Mafia in Australia and overseas.]
Steven Spielberg(film maker) <--> Jeffrey Epstein's paedophile island (Little Saint James island).
[Natarsha Belling probably has Nazi Lebensborn connections.]
[Illy(singer), Leyton Hewitt(tennis player) are probably Nazi Lebensborn(Project Monarch) doubles of Tim Bailey(meteorologist=weather man)

<---> David Christian the friend of Daniel Mamo is probably connected with this information.

The "Liberty Bell" was the rocket space capsule that astronaut Gus Grisolm lost in the Ocean.
Gus Grisolm was not suited to be an astronaut. He probably panicked after his space capsule landed in the ocean.
So how did Gus Grisolm pass the aptitude tests at NASA? Was Gus Grisom bending over for people in NASA to become an astronaut?
Grisolm probably had mafia connections to Griselda Blanco(Miami Mafia).
Later, Grisolm was killed with 2 other astronauts, in a fire : NASA was silly enough to use pure oxygen gas inside the space capsule.
A pure Oxygen atmosphere is very chemically reactive.




Further information for international law charges against the NSW Police:
The neighbourhood where Toni Collette grew up is a neighbourhood of 'Call Boy' anglo-celtic male prostitutes involved in conspiracies to murder people by bugging the phone lines of families that move into the neighbourhood.
[... and those allied with the anglo-celtic buggery corruption.]

If a citizen tries to complain about human rights concerns to a government department ,the government departments send NSW Police officers to try to separate owners from their homes.
The NSW Police dont care about property rights in such neighbourhood.

The NSW police are corrupted by the male prostitution and the further activities that male prostitutes are involved in.

If a citizen tries to complain about human rights concerns to a government department ,the government departments sends NSW Police officers in a detrimental manner :
the NSW Police act in a manner to try to separate the owner from his home. The NSW Police dont care about property rights. The NSW Police want to have access to such
properties similar to the biblical sodomites bothering Lot's home and demanding to have knowledge of the men that entered his home.

The News story about the French Embassador in Canberra briefly leaving Australia, and then returning, has something to do with conspiracies to murder/enslavement by bugging phone lines.
[murder/enslavement includes the use of slave labour devices against people who survive murder attempts.]

neighbourhood of 'Call Boy' male prostitutes = homosexual nazis

There was a call boy scandal in Washington USA during Ronald Reagan's era.

names of people especially involved in the phone bugging conspiracies(friends of Toni Collette):
-Andrew Millett, the son of a man who is Woody Allen double.
-Alistair White and his sisters Monique and Genevieve.
[Alistair White's family were fans of the Donahue talk show which was probably a media advertisement for Project Montauk(experiments including anglo-celtic child soldiers)]
Montauk has subliminals of Mon-talk = Mon-parlay = My talk in french language. Like the term used when people spoke to a French King "Mon ouïe" (phonetically mon-wa)
Project Montauk is possibly also known as Project Charlemagne.And/or Project Charlemagne corresponds to the term Project Monarch(Nazi Lebensborn program in English speaking nations).




The NSW Police must face international law charges :
-racist NSW police organisation does NOT want some racial groups to live lives free of racial violence attacks. <--- NSW Police contravened NSW Anti-Discrimination Act(1977) .
-racist NSW police organisation do NOT want some racial groups to live lives free of nazi doctor crimes. <--- NSW Police contravened Geneva Convention article 147 .

The existence of the sodomy system in Australia (safe bases/sodomy bases) is about making groups of
violent sh_t f_ckers & sh_t f_cked people who commit deliberate injustice, then are taught to be angry about justice being applied against them.
The kind of anger where they want to cover up the injustices, they dont want some cases to go to court.

The existence of the sodomy system in Australia (safe bases/sodomy bases) is about making groups of
violent NSW police sh_t f_ckers & sh_t f_cked people(star chamber cops) who commit deliberate injustice,
then are taught to be angry about justice being applied against them.
The kind of anger where they want to cover up the injustices, they dont want some cases to go to court.
[The NSW Police and their buggery corruption are disgrace to the concept of law. Buggery is connected to lawlessness : outbreaks of sodomy <---> outbreaks of lawlessness]


About police Sargeant Guyerreger and the female police woman that was with him, in a group of police on 04/06/2019 at Stanhope Gardens Village Shopping Centre:
NSW Police Sargeant Guyereggar is from Riverstone L.A.C.(local area command):

The female policewoman that resembled Rachael Griffths from the neighbourhood where Toni Collette grew up
(Rachael Griffiths with the thin legs and nobbly knees who looks facially similar to Sarah Silverman).

1)There is reason to believe she comes from a paedophile family in/around Sorrento Drive Glenwood NSW 2768 suburb of Sydney.
Around the year 2016, she was seen on a bus that went from Sorrento Avenue to the Hoyts Cinema Rouse Hill that existed, before it was replaced by the Reading Cinema.
She was seen with a lookalike of Michelle Saunders: Michelle Saunders the sister of Robert Saunders who was friends with Peter Payne.
[Paedophile families that get jobs in the NSW Police and then terrorise people in shopping areas.

2)and she is a Nazi Lebensborn body double of Rachael Griffiths from the neighbourhood where Toni Collette grew up(was raised).

The paedophile families in/around Sorrento Avenue Glenwood possibly consider Laura Bush(presidential wife) and her doubles as their "Patrons" that migrate paedophile families into Sydney Australia.
Such paedophile families possibly have a paedophilia connection to elementary school teacher "Barry Boon"(deceased) who taught his students to sing a song about mud and hippopotamus:
Song Lyrics: Mud ! mud ! glorious mud. Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood. So follow me , follow. Down to the hollow, and there were will wallow in glorious mud."
Barry Boon would also read Rudyard Kipling stories to his school students: Deepest Darkest Africa type of stories about the "Little Limpopo River".
Barry Boon seemed to enjoy racist talk about social/political disorganisation in former colonies such as "Upper Volta".
[Barry Boon was Toni Collette's school teacher in year 1984.]

Names of people who have conspired murder/slavery in connection with the company "General Electric": A Thomas Edison company, a J P Morgan company.
Brodie Lighting is probably an Australian subsidiary company of the American General Electric company.
NAMES: Daniel Mamo, Keith Leyshon and Greg Leyshon the cousins of Daniel Mamo , Wayne Brodie and his brother Eddie Brodie,
Anthony Rutter the friend of Eddie Brodie,
Joshua Cameron who lived across the Road from Wayne Brodie(Cameron is from a Vietnam Veteran family.
In the Kitchen of the Cameron family was displayed a cloth sign
with slavery themes about treating people like Mushrooms - Keeping people in the Dark and feeding people Bullsh*t " .
The kind of Slavery that American and Australian soldiers learned to do against people during the Vietnam War.]


There was a 'Brodie Lighting' store nearby to where Anita Cobby was abducted in car.Anita Cobby was ritually murdered by a group of Australian males in 1986.

That Brodie Lighting store was possibly used to produce a pirate pornograpic publication called "Penthouse:Women of the World"
which was sold at the newsagent located at the train station. i.e. The Newsagent owned by Mr Kim(chinese man).
The publishers and sellers of Penthouse:women of the World should face charges of "Brand Piracy", and probably various other charges.

Eddie Brodie's friend Anthony rutter was said to be involved in violent crimes while he was a secondary school student during the 1980s.
Some unknown Australian male wanted to sue Anthony Rutter for breaking his jaw.
Daniel Mamo's family was possibly being investigated during the 1990s about their fruit truck"."The Mamo fruit truck was possibly being used to transport human bodies:
murdered people and/or illegal immigration.
Mamo was possibly being investigated in connection with "the dole" payments = The Department of Social Security(Governemnt Department)

A description of the social security corruption that Daniel Mamo and his friends are probably involved in:
Mamo comes from a neighbourhood where Australians are taught to avoid getting honest jobs: instead they go onto social security,they become involved with male prostution,
and they make money from conspiracies to murder people (they make money from murdering people). <---- See also names : Ralph Quitadamo, Shane Pisani.

A news story from the year 2017 would suggest that Danie Mamo and his friends conspiracies to murder people, include "ïdentity theft".
Identity theft is sometimes mentioned in news tories, but the police never seem to mention that SLAVERY is closely connected with identity theft.
While a person was a student at Sydney University,
Greg Leyshon started to appear near Sydney University, near the TNT Building at Redfern train station.
Leyshon appeared at Redfern at Station and acted like a Beefeater, or a Highwayman. He silently stood near the ticket gates,
as though he was a Beefeater, or a Highwayman/Robber determining who could pass by and who could not.

Greg Leyshon appeared at Redfern railwy station, and afterward the Physics staff at Sydney University became unreasonable toward the student.
The Physics staff acted like mafia and nazis toward a physics student. There is reason to believe that the Physics staff became corrupted by
the male prostitution activity associated with Leyshon, Mamo, Brodie.

2 days before a violent attack at a shopping centre in June 1995, another Physics student Brian Ball from Sydney University appeared at the front of Westpoint Shopping Centre.
Brian Ball had an evil grin on his face.



Tom (Liliana Pavlek's brother)became secretly allied with a nazi-collaborator organisation called the Croatian Ustashi, due to the influence of his selfish racist mother Kata(Kate).
THe Ustashi WW2 nazi collaborators took over the political system in Croatia after Communism was dismantled in Eastern Europe in the 1990s.
When Tom's father Velko was living, Velko became a diplomat for the Communist country of Yugoslavia which included Croatia.

. Tesla's Elon Musk: We're 'Summoning the Demon' with Artificial Intelligence

. [Elon Musk wants to enslave people from the developing world, and pretend that they are A I(artifical intelligence) and demons.]
. Elon Musk is racist South African Boer who is part of an agenda to emslave and exterminate developing world nations, See information about Majestic-12)
. Elon Musk is racial Apartheid political systensupporter who is part of an agenda to enslave and exterminate developing world nations, See information about Majestic-12)
. The nglo-Dutch Racial apartheid political system existed in South Africa for some decades in the 20th Century.Elon Musk wants to make racial apartheid a world political system
. via the sodomy religion he follows.
. biofeedback satanism [probably considered an electronic method to summon demons: used by Elon Musk]
. green language
. The so called 'language of nature: birds and the bees' that Freemasons become involved with. But Masons are sodomites/organisations which promote sodomy ritualistic behaviours.
The desire of the Templars to become involved with the "Green Language" has something to do with descriptions of Templars kissing each other at the base of the spine.

. ancient machines in nature: the technology of the "green language" (bird and the bees:satanic hive intelligence<--- sodomite hive intelligence, Project Monarch butterly insect symbols)
. "baphomet worship(form of slavery)" "green language"

How Green Language Is Used In Police & Military Mark Passio

Deus Ex Machina(God outside of the machine).

Deus Intra Machina(God inside the machine) <--- a novel(said to be fiction) which probably gives hints about baphomet worship slavery, the green language, machines in nature.

ancient machines in nature, ionospheric communication

"ancient machines in nature/in local geographical configuration/in localgeology/large geological depressions/ancient trade centres" ionospheric communication

baphomet is god in the machine. man trapped in the machine (form of slavery) . sodomites worshipped the man trapped in the machine. ancient 'machine/physical configuration of components' that produces ionospheric communication (ground ionospheric waves).modern day sodomites cultures found a way to produce the 'machine of the green language/birds and the bees(satanic hive intelligence)' by misusing nikola tesla's ground ionosphere antennas

man trapped in the machine, man in trapped in a tree,man trapped in stones from which communications seem to come, but are really coming from waves in ionosphere and ground

the mayan spaceman (tortuguero space man) is an ancient man trapped in a planetary engineering machine that sends waves into the ground an ionosphere

the man that grows old amd dies inside the White Room in film "2001 A Space Odyssey" is a man trapped in a planetary engineering machine that sends waves into the ground an ionosphere



the man that is trapped behind the tesseract(represented by a cage of library book cases) in the film Interstellar,is a man trapped in a planetary engiineering machine that sends waves into the ground an ionosphere

modern day sodomites have minuaturised such planetary engineering machines into the form of slavery devices surgically attached to the nerves, and tuned into by Nikola Tesla's ground ionosphere antennas: slave labour devices (secretly forced implants).
The simplest "machine in nature" is something like a sloping hillside leading up to a mountain top.
Man saw sloped surfaces in nature were able to give elevation(altitude).
So human began to make inclined planes(simple machine).

Some "machines in nature" are more complicated.
The story of the Garden of Eden describes a more complicated "machine in nature". Possibly a machine in nature that allow electromagnetic wave communication to occur via ground and ionosphere.
Represented by a talking snake coiled around a tree,vibrations accumultating/resonating in a large geographical depression. <------> caduceus symbol, angel of the spinning sword(messenger of the spinning sword).


NSW Police Sargeant Guyeregger possibly facial resemblances to Peter Payne, and some Daryl whose surname is Prince.
NSW Police Sargeant Guyeregger from the Riverstone LAC (Local area command).Riverstone is a suburb along Richmond Road in western Sydney NSW Australia.
[That would imply 2 nazi lebensborn correspondences in the group of police involved in the shopping centre racism on 04/06/2022.
1) a policeowman that was a double of Rachael Griffiths(from the neighbourhood where Toni Collette was raised).
2) Guyeregger who possibly has a Nazi Lebensborn connection to Peter Payne and his double some Daryl with with surname Prince.
Peter Payne <-?-> Magda Goebels (wife of prominent nazi party member during World War 2.)
Peter Payne is a friend of an actress Toni Collette.He lived across the road from the homw where Toni Collette was raised.Payne avoided school photographs in secondary school,
which probably suggests his involvement in criminality(male prostitution). Male and females prostitutes dont want heir faces to be known.

Peter Payne's face is displayed in 21_08_2020_002.jpg

Surname "De Vries" exist in both Jehovah's Witness and Sevent Day Adventist congregations.
Surname De Vries are some kind of Dutch racism connection between Jehovah's Witnesses and Adventists.

In Maria Schellander's church congregation(JW Kingdom Hall congregation) there was a Peter De Vries who had a high pitched voice, and resembled Hubert Gruber the homsoexual nazi officer in the television series Allo, Allo.Peter De Vries resembled American-British actor Guy Siner <--?--> Australian actor Robert Hughes
Peter De Vries spoke in high pitched feminine voice, and he was married to a blonde Australian woman.
Peter De Vries blonde Australian wife looked similar to Rosemary Millar from reception office in Physics at Sydney University.!

Jim Cameron (1980s cricket coach(junior cricket teams),probably deceased) possibly originally came from Albany Western Australia which is a Whaling Station town (Ship Port from which whales were hunted).
There are similar looking people in Albany to Jim Cameron: similar faces and similar physiques. i.e. Jim Cameron or his ancestors possibly came from Albany , Western Australia.
Jim Cameron = Robert James Cameron, whose son was Joshua Cameron, and whose daughter was Leanne Cameron.

... and also connected to Albany (whale ship port), Jim Cameron was a body double of millionaire Alan Bond:
news stories about British business man Alan Bond and his business connections to the city of Perth in Western Australia and ,
the Perth Yacht Club which won the America's Cup in 1983.


The groups involved in illegal immigration: they use 'spy satellites': Robotic cameras in orbit which can detect a ball on a playing field.
[and when spy satellites are being used, they pretend they are observing from planes and helicopters, as a decoy .
Where Spy plsanes are used(U2,SR-71), there is probably often also the use of spy satellites.
Areas where there are patrols of helicopters and planes flying over civilian households,it is possibly a sign that spy satellites could be in use to observe such neighbourhoods]

Where mention is made of 'secret space programs' it is probably a reference to 'spy satellite;' space programs, by people who dont know the details of such space research programs,
or people who dont want to mention the details of such space research programs,
[the few documentaries that describe spy satellite space programs , describe them as the other type of space programs that occur,]
the other kind of space program that began with the use of robotic technology instead of astronauts.
i.e. Spy satellites carrying robotic cameras istead of astronauts, have developed over time , into technology such as the American X-37B robotic space shuttle.
i.e. Spy satellites carrying robotic cameras istead of astronauts, have developed over time , into technology such as the Russian robotic space probes which landed on the moon in 1970.

See also "Manned orbital laboratory(MOL)" concept which were groups of astronauts connected to spy satellite programs, and forerunners of space stations.
MOL astronaut group(2). Robert F. (Bob) Overmyer, Henry W. (Hank) Hartsfield, Robert L. Crippen, Karol J. Bobko and C. Gordon Fullerton.

MOL astronaut group(3): Robert T. Herres, Robert H. Lawrence Jr., Donald H. Peterson, and James A. Abrahamson.<-- This astronaut group had an Afro-American who died(was murdered by the racists?).
MOL astronaut group(1): Michael J. Adams, Albert H. Crews, John L. Finley, Richard E. Lawyer, Lachlan Macleay, Francis G. Neubeck, James M. Taylor, and Richard H. Truly.

This is mentioned because of the insidious desire of some racists to turn other races into robotic slaves.
Spy satellite programs with their robotic technology and connection to illegal immigration are probably popular with some racist groups who want to make slaves for themselves(racists that play golf?).

spy satellites <----> launched by 'titan rockets'<----> 'titans' being a way to colloquially refer to cybernetic slavery experiments , cybernetic implants (titanium metal)



There are American Whitewater company/Blackwater company connections of the security guards working Westpoint Shopping Centre Sydney Australia(suburb ateastern end of Richmond Road).

The security guards working in Westpoint Shopping Centre Sydney have a connection to the Oklahoma city bombing in 1995, via the Blackwater company connections.
Blackwater is an American company whose security guards are connected with Bill Clinton (former American president).
Blackwater is an American company whose security guards are connected with murders in Iraq (American Invasion of Iraq in 2003).

Neal Winter and Miguel Grifa are associated with the Blackwater security guards connected to Oklahoma City Bombing.
The Blue Mountains circus paedophiles(2018) have a connection to Blackwater security guards, and there is a conenction to Donald Trump's Daughter(Ivanka Trump),
Trump's brother and real estate developments in the great lakes area USA.

The Blue Mountains paedophiles have a connection to the violent italian man from Lucetti Avenue.
Whitewater news story and Hillary Clinton are associated with Wisconsin USA(great lakes) and Project Sanguine Antennas (tracking of deeply submerged submarines).
Whitewater is connected with trcking devices and antennas.

Blackwater is also connected to tracking devices: Nutria Rodent tracking in Florida(The Judas Project ) <----> Hippocampal Neuron Pattterning.
Also Project Isobella <----> Helicopters used to shoot goats <--?--> Spy Satellite program(Secret Space Program).


Neal Winter and Miguel Grifa are associated with the Blackwater security guards connected to Oklahoma City Bombing.

Neal winter and Miguel Grifa are connected to a Sydney Univeristy security guard from 1993-1994 who was arabic and had a face similar to Afro-aqmerican musician Ice Cube.

Over the years, there have been news stories on Australian television channels,about police wanting further information about some unsolved crime,
where Australian Police organisations are shown dressed in their police uniforms,they are shown with their back facing the camera,
and then a male police officer bends over, seemingly to examine something on the ground.

The male police officers probably dont look attractive to the people watching the television,
because their bodies are covered in police uniforms. But the display of male police officers
bending over, and making their behinds more prominent to the camera, in a situation where the
police have no clue and want more information, is a hint about sodomy corruption within Australian police organisations.

Some such news stories with police organisation bending over , are possibly situations where the police
want to do their sodomy corruption against citizens and the police are not looking to solve anything.
Some such news stories with police organisation bending over , are possibly situations where the police
organisations have deliberately conspired to make missing persons, and have not tried to investigate anything.

[Sometimes a female police officer is shown wearing denim jeans with her back to the camera,
and then a male police officer in uniform bends over to examine something on the ground.]

Some such news news stories about the police having no clue and are seeking information from the public about some unsolved crime,
are about corrupt groups of police wanting know which crime organisation commits crimes and leaves no clues, not to solve such crimes, but to make situations where third parties are sandwiched between criminal groups and corrupt police groups,
as a way of making citizens(third parties) disappear without a trace.

Corrupt racist religous organisation such as the Mormons/LDS,Seventh Day Adventist church, and their connections to British MI9 who migrated nazis to South America,
modern day illegal immigration, and their connection to Romanian Mafia possibly set up such situation of missing persons, and police corruption to horrible extent.

The Romanian Mafia have connections to Mongolia(Centra Asia), Turkey,Italy, and Alanic families in France. Romania on the Black Sea, and French Alans are Sarmatians(similar to Mongol race).
The true story ot the romanians (vlach-mongols)
<--- Romanians/Walachians are descended from Mongols(came from Central Asia over a very long migration route. Romanians are from Vlach Mongols.
And the Romanian mafia are probably connected to South American crime families such as Pablo Escobar who was in Colombia.

Romanians and French Alans secretly supported the Mongol invasion of medieval Europe by Genghis Khan's dynasty.

constable P Smith, Guyeregger and his group of police officers that enacted racism in shopping areas in 2019, could described to a court as:
NAZI POLICE OFFICERS who unnecessarily bother citizens in an area around the Lindt chocolate factory.
Lindt being a nazi company from Switzerland, similar to Nestle who were collaborating with Nazi Germany during World War 2.

Guyeregger possibly has connection to Magda Goebbels from Nazi Germany.See above paragraphs, descriptions of Peter Payne.

To produce racially segregated neighbourhoods in Marsden Park/Colebee/Schofields area of Sydney,
the Lindt company built a cafe in the Sydney CBD, and then a terrorism incident occurred in year 2014.

The terorrism incident in the Sydney CBD, is a way for Nazis in the NSW Police to pretend the investigate the area around the Lindt Chocolate Factory in Marsden Park.
THe terrorism incident in the Sydney CBD was a way to produce racially segregated neighbourhoods, racialyl segregated shopping areas in Masden Park:
racist police officers terrrorising people away from shopping areas around Marsden Park and Stanhope Gardens, by pretending to investigate the terrorism that occurred in connection with the Lindt company.

The terorrism incident in the Sydney CBD, is a way for Nazis in the NSW Police to pretend the investigate the area around the Lindt Chocolate Factory in Marsden Park
to create a mono-racial area for racists to more easily enact their racism in, for racists to more easily enact illegal activities which they consider as fun(when no other races are around to see.)

The NSW Police need to face formal racism charges as an organisation.
and individual police officers such as P Smith and polic Sargeant Guyeregger need to face formal charges : racism ,and the use of prostitution to create trouble for shoppers.
see information above the USA defining certain types of Ku Klux Klan style racism in their law system . Similar definitions of racism need to be in the Australian Law system.

And the NSw Police need to international law charges.
[There are situations where Australia has deliberately dragged on iunjustice over years decades and racists need to face charge after charge...
to the extent that the death penalty needs to be applied against some racists.

[And such nazi cops send racists into the neighbourhoods where people live, to racially segregate the neighbourhoods where people live,
through violent attacks by racist male prostitutes.]
Is Guyeregger friends with Ralph Quitadamo's scrawny blonde wife , who possibly follows people into shopping areas far away from where Quitadamo lives?

Does Guyeregger have connections to Outlaw motorcycle gangs(o.m.g), via a tow truck company ?
there was a constable 'Ball' (female police officer) that bothered people at the Bunnings store,around 3pm, across the road from Ikea, which is near the Lindt Factory.

Australija je licemjerna zemlja,
Australija ka e da ima "osnovne prava drzavljanin"
Ali Australija je potajno protiv Osnovni prava drzavljanin.
Australija je potajno protiv sloboda društvo.(SOCIJALNE SLOBODE drzavljanin)
Australija je potajno protiv sloboda kad neko bira drugovi.
(kad Australci pravije robstvenim conspiracije protiv nekoga, i neko je protiv Australske conspiracije )

Australians sometimes give hints about how racially intolerant their culture is, and that Australian culture is involved in slavery conspiracies against migrant families.

In situations where an anglo-celtic Australian goes on a romantic outing with a migrant, Australians sometimes use terminology such as
that Australians "dont want to hear any wog language."
<----meaning that Australians dont want to hear any migrant language spoken. Australians want to understand every word spoken by a migrant.

In some situations, such intolerance toward migrants develops into situations where Australians threaten harm against migrant family members
if they try to form friendships with anyone from the culture they were brought up in,and that is slavery activity by anglo-celtic Australians.
[Anglo-celtic Australians have made a slavery industry out of such racial intolerance toward migrants, and the NSW Police are supporters of such slavery conspiracies.]
[Anglo-celtic Australians have made a slavery industry out of such racial intolerance toward migrants, and it has everything to do with the NSW Police supporting identity theft conspiracies,
and the NSW Police terrorising members of migrant families in shopping areas,
and also medical racism/medical nazism occurs in Australia.
<----- This is information relevant to describe to an international court.It has been described to some extent in posted paragraphs some months ago.

In the context of the basic rights of a citizen: the freedom of association.
The citizen''s right to freedom of association, should be understood to include:FREEDOM TO CHOOSE COMRADES FROM THE SAME CULTURE AS ONE's PARENT(S) ,TO OPPOSE SLAVERY CONSPIRACIES.

Australians like to talk in circles around injustice, instead of directly saying what kind of injustices occur in Australia.

Australians euphemistically say that they are society that talks to people who have jobs in one way,
and they talk to people who dont have jobs in another way.

the real meaning of such euphemisms are:
- Australians have a system of slave labour to inflict against citizens in connection with aussie poofter parlours and safe bases,
a homosexual racism system of corruption which believes that some races should not compete with anglo-celtics.
- Australia is racist nation that does not want some races to have paid work.
- the Australian education system is racist education system that makes lies to migrant families that if you study hard , you will get a job ,
but then racist teachers forget what they said to students and racist teacher inflict slave labour experiments upon migrant families.

Australia is a worthless society that feels like inflicting slave labour circumstances upon migrant families, for no apparent reason, other than race.

Australians are not about bringing people down to earth. Australians are sadistic sh_t f_ck_rs that are about dragging people down to level of anglo-celtic sh_t f_ck_ng customs.

Australians have no culture , and exist only to make identity theft conspiracies against people who were brought up in culture.

Australians have no culture , and exist only to steal the culture of people who were brought up in culture.

Australians have no culture , and exist only to make counterfeits of racial tolerance. Australians are not racially tolerant,
and there some people Australians want to secretly show their racial intolerance to(those racial groups that Australians conspire to prevent having paid work
From the point of view of the system of poofter parlours and safe bases in Australia(which could be the British Colonial administration in Australia),
to have a job in Australia, is a way to be able to make contributions to 'mafia protection rackets' run by groups of ritual prostitutes(sodomites) in comunity settings.
Many citizens would not know that such Mafia protection schemes occur in suburban communities.
Ritual prostitutes ask people for money in the form of organisations asking for donations by letters in the mail,
or checkout workers asking shoppers if they could contribute donations to a charity organisation while paying for groceries.

When people are prevented from having work, when people become socially isolated, the ritual prostitutes that watch suburban communities
notice that such citizens are not contributing to the community 'mafia protection racket'.
The ritual prostitutes conspire murder against peolpe who are prevented from having work, people become socially isolated,

The ritual prostitutes watching suburban areas, want people to be contributing money to various worthless causes,
to be spending money on prostitutes, to be spending money on illicit drugs,
so that citizens cannot save money, cannot afford to buy their own homes.
The aussie paedophiles at house number 291 possibly have a connection to some group of criminals who would watch people crossing the
median strip with trees on Seven Hills Road around 400am in the morning in the dark.
i.e. People walking home from night shift work(or afternoon shift completion), that crossed over Seven Hills Road, around the year 1988.

When a person walked onto the median strip with trees, the criminals would stop their car next to the median strip,
in the manner of trying to abduct a person that walked onto median strip. The tree cover on the median strip was thick with tree branches,
One person hid in the trees and then the car eventually drove away (the criminals could not find the person in the tree cover and dark, so the criminals drove away).
[ A violent red haired man living in Melba Road Lalor Park, was said to be a policeman working at Seven Hills Police station.
If he was woorking as a policeman at Seven Hills Police station, maybe the violent red haired man was secretly a spy assigned to make trouble around Seven Hills suburb of Sydney NSW Australia.
During the 1980s Melba Road had tall Pine Trees, similar looking to the Pine Trees growing around Elisha Forth's home in another street.
Melba Road is close to the 1980s homes of Joshua Cameron and Wayne Brodie.]

the criminals with the car drove possibly on Seven Hills road, and/or maybe Johnson Avenue Seven Hills (where there was a median strip with thick tree cover).

There is some probability that the violent red haired man was a relative of Greg Anderson.
The events described were occuring around the same time as the killing of Angelo Tsakos by Seven Hills police officers, the death of Anita Cobby ...
Angelo Tsakos was closely connected with red haired twin criminals(juvenile delinquents? who became adults) who locals referred to as "The Cain Gang" (Nathan and Morgan Cain).
They had a friend called "Lockie" whose name appeared on graffiti visible along the railway line: visible to people travelling to university,visible to people travelling to work.

Violent red haired criminals with possibly a connection to Sarah Ferguson who married Andrew Windsor, and Jeffrey Epstein.

The 1980s term "supergrass agents" is terminology describing informers who are probably prostitutes(sodomites) connected with Safe Bases, and they have a British connection.
Nikola Gobbo is probably a Supergrass agent and Safe Base prostitute, who found work as a solicitor for a period of time.


Iron Maiden fan club members are invovled in racial persecution against people in public venues such as shopping centres.

The group of faces on the internet suggest that Iron Maiden fan club group included Glen Wheatley and Johnny Young.
Glen Wheatley has recently died. Glen Wheatley was associated with humans being tracked around News stories (Project Wickenby and Eelctronic Tags).

NSW Police Seargeant Guyeregger could be asked if he takes holidays to the philippines to visit Johnny Young's A.I.D.S. clinic
and does he act tough in front of groups of philippino boys?

[There have been out of the ordinary news story about a teenager from the philippines by airplane visiting Stanhope Gardens Village Shops in Australia
in the manner of bringing biological warfare (measles) into Australia. ]
19 Mar 2019
The teenager was infectious on CEBU Pacific flight 5J41 from which departed Manila on Saturday 16 March, and arrived in Sydney on Sunday 17 March.
This website does not understand what so-called 1st world countries dont understand about Nazi Doctor crimes being forbidden.

The corruption in 1st World Nations is so severe that that 1st World Nations want to waste people's time by stating the applications,
consequences of Nazi doctor crimes, corollaries of the prohibition against Nazi Doctor crimes in Geneva Convention article 147.

e.g. The presence of the Nazi Lebensborn program in Australia means that there are groups of racist prostitutes who poke fun at the Geneva Convention, and poke fun at the Nuremberg War Crimes trials,
by making expectations in societies such Australia that they will only meet with people from some races after Nazi Doctor crimes hasve been committed against some races.
Prostitutes from thew Nazi Lebensborn program make such promises behind people's backs, and the making people become missing persons so that the Nazi Lebensborn would never have to keep such promises.
... and then the Nazi Lebensborn endlessly isolate people, over years decades, in the manner of Nazi Eugenics, the separation of males that occured in the Nazi concentration camps.
The Nazi Lebensborn endlessly isolate people, in the manner of only some races having paid employment, only some races having families, and wasting away the lifetimes of other races in social isolation.
Australia needs to be asked formal questions by the International Law System about how it would try to justify

citizens from migrant families spendings years being students in the Australian Education System and Australian school teachers makihng promises that if you study hard you will get a job to support yourself,
and then
prostitutes from Nazi Lebensborn program in(from) Safe Bases violently attacking a person, Australian doctors commititng a cowardly medical crime (attachment a slave labour device=nazi doctor crime), to prevent a person from having paid work, to waste away a person's life in social isolation,
Australia needs to be asked formal questions by the International Law System about how it would try to justify

citizens from migrant families spendings years being students in the Australian Education System and Australian school teachers makihng promises that if you study hard you get a job to support yourself,
and then
prostitutes from Nazi Lebensborn program in Safe Bases, without warning, without any formal explanation, without any formal letters being sent about experiments, violent attacking a person, Australian doctors commititng a cowardly
medical crime (attachment a slave labour device=nazi doctor crime), to prevent a person from having paid work, to waste away a person's life in social isolation,
through racist prostitutes(sodomites) making promises to meet a person that they have committed a nazi doctor crime against, a person that they never intend to meet in person.
that theu have committed a nazi doctor crime

and further information:
they have done such injustice against a peron who was school dux(academically first in on'e high school).
Someone that hundreds of Australian students saw walk onto a platform in a school hall to receive an academic prize from the High School.

And those hundreds of students and many school teachers saw Royce Simmons from the Penrith Panthers Rugby league team shake the students hand.
The racism,corruption of so-called first world nations such as Australia is to horrible extent.]
[23/02/2022] further information about post 22/02/2022
The group of faces on the internet suggest that Iron Maiden fan club group included Glen Wheatley and Johnny Young.
Glen Wheatley has recently died. Glen Wheatley was associated with humans being tracked around News stories (Project Wickenby and Eelctronic Tags).

NSW Police Seargeant Guyeregger could be asked if he takes holidays to the philippines to visit Johnny Young's A.I.D.S. clinic
and does Guyeregger act tough in front of groups of Philippino boys?

[There have been out of the ordinary news story about a teenager from the philippines by airplane visiting Stanhope Gardens Village Shops in Australia
in the manner of bringing biological warfare (measles) into Australia. ]
19 Mar 2019
The teenager was infectious on CEBU Pacific flight 5J41 from which departed Manila on Saturday 16 March, and arrived in Sydney on Sunday 17 March.
When Phillip Alexiou was giving a person lift home back from his flat residence in Paramatta,Phillip Alexious mentioned something about
people "Äcting tough" in shopping centre venues, but he did not say in front of who. Alexiou did not mention this again. He did not elaborate any further about his äcting tough" comment.

Phillip Alexiou was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Hammer's Road Old Toongabbie that calls itself the "Parramatta Adventist Church".
Alexiou said he was christian, but he had a strange habit of talking into people's faces(talking into people's mouths).

Police Sargeant Guyeregger could be asked about talking into people's mouths when terrorising citizens in shopping areas, because Guyeregger's behaviour had some similarity to Phillip Alexiou.
Talking at people as though they are walking microphones?

Was there involvement of Johnny Young, or his fans with a racial violence crime that occurred in at the front of the large shopping centre on 21st June 1995(eastern end of Richmond Road)?
Franca Arena , the mother of Tina Arena became prominent in the Australian mediaa in the year 1995, in the manner of naming paedophile judges and politicians,
but Franca Arena did not want to mention her connection to racist homosexual paedophile Johnny Young who hosted the series Young Talent Time <---> Liberace who shared his home with Jamie Redfern and John Farnham.

See comments above about Adam Burne(1995 policeman) being a user of male prostitutes, whose work colleague was a butch(masculine) lesbian called Katrina Nichols.
The aussie paedophiles at home number 291 were positioned by racists, including Blacktown Council racists, including a real estate agent from Kingslangley shops.
<--- That real estate agent has a connection to the car that would try to abduct people in Seven Hills around 400am in the morning during the 1980s.

There is real estate at Kingslangley shop who behaved in the manner of coming near a person wheeling a trolley full of groceries home.
The real estate agent behaved in the manner of coming near and sadistically displaying that she had a car to transport her shopping home.
The person wheeling the trolley did not like her coming near sadistically,
and mentioned that Australians are criminals, descendants of convicts, and then wheeled his trolley full of groceries home.

There is possibility that aussie paedophiles at home number 291 are soemthing like spies who are involved in male prostitution.
They are about covering up evidence of slavery. They dont want people to be seen in public who have been adversely affected by slavery activity.
So, on Friday 18th September 2020,home 291 tried to violently attack the person who wheeled home his trolley full of groceries on several occasions before.

Racists who worked in Woolworths Kingslangley were complicit in the murder/abduction conspiracy. Woolworths stopped selling the large plastic boxes that were used to contain the the groceries that were wheeled home.

Government in Australia needs to face modern slavery charges, international law charges.Blacktown Council is considered local government/a county council: 3rd tier of Government in Australia. The NSW Poilice are supposed to be a service of the NSW Police. The NSW Police have been very compliciti with the moden slavery activity of Government in Australia.
The NSW Police need to face international law charges.

[Some time before house number 291 tried to attack a person, Blacktown Council had put a wire fence next to the footpath that goes through the park.
The wire fence prevents escape into an area of many weeds around a creek. THe wire fence deliberately channels pedestrians to come near home 291.

Did Saher Yousef got employment as a security guard in Woolworths Kinglangley.He has appeared in a ritualistic manner in Woolworths Kingslangley.
Saher Yousef is one of the racists that has conspired to cover up years decades of slavery activity.

Some years ago around the year 2012, emails were sent overseas describing the discovery that Kingslangley Shops and Kingslangley Public School are too close together,
and that makes Kingslangley Shops a hangout for paedophiles.

The emails were sent overseas in the hope that Kingslangley Public School would be closed down, because the shops are convenience for food.
Blacktown Council has kept open both Kingslangley Shops and Kingslangley Public school since 2012.

This webiste would like to see Kingslangley public school closed down, to make the basic necessity of food more easily accessible.

Also, to describe the probability that Zachary Etcell and his friends such as Frank Pico and some Adam that wore a tennis wrist-band were doing homosexual 'tricks' for paedophiles that visited Kingslangley shops by car,
during the 1980s and that had something to do with Katie the sister of Zachary Etcell becoming an unmarried mother.Zachary Etcell and his friends possibly turned to male prositution because they developed drug habits,
the Etcell household were still paying off the bank loan on a brick home, ...
[Zachary Etcell is a friend of actress Toni Collette. Etcell is a friend of Peter Payne. ]
[Then in year 2019 at Greenway Village Colebee across the Richmond Road from th Lindt Chocolate factory at Marsden Park ... at Greenway Village shops was a female shopper who looked Spanish similar to Frank Pico. Frank Pico possibly had something to do with the shopping centre racism incidents involving constable P Smith and NSW Police Sargeant Guyeregger's group of police. ]
The Etcell family were involved in sleepover clubs for elementary school males in the neighbourhood where Toni Collette grew up.
LAter, around the year 1988,Troy Woods a friend of Zachary Etcell mentioned in the school yard that "Zach's a bit of a poof".
Maybe Troy Woods was advertising the male prostitution that Zachary Etcell probably became involved in.

especially the information about Etcell has something to do with the corruption in Blacktown Police, and the corrupt racist behaviour of Adam Burne and Katrina Nichols in year 1995.

Guyeregger looks South African Boer(Dutch/Germanic) and maybe he knows the about sent out since 2012... and he was involved in the shopping centre racism in 2019.
there is a madame of male prostitutes living near Kinglangley shops across the road from the creek and a dense clump of trees over a rectangular area planted by Blacktown Council.
She looks like a Dutch South African Boer.

There is possibly an ATOMIC SPY CONNECTION with RACHAEL GRIFFITHS, to atomic spy Ted Hall(THEODORE HALL) who worked in Los Alomos USA.

i.e. Rachael Griffiths from Toni Collette's 1980s neighbourhod: Rachel Griffths who facially resembles comedian Sara Silverman.
Some of Ted Halls resembles Italian-Australian actor Steve Bastoni who starred in the Police Rescue tv series on ABC, and American actor-comedian Jim Carey,and the lead singer of MKTO music group.
Rachel Griffiths has a similarity to the daughters of Ted Hall.

[Ted Hall:Atomic Physicist, KGB Spy,His wife, in her old age, looks like Florence Bjelke Peterson, and also the wife of Lewis G Parker(deceased Adventist Pastor)]

Rachael Griffth's mother who drove car TWG-00D has slight resemblance to Florence Bjelke Peterson's relatives?
NSW Police Sargeant Guyeregger's group of police included a female police officer that was like a twin of Rachel Griffiths(Nazi Lebensborn double).

Guyeregger was with an atomic spy face when he enacted his police racism/terrorism in a shopping area (Stanhope Garden Village Shops 04/06/2019 ).

Guyeregger appeared in the shopping area with a woman resembling a daughter of Theodore Hall(Atomic Spy).

Hans Bethe(Manhattan Project Physicist) <----resemblance to----> Arthur Rudolf(WW2 German Nazi Scientist,Operation Paperclip)
[Hans Bethe a physicist from the Manhattan Project in the USA was probably feeding information to German Nazi Scientists about the Manhattan Project,
in the hope that Nazi Germany could be re-established with Nuclear Weapons.]

Arthur Rudolf is closely connected with names from Operation Paperclip such as Wernher Von Braun,Hubertus Strughold.

Toni Collette uses "Time travel research" as a cover for her illegal trading/illegal immigration activity (see information above about Noni B clothing/textile company,
sewing machines disguised as film projectors,slave labour sweat shops in developing world nations.).

The first film projectors were known as "Magic Lanterns", and had components such as star crossed sprockets.
Author H G Wells had ideas about the invention of film projectors being a type of time machine. Films were a way for people in the future to see how conditions were in the past.
After he became acquainted with film projectors(aka Magic Lanterns), H G Wells later wrote a book called "The Time Machine".

Time travel research is possibly connected with surnames such as Schaffer/Schaeffer. <------ Surname corresponding to a leader of Nazi Bases in South America.

Such time travel research is presented in media forms such as modern humans going back in time, and living out their lives in complete isolation.
Situations where humans live out their lives without modern medicine, without having access to modern conveniences such as shops, etc.
<--- But this is a hint about modern day slavery situations, medical corruption/medical nazism, racial discrimination occuring under the veil of time travel research.

Also, in Thomas Bearden's writings is mention of 'probability weapons' . Thomas Bearden is an author that describes research to do with Tesla's inventions.
The racists who use 'time travel research' as a cover for their racist activities, are involved in uncivilised activity such as human sacrifice.
Such racists believe that sacrificing human lives is a way to affect the probability of certain situations occuring in the future.
[Possibly a connection to Edgar Cayce's organsation, and the South Dakota Ku Klux Klan who financed the building of the Mount Rushmore Monument in the USA, General Custer,
and the Georgia Guidestones which favour a depopulated earth. i.e. Edgar Cayce was a healer and considered as prophet by some groups. Cayce preached brotherood between different races,
but the Ku Klux Klan inflitrated Edgar Cayce groups, and the Ku Klux Klan murdered many people who supported brotherhood between different races.]

[longer description]

...Possibly a connection to Edgar Cayce's organsation, and the South Dakota Ku Klux Klan who financed the building of the Mount Rushmore Monument in the USA, General Custer,
political connections to George Bush and Al Gore? George Bush is ontermixed with the Lakota American Tribe tribe and intermixed with jews ?
Lakota Americna Indian nation had some connection to the battles in which General Custer fought against American Indians.
and the Georgia Guidestones which favour a depopulated earth. i.e. Edgar Cayce was a healer and considered as prophet by some groups. Cayce preached brotherood between different races,
but the Ku Klux Klan inflitrated Edgar Cayce groups, and the Ku Klux Klan murdered many people who supported brotherhood between diferrent races....]


Where are HAO members?
They are probably found in groups such as:

- groups promoting theories about "if someone went back in time and killed Hitler, would history be different?".
e.g. Pretend communists (secretly fascists) such as The Red Orchestra <-----> compare with Black Orchestra an organisation associated with the Germanen Orden, and the Nazi SS(Schutzstaffel)
Perhaps the The Red orchestra could described as the Brown Shirt orchestra.

If the HAO would have killed Hitler, the HAO Armanen Orden would have taken over Nazi Germany and continued Hitler's plan of extermination.
The HAO Armanen Orden were a Nazi organisation with racist plans similar to Hitler.

Vitaly Clichko(Ukrainian politician) and Vladimir Clichko(his brother) are being advertised in the news in connection with the Ukrainian War.
they have a American CIA connection , and some connection to Australia. They are doubles of Salim Merhajer in Australia. Merhajer was the Mayor of Auburn country municipality suburb in Sydney Australia.
And they are doubles of a male character extra that appears in the Disney tv series Sam and Cat. Walt Disney was a CIA spy.
there is some is some kind of male prostitution connection between such Nazi Lebensborn doubles, some of who are boxers(athletes).
Merhajer's family possibly come from Kazakhstan or Azerbaijan. They possibly know about the Nazism in the Kazakstan Space Shuttle program(Buran Space Shuttle)
and Hitler's relatives in Kazakhstan (Nazi Lebensborn program in Kazakhstan), which has some connection to the Nazism in the American Space Shuttle program.

This information inmplies that they have been corrupted by their connections to Anglo-Celtics and Germans/germanics, because they come from cultures which are more natural.

Also there was a tv series with business people on Channel 10 Australia with a Salim Merhajer double.

Merhajer knows Liliana Pavlek's brother Tom? Merhajer knows Trevor Christian from Toni Collette's 1980s neighbourhood? Trevor Christian the Australoid whose son is David /> The Australoid Christian family from Australia have formed some kind of connection to illegal immigration in the USA.

Where humans are being tracked around by slave labour devices, it is a communities/neighbourhoods of corrupt people that dont want want others to see what the corrupt peolpe are doing.
They want others to focus on the person who is being tracked around. as a diversion.
i.e. communities/neighbourhoods of corrupt people involved in male prostitution that use corrupt racist doctors to surgically attach a slave labour device someone , to create a diversion.

Recently discovered. Some information to do with selfish groups of people who profit from terrorising people in shopping areas if they are alone: The mindset(point of view?) of sodomites/prostitutes who observe shoppers from the infrastructure camera systems ? THe mindset of people corrupted by prostition/sodomy. Can this inoformation be confirmed? If you are alone, why are you alone? You wont find friendship with such selfish people if you dont already have a friend with you. If you have friend with you, your number of friend could increase. If you have no friend with you, your number of friends wont increase, the number in your group number will decrease to zero (individuals are likely to become missing persons?) Where is your friend, so that selfish people can corrupt your friend, while selfish people are pretending to be respectable toward you. You must have a friend with you. Selfish people want to prey upon your friend, so that your friend will become a predator and prey upon you, so your friend will prey upon anyone else that you try to befriend. ---------------------------
There is possibly a connection of Jeffrey Epstein to 1970s British Prime Minister Edward Heath
Edward Heath abuse claims: the investigations

[There is picture of Uri Geller with former UK prime minister Edward Heath, who has reportedly been linked to pedophile rings, allegedly linked to Mossad.]

Kincora 'VIP paedophile ring' victim Richard Kerr speaks out

Trump’s mentor: another sociopathic paedophile child-trafficker in the mix; from Roy Cohn to Epstein and Maxwell.
<--- Doctor Who fan club, Gary Glitter(Glam Rock singer), and paedophile rings? Richard Kerr has a resemblance to John Tarrant who played Doctor Who around year 2004.
Peter Payne from Toni Collette's 1980s neighbourhood is part of the Doctor Who fan club. ------------------------------------------------
Barack Obama has suggested that Gus Grisolm astronaut was his grandfather.
[There is a photo of Obama as a child and man who looks like astronaut Virgil Grissom, or, Obama's grandfather.]

NASA ran a mind control program involving gifted children called 'Space Kids'.
Uri Geller was reportedly involved with a group of NASA Space Kids called the 'Gellerings', who were subjected to intensive hypnosis and trauma based mind control.'

Uri Geller is associated with GREVILLE-JANNER , Edward Heath , and Cliff Richard singer.
...Janner was Member of Parliament for Leicester, he was president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews,
he is vice-president of the World Jewish Congress and he is friend of the CIA's Yuri Geller.

... ************ many of Britain's top people are controlled by pedophile rings run by the CIA, Mossad and MI5.**************
In the 1990s, Labour Member of the UK Parliament Andrew Faulds was in possession of a leaflet entitled 'Concerned Leicester Parents' a
nd a booklet on 'How people in high places covered-up for a Parliamentary paedophile'...
Janner has been linked to child abuse at Leicestershire children's care homes.

Barack Obama has suggested that Gus Grisolm astronaut was his grandfather.
[There is a photo of Obama as a child and man who looks like astronaut Virgil Grissom, or, Obama's grandfather.]

The television program Dance Moms is a media connection between Barack Obama and Gus Grisolm Astronaut and Griselda Blanco(Miami Mafia).
One of the mothers shown in the program resembles Barack Obama's wife.
Abby Lee Miller the dance instructor resembles Griselda Blanco and relatives of Gus Grisolm astronaut.
[<---- See information above about Daniel Mamo from Toni Collette's 1980s neighbourhood, and his crime connections.]


Lucas Fowler and the NSW police described as being involved in the murders of migrant families.
The Polish mafia possibly sent 2 child soldiers to kill Lucas Fowler and Chynna Deece.
[Lucas Fowler was the son of NSW Police Chief Inpector.]

The photos of the 2 killers Kam McLeod and Bryer Schmegelsky were advertised in the media in a similar way to how
2 females 'Bible and Freeman' were portrayed in the media. Were Bible and Freeman from a migrant background?
Were the NSW Police from Australia involved in the murders against Bible and Freeman in North America?
[See documentary : Hell in the Heartland ]

NSW Police who take holidays to North America and are corrupted by the male prostitution to do with safe bases.
Star Chamber cops are male prostitutes in the police force, and sometimes described as users of male prostitutes.
NSW Police stealing people's identities, NSw Police who act like Mafia and Nazis.

Such holidays of the NSW Police to North America are probably associated with how Communism in the Soviet Union was financed over several decades by Capitalists in Western Nations.
e.g. Zimmerman from Germany, financed the Communist Revolution of Lenin in 1917.
Western Capitalists such as George Bush (and the trump family?) were secretly building safe bases in the Soviet Union and Eastern Euope and taking holidays there,
while most people in East and West were opposing each other during the Cold War.
NSW Police secretly taking trips to North america,NSw Police being homosexualised in Safe Bases, and then NSW Police murdering migrant families in North America.

Is this a description of N.A.M.B.L.A. activity?
Is this similar to the family murders in Australia?
Or was Benjamin Netanyahu taking revenge in South Australia for the murder of Anita Cobby in NSW ?
Were the relatives of Anita Cobby involved in pereptrating the Family Murders in South Australia?Did some of them have a resemblance to Zooey Deschanel? Jewish Mclachlan, Gibson, Gardiner families? Regev ?

Lucas Fowler(probably identity thief) <--->NSW Police Chief Inpector <----> Guyeregger and P Smith NSW Police involved in Shopping Centre racism/terrorism in Sydney Australia.
Guyeregger and his group of police were eager to get at a person's identity documents.

See also information about Adam Burne and Katrina Nichols.
Possibly to do with Dr Who fan club that Peter Payne is a member of. Gary Glitter(convicted paedophile) and the Doctor Who fan club in Sydney Australia.

Peter Payne resembles George Stevenson(British steam train engineer) <-----> Stevenson surname Kuk Klux Klan in Mineapolis USA.
[This information possibly has a connection to the death of George Floyd via Police racism in year 2020]

Michael portillo british politician and railway journeys documentaries.
Michael Portillo is a British politician who is openly homosexual.

Robert Saunders family are racists who made some conspiracy around the name Saleem
(They wanted to refer to someone as Saleem instead of their actual name,which could suggest a slavery/identity theft conspiracy by the Saunders family).
Salim Merhajer News stories in the media, possibly have something to do with the conspiracy of the Saunders family.
i.e Misuse of Ground antennas by racists such as the Saunders family possibly resulted in the name Saleem/Salim appearing in the Australian media. Robert Saudners are a military family who have lived near Duke of Edinburgh Airbase South Australia, Amberley Airbase Queensland, at the Eastern End of the Road that goes to Richmond Airbase NSW.

[Kostya Tzu:Australian boxer with Kazakstan Space Shuttle Nazism connection?]

The Saunders family are anglo-celtics who lived across the road from Anthony Coroneous, in the same street as Greg Anderson, Roshan the Sri Lankan,

the Old Ukrainian Woman(Coppack-Adamov),Kamahl and Abraham the the Indo-Persian migrants, Leigh Chalker , Douglas Jeremic , Angela Morris.

Rosemary hunter <--- resembles a Patillo, sounds similar to Portillo.

Michael Portillo<------>Australian Rugby League player Michael Ennis.
Belinda Russel channelo 9 news reader has resemblance to Michael Ennis. Possibly knows Kevin Rudd.<---> some connection Channel 10 weather? The Heist music video by Macklemore

Kevin Rudd was Australian Prime minister, however in the racist anglo-caste system in countries such as Britain, people are expected to conform to professions according to their look.
Kevin Rudd probably the face of a British Opium Trafficker( in the racist anglo-caste system ), the Opium Wars that Britain made against South East Asian Countries.

Roman Themes <---> Roman Polanski. Polish Mafia, Romanian mafia.
Also, some code that racists used in Toni Collette's neighbourhood, maybe they call themselves after the 7 days of the week.
Elisha Forth possibly calls herself after Wednesday or Thursday ?
[Dafoe, Robinson Crusoe novel themes? Stranding on a deserted island themes <---->female Angela Morris has some facial resemblance to male actor Willem Da Foe, Billie Eilish.]

The news stories about soldier Ben Robert Smith a soldier from the Afghanistan War.

Ben Roberts Smith was killing Afghan civilians because he likes Afghan boys in a perverse way,
and there is possibly connection to Angus Houston Australian military leader around the year 2008.
At Granville Tafe Engineering during the 1990s, there was an engineering 'head teacher' called Alan O'reilly, and during one of his engineering classes in Engineering Clases...
In year 1998, the racists in O'Reilly's Engineering class ganged up against a one of the students,a student who was doing well academically at TAFE, who was trying to quickly finish a qualification to become employed.
[The students ganged up against a student, as a result of male prostitutes corrupting Engineering teacher Alan O'Reilly, amd probably other teachers.
Instead of the students revealing that that male prostitutes were corrupting the Engineering Teachers, the students made lies about the student who was doing academically well.
When the student who was doing academically well tried to record on cassette the behaviour of the racist students, Alan O'Reilly objected to the recording. Alan O'Reilly seemed not to care about the
bad behaviour of racist students in his Engineering TAFE Class.

Alan O'Reilly(Engineering Teacher) was like a twin of Angus Houston.
[And during 1998, there was a red haired anglo-celtic student with a pony tail that looked similar to a Sydney University student called Stuart who studied in the Physics 2 labs in 1992.[Stuart was his given name, first name].
<---- Nazi Lebensborn doubles connected to Sydney University invaded Granville TAFE in year 1998?]

In year 2012, Alan O'Reilly appeared as a Engineering Teacher at O.T.E.N. in Strathfield/Burwood(TAFE by correspondence course).

Australian military and Australian education system have been deliberately keeping legal cases out of court, and appearing themselves on television in court shoe trials.
Ben Roberts Smith could have been subjected to a trial overseas, but he was allowed to return to Australia.

In Granville suburb of Sydney NSW Australia, there was a Vietnam War Veterans association building, near the Railway stations, to the south of the railway tracks.
People who attended Granville TAFE, and walked to TAFE from the Train station,sometimes walked past the Vietnam War Veterans association building.
Australians have been called 'Baby Killers'(paedophiles) during the Vietnam War, and it has something to do with Australians being corrupted by male prostitution, as a culture.
Australians have been called 'Baby Killers'(paedophiles) during the 2012 Afghanistan War, and it has something to do with Australians being corrupted by male prostitution, as a culture.

.. and in Blaxcell Street Granville was the Serbian Adventist Church where David Stefanovic and Blagoje 'Bill' Stefanovic were members.
around the years 1994-1995 there was a Von Paulos double attending the Adventist Church in Granville.
Von Paulos was the Nazi General who the Soviet Military defeated at Stalingrad in World War 2.
The Stefanovic family are Serbians who sometimes invited people from other nationalities to the Adventist church in Granville.

<------ To describe this to an International Court: The Australian Education system is involved in Slave Labour Experiments(Nazism) against migrant famiilies.

Monique White never wants to be connected to a teacher called Mr Tunks. Tunks has a resemblance to Rosemary Hunter's son in law. Monique White the sister of Alistair White who has a sister Genevieve.

During year 5, Monique White and Danielle Crawford saw a student sitting on the other side of the school quadrangle, and White and Crawford began to call out, across the playground, if the student wants to be their boyfriend. The school quadrangle was full of students, so White and Crawford wanted every other student to hear the question. <------ The homosexual nazism conspiracies of Australians possibly have such beginnings.The separation of males and females conspiracies of anglo-celtic Australians possibly have such beginnings

Louise Davis never wants to be connectged with a teacher called Mr Crossley (which prononced Croz-lee).
some years later, there was a student called Owen Crossley in John Tassel's mathematics classes. On one occasion, Owen Crossley decided to wear strange clothes to the mathematics class. He wore a hat from a british boarding school, or some school on the North Shore, but he was attending an Australian public school in the western suburbs.
Owen Crossley-----Glen Rowlands-----Saher Yousef
Owen Crossley-----Glen Rowlands-----Joshua Cameron.
This information is possibly connected to Peter Payne going on train trips as a male prostitute, and meeting male prostitutes from other secondary schools, possibly male prostitutes from boarding schools, or schools on the North Shore. .. and maybe Owen Crossley became involved in with Peter Paynes activity. Did Owen Crossley's activity have something to do with John Tassel being replaced by Mr A Payne as mathematics teacher? [Mr A Payne is a Joseph Mengele (Nazi Doctor) lookalike]
House number 291 and Adrian Buggs are connected to the same paedophile network. Also Erin who Stan the Drunkard was fond of. Erin resembles Adrian Buggs.
Andrew Johns resembles Otto Remer the German Nazi who was rewarded for foiling Von Stauffenberg's attempt to kill Hitler.
[i.e. Andrew Johns the 1990s Rugby league player with the twin brother. andrew Johns appeared as a host of the "Footy Show" program on Channel 9 television Australia.
Channel 9 is owned by the fmaily of Kerry Packer.

Otto remer <---resemblance to->Erwin Rommel(Nazi General) ,hans kammler (V2 rocket program, Dora-Mittelbau concentration camp, Mittelwerk underground slave labour facility).
Australians have some kind of homosexual religion occuring with their police.

When a person says that Australians must face the death penalty because of breach of Geneva Convention article 147,
Australians reply "Does that include our police ?"

Why do you keep mentioning police? I dont worship your NSW Police . I am not pagan. I am not an idolater.
Your NSW Police are not better than the millions of people that lost their lives in World War 2.

What does your question mean? I dont worship your NSW Police.
I was brought up to esteem the way that the Soviet military defeated the German Army.
I was NOT brought up to worship the way that your NSW Police dont care about the Geneva Convention.

Why do you keep mentioning your NSW Police? Why arent you mentioning the need for your aussie Police,Military persons, and Spies to face the death penalty?
Recent information:
Adam Burne(year 1995 police officer) is part of a group of homosexual paedophiles that use recordings.
Such homosexual paedophiles as Adam Burne dont care when criminals try to murder a person,
Such homosexual paedophiles as Adam Burne dont care when criminals seriously injure a person,
Such homosexual paedophiles as Adam Burne use false excuses about using people's recorded words against themselves,
to endlessly drag on situations of injustice.

[If Adam Burne has a had a girlfriend ,it means nothing, because he uses male prostitutes.]

Adam Burne and his friends from a Safe Base need to be officially labelled as the kind of human trash(bad characters)
that torture people's pets to death, as a way of practicing doing cruelty against humans.

Adam Burne is part of a group of homosexual paedophiles that use sounds recordings and film recordings to make counterfeits against people.


In Areas of Sydney Australia where there is medical corruption/medical racism/medical nazism occuring,
there is the behaviour of older children coming near younger children, and an older child mentioning words such as "He's seen you. You dont look like much."
A younger child has no idea what such words mean. Who has seen a person? Why should a person care about some unknown stranger seeing people?
What does it mean that stranger see people?
[If a child is physically bigger and stronger than other of the same age, such expressions do not make sense to a child.Older children are possibly
giving hints that even though a younger child is physically bigger and stronger than others, the community around have discovered that a child has not been
tought how to fight, and the community around wont teach a child how to fight. The community around will socially isolate a child,while the other
families in the community around teach each other how to fight and to ritually murder people.]

In the 1980s neighbourhood where Toni Collette grew up, the older child that mentioned "He's seen you. You dont look like much." was possibly Ernest.
Paul Barbuto had a double called Ernest. Paul Barbuto was italian or maltese, and he had a sister called Donna. Donna Barbuto and the Barbuto family
lived somewhere nearLouisa Kennewell, Vanessa Speight, Wayne Brodie, Joshua Cameron.
Ernest was very hostile in his words. He would use racist terminology such as "Chucker"(Spear Chucker), while Paul Barbuto was quieter than Ernest.

Such areas of Sydney are possibly corrupted by the NAZI LEBENSBORN PROGRAM(aka Project Monarch).
Possibly racists doctors(modern day nazi doctors) are visiting such areas to observe children, to see which children have been taught to fight,
and which children have not been taught to fight.

Craig Wardell probably involved in the making of NAMBLA cassettes/videos. Craig Wardell was probably Jason Robert's source of the 'A telefon' song cassettes.
i.e. Cassetes where people were singing in another language, but were mentioning words that sounded like english language. The homosexual crime organisation
NAMBLA probably make such songs.
Louisa Kennewell was enamoured of Craig Wardell. Daniel Mamo hated Craig Wardell and was glad that he moved out of the neighbourhood.
Daniel Mamo wanted to do harm to craig Wardell.

Craig Wardell possibly formed a connection to Jason McCliskie.

Louisa Kennewell possibly has a familial connection to media singers such as Shaka Khan from 1980s music charts and Tereza Kerndlova from Eurovison song contest.
Shaka Khan possibly has a connection to the illegal trade in the Caribbean,Puerto Rico,Technotronic music group,Ice-T, Colin Powell's illegal trading activityd...
The names mentions might suggest an illegal immigration from the Caribbean to Czech republic and Slovakia in Europe near the Black Sea.

Craig Wardell might have some familial connection to Terrence Hill from the Trinity Brothers cowboy western movies, the Venice Beach subculture, and the movie Waterworld
where one actor is speaking much gibberish and wanted to buy humans as slaves.
Craig Wardel knew Adan Burne in 1995? <--- NAMBLA connection.
Nicole Wrights was friends with Jason Roberts.
Nicole Wright is related to Barry Boon?
Jason Roberts was inviting school students to Nicoe Wrights home that had a swimming pool.

Nicole Wright lived across the Road from Daniel Mamo and across the Road from Corrie Rowe (jehovah's witness who visited homes together with Maria Schellander.)
Peter Haertsch was sent to work in Western Sydney by The Carlyle Group ? <---> Haertsch is from the Rankin family <-----> Rankin- Bass stop motion puppet films.
Michael Cain actor lookalikes in Rankin Bass company ? Are Rankin Bass animated film company a British spy company that knows CIA americans ?
<--- George Bush and Bin Laden connections.

Does Rankin Bass have Bill Clinton and Blackwater Securit company connections? Bill Clinton resemblance to actor Dick Van Dyke who was portrayed in Rankin-Bass films.

Westpoint Shopping centre in western Sydney is corrupted by Blackwater Security company from the USA?
Also has Frank Lowy Associations. Frank Lowy possibly a Hitler relative from Hungary?
NSW Poiice P Smith/Guyeregger are corrupted by Russian and Ukrainian consulate in Sydney?
The El-dzhej & Feduk music video 'Rose wine'(Rosovo Vino) has residential area scenery similar
to the residential homes near the Golf Course around Colebee/Marsden Park/Schofields area.
[Racists in the Communist USSR such as Mikhail Gorbachev were trading with Apart regime South Africa, and Israel was trading with Apart regime South Africa. ]

This information has some connection to the ritual murder of Anita Cobby in 1986?
THis information has some connection to some buck-toothed woman "Brooke" who visited the K-mart across the road from
Lewis G Parker's Adventist church from where Anita Cobby was abducted ?
Brooke resembles singer Kamaliya and Katniss from Hunger games. Is Brooke a Cameron relative?

The Rose Wine video looks like it is advertising young doubles of Ukrainian femaile singer Kamaliya, and the Katniss character from "The Hunger Games' series of movies.
[Rose Wine sounds similar to the UB-40 music video "Red Wine" <------ Nazi Submarines and illegal immigration,drunkeness of David Stefanovic lookalike music video.]



Comments by Shane Warne during an interview.

Even when Kerry Packer was "giving it to people" , he was charming ...
James Toon appeared on the Channel 9 television A Current Affair program interviewed by Mike Munro.
James Toon is genetically overweight in a morbid way.
People were commenting that James Toons was so fat(overweight) that he would probably die in his 40s.
James Toon played in Junior cricket teams of Seven Hills Toongabbie R.S.L. club, coached by Jim Cameron.]

Steve Smith ball tampering scandal.Steve Smith(2) Australian cricketer was a namesake of
Steve Smith(1) Australian cricketer from the 1980s who was part of a Rebel Tour of South Africa.

Anti-doping scandal(failed drug test by Shane Warne).

[Daniel Mamo's cousins the Leyshon brothers became professional rugby league players for a time
in the Penrith Panthers team. ... and the "Panthers" social club was being advertised through a magazine sent to people's letter boxes.]
During the interview, Shane Warne made comments similar
to Daniel Mamo and his friends walking through their high school car park,
and Daniel Mamo's friends being condescending toward females around.
i.e. The School car park where Neal Winter and Mr Notely Smith were
observing after school any students who might walk through that car park.
Based upon their comments toward the females around, were Daniel Mamo and his friends looking for boyfriends instead of girflriends.
Was Daniel Mamo's homosexual mentor Mr Adams that carpark ?
Mamo's friends: John Gillespie , Greg Leyshon, Simon Rowe, Paul Goldsmith.

Mr Crossley---- Mrs Adams(parent of Stacey Adams said to be the girlfriend of Daniel Mamo)----Neal Winter music teacher and Mr Notley-Smith art teacher.
Shane Warne Foundation <----> Westmead Hospital in Sydney ? Ricky Ponting ? <-----> Jerrod Henderson's family who have genetic heart problems(inbreeding,incest)

...Adam Burne is part of a group of homosexual paedophiles that use sounds recordings and film recordings to make counterfeits against people...

2 other names that should be mentioned.

Emma Rabbidge who lived in French's Forest suburb of Sydney is part of a group of homosexual paedophiles that use sounds recordings and film recordings to make counterfeits against people...
Emma Rabbidge was an Electrical engineering student at Sydney Univerist in 1997-1998.
Emma Rabbidge is a female with a facial resemblance to Peter Payne. She could be a relative of R. Lenton, and a relative of the deceased mother of Jason who lived with his parent Luke in the neighbourhood where Toni Collette was raised. The car parked in front of Luke and Jason's home had number plate AM-54-QK and before that they had a car DTR-210.
Emma Rabbidge committed perjury in 1998 at the Downing Centre in 1998, but she the corrupt racist jusdges did not care.There is masonic corruption among the judges at the Downing Centre in Sydney CBD.
Emma Rabbidge was rewarded by Sydney University for her racist conspiratorial activity.She conspired with Sydney University to cover up illegal experiments against humans,
and that resulted in a student stopping his studies at Sydney University. i.e. A student whose nervous system was being terrorised by a surgicaly attached slave labour
Emma Rabbidge was rewarded by Sydney University for her racist conspiratorial activity.Around the year 2004, Emma Rabbidge received a teaching job in a German University,
despite being an unintelligent Engineering student. The German Police were contacted about Australian Emma Rabbidge being involved in some kind of pirate harvesting activity
in Germany against a person's relatives. The information that the German Police received probably resulted in Emma Rabbidge losing her teaching job in Germany coming to a stop.
In 2019, information was sent to police organisations oversees, about a very tall redheaded female coming near a person. The very tall read headed female was possibly a relative of Emma Rabbidge. There is reason to believe that very tall red headed female was connected to the AIS, and involved in paedophile activity.In 2019 the very tall readhead was living in a street somewhere near to where Wylie Pearson was living during the 1980s.

Alison Rothwell who lived in Blaxland,Faulconbridge,Yellow Rock suburbs of the Blue Mountains district west of Sydney, is part of a group of homosexual paedophiles that use sounds recordings and film recordings to make counterfeits against people...

Alison looks like she a relative of Joshua Cameron.
Alison Rothwell probably knows Brenden Bergman an Australian Jew from Toni Collette's 1980s neighbourhood.

During the 1990s, Brenden Bergman had an ugly looking red haired girlfriend who worked at Jewels Food Barn at Kingslangley Shops.
Jewels Food Barn at Kingslangley Shops was located where there is now a car park beneath Woolworths.
Alison Rothwell looks similar to Brenden Bergman's girlfriend.
During the time that Brenden Bergman's girlfriend worked at Jewel food barn, there was an armed hold up by robbers against that Jewel Food Barn(food store).
Alison Rothwell possibly has a connection that armed holdup, because she is probably a relative of Brenden Bergman's girlfriend.

Alison Rothwell is probably connected to the news stories about Blue Mountains circus paedophiles.

On the internet around the year 2003,on the Dalnet internet relay chat(irc) network,on a chat channel called #Christiandebate, there was an australian woman from the blue mountains calling herself by the nickname "Miss_Cathie" or "Mrs_Cathie" . She seemed to know something about groups of girls gathering together at Francis Park in Blacktown, making some kind of display.
Miss_Cathie nickname said she lived in Katoomba in the Blue Mountains, and that she attended some kind of charismatic church. She advertised herself, her husband and her church on a website.
Francis Park was across the Richmond Road from the Blacktown R.S.L. Club. Paul Goldsmith, Simon Rowe, Greg Meller played Rugby league for Blacktown R.S.L.(aka Blacktown City).
Why did such a Rugby League club have 2 different names? 2 different names like Mafia giving each other nicknames to conceal the real names of criminals?

Evica the wife of Tom mentioned something similar to Miss_Cathie nickname.Tom is the brother of Liliana Pavlek.
Does Evica the wife of Tom know Miss_Cathie from the Blue Mountains?

Miss_Cathie is probably connected to the Blue Mountains circus paedophile ring, and possibly knows Alison Rothwell.

Further about #christiandebate on Dalnet: it was said to be a chat channel for christians and other to debate religion in.
The owner of the chat channel was nickname Charismata, but later nickname Revelator appeared and said that Charismata stole the chat channel from him.
Some of the channel operators had strange nicknames such as Asahunt. Some people would think that Asahunt was a reference to a hebrew king called Asa,
but the such a nickname might have another meaning, a depraved meaning to do with hunting people's back sides. It is possible that #christiandebate on Dalnet irc network
was a hangout for members/supporters of NAMBLA th homosexual crime organisation. Charismata had a habit of typing laughs in the form of "he-he", and such typed laughs
are probably hint that NAMBLA was present in the chat channel.Also Chariamata used the word "Sheesh" when he tried communicated the concept of 'wow' or similar.
He-he and Sheesh are probably a way of communicating that ritual sex people are present, so they make reference to 2 different sexes males and females in the form of
words resembling He and She. So nickname Miss_cathie from the Blue Mountains probably has a connection NAMBLA.
Other nicknames in te chat channel were Didache(the peddling pastor) who was an Anglican pastor that argued for acceptance of homosexuality,
Cancel and Afro-American that was proficient with computer programming, Shebrew a jewish woman in the American military with a website that displayed her in a Bikini(swimming suit),
Didache was fond of a satanist male from Melbourne who would chat in the channel.
There an Channel Operator called Jarus , and his his opinion there was little difference between males and females, which sounded strange.
There were various atheists that chatted in the channel with nicknames such Baawa(Knights of Baawa), anothe had an astronomy nickname ,and there was an australian atheist.
Baawa was mentioned being a supporter of NAMBLA by one of the channel operators. NAMBLA was mentioned, but it was not described as an organisation that produces anglo-celtic child soldiers that murder people,
and sometimes migrant cultures such as Italians and South American Nazis are corrupted to produce child soldiers.
it was not described as an organisation of homosexual nazis such as Ernst Roehm of the Brown Shirts SA in Nazi Germany WW2.

Asahunt had some kind of accident. He said he fell of his horse, but that was possibly a hint that Asahunt was attacked by his homosexual lover.

Another religious channel was called #religioustolerance or #religious_tolerance, and it had channel operators with nicknames Meesu and TheGoldenDragon.
Meesu was a Bahai , possibly middle eastern, Pakistani, or Indian in America, and the Golden Dragon was an Irishman.
Was the Golden Dragon nickname a hint about The Golden Dragon society probably associated with Opium Wars and British drug routes to the East Asia.

Did Meesu consider Osama Bin Laden one of the greatest Bahai religionists that ever lived ? Did Osama Bin Laden secret associations with Bahai religion networks ?

Evica the wife of Tom mentioned something similar to the gatherings at Francis Park oval described by Miss_Cathie nickname.Tom is the brother of Liliana Pavlek.
Does Evica the wife of Tom know Miss_Cathie from the Blue Mountains? Why did Evica mention this? Are Evica and Tom paedophiles?

Emergency services were called to a park in Blacktown after an 18-year-old male was found with serious stab wounds outside a home on William Street.

See 03/08/2021-...Liliana Pavlek probably became involved with a group of drug traffickers that make long term promises to people.
They are involved intergenerational conspiracies, including intergenerational slavery conspiracies.

[This news story occurred near to where Liliana Pavlek lives. Also Liliana's brother Tom and his wife Evica
have probsbly visited the Park near to where this news story occurred.
Greg Meller's RSL club rugby league team trained at that park where this news story occurred . ]

Greg Meller and the RSL Club that Greg Meller played Rugby league for, have probably become allied with such drug traffickers.
Greg Meller is an Elvis fan.
In the late 1980s , Greg Meller mentioned that he wanted to forcibly "socialise" people. His comment was ambiguous.
Greg Meller probably began mixing with homosexuals(buggers), and then he wanted to force people to mix with homosexuals(buggers)
as some kind of revenge against people who avoid bad associations....



...Evica the wife of Tom mentioned something similar to the gatherings at Francis Park oval described by Miss_Cathie nickname.Tom is the brother of Liliana Pavlek.
Does Evica the wife of Tom know Miss_Cathie from the Blue Mountains? Why did Evica mention this? Are Evica and Tom paedophiles?



Summary: Aussies are buggers(sodomites. committers of homosexual crimes against people's back sides.)
This is not making generalisations. Some cultures really are that way.
Wisdom teachings, accumulted wisdom over thousands of years, describe that such perverse cultures are real.
Aussies dont have character(s), aussies have personalities.

Sam Newman (host of the AFL Footy Show) has a resemblance to Frank Stengl commandant of the Treblinka death camp WW2.
[and see above 04/03/2022
...Andrew Johns (host of the Rugby League Footy Show)resembles Otto Remer the German Nazi who was rewarded for foiling Von Stauffenberg's attempt to kill Hitler....

Ken Fulham and his paedophile/male prostitution/beefeater business 'Ken Fulham Signs' in the Kings Park industrial area in Sydney NSW Australia,
probably has a connection to Alan Bond's business networks. i.e Alan Bond the 1980s Perth millionaire whom Jim Cameron was a double of.

There was a Noni-B factory up the road (westward) from where Ken Fulham's spray painting business is, but it become anothr bsiness or demolished.
[See information above about Noni-B being a slave labour.]

during the decades that an aerodrome existed in Schofields, there were Bond Corporation zeppelins(blimps) floating high over the Aerodrome.
Ken Fulham probably has a connection to illegal trade through Schofields Aerodrome, and it could be in connection with
a Johnny Depp fan club/Gary Glitter Fan Club/Adam Ant Fan club.
See 15_09_2020.jpg

Ken Fulham possibly has a familial connection to an area of London Britain close to where Alan Bond came from.

Ken Fulham probably has connection to Peter Rogers homosexual dance instructor.

During the 1980s, there was possibly 'painted lady prostition' around
1)Blacktown R.S.L, the Serbian Orthodox Church near the R.S.L. club, and there is Police Boys Club(PCYC) near both the R.S.L. and that church.
and it has some connection to such prostitution around
2)Residential homes around Manly Lagoon.
[Photo's of the poofter Parlour that existed as the Robin Hood Inn Hotel show that a venue in Manly suburb was being advertised just outside the Poofter Parlour].

painted lady prostition (females who wear thick make up cosmetic powder on the their faces: they might not know how to apply makeup properly, so the makeup looks thick?)
When Glitter Tarts have been mentioned in the media, Glitter Tarts are possibly a form of Painted Lady prostitution.
Glitter Tarts being females connected with the 1970s Glam Rock subculture, in which Gary Glitter was one of the Glam Rock singer stars.
Some Glitter tarts that have appeared in the media are Cyndi Lauper, Lucy Gretsky from Smashing Pumpkins,
...Wizzard the English rock band(Roy Wood) probably being a male glitter tart.
[dressed up like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Dino De Laurentiis' The Bible movie?]

Around the year 2020, a building next to the Serbian Orthodox Church was demolished, and after the deomolition, the building foundation was shown to be very deep into the
ground, with large pipes a long way down below ground level. The foundations were fenced off. The very deep foundations might suggest that there was some kind of underground
facility(underground base?) next to the Serbian Orthodox Church, and maybe still existing under other properties near the R.S.L Club.
[The R.S.L club is on the other side of the railway line to where the Poofter Parlour was.]

[Schofields suburb of Sydney NSW Australia. Satellite suburbs of Schofields are Colebee & Marsden Park where is located a Lindt Chocolates Factory.]

Simon Townsends probably is afan of the Australian Film, in which painted lady prostitutes are mentioned. "Playing Beatty Bow' has time travel themes.
[Playing Beatty Bow'<-----> Doctor Who Fan Club(Gary Glitter convicted paedophile) <-----> So called "Time Travel Research" which is a cover for slavery activity.]
Simon Townsend family had a business in Blacktown during the early part of the 20th Century.
Simon Townsend is probably closely connected to Johnny Young from Young Talent Time, and Glen Wheatley music producer.
Simon Townsend hosted a children's program on Channel 10 called Wonder World.

[Recently, Jonathan Coleman died , and his death possibly had something to do with the ritual murder activity that perverse sodomites such as Simon Townsend,
and Johnny young are involved in. During the 1980s,Coleman was a reporter on Simon Townsend's Wonder World.
later Jonathan Coleman hosted a television music program , and he made a public joke about the homosexuality of Johnny Young :
"Yeah! Yeah ! Johnny Young! "[in an effeminate voice], and then he spoke in low masculine voice and laughed.

The television music program came to a stop , but Jonathan Coleman continued his media career with a radio program called "Johnno and Danno".
Johnny Young possibly kept a grudge against Jonathan Coleman over the years.

...When Glitter Tarts have been mentioned in the media, Glitter Tarts are possibly a form of Painted Lady prostitution.
Glitter Tarts being females connected with the 1970s Glam Rock subculture, in which Gary Glitter was one of the Glam Rock singer stars.
Some Glitter tarts that have appeared in the media are Cyndi Lauper, Lucy Gretsky from Smashing Pumpkins,
...Wizzard the English rock band(Roy Wood) probably being a male glitter tart.
[dressed up like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Dino De Laurentiis' The Bible movie?]...

See also mention of Renee Danielle Berrier who dressed herself as a glitter tart, in connection with the racial violence that occurred in 21st June 1995.
Walter Schellenberg(nazi spy) <--- resemblance to-? Mark jeremy 1990as physics student. Mark Jeremy had a Romanian girlfriend with a very convex forehead.Romania were Nazi allies during World War 2. Genevieve White is partly Armenian? Some resemblance to Wallace Simpson? Genevieve the sister of Alistair White.

Young photos/films of Elizabeth Windsor and her sister: similarity of Eizabeth Windsor or her sister to Eva Braun ?
Elizabeth Bowes Lyon(when her face turns upward to look at the sky) looks like a relative of Mussolini. Mussolini has 'big head' genetic problem traits.
Elizabeth Bowes Lyon was Elizabeth Windsor's /> --------------------------------------

The man the western media calls the Duke of Coburg, the cousin of Edward, tried to convert the British leadership to nazism.
Dressed in Nazi Uniform, the Duke of Coburg visited the funeral of edward's father

George 5th real name of Bertie(Bertrand?) - knock knees and leg brace genetic problems.
...KNOCK KNEES which require LEG BRACES, BIG HEAD problems...

Wallis Simpson, Armenian illegal immigration?Armenian Native faith, and access to many afro-american males who they seek to commit homosexual crimes against.
[ Edward and Mrs simpson moved to Bahamas Caribbean.)

Coburg,the cousin of Edward, arranged a meeting between hitler and Edward and Mrs simpson.
[Elizabeth Windsor's family was originally known as Saxe-Coburg und Gotha, before they adopted the name Windsor.]
[Information which could be investigated further.]

The World Trade Centre buildings were destroyed in 2001, because they contained information about slave labour devices,
but the people who worked in the trade centre building were too selfish/corrupt to say something about information to do slave labour devices.
Patents relevant to slave labour devices? Blueprints of slave labour devices.

Slave Traders possibly make euphemisms about Slave Labour devices being "trade secrets".
Slave Labour Devices are known to Rich Banking families, and rich Banking families have not wanted to say anything about their knowledge of Slave Labour Devices.

New York City was built upon Slavery and the International Banking system.
The World Trade Centre was built upon the graves of African Slaves that Dutch imported when New York City was known as New Amsterdam.

George Bush and his Skull and Bones organisation conspired to destroy the World Trade Centre buildings in 2001, because the Skull and Bones
wanted to dig up all the African graves, to wipe out any memory of the Enslavement of Africans in New York City.
There were too many African Graves to dig them all up, so George Bush's Skull and Bones organisation conspired to destroy the World Trade Centre
to destroy the information inside the buildings about modern slavery technology(slave labour devices).

[terminology connected to slave labour devices.]
radiocapsules (radiokapsula in Eastern European language.)
pill transmitters, and similar transmitter terminology . to with the nervous system.

[George Bush , September 2001 terrorist incident New York City , and website from Japan.
Has George Bush's paedophile network been discovered, and is it connected to the terrorist attack against New York City in September 2001? ]

Thomas Kendrick(MI9 spy)---- Riley Ace of Spies(British Spy) ----Savage Garden music group ---- Kirsten Dunst.
[Racist music , and later racist computer games]
The lead singer of Savage Garden resembles photos of Riley Ace of Spies.

Riley Ace of Spies(British Spy) ---- Rachel Riley(british quiz show) --- 'Meet the Russians' tv series (Wealthy Russian in Britain).
[some connection to a model advertised in a Bonds underwear advert in TV Week magazine from 1983?
She appeared as a model on episodes of Tony Barber's 'Sale of the Century' quiz show in Australia.Is she Polish mafia?]

Kirsten Dunst was in a music video "Turning Japanese". An earlier version of such a music video might suggest a British Opium trafficker
connection between Britain and the far east nations such as China and Japan(Opium Wars families). was being advertised on the internet around year 2001, in connection with "get paid to surf the internet" companies that used to exist such as Alladvantage. is possibly an American NAMBLA homosexual crime organisation company in Japan(visited by American tourists).
George Bush and Donald Trump are associated with possibly is George Bush's corrupt connection to child stars such as Drew Barrymore and Kirsten Dunst.
Drew Barrymore starred in the Steven Spielberg film E T the extraterrestrial.

Donald Trump and George Bush(via Drew Barrymore,Kirsten dunst ---- Steven Spielberg ---- Jeffrey Epstein's paedophile island "Little Saint James"
. [Though female child stars are mentioned, possibly is connected to male prostitution: older rich males with younger males
<---includes Trump and Bush's connection to male child cinema stars ? ]
Did Maria Sharapova's family have some connection to the network ? Japan is in between her Russian and the USA.
Maria Sharapova is shown as a child tennis star in the documentary called "No strings attached".

Felicity Huntington is possibly an ASIS spy with connections to the police racism from the TNT Building in Redfern.
[Felicity Huntington is an Australoid with an English surname, probably has a connection to enclave of Australoids(Eveleigh Street)
across the Road from Redfern Railway Station,
and the TNT building some ten of meters to the east, and the pedestrian path to Sydney University is to the west].
Feilicity Huntington(from the AIS Australian Institute of Sport probably has a connection to the very tall read headed female.
(looked like she was a schoolgirl basketballer connected to the AIS Australian Institute of Sport).
{See 07_03_2022:002 ... very tall read headed female was possibly a relative of Emma Rabbidge}

... and this information might suggest something about the family of Emma Rabbidge, and initial behaviour of dressing in immodest clothing(hotpants)
and coming near males studying Electrical Engineering during an exam period at Sydney University.
Emma Rabbidge was coming near people, trying to lure people away from Exams , before her family made trouble for people via corruption at the Downing Centre
in Sydney CBD. The Blacktown Chamber Magistrate from 1995 had become a Judge at the Downing Centre in 1998.This website thinks that Emma Rabbidge's family who lived
at Frenchs Forest suburb of Sydney had some masonic corruption connection to Blacktown Chamber Magistrate from 1995(who resembled Man At Arms from children's cartoon
He Man and the Masters of the Universe).
i.e. The informaiton above about Emma Rabbidge facially resembling Peter Payne and possibly being related to R. Lenton and the deceased wife of Luke
(Luke with the son Jason),might suggest that Emma Rabbidge had a familial connection to people in Toni Collette's 1980s neighbourhood.

Chris Rabbidge is possibly spy, possibly ASIS[Emma Rabbidge is the daughter of Chris Rabbidge.
Chris Rabbidge possibly adopted a son from east asian country.Emma Rabbidge has an adopted brother from some east asian country?]

Ian Sefton possibly ASIS spy(Sefton had an office to himself in the physics building, but he was not a Professor.)
Ian Sefton's office in the physics building was possibly like a base for spy activity in the Physics building.
Rosemary Millar's Pysics Building Reception office was nearby Sefton's office, and Rosemary Milar possibly knew Rosemary Hunter via the Physics Ball ballrooming event some decades ago. Does Rosemary Hunter have secret service connections?

Sefton and the student in Physics 1 labs who resembled Catherine Zeta Jones: possibly a polish mafia connection, and maybe she has some military intelligence(spy)
connection to naval bases around Jervis Bay(HMAS Cresswell, HMAS Albatross). Toni Collette visited those bases as a student in year 5 of elementary school,
on her way to a 5 day camp school camp at Jervis Bay in 1983. Such visits by school groups to military bases around Jervis Bay probably resulted in military spies
following families back to the suburbs of Sydney, into Toni Collette's 1980s neighbourhood.
i.e. Racists in Australian military that sought to unfairly advantage anglo-celtic families, and adversely affect migrant families.

Sargeant Guyeregger has some connection to ASIS spies.The ASIS spies called the police , which resulted in the police racism incident at Stanhope Gardens 01/04/2019,

.. and then Felicity Huntington strategically positioned at the NSW Anti-discirmination Board Parramatta some months later in january 2022...
probability that Felicity Huntington correctly lodge into computer the written information in the formal complaint form that the NSw Antiscrimination board received
in person in January 2020.

ASIS Spies and Guyeregger and the policewoman who was a Rachel Griffith double(nazi lebensborn) <-->Italian-American Atomic Spy(Theodore Hall) <---> Rachael Griffiths who resembles a daughter of Theodore Hall.

About the Sheltered Workshops that existed across the busy road from Greg Anderson,the Old Ukrainian woman,Roshan the Srilankan,Kylie who was friends with Jason McKliskie:
The Sheltered Workshops have some theme of Jeff Fenech the Hungarian Migrant boxer and his mentally retarded friend 'Con' that appeared
on the Sixty Minutes program on Channel 9 television Australia.
The mentally retarded people from the Sheltered Workshop would home at the same time as High School students were walking home , and people were watching by car from the
Mentally retarded people from Sheltered Workshops <------> In the WW2 Nazi Concentration Camps, mentally retarded where experimented upon by Nazi Doctors.
busy road.
[David Christian the Australoid, the son of Trevor Christian the Australoid boxing champion <---?--> ASIS spies.<---> TNT Building in Redfern, enclave of Australoids(Eveleigh Street)
Greg Anderson's father possibly a spy, Andrson mother resemble channel 9 Newsreader Brian Henderson
<----->the Anderson connections to the violent Redheaded Policeman from Melba Road that worked at Seven Hills Police in 1980s,
and Elizabeth Gourleigh from Broadmeadows suburb of Newcastle NSW Australia

Keith Honess(probably deceased,1980s elementary school principal in same school that Barry Boon was a teacher, )
<----> Greg Anderson and Redheaded Policeman from Melba Road that worked at Seven Hills Police in 1980s,
Keith Honess <--possibly related to--> the Husband of Miss_Cathie nickname from Katoomba in the Blue Mountains that appeared on American Dalnet #christiandebate irc chat channel.

Keith Honess <--?--> Louisa Kennewell who a student in Toni Collette's school classes <----> Kenewell resembles the woma murdered by British Policeman Wayne Couzens.
[is Wayne Couzens a spy in the British Police, similar to how the Redhead Policeman from was probably a spy in NSW Police(Seven Hills Police station 1980s).
Is that how Angelo Tsakos was killed. Angelo Tsakos who was friends with Morgan & Nathan Cain and Lockie ?
Wayne Couzens surname phonetically the same Mrs Cousens.

Louisa Kennewell had an older red-haired boyfriend that visited Barry Boons school class room.
Barry Boon allowed Louisa Kenewell's older boyfriend entertain the classroom for about 20 minutes while Barry left and went somewhere else.

[The aussie paedophiles/male prostitutes at house 291 connected to ASIS? ASIS spies? ASIS informers?
Johnny Young style male prostitutes that would take trips to the USA and sleep over Liberace's home ? (when Liberace was alive).] <--- jamie Redfern,Johnny Farnham(singer)
at house number 291 : a redheaded male and a dark haired male. The dark haired male possibly intermixed with Australoids, and some resemblance to anglo-celtic Jennifer Byrne from Channel 9 Sixty Minutes.
Jennifer Byrne from Channel 9 Sixty Minutes <--possibly related to--> Imogen Annesly actress from movie Playing Beatie Bow" <----> Simon Townsend.


During the 1990s,
The activity of doctors at Concord Repatriation Hospital are connected to this racist ideology information
to do with the Nazi Lebensborn program.
[i.e.The homosexual nazism occuring in connection with Safe Bases in civilian areas of Sydney NSW Australia.]

... S.S. race and resettlement office (R.U.S.A.)-SS-Rasse-und Siedungshuptamt, which was responsible for maintaining the racial purity of the SS....

[Names of Doctors:Peter Haertsch(Plastic Surgeon),Marianne Vonau(Neurosurgeon), Silfverskold(Neurosurgeon)
[Doctors in Australia connected with implantation of slave labour device technology: experiments to enslave human nervous systems because of race.
Racist modern historians who studied the names of nazi families, names of people who intermarried with prominent nazis <----decades long industry of illegasl immigration of nazis to countries to such as USA, Britain, Australia. ----> Racist modern-history profession connection to illegal immigration. Modern history historians profession could have identified various nazis and stopped their immigration, but the historians became corrupted and asissted such immigration. [Racist historians,racist archaeologists]..
e.g. Mengele was a prominent nazi, but Mengele's wife was less known. Modern Historians could have stopped the immigration of Mengele's wife's nazi relatives.]
The reality of Nikola Tesla's Patent 787412 ground-ionosphere antennas:

- practically used to track submarines
Project Omega: Submarines submerged 15 metres below sea water
Project Sanguine: Deeply submerged submarines, hundreds of meters below the sea
[Sea water has ions and acts like a Faraday Shield. Ground-ionosphere waves are a relatively low Frequency electro-magnetic wave phenomena that can penetrate hundreds of meters through a faraday shield to 'find' Submarines.
Ground ionosphere waves are something different to conventional electromagnetic waves used in Loran-C antenna navigation.]

- Radome Antennas at Pine Gap and Menwith Hill, are able to observe around themselves, able to find objects around themselves. The antennas produce electromagneitc wave phenomenon (probably
the "standing waves" in Nikola Tesla's patent): waves which can magnetically hook onto objects around themselves.
Unidirectional long rang magnetic coupling., in connection with a non-conventional standing wave.

- Physics lab experiment with a "wave in capacitor plates" theme. Standing waves in capacitors can detect an object placed in between the capacitor plates.
The electric field lines in between the capacitor plates provide 'electrical contact' with the object between the capacitor plates.

- Electrical fields between capacitor plates have a presence in Maxwell's equations in the form of Displacement Current:Displacement current sometimes represented as a "J" symbol.
The current that flows into a capacitor is connected to the electric field lines between the plates.
(About electric field: electric flux and electric flux density quatnties). Electric flux like a measure of the total number of electric field lines between the plates.
Electric flux density is like the number of electric field lines per unit area.

-similarities ionic capacitors: when there is a varying current in the capacitor plates, the electric field lines between the capacitor plates are able to find their way through ions of the electrolyte,
to establish electrical contact with other capacitor plate.




Rosemary Hunter and Alison Rothwell probably have been selling technology secrets to the Iranians and chinese, over years, decades ,as way to make extra income.
Alison Rothwell was a chemistry student at Sydney University. Rosemary Hunter attended the Physics Ball dance some decades ago and knew Rosemary Millar who worked
in the reception office of the Physics Building at Sydney University. Ian Sefton's office was nearby Rosemary Millar's office. Ian Sefton bedame friendly with a female student
in physics labs who resembles actress Catherine Zeta Jones(the female student was a racist Australian woman with a face similar to Russian Cossacks, Kazakhstan women, Uzbekistan women,Tadjikistan women,
but she had an Australian accent).Her name is unknown (maybe Maree Johns ?)

and about the actress Catherine Zeta Jones <----> Bob Hoskins (her coactor) <-----> Who framed Roger Rabbit? cartoon movie


Australian sexual customs are disgusting(abominable=shouldnt be tolerated), against hygiene and connected with situations resembling biological warfare.
In situations where Austrlaian females socially isolate a male,
the homosexuals are sodomizing females, and while homosexuals sodomize some female, they tell her that she should come near some male that has been socially isolated.
Situations where Australian females isolate a male result in, isolated males being visited by females with backsides full of the sperm of homosexuals. Homsexuals are full of diseases that result from
their using the human digestive system as some kind of sex organ. The human digestive system is not a sex organ, it is for expelling wastes that accumulate inside the body.
The human digestive system is for expelling excrement. The hyuman digestive system is not for sex. Babies are not born out of the human digesive system. Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, 18:25,18:28

Trump Connection.

bill clinton and the chicago outfit
EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton's ties to the MOB: How former Secretary of State met with Mafia heir at his pizzeria where he asked for father's release from prison (in return for an offer she couldn't refuse)
<---- This is the Pizzagate scandal information that the media rarely mentions: Hillary Clinton's ties to Al Capone's mafia organisation.
[Bill Clinton imported CHicago mafia into Little Rock Arkansas to conduct his presidential campaign].
The Ukranian mafia brought Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton together for sex.
Bill CLinton and Hillary Clinton probably consider the Ukrainian mafia as an organisation they turn to for sexual encounters.
There is much Ukrainian genetics hidden beneath Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton's American exteriors.
Their daughter Chelsea Clintons looks Ukrainian. The 1990s news media were describing Chelsea Clinton as ugly(appearance like a Neanderthal hominid)?















Sodomites(buggers) are depraved humans because they are taught to screw each other up their behinds.
Sodomites(buggers) form attachments to strangers by being screwing up their behinds by strangers,
or by screwing strangers up their behinds

Buggery customs results in people becoming like HUMAN LEECHES. They teach each other to WATCH PEOPLE in a PREDATORY MANNER,
people that they intend to commit homosexual crimes against, or people they intend to ritually murder,
and sodomites(buggers) ATTACH THEMSELVES TO THE LIVES OF STRANGERS like LEECHES attaching themselves to their hosts from which they seek to suck blood.
Sodomites ATTACH THEMSELVES TO THE LIVES OF STRANGERS like LEECHES and they dont want to leave strangers in peace.

The ancient wisdom is that sodomites need to be put to death(need to be executed) [Leviticus Chapter 18 verse 22]
Countries such as Australia have supported sodomy injustice activity by by building poofter parlour venues, by building American-style safe bases in civilian areas.
Countries such as Australia have supported sodomy injustice activity by the state of NSW decriminalising homosexuality in 1994.

Countries such as Australia have assisted sodomites(buggers) to attach themselves to the lives of strangers
by surgically implanting some citizens with slave labour devices
and getting sodomites to track some citizens around, to not leave some citizens lives in peace
[Countries such as Australia have supported sodomy injustice activity by the state of NSW decriminalising homosexuality in 1994,
and then committing hippocampal neuron patterning medical crimes in 1995.]

Countries such as Australia have become so depraved that they build safe bases,
and they gives hints about sodomites attaching themselves to the lives of strangers and not leaving people in peace,
in the form of "ATTACHMENT THEORY"
...The most important tenet is that young children need to develop a relationship with at least one primary caregiver for normal social and emotional development...

Attachment theory is probably a hint that Safe Bases and Poofter Parlours are involved in homosexually corrupting children.

Possibly Vladimir Putin double at Peenemunde Island with Wenher Von Braun(Nazi Rocket Scientist). Peenemunde Island was where V2 rockes were being developed.
Hans Kammler was Wernher Von Braun's superior officer during V2 rocket development program.
Hans Kammler was involved in the design/building of several concentration camps,
probably including the Mittelwerk underground slave laourt facility(underground factory) near Nordhausen.
What seems to be very much part of Australian society is the behaviour of anglo-celtic
Australians coming near people in the manner of ritually murdering people that Anglo-celtic Australians have no humanity toward.
Such behaviour is extreme selfishness.
Australians coming near people who Australian doctors have committed medical crimes against(slave labour devices):
Australians coming near in the manner of doing cruelty, in the manner of anglo-celtic Australians seeing if there is some way to ritually murder a person
and then anglo-celtic Australians flitting away, instead of anglo-celtics saying something about the medical crimes , instead of anglo-celtic Australians doing something
to stop the medical crimes, instead of doing something to bring the medical crime to court.
<--- -such behaviour by anglo-celtic Australians is extreme selfishness.
such behaviour by anglo-celtic Australians is extreme selfishness is like some scene out of Ridley scott's alien movies where an anglo-celtics are like the aliens who have
coocooned their human hosts, and then the aliens flit away:anglo-celtics acting like aliens who coocoon people.
Where anglo-celtic Australians are perpetrating such behaviour, nazi hunter should come against anglo-celtic Australians to stop the anglo-celtic nazism.
[Such behaviour by anglo-celtic Australians is them acting like human leeches, trying to surround a person,
trying to gang up against a person , in the manner of trying to find ways to ritually mruder a person, and it should not be tolerated.
Nazi hunters need to be coming against anglo-celtic Australins because of such deliberately inhuman behaviour.
e.g. Sodomite anglo-celtic security guards armed with guns coming near a person, they know is implanted with a slave labour device and then flitting away.
They want to see the medical scar and then they flit away without saying anything about the medical scar from the surgical implantation of the slave labour device.
Sodomite police seem to act in the same manner.
Nazi hunters need to be coming against anglo-celtic security guards, nazi hunters need to b e coming against anglo-celtic police because of such inhuman behaviour.
This information is reason to form groups of modern day nazi hunters.]

slave labour device experiments(a definition)

torture experiments where racists want a person to continually consider doing the selfish desires of racists,
instead of being able to live a normal life free of torture.

[such racists are paedophiles who hear that a person's parent is against torture,
so racists decide to inflict torture against the son(person)]'.

<---- Slave Labour technology developed from Ewan Cameron's Montreal Experiments with cassette recorder messages played over and over again
and gridiron helmets.

The selfishness of homosexual nazism of safe bases in civilian areas in english-speaking nations such as Australia, USA, Britian, Canada, New Zealand.
Safe bases with male prostitutes who are involved in paedophilia.
Male prostitutes organise the surgical implantation of slave labour devices against heterosexuals.
The selfishness of male prostitutes taught to go with women to create the next generation of their race,.
and then they prostitute their children, to corrupt the society around, to unjustly influence people's lives, to unjustly influence the society around.

The NSW Police secretly support such corruption/racism(homosexual nazism).
Glen Knighton has a facial similarity to Marty Johnstone from the Mr Asia drug syndicate.
Glen Knighton(the friend of Simon Davis from the neighbourhood where actress Toni Collette was raised)

Glen Knighton ----- Bradley Heyward( son of Paul Heywood convicted drug smuggler from Newton Jets Rugby League team,Australians pronounce his name as Hey-wood,)
Paul Heywood has facial similarity to Neal Winter secondary school music teacher convicted for homosexual crimes.
[conspiratorial racist activity from the TNT Building Redfern suburb of Sydney NSW Australia.
Robert Saunders, Scott Taylor,Greg Leyshon were around Redfern railway station, close to the TNT Building.]

Bradley Heyward's family corruptly migrated the family of Jin Hee Cho from South Korea into Australia during the 1980s.
Jin Hee Cho's family moved into a block of flats near the home of Anthony Mundine (his father is Tony Mundine austaloid boxing champion).
At the time, Anthony Mundine was playing in the Junior Rugby League team Earlwood Saints. Anthony Mundines nickname was "Choc".
One of coaches of Earlwood Saints was Barry Nicholson.
Jin Hee Cho suspicioulsy came first in the NSW HSC exams during the early 1990s, and then studied medicine at Sydney University.
[this implies drug smuggling/sodomy corruption in the Australian Education system].
Jin Hee Cho became a medical doctor involved in illegal experiments against humans: experiments to enslave human nervous systems based upon race.
Jin Hee Cho is probably connected to 'THe Moonies'cult from South Korea, which is connected to USA Bases in South Korea.
This information is to do with ASIS australian spy organisation which are tool of the Windsor family in Britain,Elizabeth Windsor's family
(the German name of the Windsor fmaily: Saxe-Coburg und Gotha).

ASIS australian spy organisation is probably the organisation behind the "Mr Asia"" drug syndicate from the 1970s-1980s.
[i.e. ASIS makes profits from smuggling illicit drugs, as part of Australia's underground economy/shadow economy.
Quote: "Every county has 2 sets of books".
Every county council/shire council/municipality council/local government has 2 sets of accounting books:
The legal economy where money is made from legal activities, and the underground economy/shadow economy where fianncial profits are made from illegal activities.]

ASIS is the australian spy organisation responsible for the SACK OF THE WHITLAM GOVERNMENT IN THE 1970s, when Gough Whitlam tried to make TNT an Australian Government asset,
ASIS used its connections to the Elizabeth Windsor's family in Britain and the Australian Governor General John Kerr to sack the elected Whitlam Government.
Probably too much would have been discovered about the corrupt activity of the Windsor family, if the Australian Government had been allowed to purchase the TNT delivery company.
The TNT delivery compqany is probably a front company for the ASIS spy organisation.
[Documentary "Cop it Sweet" mentions the TNT building in connection with NSW Police racism, but it does not mention the connection to ASIS.
Tv Series : "Swift and Shift couriers": is probably hint about the TNT delivery company being a front organisation for ASIS.]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [03/03/2022:002]

The perverse racists in Safe Bases have the purpose of doing horrible injustice, of artificially creating horribly unjust situations.
There is a possibility that they make themselves expendable human beings when they join Safe Bases, that they make some kind of agreement about
their lives being worth nothing because of the injustices that they become involved in .

The perverse racists in Safe Bases are taught to unjustly treat citizens as though citizens are something expendable, but maybe it
is possible to find information about the perverse racists in Safe bases having made agreements that make their lives expendable.

It likely that many of the The perverse racists in Safe Bases do not die natural deaths, that they are put to death after a time,
when their group disapprove of their activity, or perhaps when information is found about having made agreements that their lives are expendable.

Homosexual crime organisations are about separation of males and females conspiracies. They make false excuses about a person having made a bad first impression upon some influentual female.
Perverse females with sperm up there backsides want to come close to a male that is implanted with a slave labour device, and then when the male does not act in the way that the perverse females want,
the perverse females take offense for nothing, and then forever more isolate the male. Such perverse females have no right to sexually come near the male,
because such females are already attached to the perverse males that sodomized them, and such perverse females are really about introducing their homosexual boyfriends to the male.

The homosexual crime organisation members are talking back-to-front , upside-down when they mention first impression, because the homosexual crime organisations make a bad first impression against heterosexuals.

Homosexual crime organisations are involved in provocation against heterosexuals for no apparent reason : provocation that is like insects stinging a heterosexual that comes near the perverse hive.
Homosexual crime organisations dont want to leave heterosexuals in peace.

Homosexual crime organisations consider that the only acceptable form of introduction is ritual sex sodomy with the strangers who consider themselves influentual people,
so heterosexuals can never make a good introduction, heterosexuals can never make a good first impression.

[A connection discovered of Slave Labour Device Experiments to 1990s "Workplace for Youth" work Experience Program , and 2KY radio station building in Parramatta
on the way to Harris Park and Granville suburbs of Sydney NSW Australia.]

During Jan-February 1994 a person was seeking to employed(paid work). The Commonwealth Employment Service(Federal social security Government organisation)
sent a person to a work experience program in Cowper Stret Granville.
The work experience coordinator was named John Campbell. His secretary was a female who looked like an anglo-maltese Nicholson.
[ a persion was a University student at the time, studying Science: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, some computer science (Pascal programming,Unix operating system) was taught in asociation with the other areas of study.]

[A person was dux of his high school, had been voted most likely to become rocket scientist by his high school, and then became a Science student at University,and decided to look for paid work while studying science.
Unfortunately the University system in Sydney Australia did not teach rocket science to students. The research favoured by such Universities was boring in comparison to rocket science: Work with Radio Telescopes
to observe places in the Universe that humans will probably never reach in person. Rocket science would have been much more interesting to learn.]

In Cowper Street Granville in Mount Beulah Hall, the meeting place of a satanic organisation known as the
Order of the eastern star (female relatives of masons, the craft=witchcraft organisation)
which is a front organisation for a witch Coven:the Coven of Hecate.

A person walked past their hall on the way to the work experience interviews.

The work experience program was occuring in connection with the NSW Government Department of Industrial Relations, Work ,Trade.
whose government ministers had names such as Jeff Shaw and John Aquilina. Bob Carr was the political leader of NSW in 1994.

The head office of the work experience program was at the Y2k building in parramatta.
The address of the "Workplace for Youth" work experience program head office was "2KY House, 20 Wentworth Street Parramatta suburb of Sydney NSW Australia".

2ky radio station was established in year 1925.
In the 1990s,there was a 2ky house building Parramatta on the way to Harris Park and Granville suburbs of Sydney NSW Australia.]

The 2ky house bvuilding was the headquarters of 2ky radio station, a radio station involved in announcing/commentating sports events over radio.
Rugby League, Horse racing, greyhound racing.

Names: associated with 2ky radio station. John Singleton, Ron Casey(R.S.L clubs) , Peter Peters (radio sports anouncer, Rugby League commentator).
John Singleton , television advertising personality closely connected to Kerry Packer the owner of Channel 9 Television Australia.
John Singleton probably has a connection to a brand piracy magazine from 1991-1992 called Penthouse women of the World sold in the newsagent at Blacktown Railway station.

There is probability that racists overseas had knowledge of the illegal experiments occuring in Australia in connection with 2ky radio station,
and they created a meme about the "y2k bug", y2k is an anagram of y2k radio station, and the slave labour device is a type of bug/listening device used against humans,
which has parallels to research to do with tracking animals around such as ASRT(Acoustically sensitive radio telemetry).

During an interview John Campbell made comments about workers in jobs where people use their bodies (instead of using their mental knowledge),
and he asked who a person mixes with socially. He suggested that that a person should mix socially with people outside church groups ,
probably that a person should mix with corrupt people, corrupt employers who are about exploiting their employees.)

John Campbell placed a person in a work experience environment in South Strathfield called the Australian Centre for Languages (A.C.L.)
where Teresa Lee worked as a secretary. The head of the organisation ACL was an Australian man with a beard who had an office to himself.
A minibus ferried people between Strahfield railway station and ACL in South Strathfield.
ACL had a canteen with atrocious hygience standards. Flies were flying inside the canteen and landng on the food behind glass windows of the canteen service desk.
People who attended ACL had options of buying food from the canteen or visiting a fast food place nearby ACL. THe fast food place near ACL was the healthier option.
Teresa Lee was ethnically East Asian, and the ACL Australian Centre for Languages had many ethnically East Asian students seeking to learn English or improve their English language skills,
and working their were Australian citizens who were language teachers.The teachers were very much using a photocopier to make paper handouts for the students
in the language classes at ACL.


Information connected to a need for the Australian Government to face international law charges (nazi doctor crimes/medical attrocities . Breach of Geneva Convention Article 147).
[underground economy in Australia is based upon injustice such as the murder families for profit, identity theft, money made from inflicting unnecessary suffering against the lives of migrant families,
terrorism by racist police officers against migrant family members, ....]
[Christian Porter, Attorney General was sacked to cover up the origin of laundered money whose trail is followed by the Polish mafia and its circle of atomic spies.
THe Polish mafia are involved in setting up suburban communities where people''s human rights are ignored over years decads, situations of Police racism/corruption to a horrible extent,
suburban communities that follow the Nazi Lebensborn program instead of following the Geneva Convention. Such Nazi Lebensborn commuinities occur in
suburban areas of English speaking countries such as Australia, Britain, USA, Canada , New Zealand.

To formally prosecute with inernational Law the homosexual nazism of Government in Australia corrupted by its system of Safe Bases and Poofter Parlours,
would be a way for developing World Nations to stop listening to the hypocrisy of western nations,tyo try to develop their nations independently of the racist subversion of western nations.
Western Nations are hypocrites about human rights. Western nations dont care about the human rights of citizens who discover information about Western nations planning genocide and slavery against
developing world nations, which implies western nations are not racially tolerant, western nations are less socially advanced than they portray,
western nations sercretly support ways of enacting the racism of the Kun Klux Klan, the racism of Nazi Germany behind people's backs.
Western nations have learned nothing from the death and destruction of World War 2.]

"brittany higgins sexually entrapped christian porter after he accepted anonymous funds money laundered by donald trump<---> Chicago outfit mafia, Polish Mafia Ivana Trump, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Higgins is polish mafia that follows the trail of laundered money and entraps people who accept the laundered money donations .".

Bill Cinton secretly related to Zbigniew Brzezinski USA politician and polish mafia(see mention about Clintons having much Ukrainian genetics Chelsea Clinton loks Ukrainian.)

Polish mafia is connected to Atomic Spies like Theodore Hall . Atomic Spies & Polish mafia brought down the 1990s Clinton Government with Monica Lewisky sex scandal and various other sex scandals.

Brittany Higgins(Australian Polish mafia member) possibly related to Monica Lewisnky(American Polish mafia member).
Both probably related to Richard Bazlidenski who was a student of Barry Boon (1980s elementary school teacher, Toni Collette actress one of his students.)
Barry Boon looked like a relative of Manhattan Project Physicist Edward Teller. Edward Teller looked Hungarian. connected
to the activity of Polish Mafia includes groups of Hungarian Nazis & Hungarian Jews, Hungarians who probably Hitler relatives(Nazi Lebensborn Program & Project Monarch)

Silvana Milevski Bank worker in Kogarah head office is probably part of the Polish mafia activity in Australia.She was working at Kogarah head office when
a bank customer raised concerns about information leaked on internet game server .Game programmers possibly have a connection to Alexander Lukashenko, Belarus Dictator.

There are concerns that Silvana Milevski and her Polish mafia corrupted members of the NSW Police to terrorise the bank customer who raised the concern.
i.e. Police racism where a person's ATM bank card was stolen in a shopping area, and instead of investigating the criminals who stole the card, the NSW Police decided to
terrorise the person whose card was stolen.
[11/04/2022- recent information.]

Maria Sharapova had some connection to Phillip O'Greece. Phillip O'Greece and his wife Elizabeth Windsor have profitted from an Mongolian Atomic Project,
they are Germans who consider themselves the descendants of Huns. Huns came from Mongolia.
So Maria Sharapova has been involved in Atomic Spy activity. Sharapova has lived in the Ukraine and in Omsk a city of the Siberian Khanate in Russia,
whose history goes back to the time when Golden Horde Mongols ruled over Russia for 3 centuries.

The Atomic Spy group that Marai Sharapova is connected to are connected with bringing about fulfiments of Nostradamus's prophecy about a Great Sky King of Terror,
who was predicted to appear in year 1999 AD. Such an Atomic Spy group try to fulfill the prophecy 2 years afterward in 2001. This implies that the Terrorist incident
in New York city September 2001 has a Russian-Siberian connection to the Mongolian Atomic Bomb project which the Windsor family have profitted from, and also an American CIA connection
to George Bush and his business connections to the Bin Laden family va Carlyle Group company.

This implies that the Terrorist incident in New York city September 2001 has:
- a Russian-Siberian connection to the Mongolian Atomic Bomb project which the Windsor family have profitted from:
English,Germans,Dutch,Russians making money in the spare time by selling Atomic secrets to Mongolia.
- and also an American CIA connection to George Bush and his business connections to the Bin Laden family va Carlyle Group company.

If Mongolia claims to be without nuclear weapons, it should be remembered that modern Mongolia is called "Outer Mongolia".
There is also an nner Mongolia who an autonomous state said to be part of China, but probably racially allied with modern Mongolia.
China is already nuclear power composed of various provinces, some autonomous provinces such as Inner Mongolia.
So it is possible that the Outer Mongolia has hidden its Atomic Weapons Program technology within the Inner Mongolia autonomous region,
which mopdern Mongolia is racially allied to.

Quote about Paul Bremer:
"...September 2001 a casual observer might have drawn two quite opposite conclusions about Bremer:
either that he had admirable foresight, or that he can t have been much good at his job..."

foresight or did Bremer know that George W Bush was going to murder 3000 of his citizens via CIA blowback
and business connections to Osama Bin Laden's family in Carlyle Group company. The Bin Laden family
were involved in constructions/demolitions of buildings as a business.

Bremer related to the surname Sykes ?

theme: The perverse racists in Safe Bases need to officially labelled as the kind of human trash that tortures people's pets to death as way of
practicing cruelty against human beings.
[News stories about satanists involved in mutilating ,cruelly killing people's pets are probably a sign of safe base corruption in the area.]

Safe bases are involved in activity where citizen's lives are bothered, and when citizens make complaints about human rights being ignored,
citizens are bothered again and again, in the manner of racists seeking to sacrifce the lives of citizens.

Perverse racists are taught to watch citizens in a way where some races look better clothed, better fed, treated better by the society around.

Safe bases promote a system of people being told not to talk about racism, people being told to keep smiling as though they know nothing about racism,
peolpe being told to keep smiling because the society around will create cases of injustice where citizens's lives are sacrificed,
where citizens's right to life will be ignored.

The perverse racists in safe bases are corrupted by paedophilia, so they are taught to treat adult citizens as though they are children to be ignored and exploited
when paedophiles feel like doing such things. When citizens make human rights complaints, the complaints are ignored via the perverse racists that
infiltrate organisations thatg are supposed to care about human rights.

When citizens make human rights complaints, the perverse racists in safe bases organise for corrupt racist police officers to separate owners from their properties,
while human rights complaints are ignored.

These perverse racists have no right to doi cruelty against citizen's lives with false promises of promises some time in the future,
because such cruelty is about sacrificing lives of citizens, such cruelty is about making missing persons out of citizens.
Perverse racists should not be believed, perverse racists hould not be trusted, perverse racists are perfidious.





br /> constable P Smith and NSW police Sargeant Guyeregger are corruptly connected to Nicole Kidman's paedophile network:
NSw Police involved in terrorising migrant races away from the shopping area near the Lindt factory in Marsden Park/Colebee/Schofields suburban area of Sydney.
Racial segregation racism by the NSW Police.

P Smith and Guyeregger were sent by 2 police officers female constable Ball and male constable Anand:
[female constable Ball and male constable Anand bothered shoppers in Bunnings Marsden Park in late 2018]

[ 15/04/2022 - Recent information ]

Deborah mclachlan (1980s elementary school teacher) is involved in slavery conspiracies against people's sons: deborah mclachlan is a double of Benjamin Netanyahu's wife Fleur Cates.
Deborah Mclachlan knew a neighbourhood with relatives of Ernst Roehm's relatives (the Weston Family) in Sydney Australia.
The Weston family were involved in adopting australoid children and then using them as child prostitutes.
Deborah Mclachlan embarked on a slavery conspiracy, by conspiring to convince a migrant household to move into a home across the road from Mrs Weston who adopted 2 australoid girls.


One of the australoid girls was known as Cathie Weston to her school friends.

Anita Cobby's jewish relatives were getting employment at that Big W. Some Jewish woman was working behind the glass desk with Calculators in Big W.

Stephen McPHerson in Mr THompsons yeat 7 science lab class knew something about the Weston family. He kept making hints about "Big W".
Maybe one of Mrs Weston's adopted australoid daughters tried to get work at Big W, as a cover for the Weston family's income from prostitution.

The Weston family and Anita Cobby's family conspired murder against the son of the migrant household:
by bringing a double of the Whiskey-A-Go-Go bomber J R Finch against the son of the migrant household on 21st June 1995.
The NSW Police should have laid charges of attempted murder,
but the NSw Police decided to do nothing. The NSW Police decided to not give closure over decades.

[Mrs Weston(anglo-celtic woman) and the eldest adopted australoid daughter were nazi-lebensborn-doubles of the group of females killed by the whiskey-a-go-bomber
TBarbara McCulkin (right) and her daughter Leanne that disappeared on January 16, 1974.

{Information from the news article...Mrs McCulkin and her daughters were taken from their home and killed on the night of January 16, 1974, by Garry Dubois and Vincent O Dempsey. They were both convicted and jailed in 2016.
...During their trials, the court heard the men may have been motivated to kill Mrs McCulkin over fears she could implicate O Dempsey in the Whiskey Au Go Go attack... }

[This has something to do with Australian having a secret agreement with Norway to do illegal experiments against human beings,
by using The Omega International Antenna Network. Norway has been a centre of Nazi Lebensborn activity. ABBA music group singer Frida is a Nazi Lebensborn with Norway connections.
Also, the McCaulay Caulkin movies such as Home Alone have a connection to deborah mclachlan's conspiracy to enslave a person's son.
Macaulay Culkin has a similarity to the name Mrs McCulkin from the Whiskey-a-go-go hotel, and movies such as home alone have themes of a boy being alone at home,

while the parent(s) are away. Some parents might be away from the home for hours working each day. ]

The eldest adopted Australoid daughter of Mrs Weston looked like she was related to David Christian's mother.
i.e. David Christian who was the son of Trevor Christian Australoid Boxing champion who lived in Toni Collette's 1980s neighbourhood.
Cathie Weston was the younger adopted Australoid daughter of Mrs Weston.

Are the Weston's biscuit company drug traffickers? They had a biscuit factory in Camperdown near Sydney University.

Mrs Weston, Mrs McKulkin are similar in appearance to some women that was working in Electrical Engineering Administration near the 3rd year labs in 1998-1999.
i.e. They are similar looking to Australian actress Judy Farr.

Model Natacha Senechal (aka Suzanne) who visited the Hammer's Road Adventist Church in mid 1996 was possibly one of Macaulay Caulkin's relatives,sadistically appearing near the son of the migrant household.
By 1996 he had been surgically implanted with a slave labour device.

The NSW Police are complicit in the corruption described. The NSW Police have not wanted to reveal anything about such slavery conspiracies against migrants sons.
The NSW Police have not wanted anything to be investigated or discovered about such slavery conspiracies against migrants sons, and the presence of the Nazi Lebensborn
program in Sydney Australia.
The NSW Police have not wanted to give any kind of formal reasoning in their racial persecution of migrant households, the NSW Police have not wanted to send formal written letters about their racial persection, harassment, electronic harassment experiments against human nervous system via the surgical implantation of a slave labour device.

The NSW Police must face international law charges.

There was an italian family "Mary and Bianco" living next to the Weston household on the same side of the street to them. THey had a grand-son-in-law studying to be a doctor at Sydney University. They refered to him as his son-in-law. THe number plat eof his vehicle started with VTR-...
Is that mafia activity where they display their grandchildren to the neighbourhood while their adult children hide from the neighbourhood?
Mary was killed in 1998 while walking near a T-section street corner. An anglo-celtic Australian male drove around the street corner and hit Mary with his car.

[The son of the migrant household was implanted with a slave labour device. Students at Sydney University were acting like some kind of Ku Klux Klan lynch mob, in an attempt
to cover up the illegal experiments against human beings. The son of the migrant household was studying electrical engineering in 1998, when Sydney University tried to cover up the experiments by racist behaviour of the students.

Physics lecturers such as Richard Collins were involved in stirring up the racism, to cover up the illegal experiments against humans.


br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------


guyeregger are p smith are probably upset about being found out to be usinbg child prostitutes to do ku klux klan racism against people's civil rights.
the awkward distant terminology that appeared on the internet - terminology used by the american fbi and antenna networks in alaska ans safe bases in australIa.
NSW police and the american fbi doing illegal things against civil rights in Australia.

awkward distant - implies a citizen found out that the NSw Police are compromised in some way, and the person has remained distant.
the nsw police are worried by situations where people dont turn up again in some shopping area where the nsw police are doing illegal things against citizens civil rights.
the nsw police are afraid of being discovered to be an organisation compromised by severe corruption, the NSW police are afraid of court action,
the NSw police would have preferred to corruptly sweep such situations under the carpet.
the nsw police are afraid of news of the corruption reaching a court system( international court system),
they NSW police afraid of the Australian court system being labelled as deliberately dragging on injustices over years decades(breach of the Magna Carta),
the NSw Police afraid of societies overseas discovering how corrupt Australian culture is.
the NSw police are afraid of being discoverd to be a corrupt organisations that sends child prostitutes and violent male prostitutes
to ritually murder those citizens that the racist NSW police does not want to have a legal voice.

the NSW police are afraid of being discoverd to be a corrupt organisations that sends child prostitutes and violent male prostitutes
to ritually murder those citizens who the racist NSW police wants to sweep under the carpet.

some citizens discover that Australia is an intrisicaslly worthless society, and then Australians dont want to do their jobs for such people,
Australia is about anglo-celtics continually threatenning the lives of other races, and when people from other races continually resist,
people with Australian culture their minds short-circuit and they no longer want to do their jobs,
Australians no longer want to provide services to people from other races that resist, Australians want people from other other races to be isolated
with no one to turn to,Australians want people from other other races to be isolated so that peolpe from other races are more easily murdered
by the ritual prostitution. This kind of corruption occurs among Australian police, Australian judges, Australian solicitors, Australian orgnisations that are suppose
to care about human rights and then they dont want to do anything for the human rights of some citizens.

[i.e. Australians are like sodom and gomorrah behind peolpe's backs.
Australian females are not about being friendly toward races that not anglo-celtic.
Australian females are homosexualised wom[e]n who are about continually threatennibng the lives of citizens who are not anglo-celtic...
Australians are degraded culture that is not bring people down to earth, it is about dragging people's lives down to the degraded s__t-fscked
lack-of-morality level of anglo-celtics and their buggery customs... and that is a desxcription of the degraded way that Australian woman talk at races
who are not anglo-celtic in social circumstances.]



-------------------------------------------------------------- [22/04/2022]

keith Leyshon is a male prostitute.He was in safe bases in the late 1980s communicating with countries such as Iraq via ground antenna networks.
Americans had estasblished bases in countries such as Iraq.
australia has a secret industry of rewards and entertainment for activities against the human rights of migrant racial groups.
[e.g. When news stories about human rights attrocities occur on one television channel,on another Australian television channel is displaying scantily clad females and males.
Racists are taught to turn the channel. They dont want to be bored by stories about people seeking human rights justice to occur against racists.]
When P Smith and Guyeregger terrorised a person away from shopping areas in Marsden Park/Colebee and Stanhope Gardens (Nazi lebensraum),
did child prostitutes turn up for them as a reward ? i.e. Child prostitutes that were watching by infrastructure camera systems, or by ground-ionosphere antennas, did child prostitutes
appear for Guyeregger (and his police group) and P Smith as a reward ? [See comments about aussies being taught to " ct tough" in an unjust way.]

!!!!************RECENT DISCOVERY*************!!!!:
Martin Orne
Dr Petr Sheehan.

Academic papers from the 1960s reveal how a CIA-funded 'mind control' program came to Australia

Martin Orne
Dr Petr Sheehan.

In the winter of 1960, Martin Orne, remembered as one of the 20th century's greatest psychologists, touched down in Sydney.

The American professor was due to begin a three-month sabbatical at the University of Sydney, attracted by its world-renowned psychology faculty.



About Adam Burne(star chamber cop , Blacktown Police 1995).
Adam Burne probably has a connection to Martin Orne's brain-washing techniques.
Adam Burne possibly hints at this by saying his family comes from 'the Orms' sea route between Britain and Ireland.










Is this how to turn off ground-ionosphere antennas?

[to stop ground-ionosphere antennas tuning into receiving circuit...
to stop radome antenna finding objects around themselves...

the exact terminology is not know at this time ,but will be described:
such antennas possibly have attached to their circuitry a small component.
A component that is attached and put into electrical vibration: a small "electrically vibrated element".

The electrically vibrated element is of the same material as the receiving circuit
(the electrons in the electrically vibrated element vibrate in the same way as the receiving circuit,
and maybe there is quantum entaglement between the element and the receiving circut?]

1) stop the electrical vibrations in the small vibrated element (prevent being electrocuted),

2)remove the small "electrically vibrating element" from ground antenna,
to "close the conduit" (to stop the standing waves between the antenna and the receiving circuit)
to stop the standing waves described in Nikola tesla's patent,
to stop antenna tuning into the receiving circuit.

[Nikola tesla's Patent 787412 of 1905 describes such ground-ionosphere antennas]
An Australian company connection to September 2001 terorist attack in NEW YORK CITY . WESTFIELD GROUP,
a company involved in SHOPPING CENTRE RACISM: WESTFIELD and WESTPOINT shopping centre names.
Shopping Centre RACIAL VIOLENCE ATTACKS which result in implantation of SLAVE LABOUR DEVICE technology.
Westfield c.e.o FRANK LOWY was probably a HUNGARIAN HITLER RELATIVE.
JOHN HOWARD Australian Prime Minister was in New York City USA the day that the planes hit the World Trade Centre buildings.
(CNN News article) Control of New York's World Trade Center passed from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey only seven weeks ago to Silverstein Properties
and the U.S. unit of Australian shopping center group Westfield.
September 12, 2001

The Twin Towers site used to be "Radio Row" an area for electronic's companies New York City USA.
Some radio companies are possibly involved in conspiracies to track around human beings with antennas.
[e.g. 2KY in Australia radio station with connections to the Australian RSL. 2ky house building was in Parramatta suburb of Sydney NSW Australia.]

about: Tom the brother of Liliana Pavlek:
tom joined a 'swingers'' group and became homosexually defiled . tom became a sodomite(bisexual),
tom had a girlfriend/wife and joined a swingers group:
swingers look like male-female couples , but they swap partners with other such couples.
Swingers portray of image of men swapping wives, but swinger activity includes husbands witrh husbands, boyfriends with boyfriends, males with males.

Tom and his wife are low characters. Swingers is an activty that the lowest of the low characters become involved in.
Their language is depraved. Swingers is associated with people swinging from the trees like tarzan, tarzan and the apes,
monkeys. e.g. rracist comments such as : your race was still in the trees when my race was building cities.

Swingers groups have a connection to nazism. Adolf Hitler's favourite movie was King Kong(1933).

Blacktown Police is corrupted by swingers activity, and homosexuality(sodomy). Their language suggests so.
Adam Burne's corrupt police superintendant/sargeant 1995 began making lies about "law of the jungle" , instead of laying charges against violent criminals.


NEAL WINTER PORTRAYED A PIANO TEACHER in Australian media<----> Maryanne Camillieri was giving people piano lessons.
The paedophilia News stories should have talking about Neal Winter(High School Music Teacher) and Charlie Camilleri(piano lessona, security guard work?)

Chris Marshall's organs and piano televison adverts <---> JOHNNY YOUNG, SIMON TOWNSEND PHILIPPINES CONNECTIONS
[Chris Marshall escaped to the Philippines , similar to Christopher Skase fled to Majorca Island Spain.]

Chris Marshall has possibly died, but the media information about his death is hard to find.
As though the media wants him to appear to be alive.

Italian cadverntist church is near to chris marshall's organs and pianos.
Italian Advenrtist Church (Guildford suburb of Sydney).

Italian cadverntist church is near to chris marshall's organs and piano's business.
They moved Chris Marshall's business from Villawood to Earl Street around Guilford.

A Detention Centre was buiult in Villawood (anti-immigration, Australian concentration camps agenda).

Nicole Kindman is part of a paedophile network (2014 News stories about Antony Kidman her parent. Her sister is Antonia].
[BMX Bandits film , and bicycle themes. BMX Bandits and Nicole Kidman were shown in a news story from Simon Townsends Wonder World.]

Nicole Kidman(Nirvana Fan Club member?) <---> Courtney Love who married Kurt Cobain: Nirvana Music group. Courtney Love's music group was called Hole.
[Kidman;s parent Antony Kidman and Courtney Love's parent(Hank Harris) were Mind Control Programmers': men who sodomised people to brain wash people.

Nirvana's Nevermind album was criticised as being pornography: it showed a nude male baby swimming .

Probably Nicole Kidman has relative living around Panmure Street Rouse Hill: a red headed female with her south-asian-indian female friend exited the bus
on corner-of-Adelphi Street-&-Panmure-Street Rouse Hillsuburb of Sydney NSW Australia.
[The 2 females are probably friends or relatives of NSW Police constables Anand, Ball, Guyeregger and his group of police officers,
P Smith and his blonde female constable partner who drove police car CN-32-LN

Then some weeks later the red haired female boarded a bus with her south-asian-indian female friend,
and exited the bus on Sorrento Drive Glenwood(described above a paedophile neighbourhood).
THe Red Headed female was dressed in an immodest way. Her belly was showing. She wore jeans and top that displayed her belly/belly button.

Some days after, a bus driver displayed obstructionist/rude behaviour when the bus drove past Sorrento Drive Glenwood.He did not want to stop the bus for a passenger to exit
at another bus stop.
Nicole Kindman's acting in role in Batman(1989) has a connection to Jessica Rabbit character in animated movie "Who framed Roger Rabbit(1987)".
Nicole Kidman based her character on the appearance of Jessica Rabbit. Nicole Kidman's character in Batman reminds people of Jessica Rabbit.

The voice of Roger Rabbit is an actor who looks like a member of the Gardiner family. He resembles Joel Gardiner and Mark Regev.

The film who framed Roger Rabbit looks like it was made by people who wanted know further information about the ritualistic killing of Anita Cobby in Australia,
or they wanted to make money from Anita Cobbys suffering and death.
The film who framed Roger Rabbit has faces similar to news stories about The Family Murders . (e.g. THe villain has a face similar to Bevan Spencer Von Einem)









Sydney University Physics lecturer Richard Collins and Martijn De Sterke are/were probably involved in paedophilia with a Daycare Centre near Sydney Unicversity during the 1990s.
also chemistry lecturers Mackie and Scott Kable(Scott Cable had a spanish/south-american women working as a secretary in an ante-chamber that led to his office in the Physical Chemistry section of the Chemistry building).
[Illegal immigration of South americans via New Zeland to Australia.}

Rodney Cross physics lecturer(Eelctronics,Solid State Physics) & Ian Johnston probably traffickers/smugglers illict drugs: Mr ASIA drug syndicate
Rodney Cross's name became famous in connection with the death of Caroline Byrne <--- news story.
research suggests that Caroline Byrne death in 1995 has connections to Monica Lewinsky from Bill Clinton Presidency.
Further description of:...Sydney University Physics lecturer Richard Collins and Martijn De Sterke are/were probably involved in paedophilia with a Daycare Centre near Sydney Unicversity during the 1990s.
also chemistry lecturers Mackie and Scott Kable(Scott Cable had a spanish/south-american women working as a secretary in an ante-chamber that led to his office in the Physical Chemistry section of the Chemistry building).
[Illegal immigration of South americans via New Zealand to Australia.}...

The location of the Daycare centre in not known for certain.The daycare centre might have been located somewhere across the road from the Three Legged Dog cafe in Redfern, or elsewhere.

[In years 1997- 1998 , there was tall spanish looking woman walking hand-in-hand with her daughter from Redfern station to Sydney University in the afternoons around 5:00pm.
Some resemblance to model Cyndi Crawford and Christina 1981 student of Deborah Mclachlan.
She was probably part of the paedophile network. She would walk past a University student who knew nothing about the paedophile activity at Sydney Univeristy and
was implanted with a slave labour device whose lectures would frequently finish at 5:00pm.

Around 5:00pm The tall spanish looking woman would be walking toward Sydney University, the student implanted with a slave labour device would be walking in the oppiste direction toward Redfern station to go home.

[This informaiton is described to prosecute Sydney University for nazi activity(race hate,homsoexual nazism,medical nazism):
slave labour device experiments - illegal experiments to enslave human nervous systems based upon race(Breach of Geneva Convention article 147).
The location of the Daycare centre in not known for certain.The daycare centre might have been located somewhere across the road from the Three Legged Dog cafe in Redfern, or elsewhere.
The student implanted with the slavery device was not looking for day care centres. The student implanted with the slavery device was often rushing to get home after hours of University lectures,
or rushing to attend evening classes at a TAFE(Technical College) for the purpose of finishing a tertiary qualificaiton as quickly as possible to get employment.


Richard Collins and Martijn De Sterke are Dutch-looking-malkes who probably involvement with sex cults(Project monarch/Nazi Lebensborn program,Nazi prostitutes).
They possibly formed a connection to Eddie Brodie from Toni Collette's neighborhood.Eddie Brodie and his brother Wayne Brodie are associated with
Brodie Lighting company which is probably an Australian subsidiary of the Edison Electric Light company.
THe brodie brothers know anglo-dutch south african Boer racists/neo-nazis (Eugene Terreblance Boer neo-nazism).

Martijn De Sterke facial appearance looks like he might be connected to events such as:
-David Koresh from the Waco sex cult whose members died in mass suicide,
-Terry Nichols and Michael Fortier from the Oklahoma City Bombing
via his involvement with Project monarch/Nazi Lebensborn program,Nazi prostitution.

The Oklahoma city bombing possibly had connections Ronald Biggs criminal network, and movie from 1995 with actress Chloe Sevigny.
Sevigny has a rsemblance to Stanley Baker from movie Zulu 1964, and Ronald Biggs(Train Robber,British Pirate in Rio De Janeiro).
Possibly describable as a Michael Kerr sex cult (Mormons/LDS/Chldren of God cult aka The Family)?
[Michael Kerr sex cult possibly transformed over time into the Keith Raniere/Greg-1990s-Physics-student sex cult (NVIXM aka Nexium)]

There is a serbian connection with Wayne Brodie. Douglas Jeremic the cousin of David stefanovic lived at a T-section where the Brodie family owned or maintained a Milk Bar.
(2 T-sections offset from each other by a short distance. A car crashed into a telegraph pole some years later in 2018 in the street leading from the 2 T-sections <-- news story).
David Stefanovic was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church which was attended by CHristina Nikolic during the 1990s.

Horse Trainer John Nikolic was arrested in Fiji for drug trafficking.

The NVIXM cult brans people/marks people with cattle prod or horse prods.
A member of the NVIXM cult was arrested in Fiji . She was a horse trainer.

[Seventh Day adverntist Church and John Nikolic are probably connected to the NXIVM sex cult.]

Bill Gates connections to NXIVM ( NXIVM possibly is a code like Windows XP (Windows chi-ro sex cult), XP-IBM sex cult?
QDOS sex cult? Bill Gates possibly stole the code from Q-DOS (quick and dirty operating system) to make MS-DOS opewrating system for IBM computers.
[Was anyone paying attention when Bill Gates mentioned that he had formed a strategic marriage with Steve Jobs from Apple computers? Steve Jobs died of some years later: media reports suggest that Steve Died of AIDS (known as the Gay Plague in western nations).
Bill Gates probably hinted that he is involved in homosexual marriages. Maybe that is how he got hold the source code for Q-DOS]

There have been media news stories about missing person or illegal immigrants being harboured on Bill Gate's ranch in the USA,
which is similar to description of why the woman from the NXIVM cult was arrested in Fiji.

About: Jason Jeffs the friend of Daniel Mamo - Jason Jeffs is probably a male prostitute:
He is possibly related to Breet Beehag, and has some resemblance to Craig Young from the St George Dragons professional rugby league club in Sydney Australia.

Jason Jeffs played rugby league but he didn't like being touched/tackledduring sports activity by people of a different of race to himself.
Tha tis an indication Jason Jeffs is brainwashed into homosexual nazism.
Australia is a hypocritical nation that encourages contact sports, but when homosexual's inject sperm up the backside's of anglo-celtic Australians they become involved in conspiracies to ritually murder people who touched them.
when homosexual's inject sperm up the backside's of anglo-celtic Australians they considers themselves holy in a perverse way (in the manner of homosexual religion, in the manner of brasinwashing.]

[Because of such hypocrisy(homosexual nazism) Australia has no longer any right to exist. Australia does not have the right to lure people into playing sports as a way to ritually murder people.
Australia is like sodom and Gomorrah. To wipe the Australian Nation off the face of the earth like Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed would put a stop the hypocritical ritual murder conspiracies against people who
Australians lure into sport, and who Australians lure into other venues .... Australians have no right to conspire homosexual crimes over years, decdes against people who they lured into sport events,and other events and venues. ]

See the photo Liberace gripping the shoulder of Jamie Redfern:. Australians probably approve of the that photo because Liberace was a homosexual, and Australian favour homosexuals.

` Ally Moore(1990s Austrlaian tv presenter) is part of the a paedophile ring Jack Nicholson and Angelica Houston.
` Information about Barry Nicholson and Shayna Jack is connected to the Jack Nicholson and Angelica Houston paedophile ring.
` Shauna Jack group of paedophile is connected to the news story:
` [Barry Nicholson and his sons have a resemblance to some hotos of actor Jack Nicholson]
` There is a cybernetic slavery experiments connection to Bateson from Stanford Research Institute.

` informaiton suggests it is George Bush's paedophile ring: Hugh Hefner &jeff Nicholson.
Also Angelica houstons looks like she is related to Ghislaine Maxwell and singer Kate Bush.

Jack Nicholson is connected to Roman Polanski. Jack Nicholson's home was used by Roman Polanski to enact paedophilia.

Jack Nicholson knew Sharon Tate who married Roman Polanski: there is a possibly a corrupt military police connection with Angelica Houstonand Jack Nicholson : military police families from the Nuremberg Trials 1940s.
793rd Military Battalion from the USA army from the 1940s Numremberg trials.

this is preliminary information: more informaiton will be added later.

" aaron Spelling(Hitler relative):Aaron Spelling's wife was Morticia in 1964 Adams family tv series , Tori Spelling similarities to Houston's face <---> Carolyn Jones(Morticia 1964 Adams family series & 1977 Halloween New Adams Family ) <----> Angelica Houston( Adams Family 1991) <----> Ghislaine Maxwell: Robert Maxwell's resemblance to Lon Chaney Junior horror film actor early 20th century."

Ally Moore <----> sardinia italy type <---> Mussolini (fascist leader, hitler ally) <----> asmodeus cult(anarchy symbol) reptilians,nephilim/giants/pretend angels cult (sardinia has megaliths), V alien invasion series (Jenny Beck) <---> Jenny Beck , Clint Eastwood (Tightrope movie)



Sex Cults such as NXIVM are a western version of ISIS ISIL terrorist organisation.
PNAC western imperialism organisation together with sex cults such as NVIXM are extremist organisations involved in conquest and western-style-terrorism(subversion against developing world nations).

and described from another angle:

ISIS/ISIL WAS POSSIBLY A TYPE OF MIDDLE_EASTERN SEX CULT INVOLVED IN TERRORISM AND CONQUEST ( middle eastern pirate themes <--> ronald biggs satanic new age agenda?
Oliver Cromwell cult themes <--> Skull and Bones , pirates and privateers puritans mayflower salem witch trials.
PNAC and NXIVM ,Bilderbergs <----->Wahabbis and ISIS/Isil. )

****Tony Blair's connection to Bandar of Saudi Arabia (Bandar has an Assyrian looking face? Assyrians in Northern Iraq are neighbours of Iran Border.****
[Tony Blair also has business connecitons to Narsultan Nazarbayev was leader of Islamic Republic of Kazakhstan, and was a member of the Soviet Union.]

SPIES SECRET SERVICE CONNECTION BETWEEN ARABIA AND BRITAIN (Bandar of Saudi Arabia and british spy surname Dearlove)


NXIVM cult is western version of ISIS ISIL

"British Israel cult" connections - groups of people go into secluded communes,only to be preyed upon sexually by poltiical types.
<---- This is why Jim Jones commune suicided. They thought they were bringing about God's kingdom of heaven,but then they became prey to groups with political-military power.

The Plain Truth magazine was based upon a british religious group that were involved in archaeological digs ---
then the british religious group learned how to build bases underground (places where only their anglo-saxon race meet together, or people who are servants of their race sodomised by their race brainwashed by their race.

Martin Bryant was one of their members (British Israelite cult) <---> Port Arthur Massacre.

Julian Assange is same religious cult as Martin Bryant.<---> relatives of Andrew Peacock and Johyn Howard where at Port Arthur connected to such a racist religious cult.

Anglo-saxons believe that they are new israelites destined to take over Paleestine, like a modern Crusade.
[They mis-interpret the bible as the biblical Isaac being the ancestor of the Anglo-Saxons (they believe that Saxon means Saac's son or Isaac's sons.

They appear in church videos but are never seen in person unless church groups become completely monoracial.
i.e. Faces that most church members would see only behind the glass of a tv set.
Also Jonathan Gray from Adventist Church. Joathan Gray who made 1990s church videos about Ron Wyatt who claimed to have discovered the Ark of the Covenant and various other things.


Joe Rolela has a connection to homosexual crimes in Westpoint Shopping Centre(Frank Lowy and Westfield Group were making money behind-peoples-backs from building places where homosexuals would meet, venues that were part of homosexual tourism.
Frank Lowy had business connections between Sydney Australia and New York City via Westfield Group).

See information about Steven McPherson making strange/senseless nicknames 'Big W' in teacher Mr Thompson's year 7 science lab class (1985): McPherson's family probably have a connection to the ritual murder against Anita Cobby, crime figure Lenny McPherson ,
and that such criminality was supported by Kerry Packer and his profits from illegal immigration.
At the same time that Mr Thompson's lab classes were occuring, Joe Rolela was with groups of students walking past the lab science class room between school classes.
Joe Rolela was mentioning teriminolgy "There's that kid ..." : words to the effect that there's that kid who became a victim of a homosexual crimes in the toilets at Westpoint Shopping Centre. Joe Rolela in his first year in High School (secondary school) knew about
homosexual crimes in shopping centre toilets, and he was pointing out victims of such homosexual crimes at school, as though it was some badge of honour to become victims of homosexual crimes. The student that Rolela was pointing out was older than Joe Rolela,
a Germanic looking blonde male student,had a round face like Kevin Rudd.

Also there is some Italian man that would be seen patrolling down Dunstable Road that would threaten people when they used the toilets in Westpoint Shopping shopping centre.
That italian man probably Joe Rolela, and has a connection to the homosexual crimes that were committed in Westpoint Shopping Centre Blacktown suburb of Sydney NSW Australia.

[teacher Mr Thompson had strange words to say about how to describe rain. He said that Rain was 'dilute urine' in the context of the water cycle that forms clouds. He spoke about rain and and clouds as though they originated from why most people visit
public toilets to relieve themselves, to urinate.
Mr Thompson was a science lab teacher and an Agriculture teacher at High School. Andrew Millett would hang around the science teacher Staff Room during lunch time where Mr Thompson was together with Mr Harris who had an American accent. ]


world trade centre built as part of satanic new age:
- 1963 ronald biggs train robber. Biggs became pirate king of rio de janeiro.
- 1964 Kamloops Canada(Tkemlups) Elizabeth Windsor encouraged her servants to ritually murder as many American Indian children as possible.
Mass graves of Americian Indian children in Kamloops resulted. Anglo-celtics were going to breed out the America Indian nations by separating children from their
parents in places such as Kamloops, and committing the ritualistic crimes of Sodom and Gomorrah against them .

[The beginning of the Satanic Age began in 1947 with the death of satanist Aleister Crowley. The same year as the electronic TRANSISTOR was invented(1947)
and further minaturisation opf electronic componenmts was expected with invention of 1940s SILICON WAFERS.By he 1960s, western society was working on
producing the first microchip. ]

Under radio row on Manhatten island(New york City)They found many graves of African slaves the Dutch brought when Manhattan was called New Amsterdam.

Radio row were the type of companies expecting further minaturisiation of transistors:were expecting the invention of the first microchip(developed from 1940s silicon wafers)

Manhattan island was in sight of Nikola Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower that was built and then dismanted after a time.
The Satanic new age agenda was going to develop Nikola tesl 's inverntions into a way to enslave and exterminate the developing world nations.
A way to turn free humans into remote controlled slaves because of race .

and they remembered that Adolf hitler's movie was King Kong(1933). The decided to build towers that were taller than the Empire State Building shown in King Kong 1933.
Manhattan would be a concrete jungle of Tall towers standing against the jungles of the developing world nations.

concept: walkie talkie King Kongs (people fromthe developing world jungles turned into walkie talkie king kongs, remote controlled king kongs,
when they invaded the concrete jungles such as New York City)

The work of building the 2 towers began in 1966 and ended in 1973: Radio Row was replaced by the 2 towers. The 2 towers of the World trade centre were a way for the American Government and its business connetions to cover over
the many graves of African slaves with much concrete.

New york city was a centre of the slave trade over centuries, and would secretly continue its slavery traditions in the form of modern slavery agenda: to develop tracking devices to
enslave the nervous systems of people in/from developing world(third world nations).

The first microchip was invented in 1970s while the World Trade Centre Towers were still being built.

The surviving nazis in the Bilderbeg Society probably made significant contributions to the building of the 2 Towers in New York City USA.
Also Lord of the Rings themes <--> SS Nazi honor rings themes.







Prime Suspect in organising the use of slave labour device against a person's nerves and
the Seventh Day Adventist Church illegally immigrating people into Blacktown : NIKOLA'S ROMANIAN WIFE WHO FACIALLY RESMBLES SINGER SELINA GOMEZ.
[PRobably she has connections to Serbian students at Sydney University from the 1990s. Zoran 1990s physics student(Serbian) and his Armenian wife.
See information about Anita Cobby being murdered in 1996 to cover up Armenian-Jew illegal immigration scheme]

Nicola's Romanian Wife who was living in a block of flats on Devitt Street Blacktown in the mid 1990s.
She is a small woman who facially resembles Selena Gomez singer. [Small body like Kylie Minogue, but stockier build, about 5 feet tall.]

About Serbian man Nicola who was was living in Devitt Street:Nicola resembles reporter Alexander Litvenenko who was poisoned by Vladimir Putin when he intended to make public Vladimir Putin's use of male prostitutes.
[Alexander Litvennek oresembled singer Billy Corgan in news stories where Litvenenko was dieing in hospital from radiation poisoning.
The Stefanovic family are probably part of a Billy Corgan fan club, ad Nirvana music group Fan Club.
Billy Corgan, Nirvana Fanclub, Portland USA <-----> Portland Atomic Spy Ring]

David Stefanovic and Dumitru Evgeniu Nikola's Romanian wife by car in Devitt Street Blacktown. Boris the effeminate serbian adventist from Granville Serbian Adventist Church in Blaxcell Road was living at Nicola['s home for a period of time.
Boris would frequently visit Nikola during the 1990s. Boris would come to Blacktown by train from the flat residence he was renting in Harris Park/Rose Hill.

David Stefanovic's sister Blagica (aka Betty Stefanovic) would mention the terminology "Boris and Dumitru" as though Serbian Boris and his Romanian friend Dumitru Evgeniu
were a homosexual couple married to each other, but they claimed to be Adventist Christians.

[Boris looks Iranaian, like a former Iranian Prime Minister, which possibly suggests that Nicola's wife is part of a Sydney University scheme to trade technology information to Iran and China...
A serbian connection between Sydney University and a residential home that used to be visible westward from Eastwood railway station in 1998, when there was Ku Klux Klan lynch mob behaviour at Sydney University.
After Tony Turtle's Computational Physics lectures finished in the Afternoon, a serbian woman dressed in a long white dress walked past the Physics Building from the direction ofs the Medical faculty,she walked past Richard Collin's office.
She marched through Sydney University in a ritualistic manner dressed in a long white dress that went went down to her ankles. ]

During the 1990s Nicola's wife temporarily moved to a home next to the railway line between Pendle Hill and Wentworthville. She wanted people to visit her there in the context of her breaking up with her husband Nicola. But she returned to him later.
Nicola's wife is probably friends with the middle eastern gang members who attempted to murder a person on 21st June 1995.

[ Blacktown Police have not wanted to investigate Nikola or his wife over decades. Blacktown Police are corrupted by homosexuality,illegal immigration, male prostitution, ....
, poofter parlour activity and safe bases. ]


The Stefanovic family are probably part of a Billy Corgan fan club, ad Nirvana music groupFan Club.
Billy Corgan, Nirvana Fanclub, Portland USA <-----> Portland Atomic Spy Ring]

Some photos of Darcy Gretsky from Billy Corgan's music group smashing pumpkins have a similarity to Rene Danielle Berrier who was with middle eastern gang members who tried to murder a person in front of Westpoint on 21st June 1995: their attempted murder
was followed by Australian doctors surgucally implanting a slave labour device next to a person's nerves later in 1995.
Middle Eastern gang swap females with Australian Motorcyclist organisations.

Greg Meller was appearing in shopping areas during the early 1990s probably conspiring to murder people: Greg Meller and his Blacvktown R.S.L rugby league club connections probably are associated with
the Billy Corgan conspiracy themes (<---> Portland Atomic Spy Rings <---> Whiskey-A-Go-Go Bombing 1973 <---> Blacktown Poofter Parlour - Robin Hood Inn Hotel)
Greg Meller wanted Toni Collette to be his girlfriend in elementary School, and some people did not want to have anything to do with Toni Collette socially.
During the early-mid 1980s Tony Collette and her friends would meet at Blue Light Discos(underage discos) held at the Police Boys Club on the way to Blacktown R.S.L Club.
The Police Boys Club later became the PCYC(Police & Citizens Youth Club).
See information above about (large diameter) piping deep under building foundations which became visible when a building was demolished in 2021 - the building on the same street as the Police Boys Club
which leads to Blacktown R.S.L, building which was next to the Serbian orthodox church on that street.






Matthew Dicks was probably male prostitute, and he was friends with Michael Walker.
[It could be noted how male prostitutes such as Matthew Dicks act act behind people's backs to socially isolate males from migrant families.]


About the aussie paedophiles at house number 291 , Casey Xuareb and her friends who crashed a car into a telegraph pole on Garden Street Blacktoen in 2018, and the Blues Mountains circus paedophiles.
The 1990s Wood Royal commission in Australia was looking for them and their corrupt police friends. They have a connection to Ivan Milat and Belanglo State Forest Murders, via an Australian Lawyer named John Marsden .
[The 1990s Wood Royal commission...was looking for them, and their paeodphile families, and their male prostitution friends/paedophile friends in NSW Police...]

Peter Ryan and the Wood Royal Commission made allegations about John Marsden being part ofa group of paedophiles that has sex orgies with teenage Boys and attended Costello's Boy Brothel in Kings Cross suburb of Sydney NSW.
Such of Group of paedophiles have been commiting sex crimes since the 1950s. They could be described as The Brotherhood from the 1950s.
John Marsden was not prosecuted,probably because of homosexual corruption within the NSW Police (a silence about homosexual nazism and the presence of the Nazi Lebensborn program in the Australian medical profession and police organisations).
They are connected to a serial killers David Owen Brooks , Dean Corll from the Houston Mass Murders(Texas). The Houston Mass murders were associated with a paedophile group described as an American "National Homosexual Procurement Network"
and extended to John Wayne Gacy's killings in Chicago Illinois.
[There is an overlap between the 1950s brotherhood organisation and the American "National Homosexual Procurement Network" ]
The network of paedophiles probably includes Edward Heath, 1970s British Prime Minister and his associations with a paedophile ring around Margaret Windsor and Kamloops,
and the paedophile ring survived into the era of recent news stories about Jeffrey Epstein. The paedophile ring probably includes Tony Blair who was behind the 1996 Dunblane school massacre.
Australian actress and singer Olivia Newton John is associated the the paedophile activitiy of Tony Blair his connection to Narsultan Nazarbayev from Kazakhstan. .
The movie Xanadu was a hint about such a paedophile network.[Also her PHysical music video was connected to 1970s-1908 physical culture clubs in Australia. .
PHysical culture was a popular group activity in Nazi Germany.

The paedophile network includes the crawford family, Diana Spencer, Harry Windsor and a Major Hewitt who was Diana Spencer's first lover.(see the faces in the "Harry_the_bok" picture.
Such of Group of paedophiles have been commiting sex crimes since the 1950s. They could be described as The Brotherhood from the 1950s, an organisation of paedophiles that includes anglo-celtic British, anglo-celtic Americans, Germans and
includes Eastern European politicians: e.g. Pat Buchanan(1970s political advisor to USA president Nixon) who has doubles related to Ivan Milat: e.g. Marian Barraba who visited the Granville Adventist Church.
Also South African President P W Botha who Mikhail Gorbachev Soviet Political leader was a double of.
The information above suggests that David Owens from Parramatta NSW Police and Alan Jones are probably part of the homosexual corruption described(international paedophile ring).
The paedophile ring involves Hitler relatives: the migration of Hitler relatives, and the police organisations deliberately ignoring the crimes that groups with hitler relatives have committed.
The attempted murder (racial violence) that occurred in front of Westpoint Shopping centre Blacktown on 21st June 1995 around 3:30pm was perpetrated by a a group that had a hitler relative: Rene Danielle Berrier(Hitler relative).
see art_593.jpg and [06_10_2016] on webpage











To know why the western media has been secretly hinting at the reality of marionette slavery (slave labour devices) since the 1960s is to understand the existence of
ANTENNAS THAT CAN ELECTRO-MAGNETICALLY HOOK ONTO OBJECTS AROUND THEMSELVES (CAN OBSERVE AROUND THEMSELVES) in the manner of unidirectional magnetic loops, antennas which can vibrate the hidden electric field lines
that exist in the electrolyte(ionic solution) of an electrolytic capacitor and are difficult to measure, antennas which can vibrate the earth's electric field lines that result from a 300-400 kilovolt
potential difference between ground an ionosphere. Nikola Tesla invented such an antennas in year 1905 (Patent 787412 of year 1905) and SUCH ANTENNAS ARE USED PRACTICALLY TO TRACK SUBMARINES (Project Omega, Project Sanguine)

The Unidirectional magnetic loops are sometimes described as Electromagnetic Wormholes that begin at the antenna and end at the object which being hooked onto.
(see 2015 news story "Scientists in the Department of Physics at the Universitat Aut noma de Barcelona have designed and created in the laboratory the first experimental wormhole that can connect two regions of space magnetically".

To know why the western media has been secretly hinting at the reality of marionette slavery (slave labour devices) is to understand that to understand the existence of
ANTENNAS THAT CAN ELECTRO-MAGNETICALLY HOOK ONTO OBJECTS AROUND THEMSELVES (CAN OBSERVE AROUND THEMSELVES), and the creation of a new civilization where citizens can openly build and replicate ground-ionosphere antennas
by learning how to build large structures like Windwills, and High Voltage Power lines over distances of miles.

The current Western civilization is like Sodom and Gomorrah that selfishly desires to misuse such Nikola tesla's ground-ionosphere antennas for slavery against other races of humans,
has been secretly implementing plans of slavery and genocide against the races of the developing world. The current Western civilization is never going top get out the era of Skyskraper cities in western nations, and Shanty towns in
developing World Nations unless it is destroyed/superseded by a new civilzation: and such is hinted by novels and film such as The Matrix, Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Elysium, District 9 , ....







25_05_2022.jpgbr /> --------------------------------------------







[Illegal immigration and Golf Club parties , Country club parties ]

Matthew Dicks was probably male prostitute, and he was friends with Michael Walker.
[It could be noted how male prostitutes such as Matthew Dicks act act behind people's backs to socially isolate males from migrant families.]...

further descriptions...

the illegal immigration, illegal trading in Blacktown possibly has themes of male prostitutes observing which anglo-celtics mix with other races, and then they convince anglo-celtics to stop mixing with other races,
by driving poorer anglo-celtics to see the homes of rich anglo-celtics, and then taking poorer anglo-celtics to monoracial-parties such as country clubs, golf clubs where rich anglo-celtics throw parties in which there
are no other races present. Such parties are a place for poorer anglo-celtics to eat much food, and a way for racists to convince members of their race not to mix with other races.
[Blacktown over decades had a golf course called Ashlar Golf course, which was close to Blacktown RSL club and close to the Robin Hood Inn Hotel Poofter Parlour.
.. and Ashlar Golf course was on the way to Schofields Aerodrome via Richmond Road. See informaiton about the Lindt Chocolates factory in Schofields/Marsden Park/Colebee suburban area.]

similarly,the people that are illegally immigrated are convinced/brain washed into mixing with anglo-celtics, anglo-germans and not mixing with other races.

See also mention of a Masonic Kitchen located near the Ice skating rink, 10 Bin bowling Club.

Peter Payne, Brett Beehag, Wayne Brodie,Jason Chalker [and various other names connected to Toni Collette] probably do such racism with the anglo-germans they illegally immigrate.
... and David Stefanovic and his cousin Douglas Jeremic probably do such racism with the slavs they illegally immigrate.






Camilleri and Adolf Eichmann.


Camilleri and Adolf Eichmann.


Camilleri and Adolf Eichmann.

About the Blue Mountains Circus Paedophile Ring:
Research suggests that they involved in ritual murders in Australia, and they are rewarded with paedophile holidays in Britain.
The Blue Mountains Circus Paedophiles are associated with the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult who Elizabeth Windsor is a member of,
and probably included Edward Heath 1970s british Prime Minister.
Ninth Circle Satanic Cult sounds similar to organisations such as the Coven of Hecate.

The Blue Mountains Circus paedophiles are connected to the death of Peter Falconio.
Joanne Lees his girlfriend has been hiding out in the Blue Mountains region west of Sydney Australia.

The Blue Mountains Circus paedophiles are connected to a death of an australoid in the Northern Territory.

[The Northern Territory has a presence of British backpackers, in the manner of Britain Imperialism:
British citizens observing remote parts of Australia.]

The Blue Mountains Circus paedophiles have a connection to same illegal immigration scheme as Donald Trump's family,
and they possibly have a familial connection to British serial killer Sidney Cooke.


Emma Rabbidge is a Bugsy Malone paedophile. Her behaviour at Sydney University dressed in hot pants during an exam period was like some scene from the film Bugsy Malone.
Information suggests that Emma Rabbidge is related to R Lenton who lived near Terry Feeney and his friend Neal. Many months ago was posted a description of Neil the friend of Terry Feeny, Brian Hill,
Jamie Hatson singing Bugsy Malone songs in High School during afternoon roll call during the 1980s.
So Emma rabbidge is probably connected to the Portland Spy Ring. The Rabbidge family possibly have ASIS spy connections and are Bugsy Malone paedophiles.
It is probable that R Lenton's relative and friends sent Emma Rabbidge to bother a persons studies at Sydney University.
Emma Rabbidge is connected to the Nicholson paedophile ring via her friendship with a male student named Rydah who resembled Johnny McCarthy from Barry Nicholson's 1980s Junior Rugby League team.
Also Rabbidge was friends with Jasmina Stojanovska.


Ground-ionosphere waves are electromagnetic phenomena
where charge separation occurs. within a finite radius
at the antenna
and around receiving circuit.

The electric/magnetic forces are strong compared to gravity,
so it seems like a lever over a distance,
a lever at one end creating a lever effect at the other end,
but the lever cant be felt over most of the distance.

[for most of the wave distance, the waves are 180 degrees out of phase.
the earths electric field being vibrated with similarity to harp string vibrations.

Such ground ionosphere wave vibrations are used practically as Submarine Tracking Antennas, Project Omega, Project Sanguine.]



Around the year 1995, there was a short stocky redhaired Adventist man called Jeff, who one of the leaders of "The Three Angels Bible School" group that had tendancies of breaking away from the Adverntist Church but still considered themselves Seventh Day Adventists.
Thebreakaway group called themselves the 'Concerned Brethren' and were founded by Russel Standish. The Three Angels Bible School was held on Saturday Afternoons in a hall venue. Dumitru Evgeniu would drive people to their meetings,
after attending an Adventist Church.
Discovery that Jeff is a closet homosexual that is probably involved in violent attacks, and his homosexuality is being advertised many years afterward in music videos such as Where are you now by Lost Frequencies music group.
(The music video has a lookalike of Nicholas Bryant from Seven Hills Toongabbie R.S.L. cricket club coached by Jim Cameron<---> surname the same as Martin Bryant who was the mass murderer in the 1990s Port Arthur Massacre in tasman Australia).
A jeff double also appeared in a documentary about ancient Babylon/Mesopatamian civilization, and the appearances of his doubles probably have something to do with the Seventh Day Adventist [Church] luring people into their churches through
advertising such as public talks :Seminars about the book of Daniel and the book Revelation in the bible.







Due to a news story about the 1995 killing of Hassan Dustan on 1/08/2022.
[A situation where Blacktown Police deliberately did not lay charges against violent criminals who needed to be charged with attempted murder ,
Blacktown Police (NSW Police)
deliberately allowed a race war to occur in which people were killed who could have been saved.

Names of 1995 Police officers: Adam Burne, Katrina Nichols, Chrissdy Leyshon,Peter Mort,a lookalike of newsreader Robert Canning possibly name Brad Morgan or he knows Brad Morgan.
<--- These police officers are corrupted by the homosexual nazism of the Poofter Parlour and the Safe Base in Blacktown.
Also a Blacktown chamber magistrate who facially resembles Man-At-Arms from the He Master's of the Universe cartoon. ]

-Saher Yousef's homosexual lover is probably the middle-eastern male nurse that worked for Dr Nashed at Highview Medical Centre (which closed down around years 2004/2005).
[Dr Nashed is pronounced Nah-shed.
Reza Ebrahim <----> Saher Yousef.

Dr Nashed's surname looked similar to an English language teacher called Mrs Nash who probably has a connection to the 1986 killing of Anita Cobby.
Mrs Nash is anglo-celtic woman possibly related to Phillippino-Australian student called Jason Sankey.
Jason Sankey was a member of Lalor Park scout group which has possibly closed down due to homosexual corruption. Lalor Park Scouts used to be across the street from the club house of Lalor Park Kookaburra's rugby league club.
Names such as Wayne Brodie, Eddie Brodie, Joshua Cameron, Clive Bunker, Peter Dunn , Shaun Savage, Jason Gaucci (Gow-chi),Craig Barnes, Jason Sankey were associated with Lalor Park scouts from the 1980s.]

[Lalor Park scouts no longer displaying their organisation's name, because of the shame of homosexual corruption. Their scout building now displays the name of a scout group of a neighbouring suburb ?]

- About the Turkish cypriot man who lives at number 4 in the street where Toni Collette lived and was raised. He calls himself a greek, but is probably more accurately described as a Turkish Cypriot.
He probably has some connection to the killing of Hussan Dustan in December 1995.
He had a son called Abraham , a daughter of unknown name, and wife called Sofia.
[A 1980s Turkish student named Ali Haaki lived close to the Turkish Cypriot and they were friends with each other. Ali Haaki was friends with his son Abraham.]

His son Abraham had malfunctioning kidney's , and he was receiving dialysis at hospital, to try to clean his blood of toxins that the kidneys usually remove.
Something that should be known about the immorality that has existed in the neighbourhood where Toni Collette was raised,immorality amongst anglo-celtic Australians and those that have allied themselves with anglo-celtic Australians...
Abraham's malfunctioning kidneys probably were the detrimental affect of the Turkish Cypriot man's family being involved in homosexual prostitution. Abraham probably caught a blood disease from the homosexual prostitution and that destroyed his kidneys.

[e.g. Turkish baths are venues connected with Turkish culture. In Australia, Turkish baths are known to be meeting places for homosexuals.

The kind racism occurs in Australia where:
If a court legally pronounces a mother as a bad character, and a child/son is brought up by the father,

racists begin to act like a bridge between a child and a mother who seeks to harm her son.
Racists begin suggesting that the son should meet the mother.

Racists in Australia believe they have some right to forcibly separate a son from his father,
to the extent that Australian racists commit a nazi doctor crime against the son,
and they dont want to reveal to the father over years decades the nazi doctor crime.

- A nazi doctor crime which is
a way for strangers to bother the son behind the back of the father.
- A way for a mother of bad character to get access to the lives of the son and the father,
by pretending to care about what is bothering the son
but the mother of bad character never reveals anything to the father about the nazi doctor crime committed against the son.
- A way for strangers to terrorise the son into associating with a mother that seeks to harm/murder the son.
- If a mother tried to murder her son as a baby, such a nazi doctor crime is a way for a mother of bad character to continue her murder
conspiracy against her son when her son becomes an adult, over years decades.
- A way to commit nazi eugenics/social isolation/separation of males and females like in a concentration camp against the son.

This is the kind of Australian racism that needs to be described to an international court.
This is the kind of extremely cowardly medical nazism that occurs in Australia and needs to be described to an international court.


Barry Nicholson(The 1980s coach of Earlwood Saints) possibly has a connection the news stories about Dick Cain;s swimming school at Carss Park next to Kogarah Bay. Barry Nicholson possibly encouraged members of the St George Dragons rugby league club in Kogarah suburb to observe 1980s students that
visited Dick Cain's swimming schools by bus, as part of their school curriculum.

Barry Nicholson has been described as being part of the Jack Nicholson paedophile network: Where Jack Nicholson and Roman Polanski shared a home.

[ Shayna Jack swimmer possibly one of Dick Cain's girlfriends but she has remained silent about her corrupt associations ?
Shayna Jack has profitted from involvement in paedophile networks?
See information above about Shayna Jack's probable involvement in terrorising people in shopping areas as away of stealing their identities.]


homosexuals/sodomites like to build meeting places for themselves in the form of poofter parlours, safe bases, public oilets that are venues of homosexual cruising tourism.

Slave labour devices could be described as homosexuals/sodomites making 'communication spaces' within the bodies of unwilling hetersexual people.
(communication spaces have similarities to meeting places).

communication spaces are like homosexuals exchanging information with each other when they visit poofter parlours,
abut information is exchanged without physcially visiting a venue.

Homosexuals stealing away the lives of heterosexuals by committing a horrible medical crime against a person's nerves (a nazi doctor crime,
the use of a device to enslave the nerves.)

Homosexuals trying to steal homes that are not theirs by:
- homosexuals/sodomites tresspassing against a person's nerves via a slave labour device surgically attached (nazi doctor crime)
- homosexuals/sodomites tresspassing against a person's home via a slave labour device surgically attached (trespass against a home by slave labour device).
- homosexuals trying to steal homes that are not theirs by trying to 'posess' a person's nervous system through surgically attaching a slavery device.

See antennas patent 787412 of year 1905 - capabilities of ground-ionosphere antennas.
- tracking , communication, remote control of circuitry => remote influencing of nervous system.

Adam Burne 1995 Police Officer probably connected to Kevin Barlow and Brian Chambers Heroin(Opium) drug smugglers executed in 1986 in Malaysia.
Adam Burne is probably a Barlow relative.
Alan Sparkl has a facial resemblance to Kevin Barlow.
[Robert Saunders family slight facial resemblances to Brian Chambers? The Saunders family moved into Toni Collette's 1980s neighbourhood
around the same time as the Barlow and Chambers were imprisoned in Malaysia. ]

Also Andre Millett is possibly a Barlow relative.

Barlow and Chambers looks like a nazi double of Adolf Hitler and the Von Staufenberg who tried to assassinate Hitler,
so Barlow and Chambers drug smuggling activity was probably Nazi Lebensborn activity,
and the Australian media mentioned nothing about illegal immigration of WW2 nazis.

Malaysian slogans of Dahdah is death during the mid 1980s , might suggests that some years later in 1995,
Adam Burne while working as a NSw police officer had a corrupt connection to gang criminal Andre Dada (andre Dahdah).

In 1990, a few years after the execution of Barlow and Chambers , the Penrith Panthers rugby league club began wearing "Dahdah Uniforms" sponsorship sign
on the front of their jerseys, which was probably Australians publicly protesting against the execution of Barlow and Chambers, and hinting that drug trafficking of Heroin was still occuring.
[county councils involved in heroin drug smuggling corruption?: Penrith County council <--adjacent to--> Blacktown County Council <-adjacent to --> Parramatta County Council ]

[Penrith Panthers had been previously sponsored by Feeney Electronics in the late 1970s.
Further sponsors of the Penrith Panthers: Alpha Micro Computers in 1985, and then Radio 2KA in 1986 and 1987, Penrith City Council in 1988, Calphos in 1989 and then Dahdah Uniforms in 1990]

About Paul Keating (politician nicknamed "the boy from Bankstown" by the Australian media,the member for Blaxland in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney, Bob Hawke's treasurer):research
might suggest that Paul Keating was probably very much involved in the Heroin smuggling corruption. In 1993, Paul Keating began criticising the the Malaysian political leader Dr Mahatir as recalcitrant
and such comments possibly were a reference to Australia's secret support of Heroin smuggling, and Malaysia's resistance against drug corruption.

also mentioned in news stories is a mysterious crime figure John Asciak whose surname sounds similar to Mr Asia from the Asia Drug Syndicate.

The surname of Andre Dada(Andre Dahdah) suggests he is a middle-eastern assassin family: Assassins were drug users.
The word assassin is from the middle eastern hashisheen(hashish users, marijuana users = drug addicts ).




-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29/08/2022] [3 dutch commandoes shot in Indianapolis USA , one commando dies: probably underground base in Indiana, Ku Klux Klan activity with New Zealand Connections,
illegal immigration between Australia, New Zealand, USA , sports doctors involved in nazi doctor crimes, battlefield doctors involved in nazi doctor crimes,
M*A*S*H* units of corrupt doctors and caucasian gangs invading suburban areas to make Nazi Lebensborn program situations in countries such as Australia ,NewZealand, USA,Canada <--- Watergate Bugging Scandal activity over decades.]

jacinta ardern similarity to rachael denhollander

When women in Australia decided to NOT talk socially to some males,
it means that Australian women are part of sodomite groups that wage homosexual race wars behind the backs of some males,
which is similar to mafia organisations sending mafia-style messages to people in the form of violent attacks, violent murders.

[similar to mafia organisations sending mafia-style messages to people in the form of harming people's lives, violent attacks, violent murders, .]
Groups of womn who are corrupted by sodomy/buggery are involved in corrupting people through ritual sex activity,
and then homosexual crime organisation activity, homosexual procurement networks and serial killer activity,etc <----- (ritual sex, ritual murders)

This needs to be known in the context of enforcing anti-discrimination laws and enforcing the geneva convention.

See the information below 25_06_2021_002.jpg

On Channel 9 Sydney 26/06/2021 was a news story that possibly hinted that Corona[v]irus outbreaks have to do with the way that groups of sodomites communicate their unhappiness to other groups of sodomites....Instead of speaking with each other,
one group of sodomites probably begins sexually attacking the other group of sodomites without warning....euphemistically referred to as a "kick in the guts". It is an expression used by Australian politician[s]
and Australian business people in upset way...[Gladys Berejiklian] says she s negative after attending a superspreader the superspreader event where a "Kick in the guts" occurred? ... Business NSW chief executive Daniel Hunter
... Victorian Politician Daniel Andrews(VIC Premier) mentioned that lockdowns were a "Kick in the guts"

Because no solicitor has wanted to legally represent my international law case,
because the activity of a corrupted mother and her bastard sister who is a hitler relative has been to waste away my lifetime,
because the activity of corrupted older cousins that visited my home 1 or 2 times a year since 1983, has been to waste away my lifetime,
I want to mention my ability to take the lives of uncaring people who are corrupted by sodomy and racist ideology/ideology.
[I am NOT a Hitler relative. I was brought up to be against Hitlerism,
and my mother did not want to tell me that one of her sisters is a bastard and hitler.
And my older cousins found out and made a murder slavery conspiracy against me.
i would deduce that my mother , her bastard sister, and my older cousins have been corrupted by Australians and their
poofter parlours and safe base sodomy activity: they have been involved in hiring male prostittutes(male escorts) and then they
sent male prostitutes to murder people]

What my lifetime efforts in a perverse racist nation such as Australia,
and my survival against nazi activity(race hatred) in Australia ,
should be known for:

My research suggests I am from an ancient family.

I came academically first in my High School and was voted by my school year to be most likely to become a rocket scientist.
[I answered many questions during school lessons, people suggested I should go on the Quiz program sale of the century.]

In June 1995 there was a cowardly violent attack upon me by a group of male prostitutes from middle eastern assassin families who had a Hitler relative female prostitute among them,
I survived and thenm and then Australian doctors surgically attached a slave labour device.
[The NSw Police are an organisation of racist buggers(sodomites) that did not want to do anything to arrest charge the attackers.
The NSw Police are an organisation of racist buggers(sodomites) that has not wanted to give closure about the violent attack(attempted murder).

In 1998 mid year June there was something like a Ku Klux Klan race riot situation at Sydney University among the students in Wentworth Building eating area,
computer science lab in physics, and electrical engineering labs.
Sydney University students and staff were trying to cover up the fact that I was implanted
with a slave labour device. Sydney University is a University corrupted by sodomy/buggery and racial hatred.
Sydney University is a homosexual nazism university that did not want some races to be able to study at all on its campus grounds, and it has not left a person's life in peace afterward.

On September 2001 my identity was used to take the lives of around 3000 uncaring americans when aeroplanes hit the World Trade Centre Buildings.
(i.e. identity theft by George W. Bush(American President) and John Howard(Australian Prime Minister) who was in New York City the day the planes
hit the world trade centre buildings.
George W Bush and John Howard conspired to kill thousands of their fellow anglo-celtic people through identity theft.

On September 2002 my identity was used to take the lives of 88 uncaring Australians in the Bali Bombing.
(I am not sure who was stealing my identity in Bali Indonesia but it could have been an Indonesian called Jose from Sydney University in 1991,
and a Catherine Zeta Jones double from Sydney University Physics 1 labs in 1991 who was befriended by Physics staff member Ian Sefton).

In december 2014, it was a relief that some uncaring Australians were taken in the Lindt Cafe Seige.
at last someone was killing Australians in Australia. Maybe someone was killing Australians to stop the Nazi activity in Australia.

In 2014 my efforts to begin an international law case, resulted in the killing of 38 Australians in the MH-17 plane.

In 2015 , my efforts to begin an international law case, resulted in the massacre of 30 uncaring British people in Souse Tunisia.

In year 2019, I was playing a military simulation with tanks, airplanes and an American said he want to kill himself.
I typed out a message that he could kill himself by a method where he would go to sleep and never wake up again.
A few days after there was a news tory about one of film maker Ridley Scott's homosexual lovers had killed himself.
Ridley Scott's homosexual lover had wanted to sue Ridley scott but ended up killing himself.
Maybe he was an American. So another uncaring American life was taken.

In the year 2020, when I made a formal racism complaint against the NSW Police to the anti-discrimination board in Parramatta suburb of Sydney NSW Australia in January 2020,
some weeks later COVID-19 biological warfare pathogen was released by groups involved in an agenda to exterminate developing world nations. COVID-19 biological warfare pathogrn became a world epidemic ,
as a way to prevent investigation of wedtern companies invovled in slave labour experiments which are part of the genocidal agenda by western nations to to exterminate developing world nations.
The reference of the racism complaint against the NSW police was
complaint under the NSW anti-discrimination Act 1977 - Reference number C2020/0013.

I am for my human rights. I have never wanted my identity to be stolen. I would prefer to be in control of my identity.
I would prefer to be killing Australians in self defense, it shouldnt be people killing Australians by stealing my identity, because identity theft is associated with marginalisation, racial discrimination, slavery against victims of identity theft.
To kill Australians in self defense to stop the nazi activity is permissible in a morality context.
Something must be done for my human rights. An international law case needs to begin against the Australian Government: Australian must be officially labelled as a nation that is commiting nazi doctor crimes some decades after World War 2.
I want Australia to be formally charged with breach of Geneva Convention article 147 (the prohibition against biological experiments/medical attrocities/nazi doctor crimes).

[... and i want to bring about the destruction of Austalia's system of homosexual nazism: i would bulldoze the poofter parlour venues and safe base meeting places,
so that Australians would be buried alive in their poofter parlours and safe bases.
and safe bases could be destroyed in other ways. The injustices associated with Poofter Parlours and Safe bases have been a way to bring about World War 3. ]

I was not brought up to be an extremist. I was brought up to be moderate. Australians are extremists in their discrimination,
Australians are extremists in their brainwashing by buggery and extremists in the discrimination that results from the buggery/sodomy/ritual murder activty by anglo-celtic Australians.
Australians should be known to be homosexual nazis by every nations on earth.
****************** By racists killing around a person, the NSW police falsely associate a person with serial killer activity. [The NSW Police deliberately allowed race war situation to occur, instead of arresting violent criminals.] ****************** ---------------------------











australia is intrinscially worthless nation: Australia is about secretly provoking people and making counterfeits to ritually murder people.

The only relevance that anglo-celtic Australians want to have to some racial groups is sadistic behaviour, sadistic harm against the lives of some racial groups.

Anglo-celtic Australians dont have enough culture to have friendliness toward some racial groups.
The only culture that Australians have toward some racial groups is uncivilized behaviours behaviours based around anglo-celtics having male sex organs stuck their behinds.


NSW Police Sargeant Guyeregger is corrupted by paedophilia.
NSW Police Sargeant Guyeregger is corrupted by an Aldi Advertisement with paedophile themes,Dutch Boer racial types standing on a jetty with water around,
and so Sargeant Guyeregger and his group of police
appeared outside an Aldi Store in Stanhope Gardens to harrass/harry/terrorise a citizen to try to cover up illegal experiments against humans The NSW Police.

Sargeant Guyeregger and P Smith did not want to say anything about the use of a slave labour device so they
conspire to 'catch' a person, in the manner of slave traders hunting a person,
in the manner of the NSW Police being corrupted by the Nazi Lebensborn program and hunting humans instead of the NSW police being hunted by Nazi Hunters, in the manner of the movie themes
in the movie Chitty Chitty bang bang.Because of Sargeant Guyeregger's corruptionby paedophilia, it could be also described that Guyeregger and his police terrorised a person in a shopping area to cover up the paedophile corruption in
Marsden Park/Colebee/Schofields neighbourhoods and Stanhope Gardens neighbourhoods. NSW Police officer P Smith is corrupted by paedophilia from Summerland crescent Colebee/Marsden Park/Schofields in a similar way to Guyeregger...
It is more important to be mentionedto an international court that Guyeregger was trying to cover the use of a slave labour device, and P. Smith, Guyeregger and Guyeregger group of police could be charged
with paedophilia activity in addition nazi doctor crime collaboration... (information suggests they were not trying to investigate, they were doing undergorund economy activity where racists seek to profit from the murders of migrant families,
undergorund economy activity associated with displaying nazi lebensborn doubles... nazi lebensborn double of rachel griffiths lookalike of theodore hall's daughters.

The corruption of Police Officers such as Guyeregger and P Smith and their police associates goes back to year 2002 news stories about homosexual corruption with Peter Hollingsworth(Anglican Bishop,Australian Governor General),
George Pell,and Peter Cosgrove invading East timor with the Australian Military in 1999 and later becoming Governor General of Australia. [There is Lindt Chocolates factory on Hollinsworth Road,
and the Lindt Cafe seige 2014 in Sydney CDB was a hint about Peter Hollingsworth and a hint about
Australian sodomites misusing ground-ionosphere antennas to do slavery against humans.]
The homosexual corruption extended to Elizabeth Windsor and news stories about Anglican Priests acting like spies doing subversion against societies in connection to Holyrood Agreement and Crimen Solicitanus.
The NSw Police have not wanted to say anything about the use of Slave Labour Devices(Nazi Doctor Crimes) because the NSw Police are a racist orgnaisations that wants Nazi Doctor crimes by Australian doctors to be a way
to waste away the life times of citizens because of race (a way to sacrifice people's lives because of race.)
Also the NSW anti-discrimination Board organisatiom(in Parramatta suburb of Sydney Australia) did not want to do their jobs tpo prosecute the NSW Police racism/corruption. International law charges are required.



NSW Police constable P smith is corrupted by the paedophile ring from Summerland Crescent Colebee/Marsden Park/Schofields...

a woman with a face like clive bunker and jenny harris with 2 daughters who resemble the olive with glasses in little miss sunshine and also the female with glasses in the music video Jub l feat NEIMY - Dancing In The Moonlight (Official Video) - YouTube (daughters with ugly faces that look like elton john in glasses and long legs. One of her daughters appeared in the afternoon at the bus stop close to Summerland Crescent exitting a big luxurious looking bus possibly connected to politicians visiting that neighbourhood, and some days later they followed a person across Richmond Road to some seats near a medical centre near the Ikea Store.Her daughters look like they were conceived by relatives of Elton John singer, maybe relatives of Andrew Pitzing. Later occurred the death of Scott Morrison's father. That neighbourhood in Colebee Marsden Park is possibly visited by politicians. The shopping centre next to then nieghbourhood is called Greenway village which corresponds to a political electorate in NSW Australia. Maybe there is a connection to Rolf Harris and Jimmy Saville in that neighbourhood, Chaleston Heston and Phillip O'Greece(Phillip Mountabatten). Scott Morrison resembles television cook Heston. Blagoje Stefanovic is a Serbian with a resemblance to anglo-germanic television cook Heston and Scott Morrrison Australian politician. [The paedophile ring possibly was behind the death of Ivana Trump who resembles a Zbigniew Brzenski (cybernetic connection: Technetronic Era book), and political connections to Bill Clinton/Hillary Clinton (Pizzagate and Jeffrey Epstein's private island). About the movie Little Miss Sunshine starring Toni Collette, the actress who played Olive resembled Simone Buchanan who might be a Hitler relative. Robert Hughes possibly went to jail for a Hitler relative Simone Buchanan who is probably part of Toni Collette's paedophile ring. Toni Collette possibly has flat feet genetic traits and short legs like Elton John, which the paedophile ring seeks to hide by intermixing with people who have long legs. Such families are taught to dance with side to side motions of their legs like dancers from nazi germany. Elton John sometimes dances in his videos with side to side motions of the legs like dancers from Nazi Germany and the Weimar republic that existed before the Nazi regime.
Some weeks later, the woman with a face like clive bunker and jenny harris , and her relatives, possibly visited the playing area around Kingslangley Shopping Centre, but in a manner where they had the corrupt protection of the police officers who drove police car CN-32-LN and police paddywagon EAS-92b . The paddywagon EAS-92b appeared outside the commonwealth bank that existed in Kingslangley Shopping centre, and later the Commonwealth Bank was closed down. Such police are not about investigating anything, they are about doing underground economy activities (proftting from the murders of migrant families), such police officers are about going after the wrong people instead of going after criminals who steal ATM cards, such police officers are about protecting paedophiles and corrupt politicians such as Scott Morrison.
the paedophile ring describe probably includes actresses Nicole Kidman(Australian scientologist) and Toni Colette(actress).Antony Kidman the parent of Nicole Kidman, was mind control programmer(brain washer by sodomy) who probably had a connection to the anglo-celtic paedophiles making mass graves in Kamloops Canada.The name Antony has correspondence to Antony Armstrong-Jones a racist jew who married Margaret the sister of Elizabeth Windsor and fathered Anne Windsor.Antony Armstrong-Jones was a racist Jew who was trying to become a German by marrying into Elizabeth Windsors family. The Windsor family Britain are the Saxe-coburg und Gotha family from Germany with connections to Tyrol on the Italian/Austrian Border.
International law charges need to be laid against the NSW Police who have not given closure about an attempted murder that occurred on 21st June 1995 at the front of Westpoint Shopping Centre in Sydney NSW Australia.

NSW police must have international law charges applied against them, because the Nazi Lebensborn program has corrupted the NSW Police.
The presence of nazi lebensborn program in Australia produces upside down situations where homosexuals are murdering heterosexuals with excuses about you discovered that aussies are a homosexual culture,
you talked talked that aussies are a homosexual culture, you talked that aussies are buggers.

In natural culture, heterosexuals are killing homosexuals. The bible wisdom is that heterosexuals should execute homosexuals (not the other way around). People who seek to live natural lives should be favoured.
(leviticus 18:22, 20:13)

The concept of the NSW Police ignoring a person's human rights over years decades, the NSW Police delibarately
not giving closure about violence/attempted murder against a person, is possibly about

- Austalia sacrificing the lives of some citizens :

-situations of injustice where Australia publicly pretends to promote racial tolerance, and then turns around a secretly creates artificial hell situtions against some citizens who Australians decided
to commit human sacrifice against, and Australians believe they can be as racist as they like toward such people,
Australians believe they can convey any kind of racism they like against some citizens whose lives Australians have decided to commit human sacrifice against.

Sitations where Australians decide to secretly sacrifice the lives of some citizens,imply situations where Australians convey their racial hatred toward some-citizens (socially isolated citizens),
in the belief that some-citizens wont be able to tell anyone about how hypocritical,racist,unjust/perverse,criminally-oriented-as-descendants-of-convicts Australians are behind peoples backs...

implies situations where some people are born in Australia, but Australians do the kind of racism where Australian's dont want Australian society have any meaning to some people...
[racism which is very cowardly because people who are born in Australia could not choose what country to be born in.]

information Australia is perverse people*(sodomites/buggers) making counterfeits, such as counterfeits of acial tolerance, and making hellish situations for some people who Australians seek to convey the reality
of Australia's racial intolerance toward in the belief that such people wont be able to talk to others , in the belief that the lives of such people will be sacrificed before they are able to talk to others...

[also implies corruption among Australians solicitors. There are citizens who Australian Solicitors have not wanted to legally represent in the belief that such people's lives will be sacrificed before they are able to express information
or before they are able to find out about information they have as right to know...such as the a parents right to know about a medical nazism that Australian doctors have done against a person's son.]

see also a description posted earlier about Australian teacher promising school students that if students study much with motivation(study hard) then they will get paid work ,
and then out of racial hatred Australian teachers turn around an use a slave labour device against a student who was school dux(a student who was academically first in one's school)

Australia should not be allowed to sacrifice human lives.Australia should not be allowed to make counterfeits of racial tolerance. Australia needs to be charged with international law crimes.
Australia needs to be officially labelled as a nation whose doctors are committing race hate crimes such as Nazi Doctor Crimes ,
in connection with violent racial attacks. (Breach of Geneva Convention article 147).

The hypocritical behaviour of Australia in pretending to be a society that cares about human rights , but deliberately creating situations of artificial hells/human sacrifice against some citizens,
possibly was the reason behind 1980s news stories about plans for a Multifunction Polis(MFP) to be built in Australia.

... racists(homosexual nazis/buggers) focussing unnecessary attention upon a citizen, so that people's attention is diverted away from the evil/immoral activities of the racists(homosexual nazis/buggers),
in a manner where a person's life is not left in peace over years decades, in a manner where Australians dont want Australian Society to have any meaning to a person that was born in Australia...

The hypocritical behaviour of Australia in pretending to be a society that cares about human rights
but deliberately creating situations of artificial hells(sacrificing away human life time)/strangers not leaving people's nervous system in peace over years decades via ground-ionosphere antenna signals/human sacrifice against some citizens,
possibly was the reason behind 1980s news stories about plans for a Multifunction Polis(MFP) to be built in Australia.

That was possibly the idea behind the building of a Multifunction Polis(MFP) in Australia during the 1980s,
where foreign scientists would form a community in Australia that was not mixing with Australians.
[Maybe a community of scientists that would try to investigate the injustices that occur in Australia,
by being in Australia and not mixing with Australians].

The Seventh Day Adventist church could be described as a racist-organisation-in-disguise in the way the church members invite people to places after the church services. People are lured into attending church services,
then they are invited to some place after the church service, and then later invited somewhere else.Sooner or later people get invited some place that is an ETHNIC CLEANSING DUNGEON.An ethnic cleansing dungeon is a meeting of racists
to which people get invited to sometimes, and if people are not considered as part of the race, they dont come back from the meetings(people are harmed/murdered) ...

... or the racists in the meeting conspire murder somewhere else sometime later.

[such racism is not christianity. The Seventh Day Adventist church is antichristian in activity.
The Seventh Day Adverntist Church is an anti-christ organisation in the way it lures people to church services via advertising,
and then it murders people, and then it seeks to remain silent.
if people are not considered as part of the race. or considered to mix too much with other races, they dont come back from the meetings(people are harmed/murdered) ...





The expression "that's how much they hate you" , "that's how much we hate you" possibly has something to do with Michael Chebyl
who lived across the road from Jason Hogan. Michael Chebyl and his anglo-celtic friends from Lalor Park Rugby League club team that was coached by Joe Vella. Linda Vella was the wife of Joe Vella. If Linda Vella's activities are investigated,would lead to the discovery of a corrupt system of ugly women sexually advertising their sons or adopted sons to homosexual men, meaning that is how Linda Vella snared Joe Vella into marriage by sexually advertising her sons Jason and Troy, meaning that Joe Vella was committing homosexual crimes against Jason and Troy Vella while coaching a junior rugby league team, and connections to the Mr Asia drug syndicate would probably be found, via Glen Knighton's visits to the Vella home during the 1980s. Glen Knighton has a resemblance to Marty Johston from the Mr Asia Drug Syndicate. The expression "that's how much they hate you" , "that's how much we hate you" is an expression by racists against one member of the Junior Rugby League team sensing that something was not right with Joe Vella inviting boys from the rugby league team over to his home and caling them Hustlers, and so one member stopped playing rugby league for Lalor Park. But the silence about homosexual crimes and conspiracies occuring for years afterward. Some years afterward Jason Vella appeared at High School in a car with Brian Hill,possibly because he was angry that a person had stopped playing for Lalor Park rugby league team and had nothing more to do Joe Vella, and had nothing more to do socially with the members of the Rugby League team. Also,Joe Vella and those that kept playing for Lalor Park Rugby League team possibly made corrupt connections Jim Cameron's cricket team behind people's back during the 1980s, to the effect that Nick Bryant from Seven Hills became involved in murders of running people over in a car, murders where people's bodies would be squashed, and that possibly has something to do with Martin Bryant's mass murder in Tasmania during the 1990s. Murders by Nick Bryant running people over maybe have some connection to the High Voltage Power lines which run from Seven Hills South(near a Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall into South Blacktown where there is a safe base, and the workers seem to know Leanne Cameron the sister of Joshua Cameron and the daughting of cricket coach Jim Cameron(Robert James Cameron). i.e. High Voltage power lines configured into a ground antenna power source in South Blacktown, and Water Tower and Mobile Phone antenna infrastructure to the north of the Suburbs. The NSW Police have tried to cover up such information. The NSW Police need to be charged with international law crimes

The deduction about Nick Bryant running people over with a car, has a correspondence with information about Daniel Mamo's family fruit truck(ute/utility) being used to transport dead bodies murdered by his masonic lodge (Blacktown lodge <-became --> Orchard Hills?),and Leigh Chalker's work in plant nursery was probably a way to bury dead bodies. Maybe dead bodies would be converted into fertiliser form and used to fertilize plants in conjunction with Leigh Chalker's plant nursery form. The information has a correspondence with descriptions of racists getting jobs in the 1990s Commonwealth Employment Service(Social Security/Centrelink) and then sending a person to work experience in Granville(Sydney Australia) venue connected to 2ky radio as part of a slave-labour conspiracy(no paid work/concentration camp technology conspiracy), which probably had some Australian-American connection to radio row in New York City associated with a cybernetic slavery agenda and later became the World Trade Centre towers. --- tv series such as Fast Forward with Steve Vizard on channel 7, and Kath and Kim on ABC/Channel 2 probably had a connection to Linda Vella's secret behind the back advertising of boys to homosexuals. Jane turner tv personality has a resemblance to Linda Vella. The cast of Fast Forward such as Eric Bana suggests Fast Forward was a media front for Portland Spy families in Australia, and Olivia Newton(aka Olivia Neutron Bomb) in Portland USA.See mention of R. Lenton and Rachael Griffiths from Toni Collete's 1980s neighbourhood. --- [18/09/2022]




Discovery: Dumtru Evgeniu is probably a member of a Romanian Walock(Male Witch) organisation (i.e. a 'Solomonar' warlock/wizard) ).
i.e.Solomonar Walocks/Wizards Overlaps with the concept of illuminati families.
Are Solomanars terminology known in various nations mwhere there is a presence of Eastern Orthodox denominations?
[see 13/02/2023]

[See 04_10_2022.jpg]

Dumtru Evgeniu is probably a member of a Romanian Walock(Male Witch) organisation (i.e. a 'Solomonar' warlock/wizard) ).

Solomonars organisation members are probably portrayed in music videos such as
O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei [Official Video] .

Was it considered a European cult song from around year 2003 ?

Solomonars are possibly based upon a tradition of the Wizards in he Kalevula ancient oral tradition from Lappland/finnland/

J. R. R. tolkien was inspired by the Kalevula to write books such Lord of the Rings.

[Two towers in New York City 2001 sounded like a book in the Lord of Ring's series written by J R R Tolkien.

Are the Skull and Bones a Warlock(male witch) organisation? Is George Bush considered a Warlock(male witch) organisation member by those who are involved with the satanism,occult? ]
------ The song has scenes of weightlessness research in an aeroplanes, and posibly weather modification/cloud seeding/planetary engineering research.
Atmospheric Physics <---> Plamsa Physics.]

Themes of corona Spy Satellite program/The greatest American Hero tv series?
[People involved in illegal immigration seem to have a knowledge of spy satellites,
Some Elton John songs about illegal immigrants emerging at midnight ]

There have been strange movies with illegal immigration themes. When peolpe are dependent on illegal immigrators,
if people want to meet others, the illegal immigrators know many homosexuals to introduce people to.
The illegal immigrator introduce people to only homosexuals,
which is like some kind of veiled threat that they dont want people to be itnroduced to others.
[Illegal immigraotrs are often slave traders.]


Why does one of the singers resemble Jason the son of Luke?
Is there a French or Belgian Satanism connection with Jason and Luke (had car number AM-54-QK in 2010).
Do Jason and Luke have a connection to French or Belgian satanist, that were involved in Bombing The Rainbow Warrior boat in 1986 in New Zealand?
Luke said he was a Dutchman ? Is Luke Flemish related to persons in Flanders nothern Belgium ? Or the islands such as Heligoland ?


Solomonards are involved with the racism of UFO cults and pretend angel cults.

They propagate beliefs about Wizards existing at the dawn of time, before th efirst civilizations.

Such beleifs in Kelvula Wizards behind the first civilizations are false.

Foundation Figures that have been found underneath ancient temples ARE NOT KALEVULA WIZARDS.

Foundation figurines are reperesentation of the Nimrod King tradition: ancient Empire of Kish/Babylon,
Land of Cush that extended along the Gihon river(Karun river in Persia Iran) .
e.g. The hieroglyphs for Nar-mer/Mer-nar/Mena/Menes are part of such an ancient tradition.
The chisel and the fish, the chisel thrpugh the fish are symbol of ancient kings who survived the Great Flood,
and estalbished the first World Empire (the tradition of the King of Kish and the 4 quarters of the World,
which is often rerpresented as Nimrod's Empire and the Tower of Babel. )

similarity between the hieroglyphs for Narmer's name and the fish symbol of Christianity
which occurred thousands of years after the Narmer Palette was made.






Operation Garden Pot goes back to the era of Oliver North and the Iran Contra Scandal,
and drug smuggling through Mena Airport Arkansas USA of George Bush and Bill Clinton.

Operation Aphrodite(1940s Kennedy Suicide Drone Planes)--->Operation Northwoods(1960s)----> Operation Garden Plot(1980s)----> September 2001 terrorism incident New York City USA.


"Can you hold your ground in a shopping area? "

<--- This kind of question, rhetorical question, gets conveyed over international ground-ionosphere antenna networks,
in connection with Project monarch cybernetic experiments , the use of slave labour devices to enslave human nervous systems,
human beings tracked around by ground-ionosphere antennas, human beings not left in peace.

What does this mean? Does this imply race war activity against some citizens in shopping areas?

Is there some kind of underground economy racism activity that racists seek to profit from? Does it involve identity theft?


Richard Collins is NAMBLA member in Australia. He takes overseas trips to the USA.
Collins afraid about questions of students being harmed by homosexual tourism <----> Elton John , Sun City during apartheid South Africa era, Frank sinatra.

Use of slave labour devices is connected to scientology adverts with einstein's face that humans only use 10% of their brain.
scientology is preyed upon by thule society members.
einstein adverts have a hidden thule society membership behind them.

Buckminster Fuller <---> bucky balls aka Buckminster-fullerine C60 molecules which are piezo-electric when such molecules are compressed<----> energy harvesting, power source of slave labour devices.
[principle of minimum energy believed by thule society <---> Thule Society beliefs are hinted at by mention of ground state in quantum mechanics]

Richard Collins is corrupted by sodomy and his activity is about corrupting others.
Collins is involved in research programs that are said to produce child prodigies (child geniuses),
but such programs tend to be about producing counterfeits of genius.

Richard Collins is member of anglo-german group who know that the Dutch-Government-in-Exile during World War 2 had foreknowledge that the Japanese attack against Pearl Harbour would occur,
but the Dutch kept silent to draw the American's into World War 2.The Dutch-Government-in-Exile had a presence in their Pacific Ocean colonies. The Dutch-Government-in-Exile fled to the Pacific.

Richard Collins and Martijn De Sterke used such knowledge to export terrorism to places such as Bali(2002) via misuse of ground ionosphere antennas which form World Wide navigation network(Project Omega, Project Sanguine)
----------------------------- [03/11/2022]

The use of a slave labour device is about inflicting sitatuations of slavery which are like a person sitting in a cage and watching other people do things around the cage. One race gets enslaved inside a cage,
while another race does racially self activities around the cage. e.g. Racists inflicting racism against a diligent person: by attaching a slavery device to a diligent person's nerves, a person is terrorised away from work or terrorised away from formal study
into a situation such as sitting on a park bench and wondering whether there is anyone around to help a person, but there is noone in the society with humanity toward a person, there is social isolation against a person.A person sitting on a park bench
and watching uncaring people walk by, uncaring people walking to and from a lunch break, uncaring people walk past to and from work.
Such situations probably imply a culture that is taught to socially isolated people as a way of enslaving people into situations which are comparable to being stationary in a cage while other races move around the cage.
The NSW Police are involved in making such situations of slavery against citizens. The NSW Police care nothing about the Geneva Convention, the NSW Police care nothing about Nazi Doctor crimes and so need to anser questions to the international courts...
and not only do the NSW Police care nothing about nazi activity and such methods of modern slavery. The NSW Police are involved in further acts of racism such as terrorising people away from shopping areas.In situations where citizens are adversely affect by slavery,
the NSW Police dont want people to be seen in public. The NSw Police act like a group of racists armed with guns to terrorise citizens away from shopping areas because of race.
Also, there is an issue of the NSW Police deliberately making missing persons, police harassing people instead leaving citizens in peace to live their lives, instead of leaving citizens in peace to have work or to involved in formal study to get qualifications.
The NSW Police being involved in kdnapping people off the street and unjustly confining people so as to cover up situations of modern slavery, by not wanting citizens to have access to public venues such as shopping areas, by not wanting citizens to have access
to public parks. The NSW Police are corrupted by the body snatching nazism of Project Sunshine(which is anoter name of Nazi Lebensborn abduction activity). The NSW Police seem to have eyes only for some citizens in the manner of harrassing some citizens,
in the manner of not leaving some citizens lives in peace. The NSW Police want some people's situations to be like sitting in a cage and to watch other races doing racially selfish things around the cage. So yet more reasons are described for the
need of the NSW police to be charged with international law crimes.
[Baphomet Worship method of slavery <---> electronic harrassment of the nervous system via slave labour device, and police racism(harassment by the police)]







Does such homosexual coruption with Australian Judges and Australian police corruption and male prostitutes have some connections to Margot Evans in the late 1970s?
After her son Dvid Evans had attacked a child some years younger than himself and a parent defended his child against the violence of David Evans,
Margo Evans made a threat she would get the San Francisco (Gay) Cops force onto people.
San Francisco is an American City known as the homosexual capital of the Northern Hemisphere,
and has opnely homosexual districts such as Castro, similar to Soho in Britain.
There is reason to beleive that David Evans was a 1970s-1980s male prostitute.

Did Margo Evan's threat in the late 1970s , result in Hippocampal Neuron Patterning Experiments in Sydney Australia in 1995?
[a situation where the racist prostitution family of Margo Evans did not leave in peace a migrant family.
Decades long conspiracy of corrupt racist anglo-celtic families against a migrant family.]

Was the Wood Royal commission looking for Margo Evan's family? did Margo Evans have political connections such as John Howard?

Is Margo Evans connected to Atomic spies, some families of which were financiers of Yugoslavia and Joef Broz Tito's regime,
in a similar to way how German politician Zimmerman financed the Lenin's communist revolution in 1917 in Russia ?

Did such Atomic spy connections result in Nazi Collaborators (the Ustashi) coming to political power during the 1990s in Croatia?
[Croatia should be ashamed of itself for allowing Nazi Collaborators the Ustashi to seize political power in Croatia
Have the Ustashi been funded by British and American homosexuals?).

David Yeldham looked slighly arab/Iranian, similar to television character Mr Bean








Jason Chalker is a male prostitute who was probably a member of 1980s Lalor Park Scouts. Jason Chalker was friends with many members of Lalor Park Scouts during 1980s. Jason Chalker--- Craig Barnes -----------------------------------


Charles Manson couldn't read,couldn't write. Charles Manson hated books.

The Seventh Day Adverntist Church has a presence of the The Family Cult.
The Family cult sets up book stands(leaflet stands) and watches who takes books and which books.
The Seventh Day Adventist Church sets up book stands(leaflet stands) and conspiringly watches who takes books and which books.
.. and then they persecute people according to the books they take to read.





Richard Collins and his lecturer colleagues from Sydney University could be described as unjust perverse people
who would rather quibble about whether a person passed a spelling test in a concentration camp,
instead of mentioning the concentration camp circumstances that they inflict upon people via Sydney University's involvement with homosexual procurement networks,
serial killer activity, genocidal research programs that are about enslaving and exterminating third world nations (developing world nations).

Also plastic surgeon Peter Haertsch who had an office in Blacktown during the 1990s, and his medical colleagues could similarly be described as such unjust perverse people.
Peter Haertsch and Blacktown Hospital ( a hospital in a poofter parlour suburb near a safe base which some street directories label as a 'military depot' in a civilian area.
To mention also that Peter Haertsch operated on people at Concord Repatriation Hospital which is probably
a modern day Nazi Lebensborn Race and Resettlement Office in Sydney Australia (Repatriation is a euphemism about its purpose).
[During the 1990s, Concord Repatriation Hospital was a teaching hospital of Sydney University ]

Is Sydney University involved in attacking people with violent male prostitutes (violent attacks resembling The Family Murders, Jeffrey Dahmer style homosexual nazism,
the homosexual nazism of Ernest roehm and the Brown Shirts nazi organisation)?

Is Sydney University involved in surgically implanting people with modern day concentration camp technology (slave labour devices,
technology which could be described as concentration-camp-on-a-chip,medical-militaru inhumanity, medical attrocities using similar technology to NASA's lab-on-a-chip
used in outer space missions, planetary probes . )

Medical attrocities are race hate activity (medical nazism) . So if people work backward from the knowledge that Sydney University is committing crimes of medical race hatred,
that means Sydney University is a racist University. Sydney University is a homosexual nazism University.

Sydney University's involvement with race hate activity suggests that it does not provide a suitable environment for some racial groups to study in.
Some racial groups are not left in peace to study. Instead of allowing some racial groups to study, Sydney University has homosexual crime networks,
homosexual procurement networks that dont want to leave some racial groups in peace.

A person was Dux of one's High School and voted most likely to become a rocket scientist by his school year...
Sydney Univeristy has done such horrible racism against the life of a person,
that Sydney University and racist lecturers such as Richard Collins need to be charged with international law crimes
and have the death penalty applied against them (charges such as Breach of Geneva Convention article 147 ).

The racism from Sydney University might suggest racial hate activity where racists did not want people to find out that
a person was Dux of one's High School: racism by High School teachers and University lecturers.

During the first year of a science course at Sydney University,
the inhuman linch-mob-style, behind the back cat-calling behaviour was to such an extent,
that a person was NOT able to sit down in the Wentworth Building eating area for most of the University year.
The racists at Sydney University would see a person walking past the eating area, and they noticed that a person never enterred the eating area of the wentworth building ,
and racists based further conspiracies on such circumstances. sometime the racists would be in a group and yell out in an inhuma manner that a person was walking past,
but the person was physically bigger than most Australians , so the behaviour with words was of a violent intolerant kind, but the racists did not openly attack a peron physically
during the first year of science. A person did not understand why the intolerant attitudes , the lies , because a person was heterosexual, and a person thought the behaviour of students
at Sydney Universit might be something like racism and demonic possession among the many bad characters at Sydney University.
So a person kept attending Sydney University because a person brought up to have a way to support oneself. A person wantwd to have a tertiary qualification and paid work to support onesself...
Richard Collins colleague in the physics department Reza Hashemi-Nezhad is possibly a relative of the Ayatollah Khomeini who deposed the Shah of Iran.

Sydney Univrsity is probably connected to networks of Iranian nazis (Iranian facists racists) that possibly lead to racist Governments of modern Israel.
Modern state of Israel has described publicly as a racist entity.



[See 04_10_2022.jpg]

Dumtru Evgeniu is probably a member of a Romanian Walock(Male Witch) organisation (i.e. a 'Solomonar' warlock/wizard) ).

Discovery: Dumtru Evgeniu is probably a member of a Romanian Walock(Male Witch) organisation (i.e. a 'Solomonar' warlock/wizard) ).
i.e.Solomonar Walocks/Wizards Overlaps with the concept of illuminati families.
Are Solomanars terminology known in various nations mwhere there is a presence of Eastern Orthodox denominations?
[see 13/02/2023]

[See 04_10_2022.jpg]

Dumitru Evgeniu is probably a member of a Romanian Walock(Male Witch) organisation (i.e. a 'Solomonar' warlock/wizard) ).

Solomonars organisation members are probably portrayed in music videos such as
O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei [Official Video] .

Was it considered a European cult song from around year 2003 ?

Solomonars are possibly based upon a tradition of the Wizards in he Kalevula ancient oral tradition from Lappland/finnland/

J. R. R. tolkien was inspired by the Kalevula to write books such Lord of the Rings.

[Two towers in New York City 2001 sounded like a book in the Lord of Ring's series written by J R R Tolkien.

Are the Skull and Bones a Warlock(male witch) organisation? Is George Bush considered a Warlock(male witch) organisation member by those who are involved with the satanism,occult? ]
------ The song has scenes of weightlessness research in an aeroplanes, and posibly weather modification/cloud seeding/planetary engineering research.
Atmospheric Physics <---> Plamsa Physics.]

Themes of corona Spy Satellite program/The greatest American Hero tv series?
[People involved in illegal immigration seem to have a knowledge of spy satellites,
Some Elton John songs about illegal immigrants emerging at midnight ]

There have been strange movies with illegal immigration themes. When peolpe are dependent on illegal immigrators,
if people want to meet others, the illegal immigrators know many homosexuals to introduce people to.
The illegal immigrator introduce people to only homosexuals,
which is like some kind of veiled threat that they dont want people to be itnroduced to others.
[Illegal immigraotrs are often slave traders.]


Why does one of the singers resemble Jason the son of Luke?
Is there a French or Belgian Satanism connection with Jason and Luke (had car number AM-54-QK in 2010).
Do Jason and Luke have a connection to French or Belgian satanist, that were involved in Bombing The Rainbow Warrior boat in 1986 in New Zealand?
Luke said he was a Dutchman ? Is Luke Flemish related to persons in Flanders nothern Belgium ? Or the islands such as Heligoland ?


Solomonars are involved with the racism of UFO cults and pretend angel cults.

They propagate beliefs about Wizards existing at the dawn of time, before th efirst civilizations.

Such beleifs in Kelvula Wizards behind the first civilizations are false.

Foundation Figures that have been found underneath ancient temples ARE NOT KALEVULA WIZARDS.

Foundation figurines are reperesentation of the Nimrod King tradition: ancient Empire of Kish/Babylon,
Land of Cush that extended along the Gihon river(Karun river in Persia Iran) .
e.g. The hieroglyphs for Nar-mer/Mer-nar/Mena/Menes are part of such an ancient tradition.
The chisel and the fish, the chisel thrpugh the fish are symbol of ancient kings who survived the Great Flood,
and estalbished the first World Empire (the tradition of the King of Kish and the 4 quarters of the World,
which is often rerpresented as Nimrod's Empire and the Tower of Babel. )

similarity between the hieroglyphs for Narmer's name and the fish symbol of Christianity
which occurred thousands of years after the Narmer Palette was made.





Liliana Pavlek turned her son Jozo (Joseph) into a male prostitute.It is a secret that she has conspired murder about,
a secret Liliana Pavlek made death threats over the phone against her cousin in year 1999...

Liliana PAvlek haS 2 sons, 1 daughter : Marko,Jozo,Marianna

[Liliana made some kind of murder conspiracy over phones, that when she made made death threats over the phone
she intended to enact a murder, there were strangers listening in , liliana conspired to illegal bug phones lines.
The racists who were listening in to the phone lines kept encouraging Liliana to enact a murder against her uncle's household.
Liliana made death threats over the phone against her younger cousin in 1999, and according to some kind of illegal betting
against people lives, illegal betting to the poofter parlour/safe base that Liliana Pavlek was involved with, Liliana Pavlek
conspired over years in a very cowardly way to murder her younger cousin or to murder her uncle who lived in the home that
visited once or twice a year on christmas and easter.]

Liliana Pavlek began exchanging homosexual(sodomy,buggery) favours with the NSW Police (corrupt police) via poofter parlour/safe base.
Corrput NSw Police officers promised her that her household would have some quality of life , some profit from exchanging
homosexual favours with the NSW Police, that it would be a way to do racism against her uncle, a way to racism against her uncle's son
(Liliana's younger cousin)...
In 1980, Liliana's mother Kata had her husband Velko murdered to get control of a block of land at 22 Nolands Road Fiddletown NSW Australia.
The block of Land was originally owned by Velko (Liliana's father) and Velko's brother (Liliana's uncle). Then Kata had Velko murdered in 1980.
Velko was killed while crosssing a busy road at Rooty Hill where there existed a Croatian Social club. (Later the Croatian Club closed down.
The Croatian club moved elsewhere.) . Then Kata conspired to murder Velko's brother(Liliana's uncle). Kata sent Liliana and her brother Tom
to start visiting the home of Velko's brother in 1983. Velko's brother was good natured and did not realise the cowardly conspiracy of
Kata. Liliana and Tom visited their uncle's home twice a year on Easter and Christmas...

The poofter parlour/safe base had set up a marriage partner for Liliana called Drago Pavlek in 1981 , one year after the death of
Velko(Liliana Pavlek's father). Drago Pavlek was a bisexual manwho followed nazi ideology ... Drago PAvlek was silent about his
racist ideology, and Liliana Pavlek would take Drago Pavlek along with her when she visited her Uncle's home. Initially, Drago Pavlek
would stay in the car when Liliana Visited her Uncle.

Liliana Pavlek was living at 23 Carinyah Street Blacktown NSW Australia since the 1960s?







NSW Police constable P smith is part of a slavery network in Australia (slave trading network in Australia).

about NSW Police constable P smith who was driving police car LN-32-CN with his blonde female police colleague on 01/04/2019:
information suggests that P Smith is part of a slavery network in Australia.He privately jokes behind people back that he knows people of a different colour to himself,
"he knows them well because his family used to buy and sell them" ... and P smith wants to falsely associate people of another colour with public toilets that he visits where he engages in homosexual sex, where P Smith commits homosexual crimes against people.
... and his police racism occurs in an area of Sydnety where exists a Lindt chocolate factory. His police racism is connected to the Lindt Cafe Seige in December 2014 in the Sydney CBD.

... and his police racism is connected with Australia being supporters of enslaving young boys on Cacao plantations in the third world(developing World nations)
...slavery including attaching slave labour devices to the nervous systems.
[Maria Sharapova supports such racism, and she has tried to profit from such racism by opening the Sugarpova confectionary company,
and there was some shopping centre fire in Russia where people were killed.]

... and his police racism is connected with British GCHQ spy organisation racism where it wants to migrant parents to be spied on by their children.
GCHQ is about committing human rights crimes against migrant children so that they are considered to be spying on their migrant parents
...British GCHQ is about forcibly committing human rights crimes against migrant children...and the Lindt Cafe Seige was probably a protest against some injustices.
[Actress Toni Collette is probably associated with British GCHQ activity, and there have been media news stories about GCHQ using child spies. ]

... the industria area with the Lindt Cafe factory is located is visible from Richmond Road by a large IKEA store. Ikea is a racist SCandinavian company that advertises by sending
advertisements to peoples letterboxes and then it sends racist police officers to terrorise peolpe who visit its store.

the experimenters(australians and their racial allies) are anti-christs/antichristians/uncivilized in the worst possible way.
[they are against the christian golden rule in the worst possible way ]
the go after the lives of people's sons.
they do to people's sons what they would never do to themselves,
they would never do to people that they care about,
they would never do to people they consider humans.
the experimenters are inhumans that are about not leaving in peace over year decades people that they racially hate.
the experimenters are inhumans that are about not leaving in peace over year decades people that they have no humanity toward.

[they have no right to bother people who they racially hate, they have no right to bother people they have no humanity toward,
there are supposed to be anti-racial-discrimination-laws to protect people from such race hate activity.]
australians are low characters, australians are baby killers
australias are about going after the lives of peoples babies, they are about going after the lives of people's sons .
[australians are buggers, australians are a modern-day sodom and gomorrah, australians have no morality they make counterfeits of racial tolerance.]

Australian abominable customs of invading each others behinds(buggery/sodomy) results in a culture that makes strange invasions against the lives of heterosexuals.
australians are about make strange invasions against the heterosexual territories... strange bay-of-pigs invasions, dirlewanger-brigade-invasions against heterosexual territories.
are about making strange invasions against peoples homes.
are about making strange invasions against people's bodies. <---- it is not outer-space-aliens that abduct people and probe people's bodies
is the activity of perverse human cultures.
Australians are about making strange invasions.
Australians are about corrupting people's mothers that estranged/divorced.Corrupted mothers visit their ex-husbands as a way to murder/enslaving their own sons.(mothers are corrupted to act as baby killers toward their own sons)

Australians are about corrupting people's older cousins, so that older-cousins-whose-parent-was-killed-by-others begin visiting their uncles as a way of conspiring murder/slavery against the sons.
... and corrupted mothers, corrupted older cousins make counterfeits of friendliness, counterfeits of being caring people, but they are secretly hateful.

Australians are about making strange invasions.
In Australia there is racism, where Australians dont want some races to be living freely in Australia. Australians dont want some races to be freely moving around in the society.
Australians want some races to be encumbered by foreign objects surgically attached the body. AUSTRALIANS ARE RACISTS THAT WANT SOME RACES TO BE ENCUMBERED BY NAZI DOCTOR CRIMES.
So Australians are involved in violent attacks against some racial groups, and when some races survive, then Nazi doctors in Australia are surgically attaching foreign objects.
Such foreign objects surgically attached are strange invasions against peoples bodies.
Such foreign objects surgically attached are strange invasions against people's home, because such foreign objects surgically attached become a tresspass against people's homes when people go home.
<--- Australian doctors dont need to be trusted. Australian doctors,& the Australian medical system are sadistic buggers,
a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah that are about making strange invasions against people's bodies, strange invasions against people's homes.
australians are low characters, australians are baby killers
australias are about going after the lives of peoples babies, they are about going after the lives of people's sons .
[australians are buggers, australians are a modern-day sodom and gomorrah, australians have no morality they make counterfeits of racial tolerance].


Peter Tsakos is superstitious about Eastern European eyes. About 1 year after Anita Cobby's murder, there was an incident in the school playground where Peter Tsakos became upset at another student. Peter Tsokas made a strange outburst of emotion or intolerance "Stop looking at me ! ... " then he began talking to another student that was nearby, and Peter Tsakos said "He's looking at me !...." . [What was Peter Tsakos trying say? Why was he intolerant of a person's eyes? He's looking at me (with those eyes) !
Eastern Euopean eyes? Eyes from the nations of the former Soviet Union ? Question: To racists in Blacktown Australia, did Anita Cobby look like someone from the former Soviet Union ? Armenia was part of the former Soviet Union. ]

24/03/2023: 002
research suggests that murder/slavery conspiracies start early in a place such as Blacktown municipality, early as when people are growning up and going to school as students:there
is the good that caring migrant parent(s) want for their children versus everything bad that the Ku Klux Klan want for migrant children.Sometimes the Ku Klux Klan racism is in the form
racist religious cults or racist religious denominations such as Charles Manson's The Family Cult involved in mass murders, Mormons/LDS, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses,racist Anglicans
whose religious leader was Elizabeth windsor not Jesus Christ, mafia who attend Catholic churches to do Satanism and racism and not to enact Christianity.

Safe Bases and simlar places where Australians meet teach su[c]h methods of corruption/racism as Ku klux klan interpretations of the bible, and to not leave migrant families in peace,to be against peace.
Edwin Dickinson(Eddie Dickinson) was the son of a Seven Hills Policeman during the 1980s or before. EDWIN DICKINSON IS A MALE PROSTITUTE
(who is probably friends with other male prostitutes such as David Walker and Matthew dicks who would sometimes spoke with Robert Saunders.)
Edwin Dickinson is a male prostitute: he was a male prostitute in 1998. The media news stories about "steady eddie" in Melbourne Australia around 1998 were
probably hints about Edwin Dickinson being a male prostite in Sydney Australia.
Edwin dickinson is mentally retarded/ physically retarded from inbreeding, he has a younger brother that is mentlly retarded from inbreeding.
Edwin dickinson played rugby league in the same elementary school rugby league team as Daniel Mamo which was coached by school teacher John McCleery,
and Daniel Mamo used to tease/provoke Edwin Dickinson about his physical retardation. When some one threw a rugby league ball to Edwin dickinson,
he received the ball as though he was pressing his two hands togethr in prayer, in front of his chest.
This information is mentioned as evidence of corruption in the NSW Police: corruption in Blacktown Police station, and corruption in Seven Hills police station.
[See also the information above a violent red-headed man that probably worked as a policeman in Seven Hills police station].






research into Palestine/Canaan which has been renamed modern Israel suggests that political leader Benjamin Netanyahu
was born of a Turkish harem prostitute, from the Armenian Genocide era in the Levant.
Durinh the World War 1 era , different national groups in the Levant were warring with each other
and commititng genocide against each other, and then the Ottoman Turks were breeding with the women to increase the populations in the Levant.

That is the history of Benjamin Netanyahu's family, and
it describes that Netanyahu is an immoral racist who is likes to begin wars (a warmonger)
and when Netanyahu profits from Nazism(the Nazi Lebensborn program) and the deaths of innocent people,
the western media euphemistically calls its Mossad misconduct.

Benjamin Netanyahu is a nazi jew such as Reinhard Heidrich.

Netanyahu was born in 1949 in Tel Aviv.
His mother, Tzila Segal (1912 2000), was born in Petah Tikva in the Ottoman Empire's Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, and .

compare the word Mutasarrifate with middle eastern custom of nikah mut'ah marriage, a form of marriage associated with making wars (probably genocidal wars)
Mut'ah, literally meaning joy, is a condition where rules of Islam are relaxed. It can apply to marriage (the nikah mut'ah) ...

Further about Benjamin, Netanyahu:
Netanyahu was probably a homosexual boyfriend of Richard Nixon from the 1970s watergate bugging scandal.
Netanyahu (whose is sometimes called by nickname Bebe) suggests he was one of the doubles of Richard Nixon's homosexual boyfriend Bebe Rebozo,
and the homosexual activity had a connection to the Mar-a-lago resort property which the American media has mentioned in connection with Donald Trump.
Mar-a-lago is a homosexual resort for American politicians where they exchange information with people according to the perverse behaviours of American culture.
Mar-a-lago is a homosexual resort where American politicains and businessmen learned information from Ukrainian male prostitutes
about slavery experiments of Duga-3 antenna system which was powered by Chernobyl nuclear reactor.

See also surname Osipov who is Netanyahu's jewish connection to Military of the former Soviet Union.

Jeffrey Epstein would meet with Donald Trump at Mar-a-lago to exchang information, which means that Jeffrey Epstein was very much involved with homosexual tourism:
island private properties are often havens of homosexual tourism: homosexuals like to advertise young females corrupted by sodomy as a lure to heterosexual males.





"military lesbians in lines" documentary that was publicly criticised.

This australian documentary that was screened on ABC(Australian Government television Channel) seems to be advertising some kind of 'paedophile industry' indicated by:
- the recruits sitting on the floor like schoolchildren and wearing school sweaters,
- and one of the female recruits resembles Craig Neilsen who said hee wanted to work as a Kindergarten teacher. Craig Neilsen is closely connected to Neil Winter who was
convicted for homosexual crimes in year 2006.The documentary could be Neal Winter's connections to military police paedophiles/nazis in Australia.

The documentary seems to be advertising doubles: unattractive women some of whom resemble male homosexuals.

Craig Neilsen was one of Neil Winter's music students and friends with Brodie bass and Thern Reynold's who were openly homosexual school students and were corruptly favoured by
Neal Winter(winter's school 'pets' ). Brodie Bass was actress Toni Collette's homosexual boyfriend around year 1986: Toni Collette has a homomsexual brother Ben Collette, and
Toni Collette is a fag hag sodomite that only goes with homosexual men. Such perverse associations are real in countries such as Australia, Australia is a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.
Also,there have been movies about women who fall in love in male prostitutes .

Also, Neal Winter worked a teacher and Craig Neilsen was a school student in the same suburb where Anita Cobby lived.

One of the killers of Anita Cobby was John Travers.
Before John Travers ritually murdered Anita cobby, the ABC (Australian Government television Channel) was portraying John Travers as some kind of suburban hero.

Therefore, it could be deduced that the ABC (Australian Government television channel) has supported ritual murder activity , has supported homosexual crimes ,
has supported advertising some kind of paedophile industry: the description of the ABC's activity seems to correspond the homosexual nazism of the
Nazi Lebensborn Program in Australia: ritual-sex-sodomy-ritual-murder behaviours which is part of a depopulation agenda that Australia secretly supports...see mention
of the Majestic-12 plan of Genocide.

[ Has John Travers kept conspiring to murder people outside of prison while Travers is a prisoner who will probably remain in jail the rest of his life ? Does the ABC
represent such values? Does the ABC represent a homosexual value system which is not morality: a value system as compared to morality systems.]


Australians(aussies like to mislead people by saying they are against hatred of homosexuals, but are Australians(aussies) against sadism,torment, torture?
Because homosexuals/sodomites like to torture people.

Sodomy/homosexual crimes are uncivilized behaviours. In sodomy/homosexual crimes cultures such as Australia,
anglo-celtics and their allies make situations where people are in a group, naked ,without clothes and committing homosexual crimes against each others backsides(lower digestive systems),
which is uncivilized behaviour, which is abominable behaviour(behaviour that should not be tolerated).Situations that occur in safe bases, poofter parlours, and toilet crusing tourism.
Austrlaians(Anglo-celtics) and their allies are committing acts of sadism against each others behinds, and then they want to pretend to be civilized afterward.

Australians (Anglo-celtics) and their allies dont need to be considered civilized. Australians are about counterfeits of civilization ,
such as appearing to be calm while inflicting suffering/terrorism/torment/torture upon heterosexuals.

Australians (Anglo-celtics) and their allies dont need to be considered civilized. Australians are about counterfeits of civilization ,
such as appearing to calmly talk at people while inflicting suffering/terrorism/torment/torture upon heterosexuals.

Australians (Anglo-celtics) and their allies dont need to be considered civilized. Australians are about counterfeits of civilization ,
Australians are sadistic prostitution culture where Australians want to appear dressed in clothes
while inflicting suffering/terrorism/torment/torture upon heterosexuals so that heterosexuals have no clothes... and that is probably what the strange photos
of naked men from Abu Ghrain prison in Iraq were about . (Abu Ghraib is evidence of anglo-celtic celtics cultures hypocritically objecting to hatred against homosexuals/sodomites
.while ignoring that homosexual/sodomites are involved in torturing people).

Daniel Mamo & Keith Leyshon possibly relatives of Betty Grable holloywood actress who was famous for her attractive legs.
So, Mamo and Leyshon are bisexual/sodmite males that have been brainwashed into showing their legs as much as possible.
Mamo and Leyshon like to wear sport shorts as much as possible. They probably dont have the most attractive legs, but they are brainwashed into showing their legs as much as possible, because they are probably related to Betty Grable.

02_04_2023_003.jpg 02_04_2023_003.jpg

Another reason why anti-sodomy laws are needed in Australia is that Australian women are corrupted by sodomy and are involved in murder conspiracies where they begin to talk about who they had sexual relations with,
and then send killers to eliminate the memories of who they had sexual relations with. Ritual-sex-sodomy-ritual-murder conspiracies that occur against people who Seventh Day Adventists invite to church: people avoid immoral venues such as discos ,
and the ritual murderer conspiracies still occur : the Seventh Day Adverntist Church needs to be officially labelled as inviting people to their churches and then conspiring murder/slavery (which is very cowardly conspiracies).
The seventh Day Adverntist Church is an American denomination corrupted by sodomy behaviours (ritual murder behaviours). Tiffasny O'dea began attending the church where David Stefanovic visited and invited people to,
Tiffasny O'dea befriended David stefanovic and then began mentioning strange information about having a torn vagina when she was a child growing up, as way of targetting a person for murder. A person was not paying attention to what she said,
but she still enacted her ritual murder behaviour regardless. She spoke such things to a person that David Stefanovic invited to the Hammers Road Adventist Church in Sydney Australia during the 1990s.
Tiffany O'deas pedophile network seems to connected to actress Toni Collette who probably stationed one her relatives pastor Brett Eagle at the Hammers Road Adventist cHurch, so pastor Brett Eagle is probably part of the paedophile network.
The Seventh Day adverntist church seems to have connections to the murder of Hassan Dustan in the industrial area across the road from Toni Collette's 1970s 1980s neighbourhood.
Peta Jakes mysteriously appeared driving a car past a bus stop in Industrial Area. On a Saturday (Jewish Sabbath) morning when she was suppoed to be at the Hammers Road Church, Peta jakes appeared many kilometres away ,
she appeared driving a car through the industrial area described around 1994 late /early 1995.
Later Tiffany O'dea moved into the Toni Collette's neighbourhood by renting out a property near Gregory Anderson in 1996. She convinced David Stefanovic that they should move into a property a few minutes walk away from
where Hussan Dustan was murdered in December 1995. Tiffany O'dea and David Stefanovic were renting out such a property for several months,Tiffany O'dea was visible from the bus that travelled past, enacting gardening chores in
the front lawn.Then Stefanovic and O'dea moved elsewhere (probably they could not afford the rent). David Stefanovic's cousin Douglas Jeremic lived eastward a few minutes walk up the same street where Gregory Anderson and his sisters lived.
Toni collette ----- Clive Robinson and Penny Cook ----- Frank O'dea and Peter Dalglish (Street Kids International)
[corruption/racism that reaches into the United Nations.
corruption/racism that involved Nazi Lebensborn doubles.
Peter dalglish resemblance to Jimmy Stewart.
Frank ODea and clive Robertson are doubles of each other]
About the arrest of prominent(top?) United Nations official Peter Dalglish and numerous crimes of United Nations workers.

Tiffany o'deas paedophile network(Seventh Day Adventist Church paedophile network) seems to be connected to compromising United Nations officials in a way that United Nations prefers to hide
its shame by not caring about the human rights of people who Tiffany O'Dea's paedophile network conspires against.

Justin Trudeau is a friend of Peter Dalglish.
It seems to include the political Trudeau family.Edwin Dickinson (who Gregory Anderon went to school with) has some resemblance to Piere trudeau, and edwin Dickson was the son of a Seven Hills Policeman.
See mention of a violent red-headed man that probably worked for Seven Hills police, and he lived around the corner of Melba Avenue near Lalor Park scout hall and near Lalor PArk Rugby League club house.
Around the corner of Melba Street there were Pine trees similar looking to where Elisha Forth lived in a street some distance away.

Mary Donaldson is a Dalgliesh(probably same family as Dalglish).Bindi Odea's sister Bindi O'dea (who looks nothing like her supposed sister Tiffany) possibly considers herself biologically related to the Dalgliesh family.

Such a pedophile network seems to have hideout on a Private island in the Bahamas near the USA Florida. Bell island in the Caribbean Sea has a history of child slave labour in iron Mines, and is possibly a submarine base.
It has many tunnels submerged in water. The island is owned by a person considered as Aga Khan.
Advertised by Shaka Khan songs) during the 1980s ?
Toni Collette(actress) <--->Louisa Kenewell (Bank worker) <---> Shaka Khan(singer).

Juian assange was expelled from the Ecuadorian Embassy because he is compromised by paedophilia in the Bahamas.(Why has the western media been silent about Julian Assange's corruption)

Recently there was a crypotcurrency FTX whose value collapsed, possibly because it a currency used by modern day slave traders,or has a connection to cybernetic slavery agenda,
cybernetic slavery agenda whose value Bitcoin is probably based upon.

Defense Business Brief: Startup dies in crypto collapse
A startup with the strange company name of 'Improbable U.S. Defense & National Security' <-- a company name which sounds more like a description of the company.

[Richard Branson and BAE/Baesystem aerospace company probably has some connection to the FTX collapse. Richard Branson's connection to the 1970s Tubular Bells song.]

The founder of the FTX company has name that sounds like his job desctiption Sam Bankman-Fried.
His names sounds like the leader of religious cult. (who is Churchman Nee? Was there a real person known as Churchman Nee? Some people never heard of Churchman Nee.
He was not mentioned to some people, and his name sounds like from a strange language other than English? Is it korean? Is it Pidgin English? )

Information about cybernetic slvery agenda has been hidden in B-grade religious documentaries that look like they were made by some religious cult such Mormons,Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses.
i.e. The "Left Behind" rerlgious documentaries mentioned the use of microchips and a biological coin currency, and there is mention of Sydney University.
Sydney [University favoured] Redhat Linux operating system as a Linux clone operating system, and use of Beowulf Clusters by the Redhat Operating System have something to do with the
beginings of Bitcoin as cryptocurrency(mysterious currency, currency whose value and beginnings are based upon mysteriousa criteria or their developers have tried make such criteria as mysterious as possible).

Christine Nixon(resembles Jenny Reen & Jenny Reen's connection to Anita Cobby ritual murder, Salvation Army racism,Joe Adamov/Michelle Coppak Ukrainian Mongol types = Hitler's mother,
Victorian Police commissioner and NSW Police commission has a wife Resembling Etcell connected to Hitler's father )<--> Brenda Lucki (Canadian Mounted Police corruption in Bahamas) ,
resembles Christine Nixon ) : Herman Kentler experiment - West German Government paedophilia/nazism with NATO connections has infiltrated police organizations in Australia and Canada. The Helmut Kentler experiment is a form of Nazi Lebensborn activity
To hve homosexual nazi connections in police organisations is a way for Assange to be involved in paedophilia but to avoid prosecution, and also the western media is corrupted by such and it has not wanted to describe Julian Assange's activity.
The women that accused Assange in Scandinavia omitted mention of sodomy activity, etc.
deductions: FTX slavery cryptocurrency collapse aga khan private island homosexual tourism . julian assange bent over/took it up the behind from canadian mounted police in Bahamas (or elsewhere) to avoid prosecution for paedophilia.
Probably Richard Branson connection to the corruption .
Julian Assange is member of Charles Manson's The Family Ku Klux Klan religion which reports information without revealing information about genocidal plan to enslave and exterminate developing world nations via cybernetic slavery technology :
homosexuals begin communicating semiotically like Hive Insects around slavery devices - homosexuals communicate biosemiotically around while the victim of the slavery device has cybersemiotic messages sent into his nervous system
via ground ionosphere antennas that track the slavery devices (if such information is not described, homosexual prostitutes such as Julian Assange dont intend to describe such experiments. Julian Assange is too racially selfish to
report that such slavery technology could be prosecuted by raising concerns about the antennas tracking humans around without reference to the biosemiotic communication: antennas practically track submarines,and practically observe
objects around themselves when used as Radome Antennas. Medical scars from the surgery of nazi doctors could be shown to an international court, evidence of police racism and medical racism could be described to international court :
violent racial attacks which racist police organisatios dont want to do something to prosecute the attackers . ) . The Family religious cult is involved in murdering people to cover up information about such genocidal experiments against humans .
People who are corrupted by homosexual procurment networks such as Assange are about covering up international law cases against countries such as Australia, Britain, United States . Homosexual prostitution that Assange is involved is connected with
racial selfishness that seeks to prevent international law cases by migrant families in Australia,Britain


02_04_2023_003.jpg 02_04_2023_003.jpg

WATERGATE BUGGING SCANDAL IN AUSTRALIA 1995-present time, and Portland Spy ring relatives in Australia:some resemble Theodore Hall's family .]

Rosemary Hunter(housewife) , Barry Boon (elementary school teacher), and Mrs Johnson who worked in the school administration building for the elementary school principal.
Then another Mrs Johnson appeared as an elementary school teacher.


Ethel Rosenberg was executed in the 1950s.

Slave Labour technology spy ring Connected to American Politics and the European Union, and the 2001 Terrorism incident in New york City USA.

[About Benjamin Netanyaghu's connections such as elementary school teacher Deborah McLachlan,and Tracy Gold doubles connected to ritual murder Anita Cobby(illegal immigration schemes of Armenian Jews)
They have known about Ethel Rosenberg connections in Australia,and they pretended to look for Rosenberg relatives but they dont want to find Rosenberg connections in Australia.
OVer years decasdes their activity has been about about racially murdering as many innocent people as possible, as way for making Lebensraum(Nazi-living-space) to migrate Nazi Jews into Australia.
See mention above of Nazi Jews such as Reinhard Heidrich.]

Armenians, and Armenian Jews are from a genocidal culture. Armenian Native Faith is a Zoroastrian pagan religion with similarities to Nazi ideology.








AT SEVEN HILL MAIL CENTRRE THERE WAS ANOTHER MALTESE CHARLIE AROUND YEAR 1988:About Charlie Maltese,some Graziano(grat-zi-ah-no), and Arthur Sarkissian{***ARMENIAN SURNAME****} at Seven Hills Mail Centre (large building next to railway tracks on northern side).
Charlie Maltese, Graziano,Arthur Sarkissian were mentioning "Jiggi-Jiggi" and "piano lessons" to people that knew nothing about such corruption. Jiggi-jiggi is possibly italian perverse sex/sodomy associated with other words such as jigolo/male prostitution,
but Charlie Maltese, Graziano,Arthur Sarkissian were making it sound like sex provided by a female: possibly hints about females being used to lure heterosexuals, females prostitute/piano player that was corrupted by male homosexuals.

it is likely that Charlie Matlese,some graziano, and Arthur Sarkissian{***ARMENIAN SURNAME****} that worked at seven hills mail centre around 1988 are connected to Costello's Boy Brothel Kings Cross, Anita Cobby murder, Charlie Camilleri
(maltese mafia figure probably related to Liberace and John Gotti American Mafia Boss, his wife is related to South American Nazi Adolf Eichmann,the Camilleri family are closely connected to Neil Winter convicted homosexual paedophile,probably connected
to Craig Neilsen(Winter's music student) who said he wanted to be a Kindergarten teacher and probably connected to Charlie Safe Base on Blacktown Road Blacktown and the Kapooka Base Wagga Wagga about which a shameful documentary was made. The Safe Base
on Blacktown Road has had some similar use to the Pofter Parlour pub hotel that used to exist on Main Street Blacktown and was known as The Robin Hood Inn (and before that was known as the Royal Hotel and Phillip O'Grecce was possibly one of its secrets patrons
and it has a connection to the 1973 Whiskey-A-Go-Go hotel bombing in Fortitude Valley suburb of Brisbane/Gold dCoast Queensland. Mrs Weston had some connection to the Robin Hood Inn and Whiskey-A-Go-Go-hotel-boming-1973 and homsexual cruising tourism in
Westpoint Shopping Centre Blacktown that was invested in/owned by Frank Lowy of westfield Group. Mrs Weston has recently been discovered to be a prostitution madame from Toni Colllette's 1970s 1980s neighbourhood Mrs Weston who adopted an australoid female
and called her Cathy Weston and an another australoid female probably related to Trevor Christian's wife). Deborah Mclachlan(Lookalike of Fleur Cates Benjami's Netanyahu's 1970s wife) probably knew Mrs Weston, and there was some Julia from
Sydney University Teacher's college 1979-1980 that they probably knew (Mclalhlan and her colleagues formed a murder/slavery/nazi doctor crimes conspiracy of moving a migrant familiy into a modern day neighbourhoods of homosexual nazis with
similarity to Ernst Roehm leader of the Nazi Brown Shirts organisation. There was another Weston(2) family living within walking distance of Mrs Weston (Weston(1) : the family of Jason Weston who had brother Joe Weston and sister Tanya Weston.
Jason Weston and father looked similar to Ernst Roehm and John Wayne Gacy serial killer. Jason Weston lived next to Ralph Quitadamo who lived next to Gerald Henderson his sister Carrissa Henderson who lived next to Glen Jensen who lived next to
Steven Essam.Stuart Gunther and his brother Robert lived westward down the street from Jason weston on the other side of the street(Mrs Gunther probably closely related to Toni Collette's mother). Ralph Quitadamo would frequently mention a Glen
that looked similar to Ringo Starr from the Beatles. Elisha forth lived eastward from Glen , also Scott Williams, Jason Gabb, Jason Vella lived some footsteps away from Elisha Forth. Andrew Millett lived eastward from Jason Gabb down another street
and Alistair White and his sisters Monique and Genevieve further down westward on the street where Andrew Millett lived. Alistair white and his sisters lived close to the Camilleri home. Rosemary Finn lived next to Charlie Camilleri, and next to
Rosemary Finn (on a corner property) lived a tall blonde female (germanised slav nazi?Slovenian blonde female related to Nada Stefanovic?) that was friends with Richard Bazlidenski's sister.Various names mention were students of Barry Boon and
they were friends of Mr Boon. Rosemary Hunter was a former girlfriend of Barry Boon, but dhe married Stuart Hunter who resembled Australian Poilitician Arthur Callwell immigration minister. Rosemary Finn's mothr Mrs Finn was like a twin of Rosemary Hunter.
Rosemary Hunter initially hads anglo-celtic/germano-celtic? neighbours whose surname was phonetically (bah-ra-goo-ri) for which it is difficult to find the correct spelling. Possibly like a scottish Borough/Burgh and suffix strange Guri which could
be Hungarian/Finnish/Uralic language.Luke and his son Jason moved into the home where Mrs bah-ra-goo-ri used to live. Mrs bah-ra-goo-ri)possibly moved across the road before she died. (goo/gooh sound was sharp not long oo, and bah-rav pronounced same
as scottish borough/burgh Edinburgh), ri pronounced like english words ending in ry treachery.

-1877, an internal post office investigation(Britain)

-cleveland street scandal(Britain)

-shah of iran's visits to New York City 1947
(male prostitution in uderground corridors of New York city)

-Washington callboy scandal (1980s, Reagan and Bush presidential era)
[Washington is near New York City USA]

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About George Bush and his mass murder connections to homosexual procurement networks:
it could be deduced that George Bush is secretly considered a Warlock in the homosexual religion (sodom and gomorrah religious system)
associated with brainwashing and paganism behaviours that are part of homosexual procurement network activity(homosexual crime organisation activity)

The serial killer activity of Jeffrey Dahmer has been reported in the western media through news stories and documentaries, and the motivation for Jeffrey Dahmer's serial killings are a mystery...
however, when the film Warlock starring Julian Sands is viewed, then correspondences occur between the film and Jeffry Dahmer's strange activity.
Jeffrey Dahmer was probably acting as a Warlock who represented a homosexual procurement network around the USA great lakes districts such as Milwaukee.
[Milwaukee is the setting of 1970s tv series such as Happy Days, and sounds similar to the Happy Times during World War 2 when
nazi submarines were sinking allied cargo ship convoys in the mid atlantic where planes could not reach. ]

Franka Arina has a connection to Nazi Ratline. in Genoa italy. See 12_04_2023.jpg
Franka Arina(Australian politician)

Franka Arina
Tina Arina (Hitler relative?) ----- Johnny Young.

Wizard of Oz themes

Rank-arena organisation from around 1955 was probably illegally immigrating nazis in connection with Adolf Eichmann
and his connection to the German Nazi film industry and nazi bases in South America.

Rank-Arena organisations similar sounding to ankin-Bass stop motion puppet films

Probably connections to Ginger Rogers,Pye Electronics ,Fairfax newspapers
and rugby league doubles such as Russel Fairfax and Marty Gurr that played for Eastern Suburbs Roosters.
Possibly connections to the Mr Asia Drug syndicate Marty Johnston.

Discovery: terminology PLASMONS
which possibly describes the tunneling of the magnetic field through capacitor plates...

see diagrams:

Tesla's 'World System' Versus Contemporary Plasmonics's_'World_System'_Versus_Contemporary_Plasmonics_Where_Two_Extremes_Meet

ResearchGate publication 268799872...
Tesla's 'World System' Versus Contemporary Plasmonics: Where Two Extremes Meet. November 2011.
Conference: 7th International Symposium Nikola Tesla; At: ...

----------- further about PLASMONS

...tunneling of the magnetic field through capacitor plates
in a way where the energy conserved. the wave function becomes like a constant line instead of exponential decay.

it is a type of quantum tunneling because quantum mechanical qualities of the system result in
suppression of the circular symmetry of the magnetic field, the magnetic field propagates
in a unidirectional manner.
[see comments sdome days ago about Nikola Tesla's inventions could be considered part of quantum mechanics region of science research.
tesla's standing waves <---> quantum mechanics wave-particles]

propagation of magnetic field through ionosphere and ground: the ionosphere has ions(plasma)
and the ground has ions from the metal atoms in the soil and rock layers.
the presence of plasma in macroscopic planetary system such as the earth means also the presence of free electrons
in ground and ionosphere.

phonons can be defined as ollective oscillation of ions (similar to how sound waves are based upon compressional vibration of atoms).
plasmons can be defined as collective oscillation of the conduction electrons (free electrons).
[note similarity of photons to gluons, virtual photons interactions similarity to gluon interactions,
and the virtual photon cloud around electrons]

Sydney University taught students about PHONONS:quantization of sound vibrations(compressional vibrations) and similar.
i.e. the theoretical worshop lessons in the chemistry department.
PLASMONS probably have similarities to PHONONS.

purpose:to lessen of stop the injustices of the underground the economy.]

[the energy of the ground ionosphere wave
possibly causes a blue glow in the
dark of the deep waters. The glow is possibly
from the plasmon vibrations of the ground ionosphere wave.

possibly similar physical phenomenon to cherenkov radiation,

similarities to compton effect:
compton effect - photon electron interaction light deflected like a colliding particle - photon
similarity to gluon and electron surrounded by virtual photon cloud]


[.... sunken Indonesian submarine KRI Nanggala - recent event: occurrd some days ago...]

The western media claims to have knowledge of submarine voyages ... and incidents involving submarines ....
news story
An escape suit believed to be from the sunken Indonesian submarine was found in the water.
Australian man arrested after drunk, naked rampage in Indonesia















[slave labour devices: horrible medical crimes]

slave labour devices are misuse of technology that tracks submarines, and communicates with submarines.

slave labour devices are tracking a human being around as though he was a deeply submerged submarine.

technology that involves standing waves (information communicated 2 ways between antenna and receiving circuit)
the kind technology where racists commit a nazi doctor crime against a person,
and then racists have the attitude that they are about
endlessly organising things (with each other) to occur according to nazi ideology, homosexual nazi ideology
endlessly negotiating with other perverse racists.
[racists commit a nazi doctor crime and then the have the attitude of endleslly dragging on nazi doctor crimes.]

perverse nazi dcotors attach a slave labour device to a person's nerves,
and the slave labour device object becomes a communicatiion space for perverse strangers,
similar to an electronic chat space utilised by various perverse strangers, an electronic chat space
that rests or moves along with a person resting or moving.

see capabilities of patent 787412 of years 1905 , ground ionosphere antenna cabpabilities,
- tracking
- communication
- remote control of electronics

Gang corruption and the United Nations. Homosexual corruption in the United Nations.
The homosexual nazism of Kurt Wldheim, 1970s United Nations secretary general]

The United nations began as an earlier organisation called the League Of Nations.
League organisations tend to be gang mafia homosexuals, similar to the Plebian League in ancient Rome,
and later organisations such as The Hanseatic League, an illuminati organisation.
(Illuminati could be described as occultic religion mafia, sodomy religion, similarities to freemasons,templar knights,witch pagans).

The Hanseatic League began World War I.

see also a United Nations gang from Canada,
music videos such as Out of Touch by Uniting Nations(illegal immigration themes,originally sung by Hall and Oats music group).
Out of Touch by Uniting Nations <--> similarities to Rebecca Cartwright actress from Neighbours australian televisino series? John Cartwright year 1990Penrith Panthers Rugby Leage player


Further Evidence of Australia being a perverse culture.

1980s newspapers, the entertainment sections in the middle of daily newspapers: the sun, daily telegraph, the mirror ...

The entertainment sections strangely advertised stage plays and Cinema screenings of La Cage Aux Folles, Carlotta's "Les Girls" transvestite/transexual cabaret dancers,
The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Reg Livermore's Betty Blockbuster as entertainment acceptable to Austrlaians, as entertainment popular with Australians.


Martijn the De Sterke (physics lecturer) Sydney University has a Waco Texas USA terrorism connection (mass murder by the Seventh Day Adventist Church)
with American CIA spy connections, Sydney University connections, Anita Cobby ritual murder connections.


Martijn the De Sterke (physics lecturer) Sydney University is a Dutch jew possibly related to David Koresh (surname Howell),
and he is probably related to Malcolm Turki Sydney University physics student who died around year 1993.
Malcolm Turki's family probably imported Martijn De Sterke into Sydney University as a Turki relative (corruption, conflict of interest).So Martijn the De Sterke is a terrrorist at Sydney University,
terrorism with similarities to Dutch Boer organisations from South Africa, and subversion in Dutch Colonies or former Dutch Colonies, and possibly terrorism connections.
In 1988-89, when secondary school Mr Kulsz teacher suggested that a student become involved in a TALENTED SCIENCE STUDENT PROGRAM run by NSW Department of Education,racists from Sydney University began
observing a person:racists such as Brian Gaenslers girlfriend who resembles Jennifer Gray, probably Malcolm Turki's family, Rosemary Millar, Ian Sefton ....Sydney University racists began observing a person
at least two years before a person became a University Student...The school teachers discovered that David stefanovic was expelled from secondary school in a similar manner to ralph quitadamo, and discovered
a Stefanovic adventist connection to Waco Texas , maybe around 1988. David Stefanovic's cousin Douglas Jeremic remained at secondary school and was observing along with his friend Wayne Brodie.

Mr Kulesz suggested to become involved with a Talented Science Student Program, and 2 years later a person was Dux of one's secondary school.


Western Society has known about Denisovans since the 1950s under names such as Maba Hominem(Maba Hominin) and Nesher Remla hominids,
and made hints in their media media such as a "Beep Beep Beep" song about Nash Rambler car overtaking a Cadillac car in 1958 ...





+"kenny rogers" +"dolly parton" +"klaus barbie butcher of lyon"
+"ginger rogers" +"elizabeth bowes lyon" <--- elizabeth windsor's mother
+"islands in the stream"(song lyrics) nazi bases south america

ginger rogers and the gold diggers: we're in the money (song,1933) see lyrics of song
<----->beatles: penny lane (song,liverpool slavery port britain, slavery that affects ears eyes senses nervous system,1960s)

[did the nazi party have secret purpose as a money making scheme? gold accumulation scheme?
gold accumulation scheme of some inner circle organisation within the nazi party
or organisation that observed the nazi party?]

e.g. Charlie Chaplin was observing Adolf Hitler before he became a political leader of Germany.
Charlie Chaplin made many silent films based upon his observation of Adolf Hitler.

songs such as "country roads" seem to be among favourite songs in neighbourhoods of satanist rock-a-billys(elvis fans) and hill-billys


Charlie Chaplin relatives: Paul Sykes(Sydney Australia,a student of student of Deborah Mclachlan from 1981) <--related to---> Paul Bremer(was member of George W Bush's Government in USA) <---> Alexander Lukashenko(Dictator in Belarus)
[Deborah McLachlan is a double of Fleur Cates a wife of Benjamin Netanyahu. Mclachlan as an elementary school teacher during 1980s.
Her older work colleague was Mrs Leyton was probably a relative of J Edgar Hoover corrupt homoseuxal FBI director who allowed the mafia to become an crime empire in the USA from 1920s-late 1960s to early 1970s.]

probably Dolly Parton relatives: Louisa Kennewell from Toni Collette's 1970s 1980s neighbourhood <-----> one of Tereza Kerndlova's dancers(Eurovision year 2008) <---> Shaka Khan(1980s singer),Dolly Parton (country and western singer)
[Tereza Kerndlova from Czech Republic former Czecho-Slovakia is relative of Benjamin Netanyahu.
Glen Kennewell resembles Dominic Orobello deceased sicilian italian facially resembled Jimeny Cricket from Pinocchio Dinsy cartoon film.Orobello probably Sicilian Mafia and had corrupt FBI connections:illegaly bugging activity]

Kenny Roger's relatives:
Kenny Rogers <----> Ginger Rogers <--Rogers are Bowes Lyon bastards/Windsor bastards:illegitimnately related to--> Elizabeth Bowes Lyon(mother of Elizabeth Windsor).
Pye Rogers Fairfairfax solicitors company in Sydney, became Pye Solicitors.

<---->Fairfax probably connection to Fairfax newspapers company in Australia.
<----> Pye Electronics company (Australia, Britain)

J. H. Rogers Underground Wireless 1919 Patent (ground-ionosphere antenna technology stolen from Nikola Tesla's year 1905 patent 787412 .
Rogers Super-Deep hole drilling company Oklahoma USA.

Danzie family adventists that attended Hammers Road Adventist Church during the 1990s are Kenny Rogers fans.
The Danzie/Dansie family have connections to the Oakland City murders in the USA(Children of the Snow Murders) and connections to Nazi Bases in South America
via their friendship with the Ramacci/Ramaci family who attended their church(italian surname pronounced Rah-mah-chi).
further Nazi Bases in South American connection: Tom Arraya from Slayer music group and his double in Metallica music group. <----> Miley Cyrus probably a girlfriend of Tom Arraya

Benjamin Netanyahu is a nazi jew. Netanyahu has made large profits from nazi activity over decades: Nazi Lebensborn migrations(illegal migration) and find Hitler relatives schemes which murder many innocent people,
identity theft,nazi doctor crimes,ritual murders.
Benjamin Netanyhu probably involved in the assassination of John Lennon in 1980.Lennon probably discovered information about a Nazi Jew groups who were competing in racism with Project Anthropoid that took th elife of Reinhard Heidrich nazi jew.
John Lennon was probably assassinated by Nazi Jews such as Benjamin Netanyahu and Steven Spielberg. Spielberg learned about the Ahnen-Erbe nazi organisation, as a way of doing Nazism against people.
Spielberg closely connected to Jeffrey Epstein Mossad agent,Banker,eugenics supporter, nazi doctor crimes perpetrator clock-worker-humans-puppets-cybernetic-slavery,profit maker from homosexual tourism to private islands ,convicted paedophile.
Occasionally news stories have occurred about Jeffrey Epstein committing homosexual crimes against young males.













description of the sadistic torture technqiues of the experimenters,
in contexts such as : cacao slave labour plantations in third world nations,
in context such as organisations such as GCHQ surgically implanting children of third world nations (implantation of slave labour devices into contactt with the nervous system).

experimenters: Your parent(s) didn't believe you, so ...

objection against experimenters: but parent(s) have a right to know. Parents have a right to know about the nazism that you
experimenters are doing against their children.

[why are the experimenters throwing blame upon people 's children, when western society should respect a parents right to know?
parent(s) have a right to know to prevent strangers inflicting unnecessary suffering upon their children.
Where western society has conspired against peolpe's parents out of racial hatred, western society has no right to inflict
suffering upon people's children out of racial hatred]

Wetern societies such as Australia dont care about the parent's right to know.
The injustice is worse than [experiments would like to suggest], western society deliberately does evil.

Western societies such as Australia deliberately make counterfeits to people's parents over years decades,
so that parent dont know about the nazism that is occuring against their children over years decades,
and that is the kind of injustice that is UNFORGIVEABLE, that is the kind of injustice that societies are destroyed for.]


Summary: Australia has an antichrist system, a system of citizens taught to act in an unchristian way
(that what citizens are taught to do by the safe bases, poofter parlours, toilet cruising venues in Australia]

Australia inflicts its antichrist/anti-christian/unchristin behaviour system against some people.

Australia makes COUNTERFEITS
counterfeits over long periods of time,
so that those parents who care dont know about the unncessary suffering that strangers inflict against their children over years decades.

Australia does NOT CARE about the parents PARENTS RIGHT TO KNOW, and that is unforgiveable.

[Australia is about inflicting injustice.
Australia is about inflicting unnecessary suffering against living things, Australia is about inflicting unnecssary suffering against humans.]





























homosexual procurement networks , serial killings, mass murders are about modern societies, modern multi-racial-societies multi-cultural-scoeities being different to societies from thousands of years ago,
different to the societies described in christian bible.

modern day satanists, atheists,racist, selfish people have calculated that the bible is lacking in wisdom of beware-of-strangers.

In ancient societies, isolated strangers or small groups of strangers were considered something positive, something not to be feared, something that should not be mistreated, sometimes strangers could be angelic.

In modern societies, the news paper stories suggest it is MODERN WISDOM - TO BEWARE OF STRANGERS ,

because i modern times the societies have become different:

- populations in cities towns villages have become larger over thousands of years
(there is greater population pressure upon people's lives in modern societies)

-western-society/western-european-societies are dishonest about racial tolerance of one race toward another race,

western-society/western-european-societies are intrinsically evil in making COUNTEFEITS OF RACIAL TOLERANCE, but are not racially tolerant behind the backs of citizens.
western-society/western-european-societies are intrinsically about causing unnecessary suffering in making COUNTEFEITS OF RACIAL TOLERANCE, and by not being racially tolerant behind the backs of citizens.

[-the bible describes such negative tendancies as sin, creation has fallen into sin.

-evolutionists might describe such negative tendancies toward making unnecessary suffering as humans have reasoning ability above animals,
but socially most humans are not so much advanced above the thinking of the animals they evolved from ...
hthere are various situations that humans act like the uncivilized hominids, cave men , neanderthals from which they are descended,
uncvivilized behaviour often occurs where there are groups of similar members that become intolerant of differences considered in humans outside their group,
humans have a tendancy toward uncivilized mob behaviour when they are members of groups,
in any large group there becomes present the lowest common denominator that seeks to unjustly bother those considered different to the group,
etc. ]


Based upon observations, deductions from sources of information such as news programs:
In the context of homosexual procurement networks (serial killer activity, mass murders ...)
The ritual murder activity often starts on the other side of a border, and then migrates over the border as way to cause detrimental affects.

[groups of perverse humans that conspire in the manner of pretend-angel-cults]
========================================================< [07/07/2023]









About Liliana Pavlek's cousin Ante in Croatia.Ante has become a generational Ante's ancestors came from a village called Buzin which used to exist near Zagreb. During the 1960s/1970s it was portrayed as a village of the damned in western movies, and has probably become a place of few people, has become a relatively unknown location on a highway that was built some years decades ago.Buzin is connected with male prostitution scandals in Croatian News stories and it has to do with Ante being a generational male prostitute(a satanist, an illuminati servant. Ante and his son were sodomized and Ante Swore an oath to become a nazi. Ante his become a Nazi doctor (and he did not want to reveal this to people over years).

Ante advertises as a male prostitutes and then he murders his sex partners. He reasons that that is only way he could survive in Croatia, that is the only way he could become a doctor. Ante advertises his male prostitute self in media such as Dua Lipa music videos (Albanian Mafia music videos). His male face has a resemblance to a blonde female in the music video Stay at home by Dua Lipa, which shows people celebrating in a group during the Coronavirus World epidemic...It could be described that Ante falls in love with males who sodomize him, but then he murders such males.
Ante possibly has homosexual affair circumstances with males that sodomize him, as a way of finding out how much money they have, and who they know, and then he murders such males.

Ante and his son Kreshimir (Kresho) are known around Vochinska Ulica Zagreb (Street of Fruits in Zagreb, fruits in Croatian language means fruits one can eat. Croatian culture is more natural than English Culture. It is a culture that does not tolerate homosexuals, does not tolerate male prostitution,(that should not tolerate homosexuals, despite the homosexual nazi corruption within the European Union, the homosexual corruption of Bilderberg Society).Ante probably has a sister who is similar corrupted by male-prostitution/perversion similar to how Ante is corrupted.This information is to curse Ante and and his offspring. He does not need to have any further generations, because he has become a generation male prostitute.Ante's sons Kreshimir should not have any further generations because he and his father Ante have become generational male prostitutes.Liliana Pavlek's brother Tom has become a generational male prostitute so Tom and his sisters should not have any further generations.

The communications over ground ionosphere networks suggest that Tom and his sisters Rosie and Liliana (Lililia Pavlek) are like the Croatian Gay community hiding out in Australia.[Meaning that Croatia probably has wanted to prosecute them for their homosexual crimes and ritual murders]

Ante and his son Kreshimir should be considered as the Croatian Gay community in Croatia and should be killed.Ante needs to be killed/executed for various reasons such as that Ante became a Nazi doctor.
This website describes information for an international law case against Australia. [Ante is probably very tall, is a murderous male prostitute, and a Nazi doctor.]

















furtrher information...

Gilcrist is a male prostitute.i.e. gilcrist 2019 optus technician/optus employee.

gilcrist tries to rationalsie his unjust behaviour by saying it is about confidence.
male prostitutes get confidence by getting heterosexuals to talk to them, and when heterosexuals dont want to talk to male prostitutes then male prostitutes deliberately make trouble for heterosexuals ... and it is part of s ystem of slave labour in Australia. situations where Australian racism results ibn a citizen being prevented from ha ving paid work,
instead of the racist society of Australia expecting a citizen to turn up somewhere for work,
the system of racism and slave labour that Australia secretly supports deliberately makes problems for a citizen
to force them to visit somewhere unnecessary, to force a citizen to talk to people who th citizen does not need to talk to,
people who are not friends of a citizen's human rights, peolpe who a ctizen would not want to associate with socially.

Gilcrist ,by being sodomized,in the Australian nation with its perverse system of safe bases,
Gilcrist is taught to believe that he can can get anything he wants through immoral activity such as identity theft against migrant families,
[see comments above by Malcolm Turki]

Gilcrist ,by being sodomized,in the Australian nation with its perverse system of safe bases,
...gilcrist gets confidence from his sodomized Australian nation and his anglo-celtic race
By being sodomied, Gilcrist gets confidence from his sodomized Australian nation and anglo-celtic race
to be a male prostitute and to force heterosexuals to talk with him., or talk to his social allies:
heterosexuals that would never want male prostitutes bothering them.(implying that Austalia has an unjust code of silence about male prostitution,
unjust for reasons such as that male prostitutoion is about causing unecessary problems for people, unnecessary problems to socieites)

By being sodomied, Gilcrist gets confidence from his sodomized Australian nation and anglo-celtic race
to be a Ku Klux Klan member and to force hetosexual anti-racists to talk with him., or talk to his social allies:
heterosexual anti-racists that would never want ku klux klan bothering them.
-a system of male prostitutes deliberately provoking citizens for no reason.
[Mossad are sometimes hired by the sagfe base systgem to teach male prostitutes how to provoke citizens for no reason,
and them to violently attack citizen who resist the discriminstion/racism]

This is further informaiton about why Australia needs to be charged by international law.



Kristina Kenneally is involved in hosting "crazycoolparty" venues underground, away from the heat of the Nevada USA deserts,
similarities to how Opal Miners burrow underground dwellings at places in Australia such as Lightning Ridge.
See above information about Kristiana Keneally being a politician in Australia with an American accent,and connections to
Las Vegas USA Mayor Caroline Goodman where occurred the Mandalay Bay massacre. Kristina Keneally probably knows Maria Sharapova
and her Nazi Lebensborn doubles via such party celebration events. Gladys Berejiklian found out about Kristina Keneally's CrazyCoolParty venues,
and Berejiklian decided to host a CrazyCoolParty herself and it resulted in a new Coronavirus outbreak in year 2021.
Kristina Keneally probably knows Danielle Minogue from Young Talent Time (Johnny Young), and Kelly Mamo the sister of Danielle Mamo,
which would suggest that Kristina Keneally has a connection to the Miami Mafia of Griselda Blanco (Cocaine Cowboys mafia of George Bush
and Jeb Bush), and Sardinian Mafia (Anonima Sarda). Such CrazyCoolParty venue events are probably Kristina Keneally's connection to
to homosexual-procurement-networks because such parties are group sex venues where heterosexuals are lured
and preyed homosexually(defiled) upon by homosexuals/bisexuals/sodomites. The CCP acronym of CrazyCoolParty venues (its similarity
to CCCP acronym of former Soviet Union) might suggest that Kristina Keneally is a pretend communist (in addition to being a pretend christian):
people with leftist ,communist leaning are lured to such party venues and converted into fascists by being sodomized.The Acronym
CCP is similar to music groups such as CCCatch which are probably part of such pretend-communist-networks
(secret-fascist-homosexual-networks/homosexual-procurement-networks)...also Michael Ironside doubles from the 1980s "V" Alien Invasion
films and tv series suggest such parties are involved in brainwashing people into UFO Cult beliefs and such information is further
confirmation of connections to Sardinian Mafia (Anonima Sarda) which is associated with Alien-Reptilian-Cults as a form of Asmodeus
demonic worship (Demonic worship/Pretend-angel-cults).

[...Gladys Berejiklian found out about Kristina Keneally's CrazyCoolParty venues,
and Berejiklian decided to host a CrazyCoolParty herself and it resulted in a new Coronavirus outbreak in year 2021...

News article: Anton Nilsson@antonknilsson,September 13, 2021 - 3:01PM,NCA NewsWire
On 21 June, 2021, NSW Health conducted an interview with a COVID-19 case who reported (sic) attended a party at a residence in West Hoxton on June 19, 2021, the department said in its reply to the parliament.]

homosexual-procurement-networks are where slave labour devices are sourced from.








current information:

Racists archaeologists were behind the wars in Iraq: e.g. Leonard Woolley's family.
[identity theft activity]
There was a Woolley that worked along with the Arthur Sarkissian,Graziano and Charlie Maltese.
during the 1980s, Woolley would be seen with his wife on a train station/railway station.
His wife would wear a fur coat.
[The workplace of Arthur Sarkissain, Graziano and Charlie Maltese was next to a railway station.
charlie Maltese was someone differnt to Charlie Camilleri, but they probably knew each other.]

Woolley, Arthur Sarkissian, Graziano and Charlie Maltese were involved in the murder of an 'overseer' employee of the organisation,
around the year 1987/1988. The Overseer was possibly poisoned: his health gradually deteriorated and then he died,
in mysterious circumstances.

The male prostitutes knew Woolley: Wooley was a user of male prostitutes.
Keith Leyshon knew Woolley.
[See information above about Keith Leyshon being involved in a homosexual procurment network involving
in pilots downed during the Iraq War 1990.]

Woolley and his male prostitution activity were involved in setting up an industrial area in Sydney,
via identity theft and harvesting... the industrial area around Hillsong(Frank Houston <---> Houston Dearn and Associates (Local Government solicitors & planning advisors)
& a Mr Peebles from Citicorp(Loan Shark Company, money launderer for The Rand Corporation ? )
Hillsong used to be known as the Hills Christian Life Centre.
The industrial area named similar to a lawn mower company from Forge Street Blacktown (industrial area where occurred murders such as Hussan Dustan].

racist history teachers Mrs A Greenberry and Mrs A Wheeler possibly acted like madames/pimps for the male prostitutes that Woolley knew.

Male prostitution activity possibly associated with expressions such as Michael Walker asking "Where's Fitzgibbon?".
Michael Walker male prostitute similar facial appearance to Aaron Light (male prostitute from 'The Wall' region in Sydney).
Michale Fitzgibbon was a student in Neal Winter's music classes.
Members of Mark White's gang were involved in behaviour similar to Michael Walker, reference to Fitzgibbon.
[They would probably meet after school, in a shopping area, or near a shopping area, and engaged in male prostitution].

The homosexual procurement network extends from Sydney Australia, to Sandhurst Military academy Britan and Westpoint Military Academy USA.
Historians/archaeologists Chandler , Nusbacher - Sandhurst Military Academy.
Donald Trump - Westpoint Military Academy.
<---> Westpoint Shopping Centre Sydney Australia (homosexual tourism venue).

[Possibly a Margaret Cameron connection to Woolley:
Chandler, a name similar to Chandelier
The Chandelier song by SIA, featuring a dancer from The Dance Moms tv series are possibly part of the homosexual procurement network.
Abby Lee Winters has a resemblance to the Daniel Mamo's family. Abby Lee Winters resembles Griseldo Blanco from the Miami Mafia.
The dancer has a resemblance to the Cameron family.]

Mrs A Greenberry <---> greenbury corporation that makes stages for rock concerts.
Around mid 1980s,
Channel 9 Australia and Kerry Packer were advertising a Lollapalooza show with cartoons that had cybernetic themes:
The Blue Falcon, Rome-0 and Julie-8 (modernised cybernetic version of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet).
Whatever was being advertised by the PAcker family and Channel nine as Lollapalooza, later became a large concert events in 1991 and afterward.
[Lollapalooza connected with illegal immigration by submarines? ]







In australia exists a system that doesnt want racism to be described, where racists seek to get aroundanti-racial-discrimination laws
by promising things to citizens that racists never intend citizens to have.

Christina Keneally (politician) <----possibly related to---> Mark White from Mark White's gang (Mark White, Shane troughton, Bradley Muscat, Robert Sigsworth, Steven McPherson, ...)


Mark White's gang that were making comments about Fitzgibbon, such behaviour ws occuring in Miss Reen's english language classes,
and Miss Reen probably had a connection to the ritual murder of Anita Cobby in 1986.News articles about Anita Cobby's murderers
mentioned them driving her down Reen Road (which later renamed Peter Brock drive): Reen Road might suggest that Miss Reen's family were land owners,
farm owners around the area where Anita Cobby was murdered.

Michael Fitzgibbon, found empployment with television station organisations in Australia (as a result of his involvement in male prostitution corruption). that is how
Andrew Millett became a television helicopter pilot for a period of time, and Andrew Millett facially resembles Frank Houston from Hillsong/Hills Christian Life Centre
(homosexual crimes against young males news stories).Andrew Millett is possibly related to Frank Houston, which might suggest that Virgona,Burne,McCartin, Peter Rogers are
related to Frank Houston and that they are families involved in generational-male-prostitution. Peter Rogers dance school's location in the 1980s was overlooking a property, observing a property
that was sold through Houston Dearn asnd Associates and has become a site of biological experiments (slave labour device experiments: experiments to enslave human nervous systems
based upon race.)

Andrew Millett (was television helicopter pilot for a period of time (traffic reports on television news)
[See information above about scientology traffic reports. Is Andrew Millett connected to scientology traffic reports (proibably human trafficking/illegal immigration/smuggling activity)]











...but he gives good information.
[Why such comments?
Australia is perpetrating slave labour experiments
against humans, and aussies have a habit of talking
out of their behinds. Aussies are dishonest, aussies
are a culture that seems to be too f***ed-up-their-behinds
to have the decency to say something about slave labour experiments
involving the misuse of Nikola Tesla's ground ionosphere antennas.

Rose Toeta connection to the Rainbow Warrior terrorism incident in New Zealand 1985
Raratonga/Cook Islands where Rose Toeta comes from have an Australian connection to Fletcher Christian
and William Bligh from The Mutiny On The Bounty.So Raratonga/Cook islands is possibly a Nazi illegal immigration
connection between New Zealand and Australia...William Bligh was a Governor of NSW connected to the Rum Rebellion.
[names that Rose Toeta possibly knows:
-Duane Bligh and anglo-australia that knows Michael Kostic from the Brotherhood Gang.
-David Christian (blonde Australoid from Toni Collette's 1980s neighbourhood)]
-French connection mafia connected to the Rainbow Warrior bombing.Sometimes called old french connection opium smugglers.

Rose Toeta, Milan Terzic and the Seventh Day Adventist church could be charged with be biological warfare activity:
Milan Terzic suffers from an incurable blood disease (toxoplasmosis), and the Seventh Day Church deliberately advertised
correspondence study courses in people's letterboxes, then assigned Milan Terzic to host archaeology documentaries in
an SDA retirement village Hall. Later the SDA Church encouraged to people to attend bible studies at Milan Terzic's home.

Rose Toeta works for an employment company called Manpower in Smithfield.Rose Toeta finds work for many people,
but she is involved in slave labour conspiracies:
her involvement with hosting Milan Terzic's bible study group is probably information about Rose toeta conspiring against
some people's right to have paid work.

------------------ [12/09/2023]

When people are growing up , Australian society gives the false impressions that
Australia about citizen cooperating with citizen, citizen helping citizen to make a better society (like in a fireman sam tv episode).

But Australia is not such a society. Australia is a predatory society which is about citizen pretending to be civilized toward citizen,
and harming or murdering citizens when opportunities arise to take the lives of citizens.

Australia is about racists hiding behind camera systems and watching people's lives slowly die, and never lifting a finger to save people.

Australia is about making people's lives worse and worse until they die from unliveable circumstances.

When Australia's find a way to make counterfeits toward people, is about dragging on counterfeits. Counterfeits are associated with satanic activity, satanic culture,
culture that is about causing unnecessary suffering to living things, culture that is about causing unnecessary suffering to humans.

Australia does not care about the Geneva Convention, it pretends to care about the Geneva Convention...
The recent sacking of Maurice Payne , is possibly some progress towards to prosecuting Australia for breach of Convention article 147.













Tom the brother of Liliana Pavlek, the Stefanovic family Seventh day Adventists have a connection to the year 2003 murder of Molly Bish.

Such information possibly suggests a cybernetic slavery connection between Australia and the Massachussets Institute of Technology USA (M.I.T.).
Massachusetts is a small state geographically near New york City USA, and it mentioned in a song by the Bee Gees music group (brother's Gibb).
Drago Pavlek and his daughter probably have a connection to the murder of Molly Bush,
possibly via a middle eastern gang connection to Andrew Jubian(Anis Jubian) who became to shortest ever Mr Australia body building champion.
(jubian is a short inbred lebanese male that resembles Hussein of Jordan who married western looking Jewish wives).
jubian is probably connected to the middle-eastern gangs with an Australia-USa connection such as Brothers for Life and DLASTHR who are
financed by the Shah of Iran who went to exile in the USA.

The connection of Drago Pavlek's daughter Marianna and her gang friends to the murder of Molly Bish is encoded in the online computer game
Heroes of The Storm (warcraft variant computer game) as the buck toothed character Murky the Murgul Warrior. Marianna Pavlek has buck teeth.
[The season3 episode 3 of 'Disappeared' tv series is called "Murky Waters" .]

Andrew Jubian was a fan of the film "my bodyguard", which has correspondences in the Disappeared documentary.

Some of the names and place names suggest a connection to racist serbian Warren Holloway who resembled David Stefanovic.
Warren Holloway is an ethnically Serbian male prostitute that was possibly adopted by an Anglo-Celtic family.
Holloway was in the same roll call group as Anis 'Andrew' Jubian.
Warren was in the same roll call group overseen by Economics/Commerce teacher Mr Horne) . Mr Mcseveny became the head teacher in the Economics/Commerce
block of the High School around 1986. McSeveny has a connection to the Rainbow Warrior terrorism incident in New Zealand, and Slave Labour in East African
nations Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia via mining companies
(possibly Chalice mining company <---> Jason Challis a student with a facial similarity to Nicholas Clay from movie Excalibur).

Molly Bish (murdered in 2003) looked like suffered from bighead genetic problems (proteus syndrome) similar to the
Nerida Hamilton(1980s Jehovah's witness Seven hills congregation) her 2 sisters and her mother. One of Nerida Hamilton's
sisters resembled Janet Howard the wife of John Howard (Ku klux klan Prime Minister of Australia) who was visiting New York City USA the same day
that the airplanes destroyed the world trade centre towers in September 2001.

[is actor George Hamilton connected to the middle eastern gangs DLASTHR and Brothers for Life? George hamilton starred in a dracula movie comedy.]

While Anis 'Andrew' Jubian was a school student, there was some talk occuring during afternoon roll call " Is Andrew a bitch? Yes, Andrew is a bitch !" probably meaning "Is Andrew a male prostitute/gang member? Yes Andrew is a male prostitute/gang member".
The talk was with an accent that made it sound like "Is Andrew Bish ?"




The information is connected to Project Sunshine.





ancient origin of the satan concept, and modern day misuse of ground ionosphere antennas

'satan is a society's way of vilifying an enslaved person, baphomet, hiram of the abyss, hiram trapped in the abyss, high ram of the abyss.
e.g. person trapped in a machine of nature where wave communications from a geog[r]aphical depression/deep/abyss transfer outward through ground and ionosphere heavens.
some societies enslave humans in the manner of baphomets possibly as representatives of populations that lived in
geog[r]aphical depressions below sea level/ancient trade centres/deeps/abysses and thrived became advanced cultures that led to [the] first civilizations.
nikola tesla discovered how to artificially generate ground ionosphere wave vibrations (that in nature accumulate within geographical depressions )
by building artificial ground ionosphere antennas patent 787412 of year 1905 but tesla intended such antennas to be used for beneficial purposes not slavery.

<-- denominations such as christadelphians doctrines about satan could be a key to making known the origin of the satan concept ."

western rock musicians have had some knowledge of such information, but they corruptly selfishly kept silent about their discoveries, while giving some barely hints.

I have composed much information about the misuse of ground antennas on my website'

Note the cultures that developed in geographical depressions probably tended to be natural in their customs.
the Genesis Chapter 18-19 story of sodom and gomorrah in the dead sea(vale of siddim) geographical depression is about how some advanced cultures became invaded
by less advanced cultures(e.g. Varna/Wanderings of Cain invaded the dead sea thousands of years after advanced Natufian cultures such as Ancient Egyptians left Dead Sea trade centre).

advanced nations such as the Ancient Egyptians came from the Dead Sea geographical depression when its conditions were more habitable, when its conditions were more moral.

















Are anglo-celtics a "cracker" culture? Is Australia a cracker culture nation?

sometimes the terminology "cracker" has been mentioned on talk shows, and sometimes in the western music industry (Uncle Cracker 2001 song, you can depend on him lyrics).
The terminology cracker is mentioned in connection with the Ku Klux Klan, but it is not described. Are anglo-celtics a "cracker" culture? over time, the definition of cracker
has been discovered. Cracker behaviours are disgusting. A culture of crackers implies that all women in a culture are expected to become defiled by homosexuals/bisexuals/sodomy ,
and most of the women do become defiled homosexually. So the women of a society all,( or nearly all) become taken by sodomy behaviours, and then for a heterosexual to meet a women
, the homosexuals/bisexuals/sodomites want to become friendly with heterosexuals with promises of "cracking" a woman in the manner the women in the society are combination locks
that only the homosexuals/bisexuals/sodomites know the combination to unlock some women from her homosexual unfriendliness to males, especially unfriendliness to heterosexual males,
and heterosexual racist unfriendliness to heterosexual males of another race. To crack a female into friendliness with a heterosexual, it is a disgusting process .
Instead of the women in a culture meeting males out of need for males their opposite sex, most the women in a culture are satisfied by having perverse sex up their behinds,
and they have no need for heterosexuals. Instead, to meet heterosexual males, the homosexuals/bisexuals/sodomites "crack" some women by screwing her up her behind to brainwash her into
thinking that she needs to meet some heterosexual.
Implies a society where the women are time wasters, they are corrupted, they have no need for heterosexuals, and they are about isolating heterosexuals,wasting away the life times of heterosexuals.
------------------------------------- [11/10/2023]

australians are a satanic culture. when they are pretending to be friendly, it is to tell people what to do..
they are practicing the trying to impose their satanic will upon others.when peolpe dont want to do what they say, then Australians show they are not civilized,
they become insultinging...
but the behaviour of australans is worse than objecting to people being selfish hypocrites,
the behaviour of Australians is worse than criticising some selfish racist Mormon hypocrite that preaches that he's a Christian
but he does not have the humanity to lend you a pencil when you need to write something down and you dont know where your pencil is ...

australians are taught to ritually murder those that oppose the desires of Australians.Australians are taught to ritually
conspire harm or murder those that resist the selfish racist perverse desires of Australians...

When Australians throw a tennis ball in someone's direction and then tell someone to throw the tennis ball back to them,
there need to be people whose attitidue is "no i dont want to throw a tennis ball back to you Australians, go retrieve your tennis ball yourselves",
to see if Australians start acting with murderous intent toward those that dont want to be bothered by the selfishness of Australians,

or "no it is not possible for me to throw a tennis ball back to you Australians, I have something more important to do.",
or "no it is not possible for me to throw a tennis ball back to you Australians, I dont want to be bothered by selfish people, I have nothing to do with selfish people, I believe in the citizens right to freedom of association to the extent that I will keep travelling on my path to somewhere where there are more suitable people to associate with." so I motion with my arms I dont understand and keep travelling on my path.
to see if Australians start acting with murderous intent toward those that dont want to be bothered by the selfishness of Australians,

there need to be people who can discover and describe to others the satanic behaviours of Australian culture.
There need to be people opposing the satanism of Australian culture, there need to people making known the counterfeit friendliness and
making known that Australia is makes a counterfeits of being civilized, that Australians are revealed to be uncivilized when their selfishness is opposed.
------------------------------------ [11/10/2023]


--------------------------------------------------- [16/10/2023]









[This is probably information that Australians have conspired to murder other races about. When a child of another race sees a group of Australians jumping up and down in a dark room,
anglo-Australians conspire to murder a child of another race.anglo-Australians Australians are less advanced than they would like people to believe.Anglo-Australians Australians are less intelligent
and less racially tolerant than they would like people to believe. So this information is described in the interests of opposing anglo-celtic racism.

It was nearly the end of the school year, and one of the school class rooms was converted into a dark disco music room...
Miss Ruby getting her dance on at the Play School Concert

There is some jumping up an down dancing behavior of anglo-celtics in this music youtube video,
however the music quite melodic...when rock music is played it is less melodic and has
much low frequency sounds such as drums...when rock music is played to a group of
anglo-celtic year 3 students , the low frequency sounds possibly result in the jumping up
and down behaviour taking over the group, so the group of anglo-celtic dance like neanderthals
in a cave ritualistically jumping and down in a dark cave.Anglo-celtic dancing looks very primitive
before they learn to disco dance.

This is possibly some guarded secret of anglo-celtic culture.
The developmental stages of anglo-celtic dancing is something EMBARASSING to anglo-celtic people,
maybe it indicates neanderthal genetic influence upon anglo-celtic behaviours: behaviours in
groups which are suppoisedly modern humans, behaviours which are combination of anglo-celtic
nature(neanderthal genetics intermixed with modern human genetics) and nurture
(the culture that anglo-celtic parents pass to their children each generation).

There are also issues of some cultures being corrupted, so that they seem civilized
but they are counterfeit makers: so they are not civilized, they are corrupted,
and associated with pretend friendliness(pretend civilization) and ritual murder behaviours.

---------------------------------- [27/10/2023]

















1995 Police officers names: Adam Burne, Katrina Nichols, ...
See information about Adam Burne in connection Mr McCartin trainee maths teacher.

Bill Clinton has same surname as an American civil war general, but resembles Olsen family.
Bill Clinton's biological mother was a Blythe and Bill Clinton was adopted into the Clinton family.
















Ethnic cleansing conspiracies are something that the western media mentions, but it does not provide much details about.

Possibly ethnic cleansing conspiracies start out with a parent wanting the best for his son,
the parent decides to give gifts to his son,
the racist society around reacting in the manner of
Australians dont want migrant household caring about each other
Australians dont want peolpe in a migrant household from giving gifts to each other.

then racist relatives start visiting a household and they decide to conspire in a manner
where the parent of the household would kill the visiting relatives if the parent found out
how the visiting relatives conspire in the manner of murdering the son.

racism against pedestrians in Australia,
where pedestrians are seen from a distance by people driving cars,
pedestrians are seen but not heard (the car drivers dont care about pedestrians have to say),
the car drivers conspire in a way where they dont care about what harm their conspiracies do aghainst pedestrians,
thy dont care about what pedestrians have to say, they dont care if the conspiracies result in scars,
they dont care if the pedestrians have access to necessities such as food, they dont care if the pedestrians have
a job to support themselves or whether they have no way to support themselves,
if the pedestrians are still walking around moviung then then the pedestrians must be alright.

when pedestrians make efforts to buy (own) their own homes,
then racists in cars conspire to socially isolate pedestrians,
they racists in cars conspire in a way where pedestrians wouldn't be able to make any further progress to improve their quality of life ...

[Summary of Australian culture
australians are some kind of nomadic culture , Australians are not about owning their own homes.
Australians are about riding around in cars and conspiring against pedestrians.
Australians are about wasting their money on drugs and prostitutes, not saving money for homes.
Most Australians will never own their own homes, and the many Australians riding around in cars probably have a hatred
of migrant families who are pedestrians that make effort to become home owners
Racist police officers become involved in the conspiracies.
Racist judges become involved in the conspiracies of Australian car drivers: they dont seem to care about the harm done to the lives of pedestrians,
the racist police, racist judges involved in nuisance behaviours of conspiring situations where racists want unjustly criticise pedestrians
without caring about the harm that has been done to livesof pedestrians, the same inhuman mindset of drivers seeing a pedestriansat a distance
only caring what can be done to discirminate against the life situation of a pedestrians, without caring about how the racial discrimination conspiracies have been going
against the life of the pedestrians from migrant households... a system of human sacrifice in Australia

(Australians are not civilized, Australians are counterfeit makers,Australians are uncivilized nomads
...this information has something to do with Australians being an inhuman culture involved in homosexual tourism.]
during one bible study, Milan Terzic made a hint about the homosexual lusts of Australia men being something like a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah,
but he did not mention anything afterward.

Milan Terzic said he had some previous involvement with the occult, but he claimed to be a Seventh Day Adventist Christian.
The kind of brainwashing experiments that Ewan Cameron was perpetrating in the Montreal Experiments,
was not leaving in people in peace.
When victims of the experiment protested that the want the experiments to stop,
then the communications kept occuring in th manner of experimenters kept communicting

-"hey what do you want ?" (the experiment[er]s dont want to stop the brainwashing communications, so they communicate at the victim again)"

-"you need to be listenned to !" (the experiment[er]s dont want to stop observing the victim,
instead of stopping the observation they communicate at the victim again that they are still observing the victim).

Ewan Cameron's Montreal experiments were a precursor to the use of slave labour devices.










Mary Orobello --probably related to----Tony Amabile ............................................................................................................................................................
......|................................Tony Amabile(Amabile is probably italiam mafia,----------------------------There was a Mark Virgona double that was a year 10 student (in the same year as Tony Amabile).
Mark Virgona --probably related to--- Tony Amabile was friends with members of The Brotherhood (The Bratva)....................................................................................................
.......................................such as Michael Kostic...................................................................................................................................................

Mary Orobello--probably related to--Mark Virgona
[and they are friends of Charlie Camilleri]

Blacktown County/Shire/Municipality is an area of Sydney
where Italian mafia are kept secret, and they advertise The Brotherhood instead.


What was said about Blagoje Stefanovic was that he made too many children and couldn't feed them.
Stefanovic did not have a good job, he was a plumber, so he should not have made so many children.
[from anger at what was said about him,and from of racial hatred, Blagoje Stefanovic and the Stefanovic
household conspired to murder/enslave a person's son.]


In nations with many homosexuals and homosexualized women such as Australia,
there is a type of discrimination that occurs, and it often tends to be racial discrimination.
[behaviours that Australians dont want to describe, because Australian culture is corrupted by sodomy/buggery]

Both male homosexuals and sodomized women are united by being screwed up their behinds, and they
become intolerant of any heterosexual that is nearby.

A sodomized woman begins to become upset, or maybe begins to cry because there is a heterosexual nearby.
A male homsoexual does not care what a heterosexual has to say, he only cares about people who are sodomized,
he only cares that the sodomized woman is upset or crying.

The male homosexual is brainwashed into wanting to do something to make the make sodomized female feel better.
about the situation, his mindset is affect by the sperm up his behind, to the extent he wants to make the heterosexual disappear,
to the etent that the male homosexual evil intent toward the heterosexual, intent to harm or murder the heteroseuxal,
as a way of handling a situation (situations like Soap Opera on television, males saying that they can handle a situation).

[It is like some kind of alliance between perverse male and female, based upon the sperm up their behinds,
and a secret triangular alliance with the homosexual or homosexuals that sodomized both the male and the female.

Male homosexuals and sodomized women behaviour is that of trying to ritually harm or murder a heterosexual who is nearby,
as a way of making the sodomized female feel better, as a way of making the sodomized female stop crying.

In nations with many homosexuals and homosexualized women such as Australia,
such corrupt behaviours by sodomized males and females tend to be directed to people who are considered as different culture(a heterosexual culture),
behaviours against those considered of a different race(that has a heterosexual culture).

[David Stefanovic's sisters are possibly involved in such corrupt behaviours, as a way of conspiring to harm or murder heterosexuals.
.. and many Australian females are involved in such corrupt behaviors, discriminatory behaviours.]

.. and such corrupt behaviours are possibly euphemistically described as hostilities due to different marriage customs.

To become upset and to cry for a sodomite is like sending a message without describing.

Could be described that perverse cultures such as anglo-celtic-australian like to have other races around, to ritually murder them , when an upset is detected.
[It is part of the satanic counterfeit that Australian culture makes to have other races around anglo-celtics.It is not racial tolerance, it is about making
counterfeits of tolerance, and ritually murdering other races when some sodomite becomes upset (when sodomites detect a disturbance in the way a sodomite society conspires to want things to be)


















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further information:
While Tom's father Velko was still alive, Tom was sodomized by becoming involved in swingers(group sex).

It's not something that Tom wanted to describe over the kitchen table (dining room table?) to his father.

Tom mother Kata was was corrupted since the 1950s. Tom's mother Kata had been making Nazi conspiracies behind people's back since the 1950s.
Tom's mother used rough expression such as "ah, to je kao drek-na-shibitsi (sibici)"(crap-on-a-match) which Velko and his brother did not
understand the meaning of but was considered as rough uncultured expression(s).
Tom lived near a poofter Parlour, the "Robin Hood Inn" Hotel .

After Tom was sodomized , then events occured in 1980 that his father Velko was killed by a motorvehicle crashing into him, at Rooty Hill, where there
used to exist a Croatian Social Club (Hrvatski Dom).There were 3 anglo-australians in the motor vehicle that crashed into Velko. Kata was secretly a sodomite.
Velko's death could be described as Velko's wife Kata corrupting her children into sodomy, and she could not find anyone to blame , so she laid false blame
on her husband Velko and had him murdered.
[Kata's motive for having her husband murdered could also be described as
her wanting get land into her hands, a block of land that both her husband Velko and his brother had originally bought.]

Tom , his sisters Liliana and Rosie and their mother Kata kept conspiring for 15 years after 1980.
Around 1995 Renee Danielle began to appear around the suburban area where Tom lived.
[See also information about Joshua Cameron, and Adam Burne in connection with Renee Danielle Berrier.]










------------------------------- [19/01/2024] Deductions about emma Rabbidge: Emma Rabbidge as an engineering student in 1997-1998 she dressed like a paedophile from the film Bugsy Malone during an exam period , dressed in black loured hot pants like some kind of prostitute, probably she was trying to lure away the male students from exams .

THe Rabbidge family are a spy family that is about making missing persons. They need to charged with espionage, perjury, conspiracy to murder, and slave labour experiments activity( they are about murdering people for their race, and about preventing people from having paid work because of their race.)

She is from a spy ring family that are about dragging people into court rooms under false pretences with trumped up charges, as a way to cover up slavery technology that is about enslaving and exterminating the third world nations.

During the 1997 the exam period at Sydney University,by being dressed as a prostitute dancer from the film Bugsy Malone, Emma Rabbidge was trying to lure away male students to be homosexually defiled and murdered.

Her father Chris Rabbidge is probably a homosexual that commits homosexual crimes against young males. Chris Rabbidge possibly adopted a boy from a South East asian nation to use for homosexual purposes, and he was conspiring to commit homosexual crimes against students at Sydney University during 1998.

The Rabbidge family's name sounds like the word Rubbish as some kind of masonic hint that they are family of bad characters that need to be charged with Espionage.

Emma Rabbidge was probably perversely screwed by her father Chris Rabbidge, as kind of pagan racist Australian custom, and then she was trying to lure young males to be homosexually harmed or murdered at Sydney University.

Emma Rabbidge's family household were involved in something like the family murders. In 1998, Emma Rabbidge began working at a part time job as a secretary in Bondi Junction on the same street/road where Peter Haertsch had openned a new consultation office as a plastic surgeon, so she probably formed a connection to Peter Haertsch who has worked with Neurosurgeons such as Marianne Vonau.

Peter Haertsch possibly knows Royce Simmons from the Penrith Panthers Rugby League team. The Penrith Penrith Panthers with their Dahdah Uniforms sponsors are involved in drug smuggling . Mr Asia Drug Syndicate similar to the Newtown Jets ? The Chamber Magistrate from Blacktown in 1995 began working at the Downing Centre in the Sydney CBD, and that Chamber magistrate is a nazi lebensborn double of a policemen from Griffith who was supposedly investigating the murder of Donald Mackay during the 1970s. So Emma rabbidge probably has a drug smuggling connection to Griffith NSW Australia

Emma Rabbidge has a connection to a Ku Klux Klan terrorist organisation called the Black Dragon Society.

Emma Rabbidges spy connections have something to do with the events of September 2001, and the American Dorothy McMartin paedophile scandal from 1983: The name Emma was communicated over international ground-ionosphere antenna networks which track submarines , then George Bush visited Emma T Booker elementary school on the day that the airplanes crashed into the World Trade Centre towers. John Howard the Ku klux Klan prime minister of Australia was visiting New York City the day the airplanes crashed into the World Trade Centre towers. Was Joh Howard involved in toilet cruising Tourism to the toilets in the World Trade Centre Towers ?

Emma Rabbidge probably related to a Blacktown local called R Lenton, whose lived near Neil the friend of Terry Feeny. During afternoon roll call at High School, Neil was singing songs from Bugsy Malone film to his friends Brian Hill and Emad Jaber. Neil began playing for Lalor Park junior rugby league club, so he probably knew Joe Vella. R Lenton's grand mother was a Dorothy McMartin double, and R LEnton being connected to the Portland Spy Ring, which might suggest that Emma Rabbidge's household are a Portland spy ring family.

Emma Rabbidge's household lived in Frenchs Forest suburb of Sydney NSW Australia near the ABC television Wild Side studio, ABC television Australian government broadcaster , so they are probably part of the same paedophile ring as Ally Moore, Richard Morecroft.

Around the time that Roger Rogerson was jailed for killing a teenager, there was a double of Rydah one of Emma Rabbidge's friends appearing in the music videos. The song "Stay" ... stay a minute, stay a while , the clock is ticking song. Her friend Rydah is probably a relative of Johnny McMcarthy who played in Barry Nicholson's junior Rugby League team.Another Another of Emma rabbidge's friends was Jasmina Stojanovska said to be Russian, maybe looks slightly Armeninan.

The blonde male d.j. in the song stay resembles Rydah.
Maybe the Rabbidge family know corrupt policeman Roger Reogerson who is like a double of George W Bush.

The Rabbidge family know corrupt police officers, possibly homosexual police who are connected to the suicide of homosexual judge David Yeldham.

Emma Rabbidge connection to Gothic subculture/Trenchcoat mafia/Romanian Mafia that enacted the Columbine Massacre in 1999.

There was some spy-plane facility near the Columbine school massacre. Lockheed Martin spy planes such as the SR-71 made from Titanium metal,
Titanium medical implants , new forms of slavery via titanium medical implantations(cybernetic slavery).

columbine massacre 1999 ---> September 2001 destruction of world trade centre towers, approximately 3000 Americans killed (mass murder).
[The activity of homosexual procurement networks:ritual sex(sodomy)& ritual murders, serial murders, mass murders, genocidal activity.
see informaiton above about Geroge Bush and Vladimir Putin had foreknowledge that September 2001 would occur, and they did nothing to stop such mass murder activity.

Vladimir Putin had Massoud murdered on 9th September 2001, 2 days before the destruction of the World Trade Centre.
Massoud probably would have provided information against Bush and Putin, probably would have opposed the corruption.

Vladimir Putin had Massoud murdered on 9th September 20 via CIA Operation Jawbreaker.


news stories that disappeared from western media



what is BIBIGON?

bibigon where's your mamma gone song ?
[jimmy saville music circles]

[ Middle of the Road - Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep 1971]

bibigon steal my sunshine song by len?
Len - Steal My Sunshine]

bibigon chief chirpa and chirpy chirpy cheep song ?
Original Ewok Celebration Ending Scene - Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi]

Project Sunshine body snatching of the 1950s michael wooldrige australian politician 2004
World Wakes Up to Horrific Scientific History
ABC News June 8, 2001, 6:03 AM

Project Sunshine body snatching of the 1950s More than 1,500 cadavers — many of them babies — were gathered from half a dozen countries from Europe to
Australia in the 1950s for the studies on the effects of radiation conducted by the now defunct Atomic Energy Commission, according to U.S. government documents.

The Secret Horror of Project Sunshine]

what is bibigon? is it sometimes displayed hinted advertised before people but its meaning is never discussed by satanists nazis homosexuals bisexuals who practice it ?

Is bibigon how Project Sunshine bodysnatchers nazi lebensborn program members have fun by ritually murdering people , ritual murders in the manner of a satanic cult homosexual religion modern day sodom and gomorrah cultures ?

what is Bibigon? is it sometimes displayed hinted advertised before people but its meaning is never discussed by satanists nazis homosexuals bisexuals who practice it ?

what is Bibigon? Bibigon, polygons with decreasing number of sides? Hexagon, Pentagon?
[satanic networks in police organisations which have pentagram symbols on their police badges?]

Hexagram, Pentragram, Square, Triangle, Line, Point ?

What is Bibigon ? Bi-Bi-gon = Bisexual-Bisexual groups in a circle or polygon formation ?

Jimmy Saville was probably part of a bibigon, satanic circle.

Benjamin Netanyahu is probably part of a bibigon satanic circle. Something to do with Richard Nixon and George Bush being the homosexual "mother gooose" , "mother geese" of younger homosexuals such as Netanyahu.
sadistic homosexuals ritually murdering people's relatives to socially socially isolate people?

Bibigon (Be-Be-gone? Satanic "Bon Voyage" "Mal Voyage" terminology ?) is terminology possibly connected with to the world's most influential satanists (most influential satanic circle(s)), nazis, homosexual/bisexuals/sodomites.

Rosemary Hunter is a bird-dog racial type - considers herself a Hun descendant.



 < > w  


center>[The images on this website do not have any arcane meaning.
This website is created by a person who is not a member of any secret organisation.
When this website displays a symbol,this website might be trying to decipher the meaning
of such a symbol, or it is not trying to decipher anything at all.The image might have no
symbolic meaning at all.Perhaps an image just looks interesting like a rainbow that people
might chase, but never find. Perhaps where a rainbow is can be reached but a person will never
reach a rainbow if he remains on the surface of the earth. Maybe there is another way to reach
where the rainbow is. When this website discusses symbolism, the website is possibly trying
to decipher that symbolism for some beneficial purpose.]

(In the context of the ideas discussed by this website,) the rainbow has nothing to do with
modern questionable notions about sexuality. There is a more ancient meaning to the rainbow:
perhaps to do with rain when it is needed,plentiful crops,prosperity,prosperous societies,
survival through flood(s),survival of genetic diversity,different nations interacting with
each other in harmonious ways,warriors of righteousness in various colours of the spectrum,etc.
Sadly corrupt societies try to hijack the true meaning of the rainbow, and so corrupt societies
try to make the rainbow mean something else. Perhaps this website exists in the hope that that
some might remember the true meaning of the rainbow.


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